It’s NOT Safe to RV Right Now‼️ SOUNDING THE ALARM

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hey fulltime rvers it's time to hunker down it's not safe to travel here's why we're making such bold claims and the steps you need to take to stay safe cuz no one else is going to say it you guys welcome back to the rvr couple my name is John and I'm Mercedes and long story short we found Freedom Independence and Adventure full-time arving across this beautiful country and now we're building a community that loves God family and Country yes and we're going to say some things because no one else will say the things that we will say now I just want to be clear we're not coming from a place of fear no I went through all that a couple of years ago as I watched the country fall apart and all of our systems and institutions that I've loved and respected just just crumble into nothing so if you're a full-time rer and you remember back in 2020 our beers were getting displaced all over the place remember this was the summer before the election in 2020 yeah and things just got totally totally wild we didn't think they could get any more Wilder but they do well we're seeing in the Horizon right now isn't pretty and we feel compelled to have to share it cuz ignorance is bliss and we think every RV or full-time RV right now should consider doing longterm lease stays Honker down in a safe place Honker down in a safe place let this craziness pass by maybe it's nothing maybe it's something but it's always to prepare and be ready for what's coming rather than to be surprised by it so before we get into what steps we think you should take for you and your family to stay safe I think we need adjust ify why we would make such a bold claim such as to say that it's not safe to be traveling right now as a full-time rvor so here's what we're looking at inflation it's not going anywhere just going up they're printing trillion dollars every hundred days right now guys and if you know anything about economics that means that inflation is going to get worse not better and then politically no matter which side of the aisle you stand on it doesn't matter who wins in the 2024 election either way there's going to be unrest our country is so divided right now religious and color and so many different things that we know that whoever's picked it's going to be upside down half the country is going to be very upset and half the country isn't going to be upset no matter what so why not if you're a full-time RV I can't we can't imagine we would just out RV in for a month we loved it we had a blast but we also went through some of the cities in this country that are falling apart I just read an article this morning that Chicago is about to claim bankruptcy the city of Chicago is about to go bankrupt right and so one of the things that was always in the back of our head is just watching the stuff that's going on in the world and being afraid of something major happening while we were out in the road so we're super blessed and happy to be back home at Thunder Canyon which we've been preparing this place for three years right and we're safe we're fine we we we've done everything we we can to be ready for what's coming but we also feel a responsibility to share our experience in these thoughts that we're having with other full-time rving families out there that should be kind of hunkering down right now and preparing to just kind of sit still for a little while until this Insanity passes if it ever does pass no one has a crystal ball and no one knows which city is going to be the next city of turmoil or where where people will protest or what exactly people will protest next but the biggest advice I would give to full-time rvers is to avoid the big cities at all costs especially during the month of November especially November 5th November 5th 155 days from from today we will be having election and neither side is going to be happy with no matter what happens I don't believe there's anything that's going to save us right now except for God that's it and so being prepared and ready in in a place that's safe while we go through all that ter turmoil would be better than anything else so where do you want to spend the election do you want to be in Cincinnati Pittsburgh Philly do you want to be in LA Los Angeles frison where you want to be when you know and quite frankly we don't want to be anywhere near a populated area I mean especially if you know it's going to be a tumultuous time just plan ahead right but um and I'm just going to say this I know I'm going to take bullets for this but I can I can take it solo female rers be very careful especially in the month of November it's just not safe to travel don't don't be in a big city and of October November like and I'm sorry I know I'm going to get so much hate oh solo female our viewers are safe don't don't spread fear but as a female myself I can say it yeah and one of the things that we're seeing as Campground owners right now is our long-term leases have exploded we we've just added about 10 more long-term leases here to Thunder Canyon it's industrywide though so some people may not say it out loud but people are thinking this at least more than half the people are thinking this and industrywide again because we're Campground owners now we watch what's going on in the industry the trends Trends RV campgrounds from all over the country are writing more longer term leases right now meaning 6 months and one year than they've ever written before and what does that mean to you what does that say to you what does that mean to you and if you're a full full-time rver or and you a family is out on the road and you're homeschooling your kid what better way to sit in one spot be prepared we would suggest that everybody has at least 3 to 6 months worth of everything food medications water and when that surprise happens when that big moment happens where are you are you in a safe place is your family in a safe place and that's all we're suggesting you take a look at and for those of you that are like under no circumstances will I sign a six-month lease or a one-year lease because I did not get in an RV to be in one place for a long time fine do a one-month lease but here's the thing I'm telling you I mean please please listen to this if RV sites are booking up now and those longer term leases are getting harder and harder to come by if you wait till October 31st to say gee I want to be in a safe place come November 5th it's too late it's too late and prices guys are going up across the industry right now we're getting ready for a price hike here at Thunder Canyon and other campgrounds all over the country are everything's going up insurance rates have gone through the roof almost doubling on us in one year other campgrounds are feeling this as well and so it's you know listen to us don't listen to us we have to feel in our conscience that if we feel something we've got to say it we've always said what we think and we've taken a lot of heat for it we know probably get ripped up in the comment section but the bottom line is is that right now we've got to share with you what our hearts are telling us to share with other rvers all over the country thousands of you just hunker down for a little while and what's really cool about hunkering down and do a longer term lease you you can get your nightly rate to under 20 bucks a night you can get it really low most campgrounds across the country are 55 60 70 bucks a night when you do one month two month 3 month 6 months one year leases l l r you get super low rates that it'll be under 20 bucks a night and so you're going to save yourself some money you can take that extra money that you're saving on the gasoline from driving around and the and put it more into food and storage and things that you're going to need to weather what we believe is a storm that's coming and that goes on to the other step so the first step obviously hunker down next step is community who are your neighbors so if you are going to hunker down do you know your neighbors I mean Americans are so transitory we move so much that most of us even if you're not in an RV full-time you don't know the person next door just lost that sense of community because history always repeats itself in 2020 the wheels come off the United States and it's so funny how people have such a short memory it's like we forget they were dumping people out of state campgrounds BLM land federal grounds they were dumping they were Clos in private RV parks they were getting kicked out so not only should you be considering a longer term Le lease to sit in one place you should also be considering food medications um a water solution maybe you you're not going to carry a lot of water with you if you're in an RV but do you have a way to clean the water you should be considering um how to protect yourself uh Firearms you should be considering having cash or you know uh just money on board yeah real money junk silver have junk silver so you know you got a list you got your food you got your sustenance you got your water you got your filters guys I would highly suggest dig into the Bible pray for discernment God God's going to help take care of you and bring you where he wants you to go and God can you imagine if all of us Ross this country would humble ourselves and PR and really pray for his Direction and Leadership can you imagine what would happen in this country I think it would be cured that fast and I think the other piece um is that fear sucks and fear doesn't help anyone and these topics are not fun to talk about I'd rather talk about something that you know feels yay rainbows butterflies but it's just not real um so less fear and more prayer the coolest thing about what we've been going through right now is I have no fear there's no fear I used to be a freak if you guys have followed our Channel I was flipping out used to be I used to freak out I don't freak out anymore there's a certain amount of sadness that I feel morning but I had this peace over me that God's going to take care of all this and why worry about it right so I don't but I do feel a responsibility to be the Watchman on the wall and when I feel that my fellow Americans or my fellow Christian brothers and sisters need to be warned we're going to tell you what we think we're not going to hold back because we're afraid of somebody attacking us or censorship well walking through fear take looks like taking the next right action so the next right action is to prepare and make some some thoughts I mean look at your route uh as you're traveling are you going through big cities how long are you going to be in big cities um look at your route and and have some forethought uh where would you want to be if things were really scary like they were back in 2020 who would you want to be next to where would you want to be and my answer to to that question looks like Thunder Canyon but maybe your answer to that question is a totally different place or you know a Thunder Canyon west of the Mississippi what matters is that you look at the Hard truth make the best decisions for you and your family that you can live with because the decision for us to make this video is one that we can live with absolutely and we believe in our hearts that God led us here to Thunder Canyon Camp gratitude about 3 years ago this month for this reason EXA he wanted us to prepare this ground and in the last year we built a chap here right God family country and we believe now the message we're getting now is it's time to build that Community to build that church to build those people that we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with and go through whatever is going to be thrown at us and be ready for whatever comes I just felt that we needed to talk about community and we needed to justify why we're feeling the way we are and I felt like we can't be the only one that sees that the emperor has no clothes on we can't be the only one that has these thoughts and is experienc ing these emotions and this video is just calling it out there cuz someone has to so with that said we'll see you in the next video see you in the next video guys
Channel: RV Odd Couple
Views: 91,451
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Keywords: full time rv living, rv living, rv life, rv living full time, rv living with kids, rv living full time with family, rv life full time, rv life family, rv guide, rv help, rv advice, living in an rv full time, rv travel, travel tips and tricks, rv travel experiences, traveling vlog, rv travel for beginners, traveling, rv tips, rv tips and tricks, rv lifestyle full time, full time rv living with kids, RV Lifestyle, rv travel vlog, rv travel videos
Id: p6IqU17Tiaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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