Run BTS! 2022 Special Episode - Fly BTS Fly Part 2

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[This video was produced with a sponsorship by Chilsung Cider] "Run BTS"! [Last episode] [Last week] I haven't done flying yoga before. [BTS are trying flying yoga for the first time] I don't know if I will be able to do it. [BTS are trying flying yoga for the first time] You hang and do something like this. [Mission given is taking best shot of their lives] - That picture. / - Yes, yes, yes. [Mission given is taking best shot of their lives] You can make a great pose? You are a pioneer. [Possible with this person!] Yes, I saw that on social media. [On social media] [Was excited about taking best pictures] Teacher, I'm spinning... Teacher, I'm spinning... [Bodies are not helping] I am spinning around. [Bodies are not helping] Hey! Were we this bad? Okay. We will slowly go with the moves now. [Flying yoga class officially started!] [We are expecting a harder journey...] Ack. No. I'm scared. Was it this hard taking a picture for social media? [Picture for SNS is no joke] You need to put your life on the line if you want to take a best picture! - Doesn't that look like a wing suit? Wing suit. / - Yes. [We... Can be successful, right...?] [That second episode starts now] Something that is easy but looks cool. [Min PD suggests an easy path(?)] Isn't there something like that? [Min PD suggests an easy path(?)] Something easy but cool. [Pose...] [Easy path...] [We want... An easy path...] [(Anticipation)] Oh! The teacher is doing something! - Look now. Everyone, look. / - Everyone focus now. [Now. Everyone, focus!] - What? How did he do that? / - Like this. [Oh?!] Oh, I think I saw something like that. [Oh?!] It looks hard. [;;] It's not hard but tiring. [Not hard but tiring] [Isn't that the same thing?] Hey! I guess it's the highlight. We're in trouble. [(Nervous first)] Teacher! How did you do that? [Still a move that he wants to do] Come in front of the hammock. [Come to the front and open it up well] - Come to the front. / - Forward. [Come to the front and open it up well] - Open it up so it doesn't get tangled. / - Yes. [Come to the front and open it up well] - Where is this? Where is it? / - I am going to do it this time. [Looking around] When you put your right foot in this time, you are going to hook it up until the hamstring. [After you put it until your hamstring] Don't put it in all the way to your hips. [After you hook it until your hamstring] Okay. [After you hook it until your hamstring] Then, wrap the right hand towards the outside. [Wrap the right hand around and hold the left] You know the front part of the left hammock? [Wrap the right hand around and hold the left] Front part? Here? Open it up. Yes. You already got half. [Spread it wide to the side] Is it okay for it to come out this much? Your shoulders will be less uncomfortable if you have more when you push off. [Towards the outside] [Aha] With your left hand just go ahead and Grab the left side of the hammock, scrunch it up a bit and hold onto it tightly Hold it like this. Okay! While holding the hammock with the right hand, go through the left armpit. Send the right foot towards the window. [Right hand goes through the left hammock and armpit and straight~] Like this? Like this? [Right hand goes through the left hammock and armpit and straight~] Like this? Like this? The left hand is straight up like you're cheering. Put it up. [Looking] - Okay, okay. - Push the hammock with the top of your right foot. With your core strength and left toe, touch your right knee. Okay, I think I can do this. [Use your core and touch with your left foot] Okay, I think I can do this. Hey! I can't do this. [I can't do this] I thought I could do this but can't. [Flustered] I thought I could do this but can't. Is this it?? Is this it? [Flapping flapping] - Is this it... Is this it... / - Wait. [Flapping flapping] - Did I do it? Did I do it? / - Did I do it? [Kind of similar] [Umph!] Is this right? Jung Kook is right. I think that's right. [Completed the move (with the sound of pain)] Yes. [Completed the move (with the sound of pain)] It's not hard but tiring. [Aha... Not hard but tiring] It's not hard but tiring. [Aha... Not hard but tiring] Wow, this is so tiring. Put your right hand towards the front. [(Right hand straight front)] Put your left foot up. [(Right foot straight)] One, two. Yes. [(Left foot. One two)] Right hand far. [Shaking shaking] Right hand far? [Put your right hand far away] Right hand far. Yes. [Right hand far away and done] Three, two, one. Good job. Did you film me?! You didn't?! Oh man. [Upset] Picture. Get ready for a picture. Get ready for a picture. Okay. [Get ready for a picture] [(Yap!)] [(Holding in their breath)] - Oh man. Wait a minute. - Yes. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. - Do you see it? / - Perfect. [Teacher, do you see this?] Press down your right hand towards the bottom. How do you do this? [RM quietly succeeds, too] One, two, three. Should we do it together? Nice. Let's have the 7 of us do it together. [Okay okay] Okay. Let's do it at the count of three. [Filled with confidence] This is a really important cut. A thumbnail. [With the mindset that they are going to get a thumbnail here] This is a thumbnail. Thumbnail. [Let's draw a big picture] Please get a good angle! - Will this work if we get a good angle? Let's see how much of a mess this is when we watch it. Okay, we are going. One, two, three. [Ahh] [Ahh] [Ack] [Ahh] [Man] Hey, why am I spinning? Three. [A mess a mess] [A mess a mess] Why am I spinning? [A mess a mess] Jin! [A mess a mess] [(Kekekekeke)] Hey, why am I spinning? [Specialty: spinning] Did you take it? Did you take it? [Specialty: spinning] [Couldn't take it] One more time, one more time. One more time. - Right? / - We're going. One more time. [Trying to get a group shot again!] One, two, three. Why do I keep on spinning!!! [Spinning] Why do I keep on spinning? [Instinct to spin that can't be controlled] [Ack] - Hey! I can't do it. - Done, done. No thumbnail. No thumbnail. [Gives up on thumbnail] Why do I keep on spinning? [(My body won't work however I want)] I'm tired. Teacher, this is really a lot of exercise. [Effect of exercise that is felt all over the body] Yes, a lot. [Effect of exercise that is felt all over the body] Do you normally do it this tight? - I don't normally do it like that in the first class. / - Oh right. [^^] - Oh right. / - Oh but my hands... [Doing some hard training from the first day] Wow, it's so hard. - You are really tired, right? / - Yes. [Staff] To quench your thirst... - So nice! - It's ze... ze... Zero, right? Oh Zero! [Gulp gulp] [Cool] Oh. Like always! [(Rest is omitted)] Don't we need to do this once? It's Chilsung when it comes to drinks. [(There were 8 stars that were photoshopped)] Do it like a commercial. Like a commercial! [Strict Min PD] - It's good. - V is good with these things. Yes! Do that. [Enters to do that] Oh, it's good. [Enters to do that] [V-sual is a great spectacle] [V-sual is a great spectacle and a magnificent view] [V-sual is a great spectacle and a magnificent view] [A present from God] [We are watching] [Pfft] Yum. It's good. You need to burp. [(Heehee hehehe)] But I feel better because I drank. No, but we need to approach this sincerely. Don't we need to get it once? [So we prepared] We are thinking about taking a best picture for each of you now. [Solo flying yoga picture] - Let's look at the samples. / - How do we do that? [Providing it for you who are thinking] [Seven awesome flying yoga poses] Don't you think you can do it? [This level seems doable] It's cool! [This level seems doable] This one looks kind of easy. This looks comfortable. [The key is a pose that looks easy and cool] Looks easy... I think it's going to be easy. [The key is a move that looks easy and cool] Let's each choose one! - Okay okay. / - Second one for me. [Each picking a pose to try] - Okay. / - Okay, I will do this butterfly one. [Each picking a pose to try] Okay! I will do this one. I will go with the first picture. [Okay! I will do this one] I am going to do whatever is left. [(Cool person)] This, this. I should do this one. [(I)] [What pictures did BTS each pick?] Take out my front foot. [Break time after they pick the pictures] Do this. Go like this. [Jimin] Let's do something like this. [Jimin doesn't rest] Ab exercise. [One two, one two] [Easily does ab exercise, too] Go like this. [Jung Kook is going over the move that he learned before] I will do this one. This isn't it. [(Is this not it?)] What is it? [(Is this not it?)] [(Umph)] Jimin, what did you decide to do? [(Umph)] Yes, yes. There is something like that. - Yours is this? - Second one, second one. / - This? Yes, yes. There is something like that. [While looking at the other members] - Yours is this? / - Second one, second one. / - This? [While looking at the other members] One at a time! The one who looks best... [Copies right away while looking at them] - Wait a minute. / - Is it right? [(I will hold you)] - Do this first. - No, this... Can I do it like this? [After getting into position] Yes, hang like that. [After you get into position] [10 times the strength] [Ab exercise of anger] [Amazing] [Person who does sit-ups in the air] [Aha kekekekekeke] [Surprising sight] [Fitness DNA has been opened on top of the hammock] [Superhuman strength explosion] [~Gave break time] [About doing even more workouts~] I don't think you guys are in your right mind. You are doing real workouts. [This time, boxing at the hammock] [(Me too me too)] [Bring it on] Really. They are really distracted. [First time the hammock is experiencing it, too] I get kind of distracted but not as much as them. [First time the hammock is experiencing it, too] [Giddy giddy] [Hammock] [Stop... Stop it...] - Really tired right now. / - Then, one at a time. [Should we slowly get filming?] Then, which spot has the best picture outcome? [Should we slowly get filming?] Is it over there? [Should we slowly get filming?] [There] First, Jimin... [At window spot where sunlight comes in best] Yes, okay. [At window spot where sunlight comes in best] ["Run BTS" flying yoga] [What did the criminal do wrong?] Our photographer today. [To give a word to our photographer today] Please take it so that it looks like we're good at it. [1.] Please photoshop it and stretch us out. [2.] [Keke] Do you want to upload it together? - One, two, three. / - One, two, three. - Upload it at the same... It would be funny if we upload it at the same time. [Keke] One, two, three. [(Sounds fun)] Okay. Are you leaving? [Filming the best solo picture of their lives] [First person is Jimin] [Flying yoga pose that Jimin chose] Put your right foot here. Put it in completely? No, this time... So that only your thigh hangs. [Put your foot on the hammock] Make it so that only your thigh hangs. [Hang the foot on the hammock] Hey! But that looks really hard because the area is really small. Hey! Jimin. You are doing something hard. [(As expected, an ace)] Jin, you look really comfortable. Huh? I am really happy right now. [(Co-zy)] - You look like a meerkat right now. - I know. Don't you want to wrap him up and go? [Planning on wrapping up the hammock and taking him] - I know. / - Don't you want to wrap him up? [Planning on wrapping up the hammock and taking him] We need to wrap you up. [Planning on wrapping up the hammock and taking him] Hold the left side of the hammock with both of your hands. Turn around in front of the left foot. [Very focused] Back around like this. Hold it like this and go up. [Put the left foot behind the hammock] Hut two. [(Lightly)] You go up. Oh! Jimin, you look like you're going to do it right now. - Hey Jimin! / - Press down like we did before. [We can already see it] - Like this? / - Yes. [We can already see it] No, right now... You look like you're wearing a satba. [Satba?] He said Jimin looks like he's wearing a satba. [Keke] Oh! The pose is coming out. Oh! It's coming out. [Oh~ The pose is coming out?] I think Jimin is going to really look it. [It's slowly getting closer here] I know. [It's slowly getting closer here] - You can do it. - Okay. Go! Okay, go! [Serious] Let's go! Let's take a picture! Please take the picture quickly since it's really instantaneous. - Oh, my leg won't go up. / - This. Hold this a bit more. [My back leg... Won't go up...] Butt. A bit of the butt. [My back leg... Won't go up...] Hey! What do we do if you can't do it? [What do we do if the ace can't do it?] Hold it! - Yes. - One, two. Three. [Using his energy and holding it] [Beautiful] [Leaving a graceful picture] Look forward. [Leaving a graceful picture] [Ah...] [Ah... Ah...] You did well. You did really well. [Kekekekekekeke] It bit you really hard right now! I can see that it won't let you go right now! [It bit you really hard right now!] I won't let you go. [We will omit the subject] I can't do this. No, good job. You still did a good job! We can move your leg to the back with photoshop. [Second additional buff] - Okay, next. / - Next. - Next is Jin. Let's get it! [Second order is Jin. Let's get it] - Kim Seokjin. - Kim Seokjin, let's get it. [Second order is Jin. Let's get it] [Flying yoga pose that Jin picked] Try to go up. [Teacher's 1:1 coaching starts] Look forward. [Teacher's 1:1 coaching starts] Hey, this is comfortable. [Big babies go into a sack during that time] It's really comfortable. [Hanging hanging] [Peeking] [Rolling around because it's so funny] [Jimin enters a hammock after hearing the news] [(Comes running)] This is really nice. [A sight that he can't miss] - This is really comfortable. / - This is comfortable. [A sight that he can't miss] [Click click] It feels like I became a cocoon. [Purple cocoons (?)] So funny. [Purple cocoons (?)] [Getting another best picture] Okay! Let's hurry up and give interest to Jin. [Guys! Jin is taking a picture] - Interest in Jin. Interest in Jin. / - Yes. That's right. [Guys! Jin is taking a picture] Jin is going to get upset if we don't give interest to him. [Kekekeke] I don't get upset over things like that. - Jin is already upset. - Bring out your left foot forward. Bring it to the back and the side and step on it. Bring your right foot forward, too. [Step by step] Take it out and turn it around to the back. [(Sticking their heads out and watching)] - Hold the hammock high. - You're good. Lift up your body once and hook it on your ankles. [A hard move is going to continue now] One, two, three. Umph. Yes. One, two, three. Umph. Yes. From the foot. [Tingly] From the foot... [Ahhhhh!!!] It feels like I am getting tortured. [T] It feels like I am getting tortured. [Torture X] [Becoming healthier] [Kekekeke] What did the criminal do wrong? It feels like my legs are twisted. [Feels like my legs are twisted, sire] [Hahahahaha kekekekeke] [Teacher, please let me down T T T T] [Just funny] Okay, put your chest out forward slowly. [From this position] [Scared] Yes. Cheers. [Scared] Yes. [Oh] [You're good] Aren't you supposed to take it from here? Aren't you supposed to take this from here? You need to take the picture from the side. Oh, wait a minute. [(Break time for a bit)] Oh, wait a minute. - Jin, Jin. / - Wait a minute. [Comes running quickly in the meantime] - Okay, okay. / - The side. [Comes running quickly in the meantime] Oh, let's the picture from the side... [For one best picture] One. [Phew] - One, two, three. - One, two, three. Nice. [Gathers up the strength again] - One, two, three. - One, two, three. Nice. [Successful in getting a cool pose] Nice. - Ah. - Okay, okay. A comfortable pose is important. [Comfortable] You're good. [(Satisfied)] You're good. [Ahhhhhh] Teacher, can I come down? Yes, yes. Come on down. I will help you. He's a human bow. Human bow. [So funny] Do you know what you did wrong? Teacher, I can't go up because I have no arm strength. [Don't care about the crime but just let go down] [Argh] Do you really have no idea? [Gets out of the hammock thanks to the teacher] Okay. Next is Jung Kook. Jung Kook. [The freedom of people who are done] - Okay. Next is Jung Kook. Jung Kook. - Who's next? Who's next? [Next is Jung Kook's turn] I will go. [Next is Jung Kook's turn] Teacher, what should I do? [Filled with will] Something flexible? Should we do something like this? This? [Checks the pose the teacher recommended] Man. Should I try it? [Flying yoga pose that Jung Kook is going to try] [The setting itself looks complicated] Oh. This is how you take the picture. [The effort behind a best shot...!] They set it all up like this. [The effort behind a best shot...!] [Comfortable break he's enjoying after torture] Hey, this is really comfortable. [Comfortable break he's enjoying after torture] Wow. But it would hurt a lot if we fell from here, right? [(Iron shield with both arms)] Lift your arms up and push with your right foot. [Jung Kook is finished getting set up] While lifting my hands up. [Jung Kook is finished getting set up] Hey! Hey Jung Kook! Jung Kook. Bend your back with your strength. [(Gives torture tips)] Break your bones. [(???)] [Hup] [Hup] [Jat ha] - Yes. Look far away. Look far away. - You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. - You can do it. / - Jung Kook, face. Face. [(Photographer is getting ready)] - You can do it. / - Jung Kook, face. Face. [Worrying about the pose and face] This. Is this it? [Is that it?] You need to go up more. [Is that it?] To be honest, it needs to go up like this. [No way] Wow. Keep on pulling here like this. [Pull the arms and push the feet] - Pull like this. / - Yes, yes. [Pull the arms and push the feet] The leg pushes the hammock. Yes, yes. [(Feels like death)] You can do it! You can do it! Done. Put down your left foot. [Fixes posture again in a detailed way] Push your right foot a bit more. Yes. [Fixes posture again in a detailed way] Done, done. Done, done. [(Think it's done?)] Face! Face! Expression! Expression! - Face, face. / - Expression, expression. [Smile] - Face, face. / - Expression, expression. [Shaking shaking] [It's okay if you shake a bit] [It's okay if you shake a bit since it's a picture] [Done done] [(So hard)] That's practically torture. That. [Sweating so much] Hey! That's practically torture. [(Person who is going to experience it soon)] [(Person who is going to experience it soon 22)] - Oh, it's hard. Was it okay? - I... I am going to do the one that is going to make me the most angry. - Really... - Yes, yes, yes. I hope that it makes me feel stable. [Stable flying yoga pose that SUGA chose] - Step on it like this? / - Yes, both feet. [First, step on the hammock and stand up] Okay. [First, step on the hammock and stand up] - You need to see this one. / - Okay. [(Curious flower petal)] Step on the hammock with your left foot and put your right foot behind. - Back. / - On the side. [Move he follows while watching his teacher] - To the side. / - Came to the front. [Move he follows while watching his teacher] To the front. [Move he follows while watching his teacher] Hook your foot and push it with the bottom of your foot and you're going to put your left foot to the front. - Wow. - Wow. Push my foot? [Cool] - Push it with your foot. / - Push this. - Is that possible? Push this. [Following along smoothly] Bend your knee to do the pose. [Working hard] And there... Yes. Need to make it angry as possible. What is an angry expression? [Need to make it as angry as possible] Hold the Chilsung Cider. Hey! Chilsung Cider. Give me Chilsung Cider. Hold the Chilsung Cider. [(Prop enters)] Okay. [(Prop enters)] Okay. Please open the cap so that this comes out. Hey. Open the lid. [(Yes)] Okay. Open the lid. [Kekekeke] Okay. Take it. [Okay. We are going to take SUGA's picture] That one looks comfortable. [Freshness is exploding inside me] That one looks really easy. That one looks really comfortable. [So funny] Oh. I am getting angry. [Fresh] [(Shaking shaking)] Oh, I am getting angry. [(Shaking shaking)] The relaxation of flying yoga. Cup of relaxation. [Photographer j-hope is filming a video for a collection] I think we need to add the master song. You need to look at the mountain far away. Like this. Never came down from a cloth for 10 years. Master of flying yoga. We are here with teacher SUGA. [I always took care of business on the hammock] [(Planning on going down after he finishes drinking Cider)] Did it come out well? It came out well? Okay. It looks good. Looks good. Nice. Okay, let's go. [Fifth person up is j-hope] [Flying yoga pose that j-hope picked] - Put in your right leg deep. - In deep. Hold onto the left side hammock with your left hand. [Put in right leg deep] Hold with my left hand. [Put in right leg deep and hold left side hammock with left hand] Between your left hand and the left side of the hammock, your right hand and head is going to come out. [After listening to the teacher] - My right hand and head came out. - From the front, go back. [After listening to the teacher, follows well] - Like this. Like this? / - So the hammock... [(From the front to the back)] Send the hammock to your knee. Hammock to the knee. That's how you will be able to press it. Hammock to the knee. [(Following on his own accord)] That's how you will be able to press it. [(Following on his own accord)] - Hold your right hand high. - Hold right hand high. You are going to put your left hand low. I am going to put my left hand low? [All done when he pushes his right foot down] - And put the right foot down... / - Wow. [All done when he pushes his right foot down] Wow! Wait. This works? This works? [Flying yoga's world that is hard to understand...] How does this work? [Flying yoga's world that is hard to understand...] This was on your knee... [Flying yoga's world that is hard to understand...] j-hope, you can do it. Cheer up! This is going to stretch out if you lift it up some. [Pose is being fixed one at a time] - Yes, that's right. / - Press it down. [Pose is being fixed one at a time] You are going to hold high with your right hand. [Pose is being fixed one at a time] - With all of your energy, the right foot... - Straighten it out... Press it down very hard. [All of your energy with right foot] Press it down and it's done if you lift up your left foot! [(Lifts up the left foot)] Yes. Stretch out your right arm. [(Lifts up the left foot)] - I am going to stretch out my right arm? - Yes. - Right... Is this right? - Yes. Face! - Face. / - Wow, Jimin. [I'm going] Look at the end of your left hand. [Shaking shaking] Expression. Hey! I can't do this...? You did it. You did it! You need to work on your expression. Expression! Okay. Wait. Wait. [Changing his mentality] Point your right foot. [Changing his mentality] [(Point the end)] Expression. Yes. Nice. [Should I work on my expression now?] That's it! That's it! Oh nice! Expression. Yes. Nice! [This is an idol] It's that! That! [Wink] Expression. Yes. Nice! [Is it the hammock or my foot shaking?] It's that! That! [Is it the hammock or my foot shaking?] [I want to stop here] SNS celebrity for a moment. [Did I seem like a celebrity right now??] [Bursts out keke] Did I get it? Did the face come out? [I wonder what picture came out] - Okay. / - How is it? [I wonder what picture came out] [(How far does he try on his own's will)] [Perfect] This is fun. - I will just do this like I said. Yes. - You want to do this? Does it hurt? - It's going to be the most painful. - It hurts the most? Then, I won't do it. [(Change in attitude)] - You need to do it. / - RM. / - You need to do it. [Flood of complaints] You need to do the one that you picked first. [You need to go] You need to do it. [(Someone else's problem)] - Have a seat. / - Why did I choose this one? [With a bit of regret] [High pain flying yoga pose that RM chose] - Have a seat like this. / - Butterfly. Butterfly. [Sitting on the hammock looks comfortable] RM, you picked the butterfly? [Sitting on the hammock looks comfortable] You picked it because it looked the easiest, right? - Like this. Yes. / - Here. [Ugh...] Look at your belly button and the top of your body is going to go back. - I am going to go back? / - Wait. Yes. [(Flustered)] - You will go back. Yes, yes. - Like this? While you go back, you will open your legs. - Open it to the side. / - Open it to the side. [Flipped over as soon as he starts] - Hook it from the outside in. / - Like this? [Flipped over as soon as he starts] - Hook it here. This, too. / - Hook this, too. [(Accepting the fate that is given)] Take it off on your thigh well and your knees, too. [Making his own fate] - Grab this and come up now. - RM is already tired right now. RM is already tired right now. [Kekeke] Oh, oh. [Physical strength explodes] [Thighs are tight] Is this right? [Me too] Ahhh. But the thighs hurt so much. - Spread it out. / - Like this. [Needs to spread out the wings now] Wow, wait a minute. Wow! [(No waiting)] [Fun] [Hahaha] [New type of torture part 2] Bring your legs together in a pretty way. [New type of torture part 2] [(Listens well in the midst of this)] Face, face, face. [A strict confirmation standard] Face. [Flap flap] Face, face. [Butterfly that is shaking] Face, face. [Came to cheer] [Will it fly or break if I touch] [Smack smack smack] [Cheers and runs] [Kekekekekekeke] Butterfly. [Butterfly, like a Butterfly. Butterfly, like a bu butterfly] This. [Butterfly, like a Butterfly. Butterfly, like a bu butterfly] This was not a comfortable pose. Legs twisted. This is a real version of legs being twisted. [No better version of legs being twisted] - Awesome. / - Done. [Face expression is perfect] Okay, wait. You will come backwards in the opposite order. [Careful when you come down] So funny. This is fun. I guess we're good at funny stunts. [Strong in slapstick] I know! We need to do foot volleyball or something. [Keke] - V, hurry up. - V. V, go ahead. - V. V needs to do it. / - V, V. [Last person for solo shots is up] [Flying yoga move that V chose] You will put in your right foot. Put it all the way in. [Aftermath of where butterfly is left] Hit Jimin's butt. [Keke] [(Yes)] [Smack smack smack] [Hitting with no choice] [So funny] [Wakes up] Put your hands on top of your head and hold it so your thumb is down. Straighten out your right foot. All the way. Stretch it out. [(Stretch the right foot out straight)] V is going. V is surprisingly flexible. Lift up your left foot. Yes. Left toe. [Lift up your left foot] Touch your left toe on your right knee. [Lift up your left foot] Yes. Look far away. Yes, yes. [Ta-da] - Face. / - Expression. [Let's go with an expression] [Happy lower face] [Happy lower face] [Honest two eyes] [Kekekekekeke] [For you I can act strong] [Even if it hurts] Okay. [Like this, all of the solo shots are finished] Okay, everyone! I think we took pictures that we can upload. [Flying yoga that's done but not done;;] Same color Cider this time! People who chose [Huh...??] will become one team... [One team?] You are going to do a duo move. [We will do unit shots] [Different stickers were stuck on the bottom] [Different stickers were stuck on the bottom] [On the Cider that they drank will be a team!] I am blue. [(Blue team)] I'm green. [(Green team)] I'm red. [(Red team)] I'm green. I'm green. Green, gather! Green. [(I'm green!)] JK! [Green team: j-hope&Jung Kook] - j-hope. / - Okay! [Green team: j-hope&Jung Kook] - It's RM and me? / - Yes. Legendary. [Self-claimed legends] [Blue team: SUGA&RM] Jin, what are you going to do with me? I don't know. [Keke] [Red team: Jin&V] I'm yellow. [Jimin's yellow and is picked as the demonstrator] Yellow is the person who demonstrates. [Jimin's yellow and is picked as the demonstrator] - Okay, okay. / - Okay. / - Okay. [Finished getting ready for unit filming] - I'm ready. / - We will see. / - Let's show them! [Finished getting ready for unit filming] ["Run BTS" flying yoga] [We came to end this war] First move is... You will put your left foot all the way in here. [Following the teacher's explanation] Left foot. [Jimin demonstrates first following the teacher's explanation] Hang your knee there. [Jimin demonstrates first following the teacher's explanation] Don't we need to do it right away? [Passionate] - No, no. Two. / - Please hold it. [Need to watch and then follow] - The pose that you are going to learn today. - But you need to help from the front. You need to help. [Pose where you need help from the person next to you] - Bring this. / - Help, help. [Pose where you need help from the person next to you] You are going to put this on your right foot. Hang it on your right foot. [Data input error] One, two, three. Or... [(Hesitates)] Can you do it like me? Come like this. [Of course] [Do it like this?] Hang the top of your foot and then put your knee in. [Completely focused] Put your right foot there. [Other way] You are putting your left knee in here like this. [Insert the right foot in first and then the left knee] You can do that, too. [This is easy] As expected, you can do it because you are flexible. [Other person hangs their leg in the hammock] Hold there. [Other person hangs their leg in the hammock] [(Preps while glancing)] Raise your right hand up. [Put your right hand and top half backwards] Jung Kook, back away. They need to take a picture. [(Detail)] [Oh right] Jimin, Jimin. Need to take a picture of Jimin. Jimin, hold it. [Jimin, it's right now] - One, two, three. / - Hey! Beautiful. [Clean] Hey! Beautiful. Good job. [Great job showing a demonstration] [(Dizzy)] [Good work Jimin Keke] [Demonstration is not easy...] It's easy. [Biting teeth] j-hope, should we go right away? Let's go! Jung Kook, me... [Green team tries unit filming] Hang the foot. - Hang the foot? - Yes. What does that mean? Foot. [Chaos] What? What does that mean? Foot. What? What? [Gasp] I am expecting wails. It hurts so much. - It hurts? - Yes. The leg that is hooked hurts so much. - Now, right... - It's so far. - Hold the hammock high. / - Hold the hammock high. [Hand] - Knee hurts a bit. / - Yes. [Your hand will hold the hammock] [Both hang your legs together] Two, three. Hut-two. On the side. Yes. [Your hand will hold the hammock] [Both hang your legs together] Stretch out your left foot all the way. Left hand. Yes. Raise your hands that are facing each other. - Hands that are facing each other here? / - Here? [Like this?] Here? Right? Am I right? Yes, yes. Face. Face. One, two, three. [Cold taster] [Move] [Pose is perfect] [Expression] [Expression is nice] [Relaxation] [Filled with relaxation] - Is this right? - Face. One, two, three. [Green team's first unit pose is clear] [Camera goes down and the relaxation disappears, too] Why are you moving your body with a vibration? [Keke] j-hope, your reaction is so good. [(Filled with compliments)] I am normally rhythmical with my body. [Red team tries filming their unit pose] You are going to hang the top of your left foot. [(V is left foot)] I am normally rhythmical. [(V is left foot)] You are going to put the top of your right foot. [(Jin is right foot)] Hold this and come here while jumping. [It's time to hang his knee on the other side] - Can he go first? / - Yes. [(Let's him go first)] - Can he go first? - Yes. Hold this. Hold this. [(Him)] He asked if he can go first. [Keke] - Jin. You are older but to a younger member. - Aren't you being so mean? - "Can he go first?" / - "Can you make him go first?" [Hard things with him first] [Embarrassed] [!!] [Bbuing bbuing bbuing] [(He succeeded)] Bbuing bbuing bbuing. Put up your foot. Hang your knee on it. Yes. [Now, it's his turn] Now, stretch out the back foot. Stretch out the back foot. [Knee attack] Ah! Foot!!! - Ah! Foot! / - Put your right hand up. [(Ugh)] Raise your right hand. [(Ugh)] One, two, three. [Cheering all of a sudden] Are they going to die!? [Flutter flutter] [(Grabs onto the lifeline)] Are they going to die? Hold your face. [Still didn't take a picture] Hurry! One more time. They didn't take the picture. Hurry! [In a hurry] - One, two. / - One, two, three. One, two, three. [Decalcomanie] [Escaping the hammock number one] [Hehehehehe] [Good job] - SUGA. - We came to end this war! SUGA is in big trouble. [Serious] [Blue team tries filming the unit shot] - Hang the top of your left foot. / - Like this. [It's easy to hang the top of the foot] [(Does it easily)] Can't miss the combination of these two. Lift up of your right foot and hang it on the back of the knee carefully. [Emphasizes] Yes. Behind the back of the knee. - Okay. Now, foot. - Do I have to insert my left foot? [(Successful in hanging my knee)] Left foot here. [SUGA puts in his left foot and hangs the knee] [SUGA puts in his left foot and hangs the knee] I am going. What? [Super excited] It came out! It came out! - How does it come out like this? - It's cooler than I thought. [Ta-da] It's cooler than I think. What? [(Surprised)] What? Isn't it the most perfect? [Perfect pose] - He's shaking. Shaking. / - SUGA, is there an earthquake? [Keke] He's shaking. Shaking. SUGA is filled with anger. [Keke] RM, why are you so good?? [Fascinated] [Blue team broke expectations and succeeded easily] It's better than I thought. [Blue team broke expectations and succeeded easily] [Clap clap] - Okay. / - You're good. You two did a good job. [Members are giving so many compliments because of the unexpected(?) progress] I can't stretch this out. [Sad] You are going to hang on the hammock and spin around like an orgel now. Oh, it would look cute. You are going to put your right foot all the way in. Right foot. - That's a couple, couple. / - A couple. Couple. A couple. [This is a move that a couple does together, too] The move that you are going to learn today. [Watch Jimin well and follow along] Both of you need to be careful so that you don't kick each other. And hold the hammock really high with both of your hands. You are going to jump jump and move your body to the left. [Spinning to the left and twisting the hammock] - Jump. / - Then, now... [Hop hop hop] Oh, you need to keep on twisting this. - You need to match with me and do it. - Twisting. - One, two. One, two. One. / - While untangling... [One two] Lift up your leg. Put your left toe on your knee. [If you lift up your leg now!] [Cool] - Hurry up and stretch out your hand. / - Yes. / - Yes. [Pose is done after he stretches out his left hand] - Jimin, take out your hand. / - Yes. / - Yes. [Stretches out his left hand and finishes] Ack! Going back again. The teacher's big muscles aren't there for no reason. I think the teacher's grip is going to be 80. [Cool] Like this. - Let's go. / - j-hope, let's hurry up and go. [If you saw it well, it's time for you to do it] [Green team tries first] Look at each other and put in your right foot. Look at each other and right foot... I think three people can do this, too. I think all seven of us can do it, too. [Should the seven of us try it?!] - Okay, jump! / - You need to have a feeling of floating. [Jump to the left] [Vroom vroom] One, two, three, four. - Going up. One, two, three. / - Two, three. [Heating up the engine] Four. [Heating up the engine] - One, two. / - One. [Infinitely heating up the engine] Hurry up and jump. Hurry! One, two. [(Automatic counting)] One, two, three. Two, three. [Going] [Can't go] [Kekekekeke] I will grab you and do it once. [Think the hammock is twisted too much] Okay. One, two, three. [Spinning the other way so it untangles] Okay. One, two, three. - This. / - The left hand out. Yes. [(Left hand!)] Hey! I can't let go?!! Hey! How can you let go? [(All his strength)] - j-hope. - Ack. Hand. [(You need to take your hand off!!)] j-hope. [(Ack)] [(Ack)] [Photographer: Let's just take it first] [(Hahaha)] [Photographer: Let's just take it first] I can't let go of my hand. I can't let go of my hand. I can't hold it. [Not decalcomanie but succeeded in spinning] - Okay, let's go. / - Okay. [SUGA and RM confidently come forward] - It's better to get it over with. / - Can we not do this? [SUGA and RM confidently come forward] [Blue team's attempt] You are going to put your right foot in. [Put your thigh all the way in the hammock] When you do this, do it so that the inside of your thigh touches the hammock. [Put your thigh all the way in the hammock] - Hold the right hammock high. Yes. - Only hold the left hammock? - And do we let go of our left hand? - Yes but first... Go in sync with each other and jump one step at a time to the left. [(Prepping)] - One, two. / - And then, lift up your body. [(Inputting)] One, two. One, two. [Trying to work together and spinning to the left] - One, two. One, two. - I'm worried... - One, two. One, two. One, two. - What are you doing? Are you constructing? What are you doing? Are you constructing? [What are you doing?] [Keke] What are you doing? [Keke] Two, three. - Let's go. - Let's untangle. Yes. [Let's go. Go] What are you saying? [Hanging] Why are you spinning the other way? [Kekeke] You can let go? Why can't I do that?? [Wait. Time out] Why? [Wait. Time out] Did we do it? Isn't it this? - A bit more. / - You need to go more. More. / - We need to go more? [Wait. A meeting] - One, two. One, two. / - Increase the speed. [Again] - One, two. One, two. - Let's go. - Let's go. / - One, two. One, two. [Speed UP] One, two, three. Three. [(Suddenly?)] RM, how can you say "three" whenever you want? [(Ta-da)] RM, how can you say "three" whenever you want? I will spin you guys. [Teacher who was watching eventually enters] - RM, you need to discuss and say "three". / - Hold on tight. [Teacher who was watching eventually enters] One, two, three. [WOW] Oh nice! Nice! Oh expression! [Keep on spinning my hammock] [Keep ballin' ballin' still BTS] Ack! The reason I am looking forward to this picture... SUGA's lower and top half were so different. His top half was so relaxed [(Relaxed top half)] but I don't know how his bottom half is. [(Legs lost its way)] It's all tangled up. Oh, it's so hard. [Good job] - V, let's go. / - Okay. V and Jin. V. / - Okay. Let's do the last one. [Succeed with knowing all theories] - I'm going to die. / - Let's stop making the teacher suffer. [Jin&V's turn] [Red team's attempt] Put both of your hands on the top part of the left hammock. Left hammock. [Effect of prepping] [Smoothly following the instructions] Should we go at "eight"? One, two, three, four... - Should we go at two, two, three, four? / - What? Doesn't matter. [Whenever] I am going to go. Quickly. Okay. Spin! No, no, no. Spin! - No, no. / - Where? [Mistake] - Jin, you need to spin to the left. / - Spin the other way. [Both] [Dizzy] Jin, this way... - I go this way? / - You two are so close. [(Understands now)] You two are so close. One, two, three. [???] One, two, three and jump. [Strategize for a bit] How can they be that not synced? [Keke] Start. [Teacher's touch at times like this] [Spinning] [Suc...cess?] Ahhhh. Ahhhh. [Cry of pain] - Hey j-hope! It's hard to let the hand go. - Yes? - Right? My hand hurts. - I can't let go. - I can't let go of my hand. - My hand hurts. Jimin needs to take a picture with a member, too. - Jimin and Jung Kook do it. Jimin and Jung Kook. - Yes. - Yes, Jung Kook. Do it with me. / - Show them? Okay. [(He's a good partner)] - Let's do a perfect collaboration. / - Yes. [Aces got together for a perfect collab] Jimin and Jung Kook are going to go. Show us the power of the aces. Okay. Let's go aces! [To finish the ending] Come on in Jung Kook. [Special unit is formed to finish the ending] - Let's go to end this war. / - Yes. [Special unit is formed to finish the ending] [Today's ace team's attempt] Please wrap it up in a cool way. Yes. We are kind of... - Please show them that we are not sloppy. / - Yes, show them. [(Finished getting ready to watch)] I am going to put yours on SNS. I am going to put theirs up. This is what flying yoga is and then tag the members. [#Flyingyoga #Notmebutthem] Do we spin to the right? Yes, you go this way. - Yes. / - Yes. [Just clicking] - Are you ready? / - Yes. Yes. [Just clicking] - Five. At five. - At five. Get ready, start. One, two, three, four. [Perfect teamwork] [Stable spinning with synced up feet] Five. [Bababam bababam] [Touched] [Ace team's class] Yes. [(Ace Jimin)] Cool, cool. [(Ace Jung Kook)] [Do you see?] Yes. [Do you see? This perfect pose] Cool, cool. [Ace team showed great teamwork] - Thank you, teacher. / - Great job. - Aces. Aces. [We will watch it again] [We will add minimal subtitles so that it doesn't bother you when watching] [With the fingers that they stretched out, the beautiful lines that they show] [This is the charm of flying yoga] - Thank you, teacher. / - Great job. - Aces. Aces. [Ends with proper manner] [(Awesome!)] Good job. Good job. JK. Thanks! It was fun. - Right? / - Thanks, Jung Kook. [Everyone is about to do the closing together...] Don't we need to have the seven of us with some kind of a bang? [Kind of missing something] Teacher, you know that! That bat! You can come under the hammock plumb line. [So, they try the bat pose at the end] Put your hip up with your heels and cover your butt well. [STEP 1] [Go on top of the hammock well] I get modest when I sit here. It's fun. I think I would do well if I did flying yoga. [Discovered another skill] - Yes. / - Wouldn't there be a studio nearby your place? [We are cheering for you] Use both of your hands and open the back wings to the side. [STEP 2] - Okay. Spread it. / - Like this? [(Like this)] Yes, right. Do that. [(Like this)] And lie back slowly. Slowly. Cover your shoulders. [Lie down on your back slowly] [(Hammock needs to cover your shoulders)] - Like this? - Cover your shoulders. Yes. Make your hands like you're washing your face. [Spread it wide backwards] Stretch out your fingers to the ceiling. [STEP 3] Roll the ends of the hammock inside. Lift up your legs. [STEP 4] Hang the edge of your feet on the hammock that you are holding. [STEP 4] [Lift up your legs] Like this, like this. - Let's go. / - Done, done. / - Pull your toes. [Shaking] Okay. Lift up your butt from here. [STEP 5] [Lastly, use your butt] Your feet to the ceiling. Yes! Stretch it out. Is this it? [This is the pose] Stretch. Yes. Pull it up all the way. [This is the pose] Okay! How was today's "Run BTS"? We are ending like this? It was good. It was so much fun. I will live life with more modesty from now on. I won't be proud. "Run BTS"! "Run BTS" will continue. [This video was produced with a sponsorship by Chilsung Cider]
Views: 8,931,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, 알엠, RM, 슈가, SUGA, 제이홉, jhope, 지민, 정국, k-pop, 방탄, j-hope, Jung Kook, Jimin, BTS V, Jin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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