r/Trueoffmychest I'm a Gold Digger

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Welcome to our slash true off my chest where op gets chlamydia from his cheating wife our next Reddit post is from possibility okay my wife gave me chlamydia and I am livid the only person that I passionately hugged in the past five years has been my wife I thought I had a bladder infection or a UTI and I scoffed when my doctor thought that it was chlamydia well here we are I got the test results yesterday and I have chlamydia I decided to start snooping and it didn't take long to find the text messages between her and her boy toy my guess is that she doesn't even know that she has it as well she thinks that I stayed up all night working but little does she know I've already emailed her little lover boy's wife all the text messages I warned the lover boy's wife that he's been sleeping with an infected woman and to get herself tested I'm still deciding how to process all of this but my wife is going to wake up to my positive test result and the messages of her infidelity the sun should be coming up in the next hour or two and it'll probably be the end of this marriage oh man the top comment from tree Rini is you should just casually drop his name over coffee so I was thinking you should probably tell John that he has chlamydia our next Reddit post is from sad ass coffee addict I want to start this off by saying that this had to have literally happened in three minutes or less when I was in high school I was often home alone and unattended so I would spend from around 4 30 P.M to 9 pm completely alone in a decent sized house it wasn't necessarily scary but it was kind of eerie to me one night though there was a home invasion it wasn't anything really scary because I was down in the basement and I just heard the dude breaking the screen door and start rummaging through the kitchen now at the time I didn't have a personal phone and the landline was in the kitchen since I was in the base this man I did have my dad's ax and my immediate disposal but I wasn't some six foot four man giant I was a five foot eight dude who barely did PE so what did I do I decided to effing throw the ax at the guy I carried the ax up the stairs as quietly as I could and I managed to get the door open enough to slip out of it I sort of scoot walked into angle screamed at the top of my lungs and just effing hurled it at the guy I missed but I genuinely think the poor dude pissed himself before he made a beeline for the screen door that he'd shattered the ax blade didn't hit anything but it dented the wall pretty badly I eventually called the cops and then my parents so if you robbed a house in Alabama and had an ax nearly embedded in your head I sincerely do apologize I hope you reconsidered some of your life decisions though down in the comments we have this story from Jahan Gonzalez I knew a girl who once woke up to a burglar in her room trying to steal her laptop she woke up and tried to grab it from him but it's not what you think this happened in the middle of the day a very hot day and she was having a nap completely naked to deal with the heat so she was pulling on her laptop to try to save it and was largely unaware of her state of dress the robber wasn't but you're naked he sputtered I think that he was more traumatized than she was he just wanted to steal a laptop not become a sex offender our next Reddit post is from comfortable soft my girlfriend lost her entire college fund for this semester to a scam I really don't know what to say honestly I really love my girlfriend a lot but I just can't put up with her naivete anymore she lost 14 500 to a crypto scam she knows nothing about crypto at all nobody we know invest in it and she fell for a scam over Twitter and it wasn't just her money it was also her parents money and I contributed most of it she only works part-time as a server so it really feels great to know that the last five months of saving away has been for nothing all because she naively thought that a 12 hour old account on Twitter was going to give her 50 Bitcoins because she won a giveaway she's always been a if I'm being honest with you she falls for things so quickly it's kind of absurd this isn't even the first time she's done something incredibly stupid before with money she's always falling for sham pseudoscience scams and buying incredibly expensive supplements and products she actually believes the YouTube scam ads and will freely give away her credit card info to any site that she finds herself on those are easy enough to get past however because 50 bucks on some stupid bottle of pills is one thing but 14 500 is another I'm just tired I guess she actually still believed after a week that the transaction to transfer the 50 Bitcoins to her wallet was still on hold and it was only after I discovered that her bank account had been emptied that I figured out that she messed up massively I don't even have the heart to tell her parents right now that their daughter just messed up so massively that she actually can't attend school this semester now she's convinced that if she contacts the FBI she'll be able to not only get her money back but also the 50 Bitcoin that she was promised the fact that she can't pay for her tuition this semester doesn't even cross her mind and she still plans to attend classes and just take out a loan or something thing until the FBI gets her her money back I'm planning on breaking it off this week I'm gonna tell her parents ahead of time that way they don't just get Drop Kicked with his info that she fell for another scam down in the comments we have stories from very very stupid people ksak says I once had a co-worker like this he once gave his debit card info to a letter saying that he owed 500 bucks for a k Jeweler's credit card that he took out I asked if he even had one of those and he said no so then why'd you give them your money Michael I've had to stop him from doing many idiot moves like this then at dream Vision says I literally walked into my grandmother on the phone with a scammer a month ago in the middle of transferring them 22 000 after nearly an hour and a half of trying to get her to tell me what was going on I finally figured it out and spent the next half hour trying to convince her that it was a scam thank God we were able to cancel the transfer which was pending they are still trying trying to call her Nutcracker ads for me it was my mother she had been contacted that she had won an all expenses paid cruise from a Facebook competition I asked her if she had actually entered a Facebook competition for a cruise she said no so I said okay well then Mom it's a scam no it's not the lady rang me after I gave her my phone number then the lady rang back and Mom said my daughter told me that this is a scam is that right and then my mom gleefully told me that the lady assured her that it wasn't a scam at all it ended up taking a phone call from the cops to convince my mom that she had indeed been duped luckily this happened before she gave any credit card or bank info every time I stop her from falling for a scam she always says in the most confusing agitated voice but how do you know that it's a scam they told me that it isn't our next Reddit post is from fabulous cost I offered to let my mom live with me under the exact same terms that I lived with her as a teen I don't know why in God's name my mom thought that I would be the one to come to we do not get along I went to live with my dad at 16 because she told me that she hated me and kicked me out I know for a fact that my older brother The Golden Child has a spare bedroom that she could sleep in now that she's losing the house my mom's situation is entirely her own fault as well which makes this all the more annoying she and my stepdad bought a seven bedroom house 10 years ago right after she left her job of 20 years to work at some stupid startup that was out of business only three years later my stepdad spent the last years of his miserable life bid bound because he ignored every doctor telling him to stop shoving his face full of food at every waking moment of the day so he died at 500 pounds and in misery I was more than fine with this by the way well when he died early this year it pretty much drained the last of the money that my of a mother had remaining and now the bank's taking the house back so she shows up at my door for some reason after mistreating me since I was a kid and ignoring me unless she wanted something since she married that thankfully Dead Land whale she had the nerve to ask to live with me it's only me and my husband in our two bedroom house but the spare bedroom is his office and the basement is my art studio and the couch in front of the fireplace is for our lovely cats there is no room for that Wicked hag anywhere in this house but I knew this opportunity would never come again so I told her she could live with us if and only if she decided to follow the house rules All Electronics were to be turned off by 6 PM if she was caught with any of her Electronics after that they would be taken away and sold at the next yard sale bid time was 7 30 PM if I caught her up I would take away all of her clothing for the week she may only shower for five minutes once every three days oh my God all liver chores must be done the moment that she wakes up if I roll out of bed and they're not done she will not be getting meals for the day she must make sure that she's alert at all times if me or my husband needs something done it has to be done at that exact moment or else she'll lose her bidding privileges for the night she'll be in charge of cooking one meal each day that I choose if it's not made to my liking then she'll not be allowed to join us and instead we'll eat the cheapest frozen meal available I'll be reading all of her mail text messages and emails I will give her the ones that I deem acceptable communication under my roof her car will be my own personal travel car and she'll drive me wherever I want to be driven she will still have to pay for gas and last but not least if at any point she displeases me I'll be calling my brother up to pick her up from a nearby gas station I will get to choose what she takes to put up in a torn up backpack pack before dropping her off without looking back she called me a monster and told me these conditions were inhumane and she asked if I was insane these were the exact conditions that I lived under for years as a teenager these are the exact conditions that she tormented me with for years until she finally let me go live with the one parent who loved me and these would be the conditions that she would suffer under if she dared to ask me to home her worthless joy-sucking soul I don't know where she went after she stormed out of my house my brother called me and told me that I have the biggest balls in the family for the stunt that I pulled from the sounds of it though none of the spawn want The Brood mother to live with them I hope that she finds a nice park bench to stay on down in the comments DL asks did she recognize those terms or did you have to remind her where they came from Opie replies I'm sure she did she Revels in the fact that she can remember Petty arguments and mistakes from 30 years ago she would never admit to it though because that would prove that she was always a terrible mother and person and further beneath that we had this story from the devil's Advocates wow sounds like she got what she deserved 20 years ago I had just gotten married my wife and I went to stay at her sister's place for a week they insisted that we stay in separate bedrooms my wife privately told me that they were worried that we might passionately hug in our room otherwise a couple of years later they wanted to come stay at our place for a week we had just bought a place in the city I said sure no problem but you have to stay in separate bedrooms they were outraged my wife asked me to please let them stay in one but I refuse and they chose not to stay with us our next Reddit post is from Lily doe I am a gold digger I'm a 29 year old woman and I grew up in a rotting trailer home I am reasonably intelligent but nothing special I was middle of the pack all through school I went to an okay College I got an alright degree and I was hired to a fine job I did everything I was supposed to do and I was still struggling I could barely pay rent the only thing that really set me apart was the fact that I'm attractive blonde hair blue eyes petite thin I got hit on a lot I dated a few guys but it always felt like they were looking for excuses to show me off not to get to know me I worked at an accounting firm one of our biggest clients was always super friendly to me when he came in finding excuses to stop and talk to me that kind of thing I obviously knew what he did for work I knew that he had money so one day when he mentioned that he was going to a restaurant downtown after work for happy hour I dropped the oh I've always wanted to go there and a few hours later I was sitting across from this sweet older man eating the best meal of my life he was 45 at the time I was 26. he was cute but not my usual type I found him a little boring still I I pushed the relationship forward and a year later I had a three carat diamond on my finger I was living in a gorgeous house I had a closet full of expensive clothes I got to travel for the first time I wasn't sick with worry every day that my bank account would overdraw my husband is incredibly good to me not just financially but emotionally he values my opinion he considers my feelings he apologized when he does something wrong and actually corrects his behavior in the future our love life is incredible yeah sometimes his stock market talk bores me to tears but I genuinely love and appreciate him for who he is I'm pregnant with our first child and he's so involved and excited I have a lot of guilt about why I initially got involved with my husband I would do anything for him now but for about the first six months of our relationship all I worried about was keeping him interested so I would have a way out of my mediocre life I can't talk to anyone about it I just wanted to to say it out loud I guess judge away I'm ready op um the title of this post is I'm a gold digger but it kind of sounds like you were a gold digger you know like clearly you're in love with this man now so does that mean that you're still a gold digger I'm not sure I guess it depends on if you you know was completely broke and lost all his money would you leave him and that's you know something that we can't evaluate based on this post but I wouldn't beat myself up too much because like you weren't the only person who decided to enter into this relationship right I mean you were 26 you were a gold digger at the time admittedly but at the same time your boyfriend had to know what was going on you know I'm sure he didn't think that you were dating him just because of his Charming good looks right he knew that you knew that he had money and he probably realized that that's why you were dating him and personally like honestly I'm totally okay with gold diggers I really am as long as it's consenting adults like who cares if you're attracted because of their personality or their looks or their money as long as presenting adults who cares so to me this just feels like you know all's well that ends well our next Reddit post is from Tom C throwaway my sister's stupidity destroyed my family my sister let her boyfriend drive my parents car she took it when they were out she only had a learner's permit so she was supposed to have a licensed adult with her she let her boyfriend who was a year too young to have a learner's permit drive and he crashed he died my sister was seriously injured I think that one or both of her feet were on the dashboard she's paralyzed from the chin down my parents Insurance isn't covering them since my sister took the car illegally and now her boyfriend's family are suing my parents my parents tried to sue them back since he was the one driving but it was thrown out of court we had to move to an apartment because my parents couldn't afford our house anymore I see them cry every day I heard my mom say that going bankrupt doesn't get rid of the lawsuit that and their lawyers told them to try to settle before it goes to court because they'll probably lose my sister has to be in a home forever because she needs help and Care 24 7 365. she remembers everything and her brain isn't affected at all her medical and nursing home bills are so much money my grandparents are all trying to help but they're all in retirement homes and don't have much I've seen them cry too I know that my sister is getting punished already because she's almost completely paralyzed but I still can't even look at her because she destroyed our entire family today's video is sponsored by expressvpn in 2022 there's so many reasons to use a 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Channel: rSlash
Views: 345,783
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, offmychest, trueoffmychest, r/trueoffmychest, r/offmychest
Id: HHl_NG5FL00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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