Run BTS! 2022 Special Episode - Telepathy Part 1

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[This content includes paid promotion and products from Mogu Mogu] [Subtitles by: Weverse Company] All right! Run... - BTS! - BTS! [Yoohoo] - How have you been? / - j-hope! [Randomly asking how they've been out of excitement] - How have you been? - I've been well... You seem quite tired. [You seem busy] - I'm exhausted. - You seem very busy. [j-hope's been busy preparing his solo album] How long has it been? 10 months? [Run BTS is back for the first time in 10 months] 10 months is long enough to have a baby. That's how long it's been. [Enough time to give birth to a baby] How have you all been? [Asking how they've been as it's been so long] - Thanks for the watermelon. - Did you like it? [Life Update 1: Jin gifted j-hope a watermelon] - It was absolutely delicious. - What about me? Where's mine? [Life Update 1: Jin gifted j-hope a watermelon] Why didn't I get one? [So sad] Because I know you won't eat it anyway. Why didn't I get one, then? [How about me?] You wouldn't have eaten it either. We had honey recently when we met... - We had honey together. - ...It was really good. [Watermelon... honey...] I gave you guys honey too. [Hallabong... watermelon... honey...] - The hallabong was so good. - It was shockingly good. [Only I didn't know] - The hallabong was the best. - I'm so lost. When did we have honey and hallabong... You left first. [Life Update 2: RM, who left first, didn't get any honey or hallabong] Jin is like a fruit basket. [BTS's fruit basket] Jin, why didn't you give me any? You got some too. Have you forgotten? [Only I forgot] - You didn't take... - All right! - What are we doing today? - I'm pretty sure you were the one who didn't take it. - We're so happy to be back on Run BTS again. - Yes. [613 times more glad to meet again after the long break] Why don't we have a toast to celebrate and start? [Toast TIME for Run BTS's return] You know the reception party-style things, right? The ones we're the worst at. - It's non-alcoholic. - Yes, it's non-alcoholic. [* It's non-alcoholic] - It's non-alcoholic. - Really? [* It's non-alcoholic] - Non-alcoholic drinks are really good nowadays. - No wonder. [Let's get running, Run BTS] Nice and clean, right? [Let's get running, Run BTS] We're drinking from 10 a.m.? Oh, it's noon. [Getting alcohol served from noon] Run BTS is making us drink? [Keke] It looks pretty fancy. [We look pretty cool, no?] It's just... [We look pretty cool, no?] Be careful. You can't break anything so early on. [Hope is getting nervous watching] Jung Kook, you're so good at pouring champagne. I get this much foam when I pour it. - That's what makes it cool. - Everyone! [The thicker the foam layer, the cooler you are] - Is that what makes it cool? - Yes. [(New lesson learned)] Drink up, - BTS! - BTS! It's been a while. - It's non-alcoholic? - Why did I... [So fascinated] So, what are we doing today? What are we up to? - Today... - Wow, it really has no alcohol in it. [Production Crew] I know you know each other well, [Production Crew] but we're going to test how much you know about each other. We know everything. There's nothing we don't know. [That's a given] We know everything. - It's about time we do a review, though. - We know everything about each other. [It's about time we have an update] People change over a year or two, after all. - Your preferences change too. - Each member probably has something to update. And these updates are piling up and getting overdue. [Their point: It's perfect timing] j-hope even grew taller! My shoes are about 5cm tall. I feel so uncomfortable standing next to him. I feel so uncomfortable standing next to him. Do you need me to be a gentleman and be short? Yes, please. [(Thanks)] - Of course. / - That's right. [Time to test how good their telepathy is] We can do that. [Time to test how good their telepathy is] - Okay! - Are our minds in sync? - Of course. - We got it. [Set to the same frequency level] - We're one! - That's right. We'll move on to the main game now. - Let's go. Run - BTS! Are their minds truly in sync? ["We Are One Special" It's already their 10th year since their debut!] [Let's play different games to test how well the BTS members know each other] Let's go. The first game is the written section of the We Are One Test. This is easy. The answer is "I NEED U". [Let's just go with "I NEED U"] BTS has been together for so long. Of course, we're in sync. [I trust my members and myself, so I fear nothing] If we're talking about being one... [The first way to frustrate someone is] [The first way to frustrate someone is to stop talking mid-sentence, and the second...] you will write one letter of the answer per person. [We Are One Test, Written Section They'll write the answer but one letter each] Sorry? If the question is, "What's BTS' own variety show?" [Example question] Then we write "R, U, N, B, T, S" like this. - Oh, so the last ones don't write anything if we run out of letters? / - Exactly. [If the answer is less than 7 letters long, only those with a letter to write will write] Okay, let's start with Jung Kook. - Jung Kook is first? And I'm third? / - Yes. [Answer Order: Jung Kook ▶ RM ▶ SUGA ▶ Jimin ▶ V ▶ j-hope ▶ Jin] Is this a speed game? [Question] - No, it's not. - Is that right? [Production Crew] - Yes. - It's a telepathy test! Which part did you get "speed game" from? I just felt [Hur hur hur] like it was going really fast. [Just felt like he had to be fast] - Here's your first question. - Okay. [(Sending telepathy)] Schrödinger [(Receiving telepathy)] [Production Crew] proved a flaw [What? What-dinger?] - in quantum physics... - You've got to be kidding me. What is he saying? What are you talking about? We can do it! in an experiment that proved the micro- and macroscopic worlds [Blink] must experience the same things. [Schrödinger proved a flaw in quantum physics in an experiment that proved the micro- and macroscopic worlds must experience the same things. What is that?] It's "something cat". [Production Crew] "Persian cat"! [Throwing random guesses] [So cute] Might as well have said "Russian Blue". Hold on. This is how difficult the questions are? [Is this how you're going to be? After all that time?] The only thing I know that starts with "S" is SUGA. The micro- and macroscopic worlds... [And the world of confusion] Hey, the answer is in the question. [(Someone who knows the answer] The answer is in the question! [(Someone who knows the answer and another)] - The answer is in the question, Jung Kook. - Here we go! [Got the hint] In 1, 2, 3! [Is "Schrödinger" the answer?] - Let's go! - The answer is... [Is "Schrödinger" the answer?] - Is that the answer? - Yes, you are correct. Woah, really? Hey, you guys are pretty smart. How could you underestimate us like that? You thought we wouldn't even know Schrödinger's cat? I wouldn't have known. [Heh] That was a practice round. [Ready for the real round of the written section] Of course, "Schrödinger" is the next S-word after "SUGA". [Ready for the real round of the written section] - You guys are so mean! - Wait. My head is aching with "Schrödinger's cat" being the first question. [Dr. Schrödinger causing a headache here] Bring on the next question! For the second one, - we'll start with Taehyung. - What's Taehyung's number? [Second question!] It's an adverb that describes someone getting so startled suddenly that they'd jump. Oh, I know! "Suddenly"? [Thinking] What is it? [(Asking)] Isn't it "hwadeuljjak"? ["Startlingly"] [Nice keke] - Or is it the emoticon? - You're so smart. You're right. Three letters! Hey, Jung Kook knew the answer as soon as he heard the question. What is it? You know the word, Hope! [But the one who has to write has no idea] Freaking flabbergasted. "Freaking flabbergasted"? Are you serious? "Freaking flabbergasted"? "Freaking flabbergasted" technically isn't wrong. [King Sejong: ?????] Isn't it this? They made it sound confusing on purpose! [That's because we're a variety show] Wait. - It's this. - That's right. - It's this. - Yes, it is. "Hwadeuljjak". [Startled] In 1, 2, 3! ["Hwa" "Deul" "Jjak"] The answer is "hwadeuljjak". - It's right? - Did you guys get it right? Did we get it right? - You had "deul" and "jjak" written already. - Okay. [Hope & Jin wrote "deul" and "jjak" before V's spoiler, so they get a point] - Let's not say the answer out loud now. - Okay. - We'll go from Jung Kook again. - Okay. [Next question] With a net in between, two teams must keep the ball up in the air [Production Crew] by kicking it until one team drops it. [Without using arms or hands] - Isn't this the thing we're best at? - That's right. But there are two answers. [Is the answer one of those two?] - What is he talking about? - From Jung Kook to Taehyung! [No clue what you're talking about] [(Clueless) (Clueless) (Knows)] [The answer goes from Jung Kook to Taehyung] What is it? [(Clueless) (Clueless) (Knows)] [The answer goes from Jung Kook to Taehyung] That's five syllables. Oh, it's that one! - You know, foot volleyball versus... - Yes, it's... [But what was it called?] Right, there's something really similar. [At the tip of his tongue] - Isn't it foot volleyball? - It's a five-letter word. [Can't believe it's not foot volleyball] - I know this one! - What is it? [Can't believe it's not foot volleyball] But I'm not entirely sure if I'm right. [Not really sure, is that the right answer?] It sounds like "Gyro Drop" or something. - There's such a sport? - Yes, there is. "Beach volleyball". "Shine Muscat". [Sweet] Go ahead. Just write that. Let's just go with "Shine Muscat". I don't know. [Let's just write something] Let's just consider it a lost point. [Just as everyone's about to give up] Is it this? - Jung Kook seems to be on the right track. - Right? Really? Impressive! - Jung Kook, you're the brain of the group! - Jung Kook, you're so smart. [Jung Kook is so smart] Let's just go. We're one. - Let's just assume it'll be wrong and go. - Here we go. [GO GO] In 1, 2, 3. ["Se" "I'm sorry, friends" "pak" "foot" "ball"] "Se", "I'm sorry, friends", "pak", "foot", "ball". What's that? Someone wrote "football"? - At least we got "football" together! - Yes. [At least our telepathy worked] - What is this? - Sepak takraw! [The answer was "sepak takraw"] "Sepak takraw"? I've never heard of it. Come on. You wrote, "I'm sorry, friends"? - "Sepak takraw"? - "Sepak takraw". That's one new thing I've learned today. [+ Knowledge 1] Did we get two questions right, then? You got two right, including the practice one. [Production Crew] Is there a prize? - Jin! - He's the epitome of materialism! Jin, why are you so... Okay. It's an animal in the deer family... [Production Crew] - Bambi! / - ...that's yellow-brown in summer... [Question: It's a cervid that's yellow-brown or red-brown in summer and mud-color in winter with a big white butt spot. What is it?] with a white spot on on its bottom [Not paused] in winter. [Blink] - What is it? - I know. How many people have to answer now? Two? Two? [Hope & Jin will answer] - Isn't it this? - Yes, that. [Hope & Jin will answer] Isn't it Bambi? ["Gazelle"] [No, it's not] Hope, I'm going to get mad if you get this wrong. [Hope, I know the answer] It's an easy one. [Easy peasy] White spot on its bottom? The first cervid that comes to mind when you think of a white bottom. Is this right? ["Roe deer"] Guys, I'm right! Write what I'm thinking of! [The answer is "roe deer"] I'll send the answer over telepathy. Yes, send it over. [(Sending it over telepathy)] This! [(Telepathy received 1)] Is this right? [(Telepathy received 2)] - I'm sending it! - Butt! [Good connection within the 1m radius around RM] Is it this? Is it this? [Everyone except the one who needs to know already knows] Hope, don't you know it? I'm sending it right now. [Everyone except the one who needs to know already knows] Butt! Hope, don't even call yourself Korean if you don't get this one. [Nationality on the line] What do you do to boast after bowling? [Hint?] You're making it even more difficult. Don't say that. Don't talk. - I don't think that's it. - Stop it! [Hint retrieved] - Just don't think. - Hope, just feel our telepathy signal we're sending over! [Telepathic signals aren't meant to be understood] Just don't think. The first two letters that come to mind. Two letters? [Shocked] Wait. How many letters did you think it was? I thought it was three. Isn't it "elk"? [Happy] He said it was two letters! Or is it not two? Is it three? [Oh? Am I wrong?] Just pass it. Everyone, please give lots of love to j-hope's solo album. "Elk"! [(Keke)] We would've gotten it if it weren't for j-hope, no? [Shameless plug first, then scold] j-hope! Jin, please show us yours. Isn't it this? [j-hope, only you left now] - Really? - Hope! Everyone got it except you! [(Correct answer streak 0)] I don't know anymore. [Will j-hope say "no" to this one?!] In 1, 2, 3! ["Ru"] [* Correct answer is "noru" meaning "roe deer"] ["Sa" "Ru"] [*Correct answer is "noru" meaning "roe deer"] [*j-hope wrote "sa" of "saseum" meaning "deer"] [Production Crew: (Crying)] What did you write? What did you write? - What did you write? - What was it? - What was your answer? - Let me see it. What is it? You didn't write "sa", did you? [(Correct ♥)] - Seriously? - Seriously? [Ha] [Ha] "Sa"? This is legendary. - "Saru"! / - Hey! [Noun 1: A sandglass] [Noun 2: A thread] [Noun 3: Gangwon dialect for "wildcat"] "Saru"! [Noun 1: A sandglass] [Noun 2: A thread] [Noun 3: Gangwon dialect for "wildcat"] "Saru"? Are you kidding me? You think this is baseball? ["Saru" can also mean "fourth base"] - Don't you know lion's mane? - Exactly! [Lion's mane is "roe deer bottom mushroom" in Korean] [Saru bottom mushroom] - You know, roe deer bottom mushroom! - Sorry! [Hope's wrong answer caused quite the stir] - Sorry, everyone. - "Saru"? "Saru"? You're kidding me. This is the last question. - All seven of you need to answer. - That's easy. [All seven will participate in the last one] - It's easy! - All right. [Focus] - I'll count to five. - Okay. [Production Crew] Five? Isn't that too quick? We need time to write... - You get 5 seconds. - Okay. [A count to five = 5 seconds] Please show the question. [An English Question: ARMY OOOOOOO] [An English Question: ARMY OOOOOOO] [(Rushing)] What? What is it? [Confused Hope] - What is it? - I don't know! [What is it? What?] You don't know this? Oh, okay! - ARMY! - Hey! [The English word you want to say after "ARMY"] - Hurry! - Hey! [The English word you want to say after "ARMY"] Wait. Is this right? How can you not know this? Exactly! You have to know this. I'd be disappointed if you didn't. - I thought of it as soon as I saw it. - Same here. [The answer is "FOREVER"] Oh, this! [Got so excited that he wrote the whole word] - But this... - What is it? I don't know. [And once again confused] I... [And once again confused] j-hope, you got "saru" wrong too! [So confident] [(You only have to write "R")] How can you get this wrong too? [So confident] - I have no clue what this is. - I knew it right away. [(What) (is it)] I didn't know what it was at first and wrote, "ARMY, you are mine". [(What) (is it)] Wow. I actually have no idea. In 1, 2... You have to get this one right. [(I'll just write whatever)] Oh, I got it! I got it! I know it! In 1, [Yoohoo] - You have to get this one. - 2... What do we do with you? [Production crew crying for the 2nd time] Isn't it this? [Production crew crying for the 2nd time] This is the perfect answer! [I mean, there's that too...] Did someone misspell it? Isn't it "borahae"? [Two for "borahae"] I wrote "borahae" too. [Happy to find a mate] - But it's seven letters. - Exactly! So, "borahae". ["Nyeon"] Isn't it "forever"? - Isn't it "forever"? - It's "forever"! [Exactly] "ARMY, borahae"! Oh, but my "O" is still right. [Wrong but right] I wrote "borahae" too! [The puppy kitty is happy he found another "borahae" mate] Isn't it "borahae"? Yours is still right! Isn't it "ARMY, we love you"? I... [A confident "ARMY, we love you" joins in] - "Nyeon"! - "Nyeon"? [Another one with a more confusing answer] - Where did you even get "nyeon"? - "Nyeon" is... [(Probably thought it was "Bangtansonyeondan")] Some of you did get it right. [The answer is there] Is it "borahae"? [The answer is there] It has to be "borahae"! Isn't it "forever"? Isn't it "ARMY, we love you"? How did you even get "We love you"? "We love you" is nine letters long! I guess my "R" is right for both "forever" and "borahae". - Mine's "R" even if it's "borahae". - You're right. [Sitting in the best spot] It has to be "borahae". [An adamant member of Team Borahae] I'm right whether it's "forever" or "borahae". [So excited] Everyone... - You're right. -'s an English question. [Production Crew] [Hint] Exactly. Isn't it a romanized Korean word? [Hint rejected] This is so frustrating! [Hng] Hey, it must be "forever"! Of course! It's "forever"! "AFBF". What's the answer? [Please get it right] It's "forever"! He basically gave it away! Then I don't have to change mine! [Shocked] - 3! Please show your answers! - Which letter am I? Which letter am I? Am I the second or the fourth? He doesn't know which letter he has to write. [Another challenge] But... My first answer was right. [The answer reveal] "Borahae"? Nonsense! [So fascinated] Isn't my first answer right? That's so cool! See? It's so cool! [Why Hope is so fascinated] My "E" would've been correct even if the answer was "we love you". - I was right either way too. / - You... [(Best spot 1) (Best spot 2) [(Self-made best spot)] Things are going quite well today. [(Best spot 1) (Best spot 2) [(Self-made best spot)] Was I supposed to write "V"? I was, right? [Just had to write his name] The answer is "forever". [Revealing the answer to the members] Did anyone write "borahae" instead? [Revealing the answer to the members] How frustrating. We basically got this wrong. That was a practice round since it was our first English question. Anyway, [Nope] you got 2 right so far, including the practice question. [That's too bad] You guys! - This is so frustrating. - Next up, we have the practical section. [Don't fret, the practical questions remain] There's a practical section too? - Next is the practical section of the We Are One Test. / - It's matching poses. [We Are One Test, Practical Section Members must pose the same to the given prompt] - I guess we have to pose for it. - We have to move. I'm good at this. [Confident] If I remember correctly, [Looking back on their past attempts] we were absolutely terrible at this. - We have to be good at using our bodies. - Yes. [Can they make up for their failure in the written section?] We'll start off with the easiest one. [Practical Section, Question One] Should we do a practice round or go right away? [Production Crew] Right away. - We have to go right away. - Right away. - Let's start right away. - Okay, let's start then. Question One. I'll keep it easy. [Difficulty Level: Easy] [What's the first prompt?] Someone who dropped their phone on their face while lying down in bed. [Prompt] [Keke] - This... - We just have to pose the same. - Just lay down the same. - Someone who dropped their phone [(Just laying down first)] on their face [How do I check my phone in bed?] while playing with it in bed. [They have to act it out] - You want us to act that out? / - Yes. [They have to act it out] In 1, 2, 3. Isn't this the face you make? Aren't we supposed to make a face? I'm exactly like this. [Ouch] This is what I do. [Oww] - Wrong. - Why? You have to turn your head sideways. I turned my head. What? I did exactly that! [I turned my head too!!] I turn my head to the left. Ouch! [(Same here)] I don't turn my head. [Heh] "What?" I just go like that. [Bring the pain, oh yeah] You just let it flop onto your face? [Shocked] - I don't turn my head. I do this. - You would totally do that. [The type to face his pain right on] I'm shocked you don't turn your head. - I'm serious. - You're just trying to be funny. No, I'm not. [Keke] Who just takes it right in his face? [Keke] Even when you drop it while dozing off, you're bound to subconsciously turn your head. But I accept his answer because Namjoon would really do that. That's true. I can see it. [Can agree now that he thinks about it] I have a question, though. [Suddenly curious] If the seven of us drop our phones in our faces but turn to different sides, are we not considered one? Onto the next prompt! [Speed it up] Cut! You drank a coffee, thinking it was lukewarm, [Prompt] only to find out that it's piping hot. [Prompt] We have to scrunch our faces again! In 1, 2, - 3! - I don't drink coffee, though. [So hot] - Isn't it this? - I don't really drink hot coffee. [SUlurp] [His best acting game] Everyone except Namjoon matched. [Production Crew] What are you doing? - What? - What did you do? - What did you do? - Are you out of your mind? It's this! [An exact representation of someone who drank a hot coffee] It's this! [(Like this)] - I did that! / - It's this! [(Like this) (I was right)] What did you do? Who does that while drinking their coffee? If you throw it like that, the coffee will spill! I wouldn't be surprised if he spilled it, so I kind of understand. [I somehow get it because it's Namjoon?] Who goes like this? You'd burn your hand then. You'd go like this. I wouldn't be surprised if Namjoon just let his hand burn. [Namjoon would spill it] Do you want to stand out today? Is that it? No, not at all. [Sorry] Why are you being a rebel today? Onto the next one. [Time to move on] Onto the next prompt. But this... Sure. I guess that's right. I'll try to think about what others would normally do. I'll count to 3, and this time, get up and pose. [Production Crew] Okay. - You're playing a game at a PC cafe, - Yes, I'm gaming. [Prompt] - and the computer just turned off. - What? [Prompt] - Wait. - In 1, 2, 3! No! [Already looks like a fail] Why would you get up for this? [Already looks like a fail] That's too unrealistic. [Keke] You'd react like that if your computer turned off [This can't be ☆] - at a PC cafe? - You really know nothing about games. [Definitely barely goes to PC cafes] - I don't really know because I'm never there. Sorry. - What a legend moment. - You have to smack the desk and jump up! - Exactly! [The most knowledgeable one in this field] Yes, that's it! Who smacks down the desk and gets up? [Protect the desk at all cost] - You just go, "Huh?" - That wasn't sincere enough. [(The type that just gets surprised first)] You just go, "Huh?" first! [(The type that just gets surprised first)] I get confused and call the front desk person over. [Jung Kook gets confused first then asks for help] When I go to a PC cafe, and the computer turns off, I look over at the counter person first. - No, you go like this first! - No, this comes first! [Client (1013): Sir, Computer 7 turned off. Counter: That can't be. Hold on] Would your reaction be that gentle even if it were a ranking game? They did an experiment on this on a show. [They even tested it on TV] Let's watch that. But SUGA, yours was seriously... [Nobody would've gone like that keke] I don't game nor go to PC cafes, so I don't know. [Min Yoongi / Not a gamer] I've only seen people react like this in soccer. All right. That's too bad. [Failed on the second prompt too] I guess you guys really never play video games. - Let's put on our best acting game for real now. - Yes. Be as serious as you can. It shouldn't be this hard. This is a pretty standard one. [Third prompt] A puppy that's met its owner for the first time in a week. [Prompt] I feel like Hobi is going to nail this. This requires understanding a dog's emotions too? [Doesn't know since he's a cat] I can do a spot-on impression of this. [So confident] 1, [Channeling his inner Bam] 2, 3! They'd go like this. Wag their tail. [7 dogs 7 reactions] - Ey. - Real dogs [Ey- buddy. Nice to see you again] don't go panting. [Real dogs don't pant] [Hyperrealism] Yes, they go like that! [Hyperrealism] - Holly just keeps going like this. - They do this. [Hyperrealism22] That's what Bam does! [Who brought Bam on the set?] - This depends on the dog. - Yes, this... Tan doesn't even do that. My dog isn't all that happy to see me. [Confession from a dog owner who's never been welcomed] This is a really hard prompt to match poses for. [Being one isn't easy...] For this one, - We'll give you a point - Yes. [Adjusting the difficulty level] - as long as your expressions match. - Okay! [Adjusting the difficulty level] You thought you won the lottery, but the numbers were from last week. [Prompt] Wait. [Prompt] [(Getting in character)] Yes, just make that face! - It's this. - Make that exact face! In 1, 2, 3. Isn't it this? - Guys, you have to frown! - Yes, frown! You have to frown. What did you do? Is it... - It's that? - Let us see yours. - What did you do? - I'd be stunned. [Last week's numbers, huh] Tears. [Last week's numbers, huh] [Failed this time too] I'd find it so funny. [Failed this time too] Everyone has such different emotions. I bought some recently. [Random Overshare: SUGA recently bought lottery tickets] - Really? - Yes, lottery tickets. How did it go? - You thought you'd won 1st place... - I didn't win anything, of course. [I would've told you if I won heh] We didn't get a single one right. ["We Are One" Practical Section Current Score - 0] We had better chances with the written section. No, I'm traumatized from the "noru" one. ["Noru" is "roe deer"] "Saru"! You should be able to get this one. [Production Crew] Okay! Yes, let's get one right this time. You made a mistake while dancing and made eye contact with j-hope. [Prompt] [So funny keke] In 1, 2, [Ready] 3! Your mouth! [Kekeke] Your mouth would go like that. [Pursed lips 1] Isn't it this? [◀ Pursed lips 2] - I know! - It's exactly that. [Random Overshare: BTS' lips purse when they get the dance wrong] We all got this one. [Kekeke] Because we have experience. [They all have experience] Each one of us has experienced this before. [Keke] Everyone's experienced this for sure. You're dancing, and when you get it wrong... We've all been there. [Everyone knows the feeling] When you're the only one sitting down. [Glance] I guess everyone looks at j-hope when we make mistakes while dancing. It's a natural reaction. Hobi is just always wherever I look. - The funniest part is - I don't know why, though. when Hobi is behind me, and I should keep dancing to the front but turn back to look at Hobi. and I should keep dancing to the front but turn back to look at Hobi. [Only feels safe when he's in sight] - And we always make eye contact. - You can't help but look away when you make eye contact with Hobi. [Always make eye contact when they mess up] - He remembers our mistakes so well too. - Exactly. Most people would forget, but he comes right after the performance and goes, "Hey, you messed up there, didn't you?" I know. We don't usually remember anything after performing, - No, we don't. - but Hobi always does. Crew members, you're ready, right? [Production Crew] - Yes. - Yes. [Very determined] - What is it? - What's going on? What if it's like a sudden 7-on-7 fight? What kind of nonsense is that? [Squabble] - You think you're any better? - You think they'd do that? [Squabble squabble] - You'll be required to move. - Move? [Not a fight, but you have to move] I'm really curious now. To make sure we don't give it away, you'll put on blindfolds and move. - What? - Really? [Surprised] - Why? - Please bring in the blindfolds. [Really? Blindfolds?] That's a lot of props. What are we possibly doing? How much have they prepared for Run BTS' return after so long? [So excited] - What? - Please put on the blindfolds. You've taken it up a notch for sure. Look at what they've prepared. [Froggie blindfolds (A notch up)] - It's the sad frog! - Oh, the frog! Which way is... Which side is the bottom? [(So sad)] Why? Put them on already! [(Grumble)] I did. Put it on already! Everyone's done. - You're all wearing it, right? - Yes. [Actually, I'm the last one] Put your hands on each other's shoulders. Hold his shoulders. Shoulders. It's a choo-choo train! Hold his shoulders... [Hehe] [Everyone, choo-choo!] - j-hope? - Yes? - Is that you? - Yes. - Shoulders? - Why? [▲ Super excited, ▲ Super scared] Shoulders! Make a choo-choo train. - Come this way. - Hold his shoulders? [(Runaway captured)] Please come this way. I really can't see anything with this blindfold on. - It makes you close your eyes. - It's made so that you'd close them. [Doesn't block the view but closes your eyes shut] I feel like I'm going to trip over. j-hope, what do you mean, trip over? [Nom] My fingers went into someone's mouth! [Had we known they'd get this excited, we would've gotten these for them sooner] What a difficult team we are. [Choo-choo BTS is ready to go] Hold onto each other's shoulders. [Choo-choo BTS is ready to go] Here we go. [Production Crew] We're going! Taehyung, we're going! [Urgent] [(In another world)] Wait! I'm scared. I don't have anyone. It's like right before starting an escape room. [Probably how it'd look if they went to an escape room together] - Why aren't you going? - Wait. [(Helping hand)] I lost him. I lost him, too. I lost Taehyung's shoulders. Come on! What's so difficult about this? [(Annoyed)] Is walking forward so hard? [(So) (sad)] Hold the person's neck so that you don't let go! [Let's hurry up] Why can't you even walk forward? [Let's hurry up] - We're going! - But wait. If we keep going, [Even getting started is a challenge] we'll hit the white wall, no? [After all the ruckus, Choo-choo BTS is really off] Hey. [After all the ruckus, Choo-choo BTS is really off] Hey, hey, hey! Slowly! What? On the floor! There are snakes on the floor! Why would there be snakes? - We're not getting on the elevator, are we? - ♪ Is this the first time [(Bravely marching forward)] We're turning a corner! [Kookie Maps: Turn right] We're going around a corner! [Kookie Maps: Turn right] I can already tell we're by the elevators. [Elevators?] - Are we at the elevators? - We're in the elevator hall. We're getting in an elevator? It's an elevator. [Correct] Elevator! We're on! Turn right, and we should be in the elevator. We're in the elevator. This is so cool. This is going to be so difficult. [Murmur] We're really going this far? Are we filming "American Hustle Life 2"? [Terrified seven frogs] Jin, I think we've been fooled. [Terrified seven frogs] - Is this a tour around HYBE or something? - Why are we going to B4? [(A tour of HYBE?)] - Wait. - Hey! Wait. [Arrived on B4] Hold each other's shoulders again. Taehyung is in the front. [Put your hands on the shoulders of the person before you get off!] I don't think I should be the leader. Who is this? We're underground. [(Tightly)] - Isn't this the parking lot? - Yes, it is. [Yes, it's the parking lot] Now, you'll go one by one. [They're on their own from here] One at a time? [Startled] - Starting from Taehyung. The rest can wait here. - What? [V is going first] - What? - Wait. This is so scary. [(Nervous)] - No, I think it'll be fun. - See you all on the other side, okay? [Anxious and excited] - Run! - I feel like we're going to an escape room cafe. No way. - I can take the blindfold off? - Yes. [Taking the blindfold off in just three steps?] Let's go. Please take Taehyung to his car. [Production Crew] [This is going to be so fun] Please take the blindfold off. - What? Take it off? - Yes. [One by one] [One by one, everyone is] [One by one, everyone is taking the blindfolds off] - Please take Jung Kook to his car. - What? [They're all being dragged off somewhere...] Please take Namjoon. [They're all being dragged off somewhere...] [Jin is the last one to take his blindfold off] Okay. [Looks around] - Let's go. - Go where? [You'll know when you go] [Confused] Who will sit here? [(An empty seat)] "V"? [(Checks the name tag on the front window)] I'm the only one in this car? Only me? [I'm on my own?] Why? [Getting anxious] Are we actually all going on our own? What's going on? What? What's going on? [But we just got together...] [The members are taken over by chaos] What are we doing? [The members are taken over by chaos] [Meanwhile, one man is as calm as ever] [Is there anything around here?] [(Instinctively drawn)] What is this drink here in this unfamiliar car? Mogu Mogu! [Packed with soft and chewy real jellies] [Packed with soft and chewy real jellies, a taste you can't resist once you try it] [Mogu Mogu] [While SUGA enjoys a bottle of Mogu Mogu] This is good. [A mysterious envelope arrives] [The members each receive an envelope] What? How has the scale of Run BTS gotten so big? Run BTS has gotten so grand. [Run BTS... you feel different] [Hah...] A mission card, huh? [Hah...] I don't think we've ever received a full-on mission like this. [The first-ever real mission card on Run BTS] Stay calm. Always. [No, I can't stay calm] Wow, no way. We're really doing this? That's why we started with those games? [Everything's falling into place] [What's today's real mission] [the members have just received?] "We will now officially begin the Telepathy" "Telepathy" "The Telepathy Game." [Find the Members Using Telepathy] [One round ends once every member has arrived at their destinations] [They can't stay in the same destination twice (But they can go to another one and come back in the following round)] [They can go anywhere within Seoul] [It counts even if they meet while on the move] (This rule is applicable from Round 2)] [ROUND 1 Keyword: Real fun] [Arrrrghh!!!] "Real fun"? [Keyword] "Real fun", you say? [Scratch] Where should I go? [The keyword is open to different interpretations] It's telepathy. [Let me think] I have to go somewhere the members would know. Where did we have real fun? [Where's a real fun spot for BTS?] What could "real fun" be? The place I had the most fun with the members... [Thinking carefully] "Real fun"! [Think about when we had real fun] [Think about when we had real fun] I honestly have no idea. "Real fun"? "Real fun". [Another clueless one here] It's summer! Seoul? Right. It's limited to Seoul. [Where was he thinking of going?] This is so hard! None of the members have left yet. [Current number of members that left: 0] "Real fun"? I think I should head to Jamsil, then. Wouldn't it be a concert venue? [j-hope's PICK, Option 1, "Olympic Stadium"] Would they go to Jamsil, though? [I'm worried. Would they think of the stadium too?] It could be our dorm if we're talking about fun. They might suddenly go to Nonhyeon-dong. [They have many fond memories from their younger days] [Of strolling around Nonhyeon-dong] Our first dorm? [Reminiscent] We did have a lot of fun by the old dorm. I think I might find someone if I went to the old dorm. [The youngest ones will go to "the old dorm in Nonhyeon-dong" first?] Nonhyeon-dong, please. [Still remembers the address] [Let's head to Nonhyeon-dong] [Jimin heads off first] I believe in you guys, okay? [Jimin heads off first] Oh? He's leaving! I believe in you! [Spreading his faith to them all] What did he say? [Thinking] [(Hmm)] Just head out for now, please. You have to put in an address. [Production crew] We have to put in an address? But where is there "real fun" in Seoul? [Contemplating] Where did I have the most fun with the members? Why can't I only remember working and practicing with them? [After much thought...] Seoul. I'll go to Jamwon Han River Park. [...he makes his decision] I'll head to the old dorm. Nonhyeon-dong. [Nice! The Nonhyeon-dong dorm gets the most votes] Nonhyeon-dong. [I'll join you guys too] [SUGA, RM, Jin, and V set off too] Just sitting around and thinking doesn't help with anything in this case. It's best to think again when I get there. There won't be anyone going to the Olympic Stadium or something, right? I think it's the Olympic Stadium. [There is] Yes. The concert. BTS and ARMY had the most fun [The perfect place for "real fun" with ARMY] at the stadium. Let's go to the Olympic Stadium in Jamsil. Hobi is leaving too? Where do they think it is? [(I'm off first)] Can't I just follow them? [Keke] This is driving me crazy. Am I overthinking it? Should I just follow my gut? Should we just go to Lotte World? If you think about it, an amusement park is a very fun place, and we have a good memory of going there together in our trainee days. I don't know. I'll just get going first. If I don't find anyone there, I'll just go on a ride. [SUGA: Jamwon Han River Park, RM, Jin, Jimin, V: The Nonhyeon-dong dorm, j-hope: Olympic Stadium, Jung Kook: Lotte World] I feel like I'm making a mistake. [Nervous] [Members, come to Lotte World] [(Sending)] Oh! Yes! Real fun! I thought of one! It's Lotte World! We had real fun when we went to Lotte World together. [Did the telepathy really work?] Actually... We had so much fun at Lotte World. [Lotte World is the perfect place for real fun] [Kekekekeke] There can't be anyone foolish enough to go to Lotte World, though, right? [By foolish, he means beautiful] [Destination: Lotte World] We had so much fun at Lotte World when we were trainees. [Destination: Lotte World] Yoongi had to leave early because he had a stomachache. [Destination: Lotte World] [SUGA◀ Left early] And the remaining six went together, [Destination: Lotte World] [We made great memories there] but I really hope nobody is going to Lotte World. [Destination: Lotte World] [But nobody would choose it as the first spot] Lotte World is the only place I can think of when I think of "real fun". What? [Opening the window] Hey! Hey! [The hey receiver, SUGA] [(So happy to see him)] Hey! [(So happy to see him)] - Why are we going this way? - Hey, where are you going? SUGA, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of "real fun"? Shouldn't we go somewhere we can do something? [SUGA is heading "somewhere he can do something"] - Somewhere we can do something? - First... Hey, is it possible to change lanes to that one? [(I'm off)] [And so, SUGA leaves] - Hey! - Seoul... Is there anywhere fun in Seoul? Why aren't we going that way? I guess we're going somewhere different. Really? We... [(Finger still longing for that lane)] [Noo T T] We've already failed. Maybe we can turn the car and go that way. [Maybe I should change my destination...] Where would you want to go? [Production Crew] No idea. Where should I... I just don't think I'm going the right way. I wonder who I'll meet there. [I wonder... who got my telepathy signal?] There has to be at least one. I'm 100 percent sure. There's at least one person for sure. No, more than one. That doesn't look like a production crew's van. [But why don't I see any Run BTS vans...?] Is that a crew van? How about behind us? [But why don't I see any Run BTS vans...?] [But why don't I see any Run BTS vans...?] Is there really nobody? [The closer he gets to the stadium] [The closer he gets to the stadium, the more anxious he gets...] Is there really nobody here? [Guys... you're coming, right?] No, there has to be at least one person. [I believe in them] See? The camera crew is already there. No? [(Not our vans)] [(Not our vans)] Never mind. There are two vans that look just like this one [So funny keke] going exactly the same way! [Undeniably going the same way] Can you just follow that van ahead of us? [Beep- that's against the rules] I have hope. [Feeling much better now] We can do this, my friends! Let's meet up in our spot full of memories. [To. My beloved members] If you don't come, I'll assume you didn't have any memories there. Who do you think will come to the Nonhyeon-dong dorm? [Production Crew] I think SUGA will come. SUGA. SUGA is very attached to the old dorm. [His reason] He has a love-hate relationship with it. [SUGA, who loved the dorm] Isn't the Han River the most fun spot in Seoul? [He's headed to the real fun Han River] [Looks around] I don't see any of the members' vans yet. [Cheekbone up ▶] I see one. There has to be someone who is thinking the same as me. [I knew I could count on my members] - The van behind ours? - Yes. That's ours. [= The production crew's] Yes, our car. [= Run BTS van] So, there's a member in it. No, our car. [= Our car that's following SUGA] That's our camera director's van. [☆ The camera director is in the van ☆] [Oh...] [Disappointed] I'd really get goosebumps if all seven of us met up at the same spot. 1 minute to arrival! [The first dorm where it all began] [The Han River, where he even remembers the breeze they enjoyed together] [The amusement park they visited during their naive days full of dreams] [They're all walking down memory lane and to each other] [Look around the familiar scenery unfolding] Oh! Behind us. Who is it? [And you'll see someone who has arrived at the same time] [Arrived at the Nonhyeon-dong dorm] This is it. [Arrived at the Nonhyeon-dong dorm] [Telepathy Special, who will be the first ones to meet?] Hey, you're here! I knew it! [A familiar voice] Jin! Jin! I knew at least one person would come here. I made a spot-on prediction. [The first reunion of the Telepathy Special is of Jin & V] I... [Right then] [Jimin is here too] Hey, you're here! Of course! Where else? You're here! What a relief. [Hugging] - At first... / - Three people came here! [So glad to see each other when it's only been 20 minutes] At first... I didn't think you'd come here. I thought of going to Lotte World at first. I thought Jung Kook and you would go to the Olympic Stadium, [So glad to see V unexpectedly] but I knew you'd come to this area. [So glad to see V unexpectedly and so glad to see Jin as expected] - But this... - What confused me a bit, though, I thought you might've gone to Hakdong Park. Me too! So I really had to think about it. - I thought of the practice room. - Yes, I thought of that too. [From the park to the dorm and the practice room, the three could've missed each other] Hoseok or someone else could've gone there. Yes, I think so too. [Agreed] Hoseok would go to the practice room or something. [Anyone who they run into on the way can join them from now on] They said whoever we spot from now on can join us. [Anyone who they run into on the way can join them from now on] How could they... How could they not come here? This is the place to come! This has to be our starting point. Yes, this is where everything started! Is there really nobody? [Meanwhile, j-hope is at the Olympic Stadium alone] But this place is so fun! [Meanwhile, j-hope is at the Olympic Stadium alone] [Sigh~~~~~] This is where we performed... Where we perform. It's the Olympic Stadium. Oh? I see one. I see a van. I see a van over there! [A van has caught j-hope's eyes] [(It's me)] It's here! Is that one of us? [Did someone change their destination?] I think it's one of us! No way! Who could it be? [So hopeful] Who read my mind? Or not? I guess not. That's embarrassing. [It wasn't one of us] [Now, he's just a man that randomly waves at cars at the Olympic Stadium] I guess it's another production crew van. That's so embarrassing. [Embarrassed and awkward] [Unintentionally becoming a false hope special] This is it. [Meanwhile, SUGA has arrived at the Han River!] This is where we did that. [Meanwhile, SUGA has arrived at Han River!] [Welcome, welcome] My phone. [Getting off with much hope] Isn't this one of the very few places in Seoul where you can do something? Real fun? Where did the guys go? [And...] [And... nobody came] It's hot. [(10 second later, gets back in the van)] I hope the guys didn't go too far. Goodness. Where could they possibly have gone? One person has gone quite far away... It must be Yoongi! [Rule 1: One round is over once each member has arrived at their spots] It's either Yoongi or Jung Kook. [Correct] But I think someone will join us - in the second round. - Yes. But we can't stay here. [Rule 2: Cannot stay in the same destination twice (But they can go to another one and come back)] Let's leave a message here, then. [Rule 2: Cannot stay in the same destination twice (But they can go to another one and come back)] Oh! That sounds good. - That's a good idea! - Yes. - We can write on a sticky note, "We were here". - No. [(An idea bank)] We should write, "Let's meet in Round Four". [- From Seokjin, Jimin, and Taehyung] Because whoever comes here for Round 2 can't come here again for Round 3. [So smart] - But here... - Then, if we come in Round 3... [They'll all just gather in Round 4] - We'll just meet here in Round 4 too? - Exactly. [They'll all just gather in Round 4] It's on the right. [RM is 50m away from arrival] [Spots the crowd as soon as he turns right] I knew it! [Spots the crowd as soon as he turns right] I knew it. Everyone thinks the same! [Nice] Is someone here? Is it Namjoon? - Namjoon! - Hey, Namjoon! [Namjoon has arrived] I told you to hurry! What took you so long? [Keke, he's getting scolded at arrival] Everyone thinks the same, no? [Run BTS Kim Seokjin has joined the party (1/7) Run BTS Kim Taehyung has joined the party (2/7) Run BTS Park Jimin has joined the party (3/7) Run BTS Kim Namjoon has joined the party (4/7)] Where did you go first? I was going to go to Han River at first. [But changed his mind] Hey, I almost went to Lotte World. Me too! I was going to go to Lotte World! - I thought about that too! - Because I thought at least one would go to Lotte World. I was really going to go there, then... [Predicting whoever isn't here now = Went to Lotte World] But apparently one person is still on his way. [Predicting whoever isn't here now = Went to Lotte World] I'm pretty sure at least someone went to Lotte World. [(Confident ☆)] [Yes, someone did] Jung Kook, we've arrived. You'll get off for a bit... [Production Crew] - Do I get off here? - Yes. [All the members are at their destinations] [ROUND 1 ends] Round 1 was very... [Announcing that the round is over] Has everyone arrived? Yes, they have. [Production Crew] I don't think anyone is in Jamsil, then. You can't get to Jamsil this quickly. [(Guessing where the members are based on the arrival time)] - You can get there fast. / - It's totally doable. [(Guessing where the members are based on the arrival time)] They would've had just enough time to reach Jamsil by now. - It's not the broadcasting station. - I bet someone is at the Olympic Stadium. [Divided opinions on Olympic Stadium vs Lotte World] I'm sure someone's at Lotte World. [Divided opinions on Olympic Stadium vs Lotte World] - No, not Lotte World. It's the Olympic Stadium. - Lotte World is a bit far. [Answer: There's someone at both places] No way, not Lotte World. How could we film there? [It's too crowded to film at Lotte World] Exactly. If it's this hour, it has to be the Olympic Stadium If anyone went to Lotte World right now, he's a total attention seeker. Jung Kook, [Ta-da] Round 1 [Just as Jung Kook arrives, Round 1 ends] [* We found a non-crowded place to film] - over now. / - Is it? [Just as Jung Kook arrives, Round 1 ends] [* We found a non-crowded place to film] You were the last to arrive [Production Crew] and failed to meet any members here. [Production Crew] Everyone's arrived. [Another one hearing the news alone] Really? Nobody came to Han River? How frustrating. How can nobody come to Han River? We have so many memories here! [Glug] [He's filling his empty heart with Mogu Mogu] j-hope, Round 1 is over. [Production Crew] Really? No way! [This can't be] Oh, no. I was too loud. [(Adjusts his volume on his own)] Nobody came here? I'm so shocked. This is too shocking. None of the members thought like me. I'm so shocked. ["Shock" is the only word that comes to mind] What do we do now? The keyword for Round 2 is "salty" or "mad". [Play the next round] - Sorry? - "Salty". [Production Crew] "Salty"? [What am I supposed to do] [ROUND 2 Keyword: Salty, or mad] - "Salty". - "Salty"? As in, "I'm salty"? [Salty: Verb, feeling upset or mad] [Agh] Salty? Why are you salty? [Might get salty over the keyword "salty"] Why are the keywords so difficult? [A totally unexpected keyword] [A totally unexpected keyword] [Will BTS be able to find one another?] [This content includes paid promotion and products from Mogu Mogu]
Views: 8,028,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, 알엠, RM, 슈가, SUGA, 제이홉, jhope, 지민, 정국, k-pop, 방탄, j-hope, Jung Kook, Jimin, BTS V, Jin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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