r/Trueoffmychest "I Cheated on My Pregnant Wife"

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welcome to R true off my chest where op gleefully destroys the life of his cheating wife our next Reddit post is from admirable Explorer back in February my newlywed wife went away for a week to see her family and friends which we had moved across the country from for her Fellowship I didn't come with her because I was having my paid time off to cash out and help fund our next move which would have been last month and I also needed some dental work done and I couldn't delay it anymore while she was staying with her family she called me I could send something off in her voice so I asked her what was wrong she told me how unhappy and alone she'd felt since we moved she said that I felt more like a roommate and that I'd ruined her Fellowship for her because I didn't care for the area that we were living in it's a very high cost of living area I felt incredibly guilty hearing this we had only been married for five months together for six years and living with each other for four and a half years and she was already suggesting marriage counsel I didn't protest I was eager to work things out because I adored and loved her very much over the next several weeks I was planning activities for us every weekend on top of doing all the cooking and cleaning in the apartment even though I was the one who had always done this before we had our first marriage counseling session and my wife said she feared that maybe we were just too different or incompatible hearing this felt like a gut punch where was this concerned prior to us moving and getting married then sometime later we went out for a long walk after work and some drinks she told me she was feeling better about things and I felt a huge sigh of relief the next day we went out for breakfast then spent the rest of the day car shopping until we found something that we liked after that I took her out to a very nice restaurant for dinner from there we went to the hot tub and we passionately hugged I felt like we were starting to improve then the next day I will never forget that that day I woke up early and despite the last few days seemingly going well I still didn't feel like things were quite right when my wife had told me two months prior that she was unhappy I confided this to my mother my mother's first comment to me was there might be someone in her office I didn't want to believe that but it was always in the back of my head I was up early as I mentioned and my curiosity got the best of me so I checked her phone sure enough there was someone from her office someone she was texting minutes after we passionately hugged someone she had been sending nudes to meeting up with and planning future dates with I was crushed but then I exploded for the last several weeks I had been beaten down thinking that I was the cause of the relationship falling apart only to find out that her Affair began coincidentally a few days before I received her phone call from her parents house I woke her up and asked her what the f is this at this point I just needed to unload I called her every name in the book to break her down and to hurt her I then called her a fair partner but he didn't pick up so I left him some threatening messages about beating him up and exposing them in the office he was a subordinate of hers and engaged himself maybe his fiance would like to know at this point I felt I just needed to leave I told her she needs to figure out what she wants because she crossed the line I went back home but before I did she asked me to continue counseling remotely so that we could repair things I still foolishly loved her and agreed over the next several weeks in counseling it became evident that she wasn't taking any accountability she harped on the hateful things that I said to her after my Discovery and how my threats to her Affair partner made her view me as potentially violent and this made her afraid of me this is despite me never laying a hand on anyone in my life something she knew I wanted her to agree to an intensive marriage Retreat weekend after her Fellowship Ended as we were discussing this A co-worker of hers texted me he asked me if I knew that my wife was cheating on me it turns out the affair never stopped and my separation allowed it to turn into a full-blown relationship everyone in the office knew but they were hesitant to tell me she was still parading around work talking about me like I was still living with her and everything was well I had obviously discovered the affair two months prior but now I knew that I was just being strung along for what that I don't know at that point I'd had it I took all the evidence I'd saved up and sent it to her HR department after calling them I knew the email addresses of several of her co-workers and cc'd them I sent the naughtiest stuff to her parents siblings best friend and mutual friends and best of all the HR department of her next employer I let her file for divorce because I knew that would be the end result of my revenge campaign it's something I should have done in April anyways from what I'm told she was terminated from her fellowship and the job that she was supposed to start this month apparently she's also emotionally distraught due to me humiliating her to family and friends as well as destroying her reputation in the short term and you know what it makes me happy I'm glad she's been humiliated and I only wish that I could inflict more pain on her man I really don't understand the logic of cheaters obviously she doesn't want to be with you obviously she wants to be with the other guy so why lie and like struggle through marriage counseling why not just break up what's the goal what's the objective is it to just string op along until he can't take it anymore and then he breaks up with her so she can take the high road and say oh boo hoo woe is me my husband left me because he's so hard to please I don't know I really can come up with a reason this lady makes no sense our next Reddit post is from snood ass I'm a 24 year old woman and I've been dating my boyfriend Andrew who's 26 for five years now we've had a healthy and stable relationship up until today Andrew has always been a prankster and makes jokes with me all the time and I do it to him too but today he took it way too far this morning he woke me up at 7am and said that he wanted to take me to the spa I was pretty surprised because it wasn't a special day or anything but I was all for it at the spa he told me that he wanted to go to a fancy restaurant afterwards and that he was paying of course I agreed because we hadn't been out together in a long time we then got to the restaurant and we had a beautiful and romantic dinner and just a nice time in general we were even talking about a house that we wanted to move into after around 40 minutes Andrew stood up got on his knees and took a box out of his pocket my heart stopped beating I hadn't even predicted this we have never talked about proposing before but I also thought that it was a great time now he did a speech about how I was the most beautiful girl in the world and how he wanted to live with me forever and ended with will you marry me my princess of course I said yes seconds later all that excitement turned to horror he opened the small box that I expected would have a ring in it and it was just a note saying you've been pranked and Andrew started laughing hysterically he continued with baby this is just a prank I'm not ready at all to marry you yet he leaned in to hug me but I gave him the biggest slap ever with tear streaming down my face I just told him we're over you effing scumbag I'm now sitting in my bed crying and writing this because I don't know what to do he's been texting and calling me but I haven't responded because I feel so sad betrayed and mostly angry I thought this was going to be one of the best days of my life what should I do what should you do op you already did it you slapped him and broke up with him there's a prank and then there's just cruelty not only is this an extremely embarrassing and cruel prank but also because he fake proposed to you and you accept it and then he rejected you that sort of gives him the power in the relationship right so it sucks has happened after five years of dating but honestly this guy did you a favor because he showed his true colors now instead of who knows five years down the road clearly this guy doesn't respect you so the sooner you realize that and leave the relationship the better our next rated post is from active compote I can't believe how effing stupid you are I was having brunch with your effing mother which you knew about because I told you that morning when you text me saying that you have reservations at my favorite restaurant all of a sudden I love that place but it's a pretty long drive and it's pricey so the last time we were there was for our three three-year dating anniversary so of course your mother thinks you're going to propose your older brother just got married your younger sister is engaged everyone's just waiting for us to get engaged and has been nudging us about it so the day comes and even your mother texts me hope to hear the good news and honestly I thought that you were going to propose too I would have been okay with it and I would have said yes but no you effing piece of garbage you took me to my favorite restaurant to tell me that you cheated on me with your co-worker that you said I had nothing to worry about that b word that you called just your work wife you kept saying that it was just a one-time mistake that you want to make things work I don't want to make things work I hate you and your work wife go work marry her instead now I'm Fielding effing messages from all of your relatives looking for news because your mother was so certain that it was going to be a proposal that she told everyone about our dinner date meeting you was the greatest regret of my life and the only thing I'll miss is that your family for all their faults were genuinely loving and good people that I enjoyed having in my life I won't miss you yo what a jerk why do you have to take the restaurant down with them I just thought of a dumb joke babe I took you to your favorite restaurant to get you your favorite meal you know the one you love so much that super tasty dish hmm super tasty dish you know you could abbreviate that to STD and that reminds me babe you should probably get tested for STDs because I cheated on you our next Reddit post is from stale ham sandwich I'm a 25 year old woman and my husband is 26. last night my husband gave me his phone so I could put in my order since we're getting Chinese I know his password and we each have free access to the other's phone but I never really checked his phone while I was putting my order in a message from someone on Reddit came up and I thought that I was going to have a panic attack I knew that my husband used Reddit but I didn't know what he was doing on Reddit I clicked on the message and saw the back and forth between him and this other woman the messages were intimate and he was asking for more photos if you get what I mean I looked further and saw that my husband was in numerous not safe for work groups dedicated to other women's spicy pictures the woman whose message came up wasn't the only woman he had been messaging as well upon further inspection of his Reddit account I found his posts and marriage groups where he's lying about our relationship and our child he made one post talking about how I don't let him talk to his female best friend who's like a sister but my husband doesn't even have a female best friend that I even know about my husband also lies about our four-year-old daughter stating that she often disrespects him and clearly favors her other parent over him our daughter is the sweetest little girl whose form of disrespect is usually just saying duh after a sentence which she learned from him I'm currently eight months pregnant with our second child and I feel numb I don't know how I could have missed my husband messaging multiple women behind my back for who knows how long I showed him what I found after he asked me if I decided what I wanted to eat and he had this deer in headlights look he cried and said that he just does things sometimes and doesn't remember doing them I feel feel like that's the most ridiculous excuse that he could have possibly given and it's honestly more respectful to me that he thinks I'm dumb enough to Simply think that he just doesn't remember I slept in my daughter's room last night and he's currently at work I know there was no physical cheating involved but I just don't feel like I can ever truly trust him again if he hid this I can't help but wonder what else he's hidden okay hope he posted an update where it seems like she went into false labor so she had to go to the hospital and then she continues my husband came to the hospital yesterday a little bit after I made that small update he brought flowers and a card and he tried to comfort me but I had a panic attack the nurse ended up asking him to leave so I could calm down I just felt overwhelmed my mom and brother showed up and my brother took my daughter to their hotel so that she could get some sleep on a bed that wasn't a hospital bed my mom is currently with me but I've decided to have her go to the hotel soon so that she can also get some rest my blood pressure is still really high so I may be having the baby tonight my husband has been sending me texts and when my mom goes to sleep I'm gonna tell him to come to the hospital so that we can have a conversation I have a lot of questions my anger has turned to just straight Despair and I think that I'm gonna mention marriage counseling along with individual counseling for him in a text he said that he does remember doing them and that he was embarrassed he stated that he's satisfied in our marriage and that he likes the attention he gets from making the post that lied about our family oh man that is just the lamest excuse this guy's really trying to go all Walter White Breaking Bad I don't know it was just a Fugue State babe you know man I'm thinking about it this might sound crazy to say maybe it is crazy to say but I almost feel like him making posts lying about his family is worse than the emotional cheating because on some degree I can understand the logic behind a man emotionally cheating but because you're talking to Pretty Girls you're trading sexy photos there's like a logic to it you know you can understand the reason the reason is that he's horny and he likes attention from women but why is this guy fantasy he's famous he's literally fantasizing about having a sucky family he's role-playing that his wife is terrible to him and that his daughter sucks why I'm trying to imagine if my wife was trading sexy photos with a man that would really sting but I would understand the reasons because she craves attention and she's horny or whatever but if she's bad-mouthing me to strangers and making up lies just to make me look bad just to get attention from strangers on Reddit that's messed up that's disrespecting me just to disrespect me I mean both are bad both are in deal breaker territory it's just man that feels awful to think about I don't know guys what do you think what's worse your partner trading sexy photos with strangers on the internet are your partner making up lies about you and the child you have together to make both of you look bad to strangers on the internet net let me know down in the comments that was our slash Drew off my chest and if you like this content check out my podcast where I publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 292,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, trueoff, trueoffmfychest, r/trueoffmychest
Id: gIIo8C0wxH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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