r/thathappened | fresh | ep. 56

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what is up my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video we have an episode of that happen haven't done this one in over a week so I'm excited I think it's a great episode and I hope you guys enjoy it my little sister is a really pretty girl and she gets dick pics all the time from annoying boys so being the girl she is she started using them as blackmail she now has about thirty boys doing her bidding because once stepped out of line and she got someone to print out 500 copies of the photo and mailed it to his family my sister is 16 and she's running a black male mafia she's going places well that sounds awful no we're not doing this again in all reality if this is extortion she's going to jail I guess it is a place but still jail this dog saved me I was in a comma for 11 hours and my friend put this video in his phone I woke up wait is this person implying that they had sex for 11 hours with a punctuation mark bro WTF I was walking around nude like I do and I had the camera flip the wrong way and I accidentally sent some girl a dick pic and then I was like oh Dan sorry that was an accident and then she was like Dan that's okay I wasn't expecting it but it's pretty big so it's okay sounds made-up what no I'm not even joking this is the biggest flex ever here ladies and gentlemen we have the perfect trifecta the Holy Trinity of combined subreddits one post that finds a perfect home in humble brag oops didn't mean to and that happened went to chick-fil-a and my order came out to six dollars and 66 cents the cashier changed it to 626 and gave me the drink for free the devil works hard but chick-fil-a works harder the most unbelievable thing about this story is the idea that a drink with tax could cost 40 cents who do you think you're fooling what happened today boy in my class why is your phone in your backpack pocket it's so visible other boy yeah why don't you put it in your pocket I always do that meet it it'd be really visible I'm wearing skinny jeans boy in my class wear jeans with good pockets then me very quiet boy who never speaks up forgot say keith in jeans with good pockets do not exist in girls fashion industry shut up they ended up making love on that very spot I can confirm I was the girls fashion industry McDonald's Cal your day is birch I asked for a McChicken not nomic cookie see you can tell this one is fake because in my experience every McChicken comes with at least a full head of lettuce and half a gallon of mayonnaise during freshers week I happen to sleep with someone shortly after people in my block started calling me big rammer I was confused but wanted to know the meaning of this so asked and apparently my penis is huge I'd never realized this so obviously googled average penis length and indeed it is true I have a disproportionately sized penis uni has changed me forever oh god why would you put this on facebook it's equal parts cringy and desperate and I want to die did anyone else meet their partner by stalking them like Joe on the show I met my ex-girlfriend by stalking her when I would see her around campus I figured out where she would usually sit in the Uni library and would go sit at the same place eventually I overheard her friend saying her name and bingo found her on social media from there I found out what nightclub events she was going to and ended up going to the same one I searched the club for her and found her at the smoking area and then hit her up and said I swear I've seen you around before somewhere and she said she's seen me before the library after some flirting we slept together and I hit her up on snapchat eventually got into a relationship where we were heavily into each other eventually I got bored of her and cheated on her with her best friend I then dumped her this was all one year ago or so I find it weird that before I entered her life I was a stranger but after entering it I completely ruined her entire friendship group I left it shattered to pieces aside from the story being really unbelievable it's a super messed up flex he's proud and almost bragging about the way that he stalked a girl to date her cheated on that girl because he got bored of her and ruined her friend group I know he's saying all this because he thinks he sounds cool but he's just an [ __ ] today I got a detention for standing up for what I believe in teacher write down three things you dislike about yourself me sits their teacher Ciara why aren't you writing me I can't do this I will take a zero sorry teacher why me because I refuse to promote self hate because some people in the world can fill out 20 of these front and back with no blank spaces and this can trigger someone teacher Ciara you have to do it or I am sending you to the office me okay gets up and walks to office can you imagine this girl in like any other situation like she's at a counselor or a therapist or something and they're like okay so what have you been struggling with and the girls like I've refused to tell you because I do not promote self hate this guy held a door open for me the other day and I asked why he was hitting on me and he said because you sexy baby so I tased his dick the manager gave me a free shopping spree on whatever I wanted don't mess with me okay the idea that she assumed the guy was hitting on her cuz he held the door open is messed up to begin with but then that straight-up assault like she could be arrested for that this is not okay in any way shape or form aside from the unbelievable nature of the rest of the story like this is not acceptable behavior what's the most [ __ ] up thing that happened to you in middle school mine was when we were tossing a ball around on the bus saying it was going to explode and the bus driver hurt called the police and the bomb squad quarantined us in the bus for three hours to the dogs got done searching wait so you're telling me that the authorities were concerned enough that there was a threat of an explosive device that they brought dogs to the scene but they decided to keep the kids where the potential explosive was that makes sense being the son of an ex-cop I was raised to protect women no matter what if a boy like Bradley says put his hands on a woman when I'm around I will be going to jail and he'll be getting a ride in an ambulance I was a firefighter until I suffered a back injury and I even told chief that I would do that if I say that and he said he would get me out of jail if the cops took me in I love my family and the guys in the firehouse a man wouldn't touch a woman in any wrong way I might be 15 but I dropped a kid about 4 or 50 pounds for putting his hands on a woman I can't stand a man that does that I was raised in a military family I'm 12 but I'm in trouble a lot because trash boys putting their hands on girls I've took about six trips to the office over it and every time I told him what I did with a grin in my face and told him every time I'll do it again I mean that's good generally like don't don't assault people put like 450 pounds that is a that's a big dude if a 12 year old carries a baby to term what medical consequences are likely I myself was pregnant at 12 trust me I was a virgin I didn't know until about six weeks when my stomach started hurting a lot we went to the doctor and she said I was pregnant my mom was about to kill me but luckily the doctor told her to stop and told her the reason I got pregnant pretty hard to explain but it's kind of an issue after this my mom and I talked about this and I wanted to keep the baby so even it was clear enough to see the gender of the baby my sister and I went but I didn't know until the gender-reveal yes I had a gender reveal at the reveal I found out that for my luck it was twins twin girls the months went and the babies got born I got to name them both they were super healthy and have no issues in any way and in the nearby fields the Shepherd's watched over their flocks by night and the angel Gabriel appears before them to announce the coming of the Messiah wait I think that's a different story my bed so I was in a restaurant tonight when I heard a couple at the table next to me bad-mouthing my fellow anti-vaxxers they were calling us idiots saying that we want our children to die I stood up and I looked at them and said vaccines are the problem they give them the disease and why would you willingly give child a disease and autism how selfish can you be that you do that just for your own self-image so you don't look bad in front of others because of their opinions are you willing to kill your kid over that they looked at each other both of them at a loss for words the entire restaurant stood up and clapped oh the people across from you we're at a loss for words because you yelled in front of the restaurant that vaccines cause autism I guess there's a reason why they call it mind numbing stupidity I was interviewing for a $40,000 scholarship to a private university walked in wearing a plain black hoodie jeans and my old-looking vans I see one of the best-looking girls I've ever seen along with 29 other candidates all in suits and dress shoes walked out with a hundred and twenty thousand dollars scholarship and the girl's number almost ironically this story would have been more believable if he got 160,000 dollar scholarship because at least that could have been 40k over four years but 120 the math does not work out on that one similar to how it doesn't work out between you and the hot girl thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: fresh
Views: 327,697
Rating: 4.9241405 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, cringe, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, thathappened, quityourbullshit, that happened, quit your bullshit, r/thathappened, r/quityourbullshit
Id: A_wrtnFSQos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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