Cries from the Heart (1994) | Full Movie | Patty Duke | Melissa Gilbert | Bradley Pierce

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foreign [Music] well tell them you can't work I told him you were coming Roger he knows of course he knows you did the same thing to him last week one day you took him one day is not the weekend a big deal it was to the zoo I take him to the zoo the agreement is every other weekend Roger all weekend he needs that time with you yeah he can he can count on me the reason I am here for him I am always here for him is because I want to be Roger not because I'm being a martyr I happen to love my son [Music] I know I know I I didn't mean that I know well don't call me a martyr then Roger please I'm tired school's out I'm with him all the time I could really use your help around here all right just stop it [Music] you know I'm not gonna do that so why do we even bring it up Michael Roger hold on foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know the playground I gotta go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign Michael [Music] Michael Michael Michael Michael you cannot leave the house you never ever ever leave without me you hear me Michael do you hear me Michael can you foreign he could have gotten hurt I can't watch him every second Roger I'm doing the best that I can I know that Karen maybe if you'd help I do help but I have got to go to work somebody's got to earn a living what are those Brews or should I say who are those bruises from I bruise easily Karen you cannot keep this up it's not fair to him he won't love him like I do he needs help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my God we're here it looks real nice [Music] you know our students range from age 6 to 18. they have a range of Developmental Disabilities not just autism I need you to meet Karen Barth and this is Michael hello Michael hi Karen Terry Wilson long drive huh not bad Terry is going to be Michael's teacher and communication therapist Michael Michael these you know I haven't definitely decided yet Michael hi I'm Terry nice to meet you I hope your mom does decide to let you stay I think you'd really like it here Michael no Michael let go honey let go Michael let go you okay Terry oh sure can't hurt this overhead I made a mistake Michael doesn't like it here how do you know that I know my son look what he did to you just now we've never done that to you I'm the only one he responds to the only one he's comfortable with what about his father well he responds to his father but well then he might respond to me oh we give him a little time Karen we can help him oh wait we can't turn him into a rocket scientist but I hit him very boring lives but we can teach him not to pull hair he can learn to dress himself he knows how to dress himself great look you've come all this way and I'm not just talking about the drive why'd you let me give you the nickel tour show you the apartment we have set up for well this is home uh living room here as Michael like to watch TV oh it's on quite a bit but mostly he just stares at the credits you know at the end of the show competitive stuff um the bedroom and the bathroom right back there and uh the kitchen's here uh Michael will have lunch with the other kids but we'll fix breakfast and dinner here and snacks oh he loves snacks sometimes it's the only way to get his attention I'm afraid hmm we'll find some alternatives well why don't we let Michael and Jeff get acquainted while I show you the rest of the canvas great why don't you take him to the playground okay come on big guy you like to climb uh swing he likes to swing okay swing it is there you'll be fine at Michael's School they just Drew him in with all the other kids in Special Ed that's a mess finally they admitted they just couldn't do anything for him that's why they pay for a program like this he was such a normal baby we connected from the first day the first minute they handed him to me and he was there a complete person they just go away like that how could he disappear into his own body he was two when you learned he was autistic I hate that word somebody told me that it means aloneness I don't want him to be alone in there frightened what can you do for him help him learn how to take care of himself to have better social skills to focus he's going to live a normal lifespan Karen he can't spend it all acting like a bratty two-year-old he's not bratty I'm sorry I know he's not bratty he's frustrated so am I then let us help we're trained to do this how often could I visit him we ask that you don't for the first six weeks we need the time with him he needs to get used to a new routine to us add to that once a week once every two weeks he can't tie his shoes I guess I gave up trying to teach him hell he likes to color he likes scissors he likes to swing he likes to go to the zoo and he's never been away from me and away from him I don't want to be away from him [Music] mommy loves you sweetheart and I'm gonna visit you real soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Michael where does the triangle go foreign [Music] like I do be much better for him if he didn't think I just dumped him they know what they're doing it's a great place okay can't you see how lucky we are that it's even available the kid's gonna get one-on-one help it's the kid we are doing the right thing Karen I know it's hard especially for you but give it a chance give it time I miss him Roger every minute of my day was filled with him this isn't about you well don't think just because he's in this great place you never have to see him again you visit him of course I'll visit him now you have to do some of this you know two oops one for the other hand okay very good two over under and come on get ready here we go and pull yes hi honey help you with some of them oh thanks I'm balanced I'll be the judge of that uh your little bag of tricks toilet paper rolls don't ask breakthrough this morning I held Michael's attention for five whole minutes that's great father along with him by now according to whose timetable mine I have to tell you there's something about this kid that first day when he hugged his mother he hugged he initiated I swear sometimes he really sees me hmm what don't get your hopes up too high for this little boy well my hopes might be justified if you'd speak to his mother and tell her to stick to the rules and not visit for a while thank you Elliot Michael ball work now play later ball try again ball no you can't have the Apple until you do all the rest come on ball all right yes way to go Michael good boy okay let's try for two in a row okay [Music] uh we'll be finished here in just a minute I'll just watch hi sweetie I concentrate Michael what are you doing I'm trying to get Michael to match the real object with the picture no I said he learned to make the relationship between the real object and the picture then he can use the pictures to show me what he wants if you'll just give us a minute oh sure you go ahead no come on concentrate point to the motorcycle you know no no foreign Jeff did not have to do that yeah he did he could have heard it no he's trained not to tell me Karen what are you doing when Michael has a tantrum at home well I don't manhandle him I don't have to either six weeks we agreed I didn't agree every time you pop in he gets belligerent and uncooperative and not just for the day that you're here but for two or three days later I have to start all over with him Karen are you telling me that I shouldn't be concerned about my own son I'm telling you I need Michael's undivided attention you have to stay away so who the hell do you think you are I'm his teacher I'm his mother good be his mother abide by the rules [Music] foreign excuse me excuse me are you the plumber no I'm here about the job the ad in the paper well wanted a right person for a menial job with crotchety old lady odd Hours hard work must love dirt Sam and Loopy's Greenhouse three three one Greenbrier don't call is it really that bad of course not but I've had a succession of nitwits and Knuckleheads since Sam died I figured that would weed out the riffraff where have you worked well I haven't in quite a while it's my son I had to stay home to take care of him but now he's away at this um School do you know anything about greenhouses I used to help my grandmother in her garden I don't know honey a little thing like please I'd like to try I really need the job and I'm not qualified for much now I don't mind odd hours or hard work and I just love dirt hmm what the heck go buy some overalls thank you foreign [Music] what's for lunch Michael your choice zucchini okay no tomato [Music] no bikini Bravo very good work zucchini for lunch foreign dinner's ready I made it all by myself how's it going okay I know making his bed coming up with the meals making some Franks last night but he's still got a little ways to go like dirty clothes go in the hamper not on the floor right well I've got some dirty clothes and beans and franks of my own to take care of morning oh my baby boy oh gosh look at you you keep growing up on me come here and let me see you a whole weekend together they didn't tell me who was coming oh well we thought his son first home visit I should be the one well you're gonna have to sleep out here on the couch it's not very comfortable I'm sorry oh it's fine thanks how about some cookies and milk we've pretty much cut back on his sweets maybe a little later it is a special occasion that's a sign for the bathroom he's using 10 signs now okay I'll let him go by himself what he sometimes has accidents not very seldom anymore we're encouraging him to do more and more on his own he needs to develop a sense of self-sufficiency I'm all for that good so why do you have to stay well we thought that you might like to see he's not on exhibit here he doesn't have to show off from me it's not a matter of showing off isn't it foreign hello Roger hi Terry good to see you where's the guy all by himself he's gone to the bathroom by himself before Roger well it's a nice day good weather good day to be outside you know hey that's my tiger right there huh where'd you get that view your old man buy you that shirt I told the gorillas you were coming today they went crazy they're all jumping up and down they can't even wait to see him should we go you betcha I'm a gorilla goofy myself he just got here he's tired he's not even tired look after that long drive it's probably exactly what he needs to just get out and walk around outside Terry it might be nice to walk around Michael this way to the zoo again you gonna stay in bed all day that's more like it how about some breakfast hey what do you say I make you some pancakes and then you and I sneak off together for a little while just the two of us before you have to go back to school thanks you want Franks and Beans for breakfast foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I was gonna ask if you're busy but I can see that you are I've been challenged to a duel cat's cradle Three O'Clock High you don't remember what comes next do you you're in for us forever good um I've been reading about this new technique facilitated communication controversial stuff most new things are I'd like to give it a try with Michael Michael you see the results of the new battery attest oh those tests don't do him Justice he's doing things the tests say he can't do he initiates communication and he seems to be getting frustrated with the limitations of some signs and a few pictures he's frustrated that you are both there's no proof facilitated communication works I'm sure it doesn't in every case but maybe it does in some look the stuff that I've been reading is very exciting I think we owe it to our kids to at least explore the possibility you want to go to that conference in Denver next week huh I'll pay my own way you teach me how to do this in the next 15 minutes maybe we'll pay for it but Terry I want you to be objective don't let them snow you um oh I gotta go come on Terry Terry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how many give me a number you look great at this yesterday what happened just having a bad day okay we will take a break I have to go away for a couple of days Michael [Applause] oh my God my girl ah it's okay it's okay you haven't done that for a long time [Music] I'm gonna miss you too [Music] so how does a kid like Michael type out messages on a computer well he doesn't do it by himself the teacher provides emotional and physical support just support you start out by holding his hand like this and helping him to point and then what you want to do eventually is work your way up the arm you know the kid's not that bright so even if this stuff is for Real what is it exactly is going to be typing he doesn't even know how to spell oh we don't know that Jeff I I heard some pretty impressive accounts what about the people who say it's the teacher who's actually doing the typing not the student I'm sure that happens and we have to be very careful about that I would Elliot what is it exactly you see in this kid you know I can't even get him to pick up his dirty laundry I thought he was doing that yeah well he stopped okay I know his behavior is slipping but I think it's because he can't get through to us and I think that he's gone about as far as he can go and we ought to back off not be pushing at him I don't want our students being guinea pigs and some new fat Terry I don't either Elliot you spent all this money sending me there I learned the technique let me try it foreign only with Michael I'll give you one month and I'll be monitoring yes thanks Elliot one month Terry this look at the keys talk to me Michael dog bye Michael what happened why aren't you trying don't you want to talk to me aren't there things you want to tell me all you have to do is try come on here oh no no no no no okay what do you want to play with ball top car first you have to type it see I told you Mom was coming we are old oh I missed you so how's it going well nobody's gonna accuse me of doing the typing he's very fond of M's is his behavior any better no Michael don't do that [Music] [Music] oh my God oh my God oh baby [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yes I am very proud of you [Music] I do good you're doing great Elliot you type that you showed me some Terry you didn't Elliott dad gone yes dad's gone I break car my fault no no honey not your fault the night that Roger left Michael got upset that day and he broke the car window no honey it had nothing to do with the car Dad and I just weren't getting along it is not your fault don't ever ever think that dad and I both love you very much no I am telling you I actually talked to him he's got all of these words just like other kids yeah but I mean a week ago he's pounding out gibberish now he's typing the words yes where do you learn it where do you learn how to spell TV book signs it's like all this time he was absorbing language and it just needed a way to get out Terry holds his hand no she supports his hand and she helps him Point his finger and now you trust her this woman that you couldn't stand a month ago well I was wrong okay didn't you always say that just once you'd like me to admit I was wrong I was wrong wow he said something he typed something that she could never have known about remember when he broke the car window he typed dad gone I break car my fault can you type that oh God I told him that wasn't why he thinks he did something that got me mad and that I just ran off and left him and I never told him anything different well now I've told him I believe you I don't know he will in time and if he doesn't now he can tell us [Music] thank you for talking me into taking him there in the first place no you gotta stop that's two I was wrongs in one day on my heart I mean stop it now if you keep teasing me I'm never gonna do it again [Music] foreign thank you I think so too so how's your husband doing how did he uh take the good news well he's very happy uh maybe the two of you will get back together again Lupe you are just an old romantic you watch the old stuff or I won't make you my plant supervisor supervisor it's just you and me who am I gonna supervise the plants plant supervisor I see well then I accept the position oh ah I guess maybe I have to give you a raise oh we'll be yeah yeah you got the touch kiddo oh and Cody uh make sure you let him pick out his own socks otherwise you got a huge fight on your hands um Magazine's going that drawer and the uh scissors next to him yeah so I'm going to Fort Lauderdale two whole weeks out beach bags oh yeah um sometimes he gets up in the middle of the night just put him back in does he have nightmares yeah they got them all stressed out on games on them and stuff but hey nobody listens to us guys on the front lines am I right I guess the laundry hamper it's time to sit down [Applause] I want you to sit down thank you it's bothering you I know you can do this you did it when your mother was here she the only one you got to talk to please talk to me are you upset because Jeff is on vacation Cody says you're waking up in the middle of the night crying I can't help you unless you tell me Michael Michael [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] what what you want to put my pants on relax okay stop stop okay it's your last buddy depends okay okay hey you all right [Music] I'm just trying to eat some sleep okay everything's gonna be all right I'm gonna be across the hall [Music] thank you Michael you can't keep this up you don't eat you don't sleep can't you tell me why are you mad at me are you why why are you mad at me Chad he missed Jeff keep Jeff away why oh my God [Music] no Karen Karen they called me I'm taking Michael home this is your fault I trusted you to protect my son please come back inside no how could you hire somebody like that we checked background we add a few references what references with who is Friends Karen I don't want to talk to you day one I was right about you he's just an experiment to you you know that's not true I want my son now now of course Terry please come back inside foreign where's this guy he's on vacation vacation from what molesting my son we've notified the police I don't want him in jail I want him dead talked her into this I was the one who told her about you people in the first place and uh believe me we take every precaution we monitor the staff that'll be Michael he's very fragile he needs your support you reassurance I don't think we need to be told that thank you very much Roger okay come in [Music] Mommy and Daddy are here now can we love you very very much [Music] you'll be all right tiger no one's ever gonna hurt you again foreign [Music] [Music] no no you have nothing to be ashamed of you did nothing wrong it's Jeff Jeff's shade Jeff didn't work get his things we're taking him home Karen no we're getting him out of here at least he'll be safe with us he needs this place or a place like it look at the progress he's made even with his god-awful thing happening to him if you take him away now it's like punishing him for what Jeff did please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay we gotta go back here and get it no I am his mother I am supposed to know when he's hurting I should have known I Used to Know but now he's away at school and I've got a job I've got to decide what color curtains I've got more important things to do than to worry about that damaged little thing that I dumped off on the steak no nobody dumped anyway even trust me enough to tell me he told a practical stranger well I'm just glad he told someone anybody besides stranger she's the one he needs now there's nothing like [Music] thanks Cody see you later pal that was a very grown-up thing you did choosing to stay I think you're a pretty wise little boy [Music] thank you for honoring me with your trust [Music] [Applause] Jeff had been working with us about a year before that he worked as an orderly in a nursing home did you do a background check of course references were okay no police record certainly no evidence of pedophilia hi Terry hi Michael this is detective Bradley how you doing Michael I'm Frank probably haven't done this since I was all right I'll bite your age bad for an old fat guy huh do you get frequent flyer miles huh where were you when Jeff did this to you bathroom okay Michael did Jeff hurt you why don't we just knock off for today Michael Jeff isn't going to bother you anymore you've been a big help I had a nice time on those swings too thanks I'll be right back nice kid is there any chance that he's making this all up why would he do that you tell me no reason okay thanks for your cooperation it's all well somebody from the DA's office will be in touch with you pretty impressive that communication stuff pretty impressive [Music] [Music] I don't know where she is Michael why don't we go give her a call [Music] whenever she's not gonna come for the weekend she calls she didn't even call [Music] congratulations [Music] Karen please I've been driving forever I was wrong about Michael you're the one who's behaving like a bratty two-year-old don't you pass judgment on me lady you want Michael you've got him you take care of him he doesn't need me he's got you selfish I said stop judging me everyone from the day that he was born maybe you ate the wrong Foods Karen maybe you didn't get enough exercise Karen maybe you've got bad genes Karen I am a bad mother for keeping him home then I'm a bad mother for sending him away then I'm a bad mother for seeing him now I'm a bad mother for not seeing him I can't do any of it right but you can't walk away from him I already did that didn't I the day I left him with you why does it have to be all or nothing with you does it have to be me in control are you in control why can't we share the responsibility for Michael the first day you came to the institution I watched Michael hug you goodbye goodbye both of you I saw his love for you and I thought that woman's been a good mother to that little guy this must be the toughest thing but it was the right thing to do you got him the help he needed but he still needs you too now more than ever I need you Karen we have to face this together you me Michael [Music] you look a lot better than you did last night thank you I feel better too um coffee toast eggs yes yes and no thanks did you sleep okay bye I want your um husband be worried don't have one you know you know everything about me and I don't know anything about you your personal life this is my personal life I never got married always loved my work have a dog named MO I'm a fan of The Three Stooges no yeah so come back with me today absolutely tell me who is this person that's coming to interview Michael someone from the District Attorney's Office a woman Marla Tolbert I don't have a dog I have a cat his name is explosion because he's always in motion do you like cats Michael oh and just why are dogs better don't explode that's true Michael you're quite a guy thanks for talking to me I know it wasn't easy and I appreciate it well what a sweet little boy I just want to give him a big hug and and though I wish it wasn't true I believe what he told me I watched you I don't see how you could possibly have been manipulating him I know I'm not she's not I believe him but in order to get a conviction it's the word of an autistic child obtained through a very controversial procedure some people compare to a Ouija board against a man with no criminal background no hint of trouble in his past but that doesn't mean he hasn't done this no it doesn't it just makes our job harder the police are interviewing Jeff again tomorrow maybe he'll break I'll call you tomorrow okay thank you bye goodbye [Music] foreign to an incident of fondly Michael that's son of a the details are pretty much what Michael told us however after Jeff confessed he retained an attorney and he has since recanted his confession back what does it mean it means if we can get this to court if hell no court in the country has ever allowed testimony by facilitated communication this one might not either however if it does it means Michael will have to testify in open court couldn't you just take his deposition he has to confront Jeff in court besides the jury will want to see Michael he doesn't do very well in unfamiliar situations people it I don't know how he'll respond Michael's new at facilitated communication only a couple of months he might not be able to do it he has to he's our case the jury will need to see him to hear him to be convinced that it's his voice and then be convinced he's telling the truth that's what's in front of us it's a long road of Hope and a risky one too so what we just let him get away with it Michael is the perfect victim he had no no telling anybody but now he does Michael needs to do this you helped him find his voice Terry now you have to help him use it right right good you know what I'm gonna do for you I'm gonna give you the day off it is my day off loopy oh yeah well then I'm going to give you a word of advice take it always take your days off I'd rather be here besides I'll be taking off for the trial and all the kids gonna do great now don't you worry if the judge lets him testify I hope we're doing what's best for him for Michael you are ready we'll be happy to talk after the judge's ruling if he doesn't allow Michael to testify there might not even be a trial thank you and we've spent a lot of time talking about this heard a lot of debate about whether it's legitimate whether it's reliable foreign on it is sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't as far as this case is concerned I'm going to let the jury decide my ruling is that Michael Barth May testify in this case however unusual his means of expression may be I'm setting trial for two weeks from tomorrow [Music] thank you all rise remember just breathe so what kind of impact has facilitated communication had on Michael well she has a voice now he can tell us what's been locked up inside what he thinks how he feels his needs and they can cry out for help thank you Terry Mr Richardson Michael Barth is an autistic child is this correct Ms walls are severely autistic well that's his clinical diagnosis yes and he's also severely [ __ ] no I wouldn't say that these tests indicate that those tests are not a fair indicator of what Michael can do and we also have his behavior and throws tantrums is destructive and has to be physically restrained is that right well he's gotten a lot better about that but but he still gets out of control occasionally Ms walls room are you aware of the number of studies by scientific professionals which conclude that it's not the students who are doing the typing but it's actually the facilitators I'm aware that that can happen Ms Walter you've developed a very close friendship with Michael Barth yes and you went very badly for him to succeed yes I do and he has it's not my voice Mr Richards it's Michael's moved to strike that last statement your honor the jury will disregard the last statement by the witness [Music] all right Miss Tolbert let's get started the people call Michael Barth [Music] like it's the same room we were in yesterday remember and look over there there's your cheering section all right kiddo let's go to work come on you and me we have hi Michael there's some water there if you're thirsty you ready to answer some questions for me yes good Michael can you tell me do you know the difference between what is true and what is not true okay do you know what was in that glass you just had a drink from yes if I said there was milk in the glass is that true no if I said there was water in the glass is that true yes good now can you use your keyboard for us ready okay Michael who's been your caregiver the man who shared your apartment since you came to the Institute your honor I'll note for the record that Terry is not looking at the keyboard while Michael's typing Terry if you'll read out what Michael typed Jeff objection she's interpreting sustained missed Albert just the exact letters Terry n j e f f do you mean Jeff mace Michael yes Jeff a nice man Michael awr-f-u-l are you saying Jeff is awful yes why is Jeff awful h-y-u-r-t did Jeff hurt you Michael yes what did Jeff do Michael can you tell us what Jeff did Michael [Music] Michael what did Jeff do to hurt you [Music] what did Jeff do to hurt you [Music] Michael you're the only one who can tell us did Jeff hurt you come on Michael let's go sit down yes what did Jeff do Michael [Music] finish this Michael it's almost over come on [Music] yes what did Jeff do Michael [Music] thank you [Music] he typed s-e-x [Music] thank you Michael thank you no further questions [Music] hello Michael my name is Brandon can you answer some questions for me now yes Michael do you see Jeff mace in the courtroom Michael do you see Jeff mace [Music] question Michael [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody stay where you are see close [Music] Richard has asked for a mistrial I was sure he would I'll walk around well he wasn't able to complete his cross-examination no cross-exam no witness so the judge has agreed to let us try one more time on closed circuit TV right in here just Richards me the camera operator and you and Michael you have Richard's 10 good minutes we have till after lunch to decide Roger thinks he should try again he feels that if Michael stands up to Jeff he'll be able to get over it quicker no matter what happens do you agree well I didn't beginning but after seeing what he went through yesterday maybe I pushed it I know I pushed you I'm glad you did Michael come here talk to Mom maybe we should ask him what he wants to do it is his decision I mean I no I don't want to confuse him now may not be the time I think now is the perfect time there's no secrets here you can do it oh I didn't think I'd be so nervous about this okay I can do it I can do it and talk with me too Michael honey come here sit down sweetheart do you want to try and talk with Mom what are you doing Michael okay now honey the judge says he's gonna let you try again to answer Mr Richard's questions but this time it's going to be in a quiet room and Jeff won't be there that you don't have to you've already told us and that's the important thing Johnny do you want to try and testify again uh I'm sorry it's my fault okay it's my fault [Music] yes you can you can do it [Music] hello Michael can you say hello to Mr Richards that's his sign for hi Michael can you answer some questions for me today okay now Michael I want you to use your little machine there okay please Michael can you tell me the name of your sister what is her name he typed d-u-m space q-u-e-s-t-u-n a Michael doesn't have a system how many times have you been asked if somebody hurt you Michael we need your help here [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] would you ask the question again please yes yes Michael how many times have you been asked if somebody hurt you he typed j e f f space h-y-u-r-t Oh Michael that's not what I asked I asked how many times somebody asked you that he typed Jeff bad I'm sorry he typed j e f f space b-a-d a no he's not answering my questions foreign do you use your machine with other people besides Terry your honor this is ridiculous what was his answer he typed Jeff rat could you spell that j e f f space r a t well perhaps you should try a different question Mr Richards this is a special situation here and this witness may not respond in the usual manner no more questions your honor [Music] was it enough it was for me [Music] the prosecution wants us to believe that this little boy is finally broken out of his silence but sadly that's not the case and the prosecution wants us to believe that this highly suspect experimental technique works but it doesn't and the prosecution wants us to believe that Michael Barth is an intelligent rational thinking individual just like you and me but ladies and gentlemen he is Michael Barth is an autistic mentally [ __ ] mute child who has been maneuvered into this courtroom furthermore the prosecution has not proven its case and you cannot convict my client based on what you all might want to believe I know you'll all do the right thing here and find my client not guilty thank you members of the jury this defendant is betting he can tell you a lie and get away with it because he knows the odds are against Michael ever being seen in this world let alone hurt and I mean how could he be heard he had no voice no means of communicating pain is terrible secret thing being done to him by someone he trusted to someone everyone trusted by someone everyone thought was a good guy Jeff Nace didn't know about facilitated communication and once he did he discouraged everyone at The Institute from using it ladies and gentlemen you've seen and heard Michael and his teacher answer questions in this court you saw her looking straight ahead not at the keyboard while Michael typed his answers how could she have been controlling it you saw and you heard Michael barth's true voice courageously crying out to you in pain asking you to hear him asking you to believe him thank you the jury's in we're back thank you have you reached a verdict yes sir we have please hand it to the Baylor with the defendant rise please read the verdict we the jury find the defendant Jeffrey mace guilty of a lewd act upon a child will the defense take no sentencing is set for two weeks from today [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] hi Cody thanks thank you [Music] Michael Michael honey come here [Music] sit down honey the jury says Jeff is guilty they believed you [Music] we won yes we did [Music] he is a tough little kid wonder where he got that [Music] look him foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThrillGore
Views: 1,078,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ThrillGore, Movie, TV Show, full movies, movies, free movies, thriller movies, drama movies, 90s movies, 90s tv movies, Cries from the Heart, Cries from the Heart 1994, Cries from the Heart movie, Cries from the Heart 1994 full movie, Patty Duke movies, Melissa Gilbert movies, Bradley Pierce movies, Patty Duke, Melissa Gilbert, Bradley Pierce, autistic boy, autism, movie about autism, autistic kid movie, full movies on youtube, 90s thrillers, best movies
Id: mxpOuCd0iH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 47sec (5387 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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