RUDEST RVers EVER! 7 Unwritten Rules of Campground Etiquette

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we've officially met the rudest rvers ever and no it wasn't us so in this video we're going to share our experience with these rude rv neighbors and share the seven unwritten rules of campground etiquette we thought it was common sense [Music] welcome back to the rvr couple my name is john and i'm mercedes and long story short we sold most of our possessions in pursuit of freedom independence and adventure because life is so short you guys it is but just off the bat guys most rvers we'd say about 90 95 are soft of the earth people they're good solid people they're kind they're considerate we find that campers are very helpful to one another and those are the people we like to engage with yeah but we're not talking about them in this video we're talking about the rude ones we couldn't decide which one was like the rudest so we want you to help us decide like who gets the coveted trophy a rudest rv or ever but in this video we're gonna share the top three rudest campers that we've ever met in our lives please tell us what's the worst experience you've ever had with a root camper leave them in the comments below and also please give this video a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed subscribe all right so let's set up the story for this one it was just if it hadn't happened to us and someone said this i'd have been like nah so we're enjoying our morning before travel day john hasn't even had his first cup of coffee he's looking out the window and what do we see our neighbor getting ready right well first he has his truck parked like really close to rv in fact closer to rrv than his rv it was literally about a foot or two off the steps and i noticed his dog was tied to the bumper and and this is what's really tricky when you tie your dog you need to think about the circumference and the radius right so the dog had more access to our site than he did the neighbors so i went up started to make a cup of coffee and by the time i came back down i looked out the window and i knew what that dog was fixing to do guys yeah and i couldn't believe my eyes and literally saw the dog lift his leg up and the owner looking at the dog doing this yeah he knows full on what's happening he's aware of where the dog is and what the dog is doing and is not doing anything to stop so i hit the door quick when i came out literally i opened my door and he's literally three and a half four feet away i see his dog peeing on my step and as soon as the guy sees me i startle him because i open the door so quick he looks up and he says oh i'm so sorry like he didn't you know like like he didn't realize what was going on when he didn't realize we saw that he knew he was watching the dog do this i started down the steps i didn't say a word i was ready to get in a confrontation with this guy and you know reading the riot act and as i got to the last step i literally slipped and fell into the p right and this guy just stood back and i was furious i must have been purple and red i stood up with these fire in my eyes i looked at them and all of a sudden i have a moment of clarity knowing that this guy's a lot older than i am if i started across that down that road i knew that i might get out of control there's no honor in beating up grandpa no honoring me no grandpa so the best thing i could do at that moment was not say a word and walk as fast as i could to the other side of the camper and just sit there so i sat in the other side of the rv for about five minutes trying to calm down and i've never seen another rver clear out of a spot so fast yeah he was gone like four seconds later at the same time you want to talk about rude he never took the time to wipe down our steps you had to clean up i had to clean up the mess that he had made but one of the things that really really made me mad i see his wife come out he told her what had happened and i saw her chuckle the only people that are allowed to piss on our steps are our own dog and my husband but my dog knows not to my husband but i don't pee on her own stats you you pee around the steps so always keep your dog on a leash have control of your dog and always pick up after him we never imagined that we would have to tell people or suggest that you don't let your dog pee on other people's property but unfortunately we do pet etiquette is probably the number one thing that drives our viewers crazy but that's not the rudest camper we've met i think that the next one was equally rude the second story we're gonna lovingly call this lady the poo pose lady unbelievable and the picture is worth a thousand words now this one's absolutely ridiculous but it's still not our worst we'll get to that one later so one morning we're sitting at the rv and i look out the window and you know somebody's packing up now i have this weird fetish where i like now when i see somebody unpacking or packing up the rv i just like to sit down and watch them do it i'm just interested in how people do it right i don't think that's what a fetish is like you're a poop warrior no i'm not a poop boy no what i'm saying is i just have this weird thing where i like to observe how other people do stuff especially when it comes to how they handle poop right and so what i've noticed in my observations over the two years that we've been doing this is about half the people will use gloves and and don't cross-contaminate they use plenty of hand sanitizer right they do it the way that i would suggest most people should do it and then you've got that other half that just doesn't seem to know what they're dealing with or their own poop doesn't really bother them you'll see them with no gloves you know taking stuff off the sandwich you're eating a sandwich we saw one person eating a sandwich they were cleaning up right we've seen people you know doing the poo pose and then putting their hands in their hair right or yeah other campers will walk over and they'll shake hands with them you know people are strange which is one of the main reasons i don't shake hands with other rvers when you're dealing with poop it is very easy to cross contaminate and it's always frustrating to me as an rver because i see all this stuff wondering what the person was doing before i pull into my site i see them hanging over the water spigot i see them splashing the stuff around everywhere they're just not very sanitary the bottom line here is don't contaminate your entire rv site and don't leave your spot a freaking petri dish exactly it's just absolutely disgusting clean up after yourself all right now this next story this was so rude i do think they might be in first place they must have had like 20 people in an rv that sleeps 10 right there was a big family and they rented a site for one night i think it was a friday night or a saturday night and we actually that night before we were watching them you know the whole family out there it was filling our hearts we love seeing families get together the community the fires the excitement the bicycles the kids all on the cooking all of it it's wonderful to watch but this time it didn't turn out too well so they only stayed one night the following morning they had to check out well they weren't paying attention to the time and so two o'clock the next person pulls in yeah they they pass checkout time and now it's into check-in time right and they're still occupying the spot so the family that is having that spot next pulls in at two o'clock they were supposed to be gone three hours earlier right the kids are all out in the dunes and uh there's people off this way and that way and there's only three adults at the site when they approach the guy and said please can you guys get going so we can have our sight the guy that was on the site that was supposed to leave had an attitude and he was being a little arrogant with those who are trying to check in right and the people go and get the manager and the manager comes over and says guys you're supposed to be out of here you gotta go then he starts rushing right yeah as he's rushing he literally throws the hose and pulls his black tank and the pipe flips out out of the tank the poop went over the entire site the whole site was like wet like you would have thought somebody ran a hose throughout all we could smell it in rv we were just having lunch it was absolutely disgusting the saddest part about this is the people that were there actually started laughing the people that were supposed to check in didn't want anything to do with that it was almost like their experience had been ruined they were yeah they were so like uh like grossed out by stepping outside that they weren't enjoying themselves now credit to the park the park manager come over with a couple of maintenance guys they started spraying it down as best they could they were dropping i think they were using kitty litter to drop now the creme de la creme to this story they had finally cleaned up this poop all over the campsite this guy by this time is actually starting to finally rush to get out of the way so let these new campers in there he backs up and he crashes into somebody that's driving by he's just not paying attention yeah it was absolutely it was chaos it was it was complete chaos and it was unnecessary chaos completely unnecessary but the whole while they're doing this it's like there's like a line waiting they're stalling all these people from getting into their site the bottom line is guys when you're in the wrong admit you're in the wrong yeah you know accept responsibility don't be a jerk to the person who is only following the rules or expecting what they were expecting when they came to the campsite you know don't have an attitude don't be a jerk honor your checkout time and honor your check in time and if you're struggling to get out on time make sure you're communicating that with park management hey i'm running a little bit late just be forthright about it a lot of people's weekend got ruined because of one family that didn't have the kindness and courtesy to follow the rules there are some honorable mentions of these unwritten rules of campground etiquette that people are breaking that with all the newbie rvers out there we feel like we really need to discuss and the next one i'm going to call the campsite hogs and not just the campsite hogs that stay way past the checkout time i'm talking about campsite hogs that either hog up all the campsites in the system and then never show up i'm talking about the campsite hogs that like borrow the picnic tables and then you go in and you're like the only campsite that doesn't have a picnic table while your neighbor has three i'm talking about the campsite hogs that just assume that like all the grass is a shared area and their kids are spending more time on your site than on their own and then the ones that drive me crazy are the ones that will actually pull in and pull right up to the line and they'll have their slides go in you know a lot of spots today are somewhat small guys respect other people's property don't walk across it unless it's like raining pouring and you're in a big hurry for a good reason yeah you're running for your life because lightning's coming it's the quickest straight line do you think but you know what just respect other people's property lines you know have an idea of what the campsite is typically wherever your services are located right your electricity your hose and your dump that is going to be the line for your site don't pull up tight to it and then open your slides three or four feet over and only leave that guy next door only you know six or seven feet for his side yeah because he can't use the spot even though you're not technically on the ground yeah you still can't use that area and don't suddenly pitch a tent in somebody else's side because there's not enough room and then blame the campground because the sights are too tight yeah we literally saw somebody set up a tent literally almost against another rv their you know their neighbor and then at around 11 12 o'clock at night we heard the kids in there playing and they were right under the master bedroom in this big fifth wheel just it's so rude you know just have common sense and common courtesy have manners yeah i agree and this ties into the next one which is really the principle of leave no trace you see that a lot in national parks i believe that it also applies to campgrounds and i think it takes on the form of many things it can be trash it can be your dog messes it can be cigarette butts any type of thing that leaves a trace on your campsite is a problem at a minimum guys leave it the way you found it right but what we like to do is leave it even cleaner than when we found it i love it the next one i think is super important because people don't realize how thin these rvs are right if a husband and wife are having a fight in the rv sorry to break a tia but the whole park knows about it right and and it goes in the opposite direction too if you're outside just because someone's in the rv doesn't mean that they can't hear every single word that you're saying outside of the rv they're paper thin and that goes in both directions they don't talk about your neighbors they can hear you yeah but that also goes into the quiet hours they're really there for a reason you know and really respecting those early morning hours and those late evening hours and if you are coming in late uh to check in because you had a horrendous day driving um maybe don't set up the entire campsite at 10 o'clock at night when other people have been sleeping drives me crazy and it happens right something happens you got a flat you're running late you get in the sight sure just be respectful maybe you're going to be a little uncomfortable until the light comes up the next morning yeah but when people go when they pull out an impact hammer no that's rude at 11 o'clock at night that's absolutely ridiculous you want to talk about selfish and self-centered that's it yeah no it's true because your problems are not other people's problems now i do think that generally speaking on the weekends people tend to be a little bit more lacks about quiet hours than like on a tuesday night for example most rvers are not full-timers most rvers are not working within the confines of their rv but more and more people are and so having that consideration that maybe at 11 o'clock on tuesday someone might be trying to go to bed to work the next day you know consideration and courtesy goes a long way this one drives me insane this goes back to when we started it blows me away by how fast some people will drive in a campground and i have a five-year-old daughter guys and when i see it it drives me absolutely insane when we did our first etiquette video i used to literally i told the truth in this video and people were either loved it or they hated me for it right but i literally used to have a basketball that i would roll out in front of the car and people were appalled that i would do such a thing well i have grown up i don't roll my ball at the car anymore but i do walk towards them i'll yell slow down or i'll give them really nasty looks so if you're in a campground guys remember these are places where families relax kids run free enjoying nature okay so please if it's 10 miles an hour do six or seven yeah well and not just that i like to walk during the morning or during the midday right and people it surprises me not just how fast they'll go but how close they'll like brush up against where you're walking and if they're too close i'll literally kick the car i've done it before i've done it twice shocker no i'll yell at them and i'll be like slow down it because i don't feel comfortable with the vehicle being two feet or closer to me going past the speed limit i mean and i will i just have gotten to the point where i just hop on the grass as soon as i see a vehicle because i can't trust that people will go slow and i can't trust that people will keep my safety in mind and i have no protection as a pedestrian right but i get really really frustrated when this happens around kids yeah and especially the younger kids that are going 20 25 35 miles an hour way too texting in a campground way too fast they're not even paying attention so for those of you who think i'm a jerk right well then i'm being an old fud because i don't like people speeding around yeah just know this if you speed around close to my wife close to my kid just know you might get a ball rolled at you or you if you if you come too close to us i will literally kick your car yeah you'll slow down yeah and we'll give you a really mean face too but we're not the rude campers everyone else is so be sure to put your rude camper stories in the comments guys please give this video a thumbs up it'll make youtube share it with more campers and thank you so much for watching we'll see you in the next video
Channel: RV Odd Couple
Views: 427,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv etiquette, camping etiquette, campground etiquette, rv living, campground rules, campsite etiquette, rv life, rv living full time, rv camping etiquette, full time rv, rv lifestyle, Rude RV, don’t be a jerk, camping jerks, ! Worst things Rude Campers do, campsite dispute caught on video, camping courtesy, unwritten rules of camping, unwritten rules for RV Life, rv travel, rv travel vlog, rv newbie, rv campground etiquette, rv life full time, rv tips, free camping, RV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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