How to run slopes with a laser. Trouble with the 120 installing field tile for Farmer Chris.

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all right guys we got the 120 on site and a whole slew of buckets back on their project for farmer chris but before we get started digging i think we need to do a little bit of surveying [Music] it has been an absolutely crazy morning it's about uh 10 o'clock it's the end of april woke up with like two inches of snow on the ground which like we hardly ever get snow and then to get snow in april is even crazier sun's out now five minutes ago it was blowing snow again mother nature is confused mother nature is confused but so here's what i got going on i gotta watch where i'm going i'm end up in a dang mud hole here in a minute that's not gonna be pretty uh farmer chris isn't here this morning but he was nice enough to draw me some of his uh beautiful pretty maps i used to make fun of these but actually they're pretty handy so we're gonna head over here according to his map over here somewhere one of these holes can i get through there i don't know about this be a bad way to start the day off stuck in a hole we don't rip the air damn off i think we'll be all right all right oh there we go so one of these holes up through here i don't know if it's this one i think it's in the airfield i think they buried an 8rx tractor uh trying to spread manure i got a phone call to come get it out but we were in the middle of pouring some icf so i couldn't get away but anyways there's a couple i think it's that terrace right up there once i get over here i should be able to uh get it figured out uh there's just water stands in it so we're gonna go over here kind of scope out what chris has got on his map i think we're going to have to uh set the laser up on this one usually whenever we dig these tile lines in for chris we're like digging up the side of the hill so all we really have to do is just maintain depth don't have to worry about great a whole lot because we got plenty of foam plenty of pitch on this one here we do not it uh it lays pretty flat up through there so we may even set the laser up and run some slopes on it and uh kind of see what we got so let's uh park out the mud here pop out and see what we got batman so here's my method of attack guys this is where the pipe is going to enter the creek out here there's a little bit of a hump but we're basically use this as a base elevation to start with i'm going to walk up here to what i believe from my eyeball is the lowest part of where we're heading uh take the laser up here with me shoot that elevation that should give us a base slope we need to shoot for i'll kind of show you how i'm going to set my slope there and then we will head i'll probably trench up to there and then um we may move the laser up here and go down that way because we're getting we're getting kind of the getting kind of at the uh limits of our laser here this is where gps would be nice but uh we don't have gps today we got lasers so we'll figure it out so anyways let's go up here and uh see what we got and we'll get a plan this looks like the uh this looks like the lowest spot of where we're going you can obviously see our wet issues we have here so see what we got elevation wise this spot find our laser looks like it's down below us this is hard to do while i'm holding you guys all right hold on a second all right guys let me see if i can explain this the best way i know how there's a brown spot right out there we went to we're going from here to there and then we're going to go across we're just going to focus on this first little section first that's 250 feet away from us it's about 16 inches higher than we are now so if you take 1.43 which would be 16 inches in decimal point divide that by 250 and then take that times 100 i believe it comes out right at like 0.5 percent which is a tight tolerance but it will get this to drain it'll do what we need to do so what we got to do to make sure i can't eyeball that i just that's above my pay grade to eyeball that and make sure it gets gets out there straight so what we're going to do is we're actually going to set the laser up on a slope so i've got it sitting here spinning whenever you do this you got to make sure that you realize the laser is the pivot point so what i'm going to do i'm going to leave the laser sit here i got the grade rod set up where it needs to be i'm going to go out there set the laser up 16 inches higher than what it is right here and we'll come back here and adjust this and hopefully we can get it to beep out there and basically right now this laser is spinning around and shooting a laser line out there at a perfectly level grade that's what that indicator picks up so what we're going to do is we're going to tilt that laser on that angle and then we can put our magnetic thing on the machine and that'll keep us on grade going up through there so no matter where we check that ditch at on point it should be on that point five percent slope in theory so first things first let's go see if we can get this thing set up well we're just gonna ignore that happen for a second there's a hole right there i'm not planning on i'm not playing on the whole all right let's get back to what we're doing all right so keep in mind guys the laser it's not quite uh perfect i don't want to drive you guys crazy here with the beeping but the laser is still set level so we're coming level across and we're getting this right here so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to move this thing up 16 inches and then we'll go adjust the laser until it starts beeping at us get back here now and there you have it moved up 16 inches so since we're using the truck as a tripod and it's kind of permanently parked there for a minute we're going to walk down here and now what we're going to try to do is adjust that laser and now keep in mind that laser is coming across that field perfectly flat hitting that stick alone we want to adjust that up at an angle until we hit that receiver there now and that will get that will give us hopefully our 0.5 percent slope and then we just got to be a good enough operator to actually dig on that slope and uh carry on our drainage through here okay guys we got our slope button right here i want this side to go up which means i want this side to go down so all i got to do is hold that as you guys can see it's flashing right there we're going to listen and see if we can hear it here in a minute so it's automatically doing this thing it's really hard to hear down there guys and it is really close but now you can see our indicators at the same spot our laser is at the same spot so you got to imagine we got that on a little bit of a line so from here now we've got our slope set up turn that off so you guys won't have to listen to it i guess we're going to hike across the field which we had to do anyways to get the track hoe and hurry up and pull that truck out before anybody knows we get stuck we are a little secret again and uh next thing we gotta do is get a depth set up uh what we need to start off with so we're still deep enough when we get up here and we should be good on depth across there we want to make sure we're playing it deep in that corner because we got uh probably about 300 feet to go across this field so let's take this uh take this off in bites and uh get her tackled what i wanted to do hiked through a stinky field this morning and it's snowing again lovely i think i found the scene of the incident i got the tractor stuck one thing i shouldn't mention on a laser it'll hold that slope but if you turn it off it'll go back to level so you gotta be careful with that there is a combinations combinations of buttons you can hit on that thing but i don't use the slope on that enough to remember what it is i think you can hit uh turn it on and hit manual maybe i don't know don't don't help me do that but uh i usually put fresh if i'm gonna do something like this where we're gonna be running slope usually put fresh batteries in it and just uh let it run that way we're good to get through it and uh don't have to worry about any of that stuff can you guys see the snow this is freaking ridiculous all right let's see if this old girl fires off she don't have air conditioning by golly she's got heat all right first thing we got to do this morning to sort some buckets out we're going to be too deep for this one this one's fun around here this bucket's gonna be too wide for what we're doing so we're gonna let it sit right here for now i don't see no point in packing all these buckets across the field because i just got to bring them back at some point this bucket is just what the doctor ordered all right let's go over and get my truck pulled out before somebody shows up and sees me oh man i think we're busted we're gonna hear about it now dang it we're so close i tried to tell you not to park there i think we need tile here yeah i found the wet spot if you just want to hold the steering wheel there for me chris i'll go ahead and i'll nudge you back in here i think it'll just move back by itself oh i haven't got anything hung up in years i've had a rough go over here lately all right it's not going to take much let's just nudge them out of there oh that's the wrong way [Music] just that simple it's like it never happened except for the part where it's all over youtube all right chris we got our magnetic receiver set up here we are dead on great i'll turn the sound on in a minute you trust all my math don't know you can't even keep the pickup out of the mud that was gonna be our little secret until you showed up early if my high speed track travel would have worked i would have had it out but then yeah i was in a hurry i thought you'd be i was working on so i dug a little test hole right here i wanted to be three feet deep here because it actually slopes up going the creek so we're gonna track over that go to the creek find our elevation and start digging let's do this enough talking good let's get it no no stuck trucks enough of all the above so so so so so so so so so so so so so all right just kind of hopped off here for a second to check everything and see how she's looking but uh i think we're on the right path chris it's hard to tell what's going on because the ground's all wavy right here but here no wonder water can't get in the creek i'll tell you when it rains whether it works or not all right let me go back to digging i can't show you know it was throwing 10 minutes ago getting going here i kind of show you what my system is and how i'm uh maintaining grade you guys see that out there it is absolutely slow with the beat heck again it is like actually it's my anniversary today it was april 21st and we are in southern indiana it's not supposed to be doing this mother nature is confused hope it'll snow too much and i want my laser to get wet oh guys we were down through here i've been kind of critiquing my technique since we've got such a tight tolerance on this ditch and uh what i'm kind of coming up with here is i need to not take big swatch i need to work about a 10 or 15 foot section at a time instead of a 16 or 20 foot section i've been getting it really close with my eyeball and then kind of just checking great i was reaching all the way out there putting the bucket flat and trying to try to back up with the bucket on grade and the way that flat bar was welded on my tooth it just don't quite work that way we are starting to get some water to ditch the looks of the water or uh we're draining the right way so that's good [Music] this particular field here the tile plow would probably work pretty good but uh we don't have one of those we don't have the tractor so we're going to make this work check our grade here once you guys see it out there look at that nailed it so you guys see the green flashing light there that means we're perfectly on grade chris had to run off and leave me for a second i want to get this uh tile down the ditch when we get too far ahead of ourselves because uh this [ __ ] has been kind of collapsing in we're pretty deep make sure we don't have to redig but looks pretty good down through there looks really good actually we'll get up to this corner here i'm going to reset that laser back to level and we're just going to double check ourselves i hope it's right because i'd really be a bummer to re-dig all that but let's keep going so so so so so well guys i've got up here to the corner we're gonna turn and go that way i was going to set the laser up and just kind of double check our greater our slope we have hit a tremendous amount of water coming out of this ground which hence why the ditch is probably wet and it's all draining that way so i would say that's a pretty good sign that we got her going the right way so what i'm going to do i'm going to throw this pipe in this ditch right here we don't have to worry about it collapsing i'm going to get the laser we're going to set it up back right here and then we're going to get sloped shut slope set going that way so let's do that i don't know how well you guys can see it right there right there is the water and it is slowly making its way that way i believe she's gonna believe she's gonna drain out of that there's a few little small pedals up through there but they're all uh they're all draining everything seems to be sloping this way so i think we got that one right see if we can get the other one right good laser set back up got an elevation here i guess we need to head up to where you want to quit we'll get an elevation there and then figure out a slope is that going to shoot past that track going through there should go i'm sure you'd have a hung up in the way again hey now easy i'm just glad you brought us a ride this beats the walker that's how i got hung up last time see if you weren't here it's all your fault chris yeah i thought my phone huh i heard there was a tractor stuck up here somewhere there was a big tractor a big wagon all right so what do we determine we got uh five feet of fall or five feet of race depending on which way you're going uh it's 500 feet so that's basically one percent slope so i'm gonna go adjust the laser and you're gonna holler real loud never beeps when you hit me i'll jump up and down it's a good thing you're a big target yes all right i'll be nice i'll leave you the buggy we could probably just maintain depth on this and just go uh three foot and use the bucket but i'm afraid there may be a little bit of a swag or a dip in here i don't know how consistent the ground is so being this tight of tolerance we'll go ahead and get to get the laser set up and uh we don't have to worry about all right so we want that side of the laser beam to go up so we want this side to go down so you ready push and hold oh hold on too far for hanging signals yeah i'm cold all right we're gonna try this again you ready you're so far away from me it's only gonna beat for a second so i'm gonna have to catch it and then back it up i think okay here we go it's going all right i heard it beep yeah i got my phone i'm gonna back it up there a little bit all right there it is right yeah you singled out just a little but you're right there all right let's run with it [Music] all right guys sorry i missed a little bit there it's been uh crazy we've had visitors and water and cave-ins and for some reason by stinking auto idle or my throttle control electronic throttle control of this tractor quit working again i thought we had that issue fixed last summer's been doing good for six seven months and i don't know where it feel working so luckily she's hung wide open so we're just gonna keep on digging i've kind of got me a little bit of a system set up here as i get into this uh a little bit better drier dirt i want a little bit of a slope here and i want to dig a pretty flat a lot of pitch so i'm taking some of this dirt foam it around behind me got to use it to level myself up i'm definitely glad we set that laser up because we've already come through uh i've already come through one hump there just really helps keep you on grade nothing else it gives you a random reference check every once in a while we are right on a rock player here it's kind of hard [ __ ] with the old smooth face bucket i don't think about having the laser set up if i adventure up or down the hill at all oh yeah we're all great there my venture up or down the hill at all it uh allows me to make that up because being on this slope i go up the hill maintain depth when i go down the hill maintain the depth i could end up with a overall variance which we don't want that is hard like we're going to come through though we're on that's a good thing all right we're going to keep on chucking through here i don't know if you guys can see that's the dirt i throw around behind me i kind of walk up on top of it there levels me up a little bit and i'll just keep on doing that down through there we got uh i think what we say is 500 feet down there probably got 150 in the ground for us to go yet so chris that's like a self backfilling ditch yeah that's pretty nice bucket you got there backfield self as we go that's fine you got that from but that's pretty nice to see this side here this side here is not so much you said you're leaving though i'm leaving i promise i won't get anything stuck between now and time to get back important people deal with you that's not saying a whole lot so all right unfortunately guys we're gonna have to wrap this one up for today it is our anniversary and apparently it's in my best interest to get home and uh he's got a meeting so we're gonna hit her all day tomorrow though yeah we'll be back we'll be back hopefully when's jerry coming we're gonna get the mud dried up first step at a time farmer chris step enough time did you ever get that up yesterday oh that's it this conversation's over we're heading to the house folks all right back for day two chris is rolling in with a whole nother roll pipe looks like he's just pulling a whole lot of work right there but we're gonna fire the 120 back up i think we're going to run it for a while this morning here's what's going on with it the auto idle quits working for the electronic throttle but only quits working after you run it for about two hours so i'm gonna run it for about two hours i'm gonna get some video of it not working i think i'm gonna have to ship this one off to the dealership to see what's going on because i just don't have time to mess with it and uh i want to get them get them some video of it so they know i'm not crazy so let's get uh fired up get rolling we're gonna get the laser set up this morning and uh get to work let's see if this girl worked this morning works fine i don't get it and it will work fine for a while because it's cool something's getting hot i don't know if it's a switch pressure switch or a sensor or what's going on but after something gets some heat in it it does not like what's going on i'm not sure what the deal is i've tested a few things i've checked a few things i'm just out of time out of time as you guys may know from previous videos me and the local john deere dealership do not i shouldn't say we don't have the best relationship like we have no relationship it's been ugly over the years but i have had one guy from there reach out uh and uh kind of explain to him what my issues were over the years and i don't know if anything's gonna change but um we're gonna give them a try guys we're gonna give them a try and see what happens and uh we'll go from there so anyways let's get this laser set up let's get rolling farmer chris is having some issues getting this bucket all over i'm not sure what's going on he looks uh it looks a little complex look at he's stuck in awful hard that [ __ ] you need an operator come show you how to do it i think the boat engineer went towards this loader company it's brand new i don't even have 10 hours on it [Music] i like for them to explain to me how you get this bucket on this loader from the operator seat oh you just you just hook that on that you can't see it from up there no you can't now william farmer told me one time that you got to roll that all the way down hook it and then roll it all the way back most brands you do but this brand put their handle above this bar so it hits [Laughter] these angles on here to keep you from doing that well that's not very small you gotta come in straight and pick it up and i'm not very happy with it oh i called the company and talked to the engineer and i'm the only one that's ever complained about this that's because you know i want to take the time to actually call i think so i guess you're going to be i'm sure somebody on youtube is going to give you some comments about everything we're doing wrong right now well if they got any advice on this i mean we've ran a quickie loader for 15 years yes you roll that all the way over you can see that bar down under here and hook it this model here this brand here you cannot do that all right we'll have to get him a remote camera so he can see what's going on he's gonna pick me up call me off here that is a tough fit shake it a little bit it's not quite in there yet there it went that's a tough fit they got one bad i had the spring on this thing it'll jerk your arm completely out of soccer [Laughter] all right let's get this laser set up and get rolling got the laser set up we're getting going here again chris is kind of shoveling out right there a little bit where the uh collapsed rimmel we quit yesterday but i want to show you one thing look at the dents when we put the pipe in yesterday it's just perfectly dry when we stop putting the pipe in ditch is full of water i don't know what we're doing i don't know if we know what we're doing but it seems to be working you need more out of there good check that out guys we are about 10 feet from the end of our run i'm glad we set the laser up because there was a little bit of a swag in the ground down there we were able to dig right through it no issues and imagine that machine's been running flawlessly no issues whatsoever about uh 45 minutes worth of digging here so i didn't expect a whole lot of trouble out of it at this point we're going to get this last little bit dug in here switch around probably get this back filled a little bit and we may end up calling this one arrive so we're getting down here to the other end of the pipe it's getting a little bit uh a little bit shallower we're only about three feet deep instead of five feet deeper we started off at so that definitely makes the vicky go a little faster still loving this bucket though man it is working awesome machine works awesome too it's on the throttle stapler oh man i over dug by three feet [Laughter] it's crazy chris how when this ditch is wet that ditch is wet and that's stretched down through there our ditch is dry that ditch is dry i guess the uh goal is hopefully we intersected our problems so i hope we cut the water vanes off yeah all right since the volvo's got the wide bucket on it and it's sitting here we're gonna hop on it rake a little bit of dirt on top of there and uh call her good job move some of these ruts and let that water let that water drain all down through there we could just let jerry have fun with that we need video of him being stuck so i can redeem myself i'll use this fancy track thing i got right here we're going to cut a ditch the opposite way or cut a rod the opposite way across all these ruts and maybe it'll drain out a little bit spin around see what we got oh yeah look at that that smells wonderful let me tell you [Music] all right so we're not trying to backfill this straight all the way just trying to go down through here and get a little bit of dirt on top of this pipe don't float same thing we did yesterday chris is getting a laser set up uh we can move over to another field we got about 1500 feet to run in the neighboring field over here so what the plan is after we get uh get this all done i'm hoping tomorrow i'll try to get video of this hoping tomorrow we'll get the 850 hauled in here hoping this has dried up a little bit it's growing up real nicely down there where we've already been we'll get the 850 in here and i don't know maybe i'll show this to you guys from the outside there's a little bit of a knoll in this field there's this little bit of a valley right here the goal is not to fill it all the way in just to get it filled in enough to where chris has been playing across here his planter will flex in here and you don't have to worry about it and we don't have to worry about holding water man it is a such a change i've been running to 120 the last several days and now hopping in this thing i'm lost [Music] let me get myself working out here to the end i've got to give you give you one last little overview oh my god what we did well there it is guys all loosely raked back in like i said down there we worked out yesterday the ditch has already dried up real nice i'm hoping this uh we got sunshine for the next couple days hopefully this will dry up having that laser set up on a slope definitely helped is a tremendous help i don't know if you guys can see there's a little bit of a dip in the field we didn't even see it i kind of got to double checking myself on grade coming through there it's a good thing we had it set up because uh it definitely paid off and most importantly everything seems to be draining all right but from here we're going to turn it over to jerry we'll get the 850 in here in a couple days and kind of get that that hump moved over into the hole and hopefully smoosh that up a little bit that's gonna be a wrap on this one guys hope you enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment and as always we shall catch you guys on the next one you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 37,658
Rating: 4.9693847 out of 5
Keywords: drain tile, john deere, field tile, drainage tile installation, drain tile farm field, andrew camarata, diesel creek, digger, excavation, grading, letsdig18, trackhoe, field tile depth, slope, rise, find slope, laser, magnetic receiver, topcon, farm, drainage, how to slope, surveying, field, pitch, elevation, rotary lasers, deere 120, heavy equipment, john deere 120, pipe, mn millennial farmer, field tile drainage slope, farm drainage tile installation, excavation work, drainage system
Id: yOFJDrwRbXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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