r/Amithedevil My Boyfriend Won't Give Me $30,000/year!

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welcome to r/ am I the devil and this is a new subreddits which I'm actually excited about because these stories are pretty good this has no connection to r/m my the butthole or R slmi wrong it just kind of sounds like it based on the title basically this is a curated subreddit where they take stories from other subreddits kind of like r/b of redditor updates except the posters on these posts are awful human beings one of the problems with Reddit is when someone makes a post and they are clearly the wrong people will downvote that post into Oblivion so you never see the post because they don't have any upvotes and they never make it to the top alternatively a lot of people will delete their post out of embarrassment after getting blasted in the comments so this sub is a chance to see the worst of the worst human beings that Reddit has to offer I cheated on my wife while she's pregnant and now she won't take me back I want to start off by saying that I found out my wife posted on this subreddit and she'll no longer speak to me so I'm here to try to get her to talk to me I cheated on my wife when she was pregnant twice and then and then I did it again stupidly after she gave birth to our son I was stressed and the coworker was right there we got to talking about life and how hard her divorce was she's been lonely and I was feeling lonely since my wife was bedridden and I needed someone to talk to because my wife was always asleep she just wasn't feeling well enough to act like a wife my wife won't speak to me or textt me whenever I try to talk about us she just completely ignores me unless I talk about our son and she won't even text me she communicates with me through her mother her mother threatened to call the cops if I came by anymore so I have no way to reach her except through phone or me making my case here on Reddit and pleading with her to just talk to me has anyone been in this situation before and what can I do to make her forgive me she told me that she doesn't tolerate cheaters and I had a laps in judgment and I made a mistake and I just want to fix it and work on it Steph if you're reading this I'm so sorry and I'll do whatever to get you back I love you I'll buy you whatever I'll never leave the house again just come back and stop the divorce I will not sign the papers yeah come on Steph the poor guy just made three consecutive mistakes back to back to back Steph maybe if you hadn't been so selfish being sick and Pregnant and eventually giving birth one of the most painful things any human being ever had has to endure then you could have spent more time making sure your husband was happy so digging through the comments I've discovered that the the three consecutive mistakes took place over the course of 8 months so this guy had plenty of opportunities to think about it maybe think okay this is probably not a good idea to cheat nah just went right back to it I think the only mistake this guy actually thinks that he made is getting caught our next Reddit post comes from r/ thee passport Bros and if you don't know a passport bro was typically someone who goes from a richer country like America or England to a poorer country in order to pick up women would this title would World War II balance out dating globally this might get a lot of hate and downvotes depending on your views long story short I used to ride for Uber and I picked up hundreds and hundreds of people I picked up multiple different older guys and gals too somehow one way or another the conversation would lead to them talking about how my old man served in World War II and ended up finding a gorgeous woman from country such and such and got married right away at home since all the men were dying and gone now to clarify I don't want World War II to start but if it were to happen and it had the same damage as World War II with the lower younger male population down wouldn't it basically fix or restore dating what do you guys think my dad and I had a long road trip the conversation went to me talking about how dating in the US just sucks right now he even what he even said your generation really needs a war I think he's right a lot of guys in my generation just smoke drink and play video games all day and if a war were to happen maybe it would help with my generation's outlook on life but of course a war is nothing to be proud about or hoped for op hm how do I put this maybe the problem isn't that dating is bad right now maybe the problem is that you're the type of person who wishes for a war leading to the deaths of millions and millions of people just to slightly increase the odds of you getting laid I kind of I kind of feel like this guy must have hit on a girl and the girl said not even if you were the last man on Earth and he's like hm actually what if I were the last man on Earth what if every single man died horrifically they would have no choice but to suck my dick right our next Reddit post comes from r/ relationship advice I'm a 27-year-old woman and my 24-year-old boyfriend blocked me for renewing my lease what can I do to make things up to him I'm hurt and betrayed my boyfriend is a great person and we've been together for 3 years my boyfriend is very frugal I would say too Frugal he graduated with a degree in computer science and he's been making decent money since he graduated when he graduated he used the FHA loan for a humble but small town home I'm someone who differs in that I like luxury last year I got a nice high-rise apartment in a major metropolitan area and signed a 14-month lease with that My Wo my rent was $4,100 a month eventually with other bills I wasn't able to afford it my boyfriend's mortgage is really cheap because his place is extremely cheap mind you his townhouse is only a two- bedroom my apartment is only a one bedroom but that's what you expect you're paying for the view it's near the top the concierge and the luxury experience my boyfriend and I had a talk because I needed his help he would cover half of my rent and then I would either move in with him or get a cheaper apartment I could even stay in my same apartment building and switch to one of the cheaper rooms I would have moved in with him but not at his place he agreed that he could move but we still couldn't find a place that worked for both of us because he's so cheap anyway I realized that him and I would be getting married soon so so it's better to renew my lease and enjoy the highrise nice luxury for one more year I was dreading telling him but last night I told him he was pissed he said so you expect me to pay half your rent again I told him well obviously he said have you considered that I like nice things too but it's hard to do that when I'm sending you $2500 a month wait hold up hold up $2500 a month is not half of $4,100 that's half of $5,000 does that mean that op told her boyfriend that it's $5,000 a month and she's pocketing the extra $900 and he thinks he's paying half anyway sorry I just had to point out that detail that I noticed here he said I would work with you if you were just bad at managing your personal finances and try to teach you but it's worse than that you're just selfish and you're trying to take advantage of me I was angry at him accusing me of just trying to take advantage AG of him that's not true at effing all I love him and the fact that he said that hurts he just hung up and blocked me everywhere I'm going to head down to his townhouse today so that we can talk about this any suggestions all right hold up let me look through the comments because she didn't even mention the possibility of him moving into her house I mean if he's paying half the rent anyways isn't that logical then he could rent out his his place is it because she literally just doesn't want to she wants to place all to herself let's see if I can find out she worked as a bartender I okay hold on let's assume this is New York um bartender salary in New York it sounds like New York right she says big city highrise all right the average salary for a bartender in New York is 15 bucks an hour plus tips uh it says the average is 43k so yeah there's she literally there's no way even if she only spent all of her money on just that apartment she still couldn't afford that apartment okay unfortunately I couldn't find out why he didn't just move in with her ah this woman is nonetheless unbelievably diluted what's crazy about this is that on paper this guy seems like a catch he's got a good degree he owns a house at the age of 24 super responsible he's willing to give an ungodly amount of money to his girlfriend 2500 a month is what is that that's $30,000 a year that he's just forking over to his ungrateful girlfriend so this guy's this guy's actually a catch and she's spoiling it by well by being spoiled I hope the dude breaks up with her and realizes that he can do way way better than her because he's a catch and she is a spoiled brat essentially our next Reddit post comes from r/ relationship advice I'm a 28-year-old man and I was manipulated into cheating on my wife who's 28 how do we move forward through our relationship hey Reddit I'm going through a tough time in my marriage it all started because recently I entered a depression my wife and I both have very demanding jobs recently I had a new project that had me working longer hours and that's what started my depression now going through my depression I started confiding in my coworker about how I was feeling I thought I could trust her as her friend but she knew that I was in a vulnerable state she took advantage of my state and this led to an affair my wife found out and going to counseling Monday but this month our marriage is on the ropes I've been trying to get her to understand my depression and how low my mental health was but she doesn't want to hear it all right in the comments predictably people are blasting op because he's just not taking responsibility he said he was manipulated into cheating and he confided in a friend who just happened to be hot I'm sure that's completely incidental of all the people to confide into it work he picked the hot girl anyways after getting blasted op says at the end of the day I was the one who cheated it's my responsibility that does not absolve that woman for taking advantage of someone she knows is going through a dark time our next Reddit post comes from r/ advice my fundamentalist Christian parents are telling my wife not to reconcile with me my wife and I were married for 4 years during that time I had to open up our marriage my wife agreed but kept acting jealous this led to me filing for divorce throughout my 6 months separated I gained a greater appreciation for my lovely wife modern day dating is disgusting even if you date overseas a lot of women will pretend to like you for money it's honestly disgusting I didn't have to worry about that with my wife because she makes around the same as me slightly more actually last week I realized the love we have is special and decided to attempt reconciliation she agreed but unfortunately my Christian fundamentalist parents are trying to undermine me they're trying to convince her not to go through with it my parents even told her we love our son but he's not a good husband I expected this from her parents but my own parents when I told my parents to stop meddling in my relationship they blocked me I had to call them back using no caller ID just to speak to my own dad and mom this is disgusting all right okay so someone dug through op's posst history and before this this op also posted this my wife is ruining our marriage and I don't know how to fix it we have an open marriage and her jealousy is showing my wife and I have been together for 5 years married for two she's been my rock last year I realized that monogamy is not for me I wasn't someone who had a chance to just have that fun phase if you know what I mean my glow up was late and I started going to the gym and advancing in my career so I had women interested in me who before wouldn't even look at me I was honest with my wife and told her that we need to either open up the relationship or get a divorce she was hurt but I told her that I never got to live like others did and she chose to stay and allow me to do that exploration I told her that it wouldn't be emotional just passionate hugging her actions are not following her words and she acts extremely jealous and possessive and it creates arguments I've had to remind her that she should leave if she can't respect my boundaries what really set me off is she told my parents and they're fundamentalist Christians so you know how that works my weird religious family is on her side and they've been annoying me by telling me to stop it's a lot so if anyone can help me this is starting to stress me out and I'm writing this before work instead of drinking my coffee poor guy he's so stressed out he hasn't even had a chance to drink his coffee I don't like to diagnose people on the internet because it's so hard to judge based on just a simple Poe but this guy might actually be a Bonafide narcissist it's all about him and what he wants and he just literally expects everyone to bend over backwards to accommodate what he wants his wife is the villain for not letting other women sleep with him other women are also the villain for not wanting to sleep with him his parents are the villain everyone's the bad guy except for this dude he just wants to enjoy his coffee and have his dick sucked in peace our next Reddit post comes from r/ advice I was with my first wife Amanda for 8 years and we have a beautiful daughter unfortunately during our marriage I fell in love with someone else that woman that woman ended up cheating on me and leaving me I tried to maintain a friendship with Amanda because even though I realized I didn't love her she was still my friend anyway I was talking to a mutual friend and she told me that Amanda put herself out there and went on a date she's been talking to this guy after we got off the phone I called Amanda but she didn't answer so I texted her we need to talk Amanda eventually calls back and I ask her about our daughter our daughter spent the weekend at my parents house she told me that she'll pick her up in the evening I told her this is a serious question are you still in love with me she said unfortunately with an attitude I said then why would you think it's a good idea to date right now she got she got angry and said that's none of my business I told her I'm coming to you as a friend dating while still on in love with me is not going to help she said her therapist said that it's time to put herself out there I told her her therapist sounds like a horrible therapist she told me to shut up she said do you know how much this impacted me she said I loved you and always tried to be a great wife for you and that wasn't good enough I interrupted I interrupted her on the phone and just said Amanda I then told her I get it when Marie left my second wife I couldn't even finish my sentence before she said you're at effing prick she hung up and blocked me and blocked me on Facebook I don't know I'm trying to look out for her because she's the mother of my child yo this dude this guy it's okay for him to sleep around on his wife but it's not okay for his scorned wife to go on a date this guy wants to have his cake and then also cheat on his cake with other cakes and then not let anyone else eat his first cake this guy's so stupid also I love how he frames when he cheated he says unfortunately I fell in love with another woman but when The Other Woman cheats on him he says she cheated on me so it's only cheating when other people do it but when he does it it's just falling in love kind of romantic really when you think about it that was r/ Ami the devil and if you like this content check out my podcast where I publish the exact same episodes
Channel: rSlash
Views: 179,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: leJ2tTHraWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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