Campground Etiquette (Don't Be A Jerk) RV Drama

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it's official John got into his first fight it wasn't a fight well you be the judge of that and that brings up the topic of jerks are you a jerk you might be if you do one of these things stay tuned hey welcome back to the RV Odd Couple my name is John and I'm Mercedes long story short we sold all our possessions to RV full-time with the toddler and the dog if you haven't yet subscribed please do so join the odd squad as we full-time RV sharing all of our tips tricks and experiences as we go so this video is all about John's first RV fight wasn't a fight and we're also gonna talk about RV etiquette and things that people might do unconsciously so you may be a jerk and not even realize it if you do one of these things and we've learned the hard way I mean we've been we didn't didn't know all the rules when we started either but we're learning them as we go so number one you might be a jerk if you park next to someone else in this 15 other spaces wide open just might be we were in a spot for a week and we had somebody pull in right next to us when we had first moved into the park we had there was a 30-amp and there was a 50 amp breaker we're a 50 amp so we needed the 50 amp circuit I went back down to the office I told him guys she gave me a space that isn't 50 amp they said this 50 amp and the pole next door just go ahead and use that one we will not put anybody in that spot there's 15 other spaces to go and sure enough some person came and decided to park in that spot so long story short we saw him pull in he come over to our door pretty quickly and banged on our door and told us that we needed to move our power out of his sight so I pulled the plug before I even shut the end because I was pissed and I went straight down to the campground and I told them listen guys when I first got here I told you there was a 15 a 30 I was taking the 50 you said you weren't gonna put anybody there and you did now he's pissed I just pulled power what can you do about it so they called him and said hey you got a move these people were there first and we gave them permission to use the neighboring 15 power and he was not very happy about this so all of the sudden John's outside my name is own business and I hear this guy walking and I hear him yelling how dare you called the place bla bla bla and calling my mother names certain terms and around the corner wanting to fight the guy wanted to fight with me he was threatening him he's like you mother lover I should blop blop blop so ultimately we came out on top for a couple of reasons number one as soon as we realized there was an issue we told the park and then number two we were nothing but courteous to the park always be friendly to the people in the park the staff yeah and then the other reason we came out on top was because we realized their limitations and we let the park people handle it I knew I couldn't talk to this guy he was too pissed off and if I try to talk to him he wanted to fight so the best way to handle it is to go to the park ranger let them know what's going on and it did get fixed eventually come to realize he was wrong he said he was sorry I accepted his apology and we moved on absolutely so that's awesome that he apologized that we got over it and it was really funny because we actually ended up extending our stay and he's like I thought you guys are leaving and we're like it's snowing where we're going and it was it was cool afterwards but it really brought up the topic of jerks so number two you might be a jerk if you don't clean up after your dog we were in out Arlie alabama for christmas i walked outside there was a few stray dogs and the people next door was so kind in us kind enough to adopt those dogs but they weren't treating them as if they were their pet she should have them on leashes and you should certainly clean up after they poop I walked outside Christmas day and I stepped in crap I didn't realize I had stepped in crap I walked back up in the stairs into my RV in track poop all over the place I was pissed now I did not go right after them I went outside and I was kind outspoken so they could hear me saying if they're gonna keep the damn dogs put him on a leash and clean up their poop they disappeared for 20 minutes they came back they had new leashes and I did not have any more poop on our site but it's a it's a pretty big deal because when you're enjoying the outdoors the worst thing that can happen is you step on a doggie poop and it's so easy to clean just take a couple grocery bags and you know just get rid of it most of these parks actually have a place to put the dog ways so there's really no excuse for that hmm just keep an eye on your dog you're responsible for it number three you might be an RV jerk if you blare your music or watch TV outside where half the campground can hear it yeah you see if I wanted to be in a concert I would if I want to go to a sporting event I would go to a sporting event absolutely so just be conscientious of noise and I definitely I like hearing music I like turning music on but I just try to make sure that I can hear all the words to the song not my neighbor yeah be courteous and friendly to your neighbors you know I can hear it we can hear it on our side you know I might even go over and ask do you mind if we turn on the game and always observe each parks quiet time rules typically after ten o'clock you gotta get you got to turn it down and get quiet yeah and especially for us we have a baby so when I'm lucky enough to have her in bed at a reasonable hour the last thing I want is someone's loud music or loud TV to be blaring and waking her up so just observing those rules as far as noise is huge all right number four you may be an RV jerk if you trespass on somebody else's campsite whether it's to cut through to get somewhere else or you like something on their RV so you're gonna crawl underneath it take pictures of it and stuff we'll be seeing this happen yeah we have totally seen this happen and there is nothing wrong with admiring your neighbors rig in fact it's the biggest compliment you can give some all right oh nice rig buddy but come on man if it's this is our spot we rent it just our space right and we were card I mean when my kid wants to run another people spot I make sure no no we have to walk on the road so just a little bit of of considering all right number five you might be a jerk if you leave a mess at your campsite in fact no you are a jerk if you do this because come on man we're trying to enjoy the outdoors we picked this lifestyle in three nature everybody hates that we've been in parks already what people that they just stay moving to their spot and this crap all over the place they throw the trash bags out sitting next to their stairs three or four back with the trash come on there's animals out there so you leave a bag of trash out of wreckin gets into it it's a windy night and now your trash is everyone else's trash exactly so number five so you might be an RV jerk if you pull in after ten o'clock and start making lots of noise to set up your site and you're also an RV jerk if you decide to leave at four or five in the morning and that's when you start getting ready to hook up and leave don't be a jerk and pulling you aside and start setting up at ten eleven twelve o'clock at night and waking up all your neighbors and if you have to leave early because you have a long trek we get it and leaving early ensures that you get there at a decent time try setting up the night before connect the night before so all you have to do is unplug power and then you can leave quietly in the morning number seven you might be a jerk if you're driving around really fast around the campground yeah we have a three year old and when I see somebody fly by my sight at more than ten miles an hour I literally get red in the flit face and hot and I consider throwing things at them you know throwing the dog food that wasn't picked up and I have taken a fall a basketball somebody because I see them coming fast I'll roll the ball right out in front of their car on purpose and I'll just give them an ugly stare and typically they won't do it again but you're in a campground slow down you shouldn't be racing anywhere when you're a campus it's a place for people to go to relax spend vacations to be chill sit back enjoy don't be flying around a campground and putting other campers and their animals in danger it's just not right absolutely and in some campgrounds there's a lot of wildlife too it's not just for kids you know there's like he said there's just no reason why you should be rushing in a campground number hey you might be a jerk if you borrow things from your neighbor without asking yeah take a picnic table or grab their power or tie into their hoses again don't borrow things from your neighbor without asking this also applies to putting your stuff in your neighbor's area so maybe there's no one parked there at the moment and you're unloading but don't leave your stuff or take in there take from their space because they are renting that space and idle to all of it right right if you tie your dog out make sure you yeah you think about it and tie your dog off to a tree where your dog can't reach over to where the neighbor's space is you know just just help just you have a little bit of consideration for your neighbors number nine you are a jerk if you weren't rude to the staff or the Ranger at the campground you got to be friendly to the staff and the campground that you're staying and kindness always what is the saying you always say with bees you catch more bees with honey than vinegar right you never know what you're gonna get when you pull into a park we've most of the people we pulling at the desk are really friendly some of them are not so friendly you have no idea what's going on with their day but typically what we do when somebody is being grumpy with us we we smother them with kindness because the people in the park the staff have all the power they can ask you to leave anytime that they want to and they also will make decisions between you and someone else in the campground that you may be arguing with and I think the nicer person to the staff is gonna get the better outcome in the end yeah and why would you be rude to someone when you're essentially in their house you know don't bite the hand that feeds you that's just dumb yep and then finally number 10 you are a jerk if you're not quick to apologize when you realize that you're wrong everybody has a bad day you know sometimes our hours and traveling 6 8 10 hours we're tired when we get to our our campsite things have not gone exactly the way that you want - and I've been a jerk typically most of us know when were being a jerk and and as soon as I am I am very quick to apologize the coolest part of the story with the guy that pulled in next to us is that after two times of wanting to fight me and storming down to the office to complain he was the one that looked like a jerk and it became very very clear to everybody involved but I give the guy a lot of respect because after all that he come over and he said he said I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted like that I was in the wrong you were right please forgive me and I said absolutely you know and let it go sometimes like when our daughter presses the stereo and turns on more cartoons outside it's an accident just apologize quickly and you know get over it we all make mistakes sometimes things happen yeah so we want to thank you so much for watching our video we want to encourage you to subscribe if you haven't already if for a video a thumbs up and in the comments share with us any stories that you have about jerks that you demanded our third [Music]
Channel: RV Odd Couple
Views: 536,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Campground-Etiquette, camping etiquette, campground etiquette, rv camping etiquette, campground rules, campsite etiquette, rv etiquette, rv camping, free camping, loloho camping, loloho rv, long long honeymoon, camping tips, long honeymoon rv, rv living, rv life, full time rving, full time rv, rv travel, rv travel vlog, rv tips for beginners, rv tips and tricks, rv living full time, rv camping tips, rv tips, rv lifestyle, living in an rv, rv living with kids, RV Life
Id: bvdvSYzl4wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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