Ruling of the Heart (2018) | Full Movie | Randall Malin | Gary Sivertsen | Robert Milo Andrus

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[Music] all rise for the Honorable Judge Morgan [Music] counselor let me get this straight you're suing miss Greene for $1,000,000 over a dead cat is that correct yes your honor my client mrs. Jenkins has lost a valuable member of her family mrs. Jenkins neighbor miss Greene has threatened Fido and Fido that's the name of the cat in question yes your honor continue the defendant miss Greene has on numerous occasions threatened to kill Fido if she were to catch the animal on her property did your client see Miss Greene kill this cat no your honor did Miss Greene confessed to killing this cat no your honor then what evidence do you have Your Honor the plaintiff has a list of so-called witnesses none of whom can provide any empirical evidence implicating my client in the death of Fido is that true yes your honor so all you have is a list of people who disliked miss Greene as much as your client but the fact remains not a single person on set list can offer any solid evidence where did I miss something uh no your honor and even if you did your client feels fidos life is worth $1,000,000 she feels so yes take a look at Miss crane does she look like the kind of woman who has one dollar let alone one million we anticipated negotiating the amount you can negotiate all you like but the fact remains your client has no evidence but my find out we did such is the nature of life madam animals die be they the four two-legged kind there's simply no evidence that miss Greene inflicted any harm on your bait Oh frankly counselor I'm ashamed of you for accepting such a ridiculous case and wasting the Court's time with it Court finds in favor of the defendant next case the fact remains you were walking barefoot through a grocery store the water you slipped on was either already there or from your sweaty bare feet no way to tell the sign says no shoes no shirt no service for a reason Court finds in favor of the defendant next next time try riding your motorcycle in the street instead of through people's living room windows Court rules in favor of the plaintiff I don't care how much you drink or if it really was your car you still can't take a naked nap in public 60 days for being in public intoxication what next Court finds for the defendant case dismissed the court sentences the defendant to five years Court finds for the defendant guilty guilty 90 days [Music] you have one paint method sorry to bother you honey but I'm calling to remind you to pick up my birthday cake don't feel bad that I'm reminding you it's just that I know how hard you work and how focused you get can't wait for tonight see you soon love you yes I mean are you alright yes of course why do yes lunch finished half an hour ago everyone's waiting how many left on the docket twenty-two oh there's a huge storm rolling in it's gonna be really bad I hear half the town's shutting down was there anything else I'll let everyone know that you're on the way case dismissed how many do we have left only two judge mr. Stevens this case has been ruled on criminally and civilly already what are you hoping to accomplish today by bringing you back here Your Honor my client Lionel Blair is hoping that a fresh pair of eyes on his case will be able to discern the criminal behavior of the defendant mr. Thompson the state of my eyes are irrelevant counselor mr. Thompson has been acquitted of any wrongdoing in a criminal trial and I'm not seeing any new evidence to justify revisiting the civil suit I'm afraid you wasted your time wasted our time mr. Stephens control your client I'll find him in contempt I apologize your honor case dismissed are you kidding me just like that you're gonna let him go again without even hearing me I warned you you warned me what could you possibly do to me that is worse than what he has already done well let's find out how about we start with $1,000 fine what would you like that some jail time to that next mr. Miller please proceed Your Honor we have the case of Walker County versus when mr. Miller what does the government recommend his sentencing the victim has asked that the case be dropped so the government would like to move for dismissal I see we have no objection Jonah of course not mr. Miller might I inquire as to what caused mr. Ross sudden change of heart charity Your Honor mr. Roth doesn't wish to hold a grudge against miss when charity that's a first according to miss winds file she broke into her ex boss's building and attempted to steal files from his computer yes your honor my client was under deep emotional stress during that time Miss wind thoroughly regrets her actions that day she has never had any previous issues with the law and has a spotless record had a spotless record mrs. Watts your client broke the law what's more miss Wynne fully admitted doing so yes your honor she believes in on and she has admitted her mistake and is just asking for leniency in fact she's just because mr. Roth is feeling charitable doesn't mean Miss wind can get away with breaking the law your client did it she was found guilty and if she believes in honesty as you claim she should also believe in justice you're fairly young miss Wynn so I assume you still possess the capacity to learn so here's some knowledge for you to absorb it's Newton's third law for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction when you break the law you go to jail motion for dismissal denied court sentences Rachel Wynn to six months in jail I trust that you won't report for processing one week from today or do I need to set bail no your honor that won't be necessary six months it's okay I will file the appeal first thing Monday okay come in Monday's docket thank you Snow's piled up pretty bad I heard visibility is near zero on the roads your point I don't live far from here you're welcome to wait out the storm at my place if you like I don't think that would be a good idea how long have you worked for me Amelia nearly 22 years I remember time you used to speak your mind you were different then things were different then it's her birthday today isn't it if you like I can I know you love her but you know how I feel I can wait Edward I've been waiting but I won't wait forever [Music] judge so glad you made it it's beginning to worry with all this snow I think everybody else abandoned ship a couple hours ago thanks for staying open you don't have to thank me no torrential storm is gonna scare me into closing up early and besides hey young man needed children and I expect more will come it's been a long time but I've seen this kind of weather before and it's only gonna get worse is it ready happy birthday honey thank you I think the hats for the perfect parents for you it looks much better right here would you wish for I can't tell you my wish why because I want it to come true chocolate and cream just the way Sarah likes it I even put an extra layer of dark chocolate in it oh I'm sure she'll love it thank you Nick it's perfect you sure you don't want to stay for a while though it's bad out there and I haven't seen a plow in hours can't Sarah's birthday oh of course lesson thinking give her my best I'm just seeing her face around here [Applause] [Music] oh no there's something wrong with the cake cakes fine my car stuck in the snow and I forgot my key card to the courthouse is all right if I stay long enough to call a cab of course you can stay as long as you like good luck getting a cab been waiting for my uber for over an hour towns all buttoned up no one wants to go out or like me and you stuck but a nice mug of my famous hot cocoa and marshmallows I don't care for marshmallows just some tea be fine chamomile that'd be fine he doesn't like marshmallows it's still in a bad mood I guess excuse me you have no idea who I am do you should I should you it's your job to know everything about me you're making no sense I can't believe this I met with you a little over an hour ago and you've already forgotten everything about me you were in my courtroom yes as a defendant I suppose let me guess you're angry because you feel your sentence was too harsh yes I'm angry but I wasn't a defendant as the plaintiff do you have any idea how many cases I see in a day do you think it's even possible for me to remember them all do you remember any I do the ones that matter anyway apparently your case lacked any memorable qualities well it looks like we're gonna be spending some time together so why don't I refresh your memory don't bother I can't discuss your case without all parties present and even if everyone were here I still have no interest in discussing it it's in the past mister I know Blair crying over the outcome isn't gonna change anything once my gavel strikes home it's over for you and me I suggest you move on [Music] hey you guys open the door was unlocked wouldn't it okay yes come in sir please it's really coming down hard out there huh yeah grab a seat welcome to the club stuck here too great so how long I've been here for about an hour and he just showed up well you have one more coming soon one more yeah well my ride got stuck in the snow and wasn't able to come and I remember walking around seeing the lights on here earlier and on my way here I saw a woman sitting at the bus stop all alone I tried to get her to come with but you know a stranger asking woman he just met at the bus stop to go with him to some unknown place in the middle of a snowstorm at night yeah I can see where that might not go so well well I told her I'd come back if you guys were closed so I just assumed that show realized her bus is never gonna come she'll make her way up here well should we tell her I hate to think of her out there in the cold like that I don't think she'll come with me if I went back but if someone from here went and told her that I found the place and somebody to get her then maybe she'll come I'll go I don't think you should go Nick it's bad out there so are you volunteering to go I was gonna suggest you give you a chance to cool off you guys know each other we met briefly earlier today I'll go oh here she is you guys open right yes and please come in thank you half-frozen so warm in here can I get you something hot to drink coffee tea hot chocolate Oh hot chocolate so good okay marshmallows whipped cream cinnamon perfect thank you so much do you write that time um no I didn't make it home but I'm safe a little cafe in town yeah there's others here yeah I'm still here sorry I'm fine I'm gonna stay here until the bus to start up again or until this place closest whichever comes first okay well love you do glad you could make it oh hey I was literally just setting up a rescue party to come get you Thanks once you mentioned this place might be open it seemed to get a little colder outside I couldn't take it anymore so I'm Mike Rachel Lionel and I believe we already met mister judge you go Thanks hello everybody my name is Nick Moore I'm the owner of the place and been a while but we've had nice like this before I like to stay open in case somebody needs a safe place to wait out the storm just wanted you all to know that you're welcome to stay as long as you like things that's so kind Haley if you need anything just call excuse me sorry to bother you hi again um I was just wondering if I could but you don't even know you want to talk about your case and I've stated to your cohort I cannot discuss your case without both attorneys present and I have no interest in doing so anyway oh wait so you remember her but you have no idea who I am you were in court today too unfortunately okay please don't tell me I'm stuck in a cafe with a couple of criminals I'm the victim huh I guess I'm the only criminal oh oh great should I be worried your honor you've been giving me the same excuse for months I know I'm sorry but I am so close I've been running the simulations using the new variables as the data comes in it's just it's missing something art I'm missing something I don't know I just need more time time is something you don't have Rachel you were given a two-year grant for research and I agreed to let you spend that grant at my company because I thought your research might benefit us but here we are nearly two years later nothing's changed I know but I'm almost there I can feel it the solutions on the tip of my mind I know something will click I just need to keep going look if you just bring me up to speed maybe I could help I am so close just give me another few weeks and if I can't make it work then we can go over the data all right [Music] clock's ticking [Music] yeah don't worry everyone it's happened before be back on in a couple seconds mmm the power out just here or everywhere I'll go check down the street [Music] looks like powers out all around here hey Nick Olivia you didn't make it at home I was hoping you'd beat the storm yeah well I made it a few blocks away but my car got stuck I was waiting for a plow but nothing's moving out there okay Oh everybody this is Olivia she helps me run the restaurant Hey so what'd you see out there but why the ways but power is out there too it's not a downed line and it's not in my breaker box which is good so if it's a town issue it should get fixed quicker it's getting so cold in here yeah I was hoping that the power would be back on by now Oh No you'll freeze I have my suit coat here thanks judge in the meantime what do we do for heat well I'm open to suggestions hey there's a kitchen back there there's a gas stove we cranked that baby up and gather around a like a campfire it's not a bad idea well when I got my new stoves I found out I could get a discount on my insurance if I upgraded my gas lines at the same time so now when the power goes out the gas automatically shuts off to prevent fire so much for that [Music] Mich do you have anything thick to cover up these windows that'll help block the cold from coming through huh yeah I guess cardboard do yes I think so I've got a recycling pile back here where I throw the boxes out maybe maybe there's some I'll go check I'll help [Music] thank you [Music] I need a couple more boxes do you have any tape yes [Music] so you work here yeah after high school I moved to LA to try out acting but found that it was harder and it's more expensive than I thought so I moved back here and I've been working for Nick cents do you still act not a lot of acting jobs in a small town like this that's okay one day don't give up on your dreams right right who knows maybe my dreams will change what about you what about me what do you do I'm in between jobs right now this one's finished let's move on to the next window when will it start getting warmer this won't make it warmer but it'll help keep it from getting colder so fast you know I can't balat it's always easier to stay warm when you're trapping in the heat keeping it in one spot what if we use those other boxes how you ever build a fort as a kid [Music] [Music] good thinking everybody I think it's working I feel warmer anyway I don't know I should have worn a warmer coat today that's so sweet Thank You Mitchell and mr. Edward his name is Edward Morgan I googled you what end just trying to figure out what your deal is my deal I think he means why you seem so angry and what did you learn why am I so angry as both of you seem to believe honestly I don't know you uh moved here from New York about ten years ago with your wife pretty much stay to yourselves it's about it you got all that off the internet that's not much in this day and age it's like you purposely try to keep off the social radar are you in some sort of witness protection program or something as a judge you have quite an imagination imagination well I guess I'm pretty lucky to have any part of my brain working after what happened what do you mean that's the judge he knows all about it or he's supposed to anyway is all in my file then again he didn't even remember me an hour after dismissing my case maybe your brains just as messed up as mine I told you this is neither the place nor the time to discuss what happened to you there I felt and this yes it's a good thing right it's promising does that mean lift your arms for me please that's good you're making vast improvements I know my legs no but don't be discouraged how about is it you're going to have to learn how to walk all over again but how quickly that happens is going to depend on yo so I could recover fully yeah it will be very difficult and could be painful painful have you ever felt that prickly feeling after your foot is falling asleep yes multiply that many times over for a few hours it may sound strange but that pain is actually a really good thing really good pain the more it hurts the more the receptors are firing sending and receiving signals which reprograms the brain you're saying more pain that I go through stronger I get so she's sitting there staring at this murky glass and she goes uh there's no way I'm drinking this the last straw was winter milky I put a ton of salt in it when she went to the ladies room so she comes back takes one bite throws down her fork she stood up right there she goes worst date ever and she storms out and I got out of the date totally worth it poor girl poor girl poor me what about you guys any significant others funny stories I have a crush on my neighbour it's so not significant yet alaya no no woman wants to date Humpty Dumpty okay mr. judge Wow 0 for 3 Rachel save us yeah wish I could um I was engaged a few years ago but we yeah well he called it off the last minute so I just moved on and focus on my work and stuff what work um bio engineering in the agricultural industry juicy stuff no I wish this was a real campfire anyone bringing the marshmallows I got plenty in the kitchen mr. judge doesn't like marshmallows how can anyone not like marshmallows I don't know what did marshmallows do to make you hate them as well if you're trying to beat me into a confrontation you're wasting your time I have time it's you who won't do your job and listen to people's problems I'm not your psychologist gentlemen please I don't know what this is all about there's obviously some unresolved the issue with you two but for everyone's sake please it's not just me and the sounds of it eroded Rachel - go on Rachel maybe he'll talk to you I told you both I can't legally discuss your case without your representation present if you want to set up a meeting have your attorney call my clerk and put it on my calendar short of that I'm done talking to you both sorry guys smoke jerk just kids to me yeah well I wish I had the nerve to stand up for myself like you do what did you need to see me about so originally I did it the issues were with the seed susceptibility to viral proteins and then revising the planting conditions and methodology there were two issues yes sorry I fibbed a little okay but yet you you've solved all the issues every test and simulation I've ran has passed at flying colors ah but not the real deal it'll work I know it will I wish I were as confident as you but this happens to me all the time yeah research is one thing but execution is another plus you're out of funding what I talked about counting your grant ran out last week I could have sworn there was enough left for one or two more months maybe there's an error with the record I can talk to accounting the financial records of this company are private but I can assure you when you started your research two years ago we treated your grant just as if it were our own funds okay but labor materials shipping insurance the list goes on the costs add up look I know that it works I'll just have to find a way to raise the capital too there is one way I would be willing to risk my own money if I knew for certain it worked look let me take your research to my people okay they've been with me a long time and I trust them if they say it checks out then I'll fund the next step myself think it over and let me know but if not I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do for you here okay hey are you alright yeah yeah I'm fine it's using out here come on back in where it's warmer that would be a good idea okay in that case can you help me with something in the kitchen well what do you think nice face bigger than what I would have imagined yeah wish you could see it in all its glory flashlight doesn't exactly do it justice I've been coming here for 10 years of this strange being back here kitchen is the heart of any restaurant bakery cafe it's where the magic is made I was a kid I used to dream about this very kitchen it took a long time but here it is it's exactly what I had in my mind all those years ago yeah we rolled some silverware it is technical knife spoon fork fold in the world taking enamel that yeah I'll manage seems like a lot of space spaces opportunity don't fall I can be cooking breakfast lunch or dinner over there while I'm baking breads pies cakes over here all at the same time you must run yourself ragged yeah I guess I do do you know what I love it that's what keeps me young now judge the work is my life suppose I wouldn't be good for some people and put his feet oh absolutely it saved my life and all the credit goes to my wife prom you name the cafe after her I did she was from Paris I met her while I was in the military boy who thought that French beauty falls for this scrawny American kid we were married about five years and she comes up to me one day and says Nick you are not happy shocked hey of course I'm happy I mean I've got the most beautiful wife in the world who wouldn't be happy and she says no she could tell that there was this hole inside me and I stopped and I thought how did she know I thought I'd been hiding this pretty well over the years so I told her all about it my dream of owning a cafe the food I wanted to cook the kitchen that was stuck in my mind so we got the money together found this place a nice hometown feeling you know out of the city and we fixed it up over the years all this my wife helped make all this happen she always said she wanted the best for me she sounds like an amazing woman yeah she was she really was she died about 15 years ago I'm sorry to hear that but it's all right you got a good life that was a time when that didn't seem it would ever be possible you know judge in all my years I've only had one regret what's that not asking for help after pearl died I spent five years holding everything in too proud to let anybody into my life pushed everybody away I even started to blame God if pearl could have heard some of the things I said back then she'd Oh whack me with a spoon we all need help sometimes but usually it's during the time that we're refusing to ask that we need it the most I finally figured out that I couldn't do it alone I couldn't do anything alone I mean pearl was the reason I had come this far and then was her gone I had to lean on God and I did I was alone and let how much I miss her consumed me but then he taught me how to live again even though I miss her very much [Music] oh yeah yes not here it's starving oh I feel like getting warmer already and it will get warmer if we're all cooking anyone hungry oh yes I'd kill for a cheeseburger thankfully I don't think homicide will be necessary but thanks for letting me use this well welcome to the heart of my home now my second home my delivery truck dear to the snow and didn't arrive this morning and so my selection isn't as wide as it usually is but please make yourselves at home look around see what you can find a make for yourselves it's on the house but first rule be careful with sharp things if you hurt yourself my medical knowledge extends to like small cuts and burns and band-aids second rule please don't use any of the big equipment like the bread mixer or anything else that looks dangerous because a band-aid will not reattach your arm to your body so that's it go be safe eat enjoy thinking it may be using welcome [Music] [Music] Sara you home oh yeah I'm so sorry I forgot did you need something [Music] everybody's cooking come fine send me something that'll make you smile thanks red not very hungry I can make you something it's no problem at all does it help yeah but help what you said before it about letting people in God well helped me do you have to let him in what did you do I went to church again [Music] started to see the good around me I looked for ways to help out I stopped focusing on just my own life and I started to believe in God again what do you ask I'll do any of that maybe start with prayer first the rest will come come on let's go cook something as the old saying goes passion feeds the soul knowledge feeds the mind but something to eat like your favorite treat is better than both combined never heard that before is that an old French saying fortune cookie [Music] [Music] hey maybe he's human after all doubtful little pessimistic isn't it pessimistic or not willing to bet he'll be back to work on Monday making people miserable again [Music] yeah what am i eating here it's delicious booyah it's a French pastry it's a favorite for celebrating Bastille Day it's my wife's mother's own recipe they're amazing all these years and I've never straight past your sandwich Oh maybe it's time you expand your horizons for example over there [Music] should we go join I don't think they'd consider me welcome company never know unless you try they hate me Nick two of them anyway I'm sure the others have fall asleep by now hate is strong Laurie I say hate only because I can't think if anything stronger I take that back okay so low there's a stronger word but I think you're wrong but people's not old grudges and I think they're good people good people hold grudges just as well as bad ones trust me I deal with both every day I wonder if it's still snowing hey what time is it that's about 11:00 wonder how long we're gonna be stuck here I'm just glad tomorrow Saturday well I'm afraid Boredoms gonna rear its ugly head again anyone got a board game by chance all the phones are dead um if you guys ever played two truths and a lie yes it's been a while mmm never heard of it well that's a great way to pinpoint how many boyfriends your girlfriend had before dating you you tell us three things about yourself two are true and one is why and we have to figure out which one's a lie do you think we should ask him if he wants to play I don't think judge dredd will want to play a game with us well Nick will probably play with us but who's gonna ask him he already hates me and Lionel me no I don't like to stay on his good side I may get a speeding to go on day and I'll need all the help I can get I'll do it why am I so nervous he comes in here all the time the man does send people to jail for a living he's just another person like the rest of us he just has an extra thick layer of ice surrounding his heart hi sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me out who's what well we're getting pretty bored over there so we thought we'd play two truths and a lie you're speaking gibberish this young lady is inviting you to play game judge you want me to play game it's easy all you have to do is tell two truths and one light and we just try and figure out which one's the line I'm sorry I'm busy you're busy are you just gonna go back to staring at that pink box it's highly entertaining did you just tell a joke it was small but I heard it do you have a creative yet delusional mind I'm surprised you never made it as an actress there it is you did it again did what you cracked a joke you're not as scary as I thought you were I can see the real you behind that hard shell the real me trust me you don't want to see the real me your play won't you well of course in fact we both I mean it's not as entertaining as having a staring contest with a cake box but something to do fine all right that's two minutes everyone ready Mike you want to start how about you start show us how it works okay all right here are my three things one I threw up on the first boy who kissed me yeah to a famous actress came to one of my shows and said that I was a future star and three I'm deathly afraid of tomatoes okay that's Series II who's afraid of tomatoes no it's not too far out there I hate cilantro I don't fear it for my life but it's pretty high on my dislike list so how's this work who guesses will you take a vote so by the show of hands who thinks the lie is the horrible kiss disaster okay and the famous actress that leaves us with the wretched tomatoes gotcha it's number two I've never met anyone famous tomatoes seriously you're you're afraid of Tomatoes I don't know what it is you're just red small and slimy they just freak me out for some reason you need help my friend you ready not I have to reevaluate all my answers so it's done on the other side okay you're up Rachel okay number one I'm 29 and I have never lived on my own until moving here too I once ate five pounds of gummy bears on a dare and three I have never gotten a speeding ticket okay okay good those are hard ones okay who thinks the lie is never living on her own okay gummi bears [Music] okay in the speeding ticket yeah all right Rachel time for the big reveal which one is it it's number two I love gummy bears but I don't love him that much really Kate Lionel you're up okay one I was in an accident with a drunk driver and he fooled the court system and got away with it too he was in a coma for several weeks only to wake up to realize I couldn't walk or move my arms and three I spent nearly a year filled with agonizing pain all so that I could learn to walk again how sorry I messed up I actually gave you three truths let me give you the lie our friend the judge here had the chance to get the drunk driver off the streets before he could hurt anyone else and he actually took the opportunity and gave the man that justice he deserves good calm down everybody this is supposed to be in the spirit of fun George I guess I can go next one I caught a 900-pound swordfish - I run marathons as a hobby or three you guys are oh I'll be I can't believe it this is great well good evening good evening to you sir you know I've been wandering around this town for the past hour and this is the only place that has lights on please tell me you serve some form of alcohol here a hotel bar if you can call it that it closed hours ago and you know I'm thirsty oh hey ladies you're thirsty first rounds on me let's saddle up come on speak of the devil we were just talking about you weren't we judge well lookie here small town in it you should leave now do you know this guy he's the one that ran me off the road a year ago what come on now don't go spreading lies in public like that you know that accident weren't my fault you were drunk correction I was incapacitated by the reckless amounts of alcohol the cough syrup company put into their product that's obviously not true really well the company sure seemed to believe it how else do you think I got that fat settlement what do you think they're just gonna hand out cash to some guys line no no you see they couldn't wait to pay me off keep me quiet oh you know something we're actually closed so no I have to go someplace else all right closed yeah you look pretty open to me Wow come on where am I supposed to go there's nowhere else in this ghost town well besides I don't serve alcohol here so there's really no need for you to stay right so let me let me get this straight you want to kick me out because of this whiny loser right here you see judge this is the guy that you let go you believed him over me if it wasn't for this no he would probably be in his car right now just as drunk as he was the night that he ran me off the road okay you know what I'm just getting a little too sick of your fat lip right now you had a chance to help me put a stop to him but you were more interested in getting my case out of your court as quickly as possible and here he is no repercussions for his actions and no justice for me and he gets to continue on as the same piece of human trash as he was before yeah you know what why don't you turn around right now and say that to my face come here no but old man why don't you mind your own business okay this is between me and him excuse me what's left of him I suggest you leave mr. Thompson so you remember his neighbor do you don't remember the name of the guy that he runs off the road I didn't remember you at first but once I did I didn't want to deal with a confrontation a confrontation that's funny I don't know if you've noticed judge look around you're not in your courtroom anymore so I suggest you stay out of this cuz I don't see a bailiff to keep you safe you should go okay yeah yeah yeah okay thank you so I'm Leyna see around lamb night have a good night now shouldn't you join your friend you're saying I should go no no it's over no no it's okay Nick let him speak you've been nothing but a black cloud since you showed up here sitting over there by yourself fusing to have a conversation about Rachel's case or mine Nick had to practically drag you over to join us so you classify me with your friend mr. Thompson me as well and two miserable people full of hate to deafen by ego to listen to anyone I'm a black cloud I've done nothing but kept to myself since I got here while constantly being prodded by you every time the group tried to do something distract from our circumstances you sabotage the activity to bring up your own issues so fine let's hear your argument you are her representative of the law is up to people like you to get him off the roads before he hurts someone you failed so it's all my fault I moved here to be a chemistry teacher at the high school a month before I started my job mr. Thompson ran me off the road the coma the pain learning to walk again I could live with that move past it but everything I know about chemistry is stuck behind some mental wall that I can't get through so I fill in as a glorified babysitter substituting classes and kids making up tests even with all of that I was lucky he is going to do it again you had a chance to help stop him but you just threw my case out the door as fast as you could the next person he hurts is on you all you wanted to do is make a point for yourself you humiliated me when I'm already down and you didn't even listen to me defend myself also what you could get to your party before the storm hit when people stand in front of you their lives are in your hands do you even know how that feels know that you have no control over whatever happens to you that someone else is going to decide your fate and there isn't a single thing you can do about it it's a pretty terrible feeling one I've dealt with so many times in my life how many more people have you led to have can you honestly look at yourself in the mirror and not feel ashamed you'd like some honesty very well Lionel did I make a ruling on mr. Thompson's criminal case now so was there anything that I could have done today to have gotten mr. Thompson off the streets as you've said and put him in jail now civilly it's called res judicata mr. Thompson can't be tried for the same matter twice you were hoping somehow that I'd rule in your favor so you could get money so isn't that what this is really all about you didn't get rich today so you're blaming me then how about you Rachel did you or did you not commit a crime yes no no no but you broke into a building and attempted to steal files from your employers computer did I make you commit those crimes of course not then why are you acting is if I'm to blame for your bad decisions the fact of the matter is you broke the law and you must suffer the consequences for it your friend Lionel is standing here complaining about a criminal getting away without punishment yet you stand next to him a criminal trying to get away without punishment yet Lionel has no objection to that the fact of the matter is you're not angry with me but yourselves I'm just a scapegoat for your contempt you're wrong yes today was about me getting money but not like you think the accident happened a month before I started my job so my insurance hadn't kicked in hey since mr. Thompson was acquitted of any wrongdoing his insurance didn't cover my injuries at all and I didn't have as fancy an attorney as him so even though I got a little something from the cough syrup company it didn't even come close to helping with the months I spent in the hospital today was my chance to get help I know that he hid alcohol somewhere in his car a fake book his tire patch kit binoculars I mean why does a guy like that carry binoculars in his car oh yeah my uncle always carried some binoculars around after he died we found out that it was really a liqueur flask you just filled it up through the fake eyepieces see then my lawyer says that we should file something or other next to get everything tested in the car but I can't afford a lawyer now because of a contempt of court fee that I have to pay to I guess I'm just gonna be paying for mr. Thompson's crime for the rest of my life thanks to you even if you ruled in my favor today he would not have gone to jail but it would have been on the record so the next time he is standing in front of a judge maybe just maybe he'll be put behind bars where he belongs you're right about me I broke the law and I've accepted the consequence all I wanted today was the chance to tell my side of the story yes I made a mistake but under the circumstances I wasn't thinking rationally I admit it that's why I pled guilty I just wanted someone to put themselves in my shoes and ask one question what would I have done in her situation I engineered a new seed planting system for crops but the company I was working with took my research and kicked me out saying that the grant I had was all used up and that my research was useless they stole my work years of it gone my reputation and my career destroyed and I couldn't do a thing to stop it no one believed me and now I've ruined any opportunity to work in my field again I'm nearly 30 years old broke and now have a criminal record which is going to make it even more difficult to start over they were even going to drop the charges but you wanted to make a point hey I am so tired of being walked on but being treated like dirt feeling invisible a judge should try to see the truth but you didn't even look maybe you can justify your legal actions but that doesn't make them right [Music] judge judge people you don't have to do this please don't don't go out there it's cold you can stay it's time for me to go [Music] you may think you know the judge well you don't he's actually a very kind man maybe you don't know him as well as you think I shouldn't say this because it's not my secret to tell but I made the cake for the judge yeah to take to this party tonight we no no party yeah but it's a party without a guest of honor I've baked cakes for the judges why for the last 10 years her name was Sara she was a lovely woman was cancer took her six years ago judge didn't tell anybody he doesn't even know I know I only found out by accident three years ago but he still comes in every year to pick up his wife's birthday cake and then he takes it home to an empty house and I think that's how he's been feeling the inside for the last six years empty [Music] forgive him please even if he can't forgive himself he's a nice man it's a good he's just forgotten it and he hasn't let anyone in his life to remind him it's called of course is cold I'm sorry I please come back to the cafe you're kidding it's warmer inside Peter works just fine here thanks Nick told us about your wife Sarah what please don't be mad at him he was only trying to help so that's it you feel sorry for the poor widowed judge yes no not like that yes I feel sorry for you but that's not why I'm here and that's not why we want you to come back didn't why because you were right about everything but you're also wrong and we were right but also wrong your logic is confusing perhaps your new career should be in the legal field sorry my brains still fine my point is I screwed up I made a bad decision and it only made things worse I complain that I have no one to talk to you about my problems but that my mom I could have called her and told her what I was going through she would have helped me see that all wasn't lost that it wasn't the end of the world for me I never would have needed to come to you for justice justice let me tell you about justice Sarah wanted to be a mother so badly we tried for years we tried adoption after so much time waiting we found a young woman willing to let us adopt her baby my wife had a new energy about her then at the last second the girl changed her mind and I had to tell my wife the daughter that she'd hoped and prayed for was gone [Music] ripped her heart out and all I could do was watch then it was cancer followed by years of chemotherapy but she stayed positive the cancer went into remission we moved here for a fresh start put the past behind us we planned for a bright new future we even started the adoption process again then one day I get home from work and I see birthday decorations and I realize I'd been so busy that I'd forgotten her birthday and I'd forgot to pick up her cake I feel terrible birthdays always meant so much to Sarah and I'd gotten so distracted by work they found her in the bedroom she'd been crying I thought it was because I forgot her birthday but she just found out the cancer came back four more years of chemotherapy with me having to keep the secret from the one or two people we knew here because she didn't want to see the look in their eye when they saw her emaciated hair gone throwing up every hour and I sit in that courtroom day after day dealing with so-called justice but where's Sarah's justice what did she do deserve to go through that the answer is there is no justice Rachel not for you not for Lionel certainly not for my wife so that's it she died so you just gave up on life you can't understand it you haven't been there I agree my problems don't compare to yours you don't want me to feel sorry for you so I want to said I'll be honest you're selfish I'm selfish you're only focusing on your own pain your wife died cancer is awful it's sad yes but pardon me for saying this you are not the first person to lose a loved one and you are far from the last Sarah's life ended not yours yet from what I can tell and from what nick has told us you've been walking around for the past six years like you can't wait to join her in the meantime you've had so many people's lives in your hands and you've ignored them do you not realize that your decisions have a ripple effect on the people you judge you're right life is unjust but don't you see doesn't being a judge mean you get to decide when to show mercy when to show wisdom to punish those who deserve it to help those who need it justice does exist judge it's through you and it may not solve every problem or heartache like yours but it can help solve a lot of other's problems [Music] [Music] would you wish for why do you always ask me you know we'll never tell fine at least tell me one thing have any of them come true [Music] every single one [Music] if you're still there god please help me [Music] I needed to come back and apologize Nick told you about my wife Sarah what I never told Nick was how much is kindness meant to us over the years and wonder gret I have among so many I never told you about Sarah's passing I know she would have wanted you at her funeral I'm sorry but I always loved his case and if you've ever tasted one you'll understand what I'm talking about birthdays always meant so much to my wife and every year I'd pestered her about what wish she made after blowing out the candles and she'd never tell me he's she was afraid it wouldn't come true over the past six years I'd pick up Sarah's birthday cake I take it home and I think about her and I'd wonder what her what her wish might have been if she were alive today I think I finally know for someone to knock some sense into me tonight I think her wish fun came true I'm not sure exactly when it happened but some time after she died I I lost myself and I failed at my work and I'll never know the effect my decisions will have on other people's lives something I'm gonna have to live with but for now all I can do is say that I'm sorry that I vow to do a better job and to be a better person usually Sarah's cakes go to waste I've never had the heart to cut it but this year I'd be honored if you'd all join me in wishing my Sarah a happy birthday [Music] happy birthday sir happy birthday sir [Music] was a huge Lexus place to start nice [Music] somebody needed a ride I'm sorry man they just plowed the roads I just got through it's perfect timing does anybody need a ride well we're not going anywhere why don't we go back and make some bust sorry man I guess everyone's saying can I stay I'm really hungry too [Music] next uh yeah I have a fee I need to pay your name Blair first name Lionel for contempt of court that's the one it looks like it's already been paid what it's already been paid next all right seeing as you're both in agreement will postpone until Friday then thank you your honor what's next Walker County versus win again what's going on just revisiting an issue that's unusual you can't fool me I haven't seen you this happy in a long time Shh people will hear you I have a reputation to uphold and now you're joking around something maybe does he normally call this back this soon no I have no idea what's going on that's comforting just try and sneak home Hey I know hey what are you doing here I had to see the judge what about you yeah he called us an assistant DA in all right let's get started thank you for returning today on short notice over the weekend I found myself thinking about the government's recommendation on Walker County versus Winn I've said a motion to reconsider sentencing the defendant yes giving this winds clean record and remorse demonstrated I find myself wanting to go along with the county on this matter if I enter miss wins guilty plea is a plea in abeyance will that be satisfactory to you what does that mean everything's dismissed in six months as long as you stay out of trouble you don't have to go to jail yes your honor any objections no objections thank you your honor all right so be it the record will reflect the plea in abeyance that is all for today [Music] that was good are you gonna fill me in on what happened what do you mean something's changed you make that sound like a bad thing not at all hey young you free for dinner tonight yes shall we I got some different options with my lawyer yeah would you mind giving me just a few minutes sure thank you you didn't have to do that it was the right thing to do I just wish that I had seen it sooner what's next for you no more breaking and entering you know I always thought it was odd that mr. Roth pushed to get the case closed but my lawyer said that if the case had moved forward then he would have had to show everything I was trying to take he was just trying to make it all go away I see your point before I was on the defensive worrying about the criminal charges but now that those are out of the way my lawyer said I should file against the company that stole my research she said we can make mr. Ross show the proof I tried to get I didn't really understand all the legal jargon but I have a good shot of getting everything back including my reputation I hope so [Music] I know you had some ice chipped off your heart the other day but I didn't expect you to pay the fine well anything to prove you wrong sorry for how I treated you that was a two-way street still there's more to you than meets the eye you're gonna pursue your case against mr. Thompson again it's thinking about it yeah I can't be involved in your case anymore but you mentioned the binoculars and some other things in his car that seems suspicious if you get everything tested and presented to a new judge I have a recommendation judge Reed he's a good man he'll listen thank you you know you did to listen Amy little late but hey [Music] take care and good luck [Music] [Applause] have you ever tried to share if I can't pronounce it probably not the caffeine here has it thank you later go then [Music] [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 232,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, Ruling of the Heart, Ruling of the Heart Full Film, Brian Brough, Spanky Dustin Ward, Randall Malin, Gary Sivertsen, Robert Milo Andrus, Bailey Heesch, Ruling of the Heart (2018) | Full Movie, Ruling of the Heart Full Movie, Drama, strict judge, judge, court, full movie, full film, balance, justice, mercy, watch full movie, change of heart
Id: unjpcf6xCLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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