RTGame Streams: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe [8]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello can you hear me hello hello how's it going folks hope everyone's having a good [Music] week jump scared me hey sorry sorry to interrupt your dinner you having a good meal you enjoying your your mashed potato Jerry that's going to scare someone named Jerry eating mashed potato like even if it takes years from now like someone watching the vods it will line up thought my phone went off how did you know oh you're all very welcome to the stream uh we have something very fun and silly for today's stream uh let me just do a sound check can you hear me okay is the mic coming out okay like relation to game audio and that do I need to tweak anything mic is good loud and clear oh I want to preface this stream as well just to say again I've said this before um but I'll say it again there is something planned for the daisy costume it is not today it is not this year it's taken longer to prepare because you're getting more than was promised okay so I want to just preface that to people like is is it time like no no it's not it's it but you will see why it's taking a while uh when it eventually happens you're getting way more than was pred so like just trust me trust me um but in the meanwhile we have a week of just kind of fun ahead of Christmas streams that we're just going to be doing uh we're going to be streaming all this week we'll streaming Christmas day as well which I think is on Monday this year it's in a week from now um so we're going to do some fun [ __ ] it all right hang on hello hi my name is Rumble tumble gamer and you might know me as formerly the drift King back in college I also critically cannot drive nor have I ever made any attempt to do so this is a physical steering wheel which we are going to attempt to play Mario Kart with look at this as long as I actually mounted a desk I've got pedals too so yeah I cuz I I actually want to learn to drive like next year if I can I want to finally get a start there cuz you know I'm I'm 28 years young I'm going to be 29 next year which is practically dead you know and it's it's just time to learn important skill so let's bridge the gap of what I know to where I need to be which is driving a physical car but we have a steering [Music] wheel when he died is no age give me one second the camera slightly out of f oh that any better is that better I think that might be better have to like take a quick picture no it's not why is it slightly ever so slightly I'll get it he determined to [Music] remain ever so slightly out of focus I think that's a bit better I think that should [Music] do I think that's better yeah I have to toggle the [Music] zoom face cam please hey hope you're ready for a nice try the lighting's very yellow in the room the lighting's very yellow in the room tee nice and straight now ah God the mouth of Sarah it's still a little loud Focus um I I think I think it will kind of correct when my hands are there you can kind of see it like it's adjusting a bit it should be all right it should be all right but yeah we're going to be attempting to play we are going to be playing this with a real steering wheel uh this should be fun I believe so I have actual foot pedals there's no foot pedal camera because but they're there so trust me let's learn the drive I've literally never tried this out um oh of course what I should be doing instead of uh instead of pressing a foot pedal look hands free we can do that now we just make sure it's in sync it's the future some reason I never realized why is Baby Peach like illuminated like she's a Holy Grail or something son is directly honor I I feel like we need to be kind to ourselves uh character-wise and actually try and pick something that's going to work well especially for um acceleration I I think toad might be our boy today look hands free we can do that okay and let's get we're going to go like proper Mario Kart go-kart today give me give me normal vanilla look and threee so cool okay uh so show room ID if people would like to join you're more than welcome thank you everyone for the subs and bits off the bat too Jesus Christ let me get my alerts up uh rock my rooll thanks for 700 bits Kronos thank you for 100 remember to adjust your mirrors should be okay I I I saw this basically like in Dublin I was like oh we got to we got to try that out at some point so I've been saving this one for like a Christmas stream cuz I mean it just look at it it's like mounted to my desk as well so like it's not going to like Zoom away and [ __ ] move just seems cool how's it going gang uh we're not going to go we're not going to go 200cc cuz I feel like we got to start we got to ease ourselves into this it's going to be way too too [Music] much um but you know we we we could we could go frantic items going to be a little more frantic behind the [Music] wheel okay start the race I'm I'm ready to drive so I I have not done this before so we're going to we're going to very much see if this works I mean I assume it's working cuz like turning the wheel makes it go left and right so I assume we're in business like if I want to select a track look at this it's like proper like arcade where it's like yeah like like let me let me punch in like uh Bowser's Castle it's pretty cool just like a real car so I've got like a Triggers on these buttons here I've also got these like blinkers here which I think is what you use for drifting um they have like a d-pad and stuff like that too I only have one stick which is the crucial bit and that's the wheel itself okay oh joy baby Park okay what a what a track to bloody test us on all right this is this is my first race first time behind the wheel be kind guys let me get into position okay this is just turn right okay oh God it takes some getting used it takes okay and the other trigger is the pop items [Music] okay it's hard to stay on the track how how do I do it behind me how do I fire an item behind me I I don't know I don't think I can God it's so much more [Music] real I say as I'm going around [ __ ] baby Park in my living room ah but you know what I [Music] mean it was so much more intense no one no one hurt me let me have this let me have this please oh God oh God no oh we were doing so well so much for the race and that's the difference the wheel makes you two can get sixed S along have a good time okay that a that was that was a baby level track that was a baby level track let's try this again sheep Jesus Christ thank you for the 5,000 bits everyby take my bits you got this Dan show them while you were called the drift King thank you appreciate it I can't I can't go down with the wheel so I just have to like be cheeky with the d-pad um punch that in do rainbow road with this I I kind of want to land on Waluigi pinball honestly I think that would be like a good trial by fire okay going up going up and down the mountains seems good too let's try [Music] this hi RT love your C for a while third time actually catching a stream though who out of the Mario cast would you run over with an eight wheeler most normal chatter most normal chatter this is this is gokart the nice thing is you can just tap the drift bumper uh to do your little flips works for both of them cuz I was kind of worried look at I was like God I'm going to have to like press a another button or [Music] something come on so the most behind the wheel stuff I've ever done is we went goat C [Applause] um for a bachelor party earlier in the year where I was behind the wheel on a [ __ ] physical track I think there's like 12 of us and I think I got like seven for my first time behind the wheel which to be honest I'm pretty happy with cuz I actually beat some people who had done it before this this is my first time whe wheel the only other time outside of that was a family holiday in Germany when I was 8 years old uh I think I got an early start in my title of drift King then because I started I lost control of the vehicle and I started power slided to the extent I almost span off the well spun off the entire track CU I just kept going round and round in a circle and I couldn't get my foot off the accelerator you want to seen an intell like Matthew MCC has got like like he's like come on tires and he's spinning well there's me at 8 years old basically in the same scenario because I couldn't work out that I needed to take my foot off the accelerator the entire time so it just got worse and worse and the coach had to like intervene on the track and basically to get me off the road he had to like kind of gently nudge and crash his carrot into mine and get me to a point where I was physically blocked by the barrier so I would stop [ __ ] [Music] spinning so those are those are my two uh tryy outs if you will with physical Wheels oh God this will be the third one this will be the third one which I would like to say I'm doing pretty well I think actually doing kind of okay so far can you up the sensitivity of the wheel um I that that's a good question I don't know there isn't a sign button but I'm too scared to press it in case I like [ __ ] it up okay yeah I I can can I try like do a power slide across rainbow road please can we get some rainbow road votes or like Waluigi pinball I really want to see what it's [Music] like just solidified the fact that I never want to drive ever it's been quite intense driving like this but In fairness I feel like with most physical Wheels it's a simpler track that you're driving like most roads are not built like Rainbow Road IRL you know or in this case in like a child's playroom um like normally in most cars you're not doing turns like this you know it's a bit more tame okay you know like hey you want to go down the Tesco you want to pick up a few bits from the shops sure thing hop on in my vehicle and let's take you there no it's fine it's fine oh God wait no it's stuck it's think of the meal deals were going to be happen soon the amount of groceries we're going to be able to pick up at Tesco I brought my club card I brought my club card so that means we can get the discount at progress got make it over this sick one hang on [Music] got you're all good in the back seat you're all good in the back thank God we've got seat belts we we're on our way to pick up the bits of shopping we need for [Applause] [Music] Christmas going to get the best turkey in ham get it kids for the love of God put the seat belts [Music] on I have to go potty that's too [ __ ] bad you should have gone before we left do you know how treacherous these roads are you want me to pull over [Music] here oh [ __ ] the foot pedal moved God look out I got to I got to move the foot pedals back [ __ ] they're turning they're turning okay but the acceler just oh man's got the bullet pill here we go on we can make it don't KN us it's so much harder it's so much harder to stay on the track with this oh my God you thought you would have thought this would make it easier I thought this would have helped it's so much more difficult just like that we're at Tesco he RT just a tip when turning the wheel hold spin the wheel then let go for a second and hold it again this way your arms don't get locked together if you make a harsh turn oh so you mean I should be doing like this and letting it reset yeah that that's that's good advice thanks let's see if that works on Rainbow Road rainbow road [Music] please please never have children do not [Music] reproduce I can't tell if they're joking or if like it's trying to be mean the drift Legacy ends [Music] here now we're just going to do a you General Coastal Road C you know it's a scen you know so really really going to really just going to enjoy this drive you got to be careful keep on the coastal [Music] Road there's a couple of BMS gets flooded this time of here watch out for the Rocks watch out for the rocks that guy gave me advice for searing the car and I have completely ignored it I'm sorry completely ignored his help it's like actual driveing tip in chat and it's like here's me it's like you want to go to McDonald's going to be coming in a little hot in the Drive-Thru okay [Music] okay I'm intent I can take it back from here we go nice GLE Drive how do people use these how do people try [Music] CS it's so hard how is this done well well this is this is how I'm going to practice for my driving lesson and let me tell you the instructor is going to be impressed the amount of power slides I'm able to do once I'm finally behind the wheel of an actual moveing [Music] [Music] vehicle okay nice G turns sick power slide little huh important rule of the road as well if you go over a big hill make sure you hit that accelerator so you get a little jumping cuz that way when you hit the bottom in your car you'll get the speed boost depending on where you are with your car and the state of your tires you want to make sure you bump into the other drivers because that way you get the speed boost and you actually like get like a little short burst that propels you forward important little driving tips your old man's learned from years behind the wheel Dad I think that police officer wants you to pull over I think I think I think I could do a bit here hang on oh we we came eight over all Jesus hang on all right let's gear up another four races see if we can get Rainbow Road this time I was joking you're allowed to reproduce just don't ever drive I'm going to be getting taking my kids to school real quick don't worry Mr disco thank you for a th000 bits when you do eventually pass your driving test I just want to make you aware be careful I W the the road's most dangerous creatures called the BMW wanker try and kill you of a UK driver oh no yeah I think I think there is unfortunately a bit of a a bit of a stigma around particular Hollows of care but there's no such stigma around the Mercedes GLA let me tell [Music] you plasma thank you for the tier three thank you very much get ready with this all right is this is going to be our most challenging drive [Music] yet okay it's a this is a trial by fire as far as driving lessons go oh finally the roads I'm capable of handling actually not doing that bad this one it's just easier jump that a little bit we go don't get me okay get him there we go I I don't know how to aim my items anymore with this wheel I don't think I can because I I lack up and down motion go Toad [Music] go come on Dan your hands look I I know I I I can't help but like cross it on the wheel I can't help I'll I'll correct this mistake once up once I'm behind the wheel of a real moveing vehicle don't [Music] worry don't worry this is this is just a warmup this is a bit of practice it's going to help me pass my Theory there we go that why are we in space Oh man just knows a couple of shortcuts on the way the test go don't worry meal deals are just around this corner I just have to keep going hey oh no I was I was going to use the Boost oh disaster I think I'm going to I think I'm going to lose a few places [Music] here I think we're good God it's a lot more intense it's so much more intense this is great though I'm having fun with this H they didn't have other steering wheels available I think it was it was only they had Mario and they had Fisher Price Mario those are the only two wheels available y me being a real gamer I got to go like Pro Mario let's try let's try Good Old Toad Hammer doing better you were in ninth last time good job we you get realistic Collision physics on that chair so I I did that before in like um I can't remember where it was but we had like a Racin pod experience with have to feedback in the chair I I thought I was going to die because I got into a horrific car crash like on the first turn I just the chair was like like it was horrible it was actually horrible oh Dan's driving instructor gives 10 quid Dan I regret to inform you that you have seven points on your provisional license oh that's not a good start okay hang on I can I can I can get some of those points back though take some of those points away even you don't you don't want to keep those points watch and [Music] learn little cheeky tactical fire B there let's just make like a [ __ ] Labyrinth when they [Music] land okay I'm doing a lot better on this [Music] one I still I still don't know how to drop this behind me okay down on the d-pad down on the d-pad d-pad still [Music] works gentle drop Drive in sequence here as you just take to the skies my goal is to just try and win a race in this and if I can do that then I like feel accomplished oh God uh how do I look behind me again I I tried to get him no yeah that's deserve [Music] I probably shouldn't be looking behind me with the physical steering wheel I feel like that's not going to help anything feel like a dad's like doing a reverse or something it's like hang on and he just like looks properly behind don't forget to use your mirrors when you when you're backing up like that okay arm over the back chair let me turn my head around feels like that's the way it usually goes why isn't Dad looking at the mirror we are not doing well go give us speed give us [Music] speed give us speed give us speed and nothing [Music] else so hard to I have to remember the Deep hard to hit the ground faster it's the only way I'm no up and down we do it our best uh Denia thank you for thank you for the ride thank you that be a good one to to test our our capabilities now we've been talking about Tesco all this time only makes [Music] sense I think it's time for car insurance with all the crash I'm going to need car insurance but for my own home because I'm just a menace to society with is like he's he's going to hurt himself he keeps crossing his arms like that what you're supposed to do is like turn it a bit like that I think and then let go but I just can't for me it's just like my hands are on it [Music] oh my [Music] God they're after us You'll Never Take Me Alive light turns I this joke isn't even funny I've just put on Sirens just it's just loud noise I just put I just a car alarms going off what is he doing with his elbows [ __ ] I hit the mic I got let me just adjust my microphone [Music] here hey I I think I left my phone here somewhere let me where is it hang let me let me get check a few messages hang on Drive responsibly stay in dve [Music] school he's so drunk I'm drunk guys yes I am I have a shock of confession I'm drunk and high on life oh I've actually F I've just had a bit of energy today I'm actually all right you're so far behind hey we we overtook Luigi not that far behind evidently no Luigi Luigi hang on now want to see if your old man can overtake that driver in front watch and learn son watch and learn just do a six spin we still lost we still lost I think my problem was I was uh texting and driving let let me let me rehydrate while I'm behind the wheel get some of that in our system and we're going to the [Music] mall hang on guys I have to simultaneously check my text messages while also drinking this glass of water out of my moving vehicle me just elbow the car here hang on oh I I can I can I can do this and keep driving where am I going on my [Music] map use your [Music] knees I'm sorry I really have to answer this text message just um sorry sorry I'll ju I'll just be a second I'll just be a second I had to take my foot off the accelerator for that joke wasn't going to go well that's okay we just we just want those early items we're not even that far [Music] behind this is how it's I got to stop talking [Music] I can catch up watch me win this race come [Music] on that's all right that's all right that's just a minor [Music] setback [Music] drift something I do know a thing or two about no do that one well that's fine no don't Oinky [Music] why okay it's it's y'all I I always said I can still get six I can still get seven that was that was the real goal all along you know when you really think about [Music] [Music] it come on they're waiting for me at the finish line Luigi took pity on us like here listen like this he really needs at least T like he's just not going to have a good day oh nice try oh that that is [Music] abysmal can I find like a drive-in instructor video on YouTube Drive-In lesson okay this is this from the conquer Drive-In YouTube channel so they they have to know something of what they're talking about let's let's reset the lobby I'm going to give uh new folks a chance to join do all 96 races use in this I I don't think I'm ready for that today maybe another day don't I don't think I want to commit to that bit today no who which Mario character looks like he'd be the most in need of driving lessons what do you think it would be Kam yeah I feel like he needs them y okay show room ID there you go uh some new folks a chance to join on in Dan Drive Dan's driveing instructor thank you for another 5 quid the police are waiting for you back at the driveing school that's okay we're just going to have a long lesson today you know we're really going to just take our time let let me gear this on up this is a very brief guide on how to drive a manual car it's going to include how to move how to change up gears and how to stop okay the first thing you need to do is turn the engine on now there's two stages to turn I mean my my car is just a wheel hang on no a driving lesson steering steering wheel I I I just need to know steering how to turn a steering wheel properly from helpful DIY okay perfect I don't need I don't even know about like gears in that you know by the time I'm actually on the road like I mean everyone just gets an automatic car these days anyway let's be real here this is an automatic you know I'm just preparing uh where do we want to go for a drive and lesson New York that seems like a bad spot to start let's learn in London yeah let's learn in London [Music] [Music] we're going to go with this one with advice on turning the steering wheel as we drive I'm going to see if this [Music] helps hey everybody I'm here today to show you how to turn a steering wheel properly he's very excited this will be a very simple driving tutorial firstly I want to talk about your hand positioning on the steering wheel okay um for twoing if you're driving with two hands you want to keep your hands somewhere around here there's a big argument whether you should keep them at 10 and two or sort of 9 and three but you know what to be honest with you it doesn't really make that wait wait N9 and three wait s of position over here this should keep them some people drive like this give you as much control over the steering wheel so I would recommend keep I can't drift with my hands there if you happen to be driving a manual car where you have to be shifting then you want to keep your hand somewhere around here which is around this over here when you are steering the car if you are shifting in a manual car that's sort of the onehanded steering position okay now with regards to actual the actual steering of the car there are a few mechs okay there's hand overhand steering which is if you're holding the steering wheel like this you want to basically go like that like that like that show you the other way you want to bring one hand over the other hand like that okay very simple wait could you repeat that I'm on a nasty F there's also sort of a push and steering technique which is sort of like this and you can use that too I mean either one is okay depending on where you live C ones that are standards and more common leaves than the other one and then once again if you're steering if you're driving a manual C and you're steering with one hand you want to keep your hand up here and then you know go like this you want to Palm the steering wheel rotate it around and grab it at the top just like that I'm going to need to watch it back none of the information is sinking in now with regards to the amount that you should be turning the steering wheel when you turn this is a very you need to turn it a lot just show you right now so when you are taking the wheel and you are you need to turn it a lot the more that you turn the steering wheel the sharper that the turn will be with that being said generally speaking when you're taking a turn on a road when you're driving you don't have to turn the steering wheel all the way this is more for like the gokart doesn't register if I don't do that and now the car is making a really really really sharp turn okay I actually did do better with his driveing lesson played that actually did help I did do slightly better I kind of got like I I like screwed over a bit towards the end there that that was actually significantly better ready for the [Music] highway a race car is different controls than a normal street car okay so race car lesson okay we need specifically a race [Music] car but how many of us actually know what we're doing and more importantly know what we're doing wrong well car advice is here to help welcomeing basics okay this is Australian rally icon and Global rally cross driver Chris Aon how you doing Chris good to have you on board D and do this should be helpful advice for me on the road oh I wish there was subtitles or something hang on iang got that's that's a lesson it's about understand and how you use the energy on the I push you gently W fall back Chris I need you to speak up please Chris I'm in a being how you understand force and the road with the tire you only got a small contact C so what most people do wrong is they us wrong for just Bullet Bill just bullet just get the Bullet Bill that's the advice we're doing significantly better thanks lad appreciate all the helpful tips uh I'm now ready be behind the wheel the wheel and look at the road I'm [Music] trying in my experience cars don't go underwater well in James Bond they do so you know that's good enough basis for reality for [Music] me this it's James Bond it wouldn't lie he's a spy try so hard somehow I'm doing a little bit better each time like that actually wasn't bad the driving lessons are really starting to pay off I got fource that's actually that's actually respectable I'm seventh overall watch it before you try that wasn't that bad you hit a pedestrian I think I think there was a scene where like I I ran over a Goomba who was like chilling in his floaty which is not a good image but look they should have known better I'm driving here don't want to get hitop off the road the road happens to be the local swimming pool on this [Music] cruise let's go to Rome let's go to Rome okay so if the philosophy serve me right I need another driving lesson so Italian driving [Music] lesson [Music] we just need it in the background like kind of like you know how like some people have like the radio on so it helps them focus a little bit well for me it's just driving lessons it actually is helping [Music] I oh okay little little bit of a hiccup there in Rome hang on cuz they're telling me about the clutch at the moment according to [Music] subtitles [Music] nice Soul turn go into the star power just makes the streets of Rome that much easier to Traverse beautiful city driver in Rome you know just use our speed boosts when available power slide around the [Music] corner this a very calm driveing L they're really they're really taking their time it's over I think they're reminded me to subscribe the new planners are available with many italian IDI wa why is there an English sponsor at home wait this is an Italian video why is there an English sponsor learn something new about the Italian language every day why did that come on it's supposed to be Italian that that threw me off it's supposed to be Italian I'm so confused how is that in English I think this is where like learning the language rather than driving I think that's what it is it's like teaching you Italian but through a driving lesson that's I want the driving lesson but in Italian okay well let's hit the highway loveing the wrist Camp thank you thank you we don't need face cam you just need to see me behind the wheel just like turning I actually really like this camera view is working well stream setup wise step one learn Italian step two watch Italian driving videos to learn to dry let me let me stick out an Italian lesson hang on learn Italian in 30 minutes that's a bold claim 30 minutes want more Italian videos like this yes subscribe to our channel 30 minutes I'm going to be fluent it's hard to hear her over the cars back on the road I need to adjust the volume but first it is important to clarify that in Italian there's the difference between formal and inal spech let's see how Italians introduce themselves in an informal hey do you know what the Italian for power slide [Applause] isia CIA son Daniel so you just need to say your name it's help and now let's the during a formal situation we got to learn formal tense you know when you're going on a fancier [Applause] driveo son of Daniel RC next time I drive in Rome what has changed from the ab let's take a look at this has been subsal no no the the Italian language lessons are not helping as much as the Italian language driving lesson not the same it's not doing it for me it's not helping I can't tell what's worse you're Italian or you're Tri oh God watch Nascar in Italian I don't I don't know if that'll help reset the lobby I'll reset the lobby each like four races so we give more people a chance to join will playing as Mario make make a difference it it actually might it actually might hang on this is this is the Mario racing wheel you're right there I like that logic Okie doie like this is the wheel in Mario's [Music] car you won't ever be able to drive without Italian now just imagine like how [ __ ] it is like suppose you get like a taxi you step on in hey you mind if I turn on something for background like oh yeah sure like work away this is how you drive a car and work the gearbox like I I think that's the last thing you want to hear if you're a passenger in the car for our next lesson we're going to learn the turn onto the motorway hey you you got your seat belt on the back yeah uh yeah okay okay don't worry about this oh I have to show the room code same feeling as a doctor go in your symptoms the taxi driver is just like how do I drive the car your pilot just on his phone like on the intercom does anyone know how to fly a plane this is embarrassing guys I flun to the class I'm not supposed to be [Music] here it's not the last thing you want to hear but it is the last thing you are going to hear so remember to just turn right onto the motorway let me try it oh God yeah I mean I think we're practically ready for 200cc we're practically ready let's give it a go [Music] go you know if you needed a lawyer I don't know one but the courts should provide hey thanks for looking out for me appreciate it 200cc moon view Highway please I'm going to keep voting for it if other people want to vote for that one too I think that'd be fun driving stream in real life [Music] they they had there was one stream I was thinking of doing I don't think I will just because of the logistics involved but they have like you know how there's like actual like small vehicles for kids where like they have an actual like small engine in them and stuff like that and you they could actually go like 10 m an hour we're talking like small time vehicles I found a Mercedes GLA version of one of those cars before I think you can go maximum like 10 miles an hour like a tiny [Music] gokart I don't know if it's 10 mes hour it might even be slower than that but like logistically like for the shiing it it was it was just like stupid it's like a small vehicle for like a child presumably to drive in which is kind of weird in of itself like a little engine on it oh God this this is going to be a challenging one this is 200 cc by the way time for the sponsor like Mercedes please you won't return my call I've got a small vehicle of one of your cars get out it's just I I thought I could just make my way down but no you got you got to do a lap around Saturn [Music] first get out just go just go what is going on I think gravity that was [Music] weird that was really weird didn't know where I was [Music] going I don't know what to do about that I think I'm just dead oh this is [Music] embarrassing I've got the wheel we should be doing better tires don't normally crash into asteroids you legit just found a skip for Speed running I I don't think so that was like very floaty can you increase the Sensitivity I I really don't know there's like a slider here I'm too scared fiddle with it okay I'm going to try I can change it to the like d-pad left stick or right stick I think if I set to d-pad it might be tighter in terms of controls no no actually no what am I talking about it's it's a stick you need it as a stick that's going to be left or not left [Music] he needs the driveing lessons in the back all I've got is Italian lessons open now uh Len thank you for 100 bits just exploded my car the Italian for car is kachow is it that that sounds like you just said saying hi I don't I don't think that's right I apologize for whatever I just said I think I've been deceived I think I've just he fell for what did I just say be the character oh it's a it's a cars reference I I i' I've never seen that movie 200cc let me tell you is too fast for actual steering [Music] wheel I'm just going to keep going that was so good let's have another one [Music] [Applause] saw Lightning McQueen being crucified and you don't know C out no I I don't that's probably just a meme on the Minecraft server if I [Music] suck oh [Music] God oh thank God that guy just rear ended that truck I got fif how you better on 200cc I I think like I've actually got more hours in 200cc now than regular wait we we just did it we don't we don't need to do it again I think I've got more hours on 200cc compared to uh 150 the problem here I'm realizing is I actually need to use the brakes can I press both foot pedals at once that the best way for me to do this I might need the brakes I might just use B for the brakes no no I can do [Music] it take a screenshot that [Music] way I think this one is like by like photo button yes it [Music] is I I no I I forgot to get German lessons out I'm sorry hang on Multicultural stream I I can I can turn the I can change the radio while I go hang [Music] [Applause] [Music] on I can change the radio let me let me just like go of the wheel a moment I got I [Music] can just turn it a bit turn it a [Music] bit oh Mario really wants to kill that Yoshi that's a big Yoshi holy [ __ ] he's [Music] massive the game thought it was AFK I got kicked out he's away from the wheel oh I I'm so I just I just ruined the lobby because of that I I got to stop changing the radio while I'm behind the wheel okay Let's uh let's try a good old round of Waluigi pinball please doie let's uh let's gear on up for this oh PR and Amelia thank you for the raid how's it going it's good to see is we're learning to drive I can't drive but I'm trying I've got my like trainer beginner wheel here to learn via my via Mario car I hope you are well you keep it's been too long just GE up for like a happy Holidays happy holidays likewise two years I hope you're having a fantastic time it's been way too long I hope you a well catch up in the New Year been too long indeed yeah likewise oh show the room ID sorry it's good to see us though welcome ra is the Dan commits a vular manslaughter that's it's just another stream ah we showed his footage and your drift gig t as a reference to your instructor I'll be going for like actual driving lessons I'll just be like you know what they call me back in college that's great Dan but you you just ran a red light you got into some nonsense in GTA and thought of you I like these associate me with Grand Theft Auto um but thank you appreciate okay no 200cc is too fast we jet ski to the edge of the map and died that's that sounds amazing absolutely incredible I I've actually played very little GTA like very unfamiliar with that series I know everyone is excited cuz they finally announced the the six one for like was it like two years oh I meant to vote Waluigi pinball whoops I forced to have it I see Daisy and like my brain just goes blank how was your time using a wheel um we we we pretty much like actually just kept revving into a pedestrian in the last map so it could be better H I'm sure things will pick up from [Music] here when Brian's faceing that robot K was building in the house of maturity had be in stitches oh don't don't don't say that while they're here Ryan I could explain we were we were building a robot last minute the house flipper tournament and like we we just needed a face for the robot and for some reason one of the first results was yourself in Detroit with a big smile thanks to the the the face app filter I'm so sorry chat's like [ __ ] ratting me out here as you're here like literally like two streams after it can explain does anyone have a clip um you should be able to find it on on my YouTube uh because it's in the highlights there God I've been ratted [Music] out I I I don't I don't usually just like slap jpeg with my friends faces on like random [ __ ] creations and out flipper I want I want to just be clear with that I need something new to hot my dreams oh God I'm so sorry I watch this power slide getting better I'm learn I should get the driving lessons back on feel like chat is gring me as I go between these like assigning points like oh you missed that turn it's so hard if anything my drive test is going to go better now because I equipped for the extreme version of the roads think about it if I can drive under these circumstances I'm ready to get behind the wheel of an actual character cuz it it only gets easier from here I got [Music] third most roads don't have a giant clock that's trying to hit you please do not actually move the steroid wheel like that IRL H what what what what track was I looking for again I just said it what was I looking for gang Waluigi pinball that was it thank [Music] you there we go I'm going to feel bad for your instructor he can't handle the drift King the thing is I ever since like that that like that Bachelors I was talking about I actually been really wanting to like go go go carton again and [ __ ] that was really fun I only SK it off the road like I think once in a moving vehicle I was actually pretty good for the most part I had a bit of fear so I didn't like accelerate as much as I should have and in retrospect I realized I should have been going way [Music] faster the speed is [Music] king So let's drive down this mountain come on Mario please dad goar is nothing like IRL driving well like IRL driving I assume in relation to goar it's just like a couple more controls you know the basics are there though pedals and wheel those are your fundamentals oh yeah you can't check your blind spots in a go-kart it's not so much a thing like that that's just like fancy like extras and little details you know mechanically you are doing the thing which is moving ter fast but not always fast I got to get the kids to school we're going 180 want to see a shortcut hang on can't wait to have a real car and to be able to like be like that like my family like want to see a shortcut and like drive through the park just saves so much time like you know you have these fantastic vehicles and they don't always need to be on the road like they specifically call some of them off-road vehicles that's what I'm going to get I want to be able to drive down the ski slopes want an allterrain vehicle he wants a tank you you want me to indicate on this corner I'll [ __ ] indicate everyone clap for me so impressed with my driving I just lost several places still [Music] six Dam would you rather fly than drive uh F flying scares me flying scares me I I actually wouldn't feel comfortable p in a playe like that I think I'd be too anxious and like I would get scared and then it'll be harder to correct it you know whereas at least in the car I could improvise wildly oh God I pray to God I never get in an accident uh IRL like driving in that cuz you know that's that's serious [ __ ] right absolutely [ __ ] awful I feel like if that ever happens with me behind a wheel now there's going to be like someone's going to clip this stream it's just going to be me [Music] like like well the signs were there [Music] but two it's really not pleasant I mean I imagine it's not I've never heard someone walk away it's like actually had a rather good car crash this morning yeah it's pretty bad I imagine I can't see it going any other way dude no way had a car crash you're not going to believe my luck stunt drivers do yeah but most of us aren stunt drivers I guess a Stunt Driver does look at it's like a sick totally toal that car but like that's not like the common man here but his Mario Kart controller oh look at [Applause] that maybe you should enter a demo derby what's a demo derby I don't know oh stay away from me stay away from me oh God they're constantly behind [Music] me come [Applause] on a monster truck rally okay I mean my problem seems to be going over [ __ ] on the road if anything in a monster truck I'd have an easier time of it if you really think about it then you got like the big tires you [Applause] know they to wreck each other's carries in the race I I could probably do that pretty well I think I'd actually fancy my chances at that you know let's go 2024 [Music] going to become a professional Stunt [Music] Driver make him off the road oh that was mean go go go go go go get out way get out of my way get out of my way oh I [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it on the last turn God damn it holy [ __ ] LS thank you for the 100 GI Subs Jesus Christ that's very kind of you Jesus that's so so generous thank you very much I hope you I hope you're hope you I'd like to say I hope you're enjoying my drivein go on the cliff Side Road thank you very much Merry Christmas Dan I hope you have an absolutely fantastic holiday ah thank you so much likewise very happy holidays hope you have a great one where is my Uber taking me be fund at your driving [Music] lessons that that's where like all like the bits are going to go it's like actual getting me behind the wheel of a physical car the next while and then we'll have the drive-in stream where like we drive to McDonald's or something if only the driveing test was a win of Mario Kart if only if only I sincerely hope all my years of Mario Kart will help me in some small [Music] capacity if anything I feel like they may hinder it I'm going to see like an inside turn oh I can make it around the roundabout here I can just I could just cut across and do do this a little faster so F go it's so much higher to steer with the actual wheel I really I I have to say though like like this is really [ __ ] fun to use I am like not sponsored in like any capacity or [ __ ] but like I'm actually having a lot of fun just with the physical wheel and even like the teen like the Teeny foot pedals below the desk it's actually really fun it makes it so much [Music] hard oh God I could I mean you can probably use this for other games too I imagine cuz it I I think it's just treating as like a wired controller and this is just like a thumb stick as long as you don't need to go up and down I think that's the main caveat Forza I could I could probably set this up for Forza yeah I imagine like cuz this is just a USB input I can't really see there being an issue with setting it up [Music] there oh look at us go oh no we we're doing well why is that one of the drivers people were saying RT's Tower I thought I said something that people had latched on to but no this that guy is just a toenail where is me oh no team toes is back oh God I think we still have the toe OTE somewhere I think it's been think it's been relegated a bit OT just cuz we ran out of slots oh God it is look at him oh there something UNC about him something very un okay we'll go we'll go we'll go one more lobby with this gang going to put on normal items give us a chance you know cuz we've been playing frantic all this time now it's time for some serious driving let's go want some Cliff side driving I turn up the wheel sensitivity in settings feels like you having to turn the wheel so much um I I I I physically don't know how and I'm too scared that if I do it now I'll [ __ ] it up like so I'm just I'm just not going to adjust it for now I I really don't trust [Music] myself uh Coca-Cola thank you for 100 bits I just got my cupcake You's in the mail I love it I'm glad hope everyone is enjoying the cupcake plushies I've been seeing many pictures of people receiving them glad Everyone likes them I I [ __ ] love the ones I've got in my home so glad to have a plushy over at last he's watching the stream with me I'm glad what even is the steering wheel this is the Mario Kart Mario steering wheel excuse me can I get someone in the air that was [Music] mean oh I ruined that man's [Music] day yeah you really have to turn I think it may be a sensitivity thing cuz I have to like do like a hard [Music] turn I get it to go the way I want not just like mildly a direction oh oh [Music] God look at that excuse me we're we are almost in first [Music] we are almost in second you're doing it Mario where did that come from there's nothing there oh that was too ambitious that would have been so cool if you pulled that off don't jinx it now yeah I I I think we're we screwed now I don't know if I'm going to be able to catch up this guy's apparently just [ __ ] waiting for me to overtake him he's got three red oh [Music] God go Mario we're dead last give me just give me a bullet use it after him almost 11 and that's like two first watch and [Music] learn watch and Le everyone here has the most powerful items in the game apparently not going to help us catch [Music] up give Miss something the guy with the red shells is literally throwing them behind him come on I'm feeling feel a bit targeted you have red shells my bad the whole point is they lock on this is just mean I'm seeing this man turn the wheel with sheer desperation and panic and Mario on screen looks like he's taking a leisurely draw yeah I don't think I've gotten First Once have I I think I closest I've got is like [Music] [Music] four you hit me with a caned transition an a Canon transition again first while Luigi pinball from the drift King tournament now here I'm so sorry so [Music] sorry okay some nice Cliff side driving do this playing Mario in the Mario Kart with the Mario wheel we have everything we could possibly need already going better well now I'm in 11th I was I didn't see that I thought I was doing well I actually thought I wasn't doing too bad I didn't see the place number I like oh yeah look at me like take that corner oh look at look at me go around there dead [Music] [Music] last all right watch this but that that really wasn't much of a shortcut okay I think that was actually worse to get that round Mario please no stop I keep accidentally there's a button on the wheel and I keep hitting it keep missing every item box it's so hard to be precise but it de last again I'm actually like last by quite a bit too oh my God I'm so far behind give us give us something good I can work with that I think Diggity here is on a on a a racing wheel too but that that's really not going to make a difference CU so far behind we're so I actually thought I was doing quite well that race I I guess I'll die Man Without driving license attempts to drive I'm having fun with the wheel I might be worse significantly worse but I'm having fun got to get the Christmas map in here's what the motion controls in first wait excuse me i' like to think we're actually using motion controls I don't think there could physically be much more motion we have a steering [Music] wheel not like turning my phone on its side you know put it in a real car with v oh that kind of scares me I might see if I can set this up sometime maybe for VR think the Mario wheel like actually race with [Music] it let's go Merry Christmas everyone Santa's on his way to your home to deliver the Christmas presents just got to take out a few other people in Santa's line of [Music] sight [Applause] [Music] oh look at us go we're doing good we're doing [Music] good we're six and like third is like pretty much just in front of us there he is Charli no no no don't do it don't do [Music] it oh I mucked that up really [Music] bad [Music] what's the shortcut everyone's taking I actually don't know what it is is it just you go like you go left on that bit with the track branches must be s s ran into a little trouble making it this year come on come on Santa was intercepted Santa was intercepted sorry honey S I got struck by light and hit by a squid assum at the same time let's go let's go snowboard for the love of God turn up the Sensitivity I don't know [Music] how I if I I mess with it I'm going to [ __ ] it up we're going to be in [Music] trouble read the book I I don't know why I left [Music] it oh we're back on Rainbow Road okay all [Music] right okay the ultimate dri and [Music] lesson Champion everything we've learned [Music] come on come [Music] on look at the number what does the number say right now no no no no no don't look at the number anymore don't look at [Music] stop stop take him off the road there so many people in we can do it no you [Music] monster you absolute monster that [Music] disastrous only getting like a mushroom in seven as well I need more I need more [Music] juice fire turn fire [Music] turn we just under Fire get out of my way [Music] to oh that's [Music] huge [Music] just just hit it hit it no no please God no oh he so [Applause] [Music] close good item a good item and I can do it [Music] no no no I hit it wrong I hit it go go go [Music] go I'm on a straight is it so f your your Uber just made a [Music] mistake you're going to have to get someone else tonight oh God you did better when listening to Italian or driving lessons I did no I absolutely did ah okay we're just going to go a handful more races and then I think we're going to have to leave it there um [Music] I think with all the turn and motion in the wheel my arms are actually a bit tired like no joke cuz we're all constantly going like this we've been we've been gaming too hard stivity by help yes I I know there's nothing I can do I can't fix it right now please understand go to settings is it let me let me just get to the settings here just he just hopped out here oh I'm kind of tempted how this works and other stuff hang on I'm just curious what it will actually do if [Music] anything you Dan driv instructor take for the five Dad I'm so sorry I'm going to have to fail you yeah that's fair justtin nerd girl thank you for the five gift Subs earlier as well thank you very much Lou thanks for 500 bits actually please I beg Google the manual as a definitely real Lewis Hamilton this is painful to watch I'll I I'll configure it for next stream or something but next time we use this I'll I'll have a look we're absolutely going to do this again like holy [ __ ] I I'm actually having so much fun with this we we got to try Forza with this yeah at some point detective David Diamond thank you for the Thousand bits very much I'm ready to race we're just dipping into Animal Crossing briefly we'll get back to Mario Kart don't worry we will we will return He gave up I just want to see how it controls I think it's very much going to depend on the [Music] game just slaming the accelerator this poor Isabelle here is just trying to welcome us to the town yeah come [Laughter] on speed it up by slamming the brakes accelerate this conversation I'm trapped I'm trapped wait no when you use the d-pad it overrides it it treats it as the left left stick so you can still you just have to get it into position you just have to use the Deep you really got to go the full turn or it's like not the fastest walk like look at this CU that's turned quite a bit oh that's so [Music] funny that's great uh I think actually I think we may actually just wrap up there uh for today's stream I want I want to be careful with this and like not do my hands in or anything cuz I know I'm making like a lot of sudden movements with the wheel and stuff Mario card I think we may just do like a short boy stream today we may leave because like Risk care is very important I actually I can feel a little bit of tension from using this I think it's just cuz I'm not not used to the motion I think I I definitely do need to adjust the sensitivity it's just too much having to do that every time if I want to go left and know then my wrist is like that which is like not a good wrist position you know yeah so I'm going to I'm going to like take a break there and like do some hand exercis or something like that right wrist stretches or whatever you call it but thank you everyone for coming by the stream so I hope he's enjoyed it we're only doing a short stream tonight cuz we will actually be streaming again tomorrow uh we are going to be doing lethal company with with a a squad from seven so I'm getting in like a few extra streams just cuz Christmas uh this week this next week is going to be the last week of streams for the year and then we're going to be off till mid January so we're going to do littal company tomorrow uh I think the cast we were jooy with uh cake jumper Clover Kelly siren I Monty and Miss cupcakes got got a smaller Squad versus like the we had like 15 people I think last time so like smaller Squad should still be good and we're going to be starting at seven so it's the same time we start at today [Music] so should be good fun there'll be that tomorrow uh I've got some other special stuff prepared for this week just cuz it like this is just like me having fun ahead of Christmas streams it really is I just want to get some like kind of fun stuff and even like the wheel and that I thought I I've been thought this good fun I hope people enjoyed it it's actually really fun to use I I I'll definitely try this for Forza I think this is PC compatible um yeah we we'll get some fun stuff in uh Saturday stream might be quite a fun one cuz we may be doing a Lego Stream then on [Music] Saturday and we may open a few Pokémon carrots too so it's going to be like a double Lammy we're just like [ __ ] it it's Christmas we're going to do a new Lego Stream open some cards too Christmas prey stream effectively that'll be on Saturday uh the times for the I I'll post the times for like Christmas Eve and Christmas day cuz streams in those days will be a bit weird uh just time wise cuz it's Christmas but I will be streaming both then anyway thank you to everyone who subbed thank you that everyone gave bits than you the mods ever been on hand hope you all enjoyed it let me see you still going so I can leave you in someone's care um it's a good it's a good few people streaming there is a good few I'll leave you in Kelly's care though she's playing the Pokemon DLC it's good fun we'll probably doing some raids or like or [ __ ] at some point too Le and Kelly's care be joining us for Le company tomorrow have a good night gang take care oh and don't don't don't spoil the game for also Pokemon highlights up on YouTube okay [Music] bye
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 8,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, rtgame, rt, game, rtgame streams, rtgame full streams, rt streams, rt full streams, rtgame archive, rtgame stream archive, rtgame twitch, rt twitch, rtgame twitch streams, gameplay, funny, rtgames, rt gaming, rt games, rtgame twitch vods, rtgame vods, rtgamecrowd, rt game, rt vods, rtgame mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8 deluxe, rtgame mario kart 8, mario kart 8, rtgame mario kart, mario kart
Id: 2p9tH5i-qdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 45sec (7005 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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