RT Podcast: Ep. 513 - Burnie Saves Gavin

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to Lucy podcast this week brought to you by equip Robin Hood and stitch fix there there and there I'm Gus I'm Gavin I'm Bree I'm Gus you are not Robin Hood Robin Hood new is that our yeah yeah Robin what do they do investment okay that just called Robin Hood yeah I like curious you know the services are steal from rich give to the poor I'll review 30 to 60 seconds of information in a few minutes future rich self they give to your poor so I'm just reading the red thread about you still from you at you and time yeah they steal from you in the future and they bring it back into the past and give you the money if you could go back in time and give you at age 10 hit your current money would it go well no or you would give a 10 year old money how would that go money you might invest really what you might buy email or something was that do I have the same knowledge as well you can tell him what you want the problem is if I like trademarked email they've named it something else and then I would come back and would have the Gmail dumbest name ever was that jokey right well I eat like invest in email something it was walked out I tell myself to invest in email invested Amazon when everyone thought it was a joke for the first five years it was in existence those richest man in the world how much is he worth sixty seven point eight million dollars million million billion sorry billion billion damn is he I don't know it all depends on where is like 140 billion one hundred fifty five point three billion Hawaii one fifty five point goes up by like several billionaires every week so by the way the point three is three hundred million point is a very important point when you do like 155 billion you'd be like why do you need the point three it's because it's three hundred million in the lottery fifteen ninety million dollars does not show up on that rounding know ninety million ninety nine million dollars would not show up which I know what you wanted to become a trillion uh what I want to know would you want him to be a trillionaire why would I want anybody to be a trillionaire what does it matter to me be awesome if someone was like I have a trillion dollars what does that do for me I don't like to trillion dollar companies now three you owe three the one in China I'm gonna shine it yeah and they're what Apple use Amazon yeah something in China yeah if you had a trillion dollars could you buy yes a planet so Gavin that's a really question no the answer or you buy one let's weigh the out but nobody knows about like there's a dude who we've talked about this for who owns the moon so that's been selling for like 50 years he's been selling acreage on the moon but he said he's made millions Barbara how much would what planet would you buy if you could buy a planet virtually worthless I probably get on Venus no honey Mars is like short-term investment you think about it yeah right cuz we're going to Mars next yeah you could start selling stuff on I'm planning for the future that when you know when the earth when the Sun is gone oh cold it's gonna expand and suck on Venus becomes like a warm blanket you just cover yourself with cozy the gross world product in 2014 was seventy eight point two eight trillion dollars 72 78 points so that is the amount of revenue essentially generated okay which is different than the value of a company yes cuz it takes me a lot of things into consideration what was it that Apple had in cash at one point it was like it was an astronomical $51 million phone came out some guy got an iPhone in fact Brook roll product is combined gross national product of all countries in the world so Jeff Bezos has more money than some industries I'm yeah sure lots of industries like the underwear industry does that yeah he's got a big mean he sells a lot underwear too uh no he's a part of it he's a part of everything don't imagine the come out so 155 billion she's saying if the underwear industry makes 155 billion dollars a year in 2021 the global underwear market is estimated to generate 145 point four billion dollars Wow close you got close and bad but he's worth that amount of money he doesn't make that amount of money every year a little bit of a different statistic but he could just buy underwear good point you can rename him business where yeah what if this is like a long term pleasure your sweet sweet bezel you can buy underwear completely and then just say no more or you get rid of underwear tomorrow and then we can still have like 10 billion bucks and it could block it so that no one else can make underwear yeah can you buy a boy this can you be like all right every country let me own this word in the dictionary about a car that's a word no I don't think you could buy a word you trademark a word they'd invent a word and trade market yeah something I'm done read that made me kind of sick pretty good buy a vowel there's a that's sexier pretty good there's a company somewhere and that's Europe well there's Europe countries and they but they have a clothing line in the name of the clothing line is Steve Jobs oh I saw that and the reason why it's called Steve Jobs is because they learned that Apple never trademarked Steve Jobs his name and so they have Steve Jobs clothing they did it in 2012 which was I guess the year after his death right so I mean if he trademarked your name no I don't think how do you trade why would you do that I don't know and why would I guess Steve Jobs would have to trademark his own name but I think you just you can just go to court if something comes up and say this is clearly in freedom fries like Howard Stern try that would coms and stuff I didn't Apple I think Apple went after that Steve Jobs company I won't point try to get him to stop but Apple did I thought so hmm I think there's the logos even look at the logos awful it's disgusting but I I know what they're look like something that fell off a car crash what is that it looks like a person that's hula-hooping why would you like why would this be something like you'd pose like that and take pride in like yeah I feel like your name could be used for a lot of different products like matches my name is used for a outdoor fireplace Burnie burns no I think it's just the Burnie burn inator yeah and you put like a whole log in it and then it burns the log Wow revolutionary not not explaining it well you put it in like vertically in a big one like a log like big like a tree stump it's not small big Walker yeah like um that's that right why even why even cut it down just burn a tree is burn it in place grow a tree up it and burn it yeah yeah the they won their trademark dispute against Apple 1 2017 that's never I say the same Willy what what year did they would it 2017 2007 he's really thought it for five years basically pretty much assuming Apple like hit him with it right away that's the birdie girl is that the burns that's like and a boy log I mean I don't know I'm gonna see these people so get it right this thing it's all wood self burning grill oh you really do put a whole log in there yeah I'm telling so why would he lie about it the whole thing's a log it's all it got it's got uh splits in it pretty much a different and then the the grill itself burns the grill itself so the girls made of wood I haven't investigated the product fully but yes Bernie and easy self-cleaning camp but you look at this log with it's a lock it's big and then s : it that is worse than a cold mailbox I asked for this oh yeah all wood self oh it's made of wood the mascot even looks like you know it doesn't looks like Marvin Jeff why wouldn't you open with that women it's a it's a grill made of wood I'll get that sure although you didn't explain it well a tool you didn't explain it at all I was just trying to remember what it what it was for memory I knew I knew there was a log involved and it was the grill that's all I knew and then it was special not just like toss in a log into a fire well you knew it was it was like every other grill there was a log involved I'm explaining this properly at this point that's what I remember hey barb how was NYCC it's great you have a good time this was I think the sixth year that I've been there well I mean the I would say now it's kind of shifting a little bit - Artie animation general yeah last few years NYCC is where we go to talk about Ruby basically that's basically like Ruby's home field why did it do it RTX we do that we do it too but our focus at NYC sees almost exclusively been Ruby up until me yeah and what's crazy to me is that because we've been going there every year with essentially the same people in the same show that we're representing people still show up every year and want to see us and want to meet the same people I mean granted there are new people that come every year but it's just crazy to me because usually if you go to the same convention or you're up Thierry you just get less and less traction because people like oh we saw them last year or whatever it is but now I get bigger and bigger - I think it was about the same as last year if not maybe a little less attended still a cluster effect but tons of people man I don't think I've ever been to NYC see have you yes I went once are the first year that we went for overseas in 2011 we went yes because it was like the month before I got hired officially and I went with you and Chris and Michael and that was the areata a little ten-by-ten booth and the ten by ten there's the 10 by 20 no is 10 by 10 yeah you're right like the smallest booth I remember we were all sitting on the floor delivering shirts to you based off hand gestures we went a little crazy I think yeah sounds like something Gus would do it using some kind of system in place when I just say what no no no there was still eliminate talking so you just turn around he'd be like I need a medium that meant the laser face yeah that's great yeah it was great talking about it fondly don't be jealous it's okay one day you can go to New York huh I don't want dude you listen that is not FOMO that I have I do not want to go to New York I go I've been to San Diego comic-con so many times and it's a drag but in New York comic-con it's the same thing but they got pizza rat it's get pizza rat cosplay that's it sucks on the west coast you got to get authentic New York Pizza rat there are so many people to leave a comic-con they just like pack those hallways yeah walkways mime hallways between booths and then people all the time just walking and they just stop oh they just I could stop I could go on this entire podcast about my pet peas at cons like that yeah people would just stop and look or Oh who are like oh can I take a photo of your cosplay in the middle of this escalator where it stops right and everyone's getting off cool spatial awareness goes out the door yeah general it's not just that Kong thing I think it's anywhere where there's like a mass number of people's overwhelming this thing like that the same way you like you people will just walk and then stop you know in the middle of a door or you know in the place where everyone needs to get their console it's because people are observing the booths or the banners or whatever is up around them so people are like looking around looking at cosplay looking at God knows what and not being aware of people trying to get somewhere trying to pass them or even listen walk so it's like understandable to an extent but still just as aggravating Kevin Pereira has one of my favorite quotes of all time they said on Twitter which he was mad because he was walking around San Diego comic-con he just couldn't get anywhere because I was stopping or just meandering and he said on Twitter guys Jesus Jesus people at comic-con walk like old people the perfect description of how people move about in a con it's a nightmare it's also not even a nightmare in the convention center itself in the hallways but getting to the convention center from outside the building uh-huh just because it's just swarms of it's okay Chris proceed people okay continue mr. Gavin no one spilled their beer in a really long time we're Spyro comic-con to me that always was that we always had a boobies right next to mega64 that's the best part for me this guy in the mega64 booth who would just go BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP blop Saul you hated that guy now he works in our of buddy happy to be here boss you used to drive me insane at conventions I don't think you're the only one that I drove crazy baby thank you for having me you had energy in all the wrong directions that's that sounds absolutely right that's like a convention to a tea though alright I liked one of them duh what's the one that looks like a girl Shawn yeah yes yeah Shawn John John what are you drawing I like him Eric thought everyone shitless now cuz he keeps making a stop singing on poker it's not like I want to who's a cupboard frog killing the messenger it's a legal yeah but we're having discussions about it there's emails in play right now okay Oh a male God serious should we sit business dude should we sing while we wait no yeah I don't whistle while you work elevator I really don't really know I got thrown under the bus Patrick here Patrick are you laughing yeah I'm gonna get thrown at the bus yeah off-topic guys were singing and then they got off from they were like that was like 12 songs that we're gonna have to stay all my net it out and yeah birdie said we can do it well like the only conversation I had about it was someone said we should be able to sing without it being a legal issue and I go you know you're probably right we should look into that I go that does seem too stringent well Jeff said that green light green light being more than I sing as much as you can green green light was the word that got back to me Bernie green lit this like milling about it isn't that also code for like authorizing someone's murder well when you've been greenlit yeah I mean like a hit list right really yeah I would think would be like red light or something cuz that's that got to go ahead to stop their life well yeah that and also like if I assume it's like a sniper so it's like a red light you know go go again cuz you know how like the sniper little like Red Dog laser sight yeah I mean yeah I might stop like you stop living notes look at that yeah yeah yeah right don't be the rapist from distance don't actually use a laser sight though I know you can see it I was just trying to think of some reasoning why it would be different I was super disappointed Oh in spider-man ps4 game that the Spidey signal is one of the things you find the backpack but you can't use Spidey signal mmm I like spicy signal I never knew really what it did because spider-man had it was and I don't know if you would like signal himself so but we had a Spidey signal and I was like that when I was a kid I just want to be included yeah it's Batman's what he needs has anyone played a Odyssey Sanskrit Odyssey I just can't play anything I hate it there's so many games no I'm blitz sure I have props no good it's this means pretty good it reminds me very much of origin I feel like origins origin origins origin for G's or origins Assassin's Creed already does a good job the part of a game like that that I hate the most is when you start I feel like normally you could use like I know how to play this game I don't need this tutorial I don't care and you get thrown in sometimes you're lost in a story I felt like they did a really good job of starting it's like action action action you do stuff to start a game I think this game starts well I don't think it does you please start someone else again there you don't there you go you're not you absolutely do you did not star to someone else you started as one of the characters is oh you do start is Lea nice and then and then you turn into a professor a female professor I do not like that they go to the anima stuff they did I give that up yes they should have just cut that look there's no point in that no I needs to know that it's the simulation do you I mean does it have to be have you ever made these synchronizing anybody ever in the history of Assassin's Creed who's a fan of that game and the new ones coming out they're like thank God I cannot wait to find out how the modern day corporate story ends has anyone ever said that man mild stuff was cool I saw terrible no no no they gotta cut all that they gotta get rid of all of that it was cool I think they'd do that I think they had that whole storyline layered in there so that they can have like shitty loading screens and they don't have to like and or something pops in like when you come back out of the Eagle mode and it's all blue rez behind you yeah they just do it so like oh you're in the Animus so you we did that game you start someone else don't like that and then I get far around with some like poncey little story like ah some bloke up the hill owes me money and then you do nothing let's go straight into the hit you are you go to get your money yeah but then you immediately get that cool thing where the bounty hunters chasing you yeah that's cool but bloody and like Assassin's Creed 3 where you don't even get to the main character for like four hours well okay everything you described Unitas he's about five minutes right god yeah yeah I think I thought it was all done real I thought the onboarding for that game was phenomenal but starting out I know that's all that's all I've done so how does that happen again I just put it down I don't feel like I've played the game yet and I've played like an hour and the one weird thing I would say is that you don't see the Assassin's Creed like go like you don't see the opening credits for like two or three hours into that game you play the game I mean it's like Assassin's Creed oh you know Odyssey was like oh yeah I guess I haven't seen that I haven't my problem with the game is and I put this in my journal on the site is I went to go buy it literally I go to expert guide played on xbox go to new games it's the first three rows of new games these assassins creed yeah first three cuz it's like there's this asset read the game there's the deluxe edition which is I don't know I looked at it for every the puss one of some I have some of them season pass some of DLC some of them have a secret mission there's like a Greek secret mission there's four versions I forget there's normal deluxe something and then ultimate and ultimate is the 120 dollar one yeah and I feel like you still like getting everything keep so there's okay I looked one mission there's a page on the Ubisoft website what is it it's a FAQ what is included in my edition of sanskrit origin what are the four editions standard edition got it Deluxe Edition digital deluxe edition physical Deluxe Edition game what that's exclusive to the retailer game Gold Edition gods edition dawn of the creed edition legendary daughter the Creed Edition that's it no weirdo to me there's an Ultimate Edition - I don't steal to it on here that's definitely ultimate there's definitely on the Xbox is definitely Altair this is the Australian website maybe this is different here's what they need to do hey that out that needs to be one entry for census creed origin I mean Odyssey and then when you've downloaded it and you're in the melon audience by the way I up I'm looking when you're in the menus that's when you select which one you want to buy there shouldn't be it should be littering the store no a I agree our load the hub and then be like I want that version one in the game even got in the store gap in new games it's like it's a separate title they have all these helix credits things up I'm just like I just want to buy this game it took me half a day artists figure out standard edition Digital Deluxe Edition Gold Edition Ultimate Edition digital Medusa addition what we're gonna do sorry pantheon edition and that's it that's it 12 and I don't like buying a season pass with the main game because you never know how long a season is like destiny right well you don't know if you like the game right I don't say like destiny like you bought the season pass and then it didn't even come with taken King like that was you get to buy that separately to the season pass horse is anus yeah horse is I just normally you're my problem was I couldn't even look at the Ultimate Edition which was a hundred and twenty dollars oh the Medusa Edition comes with stuff the like a tradition what is that my cat what do you call that a little thing some shitty little thing that people put on their shelf dorks anyway has status I don't like knickknacks I hate knickknacks I've always hated them I have a Master Chief helmet somewhere in my house for an alleged addition we should do that the next time we release a physical disc whenever we have a disc coming up for one of our movies or something let's release like ten editions of it they're all stupid some of them come with trash it's like literally it's just like a crumpled up piece of paper I just want to call something the Medusa edition yeah it's got a live snake in it and when you open it you what do you have what do you have like that I had the reach one it got rid of that like there's these big collectibles I got a pip-boy that was I like that but I hate that Pip Boy yeah I think I only got the Master Chief hat yeah it's like the baseball cap you put on the weekend is this chief one number Assassin's Creed game is this left and it safe what eight no I think we're double digits still an overarching story are they still trying to get towards like you want to try to count these Yankees games I'll say him Assassin's Creed 3 Assassin's Creed 2 Assassin's Creed 2 and then Brotherhood and Revelations Creed Brotherhood as I scream Revelations Assassin's Creed 3 Sanskrit 4 Black Flag SAS Creed rogue assassin creed unity oz Creed syndicate assassin creed origin sighs Crete Odyssey you're missing one single letter gets in there what's the DIA five and then you say five with the foots French won the French one French one your France oh that was a unity okay yeah I got 11 I'm fast I'm going to describe I'm struggling to put into words why I like games and why I don't and I feel like it's all in the feel of the game like some games feel like clunky yeah like I didn't like Black Flag for the dumbest reason in the upper right you know what has the the buttons like a b-boy they were all gold really and they look like they would feel shitty to touch and I was like I don't like the style of this game I did mine that was it really they like like the girls a stupid version a stupid reason I was bugging about Assassin's Creed is I don't like when you can do something on a controller and something happens on screen that you know way you intend in real life like you're running and you want to run into the tavern and you're like running for the door of the tavern imagine you it's a real life you're gonna run in the tavern you ready to go store the tavern you missed by a little bit so you run up the side of the building win on the roof and it's just like I shouldn't be able to accidentally do we talked about this and it was the same in someone of the Splinter Cell games like blacklist or something where I was just trying to pick up a gun let's try to pick up a body or something but instead very different I turn around I slam the doors I know and I turn the light switch on and then I jumped onto a pipe in the ceiling I was like I just want to move this body I think my favorite animation and just all video games across the board is when you are running towards a door it's like at full speed and then the animation stops turns the door open walks in and then you continue to spray like a wall you're running full speed and you're still moving your arms tyrant 2025 in chat says we should have a Garbo edition of our next physical release where the disk is just broken when you get it there's just like snapped into people wouldn't like that Mel but people if you sign up for it and you know you're getting the Garbo edition oh we should just put out we should like make the DVD and just not test it and put it in competition and people can counterfeit Garbo editions by just breaking their currency no you gotta have a Garbo certificate of authenticity yeah it's like written on the wrapper of like a Big Mac earth it's like partially smudged often Akane man I was playing something just recently camera was there playing something worse like the guy just wasn't doing on screen what I wanted you Mayo's watching Ashley do it she's playing this uh little nightmares she's playing for club club for game club and it actually looks really cool it looks like a cool successor to limbo but uh or what's the follow to limit outside inside or outside it was tied intact and it was outside then it's inside now it's in time but it looks like a it's like a I don't know just an obviously not made by the same people or anything like that but it just it looked cool but she was furious the whole time because it's like it's not doing what you wanted you couldn't tell like where the character was depth wise in the screen which you know you'd miss a door that you were walking like towards and stuff like that really my cousin did motion capture and like voice performance in Assassin's Creed really yeah it's like so as an actor or as a technician - as an actor okay yeah she's an actress and a voice actress what did she play it looked oh it looks like a character that looks like Daenerys Targaryen you see yeah but I keep I keep my eyes you know you can do romance stuff in romance you're all dressed like Black Flag the most we like by far the most I don't know what you're talking about you guys go buttons luck flags awesome let's go good it's right is it will it be to go back to now they're well they're going back to it with the Skull and Bones well mm-hmm they're going back to the gameplay via the skullenbones their naval game Ubisoft Ubisoft or Ubisoft Ubisoft so they're making a skull and bones you just keep saying over and over it's an a it's a naval game would you if you have ships and you fight there's uh there's naval stuff in Odyssey - it's like sea thieves but there's no people you're just a boat like the we knew when you lock up when you grapple and you get some B's about that's you just win that's how you win there's no great getting on the boat and then the swashbuckling nah just shooting cannons you love boat games 9 boat games that make sense we want to be a boat pilot when you was it captain Captain Crunch he didn't go to captain school so you call an African boat driver we learned it showed us the name of the characters that year I don't spoil or anything yeah so we don't say it out loud because we're not sure spoiler I don't know does he know a joke haven't say a joke real quick there you got a joke textures yeah send us a joke here let me read this while we wait for Larry's joke reminder when this episode the received podcast is brought to you by quip one of the most important things we do for our health every day is to brush our teeth so important that your gums the teeth can affect other parts of your body yet so many of us aren't brushing them properly quip is designed to make brushing your teeth for simple affordable and even enjoyable did you brush for a full two minutes up to 90% of us don't and that's gross Equipe has a built-in two-minute timer which pulses every 30 seconds to remind you to switch sides Equipe is one of the first electric toothbrushes accepted by the American Dental Association has thousands of verified five-star reviews brush heads are automatically delivered on a dentist recommended schedule every three months for just five dollars the quit brush is really nice I love how clean my teeth feel after using it I'm super convenient travel with also that's gentle enough for sensitive gums but still gets the job done leaves me with a clean mouth that's why I love quip and why they're backed by over twenty thousand dental professionals quip starts at just $25 you go to get clipped calm slash roosterteeth right now get your first refill pack free with equip electric toothbrush that's your first refill pack free at GE t q UI p comm slash roosterteeth you quit for sponsoring this episode of the Recife podcast you gotta floss in floss uh I don't I feel like I'm letting myself letting people to help enough really I think it's a big lie that everyone says they floss and don't do you floss uh no I think I floss before the dentist I do it more I probably floss like four times a week that's that's a lot for lot that's good yeah I got a reminder to do it no my you're supposed to do it what two times a day one time a day I don't know I don't think you times deal I think it's one time a day okay I also find it interesting that people will brush but not floss but I never met anybody who flosses but doesn't brush well if you floss and don't brush your breath still stinks you brush to at least like reset I think so I think the glass gets all the things out it can tell the little bits that's what caused the bad breath yeah your breasts I'll it stinks though if you floss and don't brush everyone should be brushing get equipped a cop just pulled out I put a bag of fruits on Swizzy macadamia nuts did you hear about that united flight that almost ran her fuel going to Australia what there's no LA to Sydney and on approaching the city they had to declare a mayday emergency because they were running out of fuel so Sydney had to clear all the arrivals and give them priority to come in and land how'd that was it just headwinds weapon they said there was more headwinds than expected was a 787 but it's just a formality right like if you hit your reserves you just have to declare that's what they say but it's like how what does that mean like practically how much was the left in the plane because if you listen I listen to the tower the tower asked him do you have enough fuel to make it to the gate or do you need assistance with that like they're asking holy yeah that's just procedure I'm sure at that point then 45 minutes of flight time I don't know if I buy that that's even a day I think maybe to me is they are with your we're going down no you can't around you call Mayday on that one it seems pretty dangerous at worst annoying thing happened at the airport going to Iceland the other day where it was just i watched bad information just spread like a virus really so I I was in Group one so there was like five people ahead of me walking down the jet bridge and I wasn't really paying attention look at my phone and all of a sudden they the people in front of me start turn him back and like towards me so I'm like oh yeah they're not ready on the plane yet and they're just walking back and they're like oh we didn't see the sign as I argus there was a sign and then the person behind me started telling people buying him our planes not ready yet so everyone went all the way back up the jet bridge what so like almost into the terminal and then the people right the front put their carry-on by the sign that said drop it here but everyone else thought oh my god and they didn't say anything they were just watching every single person walk all the way back and I was like oh my god the problem they just you know when if you feel like doing a gate check yeah you have to leave it at the end of the jet way they took it all the way to the plane and then like oh I missed a sinus they just will have to walk you back but every like 50 people went back quick but you're only my god this was British Airways pretty sure was a nourishing it where the usually that drop-off is right by the door to the plane maybe they didn't have the gate tag they must so they would have to go back one of those split once where just like there's only one door to two jet bridges so it's like further back and it was just comical how quickly people just assumed that the plane wasn't ready and then by the time we got to the plane the flight attendants were like where is everyone and I was like these idiots there's just too many idiots yeah I saw a Lufthansa a380 land here in Austin the other day it's coming no this was like a mistake yeah yeah you couldn't wait it was supposed to blend in Houston and it got diverted I was walking to stage 2 and I was hooked up I was like that's our huge plane Austin cannot even land that yeah because it used to be an Air Force Base here every night while ago yeah yeah I was at the airport for that did you see it I did nice that's pretty cool go for that did I go for that oh you just happen no I would find it I didn't go all the way to the airport to see Air Force one no no I don't want a plane ticket next you went through security alright great trip I've never seen that Force One nor have I I've seen bear force 1 which is a great song thank you it came saw a song yeah I don't know where I was going with this video it's a it's a music video you know Air Force one you know Tom who did from MySpace yeah we're friends Tommy works here does like cranks I'm sorry yeah he also started MySpace I was just walking through rekka Vick Airport and I just got in a line to get coffee and he was in Fermi Tom that's bizarre and I don't I looked at him and I was like it took me like 2 min 2 seconds to register that he didn't just look familiar it was the person that I know and I thought I was in a dream I was like panicking I was like why is he here it's like your brain ran out of like random generated people so started pulling people he knew for a dream it was one of the odds of that it was a random coffee shop it wasn't like at the airport who's at the airport ah but still yeah I guess still oh it would have been crazy for it was just like a random airport in the city be worth as a net point to see I mean they're really really yeah I ran into Matt son at the library I never runs it anybody anyway Matt school is Iceland what are you the library never the library boy JD is currently studying for the PSAT have you not been to the new Austin Central Library I haven't been there yet it's gorgeous it was like on a time list of luck one of the what was it like one of the most beautiful places in the world or something yeah for the most bookful places in Austin yeah it's beautiful it's got like a gorgeous rooftop terrace area with like a tree growing up it was it was declared one of the world's greatest places by Time magazine it's more building than books yeah seems like it's out of whack for a library should be way more books yeah right like it's too many books this is the opposite it's too much building so what did he need a book for so we just went to the library because JD is studying for the PSAT do you know the PSAT is yes the SATs or the silent piece it's the practice SAT it's a you say practice you say pre I thought it was pre I thought it was preached he's 16 this is junior takes a PSAT and then the spring he's gonna take that going to college soon yeah he's looking at college right now holy SAT is it's like an English GCSE I believe so well I took a SAT I six acts when I was in like es6 India - I think when we take tests we take standardized tests called like the Iowa touch do we still take those dollars right that's all quite now yeah I don't know test I took in school used to be the right setting of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills yes yeah whatever do the beep test in gym class the beep test like we're hearing no it was a gym classes but run back and forwards yeah oh so you'd have to run from one line to the next run back just come forward and the beeps would like start increasing in speed and if you couldn't make it back in time then you were out and so like the higher number of beeps you would get them I guess better shape you were in or higher athletic skill you had yeah I did it once I really see the point like I don't know why they testing it people drop out I don't know why either you didn't get like it great on it got a D couldn't get into Harvard because of it bleep by the way my dad never sent me a joke but just in case he didn't I looked up a couple jokes and one made me like legitimately that way I thought he'd sent a joking I thought you were laughing I looked up one what do you call it bear with no ears B damn it really yeah beep that's a bear without ears what it shouldn't be bad without his then yeah probably yeah you can't lose your dad didn't ever joke ready I eat maybe just didn't hear guys ask for one oh you're just texting he's always having one ready that's the whole point he's gotta apparently this is a tough skill to have a joke credit every time have you ever been to Iceland no but I would love to go talk did you see the borealis we're not busy I'm nice at night you're busy I was too busy to do this well it needs to be night and also I really was gonna sleep because I had we had like 5 a.m. start so I stay awake see the borealis was the Sun up and why to add a issue with the neck had the Sun risen at 5 a.m. no mmm let's be ready to shoot though tis DC at 5 a.m. that's nighttime sun's not up figure you can see it I feel like the sudden light so where is that you go to all these wonderful places very fortunate your career to be able to do that does it bother you that you always have to do with Dan yes you're right that's got to be it's got to be a letdown Isis a bit of a whiner any noisy list there's much me I would imagine that travelling with Dan you're a hundred percent in charge of the plants like if anything's gonna happen even like meals or anything done and just he'll go but he's not gonna plan anyway so it's like when you travel with me exactly which makes me super happy because that if you have to put up with that from Dan that makes me happy but if I have a travel with you it's for you so true well I'm never like no I can't with New York with you with you for your brain casting that's true I saved your life too from that big fire I don't think I did because I thought maybe you'd you would be upset with us but not occur they we did this big brand cast thing and they were having mic problems and they take all the influencers and they put him right down front because they want to show a brand cast is YouTube's show that they put on during the up front or the new fronts I guess I don't know which one they're a part of its afraid to advertises hey advertised on YouTube it's great so it's probably one of the worst audiences ever it's all like ad agencies and brand managers and they get big names for it hey Perry and James Corden and stuff done Brian were Santana con oh my gosh [Laughter] I mean they had like this crazy setups like Gavin had this whole thing for someone guys where they had all these different kinds of chocolates or little desserts you were the dessert station right am I remembering this right this was last year you have slo-mo trouble guys a big part of brain cast every year because they're big branding anyway the year we went there having audio problems there's all this other stuff then all of a sudden the fire alarm started going off okay we're in a stadium Madison Square Garden where something I wear was Ambus Madison Square Garden one of the like the big ones and it was like eight to ten thousand people in their presentation yeah fire alarm starts going on and the person presenting is like you know and it's one of those things where no one's doing anything you know and you always hear about this like somebody's in trouble nobody calls the cops everyone's assumes somebody else is gonna do some people look it around and up guy on stage is kind of like guess I'll just keep going but no one came out to be like don't worry and then and there was kind of little nerves laughter and then there was this noise gust that started all the way in the back and it was up on the ceiling which is way up there and it was this sound all the way up to the front of the auditorium and I was like that is the air vent shutting off that's what that sound is I literally just grabbed Gavin and Dan said we're leaving right now and like walked out literally no and no one else in 8,000 person theater we were in the front of this thing we just I stood him up and we walked straight out the door there anything it was just they had a problem - fire alarm now I've got so many texts because other youtubers set around us like watch this leave and they're like is there they were concerned enough to text and find out but not actually get up I got like five texts being like what's going on winter fire I can't take any chances dude yeah I appreciate that were that when we had to that one year we had to evacuate the convention center here in Austin it was a similar thing where the alarms went off then we came over this someone came over speaker and told people start evacuating then I went under the floor to make sure you were evacuating I saw some people just like kind of staring at center stage and they're like talking to each other and they're walking off to like away from the exits to go look at more boost I was like you guys doing so get the out of here yeah and then I start walking to like further sexy I was like no right there that one get out the exhibit is oh no look ya'll need to get the out of here I was probably a cool experience though to be told to get the out of a command center by God they're probably super happy about that wow I'm so glad we stayed yeah scary looks like you would hate to be trapped or die because you assumed it wasn't real that'd be a shitty way to go smart about it because let's say they came out and they're like there is an issue that could cause of 8,000 people bar but yeah exactly it crushed yeah I mean I think I'd rather be in the first hundred walking out that door as opposed to like seven thousand out of a dozen yeah I've been we've all been in stadiums before people don't just like clear out super fast it takes a long fun man it was a really horrible fire that happened at a club here in Austin well it was the name of clubs right off Riverside and they had a fire it was a heavy metal band a heavy metal club that was out the back door was the back door Patrick Tuohey remembers Petra Sawyer but uh it was awful was like people tried to flood out the front doors of club had double doors but too many people tried to go through the doors at the same time and then they just wedged everyone was wedged in the doorway and ton of people died oh my god it was awful what was that it's 2008 eight seven eight seven of that recent yeah that's why I don't know I don't think so I don't know those rotating doors assuming I supposed to use them in a fire I don't know why not revolving door yeah cuz you touch them and they slow down or go they stop and then you got push him automatically yeah it's super easy to with your friends in a revolt or two could you just touch it it stops and they will continue put your foot and just like they slam into the door but also probably crushes the out of your foot though nothing there's automatic ones where if you close the wall it'll stop I hate those yeah there's what the hotel we were staying at in New York and I bashed myself into the glass never successfully gone through those without running in it I had to like walk like this like just along the side all of the time that people have spent waiting for that to restart again that is probably years and years of wasted significant amount they could just tweak it a little bit it should feel like yeah and then keep God immediately I gotta say though I love video compilations of people walking in the glass walls or glass doors enough for it yeah alright you know or they just like rebound off when you when you take pleasure in the misfortune of others just like a German I'm afraid I think that was schadenfreude sad and Freud way I could be saying it wrong certain proud shrine from it was a it was like a mime troupe in the 80s and David Letterman no Louise had him on I just didn't say a mime troupe they were like avant-garde performance art schadenfreude that's it yeah yeah that's what that is that's that you have which is the German language all right Kevin I like German to you they don't make up new words they just add words to other let's just get really long yeah they just keep like taking they make everything's a compound or they just like weird have a word that means yeah like Beth is what like deflator mouth which is just what like the flying mouse just compound words I think Japanese is like that too or it's like it's just like you just mash words together to make new words super weird as you trying to miss me to get new cat I'm trying to be like how many guess you go what a one I got Nick nutmegs she's so small your cat slowly you're cutting it a little cat that make throws up all the time and if bugs the out of me like I got it like once a day there's whatever sheets her food doctor had we done that but guess like cat throws up she too fussed yeah she has like a little medicine now like a like a capsular to break on her thing and but they weren't concerned about it I think she just needs too much put less who do you mash up the food for her maybe she's seen too big tried everything she has dry food the dry food works the best for her she seems like it I wasn't giving her like like straight-up she came out of a can I like cheery the chicken in the can it's good like a whole chicken nope it's just like chicken breast chicken like tuna but it's chicken I chopped up yeah yeah that's have an issue that it's just it's just the chicken was so longer does that mean it was so long ago the vision was it was alive that a long time ago he'd get a whole chicken in the can that's gross oh yeah have you seen the cheeseburgers in a can no I saw someone doing a review of those on YouTube where she bought a bunch of like cheeseburgers in a can it was just like opening them and unfurling them and they're never as bad as you think they are in your head right now they look what yep there you met a mister heat in the can or you take it out and put it in mine yes you can heat it in the cans I guess like if you can't be right you put it like on the fire mmm so I saw something online the other day that cheeseburger yeah I thought that was the open mouth of a fish pickle yeah pickle that pickle the stupid girls are jammed all the way over on the edge we can't even get in the middle there yeah have you heard if that's just strumming stuff that you get in a can the strumming stuff yes strumming it's like fermented fish of some sort command and it smells so bad that you can't open on a plane you're really gonna play no why would you do that and apparently it's like if the splash from opening the can gets on you it'll just ruin that item of clothing so you man open underwater what and people and what do you do it you eat it you a yeah yeah yeah I'm like a cracker Grossmont underwater but they can like good because because the fish creates gas when it goes all gammy which is what makes it delicious apparently the price is one of the worst-smelling things you can eat fermented fish it's between that and when people heat up broccoli in a microwave lutefisk surstromming the world's the smelliest food in the world oh we should get some no but let me go to Sweden lutefisk is pretty bad too and that's like not as severe as what you're talking about it's still gross right lutefisk Luka lutefisk it's like fish in lye yeah like pickled fish yeah is that the same I know member went to Sweden oh that's the thing that's just a fish yes fish what he mentioned drinking that water look yeah parently just being near that it ruins your clothes so I don't want to I don't want to eat it you like tuna fish I love tuna fish yeah me too I like tuna fish I just realized something when I ask that question we got a guy that works with us he asked really weird questions but he asked him great like Chris nope he asked him with the oven I'll tell you my favorite when he ever asked me and you'll know exactly who I'm talking about he watched Stephanie goes timsy TPG my favorite thing he's ever asked me goes spurns what's your opinion excellent excellent walls man I forget what the he said to me in your we were just in New York anything about fish no it was something it was I said you like tuna fish and when I said it I reminded myself of Tim G he just does a selfie drops he's like it's next line like you owe me I don't with that she I know the way you could have assets do with a I'm thinking about something about with the accent wall if you want to get a great introduction G go check out his youtube series the green life of green life I love it where he's making he's growing vegetables he's doing his own thing he's it's great you know who's actually appeared on the green life who the slow mo guys oh really collab wait really yeah that's me gonna joke we did in that what do you film we're gonna be bepest was it a carrot growing in slow motion nah what'd you film in Iceland volcano oh just stuff and I cut if I can say it cuz it's not yet why not your loss is a YouTube thing ah okay you ruin their brand he went in and filled it in slow-mo doing here let me read this other thing when I mine everyone this episode received podcast is also brought to you by Robin Hood oh you're asking about them earlier I was asking earlier don't let investing your money scare you Robin Hood is an investing app that works for everyone no matter if you're an expert on stocks and options or barely understand what a 401k does Robin Hood lets you buy and sell stocks ETFs options and crypto we're just a few and best of all they are commission-free other brokerages charge up to 10% for every trade but not Robin Hood trade stocks and keep all of your profits with Robin Hood you don't mess with commission fees 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did yes and then after it sold at auction he hit a button or someone that works with him hit a button that activated the shredder and shredded about two-thirds of the face and he's now estimated that it went up to X in value yeah I was saying when I saw the happen site I would be ecstatic if I just bought that right and that that happened and there was film footage of it and I would keep it framed exactly how it is but like most of it shredded oh it's still in there dropped at that point right yeah I wonder why he didn't make it go away the only thing I can think is he said he had done it a few years ago maybe the battery had lost some charge so it didn't have enough charge left to do the whole there was speculation and it was all just fake that it was just like a roller in there that just like lowered down just on that so odd just like what anything that's not it's all theoretical how does anyone deal with it don't touch it like how do you know who is just right so how does he do business oh he probably has people yeah how do you verify bang see I don't know I think the point is you don't you shouldn't have to verify it like he's done things where he's gone out to like Street markets and he'll sell his pieces for like 10 or 20 bucks so is there a bunch of imitation stuff I'm sure there is that's really cool I love that yeah we're going to like a little flea market yeah he'll film a video and be like look I was at Central Park the other day and I was selling all my work for 10 or 20 dollars to anyone who walked up and bought it is there a theory like Banksy is multiple people kind of like how Shakespeare was multiple people or kiss or deaf punk yeah punk yeah yeah I've heard I heard that before that's like a community yeah or communal group it's not any one person well that's a you watched a good place know one of the guys in there is like a stand-in for P stands and for like they don't say deadmau5 but the characters obviously based on deadmau5 and he just goes in tours is him you know both as he gets plenty of Fame he's the fake version of that guy yeah that's great man once you put on the mask or a helmet or you hide your identity doesn't matter you can be like I don't do that someone else can go the benefits of Fame without all the downsides of Fame you know he's put the mask on then you're famous right yeah you can never pull the Do You Know Who I am my friend was such a huge kiss fan growing up and then they put out an album oh my name is called unmasked Eric you like WWE that means you have to like kiss too right it's not like I do like kiss where they took off their makeup I don't I don't remember I said one mask is the eighth studio album but yes yeah and they and he came over and he had the cover for it and he was just like this is the craziest day ever I'm like yeah they just looked like a couple of we know four dudes no one had seen their faces no no he did not know what gene Simmons looked like was a simpler time it was a set it was definitely a simpler time I mean I feel like Daft Punk you've also said if you see us without the masks on don't take a picture it ruins it for everyone how would you know who they are do you know what they look like whatever they are they didn't used to have masks yeah well like pre mosques it is where they weren't born with the mask barber I think that I also I tried to memorize the names of the people in Daft Punk multiple times I just can't see it's very French you want to give it a shot Pierre something like hum them something lamarche Pierre La Marche that is one of them and was the other one you're being sarcastic no no Pierre Lamarr it's guy Manuel de homem-christo I guess it's how you think you know how I'm yaddam and Thomas Bangalter so close - your Lamarche the third member of death it's the one with the really long names I can never never remember here the marshal Morgan he can guard I had a signed photo of Morgan Heckman guard and I'm up hey my it's my bus okay any sign - he signed to this Morgan head guard it's the guy who plays three men who used to be on a TV show got New Amsterdam and there's another new TV show on the air right now called New Amsterdam okay so we walk right right it's like it's it's so weird to me how quickly you just like oh yeah we can use that name again like that was already a show Jamie Lannister was on it yeah but it was in the u.s. yeah there's a different story yeah they're not connected or related at all so be like if we start a show called Cheers right if it's not about a bar hmm it's about cheerleaders totally different but it's in Boston of course take what you can you see the Casey the Vice trailer I did for Christian Bale yeah pretty impressive right but Sam Rockwell really nailed like the the mannerisms of George George Bell yeah yeah that's a really good both I mean I would never know they were one of those people to play even with those robas it's Sam Rockwell playing George W Bush and Christian Bale pulling Dick Cheney his vice-president and nothing like him dear he looks amazing in this it's amazing I mean I looked nothing like Christian bow No oh yeah yeah okay have you guys gotten to see yeah pilot a star is born yet now what's up with this movie every keeps talking with I know that's why I'm because I know this one was this is not coming out yet right I think vice comes out in December stars born is a remake of an old yes it seems like a the country version of music and lyrics the one with Drew Barrymore and British guy well stars born was a movie from 1976 oh it's a remake of that one guy who's British guy okay I forget his name Hugh Benedict cumbers oh uh who you here l'm orient hugh laurie aunt you crazy Laurie also British American movies I like is you Laurie in what's up let's say American movie the Hugh Laurie's in obviously he's beloved as his house how there was like a really specific choke like four times that I've seen and I haven't said anything as anyone embarrass you but then you spat it at me you're so delicious no me listen on the movies he's been a key Laurie yeah go for it uh he was in Tomorrowland 101 dalmatians lie to the Phoenix Stuart Little Oh Stuart Little and he's a present American movie end Holmes and Watson 101 dalmatians American movie but Jeff Bridges and he was in house Glenn Close yeah spit when you said oh you look different you look like you in like 2013 today I thought you're gonna say in 20 years is your hair blonder so someone said to me that I look younger you progressed you go back in time yeah bath time give yourself some money I'm dead I did your best I got plastic surgery apparently no thank you I don't know why maybe it's cuz uh my hair said although I don't wear my hair up a lot even when I was younger okay come I can't put my finger on it ma'am you look younger you're refreshed after your trip to New York City yeah you know in New York it just takes the years off yeah all that piss and really cleanses the pores truly one of the great cities of the world there was one street that I walked down on my way to the convention center that I wanted to tell Gavin about in particular where you know how they have those horse and carriages that good around yeah yeah they have those like buckets that hang below the horse's ass so they could as they're walking around somehow we stumbled upon the street where they empty all those out really yep real fun to be walking down and you go okay that is overwhelmingly bad and then we just see people dumping out buckets you might be a proper way to dispose of that and it would be just dump it in the street it's like down sewers but then they were like oh I would just hang around there and tell lies I go on oh thank you a question about New York yeah is literally every day of the week trash day I don't I don't miss mentioned the piles of trash it's something I've never put in movies or in spider-man where do they move it for the movie shows go down the alleys because it's like you get like 25 bags every night outside a restaurant right yeah it's just constant trash I think is they have no alleys I don't put it out on the corner yeah or just like out on the curb there's a listing in the spider-man ps4 game to find the garbage trucks garbage trucks but there's like dumpsters back alley yeah you're looking for one in particular there's nothing I've always seen trash bags in New York I don't think I've ever seen a trash truck now what's happening it must have run it like 2:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning yeah well it drawings picking that stuff up at this place that's a really good question Gavin what I have a machine you put your trash into and it like redoes it I want a visible drone that takes your trash away and it crashes itself into the wys you that's so it efficient because I don't want that dirty ass drone coming back to my house what if it was a UBA and you could just cool in if I want someone else's dirty drone coming or picking up my stuff with the floor how much would you pay for a for trash pickup by drone are you like out in your front yard when you put out your trash going you're not good enough to pick up my trash maybe you like inspecting the truck the rubbish fans were you doing yeah it wasn't Gami dirty truck how much did you pay for it for a drawer and trash pickup uh you know I don't know if I'd want that all right wouldn't you want that those drones to be everywhere maybe loud drones your thing can they probably drop don't lose that volume like 50 feet up yeah well there's one of them when there's like 50 of my I took as a drone flier myself an enthusiast I would say uh they had that big remember the Carrie Fisher memorial that was at Alamo mm-hmm there was literally like 12 drones in the air over the Alamo that night it was just like it's a pretty big cross-section of people who really liked Carrie Fisher and also probably owned a drone so it was the only thing I've ever been to that was a kind of a confined space that has a shitload of drones and I was like I that really turned me off the drugs my future of like I'm really worried about Christmas this year there's like a lot of you learn your drones and they're just gonna be everywhere how much I'm looking at my electric bill here so it's fallen off the bunch what's here late what's your electric bill a month I'm not gonna get into that but how much do you think you pay for solid waste service I pay 40 bucks $45 a month do you okay 26 bucks that's more than I thought well how many guns do you have it's one bin all here's a breakdown one bin and one recycling what's the bin I get the big bin you get that a 64 gallon cart that's the biggest one I think and I think there's one this one bigger is it the big square one yeah do you have the food bin no how about you what is what bins do you have and often there's three bins there's the trash bin the recycling bin and in some places the food cart they don't pick up the recycling every week they would pick picking up every other weekend they've got to fix that cuz because my my is out of whack like I have way more recycling Amma's in cardboard you can request another recycling bin I don't want to recycling bins I just wanted to pick up baby to this study where they said that Austinites are recycling about 50% as much as they should it's like well you only pick up every other week yeah here's a solution pick up the recycling out of their house so just throw it in the trash yeah picked up yeah where they run in a room in the Plus no one I just no one no one in my life wants to break down boxes I don't get him how often is trash come once a week once a week man enough yeah it is yeah it is we don't produce a lot of trash we reduce a lot of recycling because we're better about it now yeah I mean it feels like you're producing more recycling because it only comes every buck in two weeks I think Austin's trying to be like a zero waste city aren't they working towards that any money of that recycling they did for a while do they still yeah why not why wouldn't they we stopped making money transportation fees what if you had a baler and just mush it all together I have I have a trash compactor my house they want to reduce the Imam of the house I would never install some of this in 1970s appliance is that just for normal not for recycling no I see what a trash is just smaller and honestly Gus you end up keeping it in the house longer yeah because you just ramping it down so Austin wants to reduce the Maya try sent to landfills by 90% by 2040 but soon well they're banning everything that's plastic well they've already they've already given the earth like 20 years to live now this point right yep cuz all done no no the earth will live Oh humans on earth it's us we're were sat down about 1.5 degrees is the target and it's we're heading for three degrees of temperature increase we a plant up so bad were actually in an ice age we're currently we're in an ice age is that true if there's a this is off of internet experts to explain this that if there's a non melting ice in the world that means we're part of it I just want to indicate that we're currently still in an ice age and now it's like we're just gonna like it we're gonna push ourselves out of an ice age which I guess apparently is the temperature range in which humans can live and throw know how slightly political we now Trump pulled out of the whole Paris Accords yeah the environment saying that yep it shouldn't really be down to him I agree Oh any world leader like what it's good for the earth like cuz these bees basically pulling out over 300 million people from the Madrid aving the planet majority of whom did not vote for him which has an input on everyone else so is if one basta doesn't to do it I don't know I agree with you broke I really in that regard but I also agree with him in one of the aspects about which he did it which is we'll follow the rules and no one else will the environmentalism he says who cares if the other people don't follow the rules at least we're doing something right but like if unless you can do something about China and India and really have some kind of enforcement for it I believe China's cut there Chinese Chinese right is rounding yeah they're cutting their targets for renewable energy like they're short-circuiting all that but then the rest of the world is too you know they're all they're all catching up I almost wonder if it'd be better to keep our plans for renewable energy on the same track because the most renewable energy is the the mostly growth I think is in solar and the efficiency of solar cells increases it's such a rapid rate that if we just kind of like hold out a little bit longer it'll get more more efficient actually manufacturing all these solar cells over time it could be beneficial to do it a little bit later or kind of parse it out a little bit because making them now it gives you less return and it also uses up fossil fuels yeah I come it's more just like it's wasteful to use like the process by which use them it's not all just like burning fuels it's also the process by which they manufacturing can produce things that are bad for the environment so we are in an interglacial period the Holocene of the current I say yeah when I say to be had 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch yeah oh yeah so we're we are we are in an ice age currently lost to see pleased to see POA is TOC ene so you know I haven't talked about something guts that's really awkward right hasn't come up what are you playing star control I'm not it is that out does that come out came out like two weeks ago it's pretty good Gus Italy leaves the podcast our control origins origins origins orgies SAR control or seven out of 10 on Steam Odyssey it doesn't get didn't get a lot of good reviews here's here's my thing that I would say about it Medusa we make a game a game based on old game you got to make a game that plays the way that people remember it it just actually play and look the way it did back then but plays the way it is in people's heads boom like there's only two versions of this game I can't play this two versions I think one just has the soundtrack the other one has the soundtrack this one plays exactly like the old one that's good okay very that might be bad it is yeah it is that's but you got it like you got to give it some time and get back into actually I play the old one every now and then no Eric one yes I probably the last I played was probably two years ago yeah three years ago maybe so Teddy super into it I know and love it it's my biggest fear with games when there's a sequel or a me remake is are they gonna change the engine and that's always a big fear cuz then going back to what I say before a game that you know and like can feel wrong yeah like I'm a huge fan of hitman the whole franchise I I found hitman when there was only the first one out and I couldn't play the third game hitman contracts because it just felt wrong and even though I loved the game I was like I can't play it it just doesn't feel like hitman to me and even though I'm looking at 47 killing people have you played it any demos of the new hitman comes out next month no I don't wanna mess with demos I just play one comes out yeah me too I don't like previews I just I'm on the full game I'm just killing time until Red Dead at this point honestly i know i endu imma get so sucked into that game do you think because I feel like Red Dead Redemption and GTA 4 had a very similar engine they felt very civil when you would like shoot people and they'd stumble around and I prefer that engine than the GTA 5 one oh really oh yeah why I just think it's like everything felt heavier and had more weight to it GTA 5 just feels very light to me like everything I do is just like doesn't really matter about the same engine both of those games so we developed by Rockstar like some kind of internal engine for their call it rage their free world games and hey the new halo has slipspace right looks at anything with a views you know GTA 5 also has the same engine yeah I guess it's just a heavily modified the foreign Red Dead feel very similar to me oh so you were saying wait wait what were you saying guys they have the same you said they have the same engine what has the same engine gta4 and red dead the new one the old one the old one rockstar advanced gaming and game engine Rach Red Dead Redemption - but you like you like stuffing games I don't you like boats and horses here's what I don't like being a boat driver I here's what I don't like me Amy you like being a horse captain I don't like this in any game any game at all spider-man's another example I don't like game where I enjoy the core game and I like the mechanic and it's fun and then some developer at some point in the process it goes hey you know it'd be great if we introduced a bunch of time trials for this thing that you do like if you ride a horse then you have to do horse races or in GTA you drive a car let's have him just do a bunch of races or in spider-man it's like follow it was a drone all holla I mean getting the blue sphere flip or get in the buff I hate Time Trial stuff I've always hated time trial stuff it seems like such a cop out for an activity to be a game don't do that you have to do that stuff yeah I know but if I want to then I gotta do that Jimmy it's part of the game they did put it in have you platinum spider-man I have a lot yeah how do you not get up so by red that it's now the most common platinum gamed on the ps1 I got a war yeah I think the number two game is horizon zero dawn and I think God of War might be number three really you got a war I get cuz you gotta fight them Valkyries and you gotta get the birds gotta fight gotta find the birds the green birds oh yeah Birds the that's curious yeah the eyes of Odin you gotta get them guys to shoot him shoot him don't axe at him unless we do oh my kids fell in love to really know your stuff about that dude's great platinum platinum last of no tape on them last of us did that have multiplayer ones I don't know a class of us I do not believe had any multiplayer ones maybe didn't that I probably platinum dude that spider-man got a war something else I know what I don't play in Tomb Raider anything like that what's your MCC completion like oh it's you don't really done it not really at all man no I should get into it even the campaign's nope spider-man has 10% platinum trophy rate get the out of here God of War is second third fifth on the list of 5.5% so % of people got every met every trophy oh yeah this is from certain fry on reset era dude there's insane spider-man gets a little grindy but it's kind of a fun grind but it's pretty grindy where you play spider-man no I just like the game and you all the stuff and you have the missions and villains and all that stuff and then there's a thing where you're just swinging through the city and then crimes happen and then you have to go get the crimes but there's like 8 or 10 districts in Manhattan you know they have like Central Park lower West Side Upper East Side like this part and then you swing down the street and everything's in trash everywhere yeah it's amazing but uh those crimes are like there's like four different types of crimes and you have to do five of each one in each district of the city yeah it's a lot you the best approach is as you're playing the game if you see them stop and do them yes cuz if you have to go back and then do them all at once you will hate it well the other part about you is you just gotta swing around until one of them starts right and then like it's pretty common okay well I got like a I got a timer going it's like every three minutes a new one starts and so but it's easier if you're just like on your way to a mission you see one just go do it yeah I struggled together achievement in gta5 whether it's just like random events on the street no just no just drive right by them yeah when I was playing the game and now to have them trigger it just feels like it takes forever because you're not doing other stuff you're just waiting for that so well the way that I up was you have to unlock every suit that was the last one I had to get which I'm pretty sure is what most people last thing you do is have to unlock every suit and just spider-man has lots of suits in it and you unlock them at certain levels or doing certain things but that you unlock them you then have to buy them with like crime tokens or research tokens that you get the research stations or another little bit of the grindy thing harry osborn the pipe dream yeah well it's a it's like all these little tasks you like you got a swing through clouds you have to fix the plumbing in a building yeah that's literally one of them it is one of them yet of like event the plumbing and you get a buy stuff with all this stuff anyway I I got down I got to the last suit and got it in the last mission it's like I didn't get my trophy for all the students I was like what the so I looked it up and I'm looking online I got all the suits I see oh no there's this other suit that you that you can get its the ESU suit to you where the Empire State University just t-shirts as spider-man and in order to get that one you have to go to photograph 50 hidden location oh God and then you get a little gadget that when you get close to one it tells you where the hidden locations are and you go film them like hell so I probably spent another two hours swinging around the city finding all these little locations got the ESU suit and it didn't unlock and I was like it can unlock same percentage she did it's all for this no I just did get the platinum trophy that's why I didn't care about the suit but it didn't unlock when I got it and it's a 96% still and I was like what the oh and then I went up and there was one seat that I hadn't bought item locked it but just didn't buy oh like tea whenever hours I could just press the button and gotten it it was the Punk'd spider oh dude wait you didn't have to get the hidden locations no I didn't that's why just hadn't bought the suit the punkspider suit and I had the I would back but now you just wear that t-shirt spite be like I go this ya know spider-man you could you buy a pyromancy there's not a little bit of spoiler a little bit of spoiler I love Piderman he's a spoiler what this is talking about there's a certain suit it's not in the game we talked about the spot where no there's a classic spider-man suit Kozma the black suit with the white spider on it yes which then now became associated with the character of venom can they not use the suit can they not use that suit can you not get that suit why why I talked about this before because and I was corrected I sure enough I said secret war suit and someone said that's a totally different thing doesn't mean what you think because Secret Wars where spider-man got the black and when you see if you have Jon Risinger all for this cover I know right you said that said that that's time to I've been hearing Venom's not that bad made like 80 million dollars this weekend he really is going in with really low expectations and most people in shame inaudible I was great I think what I heard was that it was just terrible trailers Oh made it look really cheesy or something yeah I haven't seen it yet but I I've heard resounding Lee it's okay you know who you should never ever listen to when you're deciding whether or not to see a Tom Hardy movie you should know parvatamma Harkey Tom Hardy always talks the most amount of about his best movies yeah a lot of about apologize yeah good on him yeah he was like bitching about the director yeah I don't know what he's doing yeah and then it came out I never loved these that I was wrong I was wrong like some weird reverse I called know he was even like I couldn't see the vision like in the moment I didn't have the same vision he did and he's very big man to say something absolutely yeah very few B would say that I've seen compilations of him just staring out people at reporters asking him questions he'll someone ask people question he'll just be like why you went about and he just seems so mean and intimidating I would never want to ask him a question better or worse than Mark Ruffalo spoiling infinity war un-fuckin'-believable yeah is unbelievable dude i he was at comic-con this weekend and I he get away with I saw him in the green room and I was like so tempted to go over to him and ask him about that but I was like no he's probably heard so much from that you don't even want to open that gate he's great you know what I can't make heads or tails of gets Aquaman that was terrible what do you mean because of it watch this trailer it was the longest trailer I've ever seen in five minutes long that's like I don't know it looks for garbage no well you do you mean you don't know what if you like in it I don't know I don't know the logo is also not centered and it bothers me when the logo up why are you talking about in the trailer when like Aquaman comes up it's like I forget what letter it is but it's like not centered with the describe the grid to be a yeah the middle of the word oh you're right yeah don't start this oh they are this this Russia logo not being like centered in any way is like it drives all of our designers I mean how do you send a cockerel and some teeth oh can we we can make the probably the rooster smaller probably if we redid it today because then you could Center it up a little bit better cuz it's like it's rooster centric you could also call company something else that we did it we pressed we can do that too anything else a good idea roosterteeth day we call it cheers I'm sayin I mean no idea how many times I had to explain calls New Amsterdam sir oh yeah that's fine hey maybe they fixed it on this but when you watch it in the movie theater it's not centered at him I don't me I can't forget the supplement none of it looked like anybody if it was pet people in it but if you if you take out every shot that contains real stuffs on a camera that trailer will be like 30 seconds long maybe it's all CG it's like an animation movie I like the Transformers trailer so that will be yeah any one issue easy take away this and talking about how we're doing comic books with DC oh yeah you guys want to on aqua anymore I can't wait for the DC for the Aquaman Sherlock crossover yeah yeah Aquaman visits genoise yes scented that D is with the C perfectly symmetrical I think Ruby and Jen lock and then hopefully other other arty animation products will be doing comics with DC yeah that's like the coolest thing pretty cool when I when I on Aquaman dough after disclose the way of the same parent company you praise Aquaman so you think they'll be it that bad I'm just like I'm just gonna run that into the ground eg Time Warner they can't wear everything go thing lemon juice let me just say you said my Captain Marvel no that trailer means nothing to me yeah yeah I'm not I'm not mmm I feel like coming excited just from the way infinity war ended I'm excited in that regard as well but I just want him finna be war to to come out there was gonna call waiting call it Darren said yet Eric do you know unmasked did you feel like the post-credits on Ant Man 2 was the best one yet remember what I'm talking about I do like it I do like it it was kind of a sorbet after like that movie like cleanse the palate no I'm saying I just wrote everyone in the in the cinema is it was just like whoa what yeah yeah the infinity war one with the city street it was cool to see Nick Fury but the whole Captain Marvel tie-in thing yeah yeah yeah Christmas you don't know what the symbol is yeah go back and watch it you'll know what it is I mean no I thought it was I thought it was Nova the Nova Corps Scotia yeah coz little star I just thought it was because they've introduced and are in the guardians of galaxy I'm gonna destroyed it off camera right right and I thought well maybe they destroyed it then the Nova Corps became the person Nova Nova's got like a gold helmet so I thought maybe I'd Punk introducing that but themself would be a big deal what's this a Pierre La Marche and that was wrong Captain Marvel yeah who's been around this whole time this is like a 70s and they just didn't have her I don't know I don't know I felt like that teaser didn't do anything for me I'm sure it will do you think Hawkeye melted into pieces I think it it meet you only the left half of him I'm G's oh is that why yeah I think I think Hawkeye Jeremy Renner Jeremy Renner not hot I don't know these days I think you're winning what I think it didn't he am i I don't know man I just tell you from memory well you look that up when reminder when this episode received podcast is also brought to you by stitch fix ready to upgrade 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game all from the comfort of your own home sign up now is stitch fixed calm slash rooster love the service wearing I got this from stitch fix and my shoes I do like that sweaters I was thing about the wrong person I seen what the wrong person henry cavill he's the guy who made the stupid me to comments oh yeah yeah Superman not Hawkeye I just make comments but he wasn't look accused oh yeah I don't think there's any accused of anything yeah just like he's led me to thing I could have been listened to his wide spectrum at this point I have a question about the r-word right what does the art were redundant ran a faster in reference to the meeting rutabaga Renaldo what is it not now I'm really confused by what Barbara said rotary I mean a sexual respondent abuse ragout oh I thought he meant sorry to say that word but I thought that's recycle no I'm so confused ramifications what would you do she thought you were saying rape I I thought oh oh so bad other one I mean that's just a word you can some point we have your discussion line discussed line you can use that word when you're talking about a rape right when you're referring to again but the word I always thought that that was a word that like you shouldn't cool that to someone but I always thought that was actually a word that you would use if something was like something too slow something down then like a flame could be no that's a German aviation - yeah yeah right but but it's like don't I feel like the word itself now is completely unusable I agree with that that's kind of that I've ever used it in you know what it was actually meant for right like how people don't use the F word for cigarettes anymore yeah they do I think in the UK UK yeah look at what it means there's no offensive at all I mean unless it's context based yeah once again it's all context but now I feel like something being retardant well I feel like it's weird right like there's no point have you ever sat in the plane you know when you're when you're on a commercial plane before you take off if the pilots go through their pre-flight checklist and they're testing all the systems you know that you can hear like the the alarms go off it's like terrain terrain terrain and there's one cup right pull up there's one that goes and I feel weird when I sit there and like it seems really bizarre but I know that's I guess I really have never is it yeah there is there's no alarm in a plane yeah I mean a big airliner it'll say that for sure so yeah it's a it's all about context as well I guess like some words gone no matter what the context I feel like they're just off limits now no matter what the contactors angry words well what I mean give me example you say like that like how about the llamas gonna go away I don't know about that no nobody no really right I'm there's so much train that goes in that term yeah I mean listen you want to replace an alarm on an airliner that carries passengers that's a big big debate if it said adjust adjust adjust and you're like what does that mean like you don't want to have a moment where the pilots are like yeah that's not what I was the alarm I was expecting I think I sent you a link to this a few weeks ago but there was a plane crash in China because of the the cat the the pilots were not extremely fluent in English and such and one of the alarm started going off and the alarm that was going off said terrain pull up pull up and in you can here on the cockpit voice recorder in Chinese they're asking each other what does pull up me know so I mean it's like there's a lot of training that goes into those arms not just for English speakers but for people who speak English as a Second Language but you change that and then I was like there's a whole world of aviation you often does aviation get updated or change I think it's I think it's rare I swear have you did this I'm done so now I'm looking for video to show you guys sorry how embarrassing I'm embarrassed for you I was recording game time today with Ellie and her phone kept going off like very like her I don't know like a message like a thing you know like that I don't care I was like my main glaciers go hey turn it off but then I'm like it's part of like we're knowing for the listener though it's my life but it's also just Silas it yeah you're recording audio no I get it I used to to me because I had my phone flash but that was exactly for that reason it so it wouldn't vibrate on the desk I don't like the earphone flashes because when you're out of it all of a sudden your flash goes off and everybody looks like you're taken context a flesh doesn't always mean someone took a picture everything's 99% of the people will think that's what that means right but I'm saying it's 2018 get with it now nobody else uses the know get with it the whole world get with it yeah so what a Gavin wants to use his phone with a light why is it optional because it's in your pocket anyway so you're never gonna see the light to begin with I'm vibrates all my tests on the table what I'm a word and it goes it's like I'll check my phone in a bit aren't you keeping your pocket letter vibrate I don't know just sit down with a firmer pocket you know I'm gonna have a watch I thought you'll never watch you lose your phone right now is it in your pocket right here all right okay this big like bet I broke my phone to cut other big things in my pocket that's good she was like when we are filming something on set and we have extras in the background did one of the jobs as an extra is you have to mill about unlike talk to people have these same nonsensical conversations about a thousand times I mean takes there are the one thing that we sell you is everybody put away your phones I'm like I can get your phones out that's what 90% of people are doing when they're in the background of anything skin with this is my background actors are terrible now because I don't know what to do because they can't use their phones they're like what or why would tell me not to have no just like yeah go go read CNN that's a good point text each other whatever I got a subway showing someone a picture or something on reddit right beacon of phones then he won't get the new iPhone no no not yet so I've broken like the phone Samsung for a while then I got an iPhone I put up smashed it because I was go-karting and it broke in my pocket where'd you go card k1 I took a left turn really hard and it exploded and then I got the new one do you know how miserable it is to get a new iPhone now she's already got one so I have four email addresses like YouTube accounts personal one work one and I like to set up my new phone to restore from my last backup and all it did was be like enter your password for this email account and then it would throw up another one and because that for keep going over the other one the plur I couldn't do anything I had to quit quickly like and then another one would come up and I just had to wait for that to go back to do once I got through that that took me like 40 minutes just to enter my passwords then the phone just starts downloading in the background gets really hot for about three days because like my backups big and I've got like a ton of stuff in the cloud yeah and it's restoring all the apps the first like three days of using an iPhone is terrible what shitty experience oh hey it has that happen with any other phone update that you've done I don't know I have no time did the same happen with turn his phone like she couldn't she can enter a password and then iPhone was hot and the battery just rinsed itself until it was finished nice triple what she trillion-dollar company decision I tell you one thing they did they're really upset for it why don't you do it via USB yeah Judy was backup to a local computer yeah nothing on the computer well you can you can put your phone in the computer yep you said you run a backup and then you pull it I mean you pull off like 10 minutes later let me that pull off the local stuff no stuff in the cloud that was starts to sink to it you you sunk your entire cloud all your pictures and everything well it has to like index everything in like photos may not be on the device but is you know I mean you can back it up locally you can back it up luckily hmm and at some point at some point you should just start over with a new film like fresh start new no backup no restore from an old phone I feel like I go back to so much old stuff full-time no no I get that we'll do that this last time with this phone it was great yeah great to see you can still do that you can still at later like say hey I want to see my photos let me sign in and get my stuff but just restoring from like you're old like a mirror image of your phone that's up there I bet idea yeah I feel like I'm tracking to 10 years worth of shite yeah yeah you chance I'm gonna be great in that regard they still have issues for me and then introduce other like no nothing's perfect nothing's perfect nothing's been except for us Oh though I gotta say this iOS 9 there's a terrifying feature isn't iOS 9 but sigh 12 sorry my car's just updated to 9 they completely like my dashboard for my car's entirely different today did I like it did it get hot it looks like might now haze look at yours oh it's how can that conform to what you're doing yeah welcome to the future but uh whatever the new iOS is whoa 1212 that one has a feature in it that was automatically turned on as far as I can tell it gives me report it's a screen time like it it's horrifying okay how many use your phone to date everyone let's go I put I posted my journal too much I opened my phone 85 times in a day that's mental I always see you as someone who's very busy yeah but I'm doing stuff yeah - 59 you know how many times I pick up my own in a day I mean 121 that's your you have a problem Gus go down how many minutes total pick uh does it say that I mean do a little calculation on it how long you wake say 16 hours so 16 hours times 60 minutes that's 960 minutes or 60 minutes / 121 pickups that's a pickup every eight minutes eight minutes for 16 hours a day I do average three per hour hmm so bad so eight minutes you're what seven an hour yeah and what you must use at Safari shut up I'm pretty sure it's Pokemon go play pokemon go eat teddy hold on fine are you my use my phone three hours 19 minutes a date that's down 11% from last week I said almost a note I spent almost no time Oster prana spent almost 24 hours in the week on the phone that's a one day all day out of the week it's gonna be like idling you watch a video for in for sleep or anything like now okay are you gonna use it a like scheduled downtime from any apps or anything like no no I'm gonna go for the high score after you know what the best feature on Iowa's Loess don't like that my phone tells me to do stuff now like he says hey send a message to Gavin I hate that what is that what are you do that like a scroll down it like it's like what like tries to predict what you want to do scroll down for what yeah but there's nothing about this it would predict what I want to do you don't want to send me a message hey it's not I'm using your name alright let me see where is the thing more screentime where's this thing it's in setting settings and what three times now if you go to settings a search for screen time you'll find it all right how many notifications per hour you don't want to know you a lot of notifications when you doing over there forget too many notifications page what happens you have to send you it I don't X II's it for social networking most reading and reference next to productivities next I mean I feel like my productivity my reading in reference that uh that gets me out of gets me out of feeling bad about my so you know what the best feature in I was 12 is what it your text codes and I'm on a button oh yeah a two-step you have to actually go in a mess we started doing that for a while it was pretty cool where it would you know I still can't believe maybe they fixed it I haven't done one since I updated my phone I don't think how can it be in this day and age 2018 almost 2019 and when you go to make a conference call first of all who the is making these conference calls oh my god where the conference call numbers are longer than the phone it's like a seven digit code why Yui there's not what is that like ten million calls over nine you need three numbers at most maybe yeah it's insane Gus let's stop it okay let's start a conference call company and guarantee our users two digit codes and also when I go to dial I gotta join a conference calls in my meeting my calendar I click on the phone to dial it and then it goes over the phone dials it and then the conference numbers gone if I'm lucky the person submit it was like a semicolon yeah and then the number so then at least it appears up there the top the mower starts typing in it's gone what there's sometimes sometimes it left it'll sometimes it'll carry that over and it'll there be a button that says enter and then the code and you push that and it puts it in I don't know why you can't paste into a phone number if you can't before you close yeah but when you actually need to paste the code no you're it's yeah you type it in everything's really has everything gets better they're annoying things a really pokey billion dollar idea in a registry voice signature with a conference service and then you call they say who are you burning burn so go great we have your conference at you supposed to be in and then you can say my voice is my password thank you fine this is my past work exactly right so you're saying one unified conference cool company no it's just current company that does that but every signs up for it because the other ones we're gonna book punch them in adjust code or richenou your phone number right like I'm calling from this number this is who I am you verify it like every other service in the world got what's telecom dude that everything that you could still get it's all wrong we ever the industry what's that you left the telecom I had to leave you should have stayed and came over to this one you're in it I mean you left we got cars figured out I can on my phone BIP car is here we I had a JD and I were at the library today had to run him down to his mom's house oh by the way this is a rare moment I'm super happy with the construction that is taking place in Austin at the airport dude they've made so much progress why the banners this is uh this is a whole new world I hope y'all are ready for this that Airport they now have like way too many parking garages have you seen the new garages around oh no no no that place ma no but uh I hit that it's what he's so good then I can't say where but I was driving JD to his mom's house they have wasn't he driving uh actually he was driving oh he was driving actually with and I was like where we going and he goes oh we go this way now and there's an underpass where there used to be like a light where cars would stretch out like it was the apocalypse and now it's an underpass they got done remember they opened the underpass going to the airport yeah but always like amazing yes suddenly Austin was a city where you get to the airport without going through a red light making like a like an express fly over to the airport yeah they working on 183 over there case yeah I get that done have another two have two ways to get to the airport without a light then working on a hen way to you what's a hen we buy five pounds all right everyone I feel obligated to uh to plug some of the receipt Halloween merchandise you go for it Gavin is wearing uh nobody the candy eat some candy okay some some roost few candles we sell candles for Halloween it's spooky spooky can and there's a bunch of others and so what do you got you got the key behind shirt on we got Irish teeth one that looks like candle media-rich these merge short too that's up right now you can go watch it yep Joel in it so check it out rare appearance by Joel and show fight the fact Joel you should watch it all right everybody we'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rooster Teeth
Views: 520,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rooster Teeth, RT, animation, television, filmmaking, games, video games, comics, austin, texas, production, movies, web series, RT Podcast, podcast, live, studio, gus sorola, gavin free, barbara dunkelman, burnie burns, jeff bezos, planets, steve jobs clothing line, new york comic con, nycc, spider-man, little nightmares, fire alarms, cats, smelly foods, the green life, banksy, new amsterdam, a star is born, vice, aquaman trailer, context, iphone, phone updates
Id: F1gDSA1JvcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 32sec (6032 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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