The Racketeer (1929) CAROLE LOMBARD

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so [Music] hi oh fellas hey come on now let's go home where do you live [Music] that's all right what's the car wearing from inside squad i want to see you okay boys give a look at manhattan will you hello my happy irish team right on the chopper yeah i got to find a home for him vacancy vagrancy no home and no money no money you can't arrest a man with 50 bucks on him can you boy that practically makes him a millionaire influential citizen i'll bet you even know where he lives why certainly he lives at the ritz hey it's lucky for you i came along though man well there goes your pinch mahappy what does that make me look find a cab william take him to the ritz or maybe the yo ymca better make it the y i wouldn't want his friends at the ritz to see him like that sure he's an old friend of mine yes big heart boring let me call the wedding oh i'll take care of it hey cap i've got a stick lad here and i want you to take them down today but i got a fair already there's a lady in here what's the matter they got a sick man there oh that's too bad oh let me out let me have another he's going to be all right he's a doctor he gets me still sometimes yeah but he's going to be here he's all right thank you officer all right man can you beat that the wrist huh anything for me martin two gentlemen to see them telegram chief mike moran lost his second load coming across the river he's through take care of that okay bernie weber's in there bernie weber huh got time to see him now is uh is the rat in from chicago you said they had him here today didn't you he's here both in there together huh let's go then hello ma'am russ would you leave a town like new york to go out to chicago i wouldn't be sap enough to do it well you know i know one mastermind who thought it was a great idea oh yeah but he was a mastermind you know it's funny how some people can leave all their friends behind and especially to go to chicago is he still out there oh no his friends persuaded him to come back don't get me up now well if it isn't direct they're getting thin right chicago picks it off your bones doesn't it don't give me up now don't turn me over to the wall don't give you up i've got five grand sunk on you five thousand dollars bail how am i gonna get it if i don't give you up i'll give it back to you i'll get it yeah i must have been crazy the jump fail as you put up for me i figured i'd get to chicago and then i'd send the dough back oh that's the way you figured out yeah i put up bail for you and you ran out on me left me holding the sack that's something nobody's ever done and got away with yet i'll get the five pounds for you so help me now don't send me away i'm sick i'll die if you send me up the river oh listen dog now don't send me away please hello bernie hello mel nice car you got bernie well sir that's a very good imitation but it's just an imitation listen lay off that bank job your freeman listen mel that's my job i cooked it up it's my own job get this bernie your mob's been running mad for a whole year now i passed out the word to all of you to cut that kind of work till things quieted down i passed it out to all of you maybe you didn't hear me i'm telling you now play off now get up oh hello commissioner what from right in front of police headquarters why you're kidding commissioner oh yes but you know i'm in the brokerage business i don't know anything about stolen cars oh well certainly if i hear of anything uh yeah yeah all right a blue packet huh sure and listen commissioner i'm sorry sure commissioner some hope rolled the commissioner's car right off his front a lot what do you think of that squid get on the phone squid and find out who did it what'd i tell him to do with it i'll tell him to roll it over to brooklyn and park it in front of a precinct station where some flat foot will fall over it okay and squid yeah tell him to anchor it in front of a fire plug you said it a fire plug now i guess you can come upstairs and give me a rub down are we stepping out tonight right on fifth avenue tonight tombstone fronts and everything hello give me slim swim that boy slim is just naturally a great honor slim this is squid now get this straight that blue package you knocked off this afternoon has got to be thrown back pdq what there's no alibis get that milly [Music] it's just like monte carlo absolutely i do hope you lose all your money i probably will i work out a perfect system for losing well this is the first chance you've had to lose for a good cause but the orphans you know carrie i don't know what you'll do but surprise orphans well we just have to import some new husbands darling excuse me oh now i understand where this layout comes from [Music] well lead me to it if this part is a success we'll owe it all to you thank you if i've been of any help i'm glad oh mr keane miss catherine and miss roaches how do you do how you do you're not really male and king not really the way you say that i'd be flattered just to be taken for him oh minnie your parents are looking for someone to play poker with them perhaps you could persuade mr keane to join me would you certainly i'd be glad to come on my system is working already how much 65 cents thanks and my father how do you do how do you do the best family i ever had down the middle mr keane you play poker well i've seen it played mr keane why don't you bank the game would be so much better for the orphans oh yeah all right excuse me how many chips do you want oh give us a couple of things oh look wrote a phil brook hello carrie excuse me i think in all the years he's opened the door for me this is the first time i've ever seen him not quite master of the situation i am glad you came really carrie yes i've missed you rhoda you're probably the only one that's little millie chasman isn't it yes how she's grown so many new faces don't you want to play you were always very good at roulette rhoden oh i don't know come along all right here and when you think of what you've been through i mean when you really stop and think you mean you think what our husband went through two please three and the men before she finally married poor dan philbrook i was one of them one of the befores and i'm none of the worst for where oh you men how could a woman ever keep decent for the attitude you all take i'll get five dollars well after all rhoda has been her own worst enemy he left our husbands it ruined his life and she went off with that mad musician can you find any defense for that she paid for it i hear that she's been practically penniless since she left her well i think she's the greatest moment i ever heard of believe sometimes i think i've given birth to warren inside of which i'll be more chipped well that's what i call romance it's good to see you we're playing poker over there wouldn't you like to come and sit in you always wear a knife jack come on pardon me certainly hello hello sam have you been margaret very well thank you may i call you brother i want you so much i've always wanted to live you're a dollar well let's get started does the banker have any favorites you never can tell how many chips do you want fifty dollars worth steve and that's all i have to play with tonight feels terribly sorry for those awesome just carries mr keem but if i lose you may have another awful on your hand and a very charming one i'll help you for ten dollars how many mrs bill brooke [Music] good for you whenever i draw a pet hand it seems like a miracle if i lose everything rhoda will you be my my good samaritan can you kick your knees a good smell why easily you forget your sunday school the good samaritans put the fallen man on his donkey that lifts me out wrote a hell no donkey but after all wouldn't the modern good samaritan use the taxicab i called yes that's good and here nobody's [Music] you open millie how much it's going to cost you 25. up 50. i'll see that and raise the 50. [Music] this looks like a hand i need reinforcement i'll go and get some foil anything ruined that's a brand new dress from paris oh what a shame what is this going to cost me uh just 125 and stay i'm in soda what a marvelous part i hope one of us wins i'm gonna see this full house aces and fours it beats me i thought three kings were important and i had a flush that i liked sorry rhoda but that ace of spades was in my discard it couldn't have been when it's wrong you might possibly have mistaken the issue of space for clubs mrs chaplin no i have seen phase produced the seven and the eighth yes but oftentimes space look like clubs and hearts like diamonds even to experience card players oh no well it it's easy enough to find out why why i don't know how i could possibly have been mistaken can take me home i'm dreadfully solid better have a drink let me take your home roader please no i'd rather not but we want to take you no thanks but i'll go this is hilbert so three four three four reporting okay okay and hey tell the chief to send me down a wheelchair well yeah that's all a guy can use on this beat yeah all right all right be done a minute where's the king well i'm happy i want to see you don't shoot me waters at me keep them up put the hole up tickets again now you cops are just naturally going to advance yourself to death oh it's a benefit this time jake because if he got bumped off last week left a wife and four kids too bad it was a nice lad bunny sedan goes with one of them thousand dollars guys jake's widow can sure use that all right you're all right my happy i'd hate to have you pick me up in traffic sometime oh i might let you go first time i'll tell her who there don't bother i'll give these tickets to gus he'll have a great time at a policeman's ball he likes cops hey squid well how's she coming all right okay that's a swell bush fred hey you working for the chief now too so when i do it'll be for something i ain't got i don't need this i got a thousand bucks that's what they all say i understand i got everything i want for instance from you squid that chance you got getting anything out of me yeah all right hey you ain't got nothing on anybody you're just a cop the cops come by the ghost in this town and don't forget it i'm forgetting it i i'm just puzzling about you me how's your memory squid all right what do you mean you got a good memory well good enough that's good enough and what about it i wanted you you remember reading the papers about an old flophouse bum got bumped off a couple months ago remember that squid no i don't remember seems like there was a crap game somebody leans on this old soaked head with a beer bottle papers was full of it at the time oh that murdered you mean uh tom montoya street yeah that's morgan sure sure i remember reading about it in the papers yeah what paper you know i found the neck of that bottle and there was fingerprints on it well even if you did find fingerprints on the bottle what's that got to do with me i'm getting telling you oh who cares about an old bum like that what does it get me if i turn in the guy that done it am i right kind of talking yes what's the idea telling me then just want to know how good your memory was that's all someday i'm going to ask you a question if your memory is good about what i want to know my memory is going to be bad about that beer bottle your memory is bad mine's going to be good darn good all right and what then then i'm gonna find that fear ball somebody's gonna sit in the big chair up the river or at least do 20 years making pinwheels that's your swell hack ah she's a honey sure be tough to have to quit a good job like this up the river making skin wheels i gotta hammer the old beat so long squid come on go to the hayward apartments west 58th street okay give me a drink no tony give me a drink no well then get my clothes no tony well i'll give him myself stop broda don't bother about me anymore it's too late be quiet darling you don't owe me anything you're a fool wasting your time if i had the courage got to kill myself long ago stop i can't stand it oh dear ever since you went away i looked for you and now you must let me help you no no oh tony i can't bear to see you like them you see i love you dear when you're well and strong again if you want me to i'll go my way but you must let me help you now you must oh why am i such a massive friend rhoda get me a drink no tony get me wondering tony if you start it will be the same thing over again forgive me revere three three one one just say it's totally born you'll know who is it tony it's the doctor if you get him i won't need a drink you've taken care of me before all right tony hello there 3311. can you come to the hayward province at once tony vaughn yes he said you'd know please harry apartment ah who gave you this man down the lobby yes i want to see you i can't see anyone now but i want to talk to you about this i figured that was the only way i had after last night and i want to see you again just a moment mr king if you'll understand what i'm going to say we'll save time i cheated last night because i needed money you helped me i'm grateful to you for that but that's all if that's clear to you will you please go i didn't come here for your thanks there's nothing else i have to give you but i think there are a few things i have to give you oh you can't understand that a woman who would cheat for money might not care to do other things please well what else then when i saw how you acted last night as your confederate i suppose men like you do have confederates mr keane fair enough i deserve that but let's forget what i am i've come to see you because i've spent the day thinking about you you know who i am you know how i live i've met many women at card tables but i've never met any just like you yes last night when you took that card when i cheated oh yes you saw that i was slightly damaged then and had been put on the bargain counter no i saw that you had something more than any other woman in that room oh please now please let me finish none if you still feel the same you can send me away you didn't have to tell me you cheated because you needed money you don't have to tell me it's the first time you've cheated let's forget about that now i've got money and it doesn't mean a thing to me i can help you and there are no strings tied to it i want nothing from you understand did you make a call for tony vaughan yes oh hello mr keane if i'd known you was here i'd have brought something special so this is why you needed money it's funny i never thought of that what do you mean who are you don't you know no i never saw her before but she put in a call for tony vaughn and i answered it who are you what is this a game i pedal white rock and ginger ale whiskey and gin oh eddie give me that tony jimmy tell me a minute the only way when they get like that that's your way it's the only way his role is he's not hurt leave us alone does he mean that much to you nothing to you well i'll make it something will you please go i want you to no you need help and whether you like it or not this time you're going to do as i say get out of here and don't you ever let me hear if you're selling this guy anything again hello dr john yes you can call them it's milan keene hello doctor melon keen talking can you come right over to uh the hayward apartments what's 58th street apartment and so [Applause] that was glorious wasn't it now i'll raise you to the house i suppose you think i can let's go [Laughter] oh that's something i haven't done i'm afraid to remember how many years not so many i wouldn't feel like it now went for these lovely weeks out here and now if i hadn't said it before thanks for all you've done for thomas you have said it every time i've looked at you i've seen it in your eyes that's the irish in you [Music] that's the old tony come on [Music] that's marvelous tony trax it is oh but i'm nervous i don't chase squids back from town with the mail he's got some telegrams too all right excuse me a minute tony yeah let me look at you those strings you brought me from town we're all rotten tony i'm gonna cry huh why don't ask me why don't ever ask a woman why she wants to cry just let it yeah the chief's got some bad news for you here tony listen to this mr maylen keane have arranged rental concert hall for violin recital send pictures of your man for publicity does he spell it d-a-u-g-h-n or v-a-u-g-h-a-n signed lake tony isn't that great it's just like mel well what do you know we're going back to town tomorrow right squid get everything ready yes and gus from now on i don't want to see bernie weber hanging around anywhere okay tony i tell you got to go through with this concert why of course he will it's all been arranged tony what you say mighty fine i'll give you a run for your money i know you will oh mel i can't tell you how how are keane i want to thank you again after this concert i'm going away alone [Music] when i hear tony play like that i realize he doesn't need me any longer i guess i've lost my job and what are you going to do oh this and that were always taken care of somehow i wish you'd let me help you you don't know how tempting that offer is will you no i'll get along but you need someone to take care of you what if i ask you to marry me please but rota you do like me just a little oh i do and you can make life an easy simple thing and i am tired oh i wish i could say [Music] it [Music] it's all right [Music] so so hello chilly outside no it's a marvelous night tony what were you playing before oh shoot no after that oh this [Music] yes that's it something new yes got to have something new from going on a concert tour concert tour where did you decide to go oh little while ago isn't it rather sudden well i must get my public back of course of course telling your public tony mel just asked me to marry him not if you love him oh tommy could i make him happy you could make any man happy kiss me good night good night what's wrong can i help take care of me rhoda roller beautiful and very good taste mr keane just wait till she sees it notice the carving exquisite the swell to the curve and the it's a nice stone too nice well that's the finest stone i've ever seen in a ring mr king come in oh ruder come in i'm staying only a moment good day huh oh yes good day thank you i'm doing some shopping i wish i could go with you indeed you'll not i'll give you all the shopping you want in paris hold her a minute squid a great taxi what's he carrying bernie weber you better go easy and we'll pick him up some other time he's here now [Music] amy mix there are too many dicks on this street forget it let them come up alongside easy easy all right step up now couldn't you have them personal in the trading from midnight to well one o'clock you've worked other miracles i'm afraid we'll miss the end of tony's recital tonight if you don't tony will just have to cut out one or two encores that's all oh by the way you won't uh you won't mind if i'm not the concert until later but why a lot of things to clean up i want to be all in the clear no loose ends to slap us in the face once we get aboard that boat tonight yes now but when do you think we'll get to the concert oh i mean i won't be there until later you'll be there when it begins of course why don't you get tony to take you with him oh i don't think oh now you'll want to say goodbye to tony i understand i'd rather not know you'll be so nervous you'll be just the medicine he needs tony vaughn please yes i'm fine i hope so i'll do my best why uh yes i'll stop for on my way oh that's fine then and i'll see you later says goodbye and now then i have here come in this home of mine has about as much privacy as the statue of liberty orchids all right let's have him these were to be for tonight but that's sweet of you oh oh what a pity they're so beautiful the shame this one's spoiled i hope they'll match your dress excuse me i want to see guts a minute all right well we met bernie weber on the way just now yeah in a taxi lucky i was carrying these flowers did he try to get you no he never saw us see the taxi guy never even knew just kept rolling along didn't he squint i wasn't looking what do you mean you wasn't looking why i was driving wasn't i oh this guy all right all right all right you know what's kind of funny the way bernie slid right down out of his seat cut that sure chief why couldn't you have waited bernie weber didn't matter anymore well chief you told us didn't you i was we didn't know i told you to lay off yeah you told me thus are you sure bernie's yeah he ain't around no more all right let it ride anyway it's okay we made it clean that right squid that's right squid was there too sure squid was there he was driving but i tell you i didn't didn't what what do you mean you didn't you was there wasn't you see you trying to alibi you was there with me see yeah but i was driving why you're right all right all right all goodbyes said there weren't many all out in the clear now all out in the clear just you and i now good girl walter don't you want to go up and try the piano all right i'll call you when it's time do that really when are you going to the boat about 11 o'clock i guess let me see beautiful your design no mouth tone [Music] don't leave me don't i'm sorry i didn't think i just couldn't help myself rhoda i'll never bother you again tony darling darling you love me and you would have let me go away loving you what have i do what have you to give me but now what about him what about her this will help him you don't know mal this will hurt him desperately i just can't tell him but you can't go now i'll tell him no i'll tell him tony time to go up all right tell me tell me tony you'll come back to me listen to me play i said three four three four reporting okay okay now i see no five-year-old kid and there ain't no nurse with them now when bernie weber bernie weber yeah yeah yeah okay sure all right yeah are they coming not bad somebody going away the chief country no to europe oh yeah friday night spoke night mm-hmm tonight i'm gone it seems like everybody's going away there's a team going to europe bernie weber going to heard about him getting bumped off ooh bernie weather yeah this afternoon well what do you know that's the word squid what do you know hey squid out your memory tonight i'll lay off of that you don't think i know anything about that do you you know i told you that sometime i was going to ask you a question about something that i want to know this is the time i don't know anything about this thing my happy honest i don't all right if that's the way you feel about it all right me i'm telling you if you know anything about this weber killam and keane gets on that boat tonight and gets away there's a big chair up the river that hasn't had anybody sitting in it for a month ah you got me wrong i don't know anything about that so help me so long squid see you in church we're happy [Music] listening [Music] foreign [Music] mr and mrs maylen keane [Music] now you'll get used to it i've just been saying it over and over to myself coming down mrs male and keen listen now there's something i must tell you just save it we get aboard the boat till that captain ties us both fights in the name of keem please now mr king i like to see you for a night oh yes how are you my happy your mind dear no i'll be right with you all right well copper we've got the dope on that weber killin yeah well what about it well i wouldn't have that happen for anything oh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 93,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Racketeer (1929), filmstruck, PRE-CODE HOLLYWOOD, classic movie, Hedda Hopper, PUBLIC DOMAIN, CLASSIC, MOVIES, Robert Armstrong, #classicmovies, Movie, FREE, Carole Lombard, CRIME DRAMA, FILM, classic movies
Id: _N5nsdb-J3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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