r/ThatHappened | f r e s h | ep. 46

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what is on my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video the first video of 2019 we're returning to a subreddit I haven't done in a while that happened I think it's a banger of an episode and I hope you guys like it decided to backflip off this pier on the beach today on my swim back I was informed by the crowd that there was a 6-foot great white shark trailing me closely the best part of this story is that I'm an awful swimmer so that shark must have really sucked at being a shark and you must have been pretty useless as a human if everyone saw this giant shark behind you and nobody tried to help some guy came up and said nice hoodie where can I get one I said Abu Dhabi or LA he said oh how much are they I said this hoodie was $800 he gulped and walked away I have never felt more like an in my entire life I don't know what's worse about this post the horrible horrible flex or the fact that this dude wasn't a man enough to take a screenshot and had to take a picture of the damn phone years ago my baby brother passed away and nine months later I had a little sister born prematurely when she was about four one day she told my mom I'm glad to be with you guys again God took me away cuz I was very sick but that made you really sad so he told me I could come back what's the point of this lie you're trying to promote religion you're trying to make your family seem special either way it's just stupid unbelievable my little cousin is so smart for her age even though I was wearing a shirt with non-binary written on it a cashier at Walmart told me have a nice day man after I nearly started to break down crying my seven-year-old cousin stood up for me and said no matter someone's gender we all breathe the same air we all live on the same earth can't you read my cousin identifies with a them pronouns how dare you the cashiers jaw dropped and she stormed out the woman next to us volunteered to pay for our groceries love your cousin family goals Thanks she's so smart for her age which Walmer was this okay aside from the fact that that child didn't say that why would the cashier storm out and why would any of your Facebook friends believe this story to be true my sister's boyfriend said is that 21 pilots don't they talk about suicide and like try to kill themselves that's weird are you okay and my dad said well you listen to songs about sex but I don't see you getting laid please send help I favor I can confirm I was one of the pilots I have been taking enormous pleasure this month in very loudly correcting waitstaff uber drivers call center employees cashiers and other corporate employees and weak-minded collaborators refusing to politely acknowledge happy holidays and bellowing I think you mean Merry Christmas on more than one occasion this has produced a ripple of applause in the store or restaurant concerned business owners take note yeah and I bet everyone clapped or oh wait no here to cover that one oh ho I'm deathly allergic to peanuts this is terrifying on so many levels I had a friend who would get puffy at the thought of peanuts we were discussing almond butter and she was adamant that she couldn't eat it I looked over at her and her face was swelling because the discussion crazy stuff the friend Albert Einstein I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not how this works and that peanut grew up to be none other than V mr. peanut about two years ago while climbing out mango tree my son fell 20 feet and broke his wrist actually his hand was hanging off his wrist within moments we covered his arm with comfrey root aka the NIT clone plant he went from agony to calm in moments we witnessed in real-time the improved circulation as his hand and fingers gained movement he kept the comfrey cast on overnight he was back to climbing trees within the week pretty remarkable this experience as well as healing Doug's broken nose my youngest daughter's hematoma a client's broken toe see testimonial at this link and countless other healing miracles has reinforced our belief in the power of this potent comfrey root powder that I assume can be purchased at this link yeah like you're using your children and medical lies to shill fake Skellig ro this ain't Harry Potter woman my biggest accomplishment of 2018 was yelling Sonic the Hedgehog is the only blue life that matters to my old neighbor who's a member of Seattle SWAT team and then having his wife threaten to both kill me and throw me in jail if I threatened their lives like that ever again on a more real note though this dude must of had a sad 2018 if he considers receiving a death threat to be his most successful moment of the year I went on a delivery special tag red deliver pizza sexually so on arrival I rolled down all my windows blared careless whispered by George Michael walked like a stripper begging for a buck to his door he was already outside handed in his soda said him the sexiest voice I could conjure up and told him his total $25 tip worth it okay holy cow with 10,000 reactions I'm sure there are plenty of replies saying wow what a great story but I have known too many friends who have delivered too many pizzas to ever think that a pizza delivery person would care that much about the job that they're doing lol upgraded phones last week wound up next to the woman handling online orders each time someone never showed she offered them to us left with four pairs of ear pods with the phone exchanged credit they were all free kept one pair sold three Christmas paid for nobody asked and that happened now I may not work for a phone company but I'm pretty sure they don't just offer the products to other people if the people who bought them online didn't show up doing some grocery shopping on my way home encounter a small boy standing in front of the covergirl Star Wars makeup stand child dad this is stupid the Star Wars isn't for girls me hey Star Wars is so for girls points to the Star Wars t-shirt I'm wearing child looks me up and down you're a tomboy doesn't count dad applies a less than subtle boot to small child's bum the lady is a geek which makes her awesome you sound like a jerk which makes you a jerk until you learn not to sound like a jerk to girls you'll never find out how awesome geek our dad looks at me I apologize for my son I blame his mother she's a muggle me high five dad yeah she's definitely the kind of girl that thinks herself unique for being a fan of two of the biggest fantasy IPS in the world you guys my six-year-old daughter went to my mother a few months ago planning my Christmas present she was all upset because my husband left in 2017 and I don't get to wear a wedding band married ring anymore so she wanted to get me a ring that I can wear every day for the rest of my life when I opened it she said it's a new ring to treasure because I will never betray or abandon you so so so sweet all right bye now you guys know the drill that child didn't say that so I'm driving and I noticed the guy behind me is cute so I'm checking him out of my rearview mirror and he dead-ass airdrops me his number to the girl staring at me from the really old car hope this is you and then they all promptly proceeded to get into a massive accident as they were all looking at their phones instead of the road so tell me how this cop got my attention and said hey can you tell me if I'm driving straight I drink to couple shots I laughed my ass off and said I got you brother oh I can tell you it's because he did no cop would ever do that today at work some kid came up to me and asked if I knew anything about Pokemon I've been preceded to name the original 151 in order and answered yes I know about Pokemon the look on his face was priceless it was probably the look that he gave as he walked away cuz no way in hell would that kid wait around for you to list off a 151 Pokemon story time when I was in fourth period teacher sure you can listen to music me [Music] [Music] I was so happy I went and put all my loudest headphones so stupid I turned on chop suey I dropped my phone and the headphones came out class heard wake up grab a brush and put on makeup me umm teacher oh my God my daughter listens to that I get to lunch and my crushes like crush so chop suey huh man this was so cringy and so just a 12 year old looking for attention that I didn't want to include it but damn I wanted to make that thx joke thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow
Channel: fresh
Views: 504,536
Rating: 4.8943906 out of 5
Keywords: r/, reddit, reddit cringe, thathappened, r/thathappened, that happened
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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