Run BTS! 2022 Special Episode - Fly BTS Fly Part 1

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This truly belongs in the Run episodes hall of fame I was laughing nonstop through the whole thing🤣

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/saIvatorie 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
"Run BTS"! [This video was filmed complying with the COVID-19 guidelines] Ah...What is all this? [This so unfamiliar...] I was so shocked after hearing about it. - Flying yoga! - Who, who, who said we should do this? No, this is kind of... [Who, who, who said we should do this?] Doesn't it look kind of scary? [Eyes shaking] Yeah. Honestly, I have an idea. [The story goes...] [During the past telepathy special] Recruit men in the neighborhood to play footvolley, 7vs7. [Sharing various ideas for "Run BTS" content] How about farming? Do you want to go check our lap time? I also want to try pole dancing! Flying yoga...! Flying yoga...! [Caught the criminal] [Words thoughtlessly said] - Flying yoga. / - Who, who, who... [Words thoughtlessly said become a reality on "Run BTS"] No, this is kind of... [Words thoughtlessly said become a reality on "Run BTS"] - Doesn't it look kind of scary? / - I know, right? [The unfamiliar hammocks look terrifying] No way you matched these to purple, right? - I don't think so. / - No way. / - No way. [It hit us as soon as we came here to check it out] But, you know, this is a kind of illness. Whenever we see purple, is it somehow connected to us? [Pfft] - We didn't pay the copyright for purple. / - Right. [(Purple♥︎)] - We didn't pay the copyright for purple. - Right. There's so much purple in the world. - Purple is not ours. - I asked... I asked just in case. [There's many purples in the world, but today's purple was indeed prepared for you (wink)] I've never tried flying yoga. I don't know if I can do it. [While everyone's worried] - You know you basically hang upside down? - Right. [While everyone's worried about doing flying yoga for the first time...] I've never tried flying yoga. I don't know if I can do it. [...a swan elegantly flaps his wings] For flying yoga, your posture... [...a swan elegantly flaps his wings] [Squirm] [Squirm] [Squirm] [...?] [Pressed the speaking button] So what are we doing today! What do you mean "what"? We're doing this! [Kekeke] Today, all of you... [After confirming his curiosity, he returns] ...will obtain photos to post on social media! [Today's goal] [Obtain the best photos for social media!] [Today's goal] [Obtain the best photos for social media!] While hanging, - photos doing things like this. / - Right. [(That kind of vibe)] Will we be able to make it look cool? [Worried] Is it possible for us to make a cool pose? [For the coolest photo of your lives,] There's someone who'll help. [For the coolest photo of your lives, there's a teacher to teach Bangtannies] We're in trouble. [Worried] [Worried] - Teacher! - Where is teacher? [Teacher, please come out!] Teacher! Teacher! - The teacher arrives! - Teacher! [Bulky] [Burly] The teacher's physique is really...! The muscles on his body...! The muscles on his body...! [Strong] [Sturdy] [Coming in strong with his physique from the get-go] It's crazy! [Eyes glittering] [How one gym addict recognizes another] - Right away... / - He's just suddenly doing a demo? [Here you go, a demonstration] - Suddenly... / - Suddenly? [Fascinating] No questions, no answers. [Truly Fascinating] [(Oh my)] We can't... I don't think we can even do that. [(Confidence plummets)] [Is this flying yoga...] [Is this flying yoga or a circus of the sun?] [The novices get really nervous] Hold on, hold on. [The novices get really nervous] [This is flying yoga] [(Wow!!!)] [Very comfortable] [(OㅁO)] [(I'm...going to do this...?)] - So cool! - Sorry, but he levitated from the start! He just straight up levitated! [Totally awake by the sudden air show] Hello! [Dead] [An unconventional first greeting] I'm the first flying yoga male instructor, Lee Sung-young. [Firm] Wow! - He's the first . / - Teacher Lee Sung-young. [Wow!] Teacher Sung-young! He's a pioneer. A pioneer. [It's great to meet you] [Amazed] He's a pioneer. A pioneer. [So flexible] Yeah! [!!] [!!!] Yeah! [Body Drop] [Your eyes are shocked, right?] Wow, my head would have cracked just now. Just now, if it was me. - Wow, that's amazing! - Yeah! Yeah! I saw things like that on social media! [The technique that he saw on social media] [Male flying yoga instructor #1] [Lee Sung-young] He made a fantastic appearance! [The teacher appeared with an amazing demo] Then is there a #2?? [Suddenly curious] [#2...] You can be #2! [Will decide after trying it out today] [Will decide after trying it out today (probably not)] There probably is. [Probably] - It's rare, right? It's rare to have a male instructor. - Yes, that's right. But did you make that body with flying yoga? Um.... - He probably worked out, right? - What if he pumps a lot of metal at home? [Suspicions(?) of weight training on the side] Flying yoga works out the entire body, so... [(Listening carefully when talking about working out)] Ah! [(Jealous)] - Those are muscles that were made in action! - I know, right? [(Jealous)] - I heard it really works you out. - I know. I got shocked seeing his lower body as soon as he came in. His lower body... His lower body... [Very sturdy muscles] [Very sturdy muscles] - His lower body... / - His lower body... [Jung Kook slowly gets ready] - If you get hit once, you're gone. - What am I going to do, seriously? [Warmup mode, ON] Our Jung Kook is going to be good at this again. [♥︎] Since our teacher is here,.. / - Yes. [So,...] Do we stretch first? Or what? [So, what do we need to do first?] - First, you're going to open up your hammocks. - Yes. - They're called hammocks! / - Yes, the hammock. [(Time to open up the hammocks)] Can we sleep in them? I'll put you to sleep at the end. He's going to put us to sleep. [(Maybe I shouldn't have said that...)] - Maybe... / - Bam! / - I'm scared. [Maybe like this?] - Let's do it. / - Okay! [(I won't hurt you)] Ah! We have to warm up. Then should we go to our own spots? [Moving to their own hammocks] Do we have our own spots? [Moving to their own hammocks] Okay! I'll go over there. [Moving to their own hammocks] I'll go there. [Moving to their own hammocks] [(Unraveling the hammocks)] Oh! I unraveled it! I unraveled it. It's purple! [Purple hammock, We Purple You♡] I Purple You! [Purple hammock, We Purple You♡] [Hop!] Whee~ Jimin! Jimin! [Meanwhile, on the other side...] I want to be in the back. - No, a more flexible person has to do it. - I want to be in the back! It's too much pressure. [95s fight for the back spot] A flexible person... No, hold on. [Bickering, Bickering] [V's POV: You're better, so go to the front] Let's have the more flexible person go to the front. [Jimin's POV: I like it here] - But you're really good. - Let's do rock-paper-scissors. [Looking like they're about to dance] Honestly, you're really good. [Looking like they're about to dance] Rock-paper-scissors. Rock-paper-scissors. [Show us...the rock-paper-scissors too...] [Seeing that Jimin came out to the front, Taehyung must have won] [(Hehe)] This is fun! [This is fun~ Hehe] [(Look at him kekeke)] [Hahahahaha kekekeke] [Run Jung Kook] [Whoosh~] [Running~] [Dying of laughter kekeke] I apologize. [^^;;] No, it's fine. [Keke] Hey! Be sincere about this! Be sincere! Okay, okay! [Very obedient] [Yes] No one told you to go up too. Okay. Come down. Jin, come down. [Calm down and get ready for class] I'm sorry. We're kind of noisy. [Calm down and get ready for class] I'm sorry. We're kind of noisy. We're sorry that it's so chaotic! We're going to safely warm up on the floor first. Yes, yes. And then slowly go up in order. - All right. / - Okay! [We're going to start, one by one!] [Tanstagram] [RUN_BTS] [We Purple You 20,130,613] ["Run BTS" Flying Yoga] [When you want the best photo, you have to put your life on the line] Stretch out your legs in front and shake them. [First, start out by shaking your legs out] It's already not easy for me to stretch my legs out. Same here! - My hamstrings are way too short. - There's no way. Me too. That's why I'm leaning back. [The sad people with short hamstrings...] Then spread your hammock out with both hands to your shoulder width. Press down with your shoulders and straighten up your spine. [Straightening up] Wow! I can't do this right now either! Oh? I don't think I can do this...? - I think I'm going to die. - It's already hard. It's already tight! [Predicting hardships to come, just from the warmup] And from there, we're going to pull your toes in and push your heels out. [Like this] [Ahhhhh] [Ahhhhh] Wow! Were we to this extent? Now, we're going to point the toes and stretch out the top of our feet. Oh, I think my legs are going to cramp. [While everyone's struggling with just the stretches...] Without your back collapsing, pull in your toes again. [Jimin follows through without much difficulty] And then point them out again. [(Absolute peace...✩)] [(Absolute peace...✩)] Aside from Jimin right now... Jimin would be good at this. Right, none of us can do this, except for Jimin. It hurts for me too. [Shy] Place your right wrist between here. [Now, follow along for the official warmup!] The wrists now! Right hand, from bottom to top,... [Ctrl+C] - ...twist it 2 times. - Right hand, from bottom to top. [Ctrl+V] [Twisting] And now, with your left hand, your right foot... ...or the top of your knee is good too. [Ugh] 1, 2! [Ha!!] [(Teacher...I cannot reach...)] [(Struggling)] [Whimper] Now, stretch your right hand way back. [In this position] [Ahh...] [Pain] You can touch the knee. The knee. [Don't overdo it, and reach to what you can] And your right hand... ...should stretch to the back. I've been doing chest exercises, so... [Sigh...Why did I work out my chest yesterday?] It hurts so much! [TT TT TT TT] ['s ace is the only one who is at peace] [(Stretch~)] Now, we're going to come back to the center. Now, while pulling it down, we're going to point your left feet and place it above your right knee. Point and... [(That's totally easy)] Point and right knee. [(That's totally easy)] And then, open up your right hand and have your left knee touch the ground. Touch! [Brain: Touch!] How? How? [Hand: It's not happening] Touch where? - How? How? How do you do this? - How do you do this? [Confusion] Isn't it this? This? Oh, j-hope, your pose is something else! [Sexy] It's pretty sexy~ [(Proud)] The left foot... - Send it towards the mirror. - Ahhh! Wait, Teacher! Hahahahaha! [Ahhh! Wait, Teacher!!!] Now, the left foot... - Send it towards the mirror. - Ahhh! Wait, Teacher! [Jin suddenly becomes a spinning wheel] Teacher! [(And he points to j-hope)] Teacher... I'm spinning... Teacher, I'm spinning? [Dangling] [(Startled)] [(Startled)] [Dumbfounded] You have to pull down, so you don't spin. [Problem solved by pulling down with the arm] He's doing flying yoga on the floor. [Kekeke] [Spin] I keep spinning. [Why only me?] [Why only me?] Good job! Hook your toes and come back to the original position. [Struggling] [(Feeling light)] [It's finally comfortable] Hold it with your hands, one by one, cross your legs, and lift up your hips. [Nope] Was taking social media pictures this difficult? SUGA, when you want the best photo, you have to put your life on the line(?). [Putting their lives on the line(?) and learning flying yoga] Your grip power will get so good with this. Your grip and forearm muscles have to be strong for this. [Analyzing flying yoga] [(That's right)] If your back isn't strong, please step back and do it. [Continuing to the next step] Put your hands in between the hammock, turn your thumb and index finger... [And wrap it in] Like this? Like this, keeping it tight. [Quickly picked it up] [Jung Kook, a candidate for top flying yoga student] It's tight. [(Going in between)] The hips stay back, the chest goes forward. [Stick it out] Ugh! Oh! We're still stretching! We're still stretching. I have no fat on my knees, so my knees hurt so much. [An unexpected pain] Place your pelvis on the floor. [Plop] This is possible? [(In so much pain)] [(Cooking noises)] [With sounds of pain, they manage to succeed] [Between the 2 peaceful men,] [the baby lamb is in agony] - The people who are struggling, you can move back. - It's easy for me. [EASY] [NOT EASY] If you're feeling okay, bring your elbows together. Bring them together and raise your chest up. [A combination move] [Stretching up immediately] Oh, Jimin! You can do it? Right! This posture. [(The teacher is proud~)] What am I supposed to do, Teacher? [(I want to do it too!)] Bring your elbows together! Right! Only raise your chest. Push down your pelvis! [(Struggling)] 1! [Straining] Blink your eyes once. [Spinning] [A combination move] [Since he already spun around, time to sleep] Lift your hips where you are. [It's not easy to get back to the original position either] [Aching] You're going to stand up now. Hold on tightly. [Jung Kook is feeling pretty energetic still] When you lean back, your shoulders pop up, right? Use your back and shoulders to pull up. - Like this? - Right, and pull. Wow, this is a workout! Isn't this packing? Packing! - Packing! / - It's Packing. / - Packing! [Confidence surges because something they know came out] What is "packing"? Chin-ups! [A personal demo] [The importance of packing during] Shoulder packing! Shoulder packing! [1-2! 1-2!] Raise your hips up. [In that position] Hip up! Hip up! It's a bridge. A bridge. [Everyone easily pulls through this move] [(Working hard)] Now pull up, with your elbows facing forward. - Hip up. / - Hip up. [The stretching ends] Now, loosen your hands. [HELP] It's not pumping iron. We're pumping fabric(?). [Kekeke] Pumping fabric is harder than pumping iron. [Pumping iron was actually easier...] We're going to slowly get into the moves. [Finally learning actual flying yoga moves] [Tanstagram] [RUN_BTS] [We Purple You 20,130,613] ["Run BTS" Flying Yoga] [No wonder they told us not to eat] [I feel like vomiting] [I drank coffee and it's about to come up] Find the edge and flap it so the wings come out. [Before starting] [Opening up the hammock] Everyone, flap! [Flap, flap] Everyone, flap! [Fluttering] You're going to put your entire right foot in the hammock. - The entire right foot? - The entire right foot. So that your hips to your ankles will be covered. Put your right foot through. Now, make praying hands and grab your right foot. ♪ The praying~ [Singing] ♪ The praying~ Wow! I can't grab it. [???] [The pro entertainer suddenly wants to show everyone his side profile] [(Now, this is the side profile)] [(And this is the front)] Someone is doing a chicken fight in front of me. [Keke] When you get balanced, push your right foot forward towards the mirror. Ahh... Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! [(Stretch~~~)] Ahhhhhh! [Unlike the oldest member in pain,...] Oh, that feels good. [...the youngest enjoys the stretch] [It's refreshing for me too] Now, if you pull your right foot in, bend your right knee to the side. Like you're playing jegichagi (Korean hacky sack). Like playing jegichagi. Bend your knee like you're playing jegichagi. [(Like this)] Then you're going to put your hands in between the V of the hammock. - Put it in. / - Put it in. [Push] And the hands... With the thumbs pointing downward, hold the hammock, one hand at a time. Your body is beneath the plumb line. Using your core strength, you're going to poke your left foot back. Left foot back, poke. Poke. [Poke, poke] Hey, I think we got it! I think we got it! [The social media vibes] This is the most basic inversion. [Keke] Sturdily place the hammock on your pelvic bone, and curl your upper body and lean down. What? What? What is this? This feels weird! On the pelvis?? [(Is this right?)] [Even Jimin the Ace is struggling a bit] If you're dizzy, take short breaths. [Even Jimin the Ace is struggling a bit] No wonder they told us not to eat. I feel like vomiting. I drank coffee, and it's about to come up. If you place it on your stomach, it'll be uncomfortable. [There's a reason why it's on the pelvis] So, make sure to place it on your pelvis. [There's a reason why it's on the pelvis] Ugh... [Successfully placed it on the pelvis] Is this right..? Ah, wait. This hurts so much. [(Complaints of pain)] [Squirming] Hold the hammock on the side and work your upper body up. Wow, this hurts. And the left foot... Bring your shoulders back out. [Moving on without a break] Using both hands now, you're going to grab the right hammock up high. Just the right hammock. Keep pulling down hard. In between the V, raise your left foot, and bring it down from the back to the front. What was that? [Huh?] Wow, hold on. [Huh? How?] Raise the left foot... From the back... [Jung Kook, the top student who follows easily] [and Jimin, who also easily succeeds] Raise the left foot, and cross. [(Taetae also succeeds)] Raise the left foot and... And do what? I got it, I got it! [(I did it too!)] The left foot... Put it in like this. [(Putting it through)] - How? How do you put it through? - Like this. - Put it through. Like this. - How do you put it through? [???] Raise your left foot... How do you raise your left foot? The left foot... [(The teacher is coming)] Raise the left foot and just push it through. [(The teacher is coming)] - Pull it in! / - Pick it up. [Raise it and put it through!] Raise it and put it through. Right! [Pull it up] In between here. No! I'm scared! And then with the left hand, hold the left hammock. The left hand on the left hammock? [(Left?)] The left hammock? [(The left, yes)] Hold the left hammock up high with both hands. - Hold the left hammock with both hands? - The left hammock. Then towards the left shoulder,... [(Grabbing tightly)] ...if you lean your body, there's a space between your body and the hammock. [←---Space---→] This time, bring your left foot from the front to the back. [Bringing the left foot to the back and making a rotation] The left foot, from the front to the back... [Inputting] The back, like this? [(Tilting)] Ahhh! Teacher!! Ah! Teacher!!! [AHHHH! Teacher~~~] Teacher! Teacher! [(Rushing over)] Teacher! [(Quickly rescues him)] Teacher! Teacher! [Watching through the mirror] Teacher! [(Is Jin okay??)] [(Feeling bad for him)] Teacher! Is this right? Is this right? [??] - I'm going this way. / - I think it's this. Is it not? [Trying to save a student] - Is this right? / - It is! / - Then what am I doing? [Trying to save a student and answer questions] - Hold this. / - Why are you hopped in there? [The teacher is 7 times busier today] Put your left shoulder through here. [(Struggling alone)] I think it's this. Is it not? [Confident] Why are you hopped in there? [Startled] Why is he inside a basket? [Keke] It's not this? Hold on, hold on. Left hand. Right hand. [Receiving a 1:1 lesson] How do I do this? [Tilting] - Twist back. Look at the mirror. - Ugh! [Spinning] Just...Turn around like this. How do I turn? Try putting your left foot out. Put the left foot down. Turn like this to the back. Right! [Finally got it with the teacher's help] Wow! I got a cast! A cast! - Purple Namjoon with a purple leg. / - Purple leg. [The purple hammock wraps around the thigh] [Glancing] Hey, but is this right? My leg here... Oh, yes. You're right! But I'll wrap your foot into it. [(The foot gets covered up)] Hey, I have talent in this! [I might have found a new specialty...?] What does it mean? [I have no idea] Is this right? This? Wait, how is this supposed to go? I don't understand it. - I don't understand it either. Is this right? / - It is. - Is this right? - It's right. - It's not this. / - It's not this. [(Not right)] [^^;] Go to the front. [Gentle] You're going to come out from the left hammock. [Confused] And here, from the front to the back, the right hand and the left hand. Put it in. [Time for SUGA's 1:1 lesson] Put the left hand in? Yes, after turning to the back. Turn... Watch your shoulder. [So sweet] [The filming took place with consideration for the members' conditions] And put it through here. [Careful, Careful] [The filming took place with consideration for the members' conditions] [Succeeded with the teacher's help] And now, raise your left foot. [(>_<)] From the front... To the back. Hold it higher and turn around. [Even the move that Hobi was struggling with,] [when the teacher helps, it's completed like magic] Right! The now, the hammock will be hanging on the armpit area. [If it's on the armpit area, it's correct] Like this? Like this! Now, your body is kind of hanging. [Hanging] - Like this. - Right. - Now, let's try crossing your left leg over your right. - Like this? Cross your left leg over your right? [(Confused for the nth time)] Yes, cross your left foot over your right. While hanging! [(This is right, right?)] [Struggling] Okay! I got it!! Okay! Like this? Wow, so much core strength is needed for this. Wow, the core... [Core strength at max] [Core strength at max] From both sides... If you look at the armpit area, the wings will come out. Like this? Like, this, like this! [Jung Kook's wings come out] [Wide open] Jimin is a good prime example. [The top student's perfect example] [Shy] ♪ Fly high~ ♪ Towards the sky~ ♪ I want to become a cool bird~ [♬] [Flapping] Hey! This is that! The frilled-neck lizard! [Cracking up] [Keke] It's...It's a butterfly. A butterfly. [Aha!] Did I get it? Is it this? Is it? [Seokjin completes the butterfly too] Photo! Photo! Photo! [A smile for the best photo of his life] [It's hard to hold it for a long time] Wow... Hold on, hold on. [Wiggle, Wiggle] Hold on. Teacher, I think something's gone wrong! You have to be hanging from the hammock! [(Yes, I'm on my way)] You have to go up the hammock. That's right. [Squeezing out all the core strength he has] [Immediately plopped down;;] We're going to do one more thing from here! Yes! Leave the right hammock as is. Open up just the left wing. [Spread the wing out further] Bring it out downwards, and step down on here with your left foot from front to back. [Seems easy when you hear it] Left foot, from front to back? [(Understood it fully)] That's right! [(Understood it fully)] How? Oh, what is that? Pull this out, left foot from front to back. [Just hang in there for a little bit...] - Left foot, front to back. / - I'm tired. - How do you do this? [Quick and exact] [...and he'll come to serve you] The left foot... - I'm sorry, but this... / - What? No problem. [My body won't cooperate with me] - Wow, it's really hard to put the leg here! - The left foot... - Put this to the back. / - Oh my God. [No worries] Oh! Oh, my core! [It's a no-fail 1:1 lesson] Oh! Oh my core! Now, keep your right knee bent. Let's try pushing your left foot to the side. - The left foot...How? - How do you push the left foot? How do you push the left foot? [(That's possible???)] Don't think that you are stepping on it. [(That's possible???)] Just follow the hammock and spread it towards the top. - Wow! / - Then it automatically becomes stretched. [(Point your toes to the top)] 1, 2, 3! [Clean] [(Pout)] It's too tight for me. I think I did something wrong. [Breathing hard] - It's so hard! / - You're good! [TT TT] But I can't do this. [Certain] - Then... / - 1, 2! [Ah~ So you can't do it?] - 3! / - How should I do it? / - Like this, like this. [Now, you will be able to do it] - Yeah! You're doing great! / - Ah! [Stretchhhhhhhh] You're doing great. [Stretchhhhhhhh] - You're doing a high kick! / - You're good! [Success] [Stretchhhhhhhh] Hey, Taehyung is good! - You're doing a high kick! /- You're good! [Keke] [A really cool pose, and the pain that comes with it] Wow, the stretching is crazy! [Anyway, the stretching is effective by 10,000%] I am so tired. Jin, what are you doing? Jin, why did you suddenly become a goddess? [Keke] Jin, you became a Greek goddess. I'm resting. Wow, this is so hard. [(Meanwhile, he's very stable)] Hey, Jimin, are you sitting on something? [Fascinated] - No. - Are you supposed to lean on this? No, Hoseok, you have to stretch your leg. We're going to go for the Tinkerbell now! [Stretch the leg!] We're going to go for the Tinkerbell now! [What?] [What "bell"??] Tinkerbell?? The Tinkerbell? [Nod, nod] With your left thumb pointing down, bring it forward and grab the right hammock. - Like this? - Yes, the right hammock. That's right! Like that. And between the left hand and the hammock, bring your right hand and head out. [(Like this?)] Oh, I feel like I'm going to fall! [Shaking] Turn your body right, and lie the top of your left foot down. To the back. Oh, that's right! [(Amazed)] This is it! [(Amazed)] [(He got it right away)] [(I did it too)] Is it this? [The Tinkerbell with a lot of fears] [The Tinkerbell with a lot of fears] [And a purple foot] - Oh? What's this? / - That's right! It's this! [Struggling, but is the most flexible] - Is this right? / - Yes, that's right! [Struggling, but is the most flexible] What is it? [(Shaky Tinkerbell)] [(Calm Tinkerbell)] Jin, you have to bring your right shoulder forward. - Hold it with your thumb down. / - Really? [Tinkerbell, Seokjin version is reborn] Photo! Photo! Photo! - What should I do from here? - The right hand goes in between here. / - Photo! [(So busy, so busy)] Bring your body out towards the right. That's right! [Nervous, Nervous] - And stretch your left foot out back! / Ahhhh!! [(Using all his strength)] That's right! [(Using all his strength)] That's right! Look to the right! Hurry! Photo! [Good at following instructions] Take the photo right now! [#@$@$$@] [Beautiful pain] [All worn-out] - I can't see anything. / - Hey! [(I can't hold it)] Hey! I think I'm going to die from this! Hey, Jimin, are you okay? I'm tired. [Even though it's hard, he maintains the correct position] [The standard form of the Tinkerbell] Now, bring your left foot out and unleash it. [Time to say goodbye to the Tinkerbell] [Even when unraveling from the pose, it's chaotic] - Hey, it's not coming down. My leg! - You just have to pop out your left foot. - The end... / - It's not coming out! [TT TT] Pop! - Take out the left foot. Okay! Okay! - Left foot, pop! [SUGA popped his foot out too] Yes, good job. Take out your shoulder and release your foot. Can we even post this on social media? - Hey Jimin. - Hmm? I think you'll be able to post it on social media. Yeah, Jimin can do it. - Must be nice. / - Hey. [Jealous] I'll just re-gram Jimin's post. - We'll just change out the faces. / - Jimin. [Giving permission for the faces to be changed out] - We... / - Like, "I also did something like this!" [Not everyone can take the greatest photo ever] - This is the most fun. - Yeah, let's just ask them to edit it. [Not everyone can take the greatest photo ever] - Is there something else, Teacher? / - Yes! [613 points for his eagerness to learn] - Open the hammock again. / - It's a workout. [Starting the next move with open hammocks] Open it up. [Starting the next move with open hammocks] With your right foot, step into the hammock, a little more forward than the center. A little more forward than the center. [Following the teacher, one step at a time] A little more forward than the center. [Following the teacher, one step at a time] A little more forward than the center on the hammock. - About this much? / - A little forward? Okay. [Cleared this step pretty easily] When you grab the hammock up high... So this... If you approach it like a swing, it'll keep shaking. [Important!] So, step down hard with your right foot. Pull your torso and use your left knee to come up. [While pressing down with the right foot] That way, you won't sway like a swing. [~Swinging~] Press down the left knee? [Doing his best] [He did it just as instructed...] It's not working. [He did it just as instructed...but it's not easy] - You're doing really well! - Ah, yes. [(Shy)] [(I got praised!)] From there, take out your right foot to the front. Just the right foot? Take out the right foot to the front? Take it out, and... There's a wing on the left side in the front. [(The left wing)] So, open it up here? The wing? Yes, open up this wing in the front here. And going up and down, wrap your right foot, like you're wearing a shoe. The right foot... [Squirming] [All the feet struggle to find their shoes] The right foot... [All the feet struggle to find their shoe] - From the top... [(I'll help you)] Ah~ Like this. That's right. The right foot, from the top to the bottom? What? You have to...You have to wrap it once like this. [When the teacher is busy, Jimin helps] No, no, the other way. Ah, like this? [(He knows which direction to go)] Yeah, like that. [(He knows which direction to go)] [But the hammock isn't cooperating] Hey, is this something you can do alone? [Cracking up] [Keke] How am I supposed to do this? I can't do this alone. I'll do it for you. [Keke] You're going to wear it. - Ah! / - Yes, wear it. [Problem solved with the teacher's help] It's not... It's not working? [j-hope mode] Now, get a good grip on your hammock. [It's hard] [Somehow ended up being the demo assistant] Now, you're going to bring out the left foot to the front. Just take it out? Yes, in between the hammocks. While stepping down with the right foot. Then the back part of the hammock... [Slipping down] Let's try standing up! [Rising] It's amazing that you got up. Open up the hammock in the back, and step on it, going up and down like before. Isn't this too advanced? No? But I really think you can't do this alone. [The ace agrees] Then please watch me before we try it. [The teacher will show a demo] Yes, yes. Wear the shoe, take it off. [Flying Yoga Caster, JK] Hold the left ends of the hammock... - Left... - And go down. [A 180 degree leg split] Uh, wait a minute! [A 180 degree leg split] [(Seriously shocked)] Uh, wait a minute! We can't even do that on the ground. Do it like this? [(Left leg stretch)] Oh, yes, that's right! Just the left hammock. [(Left leg stretch)] - The left foot. / - Ah, do it like this? [(Both leg stretch)] Is this right? - Doesn't it seem like a wingsuit? - Yeah. It's kind of like a flying squirrel too. [Keke] [(Flying squirrel❤︎)] You can just do it like this too. [The teacher is helping Taehyung] Your foot is big, so hold the hammock high and stand up. [The teacher is helping Taehyung] [Successfully wrapped the foot and stood up] You have to take this out. [Next is Namjoon's turn] I did take it out? [Next is Namjoon's turn] Take out the left foot? How? [(Students in waiting)] - I don't know. I'm just going to quietly wait. - This is really complicated. [(Students in waiting)] You're wearing the shoe on your right foot, right? Step on that... [Cleared] And bring your left foot out to the front. - Okay, step, take it out. - Take it out. [Although very bewildered,] And wear this again. [Although very bewildered, he does it with the teacher's help] - Wear it again. / - Yes. [Although very bewildered, he does it with the teacher's help] Okay! I got it. Wear it. [SUGA wears his purple shoe too] [Lastly, Seokjin clears the move as well] And so, now...! [Lastly, Seokjin clears the move as well] You're going to bring one hand out to the front, one by one, and grab the ends of the left hammock. Take out your hands, one by one. [(Meaning they're going to do the splits now)] Right, and then push out. Stretch the hammock out, like this. [(Flexible)] Bring your hips down more. [(Flexible)] That's right. [So good at this] Hey, mine's not stretching out? I think something's wrong. Something is wrong. [...] Why am I on the outside? Why do I keep spinning this way? [Floundering] [Spinning~] Why am I spinning this way? Teacher... I think something's gone wrong. [?] [Help!!!] Let's go up for a second. [1, 2!] Grab onto this! [The purple hammock takes control of Seokjin] No, no! [The purple hammock takes control of Seokjin] Yes, go up! [Again, 1, 2!] [Scared] Yes, that's right. Now, you just need to stretch out. This is it? Yes! Just stretch your legs out. - This? / - Yes! [(Really?)] I don't think I can do this! [I can't stretch my legs, Teacher TT] Save me! [The demo assistant takes a short break] This is nice! [Wow, so fun!] [A hammock hat] [Satisfied] [Enjoying the hammock 901%] Isn't this a bat? [Keke] Teacher, my legs won't stretch, here. Try bringing your shoulders forward. The right hand is on the left hammock. Take this out? - Yes. - Here? Yes, and hold it. Lower your hips. Spread out your legs. - Like this? - Lower your hip. That's right! [(Stretchhhhhhh)] That's right! [(Stretchhhhhhh)] Hold on! [The shout that alerts everyone of his success] So, I...What do I need to do here, Teacher? [Save me, Teacher] Put your shoulders back in. [(Don't worry)] How? [(Don't worry)] - Put your shoulder back in. / - Teacher... [(.╯⌓ .╰)] Teacher, this... How? How do I go back in? [(・ 0 ・)] [ꉂ(> ᴗ <)] Teacher, this... How? How do I go back in? [Frantic] - Yes? / - Hold on! [Utter chaos] Teacher! It's too hard for me to hold it! If it's too hard, you can come down. Come down. Wow, that was really close just now. I seriously... That was such a critical moment in my life. [Totally worn-out] Why are you sweating so much? I have no idea. [TT] Wow, this is not an easy thing! It's extremely hard. Now, we're going to take out the feet, one by one. Ah, take the feet out? - Remove your left foot, move it back and step. - Like this. Put it in. [Coming back down is not easy either] Unravel the right foot, and step again. I'm tired. I'm so comfortable where I am right now. [Found peace on top of the hammock] We just need to go down now, right? Jin, be careful. Okay, okay! Okay, okay! got it! [Escaped without the teacher's help] [The studio has calmed down quite a bit] I'm so tired. [The studio has calmed down quite a bit] We're getting this tired already? Wow, my forearms are in so much pain. More than my forearms, what's it called when you hold onto it? [Complaining about their own muscle pain] The fingers that hold it hurt so much. [Complaining about each of their muscle pain] [Totally out of energy] Oh, this is fun, Teacher! Since this is unraveled, we're going to do some moves. [Then we'll go to the next move✩] As we just did, you're going to come up. [It begins with going up the hammock] Now, we're going back up! You can watch me do it before you start. [You can watch the demo first] You're going to take out your left foot forward. Open up the back hammock on the right side. The back. [(A very passionate student)] And then here, you're going to step from the front to the back with your left foot. [The left foot gets a purple shoe] Grab the hammock at your left armpit high up with your left hand. You have to hang it on your armpit before moving on. Bring your right hand down. And then you will remove the hammock off your right foot. [After removing the hammock from the right foot...] Take it off, and like this... You're going to make a wing. [ up the wing, and it's complete] Wow~ Teacher, you look really pretty right now. This position is really pretty. [Shy] I can't see anything from my spot. [Please show us the pretty move too!] I can't see anything either. [Please show us the pretty move too!] I'll explain it here. [So you can see it] I'll be here, so please look at me. [Everyone, turn back and pay attention] - Okay! - Turn to the back from here. [While everyone is focused on the teacher...] Turn to the back. [While everyone is focused on the teacher...] [...this person is focused on his friend] Hello, sir. [...this person is focused on his friend] Hello, sir. [Park Jimin's Citizen Interview] Ah, yes, hello! [Park Jimin's Citizen Interview] This is called flying yoga. [Park Jimin/MC] You came to watch, right? [Park Jimin/MC] Yes, yes, yes. [Q. How is it watching flying yoga in person?] This facility is nice. [Kim Taehyung/Flying yoga student] How much does it cost? [Kim Taehyung/Flying yoga student] Will you be paying for it today? [Turns out it's a real estate deal] Yes, I will purchase it today. [(A one-time payment)] All right, then please bring your seal. [Not sure what the transaction was for, but it was a success★] [(ㅇㅅㅇ)~] You're not even making an attempt! [Keke] For this round, I'm just a spectator. Take out your left foot to the front and open up the wing of the right hammock. [Briefly turned their backs to the camera for the last move] Open up the wing in the back. If your body is leaning back, you won't be able to spread the wing. So, you have to bring the left foot out to the front, and step on the right hammock. Step on the right hammock. [Hobi] [Now able to do it all on his own] Ah~ I should have done this like this. And then grab the hammock above your left armpit. [Next, grab the top of the left hammock] [High up to the chain❤︎] The hammock! Don't hold that! You have to hold the hammock, and make sure it's caught on your armpit. And then move your right shoulder towards the direction of your right foot. Like this? Turn over. And then hammock that's on your right foot, you're going to remove it. Make sure to keep pushing the left foot that's hanging, and take out the right foot. Take it out. And lastly, pull open the wing to the side. Wow! Like your arm is getting longer from top to bottom. [It's important to spread your arms apart] Like this? Is this right? [It's important to spread your arms apart] What am I supposed to do? [It's important to spread your arms apart] Nana~ [♬] - Is this right? - Hurry and take a picture of Jung Kook! Hey, Jung Kook! Your expression! Expression! Smile! Pretend like it's easy! [Grin] [He's good] Nice! [He's good] - Nice! / - Very nice! [He's good] [The true face(?) behind the best photo on social media] [Keke] Right, from the top to the bottom. Yes. [Meanwhile, Namjoon succeeds] - Is that right? - Yes, that's right. Try bending your knee. From top to bottom. That's right! [Next, SUGA makes an attempt] Ahhh! [Please hurry and take it] This is... What? What's pretty about this? [(Am I really taking the best photo of my life today?)] [I can't hold on] [The quickest escape] Ah, I'm tired. What's wrong with him? - Turn to the back? / - Yes. [I'm scared] Hold on. I feel like I'm going to fall down. [I'm scared] You have to completely twist your body. Yeah? Do that, and then press down hard from the top to bottom. [Completely frozen in fear] Press it down hard, and then take out the right foot. [Pressing hard] - Take out the right foot? - Yes. How do you take out the right foot? You take it out and then stick it there. The knee. Wow, this is possible? Spread this apart, and take out the knee. [(The experienced one explains in detail)] Then it'll spread simultaneously! [(The experienced one explains in detail)] It'll spread wide. [All eyes on Hobi's challenge] Hold on. [All eyes on Hobi's challenge] - Take it out. It's okay. Spread it. / - Like this? [All eyes on Hobi's challenge] Take it out. [Finally succeeded in taking out his right foot] And now, push out the left foot. [Finally succeeded in taking out his right foot] And just let it down! [Just need to spread his wing now] Just let it down? [Just need to spread his wing now] - Yes. So... / - Is this right? [Just need to spread his wing now] Make your right toe touch your left knee. [(Do it like this)] The right toe on the left knee? [(Right toe)] [(Left knee)] [If you can't, I'll make it happen] Straighten this out. Straighten this. That's right. And touch the right toe. Ahhhh! Hold on! - Ahhhh! - Look at the floor! Look at the floor! Ahhhhhhhh! [Bro TT TT] [Hahaha] This is social media worthy! Social media! Is this right? [Fear, pain, chaos] [He overcame many things to reach success] Isn't this a monkey? [Keke] Isn't he just a monkey? [Utterly exhausted] This is a slapstick content. We're really bad at this. Ah, but this is so difficult. This is really hard. It's hard because I don't have a lot of grip strength. My forearm is so weak! [Flying yoga requires more strength than imagined] I think this is the most fun. [Spinning] [Me too] [Heheheheh] [Bang Bang♬ Be Be♬ Bang Bang♬ Be Be♬ Bang Bang♬] [As expected, the swing is the most fun] [Mischief regulation team's Park Mischief is on the move] [?] Sir. Yes. This isn't a place you can fool around in. [Kekeke] - It'd be great if you can leave. / - I've.. [Park Jimin / MC, Real estate agent, regulation team] I've made my purchase now. But you haven't stamped it with your seal. What? If you stamp your seal and pay for it, you can cause mischief. [Mr. Jimin is very thorough] All right. [Mr. Jimin is very thorough] How do I stamp my seal? You can stamp it later outside. [Business is nicely taken care of] Turn your body, towards the mirror. [Lastly, the teacher checks Seokjin's posture] [Swaying] From the top... Hold on. - Hold on. - Is this correct? No, wait. Please get up a little bit. [(Struggling)] From what I can tell, the teacher finished his workout today [(Struggling)] - with teaching us. / He can't do anything more now. [(Struggling)] From what I can tell, the teacher finished his workout today with teaching us. He can't do anything more now. [Today's classes are all canceled] He used his forearms so much. Look at him sweat! Goodness, it's hot. [^^;] "Goodness" came out! "Goodness"! [Kekeke. It wasn't easy for the teacher either] No, it's because I'm hot. [^^;] [Teacher, fighting!] Try turning your body in the direction of your right shoulder. Towards the mirror. And you have to hold onto this tightly! [Seokjin let go of his right hand] - Your hip can't fall out. - Of what? Hold on! Ahhh! Hold on! - Ah! Hold on, hold on! - We'll stop here. Please look at the floor. [Oh right. Social media] Social media! Social media! [Like that, like that!] What? What is this? [Feeling at ease] Teacher! Hold me! Teacher! Just once! [Feeling at ease - Not at all] - Both feet go in? / - No, the right foot should be out. - You have to take it out? [A Q&A time with the ace] Teacher! Hold me! Teacher! [Jin, who didn't deliver] Teacher! Just once! [Jin, who didn't deliver] [*@#] [Self-escape] [Kekeke] [We just laugh] I should have eaten before coming. If we ate, we would have thrown up. It's a really difficult workout! [※Info: Have an empty stomach 2 hours before doing flying yoga] This is physically impossible. How can we do this? Is there something easy that looks fancy? [PD Min's secretive suggestion for a photo] Something easy that looks fancy... [Thinking hard] [Teacher, please] [I will create my own path] [(#1 at making the most out of the hammock)] This is so nice. [(#1 at making the most out of the hammock)] Sir! [Will Bangtannies succeed in creating the best photo of their lives?] In the case of not listening at all... [Will Bangtannies succeed in creating the best photo of their lives?] Sir, you can't sleep here. [Will Bangtannies succeed in creating the best photo of their lives?] [Find out next week!] It looks hard. [Next episode] [Goodness] Oh? What was that? How'd he do that? [Easily taking the best photo ever...] How can we do that? [Easily taking the best photo ever...doesn't exist] Are you done taking it? [To create the best photo to post on social media,] How does this work? [Bangtannies go through a lonely battle] Did it work? [When it comes to getting the best photo,] No! It did not! [When it comes to getting the best photo, there's no such thing as brotherhood] [Embarrassed;;] Ah! I feel like I'm being tortured! [⚠He is stretching⚠] [Kekekekekekekekeke] It's easy! You should all try it too. [It's...easy...?] It's better than I thought. [But the more you do it...] It's fun. [But the more you do it, it's definitely fun] Whoa! That's the most perfect one, no? [It's not all fun and games...] So cool! So cool! [It's not all fun and games to get the best photo ever] [V] [Cute photos are a bonus] [Cute photos are a bonus] Okay! - I'm ready! / - We'll look! / - Let's look! [What will Bangtannie's best photos look like?]
Views: 21,137,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, 알엠, RM, 슈가, SUGA, 제이홉, jhope, 지민, 정국, k-pop, 방탄, j-hope, Jung Kook, Jimin, BTS V, Jin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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