r/MaliciousCompliance ft. r/AssholeTax | fresh

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what is that my aesthetic poisons fresh back with another video if you're interested in foreign travel kids vomiting and 90s skate punk bands well you've come to the right place stuck on top of the Eiffel Tower go ahead take the stairs so a decade or so ago we were in Paris in January as one does we decided to go to the Eiffel Tower it was super cold and we got there late it was getting dark and colder by the minute well at the second level with the wind getting stronger and the rain starting it became apparent that the main elevators got stuck or broken I talked to one of the employees in my broken French and he told me the same he was very polite and apologetic about the situation but I wasn't particularly worried the tower is old and these things happen someone however was not as polite and understanding and that was the teacher of the American high school group that was stuck up there with us after yelling at the above-mentioned employee and then yelling some more the employee executed a bit of malicious compliance he informed the teacher that they can walk down the stairs in the cold the rain the wind and the dark probably a very uncomfortable and precarious walk a few moments later after the teacher and his group took the stairs the polite employee asked us if we wanted to take the staff only elevator down well if there is anyone in my audience who like me has never been to the Eiffel Tower a quick jaunt down Google Lane tells me that the so-called second level of the Eiffel Tower is actually a hundred and fifteen meters or over three hundred and seventy seven feet up it's the most commercial it's over six hundred and steps up and it could be damn cold at night also despite me having been fortunate enough to be in a similar high school travel group at one point or another I can confirm without a doubt that such packs of students are just about the most annoying thing you can run into most annoying people in theme parks school groups most annoying groups on airplanes school groups most annoying at the Eiffel Tower well you guessed it school groups anyway I'm sure the kids didn't mind the exercise Airport compliance I saw the sweetest compliance or instant justice I've ever seen yesterday at the airport we were standing in line for Air France in JFK and they don't open until 1:00 p.m. so there was a long line of people waiting it usually moves fairly quickly but there was a pretty impatient person standing there so they open up the line and it starts to move an attendant walks through and starts looking at tickets and if the people pre checked in they were told to move to the bag drop off line and move on it was a quicker lane because people were literally dropping off bags only this impatient lady asks the guide to let her go over there he told her well that was for bag drop-off only she got a little upset that they were moving quicker and asked much louder the next time he told her that she wasn't checked in yet and she needed to stay in that line the third time he walked by she stopped him again and started really yelling at him about how she was paying so much for a ticket and she didn't understand why those other people got to go through I don't know if the gate ticket person understood really what was going on but I heard the guy say to her fine you're going to be told to go out and check in and you'll be at the back of the line but if you insist and it means that much to you go for it she looked positively triumphant as she stood there with her bags and then she got to the front and the check-in attendant looked at her passport and then told her that she wasn't checked in yet and she needed to go stand in line for the check-in she was very upset and started yelling security showed up and walked her out of line after talking to her she agreed to get in line and yes they made her get in the very back man they were just trying to do their job but you wouldn't let them Karen perhaps Susan may be entitled no doubt the idea that the amount of money she paid for a regular ticket could entitle her to a faster line is laughable because you guessed that literally everyone else in the line also paid a lot of money for their plane tickets as Ana camps character Audrey said in the 2012 collegiate a cappella cult classic movie pitch perfect Chloe could you please get your head out of your ass it's not a hat more flies with honey now my dad used to travel all around the country and the world for his job so he had to deal with rental cars getting reservations etc now he can't have a temper sometimes but he taught me that above all else you should always be courteous and kind to everyone he had just gotten off the flight and was at the rental car place and was second in line in front of him there was a man arguing that his deluxe SUV wasn't here on time the person at the desk was apologizing saying that there was a slight delay in the bookings because of traffic they had to get the cars from a sister store because they ran out the man was throwing a hissy fit screaming and complaining at her before finally sitting down and huffing my dad walked up and the service rep apologized and started to say the same thing and he told her it was fine that guy was an [ __ ] and he doesn't mind waiting for his car which was an economy level something or other he joked around a bit while he was waiting to to make her feel better when he was called up she handed him the keys and said with a smile in a hushed whisper the guy's SUV just arrived I gave you a free upgrade because you've been so nice enjoy your car dad said the other guy ended up with his car and dad ended up with the SUV I don't remember if the guy was around to see it but I'm sure it was satisfying nonetheless this story kind of reminds me though that a lot of these you know malicious compliance [ __ ] tax type stories are really just tales from retail but from the opposite side of the counter if there is anything that could help you at all especially at any kind of travel organization like a car rental and airport gate what-have-you being nice is it does it guarantee anything special no of course not but just the fact that you fulfill the bare minimum of being a decent human being to other human beings somehow puts you above the level of the average tired irritated traveler but hey this guy got a higher gas bill and leather seats who can complain another school nurse doesn't believe kid is sick and gets puked on for their stupidity I was in primary school and was super sick all day I went to the sickroom at breaktime which was a tiny room only able to seat about 4 people including the nurse at once three other children were in there who looked sick as hell and were puking like crazy so the nurse let me sit on her seat but gave me no bucket because I didn't look like I was going to throw up anytime soon she leaves the office to go call a parent of one of the other kids and from the hazy mix of puke and my queasy stomach I knew I was about to vomit with no bucket no bin no vessel in sight I ran to the toilets next door and came back after the nurse returned and I told her what had happened and the other kids confirmed it and she didn't believe that I puked where was the evidence oh you flushed the toilet how convenient you just want to go home I kind of sat there thinking what the heck was I supposed to do now she then tried to shoo me out because she had real sick kids to deal with when I felt it I felt the bile the worst sensation of my tiny little life and managed to say bucket she rolled her eyes and turned from me to the other kid and with the force of a water cannon got projectile vomited back not only didn't hit her the disgusting sight of it set off a chain reaction and the others who immediately began filling their own buckets as schools really do be like that though a my high school actually if there wasn't direct proof of some ailment it was tough to do much not entirely the nurse's fault honestly there were just too many kids especially at that younger elementary school level who would constantly fake sickness or constantly ask to go to the nurse's office it kind of ruined actual ill students ability to be taken seriously but again sometimes policy gets in the way more than any kind of trust issues I remember getting hit in the nose in a PE class so hard that I left a literal trail of blood down to the nurse's office and they were more concerned with whether I had gotten the injury in a fight then they were with stopping the profuse blood loss I was currently experiencing I kind of wish it had been in a fight I would have been way cooler than an errand to elbow in a game of pick-up basketball but hey you win some you lose some blood that is you lose some blood I lost a lot of blood sometimes it's better to just give them what they want I love to cook and my husband loves to eat win win right I mean top it off with the fact that I like to serve him his meal while he gets to relax it's just how I was raised so I'm fine with it so anyway one day I make some homemade ice cream I'm loving its texture its flavor it's everything my husband walks by and sees me eating so he says oh I'll have some ice cream and then sits his ass down in the living room he was right there I was pissed he was so lazy he wanted me to serve him when he already has to walk past the kitchen where I stood eating right out of the container like the fat ass I am just to go to the living room cue my malicious compliance I grab a bowl and fill it up I call out hey you want toppings he yells back hell yeah one toppings it's not that he's being mean he's just excited so I'm preparing this bowl of ice cream with everything he loves chocolate syrup caramel drizzle homemade whipped cream maraschino cherry crushed up peanuts he'll even a sliced up banana to turn it into an amazing banana split after loading up the huge bowl of ice cream I get two spoons and put one in the bowl on the other one I add a tiny piece of banana tiny bit of ice cream and a touch of all the toppings well except the cherry I walk over to him and he's rearranging his gaming stuff preparing to take the bowl from my hands his eyes are glowing with joy at the sight of my beautiful creation and he's got a smile a mile long I sit at my chair hug the bowl and pass him the spoon of ice cream the look on his face was well worth my efforts he was so sad for like a second before he broke into a fit of laughter he acknowledged he was being lazy thank me for making ice cream in the first place then got up and fixed himself a bowl you know we still laugh about it months later and he acts goes out of his way to serve me more now man this is too wholesome too wholesome freakin quality relationship built on mutual trust and respect for each other there's just nothing to criticize there's laughter not shouting no hostilities exchanged and they both like serving each other food if there ain't a ring on that I sure hope you're in the market my guy oh you think it's not poison oak okay try rubbing it on your face I went hiking one spring with a friend of a friend I kept telling him to stay away from the poison oak and gave him a tiny lecture on how to identify it he insisted that the plant he had wasn't poison oak I insisted that it was after several disagreements when encountering the plant I suggested that if he really believed that it wasn't poison oak he would rub it on his face surprisingly he did next week he showed up at my house to collect some items he had left there with a massively swollen red face I said nothing he said nothing I felt bad but not as bad as he felt I'm sure my malicious suggestion was taken out by the stubborn argumentative type and I felt bad about it suffice it to say we never went hiking again ooh yeah I fairly direct secondhand experience on how nasty poison oak can be how thick-skulled would you have to be to do something like that actually wait no I take it back for any of my avatar the last airbender fans out there you may recall a situation in which uncle Iroh must decide of a plant is a delicious tea leaf or incredibly poisonous in that case the risk would be worth it so if the poison oak plant was thought to make a delicious Fire Nation tea I think the red-faced bloke was entirely justified in his experimentation it doesn't seem like poison oak tea is a good idea though so if you value the openness of your windpipe I would recommend you don't attempt to make contact with or certainly not ingest any type of poison greenery you want a bus that takes you close to X station okay so I was coming home from the post office today I just got off the train and now was sitting in the back of the bus parked by the curb behind another bus that's when she appeared the star of our story dumb lady excuse me what bus do I take to get to the event there's an annual event going on in my city that lasts about two weeks the bus driver responds ah no buses take you to the event grounds you can take the train and switch train lines to get there though no I need a bus that goes there well there's no bus that takes you directly there this exchange goes on for about two minutes the whole time the bus driver has been trying to explain to the woman that it's faster and more convenient to just take the train into the city and switch train lines in downtown but she doesn't want to for some reason I think at that point the bus driver has had enough as afterwards the bus dropped me off two stops prematurely from my stop before it went out of service so I'm guessing the bus driver he just wanted his shift to be over and wanted to just get rid of her I need to take a bus that at least takes me close to there well you see that bus in front of us it'll take you to X station it's on the same train line as the event station just take this bus there then take the train damage that bus was about to leave before a bus driver honked on his horn multiple times to get the other buses attention to stop before it fully left the curb she ended up getting on that bus and it went off it took me at least a minute to realize he sent her on a bus that does take her close to the event station however that bus is a two-hour ride as it does loops around multiple neighborhoods roundabouts industrial and commercial areas combined with the fact that we're in the northeast side of the city and the event is in the southeast side what would have been a 25 or 30 minute train commute turned into a two-hour + commute should have just taken the train lady that's a funny last line should have just taken the train lady or SJ TTLs it's known among its dearest fans is also coincidentally the name of a lesser-known late 80s pop punk band that actually briefly opened for blink-182 on an eastern seaboard leg of the North American tour after the original opener Alkaline quartet had to pull out due to an unfortunate accident involving a gerbil in industrial barrel of silicon-based lubricant a shorty of radio and of course the infamous rogue tortoise catalyst I'm sure any true 90s skate punk slash pop punk with horns not Scott fan who remember that situation like it was yesterday and for those of you don't I would encourage you to look it up not sure how much you and G and the label has been able to silence the whole debacle but boy was it something anyhow I think that's gonna do it for this episode be sure to subscribe for more videos if you liked them drop a like if you like this video and I'll see you all around
Channel: fresh
Views: 181,840
Rating: 4.9159017 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, f r e s h, fresh r/, reddit, r/, reddit stories, reddit commentary, fresh r/malicious compliance, r/malicious compliance, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit fail, reddit cringe, win, cringe, fail
Id: pROikci3eKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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