RTGame Archive: Cities: Skylines (30/07/2018)

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody shocker for today's stream I'm alive again I actually have energy added a dare I say I am capable of streaming how is it going [Music] optimist thanks for the hundred bits there why is the chat and followers only mode what's going on there open that up guys come on I want know what's going on there I got me something but anyway how is it going folks can't can you hear me okay I am back the gamer he's like he's reanalyze we're continuing on like the shy he's fight in the black bash he used a 1-up mushroom yes extra life he leveled up all that sure I sound good cool [Music] tarah VIN guy thanks for subscribing so this I'm just type checking for one thing I'm just gonna go quiet for a moment just to see cool gee thanks um okay we're fine I have a fan pointed on me and I was worried that it's gonna like bounce off me and get into the mic but it doesn't seem to be happening which is great because it's gonna hit a steady 32 degrees during the course of this stream so you know cut it eat everything and get Xenu thank you for 12 months well thank you for the freaking year I have to say thanks Artie thank you very much fun yeah it was fun but a hell of a year vodka as well thank you so much crime out of interest for folks as well so you are asanas before the stream started on the next remote slop front we're currently 27 away from it now the next time I was gonna be Artie game blender so does a good chance we may actually hit that during this stream not commissioned yet but just so you guys know so we're getting close to that next time out okay let me not waste any time then I think I'm pretty much good to go I'm just bopping down a few things in the background we should be able to go for a good three hours today that's the plan [Music] that'd be thank mrs. garden something on the screen oh my god oh yeah that's just the corner of the Hat that the cup does that for some reason look we'll line it up with the other hat so you won't even notice no expense spared in the organization of this stream it's like it's gone look at that you'll never see it there has and the original yuck thank you for describing the paragraph okay um let's gear on in into the game this is my first time playing him yeah my only experience with City Sims before is playing Sim City kevin-97 99 thank you for subscribing my only experience with city builders before is just this Sim City and I'm not talking about the old Sim City I'm talking about that new one because I was a game I was actually very excited for I was a birthday present I received in 2013 and I was so horribly disappointed because of like basically every I practice EA pulled on it yeah yeah I really loved that game but it they ruined it and it was so sad you have to be always online when it came out you have to like play with friends if you want to actually accomplish anything like SimCity multiplayer thing I it was horrible like it's probably the worst kind of games I've ever played but this one I've heard is like a lot like a much better SimCity it's kind of like the sims ii that should have been it takes heavy inspiration furnished it has like some refined things in it my paradox account is email out email dot-com okay I'm gonna guess my password is also email one two tree I'm BV thanks to the hundred bits they do not know what to say here therefore my lack of knowledge what to say is what I'm saying cool and suicidal Pig nice is this guy what a name [Music] okay let me just does this is one bit in the music that gets me wear it like shoots up in sound you can kind of hear now is it the music it audio is fine powerful not one honey Nick skater thank you for this good I sort by teen theme buildable area Russian Peaks what does this symbol mean why is it like a hazmat symbol next some of these and then like arcane intellect from World of Warcraft thanks to the other tree Zakho McCobb thanks was gone oh it's been one of the DLCs oh okay no I must I must have it like a special edition some of the game I just picked it up in the steam sound so I'm not really sure Gd thanks for 9 months laughs go fast was nuts can I talk or what you would continue to do and the place you would go just be yourself every step of the way thanks Judy I appreciate it ok what one do we start with they have some names here Westwood Westdale san rico san palma santa cruz san vegas west water the names are just looping oh no the randomize names ok that's up okay do you want like like West Springfield West Springdale field West Springdale Valleyfield West Rockdale field wood Springdale wood West Rock that's what we're gonna things to be what they're all looping towards let's go with foggy hills then rename it port Rock Springfield West Valley Dale perfect the glorious city of now get it right for the love of God port rock Springfield West Valley Dale West Valley da we ran out of characters good enough left-handed traffic okay let's start on to set random desert and water tooltip okay do you want to enable random disasters hello God we see you're trying to load a new city would you like an earthquake to periodically wipe all your progress sounds great [Music] Larry the lobster thanks for subscribing it's me it's emerald though thank you for subscribing as well what a question to like to be asked the very start okay so we have Oh golly of progress in days let's start by building some roads and zone in the areas next time so I remember some of this from same city and what I know I give some things like the interface I take heavy influency from the reason SimCity game device I just try to take like the new SimCity and fix stuff okay oh good road freeform curved Road great Road elevation okay well let's just build this out of it denote that's not what I meant to do oh I was trying to unclick it okay okay that's a good start captain thank you for subscribing okay we have a limited budget so all right we'll just go with that okay now the key to any successful city is to take influence bollocks that was wrong I meant to click that corner to take influence from New York okay you want to design like a mighty grid system cuz that way all the car is gonna travel like very efficiently across the city now it's important to give your drivers options just for getting around because otherwise you're gonna have this weird problem where like you know like oh why do I turn left you know like how do I get out of the city so don't worry guys like we gonna have you covered it's less you snap these way too quickly okay I want this bit to be like hell on earth hang on invalid shape okay I want this to be like the intersection that everything in the city comes off of there we go so we have a beautiful ox octagon start off the foundation of our city so that should definitely help from here we should be able to build blue also I'm sorry Yami Thank You that 101 bits needs more legs a blue awesome ninja thank you for subscribing as well I think I missed that one thank you very much let's just start curve road this is too short okay it's now starting to struggle oh there we go no not now it's working again I'm just trying to we need another road here my god oh that's good rock bad I think so too 100 bits he says I can't wait for the gridlock Callisto thank you very fits you can use the elevation to layer more layers on top of it or not hang on okay this is a dangerous thing so you telling me the like I can push this the ground down and make another layer roads on top to cut how would I go about doing that does that sounds wonderful well we need to get a couple more couple more roads here we just need to make sure it I like I want this city to like heavy like so efficient in nature I didn't like to get around like you just have so many options to just navigate you know look all I'm trying to do like a flower that like kind of blooms I hope from this one octagon in the middle it's just an eight way intersection you know I gets pretty good now the real astronaut thank you for subscribing hey well I think we have we've spent 55 we spent $15,000 I believe so that's a good start so let's zone though how do i how do I do this quickly there is a way okay we can just use a fill command or we can just use a large brush so what if I just want to okay yeah so that's all houses now okay well it will need a few more houses that's what the house is there put the shopping districts just kind of roughly in here we don't have office sonya d zone okay we'll just make the rest factories there okay we have the foundations and look like things are already building oh my god is this happening so fast our city has life everybody look at this and look if you look at the map we have all the streets you could want we have Alexander Street there's Lewis Street there's black Wall Street there's home street there's Alexander Street again is Parker Street there's Olivia right Street there's Alexander Street there's black hole street there's Laurel Street there's Alexander Street there's Earl Street those Willow Street there's Hamilton Street those Brittany street is Brittany's three again days max Street Laurel Street Olivia right street Olivia right once again sunset Street Alexander Street is on the outskirts thornton's Street Jackson Street Holly Street is so easy to find your way around you just got to remember the street names everything is labeled [Music] oh why are they complaining all the time power why is the music so okay good okay [Music] well coleye here is the big thing let's just tear that in some homes I'm just puttin the coal power plant but none of this renewables shut you know like a guy here everyone's going back to coal I mean if the u.s. is pumping money into it you know seems like the place to be well let's get that in and we're gonna need a water pumping station oh you know all only the best for us we're gonna create a metaphor here for the environment and pop that there and we're gonna create a nother metaphor for the environment and put that there so now we get to see what actually happens wait did they need pipe connecting okay I think that should work oh no we need we need like pipe cover in the area like that oh okay so you actually have to you actually have to plan the pipes okay well that's how that loop back in upon itself that should be good here we go so water is being supplied uh-huh electricity we need some power lines now how does this work God okay well we can just demolish that one home is that working for electricity I hope so we're gonna have to find out no sub pleb thanks for subbing over the irony I don't need those well how do I destroy them then nice give it a natural disasters and luck okay let's get rid of that ah look at our beautiful city it's always dark here for some reason I wish I could change that what is a button just for disastrous IT your water pump needs to be near a river Oh what is the river oh there it is oh that's okay we can fix this easily hang on there we go we go order now yeah that should solve it oh no what but why is everyone screaming oh what I do know we pump it through that pipe guys and get it back to the station that's how that works isn't it we're extracting water from the river move the pump itself how do I move the pump well I thought this was fine how do I pick this up I was just building more pipes yeah we'll just pulled another water pumping station okay all right so I'm guessing I did the sewage pipe wrong - okay see there we go so it's fine [Music] there we go we have everything being pumped we just need to get some electricity over there now okay how do we get electricity we need more pylons we don't have enough money for more coal so is that right yeah that's transferring it okay blz thanks to subscribing okay there we go so that's working now oh yeah I think everything's going well now we just need some more factories come in why aren't they being zoned do and bring her thank you for subscribing and donuts Lambie hundred bits excuse me idea for new tf2 workshop map I call the king of the hill roads Oh No yeah we need we need at our factory district apparently the game isn't happy with the current zone and space for factory so let's just make like a line of factories there hopefully that encourages some more business to move in I don't know what like why isn't there any factories there's only like a couple of them here we have an ice cube Factory ready-to-wear goods unlimited and a box factory like we got to make more than ice cubes and boxes guys oh dear ban on I was doing burger I came in there sorry oh wait no skaaland oh thank you for two months and Raven wolf thank you versus garden factories bring joy to the children exactly right wouldn't want to work here why is the population declining already wait why are you evil even we've hopefully we've only started why are people just leaving we shouldn't be having a population crisis at this point okay hell with know we we need some more housing deep d-zone olace we need more homes we need to get people moving into the city I'm in a population crisis in a city of a hundred people I think I felt something is an earthquake run for the hills what way people running for the hills on Twitter right-click the D zone thank you okay we need more houses like stop because this is gyre I can't believe we already have a population crisis and we're losing a lot of money I don't know why I thought I thought I did everything right we have like we haven't even the sewage pipe the water pump what's costing us so much money oh no we don't need these ones yeah we have the other ones now supplying power to the city brought more roads he's page up and page down to stack them so page up and page down oh my god oh why did you tell me this [Music] can disconnect oh not enough money oh no hope too steep I think that's fine and I have a grand ole time going up there okay well once we get more money oh thank god we're starting we're starting to like catch up on our deficit cuz more people are moving in look at this the population is actually increasing we've gone from like losing 30 people a week to like now gained 140 a week this is good they don't have any water under like the complain and I'm like warming about it okay these houses here can get water I can't afford water for those houses at the end so that's the slums now it's how this works you don't clean water in your home that's the slums that's what that's what you paid for when you moved here you don't move into a house if it doesn't have working like working water like that no you know what you're signing up for tyrona bottled water is getting expensive apparently it's fine they have water we have sewage together in harmony everything's starting to go well like we're making my work losing less money look at this mighty factory being built oh my god it's gonna bring so much work into it the town this one right here this box Factory is the pride and joy of our city's industry look at this it's not operating right now but it's got 12 jobs unlike this five-story but how is there only 12 jobs this building is huge you feel like a hundred people in this this is what happens when the robots take over our jobs this is what's driving this town out of business the androids are rising up it's all self-checkout now in the supermarket's it's killing the economy this is a mistake we need to just stick to gold as a coal you know [Music] kind of any of those automated shite and I got an achievement cuz it's not a training cool idea dumping sewage into the if if you're dumping sewage in the drinking water if you've literally drinking their own no but the way the river works is it pumps the fresh water and then it goes that way down in the water they get the fresh water and then the goes that way don't worry situations actually under control I know how rivers work it don't worry port Rock Springfield West Valley Dale it's gonna shine and look we've almost like it we've almost mitigated our deficit we just need some more people to move in these factories at the end we didn't want them anyway yeah just destroy their homes you didn't wanna get some more homes I mean more people live in here so we get more money in population resize the stream oh why did that happen how long has it been like that okay OBS alright apparently I was poorly sized oh now you guys can see how much money we're making oh okay that makes a lot more sense yeah sorry I don't know what was going on there well now you can finally see like what the population figures unlike the amount of money we've raised so we're getting there you know we have tree hundred and sixty people the city has is it's never looked better this lovely petrol even it's like we have a Dino oil this focus on dine alone toggle traffic routes but I'm not sure what this is supposed to display apparently they're coming out of this house and go on the dyno royal okay happy LZ thanks for the five quid though the videos and streams keep it up plus the tip I think the people are moving out because they are too close to the industrial buildings well then that's a perk you know like work is just across the road you know you know what to gopher [Music] honey that's a perk of anger I look stop complain about the lack of water it's raining okay I'll have a shower now we'll get some more pipe soon I promise [Music] I wonder can I take out a loan where would that be awesome that's the main menu of the game how I get into some of these things yes you can okay how do i improve use disasters that still popping up on my screen budget panel where's my budget panel oh there I can't take out a loan because there's not enough people in the city yes well that's okay we're always in the green like look at this well it has weekly income the city the entire city is just losing like ten dollars a week right now that's okay you know that's manageable we're in the green we're making six dollars I can do any $1 it's better than YouTube pays okay let's see the kind I can't even put in taxes yet because the population isn't high enough we're gonna tax the out of everyone once we get with unlock top should give us some more money population is going down luxury Diddy's go into the sky - I see yes here is a dollar to replace what YouTube pays all thanks we G already better than YouTube tell you that much YouTube yuichi was pretty bad at times you can ask at these cars into town Artie please go back to the ocean you can't keep saying that all right it's not Spore oh we can rename some of the streets to my priority road it's a priority road two-lane road congratulations oh my god we have a little hamlet new features he can now introduce taxes garbage has been invented as has health care and education we can make a landfill a school and a medical clinic okay so first things first oh my god they gave us $20,000 - okay well first things first that loan let's take that right away and that's just bump that up nothing's fair Oh making so much more money look at that oh it's something like $500 a week yes Sandra you gotta stop complaining on Twitter [Music] I think you have fresh water I don't know what he's complaining about okay we have some more money so let's build a new quarter that that deletes the roads we didn't need this guy's house anyway the new quarter and it on one side we're just gonna make it housing oh my god I was on the other side - I'm just gonna put in some extra things there we need health care yeah okay no we need health care for our citizens we also need rubbish pop that in there and we need a school for being efficient with our space you got it all school doesn't have water apparently let's just join that up there oh we can finally extend the water here - there we go [Music] did you just what the school next to their dumb yeah but the health care center clinic is like next to the dump as well so if they get sick they can be immediately treated like I'm taking this true [Music] now just adjust the volume to I think it's too loud a lot of my end it's it's all it's all together so you don't have to worry about anything though they get if they get sick in school cuz of the dump they just go to the clinic and you know if they're in the clinic underneath school but just walk past the jump and they're working in the dump and it gets sick and they want to go to school they can go to the clinic and go to school why is there money icon was this mean percent money why they all complain about money taxes are too high okay well just turn him off sure it attacks the hell out of industry that works not rocket science you know you gotta just those sliders that should help okay pop that okay now the population is increasing but we're losing money oh how do I adjust this then what if thought that economics could be so difficult like bump this up why am i losing so much money now oh no they'll put it back okay put it back for a moment hang on oh we need more money we're deep in the right plays it how do I fix this they look twenty percent tax is fine see about you paying your income anyway [Music] fifteen is good [Music] there we go how's that [Music] okay so now we're slightly in the green we're only losing a few people every week stop complete 20% is fine guys why are you all 21 per second here a bunch of winters what else do we need what else do we need I get modules for this open the budget panel relocate building Freddie thanks 100 bits he says do communism 13% on income for tax you guys mad it's 20% tax on income that's 320 guys it's fine we have one call you moved in last week we're still making money we're in the green 20 21 % on income you know it's fine but I want only I don't want any of the peasantry moving into my city ok you want to live in Port Rock Springfield West Valley Dale you need money ok we have a school a dump and a clinic ok that's a high standard of living we have a box factory it's got nine people employed [Music] we're making money Cydia is prospering [Music] I rock about makes about 100 bits [Music] 13 percent tax on income is low I'm son goes you pay about like like in the real world you pay about twenty percent tax on your income like close to that amount like with the world over that's how it works telling me to make it 13 percent that's a utopia you know that's so cheap it's 11 in Canada no you're thinking you're thinking of the aventine County you're thinking I'm like you fast and like v8t not tax on income you're thinking about taxing like products that's a different thing on tax on income you pay about 20% that's how it works we are we want to be like the professional city here okay we got it we got to do the professional standards if we want to prosper only 23 people are leaving a week now we're making 400 bucks so we can buy a Nintendo switch with all the income we've made in the city this last week that's amazing are you know okay a 21-2 light i beg you to 22 so if you always don't snap into gear here quick the raise taxes even more all right you you want these people to get lower taxes why is there so many you find at homes oh oh we have a problem no tax guys come back there's no tax oh oh everyone just left okay turn it off tax we can take it it alone we can take another load just turn it off tax a moment hang on okay come back guys there's no tax is the tax haven will probably violate some international treaty by doing this but you can live here there's no tax I can't believe this so upset which is a standard tax rate okay but there's no tax all right people are moving back in but deep in the rich we got we got to sort something out here all of the shops are apparently enjoying profits here we going up we can up the shop we can up the tax 20% they're all making money right now we need more shop tax okay now I need residential tax to a degree hey I need some tax money fifteen how are they already in the red why is it 13 why is this the magic number there's suddenly okay with it all so why do we have so many petrol stations who needs five petrol stations within viewing distance of each other how many carats only like a refilling how many petrol stations are in this small town hang on one two three four five six seven eight nine there's nine petrol stations in this one square kilometer it's like worse than like Starbucks boys are so many Aneta shops are complaining about taxes okay 13 right 13 robbing me blind and regrets it attacks here but okay cool but thanks for subscribing as well how's it going thirty never are you happy are you happy with this like it utopia we've made I don't like these abandoned houses them just fill some new homes he's like an eyesore now you moved away for a week cuz of the taxes were too high what off we're destroying all your precious memories I don't learn you that's what you get for leaving my city hair on them all down to build new homes [Music] there we go ah then our beautiful day in our city population is growing steadily making $35 a week can I save money Oh 400 ok $400 a week for the clinic how do i how do I clip it's fine clinics costing too much dump is fine hey the school's okay that's not too expensive look they'll be fine without health care for a week okay this is don't get sick you'll be all right wash your hands accelerate time and make some more money we don't eat it like no one's fine okay no everyone's fine no one's sick yeah I'm gonna make some new hot I'm gonna make some time for some new homes in the city let's get those people moving in time to go big look at this welcome to hemlock Street kale and Lindsay er thank you for subscribing I'm even watching the stream by the way just out of interest oh god Dragon Riders give you ten quid that's just the local tax you need to add state and federal asymptotes eeeh is is American that means federalism of the way Oh No I give her the ten quid I've got a whinging about water can you and you can't put on the kettle but I guess it's give me five minutes like God Almighty that's some more water are you happy now bunt your whingers the law dia freaking out just cuz there's no water for like a day well like what what you don't need that water that bad let's go buy a can of coke from the shop if you're thirsty yeah his medium demand for commercial low demand for industrial okay a wordy village look ever since we closed down the hospital everything's are going so much better now make a new area we have districts policies a second loan we need that district specializations emergency services we can make a police station and a firehouse let's make a firehouse Oh put it what an exit it's cool let's make a police station put it next to the firehouse we can make the London Eye well insert two ends of an airport okay let's gear up towards the London Eye [Music] okay we were I'm gonna see how much money we're making after in the fire station and see if we can reopen the hospital I want to wait and see I know I don't want to waste money let's just make this road connect back up oh [Music] my god why isn't this there we go okay so we have a new bit of road here so they want shops apparently there's some shops give us some more shops and guys we can't afford to reopen the hospital yeah it's 400 bucks we got to hold off if we go reopen the hospital we have to close the fire station I should close the police station okay police station is closed and then we put the hospital back home so dad are healthy but the trust game robbed blind [Music] there we go there's not too many of them sick it's only like a slight epidemic in this wing of the city okay it's not that bad we're all happy over here at least [Music] and we're getting some new shops in so we're gonna make even more money celebrate time set districts what does this do well I have I have the paintbrush and mspaint yeah sort of that I have for ammo my don't know that does I have to read the tooltip I think okay paint the part of city or on this trace he dystrophy named automatically mr. sands realisations alive buildings to be replaced by specialized industrial and commercial facilities specialized buildings can benefit from different natural resources to focus on tourism let's try with this street Sunnyside Heights [Music] we'll make this the fireman industry [Music] make this generic doesn't even to do anyone I indicate its fireman oh wait not happen hangout why is everything on fire what the hell happened hey I ain't even do anything why is this half of the city on fire at the fire brigade on it another cavalry okay the fire brigade currently can't reach it so we're gonna build a road out so they can tackle the fire Oh fire brigade and you know what while we're here there's heavy at demand first than you have some eyes will pop that in come on Fire Brigade you can reach the fire now where are they this guy just like running around here he comes come on fire truck come on no firetruck you missed a turn what what's the fire drawer to in here the fire is over here I hope this just works itself out look what a lovely day for a walk hashtag walking is healthy that's a sentiment I think we can all get behind it always rains with my hip aches says Willow Thompson okay well everything's looking good this is much more profitable now which is great oh we just we just need to keep it up we're on the right track so I think it's high time yep we're just gonna get another one of these back we'll put some more house in here the real West thank you for subscribing and till tech thank you for subscribing as well how's it going guys yeah hey we're doing pretty good celebrate what a new rug why I'm happy about that and well we're getting there anyway we still have unique buildings but we can't do anything with that statue of Industry when you like certain like requirements for all these hypermarket 5000 squares of commercial zone bills okay only a few burger I think we could reopen the police station now we seem to be making some money okay do I have to pay back my loans I can just take I can just take another loan Oh give me another loan yeah low will credit incorporate it only pyramid capital to go and we get all the money it's beautiful it's just a small loan guys all right disaster services oh we would need more population before we get it up landscape in disasters we're not quite there yet well again there yeah we just need to get like more people in here and more money more houses let's put this here so there's been some demand for some new shops don't think I didn't notice and some factories too pop those in look at this a beautiful city doing so well see you like the Sun setting on the landfill it's beautiful okay that's fast forward oh they need what I forgot everyone so like they have water it mostly have water okay there's a couple of squares but toilet won't work in the back of the factory big deal most office places it's fine they have water they have water they had to add this Sophie I don't know what you're complaining about okay the pump is putting in work operating normally okay doing well Oh finally tiny town lever bottle sucks thanks for subscribing I'm gonna check what the counters on oh okay the next person who subs is gonna be number 1200 we are one away from a new remote slot though thanks everyone yeah my league knows that now it's just one guy okay landscaping parks and plazas there it is spooky kabuki thank you very much so I'll get working on the blender remote then yeah we now have oh we got blender the question is what is next I'll have to work it out over time but blender is now we're kind of gonna be on its way that's gonna be the next one for the free slot we just got so thanks everyone appreciate it I'll get the blender you got dragon as well thanks new policies I can ban pets okay I can make canals make parks okay landscaping and disasters why do these two go together what are you telling me I can just remember I just click this [Music] this is a city list this actually just sets everything on fire why why would you give me a button that just destroyed are they doing it I doubt it so what is sinkhole [Music] we can just spam this [Music] well why does it just let you do that yeah what's this gonna do to the city everything seems fine I don't think it's working duck away barrels glowing flash tank glowing like goo in my yard that's okay the Cinco doesn't do anything that one's lying like nothing's happened that's forward now geologists predicted that a sinkhole strike at any minute we should take precautionary measures geologists predict oh no its deliver cautionary measures how big is this a sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city they out of harm's way and contact authorities with any information any information a sinkhole any information oh that's so delayed where's the city hon I can't see it's just smoke I can't see every Gatien was extended good sir could someone water the plants while we're gone the key is in the flowerpot on the porch I think I got more problems now than just water and the plant the flowers I'm gonna be honest oh good god uh how's the roads doing the roads connect it roads seem okay this is why we can't have nice things rock band thanks for the trip it's we made more money from doing that I just want to stress that that was actually a smart choice and regards to the financials [Music] you can just cause a meteor to strike you can just say as tsunamis gonna hit here what does that work well I just say like a tsunamis gonna hit here in particular like this isn't even near anything okay I just like make it so like there's like havoc on the land over here [Music] okay doc bit that bit of the city he's gonna get real bumpy in a moment so we'll keep an eye on that and already see the fire at the forest fire okay we have a fair bit of rubble are those the houses that are destroyed in the street oh my god the sinkholes ate all the pipes - okay well we're just gonna make a new half of the city then I don't want to deal with this let's make the sky Road fix roads I'll use the road up grab the D the road upgrades till okay you can you can just click over them oh thank god we can preserve our beautiful city layout I blz thanks one or five quid your five tornadoes on the town well we have one that's scheduled to happen over there but we've yet to see anything of it so we're just gonna wait a bit okay let me just repair all the roads the city is back to normal meteorologists are issuing a thunderstorm warning for the coming days as fines are advised to stay indoors yeah they're far enough away meteorologists have issued a severe tornado warned yeah that's all fine residents should seek shelter immediately if any available astrologist report that a devastating meteor will strike the city in the near future it's fine it's far enough away look they're fine okay it's just in the background we're getting achievements for this I just want to stress just stay inside yeah it's fine let's just build the new road we're gonna get some lovely new houses in the city we'll just get his own some more lines we have a new road here you know people say that the forest is quite lovely in the city so it's just to extend this out while we have a moment it's all in the distance you know you don't worry about it too much let's get some new housing let's just add this in here now what's goin on with the pipes there's no water in like power of this now let's connect up the pipe it's fine it's just like it like seven plagues upon the land okay you know like don't worry about it too much please papi you're subscribing just two tornado let the far enough away you guys are freaking out over nothing let's just level the terrain but it's not what I meant to do I thought this was level of terrain but okay okay you guys are freaking out about the amount here okay look I'm gonna show you how fine this is okay like there's really nothing to be worried about okay they're in like the safety zone you know as long as we just don't go over there it's fine look they even send in another meteor we'll have a small tsunami over there you have to show you guys how safe the city is okay per se be the star thank you for 7:00 Peter sylveon thanks and hundred bits did you check the power grid I think someone drove into another power line the power grid I think is fine oh no those pylons got destroyed there we go Hey electricity let's build our bouncy castle park oh they're gonna love this okay so we'll just build bouncy castle parks over the homes that got destroyed anyway that seems like a smart kind of move gonna love this bouncy castles for everyone I can't afford any of these things no reason we can't get the disaster response here now that seems almost it seems handy zero how much we've gone true but okay life goes on you know water the pipes the pipes are fine pipes are connected the city will strike the city in the near future these residents should seek shelter immediately if any is available meteorologists are issuing a thunderstorm warning for the coming days it's just plain open setting eyes to stay indoors meteorologists have issued a severe tornado warning for the area I don't remember starting a fire there there just to show you how safe it is okay not even affected not even affect it a thunder storm is battering the city the perfectly fine until the storm has passed a tornado has touched down in the area perfectly safe but how did all these homes get destroyed nuttin oh is every house here to come what happened to this district there are water they do have water Oh the pipe got cut off you bunch of was that and let's just take it two days without water come back home wasn't that long like come on the shops are there are you you just get such a different drink doesn't have to be water every time there's a river right here too area journey thanks 10 months he says hello gamer hey Cerny how was it going friend enjoyed did you like my city by that pylon gum and we'll just get rid of the pile up fill up our city of a thousand dreams thank you I think we're doing great I can't control myself I it just need to know I need to know what happened intensity it up oh there's a slider for intensity oh so we were doing Bobby the Forest Service has stated that there is a risk of an imminent forest fire in the area residents are advised to avoid forested areas a forest this is kind of he a briquette asteroid belt is about to hit the city this is this does have a magnet your ten earthquake Vittoria Today Show I can't control myself okay tsunamis I mean that our meteor is it no you ain't we're not surviving this one guys this is how we die this was this is such a terrible idea of all things to give me control to don't give me a natural disaster panel that is a disaster in of itself let's just pay back our loans [Music] and now we wait here Oh bleh thanks 100 bits rip cheer now we just wait there we go area geologists predicted that a sinkhole can strike it yo should take precautionary measures meteorologists are issued Oh geologists predicted that a sinkhole oh no oh yes Oh a sinkhole has occurred Oh Oh No is anyone alive oh I got a little that's it right no more flavor drugs falling on me hi shaggy meteor strike hashtag no more don't panic just wait for help it's gonna be okay mister there's 27 people it's 27 26 people left all we've lost every I'm gonna puke I'm gonna feel oh oh there's there's 23 people afterlife we went from like a population of like 1500 summation oh this is worse than the dinosaurs this is pretty much the same thing Orchard Street ain't looking too good right now it's just a couple of Oh No there's a forest fire hashtag forest fire a hashtag all that firewood stuff has just fallen from the sky where are these cars even landed from this is what happens when Thanos like snaps his fingers twice just kills both halves everyone go well oh look at data Dean offers neural transplants at low cost of Port able tech the future is now well this house is still no oh is there still more stuff q where's the tornado coming in a villain is murdered Oh a building is burned down are you sure it isn't a fireman in the city and the fire stations are well-connected oh yeah here we have my people on call well there's still one house left on Carroll Street and the lights just went out there okay there's eight people left a lot this is zero but everyone is dead well I wonder can i oh god is the mess I just zone a road oh no no we can't zone a road anymore the road zone tool is struggling it is okay let's just get can we set up some new houses along the new road bit bumpy will anyone move in like this literal ghost town oh my god right away these poor Saltz who are just building new homes they just don't care hey I'm building my house here in Port Rock Springfield West Valley Dale so help me God we shall rebuild yeah well welcome to the world of Fallout okay I guess it's just Wilson Street just these guys living here all we need base is already occupied pump in a water tower there we got water and miraculously the power stations actually supplied let's survive look a lot turn off the water I think we're doing good I just want to see how many they can take how many meteors can I just launch into this one position before the game just like gives up I'm just gonna keep queuing them I'm gonna keep queueing meteors until they start announcing that meteors are incoming I'm just gonna keep laughing I'm just gonna keep it still letting me there we go here we go astrologist report that a devastating meteor will strike the city Oh the odds have to be for this many meteors strike the one physician how unlucky would you have to be he's already dead Oh a building has burnt down are you sure there's enough firemen oh yeah there's this put this plenty of firemen I wouldn't concerned either still going to the let's go on with the land why is the earth the earth just keeps riding crazy it's mon Dieu Hey jf thanks for the hundred bits I just joined the seal is fill but fly thanks for subscribing Rock bad thanks for 200 fits your avatar t never change thank you very much how high does this go meteor strike has occurred avoid Aryan McCullar it's done we have a tree trunk this is no lucky listener thanks 100 so you built a wall to make sure there's no one makes the same mistake that's beautiful wait so people were saying on workshop could I just get like a pre-made city and just literate meteors I even put a tsunami in the middle of here now at a good City we need tsunamis this is such a mistake just to give me to disaster tools like cuz I was having fun with like gridlock city but I think we've strayed from that firmness we're just destroying stuff now I am thanks for two months he says guys I'm cool also RT you need a loan ya think loans in and we'll give RTD Infinity stones I'm the guy who just keeps snapping his fingers I would just keep doing like I wouldn't know when to stop I like pop on a song and I just snap my fingers to the beat and like the everyone will be dead how we losing a thousand dollars a week by the way there's nothing here IT snapping snapping fingers how long would it let me do this auntie would just keep doing the cow and over and over maybe a beauty save game save file one so I come back to that one later the main menu let's see if I can get a match city on the workshop then content manager get Matt more mass on Steam Workshop okay map or by most popular of all time all these maps are unpopulated though on a save game save game that's what we're looking for save game all time man hash in New York perfect yet here we go oh let's load this one if Rose no don't worry that's just cuz I was like in the workshop thing it's still up now be back my whole losses [Music] okay so I want to see if this a way that we can keep track oh my god this is ludicrous look how big this is at Central Park as well if they even have all the run-down homes in New York it's it's true to life okay oh we got New York disconnected power grids I was stuff not on the grid this is someone else's save file I would have thought that they had it all perfected pipeline problem like why is there so many problems with this city this is just New York there's no a ton of water crime is rampant having issues in the city this is New York all with with all the regular problems of a city okay all right bump that up I don't know if we're gonna be able to destroy like all of New York which is like meteors here there is so much here is there a module as we do even bigger meteors like I'm talking like a moth to take that like Central Park and one go tsunami what is this the day after tomorrow you can I get Massa make you let you make larger disasters there's a month ago 225 intensity instead of where is that mod a savegame I'm hat in New York we can apparently go to intensity 25 my god okay contact matter this is gonna kind of freeze I think a bit because it takes me into Steam Workshop hey no it's not taking me into it now did it before okay what I'll do is I'll do two monitor capture for a little bit you guys can see okay so we're looking for scale 25 see if that works plant scale and minister ish I live in a trees recycling center okay maybe disaster all time limited trees unlock all wonders automatic bulldoze this is in disasters or disaster it's called Ragnarok [Music] more disaster controls yes police I guess it just included this in the bundle when I bought the game then he's like I just want there's like a special edition thing it was a mistake to give me this bit in particular I city skyline collection bundle what's in the bundle oh my god is so many expansions for this game maybe down the road we can pick up more or less okay let me put it back the Game Capture Ragnarok more disaster controls oh boy so if I now load up the game again will this be installed that's the question why would you buy this if you can't inflict suffering on your city it's true I need to enable it first okay I did something wrong hang on let's have a look options okay back to back back back to the main menu sorry about the loading screens we got we got it we have to get this right content manager how do I enable it then it's here mods what where oh no it's mods oh they're on I understand well I saw just in a little bit I think I'm limited money I earn mode oh we just know we just need this one uh yeah I like a challenge obviously we don't need love options just allow all cool okay that's on it slowed New York those mods are built-ins in a game okay yeah this just seemed like cheats or something if you want to trial unlimited money sandbox mode I guess Felix thank you for subscribe [Music] new building a landfill site sure let's just destroy all out and put in a landfill it's not even letting me oh god yeah so the scale now goes up to 25 okay boys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set it to fast forward is it psycho Roni thank you for 7 prime look just to get an idea of how big this is we're just gonna start with a sinkhole just a single think hole in the middle of the city just so we have an idea of like the radius we're talking about with this new mode we're just gonna wait for this one to happen first I'm very curious city of New York is only having a population increase of 100 people a week not like maximum capacity right now how do i do tsunamis as well though I just click on the water or do I click on the city on water okay well let's just gear this up then oh okay now apparently the tsunami has a long cooldown okay well we'll see when that kicks in which is wait for the sink oh I just want to see where is my sink huh geologists predicted that a sinkhole could strike it any okay here we go though unless just get a sense of the scale we're dealing with a sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city stay out of harm's way and contact authorities with any and for me it's tiny that's not bad at all why is it that's like a Bobby Cinco I thought the entire city that's so lame yeah hopefully the tsunami is better just get an extra one just just to be sure coming from Roosevelt Island tiny think'll where's the tsunami as well as income in I want my tsunami like washes we just like it lightly chip away at the city of New York that's so lame I can't believe that so tiny the tsunamis don't even appear to be happening you know Hemis take a while now they really seemed to I've like clicked a few [Music] go into mod sessions I don't want to spend too long in here mod sentence auto focus on disaster way that just make it other instant I'm stylin / that's what the tsunami in the ocean I I put it in the ocean that's the ocean I actually have done it it's it's just not work like out of city limits I put it here that's the close to the oceans we can get we can't go further I don't know we can out of city limits wow it works well there's a few tsunamis queued anyway so let's just get the Great Fire of New York own so this should hopefully we've done everything correctly be a bit more impressive well last two of them pretty lame not gonna lie the fire sign even breaking out okay well that's nuke Central Park then come on we gotta get something right it's also tame right now old to make bigger old that no that doesn't do anything [Music] you have to like spam left click I hold it like it doesn't do anything News he you know time it's on mice [Music] so fired New York has yet to fall because everything is so horribly delayed none of the disasters won't actually destroy the city we lost like a single block to a sinkhole [Music] only on send out guys no time for the tsunami holding it doesn't do anything I've tried it old look I'm gonna hold for the tsunami it doesn't do a thing you're wrong I'm sorry it doesn't do it I've tried strike the city in the near future residents should seek shelter immediately if any is available astrologist report that a devastating meteor meteor is going this is lagging the game hard let's make a volcano in Central Park Oh God did the earthquakes the fires didn't seem to do anything they were lame - a meteor strike has occurred okay with Central Park's looking good just keep clicking add some more fires that we can see if they work this time earthquakes another attempt of the tsunami holes met as well doesn't do anything the stating meteor will strike the city in the near future residents should seek shelter immediately we just have to keep clicking just collapsing buildings if you aren't cool we got a few media strikes buzz the Coast Guard is warning of a tsunami approaching the area oh there's the tsunami tsunami is finally coming in where's it coming from the ocean yeah where's the tsunami there's no suna oh that might be the tsunami oh no yeah that's the oh oh this is lagging the game heart okay well the tsunami sludge pile seems to be slowly making its way in might take a while earthquakes are starting to come in it's a more meteors tsunami it's still taking its sweet time astrologers report that a devastating slow I think we just sit back and watch or walk let's go get some lightning tornado yeah well we destroyed New York is taking place you can see how much the game is lagging but just like the progress bar here it's really chugging right now tsunami is slowly like destroying the city they take a very long time pretty big tsunami I'm not gonna lie and when our we just wait what a beautiful day in New York a meteor strike has occurred there goes Madison Square Park a meteor strike has occurred avoid the impact site and head to shelter if any is available I mean here in the water Artie I don't that doesn't do anything I think we've done that before one of these medias was indicated I'll do another one with Alan's gonna work it's not a lot of water you're either oh my god the game is chugging and real bad right now chugging Matt the city provides hashtag smoke detectors birth residence a free of charge it's like a spike in the tsunami air or tsunamis on the way we're just gonna we're just gonna be here awhile we've done too much it's not looking too good right now who should I call if no one shows up to pick up the dead hashtag I'm moving out oh god that's me thanks to look these people all complain they don't of water so veining I'm doing them a favor okay the water's gonna be here any moment I rise to stay indoors meteorologists have issued a severe tornado warning for the area residents should seek shelter immediately if any is available a meteor strike has occurred the lines looking what's this weird spot there's a report there's one road look at that something's gone wrong there tsunami still putting in work this bit of New York still looks okay so let's just follow me near that all the tsunamis are starting to come in took it they took a very long time the tsunamis are on their way though doing good what's with all the water hashtag flood hashtag too much water now you got to keep up the link post on Twitter during these desperate times wait at the mayor having a clean city with great outdoors opportunities is a privilege thanks oh yeah great outdoor opportunities if you already like swimming we should thank them there for this [Music] a meteor strike it's still going where's tsunami ow the tsunami is just like slowly oh this time you receive it in the area no it hasn't it's still just making its way isn't like the background it's like over there this one bits okay so we're gonna get it with a very lame thing called destroy the bridge all the tsunamis are just coming in all of a sudden the area residents should avoid roads and water fronts I guess I'm not go to work without a snorkel today hashtag flood hashtag snorkel day there's 20 people left alive in New York and your tweet that hashtag snorkel day geologists predicted that a sinkhole could strike at any cost nari measures a sinkhole has occurred since to leave left stay out of harm's way and contact authorities with any information who are the two guys left alive residents should avoid roads and water fall over here take caution and avoid Bridges gob everyone's dead vielen hashtag inspired to go enjoy the hashtag great outdoors hashtag Clarkson Surf's Up says Amanda Reed she scheduled that tweet before she died take caution and avoid roads and water fronts until the water recedes a tsunami has struck the city take caution and avoid roads and disasters are still coming in tsunami has struck the city take caution wait to the water recede so much money nothing is working right now remember to have a look at the newly a lot building the elementary schools the new school is open for business new school this is just very promptly flooded the water came in very quickly there oh no it's done if I were to think oh so now ease are still coming in look at the size of this my god the tsunamis have been taking their time but oh we're right in the way then geologists predicted that a sinkhole could strike at any minute residents should take precautionary measures a sinkhole has occurred school is no more the Coast Guard is warning of a tsunami a dozen more tsunamis on their way at one point it's just nothing left eight people are alive people move back into the city I would like to point this out through all these disasters eight people moved into the city add six of seven of them are now died who moves back in to this land the garbage is piling up oh yeah maybe new garbage how absolutely are better Road connections to the problem areas would help sir any garbage laughs I was there like a garbage problem the entire city is just a wreck there's nothing left I used to be Central Park this is crazy sir let's build a bouncy castle park that's a castle park ain't looking too good approaching the area residents and the Reg is probably really cheap right now I mean that's a fair point what are these guys still complaining we have no power what's going on I don't pay my taxes for nothing Trevon thanks to subscribe oh my god how many tsunamis are coming in they took so long there's like a cruise ship just turning around and saying nope the moment it sees our city well stop get me out of this hell oh my god okay let's get back to the venue tsunami has struck the city take cover until the water recedes a tsunami has struck the city remember hashtag snorkel day everybody happen to be going out in a tsunami hashtag snorkel day you didn't save oh I forgot to say that okay we can destroy it in no time have to do it again now does go to be a by ahead protects ah slush thank you for subscribing slush Whoopie hey don't show this again I already know this hashtag snorkel des ruines snorkel day is over a tsunami has struck the city start a new game and go cliffside bait city name [Music] should be good now let's start [Music] let's start a new city okay I'm gonna see if I can do this properly run okay so a tsunami attached that looks so awful when you see the city name there okay I'm gonna see if I can do this properly so we have one road where they come in and one Road where they come out I think that was a mistake hang on know that he's got how do you plan a city like what are like the smallest boxes I can make is there a way just I like a cube feature reform let me just see if I can do this I am what happens if we just make a city where it's just like the box city like as tight as possible that's slightly dude okay that's fine it flex tape you can do anything what maybe we'll talk about flex tape okay Oh Oh yep it's gonna be like the entrance to a theme park except it's the city yeah we're gonna try to everything in boxes this is gonna be the housing box and then we're gonna need a retail box yep that's fine we put in the house and box put in the retail box now we're gonna need some more housing boxes to go start it get a fair few let's get a fair few boxes makes it real easy they're just like gonna click on it - I want this to be box city alas city was famous for its box factory we're gonna take it to a new level yeah let's get those boxes we have this will even I'll even get rid of this bit of gridlock hang on this is messy take it seriously I'll reconnect in a moment so you and your box city don't true here there we go box city just gonna be none my boxes there we go can I get eyes I'm trying to fill our housing demand as fast as we can here just by getting like the city layout constant boxes we still have demand for housing so let's just like get more of them in okay so I need water and I need power Oh water pumping station look I'm even gonna do this properly look sewage pipe is gonna be over here though it's far enough away does this need to be connected to the pumping station yeah this requires the other station to work correctly there we go okay I now for cuz its box city we can just kind of build this over here and look at this look at this okay we have water for all of that business city gonna build clean energy too we're not even gonna bother with coal I'm actually gonna try this time so let's get a windmill to the box let's see can I get a box just for windmills you're not gonna give this one like a fair bit of space I'm gonna put outside here but well we need coal you don't need to vote for windmills no we do it has to be in the boxes this is box city okay everything must be in a box okay plenty of power all right so this is heavy demand for industrial right now so we'll get rid of two of those some industrial boxes [Music] the wind there is bad now we only got good wind what are you talking about look at it oh no ok there is actually a map for it hang on and I pick up the other one read ok building ha ok will pop no pop up here better wind laying properly relocation cost is too high at the moment okay don't need any zones anyone cuz we need to get power still and we need to get this out pop that there that should carry the power there we go okay so we met all the demand for hisin we have an industrial still a bit more for an industrial so we'll like pull out there we can make more boxes here [Music] a bit more demand for industrial [Music] there we go yeah it's got people into this city we have water we have electricity hey they lost water we forgot to connect the water pipe cuz though that does not have power okay all right well that's just and this is bad this is real bad see which way boss okay well we can get the sewage powered okay little hammer all right we got the upgrade weenie in it actually saved us there we go water station is powered Kristin thanks 100 bits I've been of the key but with streams as of late so what's going on here I'm just making a working city thank you for the hundred bits yeah we're doing pretty good we have industrial we have housing we have some retail now we're meeting the demands as they come in we now need a dump dump should be kind of off to the side it feels to be like that's out of the way as possible so what we can do is if we pop the dump here and then we just zone this one industrial any way that wage people have to live next to it well I'm gonna unknown that one to comes down that one instead and zone that one too should be enough industrial for a while raus raus Bob version two we set up that I can't Ross Bob to just subscribed how was it going thank you very much AXA 13% you know working model city we're giving it our all this time okay we have everything being addressed there I want a block just for services so this one here is currently empty so we're gonna start popping in a clinic you have a dump already know enough money for the school just yet but we're making money [Music] each citizens healthy and happy and we're gonna get some more housing it's we you can just get some more in here it's gonna be more demand for commercial soon so we'll build another commercial block the chat thinks you're a bad mayor I'm doing a good job in this city we're getting money already I'm doing so well I'm gonna treat myself you got a loan treating myself I'm gonna make a big box there big box was a mistake there's empty space there okay build some more boxes ya know me a box man out okay so commercial demand is starting to rise so we're gonna make another commercial block we're meeting the demands as they arise we have space cleared for housing already basically have shops do in the future doing really well and we're gonna get that school into you have a lovely clinic and we have a school I'm gonna put the school over here they're gonna put the school here Oh finally not there put the school over here uh Danny Boris and McCarthy thank you for subscribing the pair of you thank you very much okay so look we're in the green people are moving in there is demand for more housing they're coming into the new wing of the city we just set up there let's clear some more housing as we need it the industrial quarter is right there it's kind of a bit of an eyesore this is right in your face when you enter the city but that's okay breeze can absorb pollution yeah we can get some trees like later we can't afford them right now we don't even have population for them even hey I need to do a few things oh we got a wordy village okay it's pretty good it's good to me to extend out this though what I'm gonna do is if I follow the roads then we should be able to get everything connected on the water network so we don't have to worry about it power is currently being transferred we just need more of it basically there we go is it our resale re so thank you very much for subscribing okay more people are moving in that they're happy with the money dump is putting in work when can i buy upgrades for any like specific facility i notice the thing in Sim City where you add modules on the specific buildings is that a thing in this game to like I want to say like upgrade the dump I can buy extra things or this is just the one bill yeah no everything's everything's going pretty well with the city no I'm pretty well low boat is really keeping it is really chilling us out slow boat does not NEC yeah I'm gonna go in fast forward just so we can make some more progress that's okay oh yeah mysterious cult leader predicts the end of the world again shy again is nine that one lesson doing a tsunami has struck this city is going to prosper set policies moderately reduced electricity consumption okay smoke detectors yeah let's get smoke detectors okay so we don't want to do all of these I guess cuz it costs a lot of money well get smoke detectors for a start though cuz that seems like a good policy to have okay we can get some additional services with the money we're bringing in we can get a firehouse we'll keep this near the factories because the factories are more likely to catch fire it's night there we go emergency the lease department I teach you call your schools nice the factories vote no you want the school near the houses and surely I would you play nice to the factory I'm just gonna make this one like the the emergency quarter so we have police stations the tiny town look at this okay we're moving up in the world police station built we can make a high school this is a big boy we might need a bigger box for this one okay let's make a big box Dillons are just going to be for the high school I'm gonna be able to get some housing in this one after not enough money now cool we'll get enough money soon sown some more housing is everyone just wants to live I do you build triangles instead of boxes you said we'll be invincible yes lest we forget my angles we trust yeah I'm gonna take out another loan [Music] yep that's fine [Music] he's taking out loans just like speeds up city development more than anything [Music] we go we got a high school and we can use the rest of that box space for more houses Artie I want to buy this game but I'm concerned about the difficulty is an easy pickup if you never played a city management game before well this is my first time flying a city management's it's been like five years and I mean I'm getting on okay honestly I've actually made a city here I'd recommend it you nice 100 bets - and I hate weebs low you were describing [Music] there's more demand for commercial so we need to make more boxes we need another commercial box as much as I'm taking around with this game I do actually like these kind of things they are good fun to play we need more power power power power power get the city functional water network is working really well we have like pretty much all the city covered that's good garbage is doing fine we can't build some parks if we wall up we can build a Botanical Garden throw some homes there I want some nice things does seem rather relaxed now trying to murder everyone true huh um I'm actually really enjoying this I'm I play this more because I really loved SimCity when I when I got it it was only after a while they really I really realized all the faults with it this does just seem like better SimCity I can afford some of these I just I just need more money I got actually it got the requirements I can bike a meteorite park I don't a meteorite park we can put this in right there let's have a shrine to the giant meteor next to these factories remember our heritage SD potatoes thank you era I'm standing who's better than the same version yeah it's just go ze a boss so much it's a real shame I got so much potential it's legit excited for it [Music] Asian pipes that's a season's thing don't need that yet gonna need more power still so just keep it load and he's up on the cliff [Music] we need to keep our stat City going hey there's just I was in demand because people want to live here so we just wait a bit now make more money I think I felt something is an earthquake run for the hills I hope it's not an earthquake you piece of land available oh you can buy you like a new block you really expand your say well we don't need that yeah we're not quite there [Music] let's see if we can some other load more houses in so we're gonna try make a big boy district that's a really big box and we're gonna do these to get some more housing sorta because we seem to be you seem to be struggling with the demand oh no that's that's commercial hang on that's not what people destroy that one shop [Music] there we go [Music] yeah get some more housing in just extend the pipe all the roads out there we go [Music] whose keys to finish a Charlotte my buildings do be down close to the valuable waterfront oh we don't we don't really mean that yeah we're not we're not at that point just build more boxes you can write good the D zone up sorry i keep getting I keep forgetting that key a little shortcut yeah you're absolutely right okay they want a commercial box we give them a commercial box connects we're gonna extend our box city okay look at this meet the commercial demand meet the housing demand boom town look at this we've public transport now recycling recreational use you types of roads we don't have to just do boxes advance wind turbines Oh gah we got a lot that time trams cemetery [Music] hey well let's just keep building that for a moment or two okay we're gonna make the biggest box of all are you ready for this look at this bad boy [Music] again it's gonna make the boxes even longer [Music] me more I specialize in industry in the forest I can't see the forest right now because it's nighttime I wish those ways just keep at daytime I don't like the night transition it makes it very awkward to see [Music] oh that out [Music] you know a little bit of pike bar that there we go well you you guys are it's always someone complaining about the lack of water yeah well we got it water grades looking good except for this one house fine we'll extend a single pipe just for this one guy there you go you're on the grid Oh God [Music] I saw what I was Edie it annoys me that some of the houses aren't even matters yeah it's just it's just the way they zone in because I have done boxes so we have Smith Street William Street Smith Street Hancock Street Elk Street max White Street Smith Street okay so many of these streets just Smith Street go to Smith Street Smith Street you need some new street names guys all of these cities are just Smith Street so many Smith's now let's get some more industrial in here [Music] a big-boy box okay let's make a nutter like an industrial box right here look at this do you want industry there's your industry industrial box and we need to start making some of these now - I think these make a lot more power you gotta do the upkeep cost isn't as bad either upkeep is 80 a week I know 200 a week it's more efficient I think slightly a water tank reservoir that would be really handy yeah let's pay back that loan so we just earned a bit more in general we get a tank reservoir we can get cemetery I mean I guess it's something you want a [Music] giant Cemetery here that makes people very happy to have okay don't know why the dead were going before that moment but okay we won't question it yeah we need to start getting transport lines we get trams we'll get a bus depot soon [Music] go to Smith Street oh that's mister you know about that Smith Street the other Smith Street [Music] laughter oh this bad boy can put so many smitson you disable night mode and options if you don't like it oh yes please I really don't like night mode what do I do this miscellaneous is a graphic summer how do I disable night mode used a nine cycle real okay now it's just constant day time it's not easier to see when it's day but before it there we go and people are building the new boxes already look at this we have water for that box yeah we do build shelters small emergency shelter a short radio mast a disaster response unit oh my this one is massive whoa we're gonna need a real big box for this oh my god yeah well let okay that's the only that's even gonna be big enough like this box oh it's not a disaster response unit [Music] there we go I mean continue with the box plan from here I think with this one we're just gonna make it so that like this wood thing is just boxed in probably a better way to do it because otherwise we're losing way too much space in zone some more housing there that's not housing got down at the moment want me get around Hayden wolf Thank You Scotty did I get esky potato as well who subbed I think I did all it is evident thank you again for something if I already got it and so we need little shelters I guess let's destroy that man's home let's destroy oh not enough money wait these costs $24,000 oh okay yeah we can't afford too many emergency shelters just the one for us I guess this is the safe zone [Music] and some abandoned houses too her to them there we go more industry more housing she needs some more money so let's just make another box you will want shops some shops [Music] and we're running out of power again okay [Music] water required you build this on the water okay spill it here I guess [Music] okay though should work SF thank you for subscribing I really have to wake up at 2:00 a.m. to catch an IRT stream yes you do so help me God fatal error code if you do not get up in the middle of the night when I and Irish guy I'm streaming there will be blood there will be blood type a real last one I think for the gifted sub-2 and magical crafter it's very kind [Music] okay okay alone City Busytown did he plan in Pauls in palsies level for unique buildings oil industry specialization free public transport something we can make make the lanes are trees now as well she's so pleased but waters doing good let's see let's get some public transport in like a bus depot fit it in can't put it in that box oh wait we don't we don't need this power line as long now cuz it connects there what we can do is we can just put it there yeah public transport place bus stops to create a line [Music] okay let's add the bus line [Music] it seems very inefficient there we go [Music] chief white is just Luke [Music] right finish the line and you're a bit screwed if you want to go over here okay there we go [Music] hey one bus line no self left thanks for giving us up to burrito Matt appreciate it [Music] there we go bus line set up and we need a bouncy castle park put this in here the only one guys home no that's what the bouncy castle park right next to the graveyard I'm sure sure people appreciate that then you know it's you're really sad you just go have some fun in the bouncy castle okay I'm pretty good we're still making money it want more industry for some reason I gave them enough I can now make two-lane roads with trees let's try it that would be a very pleasant road for the complete block of factories [Music] there we go this is mystery the next up of hookah Smith Street Gennesaret over Smith Street I can rename the city actually wait hang on no I gotta get started on this [Music] we have to do this [Music] we have only Smits trees it's the only one we need by the way Amanda met street hello Jones sounds like Smith Street to me there we go to Smith Street Smith Street Smith Street mit Street Smith Street Smith Street and Smith Street so cheeky side street it doesn't look like Schmitt Street to me more Street think you mean Schmitt Street Simon Street I asked close to Smith but it's no Smith Street there we go [Music] it's incredibly important to me this one was already named Smith Street look at that I didn't even I didn't even edit that one game I actually named it Smith Street there we go welcome everyone the Smith Street it's beautiful and apparently we need another box okay we're good these boxes are getting bigger just houses all along here yo what we can probably do is well now we can just like we can just make some of these boxes like even bigger than they already are three of these roads let's just extend the box I want only boxes oh yeah grapes menstruation yeah one that was probably Goldschmidt Street yeah we need some more water [Music] there we go everything's on the grid are this one road now on the grid move the bus line set up Schmidt Street Fighter zero people a week on the bus line now what's going on here no one's using the bus well I do [Music] you need to close it Oh [Music] how do i alright yep bus lines should we have a tree street code how do I close it it's so close like why doesn't it close we have buses everywhere now well why is some fuzz come back in go back to the first stop which one was the first stop that one the line is complete you just have to go up and down this road like seven times on the roof a power from Bosch okay the bus is now functional cool we're gonna get a water reservoir I need pipes through this power line okay [Music] well let's get that felt fresh water output lets out excess water I know you want to keep that just make more reservoirs okay I heard Smith Street is a popular good Street I don't worry about the bus line too much anyway like it's all gonna make it to Smith Street no we need more water apparently unless we have max capacity oh yeah we can make another pump station have you Google pump stations working in harmony let's just solve any water issues meaning you're right Park I already have [Music] the lazarette Plaza I supposed to make the lazarette Plaza okay pop this in over here I guess hurly he was subscribing as well so many unique parks we can make we make a pyramid of safety I want to make a pyramid to safety that's a lot of money will get towards it [Music] I'm gonna save it so we don't live any progress as well you file - maybe the water sewage that you can be closer to the water supply oh it's fine okay well know what we can do is have a put there cuz I think the rivers going that way that you're maybe help is there a way to just let me get a sewage treatment plant water treatment plant okay you have anymore population I could move it over here I might do that I put it over here without help well that know what I won't help apparently okay well what what's the do anymore trash disposal what I say in nine shot dumps doing fine [Music] on Smith Street please look at the arrows what arrows [Music] I don't see arrows I think there's a little water things I don't know I don't know what people are telling me [Music] yeah okay so what's treatments fine like don't worry about it I have full confidence like you the only like a lovely like murky Brown you know that's fine well what clean it looks No [Music] I'm really happy with how this cities been I was playing the long con this entire time this is my plan from the stars took an hour for this joke took an hour oh it was the word [Music] now it's a period of time Forest Service QL media is on the meteorite this was the summoning stone for the meteors you all thought I was doing a proper bill I was I was trying to hold back this the entire time [Music] that was so I can't believe how quickly everyone like the population just drops the border got bends yeah I think we messed up somewhere and on that sure you know I think it's time to wrap up this dream thank you so much everybody for coming by the streams that I hope you enjoyed it I had good fun playing City skylines I may play that one again in future I all kind of want to play it on my own off time now cuz cuz I really enjoyed it I was having a lot of fun let me see who I can pass the host ooh who is going yeah Jimmy is life okay we gotta we gotta pass it on the Jimmy every time we see him so glassy game and he currently has six people watching him go send him some love big ole ride for Jimmy thank you for coming by two folks I hope you enjoyed the stream I'll be back tomorrow I have a bit of an interesting game I want to try out in tomorrow's stream I don't know people have heard of it it's like go anything sell cardboard life easily it's like a Minecraft version of Minecraft everything's made of cardboard and it looks kind of me I'm saying give her a key for it so I thought I'd give it a go but thanks for going folks and until then I'll see you all have a good day
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 9,091
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303173996, rtgamecrowd, Welcome to Gridlock Hell, Cities: Skylines, Twitch, Gaming, Welcome, to, Gridlock, Hell, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: 30DvLDwjpCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 15sec (10695 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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