The Way to the Heart (2021) | Full Feature | Summer Romance

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] s off of the fire they're very very sensitive okay this is good to go [Music] um who needs a little bit of lemon juice to cut the richness you know Chef we got this if you want to take a night off maybe you should take a night off daggy for being so awesome [Music] [Music] is this Chef special again [Music] don't tell me okay I'm just gonna talk to her hi Lisa we should talk just as soon as I get these plates out I think your suit can do that oh it's just so much better with a personal touch okay this isn't working what well for how many weeks has that been your Chef special a few well a lot but it's because it's so special yeah I get it and it's delicious but cute but what is that you used to be so creative so Innovative but the last few months have been well yeah meh I feel more re-inspired when was the last time you actually left this restaurant or went out with friends I mean do you have friends I bust my butt here for you isn't that what you wanted no I've got minions to bust their butts I want you for your magic your your operation and your fire all I do is Cook I live and I breathe cooking do you actually like it look Ava right you need to go find yourself go to France France cliche well then go somewhere anywhere that will remind you of why you cook am I being fired no but I want my brilliant Chef back the one who actually likes to cook foreign [Music] things with friends foreign [Music] [Music] hi Dad it's Ava your daughter [Music] hey [Music] eating you happen to have a life [Music] we aren't dreaming [Music] with me [Music] hello hello what can we uh oh hi hi what can we help you with me we do cars engines tires I'm actually just looking for my dad Donnie gee oh your dad Donnie dad are you okay she backfired that's great you think we're gonna be able to get her to drive I didn't think we ever would because of that gas tank but then I thought give it a crank and bam oh she wants to go I can tell Dad are you hurt I'm gonna move her home get her ready for the car show Dad hi oh hi Ava Ava your name is Ava that is so great I love the name Ava I think we've been properly introduced I'm Zion Zion Darnell polish this will yep to know you were coming today did you get my email of course you didn't because you don't check your email you need a car to drive back to my home no I think I'll just take a cab no cabs out here I just took one oh that was just Mr Walker he likes to hang around the airport and pick up strangers that seems unsafe still can't drive I can drive Dad I just am traumatized from our driving lessons well I can't leave for a few hours maybe I could give you a ride home I think I'm gonna walk feel free to drop by any time [Music] [Music] would it be how sweet would it be loved by you how soft easy to How Deep Is Your Love could it heal me I'm sweet home [Music] I want to be in I know you're with them [Music] only the way love could Let It Go I know [Music] foreign [Music] how have I ever lived without you you are a chef genius and a perfect daughter [Music] nothing really hi Dad [Music] hello [Music] I made us dinner [Music] spaghetti where's the rest of it deconstructed spaghetti dad like at my restaurant he got fired no I didn't get fired we decided that I needed a break kind of like a sabbatical unpaid unpaid I'll just have toes thanks dad you can't just live off toast through this decade okay once again [Music] [Music] oh come on my mother could have got that [Music] thank you [Music] hi Lisa it's Ava I'm uh just calling to check in I actually came back to my hometown which was a great idea I am feeling super duper inspired but you know I actually feel like it's time to come back so hello is this recording come on Bill the man the myth the legend hi oh my God what the heck are you doing here I'm just checking in on my dad finally I don't know if you know this but he is getting like super old yes don't remind me wow you must have really missed you yeah anyway how are you how are things at the dealership oh you know selling cars moving cars same old that is the shortest answer I have ever heard you give about anything well Julia likes to remind me that car talk can be pretty boring Julia yeah Julia my girlfriend in the last two years what wow a girlfriend huh hermit no more I gotta tell you being a bachelor's kind of overrated you know no one to cook with why don't you come for dinner tonight that way you could meet Julia uh you know I should probably cook for my dad tonight I have no idea what he has been eating for the past 10 years speaking of data I should probably get a mess he's grumpy it was good to see you it's great seeing you know what I would love to come for dinner that's fantastic hey why don't you come a little early you can do all the cooking oh it's hilarious so funny oh [Music] are you okay hi you good you uh coffee drinker sure cool I'm a big coffee drinker myself you know I like all the roasts light roasts dark roasts even darker roasts wow yeah a lot of roasts [Music] would you want to maybe get a cup sometime no is my dad in the front have a good day [Music] hey Dad wow what a shot nice try I just ran into bill Bill your neighbor of 30 years he invited me to dinner yeah well that didn't take long what is that supposed to mean tell him I'm not paying for that break in the east side fence I know it's one of his guys who tried to go through with that long track Dad I think you're the only person in this town who doesn't like Bill what kind of man gets another man I'm always lawn that's why you hate him I don't hate him I just want to pay for something that I didn't damage okay well I will let him know thank you do you need a ride somewhere you're on the clock Zion [Applause] [Music] Eva did I hit you are you okay I'm fine I'm fine I am not hit I am unhit what are you doing here like your dad invited me for dinner so um it's the shortcut right maybe I got the kiss I I'm gonna be doing here in town I'm visiting my dad welcome back what are you doing here living I live here of course right sorry look I'm also going to my dad's for dinner you could lift the rest of the way if you want oh fine yeah it's just like right there so I'll see you in there awesome okay [Music] thank you we're almost there anyway let's go around yeah see I can't go around you if you're gonna it's fine I'll just meet you down there yeah surprise look what it is it's Ava yeah I know we pretty much ran into each other dad you didn't tell me she was coming well I wanted to keep your surprise you know the Three Amigos reunited come on Julius in the kitchen you remember this kitchen yes hi I'm Julia it's so nice to finally meet you later I'm so happy that bill isn't out here wasting away all alone hey what about me don't tell me you still live at home no but I'm here often enough I mean the food's terrific you know it's because of me it was a chef of course you're taking the credit no it's actually kind of true my mom died when I was younger and I used to come here in the afternoon to cook with Bill I guess as a distraction okay people dinner's not gonna cook itself okay what are we making chef well I'm working on this new sauce that I'm really excited about check this out so while I finish this up water to Julian the bell pepper and then shipping on the kale for my Caesar right and I'm gonna let these Pros work their magic okay is there anything I can help with oh you cook now you know what they say weight of the heart it's through the stomach unfortunately for Logan stomach never forwarded the messages to his heart oh it's my dad all right all right you ready Chef yes foreign so what do you think of the sauce it was incredible no no no I want your honest professional opinion okay those are from my market actually your Market yeah that's right you're formerly vegetable phobic friend now owns the local farmers market what it's really cute Ava you should check it out sometime people love it it's been great for the farmers great for the foragers I mean really it's been a win-win for the entire Community right really yeah okay should I be offended by your level of surprise right now no no Jesus you were always the car guy at my dad's shop you ever switched to birth Maybe so how does that happen how does one create a farmer's market 12 years ago I got into foraging you guys it was a hobby and I was immediately shocked by you know just how out of the way so many people will go to Source the exact same wild ingredients that we have right here you know we used to walk past this stuff every single day when we were kids they led to another I guess I got a little passionate and here we are I am the market guy you should take some back to the restaurant and show them what Prince George has to offer that's a great idea sweets oh you know what my restaurant actually gets it from bigger suppliers you know we need consistency and we can't depend on seasonal or what the Bears don't eat also it would curb our Chef's creativity or it could expand the chef's creativity because women have to think outside of the box right I'll be right back and I better help him choose it [Music] oh man imagine what my dad would say we saw your Dad's fire pit you know he could have joined us tonight nah I don't think I don't think why not no I run a classic car show to raise funds for local farmers Donnie's gonna have his Cadillac in it this year I know maybe you could cook something for the fundraiser right but it'd be a great draw hey you should he's right I could introduce you to some of the local Growers and you could do a wonderful cooking demo with some of this stuff I don't know how long I'm gonna be here for I think I have to get back to the city they must be missing you at the restaurant and how'd you manage to get the time off well I told them that I had to try somebody's amazing new sauce oh please don't pump his tires up anymore thank you so much for having me oh well don't be a stranger while you're here and you know you're welcome to use the kitchen anytime you want Logan why didn't you walk her home it's getting kind of dark sure could use a walk after that meal I'm gonna put too much butter in that sauce okay shall we bye thanks again I forgot how light it stays out here at night what type of restaurant are you at now I mean I used to read all the reviews on you but I guess I lost track over time you know oh that's sweet uh I would say it is canadiana okay upscale experimental at least up until recently it's any of my business would happen recently to be honest my boss sent me here do that she hired me after I won this big award best chef on the west coast right that's the one I thought well Ava congratulations yeah I worked really hard for that award I literally spent a decade of my life focused on that I guess my boss thinks that it's made me boring the ice yeah [Music] so how does one you know go about finding themselves I don't know when I was at your dad's I felt like how I used to feel when I started cooking my dad I think my dad will be really happy to see you what are you doing okay fine no I'm I'm fine just leave me what happened I think it was my rack went out again again [Music] this happens often level are you gonna do sleep out here I'm gonna move first time are you kidding me come on let's get come on so I see you brought the caddy back I'm getting serious about that car show dad why don't I help you inside I'm just kidding finish up out here well just scream if you need help always do I am genuinely worried about him I can't believe it took me this long to check in on him why did it [Music] no I was busy you know how it is and I wanted to forget about stuff here okay my dad and I know he's out here if anything were to happen we'd be okay you would find him two months later when you were coming to check the property line I just wish that he would move into the city talking about the same Donnie I know it's delusional anyways thank you so much for walking me home it was like the good old days I never walked you home you I ran yes because I was afraid of the forest monsters totally forgot I have forgotten a lot of things good night Logan be careful the forest monsters [Music] hi Lisa it's Ava I am definitely finding myself here and I I'm totally ready to come home like I said but I think I need a little bit more time to get inspired so I'll call you back in a couple days it's all right I'm fine [Music] so son tell me again why are you delivering dollars mail I already told you Dad stock them in at the loading dock so I thought I'd say no true I don't know why you're here you know that Donny's not exactly going to be happy to see me no that might be the case but you know Ava's being backs reminded me I used to like the old grouch Departed Ayla it's your funeral man oh uh twice in one decade it's got to be a record you finding yourself myself does not want to be found today unfortunately so I am just making my dad some lunch what's up I just brought apart from town that your dad ordered for the Cadillac oh nice his second favorite child yeah well maybe somebody wasn't such a difficult sibling so I [Music] so I thought I could do that cooking demo for your car show if you still wanted me yes yes I still want you okay I I you know what I mean yeah okay great well I wanted to do something crazy with squid it's not a lot of squid in this landlocked Town yeah I can get it from the city I have an amazing distributor there which kind of defeats the purpose because it is for a farmer's market um I'm just looking for some inspiration for my restaurant why don't I introduce you to somebody fishes local salmon I mean I'm sure you could do something really amazing with that sounds fishy wow you've really rehearsed that so where's this part uh my Dad decided to take it upon himself to take it into the workshop for your dad oh Brave bill that's pretty much what I said a hole in the east side fence is your expense Bill I'm not paying a dime of I've forgotten all about that no Logan sent this thought you might appreciate saving it driving to town to pick it up I can drive just fine Connie I know that that's not the point Logan thought that you know since he kind of put the gas on you to get the car ready for the show that you might she's basically good to go really star of the parade quite a classic don't touch it sorry Donny sorry I'm sorry [Music] sure must be nice having Ava back after all this time huh you know just looking more and more like Nancy every day now you're gonna make a habit of trespassing on my property bill [Music] thank you dad Lunch is ready [Music] [Music] where are the lids these are Danish open face sandwiches and they don't have lids so that you can see all of the beautiful toppings I would you just humor me Dad I'm trying to get inspired this one is pickled herring it's so popular in Denmark maybe I should have stayed in Denmark so Logan asked me to do a cooking demonstration at the car show too bad you won't be here well I was thinking about staying for a little longer you know maximize my trip [Music] anyway I have to go to the big grocery store outside of town to grab some ingredients and I thought maybe you could join me gotta work on my cat of course you do well maybe you could take a break we can get a coffee look at housing housing you moving honestly Dad I'm getting really worried about you being out here alone I thought that we could look at a townhouse you know closer to civilization will you just think about it no well I have to take a car so if you have an opinion on which one you should let me know I think that it's inspired enormous foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Damsel in Distress I'm fine I'll be right down okay okay I hate driving I would fly to the grocery store if I could grocery store which grocery store would this be exactly the bay the big side of town probably not shop at that place okay it's bad for your soul I sold my soul long ago for a wheel of Parmesan cheese seriously we have all kinds of locally sourced wonderful stuff right here in town I don't know Nature Boy do you have much of a choice I think your car's in a ditch it's just a quick stop fine I don't know if you're gonna have what I'm looking for it's a thing I do know that we're gonna have what you're looking for [Music] [Music] [Music] what are we doing you'll see okay three more Pace this ground is nice and flat you're okay ready yes open your eyes [Music] as real as it gets we just stepped onto the set of Little House on the Prairie right I mean it started off pretty makeshift but all these amazing people have all pitched in to make the magical place that it is now look how cute [Music] wow look at all the flowers yep oh hey boss hey Betty hey how you doing how are you good good how are you good Ava Betty hi it's so nice to meet you she's a site operations manager so is it Betty or Betsy Betty and Betsy she'd come say hi but Mercury's in retrograde so she's little I get it yeah right it was a top chef in the city oh okay and she's here to find herself uh some ingredients with which to create her next masterpiece got anything in mind you know what actually I think I got some pretty good ideas do you want to follow me yeah all right come on over this way believe it or not I've tried honey before Logan maybe not like this hey gang hey what can I do for you Ava this is Andy he runs four leaf clover Apiaries they're local beekeepers thank you for your service sorry because the bees are dying I mean obviously not your bees but the bees well uh we do have some honeycomb and some unpasteurized honey and some creamed honey as well as some bee pollen and some beeswax now there's nothing quite like a little bee pollen sprinkled on top of a salad try this leave on the flower it's a mixture of nectar pollen and B saliva [Music] but it's not cloying it's really lovely yes please okay one sec hmm every time my mom told me not to eat dandelions wait till you try this all right [Music] now try it go on get your fingers in there okay foreign that's actually really good it reminds me of childhood yeah oof I'm about to get schooled aren't I oh yeah [Music] and break your heart before you think you're done myself cheers [Music] when I needed to give up to think myself [Music] love is like a game when you are young [Music] things go wrong right after it's been fun [Music] think myself [Music] I have tried imported gelato that fancy vegan charcoal stuff from Yale town but this strawberry special I'm glad does that mean you're starting to find yourself oh you love that phrase don't you I do honestly it is amazing here but I have access to the most amazing ingredients in the world back at my restaurant and even that isn't enough to inspire me well then maybe the problem is the restaurant it's top 10 in the country yeah and the pressure for cooking for some of the judges eaters in the country is maybe was making you play so safe no I guess I don't know what to do because every restaurant I want to work at will be like that we know should we start your own restaurant serious Ava if anybody can do it it's you you can do it right here yeah I would be hard-pressed to find a Critic who would come all the way up way up anyway changing the subject what is the deal with Betty sorry I mean what is the deal she's totally your type she's gorgeous outdoor farm girl what makes you think for one second that you know about my type okay so what's the deal with you are you dating anyone I'm sure there are so many girls here who are happy that someone who never left I didn't never leave I left a few years after you did you did yeah I went to University out east and I got my Master's in Environmental Studies and just sit around after you what I'm sorry I didn't know that's fine so how does one get to Environmental Studies from car guy you and I grew up in these words and we always dreamed of living off the grid it's it's not that big of a stretch so the forest dragged you back oh nothing dragged me back [Music] you might have wanted to leave the second you could whatever that's fine there are a lot of us here who are here by choice because we love it I know I didn't mean anything it's more to do okay I'll um each hit the truck in a bit ugh come on nobody looks that good on a farm hey I don't hate it here you know there's so much goodness the people and the forests and the lights yeah yeah I can totally see why someone don't want to move back here except the forest Monsters of course it's a big flaw s wow I think it's happened to you what I don't know somebody sounds like they might be a little bit oh don't say it inspired it's okay you can say it I won't tell anybody get stuck in my throat it's easy just like the color repeat after me inspired inspired fine just a little bit that's what do you think bee pollen on everything bee pollen on everything [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] four hours ago huh I just got lost in the Cadillac sorry about that you've been working on that thing forever how is there still things to do to it there's Mouse Poop or something in this I should set some more giraffes no it's it's bee pollen huh never mind hey Dad what was mom's favorite food I don't remember well could you try like did she crave anything or have any Specialties you're the chef shouldn't you remember that sort of thing hello Ava are you there hi Lisa yes I've been trying to get a hold of you that's ready to go out um yes sorry Ava hi um well the thing is Doug has just done some really Innovative things with the new spring menu Doug like my sous chef duck yeah he sort of blew us away did the craziest thing with Japanese squid totally inspired wait what you know that I think you're really talented but I just well I think you forgot why you cook I'm sorry it just wears your inspiration oh I know I agree that that's why I came home and and let me tell you I am feeling renewed so you can tell me why you cook yes I can show you so many new recipes no I want you to tell me right now why do you cook where do you get your passion from listen you know if I've got to go it's just I really do hope that you find it find it whatever it is that I liked your fire all right okay bye-bye take care take care [Music] whoa there hey Betty hi Betsy are you training for a Sprint or something um just trying to blow off some steam I got fired last night oh you didn't find yourself in time I guess not well do you want to feed Betsy an apple it always makes me feel better okay for sure just hold your hand out nice and straight it kind of tickles a bit yeah go jumping with Betsy right yeah do you have to love it or is it good enough just to be really really good at it well the whole point of jumping for me is to get as close to happiness as I know how and I just wouldn't do it if it didn't make me happy anymore so how would you get your passion back if you lost it I I guess I guess that I would do a lot of jumping but not for anybody else not with anybody else watching I would do it just to feel what I love about it again so you're saying that I should make a whole bunch of food for myself so I can figure out why I love cooking again well I don't really know much about cooking I'm more of a horse jumper myself of course well thank you Betty thank you Betsy this has been weirdly helpful what was nice to see you oh Betty yeah are you interested in Logan um you know I probably would be interested in Logan but with the ABS and that hair flick thing he does yeah um but I'm just not into guys see you later Eva [Music] [Music] I don't even know you're coming I am in the zone what zone is that oh you know the super groovy mushroom foraging Zone you know it's the 21st century and you can buy mushrooms online now right yeah you'd be surprised how many varieties we have growing wild right here you just have to be careful with what you pick you know hmm where are those ones which is okay Ava don't move okay yeah yeah I think you might have oh no yeah I think that I stepped in something oh it's really really stingy what do I do what do I do what do I do I got you okay I'll be over in a moment one second [Music] are you picking flowers something like that I am doing ah oh wow um that is the best feeling in the world a little better right [Music] jewel weed rest assured if you ever run into stinging nettle again there's always a jewel B Plant nearby see a stem contains a juice it happens to be the natural antidote [Music] nature rules nature does indeed totally rule [Music] yeah oh thanks did I pick the right mushrooms no I'm afraid you would have killed us instantly oh well you win some you lose some hey what are you doing right now I got all this stuff at the market did you want to have a picnic do you want to ride home all you have to do is ask yeah simply just an added bonus you think you can keep the poisonous mushrooms away from us I make no promises Joy you really got it out for me huh I'm sorry realize our picnic is going to be in the canoe that's what we got here this is all uh inspired um it is all very basic I had fun putting it together though it's all from your Market and no I will not admit that you're right so don't hold your breath I know it in my heart so keep it in your heart cheers what are we choosing to to me getting fired what I got swindled by my sous chef classic story I'm sorry what are you gonna do now I've worked so hard my whole life for this and now I forget why I think it's night time that you start your own restaurant Logan do you know how much Capital it takes to start a restaurant so talk to my dad he's always believed in you he offered to pay for your schooling what back when you started talking about culinary school first thing he said you don't know about this do you again I paid for my school yeah I just said that he offered to pay for it but he asked your dad and your dad said no what are you talking about to be fair you spend a lot of time with my dad after your mom passed so I think yours got jealous when my dad offered to fund your school and you probably heard his pride a little bit wasn't happening you're lying why would I lie about that I'm not lying to you Ava you're just taking into some circles why didn't you say anything to me I thought you were my friend how could I you're the one who just up and left talk about being friends friends don't just abandon each other what am I supposed to do my mom was gone my dad was completely checked out I was all alone I had no safety net you say that you had us we were the Three Amigos we had so many great adventures planned it's not real life Logan yeah well it was to me can you please stop doing this I am sure your dad had his reasons float on a proportion really fast [Music] I want to go home Eva if dad hey is it true you hate bill because he did you the horrible disservice of offering to pay for my school how could you you knew how much I wanted to get out of this town you knew how this place made it impossible to get over mom dying how could you know all of that and still turned him down get to work three jobs I had to go into debt I had no life I had no friends how could you know all of that and not let go of your ego long enough to give me just one one break in this life and I know I spent a lot of time with Bill and maybe that was hard for you but did it ever occur to you that I had to go somewhere [Music] you completely shut yourself off to me when I needed you the most and I know that you didn't deserve the hand that you were dealt dad but neither did I you'll be happy to know that I'm going back to the city so you can be alone with your stupid car [Music] foreign [Music] about the chef's position in Vancouver dad are you okay what happened it's that stupid car like you said I am done with it yourself no well let me help you up could hit something to my leg okay I will call for help oh Dad hey Bill I don't know I am grow up Dad oh in here thank you so much for coming I think he's from the hospital I'm fine like how you are come on come on dad let's get you up okay be careful be careful's got your other side all right can you hop like the Easter Bunny bill yeah exactly oh they're all right be careful I can do it a few more Ops okay all right Donnie you're gonna have to put your seat back so you can keep your legs straight not an idiot no ow you know Daddy this would be a lot easier if you'd stop fighting with me all right can I just ride in the back okay put your seatbelt on there Donnie foreign well the good news is is he didn't break anything but they think that he tore a liquid so they're gonna do an x-ray Saint Phil is going to drive him back tomorrow I yelled at him this afternoon I told him I hated the car so we blew it up to prove a point to me about earlier today oh hi Logan it's fine really thank you but it isn't I know the things I'm even close to easy for you after your mom passed [Music] cure I do not take that lightly you're my best friend foreign [Music] I think we need wine right I'll be right back [Music] foreign [Applause] Logan [Music] foreign what what happened I wouldn't let him pay for the hospital parking so he refused to get in the truck dad what are you doing of the car fight between the two of you has to end I'm serious Phil out of the car I know that I got really mad at you yesterday and we will deal with that but right now the issue is between the two of you bill Donnie I'm sorry should have been more sensitive after Nancy died Ava started hanging out at our place in the culinary school truth is I just never stopped to think that you might feel like you were losing a but too sad [Music] sorry bye girl two I don't care about the money not having it made me who I am today and I'm just like you I'm strong and proud and really a little bit stubborn [Music] you know one thing to say to you Bill the break in the east side fence is your repair [Laughter] ah all right come on let's get in the truck will ya how did you make it this entire way dad are you sure you don't want us to take you home gotta keep an eye on Zion listen I gotta go lots to help Logan with before the car show about that will you apologize to your son for me I uh not gonna have the caddy ready dad you work so hard on it I did and then I blew it up well there's always texture oh you know what Bill I'm actually going to the market so I can tell Logan about the car sounds good take care YouTube I happen to know they're a mountain of groceries from the farmers market already at home aha your point being say hi to Logan for me I'll have fun with that hi Zion without him [Applause] living I can have an ocean to get in the way to take Mr Walker Logan so my dad is doing better and I am basically a magician because I have made my dad and your dad finally make up so feel free to applaud me wow congratulations about last night don't worry about your cooking demonstration wait what I saw the text Ava I didn't mean to but about you taking the job in Vancouver maybe this time you wouldn't leave without warning Logan let me explain see you again someday you know Logan foreign [Music] [Music] did they say that I have to go back all the way down oh my gosh oh gosh what are you doing can you can you touch no I feel it oh my foot's dead I think Dad you stink [Music] notice inside [Music] [Music] holy crap that's delicious [Music] really oh yeah and um it's just a grilled cheese like Mom used to make with a couple additions it is not the same as mom made trust me I had plenty of her grilled cheeses over the years well it was inspired by her then comfort food hmm your mom was an incredible cook I know that you got your talent in the kitchen from her remember she had that big Garden out back I totally forgot that we used to spend all day prepping ingredients and she went she would even use a recipe she just make things up you would get so serious about it yeah almost too serious we just cooked because it was fun it didn't have to be fancy or perfect it was just yummy yeah that's why I cook because it's yummy you know Dad I was thinking maybe I could help you with a Cadillac no I hate that car because it was basically The Sibling I never wanted um but maybe I would like restoring it okay deal but first you have to make me another grilled cheese [Music] okay yummy [Music] it looks like this is going to be your biggest year ever yeah it's just too bad Donny's cat he couldn't drive the parade would have been a big draw ah you know what else would have been a big draw let me talk about it Dad I'm just saying a lot of people who are really excited about seeing Ava's demonstration that guy was Ava doesn't care about this town he's been dying to leave ever since she got back maybe she doesn't have a reason to think otherwise son have you ever actually asked her to stay do you ever give her a reason to come back to town have you ever told her how you feel about her ever [Music] didn't know Ava was a mind reader [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no but I haven't even touched it yet yes just okay just go easy not there though sorry it's just you're going in a little aggressively I am being gentle I promise um your mom used to do that um what stick her tongue out when she was concentrating on something no did Mom ever work on the caddy all the time bought it for her you know I didn't know that I didn't even know she liked cars mostly just this one we got it together a couple years before you were born just uh and I had some fun to do together you know I even drove down to Santa Barbara see where it was made yeah we'd come in here talk for hours and it's kind of putts around with it you're a mom [Music] she was the best company in the world [Music] hey I just want to say that I'm sorry for not being there for you when she died I was just overwhelmed I am could barely move you know I'd come in here and work on the car and it was like I still had her with me it was like there was this piece of her that was right here right here with me just tinkering like we did you know I never wanted to finish it I guess cooking was your way with dealing with her loss this car was mine I never really thought about that [Music] I'm sorry I didn't stay to help you oh no there's stairs and goers in every small town and early on you know who they are and you were a goer we all knew that we knew that you were going to leave I mean just that we hoped you'd come back we can Logan I mean I was numb but that poor kid was heartbroken he didn't know what to do with himself he'd come here he'd come down to the shop he's looking for something anything to do a couple of years he was hanging around and he left too Ted what are you talking about he used to mope around that Fort that you guys built together I mean a grown man hanging around the tree for it thing I have to go foreign [Music] hanging on you know I've been wanting more [Music] list of times [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wonder what this it is [Music] [Music] smile [Applause] [Music] dad I have an idea foreign Mr M hm what are you doing here on the Saturdays I am working on my baby just like you taught me you know got to keep the classics alive that's a 95 Beamer that's so vintage right that's like 10 years before I was born okay Dad why don't you point me in the direction you want to go allow me Zion sorry Mr this isn't Friday night at the Disco I am quite the dancer to be fair uh are you guys gonna pick up some more parts for the caddy among other things dad are you sure you want to do this you don't love people and they're going to be a lot of people it's just temporary I can handle it for you I'm liking this guy Mr Miller sir I was wondering if I might have your permission to ask your daughter to the dance oh wow it looks like the whole town is here okay Dad why don't we sit down here stay hey hey I'm a stranger lately oh well you know how demanding a patient my dad is hi hi everything is looking really good uh do you have a minute to talk I am actually looking for Betty so I am going to have to catch you later Connie hey how you doing see ya since when are you friends [Applause] that one's my favorite that one yeah and the one behind it and the one behind it yeah [Music] [Applause] I don't remember giving Zion to go ahead to enter that monstrosity [Applause] okay come on you gotta go Museum [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think that she's at the end of the parade or this would have taken all day oh my God all right [Applause] I'm shaking that was amazing [Applause] dad I didn't even notice the rose mom's favorite you know she never going to drive this car she would be so proud that you did [Applause] you make me cry all of your fans wait that's gonna make me cry everyone [Applause] you know this car was made in 1926 the same year that my mom was made but down in uh actually they only made a few so incredible to see her in action huh she just needed a woman's touch to get her running look who's the car nerd now well they don't call me Ace for nothing oh they're calling you Ace flowers uh this car was made specifically for young men to go Court it listen Ava I really have to talk to you you know what I can wait because I have a cooking demonstration I need to get to yeah so my wife Nancy and I actually drove down don't worry Betty helped me she what they're inside [Music] hello everyone gather around how do we all doing tonight what an awesome parade that was all right well I've got some good news and I've got some bad news the bad news is our resident celebrity chef Ava Miller will not be giving a cooking demonstration this evening the good news is she would like to welcome you to her brand new pop-up restaurant welcome to the way to the heart pop-up restaurant experience inspired by my mom's home cooking we are going to be popping up at various places around town starting after today at Donny's mechanic shop thanks Dad we are sourcing 100 of all of our ingredients from local farmers and foragers from this Market [Applause] a tablet [Music] you really couldn't leave this at the table huh 30 years to get a trophy for that car I'm gonna be buried I can't believe that you let me drive the caddy neither can I regretted it if I didn't can I cut in young man are your intentions with my daughter honorable [Music] they are all right then I'm fine well Zion Ava I liked your car oh yeah yeah it's just a starter car you know it gets me around so what are you going to do after graduation oh I'm gonna kick this town as fast as I can you know gotta go down there see the real world I think that's a great plan and you can always come back home if you want yeah no doubt No Doubt um I have The Stance yeah dude of course good luck with Ava your car laughs hi hi it's really sticking around changed your mind a couple of things my dad obviously and I may have found our old tree fort [Music] I never should have expected you to stay should have left with you when you did I don't know I guess I was selfish we were just kids yeah we didn't know anything I might have known I was hopelessly in love with you [Music] [Music] did I mention that this time I would really really really really like it if you'd stay [Music] I do have one small ass though maybe I can drive the caddy around town just in case there's some plastic bags no you know we might have to go over 10 kilometers an hour something so Mister that is my deal breaker all right [Music] they were so beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how nice would it be how sweet would it be to be loved by you how soft is you done How Deep Is Your Love [Music] couldn't help me through [Music] I won't want to be held I know and we've been on the way love could [Music] I can't wait go I know that I should cause [Music] I've got this stubborn streak he's been haunting me there's something I wanna change [Music] no I just can't let it be foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] how nice would it be how sweet would it be to be loved by you [Music]
Channel: Trilight Entertainment
Views: 629,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trilight, Trilight Entertainment, Movies, Films, Flim, Full Movies, Feature Films, TV Series, TV Shows, TV, Romance, Hallmark, Lifetime, Summer Romance, The Way to the Heart movie, The Way to the Heart romance movie, The Way to the Heart, new movie, 2021 new movie
Id: 9_oEBKsvMKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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