The Worst Time To Be A Chicken - Off Topic #110

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[Music] this little break watch out mind if you need to cut it you can mine fell on the floor and shattered into the like four pieces wait really knows tungsten tungsten on it it was so night I'm staying in her body they say WOM I'm sorry maybe her body makes it strong dude a nice nice w tungsten you know it doesn't shatter first of all you have to specify that's no he done that super nice gun he just always shows up when I'm not around why is that who's good coffee that's a slap on to the floor oh the Bernie's okay I was gonna say Jeremy but that looks like a Bernie as well shatter those I mean they're probably like up to Barney's but you probably got him it like oh man look at ease here everybody damn dear Emmy award-winning nominated burns reality starts in G award-winning nominated hey by the way oh it was right there I didn't even hear it it was so moist no it's they already got it they're already cleaning it you know what's gonna happen it's why they hate us someone's cleaning up the act across let's be professional not like garbage on the table I am your host Michael Jones joining us this week [Laughter] we got Jack and we got Ryan what's funny is like the funny part is like but you didn't get your handle up there that's true there's gonna be freeze of people who don't follow you 100% yeah mine has gone through the roof since we started doing it but only because I'm on the road effective because I'm on the show like it was me it was me and Michael thrown I'm Michael obviously with a bullet and then I was number two and now most appearances on the show oh I see you if I than Ryan cuz Ryan vanishes into a puff of smoke before most prices show eyes I thought but now I think you're - actually I think jeremy has a appearance does anybody else I believe him I check the dedicated man I don't think anyone's hit a hundred I doubt it I probably probably real close I probably feel like I've missed more than you see like you know who knows this word it's hey how are you we're live for once although you guys were alive last week I just we taped like two weeks in a row and then I missed the episode so I haven't been live in like a month I've been a live how was your 2018 so far well that's pretty good so far there's just karate-chop did he was cutting through he was like how was your 2018 yeah it's pretty good risk setup not much has changed still got a baby what so a floor yeah you know it's I'm trying to think this is your 95th 95s I'm just like find out is there a spreadsheet yeah well this word this word right he has all this time you've been on ninety four episodes you have one walk on which is interesting that was probably lazer team oh is that what else I ran on with the gun on my arm that's right okay I screamed where's woody and then I read I actually legit we were in the middle of filming plays Jim - I ran in I grabbed the vodka chugged it legit and then went now I'll probably piss him off and then I ran away back to say yeah I was a little like would you better let's see mom I don't know yeah so right now I worry by two of Michael's number one with a bullet with 94 94 appearances rostered episodes in one walk on we're taking this as canon because we assume this guy for sure more so then Jeremy is 67 rostered episode a bit of a lead and then Ryan with 65 episodes in nine and I'm in 64 so I'm right behind me what's what's Jeff Jeff is it about gap 44 20 walk-ons Gavin is ads guys kill them the guns at 50 Jeff Skilling I'm like huh who's got the highest walk on this is it Jeff held the main cast Bernie's probably up there - Jeff has 20 walk-ons Ryan is 9 Bernie's got a lot of wands well that's Ryan most Brian walk odds are like we're bitching about Ryan and okay yeah well the contract said tenant and let him go yeah okay so we're just trying to get through you as soon as possible I mean hopefully it's just milk it out into like 20 20 Dan yeah - two more so yesterday this is your one yeah this might won this game next year or you do one each we'll say it's up to you see I might overexert yourself you know that might get me oh just may was run across the screen for one it's like like I might get fram I come and jerk off on the show might get frisky that's how I exit just yesterday I think was my worst ever oh dude performance you were funniest in achievement you mean like brain performance I just couldn't function Paulie throat coughs oh so you guys but weeds oh you guys filmed the residents the Resident Evil 7 thing yesterday oh my glad to leave because II have to go I live right at the end I need to take one to the airport and so it was it was Ryan and then Jeremy and Gavin were the only ones left I was why was sitting right next to it because I was working on stuff while you're filming that and Gavin was so out of it that I had to step in and actually start I haven't slept like woke up at 3 the other night remember that sore throat and a cough so I took I took nyquil and before I went to bed but then it wore off and I saw woke up around 5:00 so I was like I'll just take more and I was like Russian had done acts I want to take dayquil in the day yeah and I don't want to like bring a tea to work so I ended up just like overlapping my dayquil with Michael and then I had a cappuccino with three shots of espresso in it the society is like we're in companies like my body was trying to sleep and be awake and be like amped up all at once I mean the only thing in Michael that puts you to sleep is like an antihistamine yeah I don't know what I don't know what is it I know why everybody's the tylenol I just don't medicating money on yeah I just don't take medicine often so I was like kind of twitchy and like loopy all day and when it wore off I just descended into like paste I felt like for most of the day I was sitting in glue looking at through clouds wouldn't be a good way my joints were like like gooey goo there playing and I had this like weird fuzz in my peripheral vision thing Mario Kart was like yeah we were playing something and I remember you going you guys have fog on your screen by the time it's not last thing happening by the time that's the last video of the day most of it will ward off and I was just left like a shell of my former self and was slow and I was like saying things in the video and I was like and I would finish speaking and then I just watch it I feel like when was the last time I spoke what Michael left and then me and Jeremy kept doing is like did Gavin leave too you were just there with the microphone just like resting on your face I don't think I've ever been that you were all over the place all day yes yeah you just kept like kept mentioning it and you're like the number of times you went like this we're like I was standing there talking to you and I felt like you woke up in the middle of the conversation you're like yeah it was pretty funny people are very impressed with your hair right now again your hair is my has too long it actually all right you big you say big too and it's calmed down a bit I watched him put the goo in it was double this and now it's kind of settled a little walking over he looked like an oh no no like now like Ikes again they haven't seen the before it's like they're laughing at it now you should have seen it before it's settled yeah I just have to was sorry it was like you had the you touch the the electric the electricity ball / machine I got covered it my tricity ball yeah electric electricity both test oil and when I get real shocked yeah you you you squeaked it in there so I'll say it we finally done did it we fill mariokart at work yes I'm talking about it for a couple months so we were like you guys full morning card I was just kind of there I mean you were there for sure then we were like we all brought our switches and hubs in and the docks and all that nonsense and it was a pain in the ass we might as well film another one so then we filmed the second one and then I was like I don't want to stop we should film the third one so then we filmed the third one we got three cart let's plays did we do seven Grand Prix's yeah in total we did we did - we did two to three in the videos we threw a third one in cuz I don't know how to play work it was it was quick - it was almost as long as the other two videos because we were just like tearing through it but yeah we had every in the main room except for Jeff was the first one you know then we add an alfredo in part two and then particle seven seven there - well the first one was six though yeah I'm saying without Jeff but added Lindsay so though yeah well she's still in the main room yeah so I said everyone you say made room I think people mainly assume the Ming's I think they mainly assume because we don't tell them she's in the main room yeah I was just pointing out she her desk is in there but anyway yes it was the six of us so from the sound of her microphone you may not we might as well have a microphone with a funnel of cause I love my what was crazy about that was people going on doesn't sound different but weird I was just like I don't care and there's so much talking about the microphone it didn't sound bad and then the louder she got the worse it got anyway there's a third video Brian and Jack swapped out for Andy and Matt for people to know how so the last one was by far the most chaotic yet seven people that play Mario Kart pretty regularly playing it and it was a bloodbath I'll tell you it's it's a loud let's play it gets me loud and there's a lot of Austin and the y7 mics it's the worst yeah them all as audio podcasts yeah we should you had to have it I mean it says there's crosstalk but like it's Mario because chaos man but because we all brought our own switches and docks in no split screen it's all nice and which I'll hopefully they'll make a video it's gonna be rough to cut between it's gonna be hard anyway yeah but it's hearing that if the editor pulls it off it's gonna be a real nice video though we have to go to town what'd be interesting would be to go back to one of the replays and play the whole race from someone's perspective but like how Mario Ricans Italy's goofy and easy and just overlay the audio and see if it makes any sense that way it'd be interesting to see like a recap let's play yeah I wish they didn't do the insane caps on about grace see what I like we think I would like an option yeah like you can it Mario Kart you can save your replays just right in the game it it does like your 12 most recent and then I think you can store six like forever like favorite lips you can just save them onto your switch I don't know you could do anything with them but it's just in Mario Kart 8 but you can reply it you can look from any perspective of any racer even the computers whoever you can fast forward through the whole race you can't control the camera angle so like when you watch it it's like it's like cinematic like in GTA when it just starts doing whatever it wants like spinning and like that so it's like sometimes you're trying to watch something and it's like this angle sucks right now you can't make it go regular and a lot of the maps have like where your wheels go sideways and you kind of sucked in the hover the angles suck whenever you're on a wall or upside down cuz the camera like barely knows you're doing there's no context I just don't know how they can like they save it all it's all there they have all the data clearly I'm looking at an image that wasn't what I saw the camera wasn't all wacky crazy when I was racing it how the do you not have just the default like camera angle like just give me the option let me watch it like a regular race it's just annoying that's not in there it's true you know what's true I feel reported I would love to play in for Nintendo Mario Kart yes cool capture it but it's it's on 3ds and the Wii U and we saw that's now positive yeah the classic unless you can do like there's no for controller mod for it I don't think so I don't think the real oh yeah for the class mate I remember back in the day this he wanted to know there was a thing you plug in an f4 but does the game even have that functionality its have for people thinks that could be wrong I know maybe it's just - maybe it's talked about I mean we could do like yeah it'd be nice to play almost way it works yeah we could we couldn't do some kind of like ornament bracket even if it's just head-to-head like I am bleep Gavin right we both have the classic and that's just HDMI so it actually makes it easy to film off of super easy yeah I will say to like we all brought our dachshund and everything the filming was great like it just worked I mean that's again your HDMI cables just this yeah that not Nintendo's fall you know literally today today bigger pain in the ass to try and play a game of something just like waiting and loading and getting in the room like I will say Mario Cart you turn the game on you go online you join the game like it just works now it's a communicator there's no functionality except you get in lobby you have chat out can't even send someone hey I'm using don't control yeah yeah the only functionality a less easily lacking in what we are all really feeling though at the end of a race like hey you am I supposed to fall it in but yeah you can't say noise and you can't talk I will say what and use discord down so that's true what gear is this yeah use a separate program time well I mean the Nintendo switch does have a third grade its first party app that you can use for in-game communication but I think it has to be enabled in the game what there's this how remember there everyone's pissed off because they were like there is no voice communication built into the switch but there had it a phone app that you could use that would allow in-game communicate well there's also a phone app that you can use the phone what's the point you know you don't need this ask me but I think it's stupid dude he just did though so they're going to am not really a Tendo they're gonna eventually add voice chat right but now they want to roll out what it's in the phone app now we're going to go on a subscription service and it's not gonna have what what I see the thing is like I don't I don't even like think about that with Nintendo like like I don't use it but if I had I mean I have it if I if I actively use my ps4 I would be like Xbox has this why doesn't this happen ever so like PS pours got this Nintendo is just like they did do whatever the parent that's I expect nothing from them at this point you know took him took him till what the Wii U to go HD yeah that's 720 even if it wasn't any I think he might've been 720 which might be their first into console 1080 in early yeah just like society I expect nothing from the it's I don't know what the they're doing I mean they won't put their own goddamn games on the switch they have a library of like hundreds and thousands of Nintendo games yeah they'd be fair like you spent any time at all on void open point on any game you can see how a company that's geared more towards young players would go like you know we're people to though Nintendo yeah if you're not the target people I mean this is the guy I mean he's wearing a mega man shirt you use I got mega man shirt I got Zelda tattoos five-year-olds ain't buying your you ain't getting their money okay you're ready hooked in deep they're trying to get that's my point now I have money they should get my money not kids who don't have money you took my money yeah buddies guaranteed all right it's not guaranteed when I can't give it to them if they put all their classic games on the switch they'd get so much more of my money switch came out last year how many don't can't help but really well what game have you bought the most amount of times Zelda's up there like the original like the NES one just cuz it's on like every single platform Final Fantasy one is probably up there as well like like Zelda I've got at least I've got it on the three I mean like I've probably bought it on at least like two or three different three guesses play or just like oh there's like it's like now now you can do it now you can actually transfer your yeah like with your nin to Nintendo account and like that you can actually get a new 3ds and not buy the games again but like I don't know that was the thing for their first 3d ass like the squad out Nintendo DS I keep saying I could guiding the three but I've probably bought it so many times another one's Resident Evil 4 I know I've bought that game at least like five times I bought it on GameCube i bought it on playstation 2 just buying it with this Super Nintendo classic count as buying again I would say yes technically I think we're good Super Mario World therefore cuz I don't stupid entender had it on when it was really some D s and then I had it on Wii U again and now the classics in my world a great game of how you not buy that you know I bought it as soon as it came out on 3ds which was like last year it just came out maybe like like mid end of 2016 they put a bunch of Super Nintendo games on there I bought them all up super metroid bought that game like three times as i said they've got mario kart like the original was on there nice they added a bunch of this is in this is like an intended intended they added a bunch of SNES games to the 3ds but you can only download them and play them on a new 3ds really like they know the it's called new 3ds because Nintendo are stupid and they're like let's put new in the name of a console yeah cuz check out my old new Nintendo 3ds 3ds does not games like new Super Mario Brothers which weren't on the new 3ds Jesus Christ I think there was new Super Mario Brothers 2 which was for the old not there also then there was then there was like the Ouija brothers or some they did like a look either a standalone Luigi game or like some kind of deal see eventually they'll be like alright this new game they've gone apeshit is colloidal mid-cycle it just doesn't make any goddamn sense it's not all Dorner but it only plays looking up more of that voice chat you have to have a dongle that you plug into your phone so that you can have game audio in with your voice chat but how do you how does it get from the game to your you have to have water coming out of the 3d or the switch come on now going into the dongle now wire coming down the foam going into the dongle so that you get both in your head so they just don't want to make the hardware is there it wasn't Apple gonna buy they have a no for a while like you think that's what it was like oh we need to add dongles to everything that's what Apple like how little money it's like how to use a Kinect with the new style Xboxes and it's that whole like mishmash or to get it kind of like how they use the Kinect for ghost hunting shows that's truth and I realize that because ya know literally it's like it's like one of the main ones I can never remember the names either maybe it's Ghost Adventures and someone with the act that like yells at the ghost so there's like well I'll fight you that's that's my interpretation of it he's like he's like a he's like a dude bro doesn't work I mean it works for the show it doesn't work cuz it's not real yeah yeah but like it's hey basically it's like you know sure where are you I'm not afraid of you he like tries to like like lure the ghost out by calling him like ghosts and then i'll but i think it's ghost adventures is that show they literally have i don't know if it to the newer episodes or they use that like couple years ago and they literally have a connect and they're like and like they say like the like yeah we you know we cause it's got the infrared sensors it's like yeah we tweaked it but it's like you're watching this and they're in the middle of like there's a spirit but like all their fake ghost nonsense so they have like the detectors where you hear like they're like i was killed by i was killed with an axe that's what he said because if you put subtitles at the bottom of the screen that makes it legit whatever you want your ear it makes up whatever yeah no nine-time I was like oh is that what they said fascinating can you play a song back quiz and you can hear the devil right I will say they have instantaneous results it's always like all right I've heard this room there's a ghost alright we got on campus for the Kanaya engineering and like program like connect on a stick or like they like with it but Abed essentially yes it was it was they had like they have they have like other crap plugged into it to like scan the readings and like that but it's literally a connect on to pay people take my Kinect on my hands in a corner I found the other day in my closet I was going through stuff I found my old Xbox 360 HD DVD player Oh Vincent I bought into that me xboxone fanboy I was gonna win races over a hundred two hundred bucks well the thing was better yeah I was explore Madden blu-ray well the thing was porn bought an HD DVD and I was like oh that that's it that's gonna be the one and once what's more important listen they said the same thing with Betamax it was better than VHS what was it Philips that made that and like Sony did blu-ray well is it Sony so many people right cuz that was that was a reason why blu-ray never end it wasn't gonna end up on the 360 because everyone thought they would release I get blu-ray drive Mike you don't have to pay so much box one Microsoft license is blu-ray from Sony yeah but yeah yeah so they usually DVD player I found in this it still worked I have no idea what my actual HD DVDs are they really read right it's weird to think of companies like rival companies using each other's tech yeah but then you can like go back and see that there used to be like actual hardware collaborations like there was a Sony Super Nintendo mishmash thing for those before PlayStation really they fell through when they're like it we're gonna make it ourselves yep yeah it's just like a Super Nintendo with CDs I mean if it was gonna be the n64 was gonna be their next console and then I don't remember I don't know the specifics of it of either Nintendo didn't want to do CDs because they didn't obviously they stuck with cartridge for at least the n64 then because their Nintendo they're like alright game key will go disks but they're tiny like why why is everything different why do you have to man like dude the GBA player that attached to the bottom of the Gamecube and you play your gameboy advance games on TV that was awesome there's an awesome peripheral even just pokemon cards Rumble I'm like oh my handheld shaking what do you think we're gonna get a assault without a drive like I mean like without a disk drive like do you think this coming in the next five years no I think it'd be a couple more jams I mean like Drive console beeps on business I mean I feel like if it's a home console you're still gonna want to watch movies in it like a rogue and a blu-ray but if they release an Xbox one X limb without a disk drive in it like I would be into that yeah if I'd be into it for work I would still want to have a driver I don't want to have it actually buy a blu-ray player I'd never have in my life I've never won things don't want them playing video games I avoided it you wouldn't need you because you've already got multiple consoles yeah me assuming your multiple consoles then you just bite down you know as you do what I mean like I watch all my movies on Netflix Hulu HBO go like I don't I don't I haven't put a disc inside of a machine I do oh I still don't collect I love my 4k blu-ray is just causes I've seen the difference between streaming even still like you know Tony 18 streaming's not as good as disc I hadn't watched a true 4k thing yet I gotta I don't know that I have either girl acum oh yeah I just bought the Christopher Nolan 4k like and he he shoots so much with IMAX cameras and watching cuz cuz you think of HD is like 1920 by 1080 but when you watch a movie it's usually layer box so it's 1920 by something smaller it's actually 3 told Iron Man ten hundred yeah but the IMAX conversion completely fills every 6 on the screen and whenever it cuts between regular 35 mil and IMAX it's like and in 4k my dick like bulged it's cutting between the different aspect ratios which is kind of distracting it cooks between different yeah because what it even in the movie things yeah you didn't she's the whole movie rather with the Dark Knight you'd see like the black bars in the song but if it was an IMAX shot just boom I notice that before my watch any Christopher Nolan movie where there's like percentages of IMAX and I'm just like it's like dude that was long to me that was evil within the first my second one just came out yeah it's pretty good pretty good but the first one it was force letter boy it was right well he was worse than letterbox it was like forced like a quarter of the screen was black like top and bottom ball in the camera it was pretty like most of it yeah it was it was more than letterbox and it was just like I played after the crucifix on PC which basically and from day one and people were like just cuz the frame rates piece of and then developers were like no it was cuz it's a hard exactly which is like I don't buy for a second frame rate was me and now I up them down right up there with me with them Rinna's motion blur just like oh yeah I can face I don't want it to turn it off to bed turn off depth of field to just because it's never good at it I turn off in shooters there's like why wouldn't you want to see the preferable why would you blur that yeah with evil within I I turned it on like that's stupid but you kind of get used to it there it is it's it's like that's a video game but the whole point is like the tires start to finish the entire goal was like well I played I was like I first won like four months ago it's not like that anymore Oh launch on Xbox yeah so they at least put in like UI or subtitles below nope this is my everything it's not you so why Andy and I both were playing it when it came out like brought it up I was like man is this the black bar so just like really annoying we talking about I'm like the black bar is on the screen the cover is like a quarter of the screen there's like I don't know if I noticed that it's just like Ryan like he went back to it and he's like I hate you why did you tell me why did you tell me that I hate I hate this now I didn't notice this now I hate this I'm like how do you not notice it was just like he was dying dude turn the game on turned it off multiple times like in the process never just like clicked it so he was pissed afterwards it's so weird when you see something like people just missed off way I would home one time and I was when it was in that jump between HDMI and composite where there was component cables and I was all about components yeah I had that I was like my parents watch TV and I'm like your Reds not plugged in they're like what I'm like your everything's blue and green you have no red on your TV they're like what I'm like how long is it been like this and they're like oh and I wouldn't plugged it in there okay looks better be crazy I was never that person can't see red when I was home for Christmas I was my mother was watching TV at some point and like ads that's where most of like I see this go I gotta watch it but she watches all that crap and I just like make fun of her when I'm there when she's watching it and I was like in the room talking to my brother about something and she's watching TV and she was watching something on the Travel Channel and it's like a talking head the guys just like talking on the camera and I look over at it and the is the the top of the frame is like here oh it's like it's like it's like the top of his head and there's going what the is like what is the camera man drunk like what am I looking a glance over and I'm like why isn't his head in the shot and then and then immediately I notice the Travel Channel logo like a quarter of it's on the screen and my brothers like remember that my mother always thought I'm like there's literally words on the screen that are getting cut off how do you not notice that and that's like my telltale with video games you know when you when you set the screen and you can tell shit's like bending off you know like health bar is kind of like half cut off even if it's not cut off you can tell like that's too close it's like it's too close and then you're like oh there you go there's none of that I have a just like well Jackie and like the selfies that we take I'll be like okay do you want me to take it she's like now taking like my arms are longer but she'll take like the selfie uh-huh and there'll be this all this in the in the shot I'm like there's nothing there but it's in the shot and my half my head for two years I was like do I wanna have that discussion and so just two years of photos of like half my head you had to have a selfie intervention listen we live in the time yeah you know you're just like or inspires you all that space baby so much there'd be so much space if you fit a third person in the phone I would actually assume that more than 50% of people of watching some sort of error like that they've setup wrong when they had their yeah brand to do he had a through expose through 60 he bought an HDTV for it like a year and I went into his house and I was like its standard def you said it's a standard definitely what y'all about let's look for a TP he swishes to tattoo today and he was like I'm so dog and also my uncle ID that's great uncle he was always into technology loves loves like upgrading all the time he had a big sticker across like it was like listing the features of his TV and it cut across the corner of the TV to working like when I work for electrician it's like anything and everything but windows people don't take the stickers off their windows there's like there's like factory either either it's like it's like one of those like kind of like what you got on a washer and dryer it'll be like a yellow strip and it just lists like the it'll be like that's you Siri yeah I heard Gavin's phone go let my bro Gavin great and it's like the strips the same thing they have them on usually the sides of the TV and it's like there's how many Hertz it does doesn't it there's like that in Windows I've worked for it like dozens hundreds of people where I'm like you know that comes off right and really take that off and like it's a sticker drive out of the car dealership with the number of your cars still on there like of course 25,000 downtown there's a numbers all I take it off I've been in like family members houses where they have like a door and they have like glass panels on it I'm like huh and I'll like pull it off it's like all fuzzy but then you plug like oh you can actually see through design that way I'm like no it's a sticker on all of them that's what I like I guarantee you there's tons of people that don't feel that off of poster frames okay because the glass is like glass or plastic it comes on each side that plastics I love it's so satisfying but you got to make sure you grab the corner soon as you peel it elope you lose you're peeling it it's it's susceptible to fingerprints and static cling times if you stop it'll like put a line you have to because I was a god pull I was in as funny when we were coming back from Taiwan we were in the airport in Taiwan and we were like one of eight Americans are one of eight white people there right and so and like it was us and then I saw a TV that had information to the airport it was like information about flights and stuff and I noticed the outer ring around it still had that plastic oh God and then someone came up was like that was great wasn't looking at you weird Airport I found that but also one guy behind like airport I guess the airports in Taiwan haven't caught up to like you know 19 early mid-90s airports in America because you could buy so much pornography at that Airport that was the big thing like when we can I feel like we left we're left behind dude over here to get up here bands used to have all the porno mags I remember being a kid look you're on a business trip do the is like at an airport like you know in a bookstore like oh let's see oh there's a Danielle Steel novel well that looks good wood drive see cranes got a new book oh here's Franklin returned man see I I know the lady I'm fine again don't don't be the guy running up to people going hey stop that at a porno theater for people jerking off you don't belong there if you're not jerking off leave ok just let the people do whatever they want to do okay that was a kid like I never got that the pee-wee Herman thing I'm like he's at a porno theater let the guy jerk off who's going to the porno theater like looking around on who's who's got their dick out I'm here just watch the film yeah that's it come okay but on a plane please stop someone please stop someone from jerking off next to me on a plane I'm playing well that's public yeah it's really fun so I'm saying Ford theater it's like I don't even care about like much doing it it's you're it's not only not public it's you're paying for porn who's gonna sit there and just watch it for the hour and a half great story I love it whoo-hoo lighting was baby yeah there's these IMAX cameras right I've never been there either I know in my mind they exist still I don't know it's like a regular movie theater only completely dark and there's like two people ever in it at it yeah you gotta film run in that's what it is to me is it is it different do you think the links really all this watch suffered an injury I know they have like porn it like like that like you importing those stores that's like way more like oh yeah there's like a back room you're slipping once you walk in that's like all bets are off yeah at least put some tissue I mean you'd think someone would come in and wipe down the loads but I don't know what happened yeah what a job that would be how would you explain that to anybody what do you do here's how I would explain it somebody's gotta clean it up I want to see an episode of who you gonna call I've seen episode of Undercover Boss where they going all right Tim here's your mop is there okay like yeah they're not really allowed to come on the wall they all do they all do a bunch of and easy so you look responded yeah so there I'll leave my Lord's gonna hit the ceiling Gavin Peter Hayes drop the knowledge it was Toshiba did the HD DVD the CDI right which is like the only other platform that's had a Zelda game was no it was Phyllis Ellen Phillips made some ways him less it was Phillips yeah it was Philips CDI yeah they had those three Zelda games remember saying it Sears on like one of the big screens 3d I this is cool I feel I really though three it was three the other three do as well three do that's different I was different that's different I reckon my 3d 3d our CDI whose CDI yeah okay CD different things I only know about the CDI from AVGN videos that's I must I know outside of that that's the only reason I'm familiar with all the Zelda's yes he played them and two of them are basically the same goddamn game it's like a Pokemon thing almost like red and blue kind of deal it was one of those consoles different different Hardware versions of the same console like there were multiple I feel like it made it through many iterations it did not it did not I just remember to like the for a for for for a for a for for yeah let someone reboot Mike but what's the word is it for what is the word for a baby for a is a word that means like we're making it a foray into a new zone I guess I was an adventurer well you would think for a for for a was a humble for a for a in gray disc that's the word that works like no no I knew it worked I was struggling to get it out I'm having my inside voice so we'll cut it and then you can just make leave it all they want I want them to experience the journey if anything I learned with rage quit they'd like to see me get there they don't want to just get there what you back one nail making me doubt myself yeah usually words sound like am I using I was trying to sound that out but dem were expensive like people now you know like shit's expensive you know who Xbox it's like 400 bucks you know switches 300 bucks I remember that my friend got the CD oh and it had to be no no now I'm it up 3b Oh or CD is gonna do you get the pretty girl yeah the three do it was like eight hundred dollars oh yeah and that was I was about 35 that had to be that had to be late 90s there's there is it was not in thousands that's a disk drive is a racecar rewind VHS cassette actually scaled if that was a VHS that controller would be maximum that wasn't three also like the idea that that controller cable is about a video FZ - one real yeah I for I don't know you could get it now on eBay for $90 I don't know how much it costs maybe it was like five hundred and that was just inflation I I don't remember it but I remember as I was like looking it costs him like 800 bucks he got it for like his birthday or some like that but and then it was like I mean I can't even remember the only game I can remember that he had it was a launch game was like some stupid board game it was like a trivia type like board game and I just remember being like this is the future like okay people talk and actually left and right just every guest on there two or something like there's some creepy game the suggested retail was $6.99 yup 700 bucks and what year did it come out right the console that probably came out like 97 or some first prototype unless it was before PlayStation that's a rich boycott there's also a lot of prices in here but that was like it was somewhere around six seven hundred bucks for sure like I'm positive it was like insane things Peter hey says was six hundred ninety nine dollars on 1993 93 okay so what's before play there you know there's there's no yeah that $32 man dude the price underneath it what is that right there is that it oh is that how much of this inflation is okay okay gotcha oh god I thought that's what it's worth now we're not doing too bad for video games now Gio was 650 bucks PlayStation was $300 the Nintendo switches $300 that's not bad we have done pretty well in the world of video games like last 20 games for $40 and then one bump up to six years of cool it's pumped up there safety first yeah there was a career I think that was to Dreamcast time to bruh probably before that oh no no no jus cats was for ps2 yeah PST was like early 2000s probably run Dreamcast remember definitely bumped up to my Dreamcast I wanted to go get like Power Stone really expensive dude but even then like again just like a sign of the times I it was 97 I bought Goldeneye it cost me $70 that phone : cuz that was it's like we got it you wouldn't want to pay $25 more than retail we'll sell t dumb a little bit so why was the special that they had it that's just like funk oh man that was just like fungal and I'm even know if Game Stop was a thing yet if they were before Game Stop well they were separate but like that was I went to fungal and before any I ever heard of any of those other stores EB Games which I'm sorry that point II would bid Electronics Boutique see I never go and rip me off but I like the Chinese shops of the yo-yo cards oh yes from the land I was like ripped me off because like no one else had the game this is this is the day where it's like Goldeneye came out and you couldn't buy it anywhere it just didn't exist it's like yeah I was like nah if I go in they just had that hard shot boys are us was weird days to go to hit up little cards do I get the suede the slip and then you go to the front you push the button and you wait for the guy forever the guy comes he puts the secret key in and he opens the door you're like oh and all the games are back there's any like slides through the window those arteries at times like on the right home I would just open and close and read the good read the out of the box usually had in it manuals was like like backstory you don't like oh here's all the broken ship and we're gonna call a feature I'd be like the original Zelda all the stories in the instruction booklet there's nothing in the game to start the game you know I'm in a cave I guess I'll take the sword okay Driscoll oh that's it the books got like pages of like all right close okay so let me tell you what schools the war yeah basically you only had to do it once though after that yeah yeah I mean that's yeah I'm like go get the princess got it why bother you know what's surprisingly cheap right now that I didn't realize cuz I'm back in the market to look for one TVs 4k TVs oh yeah why are they so cheap just a 4k cycle is it because like they're finally pushing out OLEDs right I mean right now specifically it's football like it like right around Super Bowl is when the movies get super cheap because the right now we're right about to get the the onset of like the 4k 144 hurt like TV run so we'll those panels aren't out yet so we're at the end of the 4k 60 from what you need that for TV [Laughter] yeah but also where's board and I put my computer games on that are you nuts yeah no but I'm saying you are back in the like drink oh yes yeah no I'm just saying like I love going back to my conversation earlier like I'm just now but I'm locked to that 28 inch I was a very a noun the resolution Betty see I mean you can have it know we're like Club okay's astounding it's just everything I have an evidence of what you're kind of furthering my point though of like then I would just lay all my computer games on my giant 4k TV with the frame rate every go something you can't get that right now unlike a monitor you know I'm really excited about going back to the IMAX conversation apparently the next Avengers movie because it's the first movie to only be shortly with IMAX cameras so if they release like an IMAX version of the 4k thing it should fill the whole frame I can't wait yeah we're tickets right I'm act like that baby is my max I'll do the Elmo I mean I'll see you at the Alamo Drafthouse you just not like watching IMAX movies and IMAX there's yeah it's like well IMAX theater IMAX is Reaper well inning I went to my first experience to be in an IMAX I saw Tron like the neutron movie in IMAX knows like yeah I love that I felt like I was missing things there's a couple different IMAX versions right there's the one that's like the dome which sucks and blows for watching movies and then there's the one that like to have at the Boat Museum which is the flat I'm x3 yeah where is this like yeah floor to ceiling like oh you're talking about like like bendy screen popping curves just yeah it's more for like nature you're not doing this a lot yeah I watched bale wolf like that animated CD Bale I couldn't see most of them she's doing Street Latinos fireball there's no sitting the way that kind of yeah but ever two bottles of this I felt West bad about it I watched avatar at the Bullock I find that easier I admit was cool except for the fact that there's like a giant stay on what's the big problem at the IMAX Anastas a giant what if they don't replace that probably come where I saw IMAX but I saw what was the last Nolan movie instead I was but I was thinking interstellar oh you were right in the first one I was wrong but yeah that's the ways what I was thinking cuz I haven't seen Dunkirk I saw interstellar on IMAX and I don't know which one it was he's downtown Oh what which theater was that was that the bendy one or was that the straight flat space is flat okay I oh my I was in the front I almost walked out of that movie because I refused to so Bernie Bernie had a bunch of extra tickets and that's how we went he invited me Lindsay to go and you were already there and and we got there and it was like there wasn't reserved seating it was just like animals there's a huge line outside we get in we get into the theater and like I think we're there late to like like it was so so we were on line just to get in it might not even have been for that movie but we were waiting and waiting and waiting you guys were already there we got in and the movie was like five minutes into the movie had already started and I'm looking around and the first note was I'm looking for seats and I see like six people sitting on the floor sitting on the stairs and I'm and then the movies like two hours and 40 minutes long and I'm like no I'm not doing that I have no idea I think there's people from the front row who couldn't see because it was too big maybe minutes do you want to sit friends who want to sit together maybe you show up late there's definitely not seats next week I don't know if here that allows that regardless higher code I mean I'm sure someone would come any be like Mars North the movie theater your it's true if you're on the spirit of the Joker you're also I mean it's true we're looking around for seats and I see I see a guy sitting in a chair and this is it is in an aisle with people sitting on the stairs that day I took note of the people on the stairs and I looked to the right and there's a guy in a seat an empty seat a woman sitting in the other seat and then an empty seat next to her and the woman the guy are holding hands across an empty and I remember being like well if they move over like like cuz it was no coat either I was looking for the tell-tale coat like this is reserved for someone there was nothing so I say the Lindsay I'm like go ask them if they can move over I was like you're a woman they're more likely to say yes to you true it's absolutely true did you go ask so I see her walk down there and the woman like I said the woman was closer to the aisle so she like scoots past the people sitting on the floor and she mentioned the woman she's like I'm watching this happen and I guess she basically oh can you move over whatever the woman doesn't move she would like refuses says no and like I just see Lindsay coming back and I'm like are we're leaving like I'm just gonna leave and as Lindsay's coming back the guys like and starts like waving waving us over and like he made her move I would literally just sat down but they were so like way again me not being there I'm like I mean it is for a good friend they're just like no I'm not moving over this seat we're not using for some reason I'm with this holding his hand I need a buffer around me well she moved her life so big to the right and then Lindsay and I rolled in and sat down and I'm just looking at the meal sitting on the stairs and they're like listen you didn't ask when you first tell that story I assumed that they were waiting for someone and then the guy was just like I guess then I'll come maybe but there's that otherwise what would be the reason I don't know you're crazy all right Jamie's real quick at Gavin uh someone Kyle on Twitter says of interest three will be entirely IMAX digital in 4k but IMAX the seventy millimeter is equivalent about 18 K so it's not actually 70 mil but it is IMAX digital do you understand what he just said does that make sense to you okay yeah I think of all people I figured guess what not 5 X years Happy New Year everybody I didn't touch my lips to people asking why is the table still exist I will destroy don't want home not really happy everyone's face right now it's my favorite yeah Mike isn't straight oh you looks like a medicine cabinet eyes are watering we're playing enjoy vodka alcohol why Mirai men don't like [Laughter] you're pouring tokens you're a little bit of God a little chasey tastes it's probably gonna taste like vodka yeah see my guess is your pop an egg in there with coke and beer keg oh wow breakfast in general delicious you're right it was done so I was like one of those things he's got a full on to you how things are like he's sweating tonight in the shot but I got like 90% of it but I had the little lat you know when you do like the double swallow that's when the gag reflex comes into play so it's like shot I was like take more more but then I had an instant like reaction which then just caused my face to people vomit and crying yeah yep Jerry's going to me crying vomit down Murray over it is anybody else watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies right now no if you watch no but I did just finish every Marvel Netflix show nice punisher over the weekend man if you watch one Marvel Cinematic Universe movie a week for the next they're basically for the next however long ago is including Black Panther during the week like like when Black Panther comes out you watch one a week you will end on infinity war so is there a suggested order well you do it no I mean other than white panther you have yeah so that's like different in chronological than there was release someone was someone actually released like a timeline of like when everything happens yeah like some stuff happens before like like Captain America does before some of the does flamey likes it like Civil War civil wars flashbacks like you know I got Tony Stark's parents which is like the the mid-80s yeah and then ant-man starts in like you know a man has the flashes back to like when Hank was you know look very proud of yourself Michael and so so he jumps around a jump around a liar but even like Thor like the work takes place like thousands of years in the past I mean like a guardian starts with like Peter abducted which is like the early eighties well yeah but I mean that's not where the meat of the episode the movie takes place aside from Captain America it's all oh my god there's a graph oh Jesus that's the time the story of everything is what that is solving could the Incredible Hulk which I would not watch it's like an underground I know it I know she was yes but I was cannon in the MCU yeah I started shows up in it it is right and also gathering like the general yeah yeah Thunderbolt Ross yeah he showed up in this award and so here's a lot going on there yeah yeah iron fist the defenders yeah agents of shield is interesting to like you mix all that stuff in because it definitely for a while was blending in with the movies now it's kind of taken on a life its own and they reference the movies like you the movies and because you'll never mix ever again but I like that when multiple characters are in the same movie there's like tons of rings look at infinity War part 2 yeah rainbow rings yeah that's awesome well cuz we're gonna get Joe out again there's someone at your door Gavin's like I'm using he's like a keyboard he's too connected yeah cuz we get we a black panther in March and then we have April no see the February March okay oh that's it and then we have infinity War part 1 well infinity war is gonna be in May and then we have ant-man and wasp and but tomorrow is yeah then then after then we get the next year yeah that would the next year we get when they watch that wow that's something and then infinity War part 2 and then Captain Marvel Captain Marvel I think is coming after infinity War part 2 coming correct there's so many plan yet this is old yeah well like Venom's part of that it's not I'm just I'm just it just reminded me of enemies coming out you're making the better movie right now it's a bane well Tom Hart Tom Tom Hardy's that's like agent venom or is it more like Ben of them I think it's been a penalty I mean the enemy's carnage I think yeah the villains carnage but the thing is oh it sucks cuz like I love venom and carnage and like the you know the whole symbiote saga thing but in order to do carnage write me read our movie I just bought cereal looks like he's got some really fucked-up oh well so I'm humming guys I hope it's one during the the spider-man that's 90 Turtles which is uh well played but like because Sony owns the rights like Sony still has the rights to spider-man and all the spider-man characters it's like Marvel they're there to be either basically giving Marvel the right to you spider-man in the MCU and that's like harder makes us some money yeah pretty much and that we can't but because of that like sony Sony made the amazing spider-man 1 & 2 and they were sort of horrible and they were gonna do a whole sinister six thing they set up for it but then they go ahead we're gonna wipe it right out and start over again and it's like learner so let's just let Marvel have those characters back and let them incorporate them into this larger thing we're gonna make a up yeah just get some like no we're gonna make venom we've been watching the MCU just as hard as DC has and we feel like we can put on a product just as good as they did yeah I gotta go back and my computer's probably done updating the story you mentioned some oh my god let me tell you that he goes back say the dummy you decide he's gonna get a corn dog atomic no came in this morning was like pissed I'm pissed about Sonic so should be awkward is this the same your house yeah okay yeah I'm mentally placing this for those who don't know what Sonic is it's like you drive up you could go in our house is what it is I mean like you literally pull your car please you push a button they bring you these you think skate out no they do not skate out this is not New Year's Day so a little while ago early this week and um cat was like I really want to shake their sonic there it is yeah that's like I really want to shake I want a frappe is what she said but a milkshake so I'm like alright well let's go to Sonic uh we get you whine all that again Willian kinds of drinks they bring up good that's the song yeah like what's this drink what's that dream there's a writer's for TV show those guys so we go there I go into the stall and like we're looking at different types of shakes and stuff and so we pick out what we want and then cat see something they have a big middle screen that's changing and it's like what the specials are the getcha screen so cats see something I'm gonna get you squeeze the machine you didn't even know you were gonna get yeah and she's like who can you order me one of those it looks really good and this is what made me realize that I hate when a fast food place releases an item that has a dumb ball idiot name alright little hot dogs like no mini hot dogs right they also have like they take the little hot dog bun but they put a piece of fried chicken in it with mayonnaise and pickles oh and so cats like that looks great ordered me one of those and I'm like okay so I push the button I'm like yeah I'll take like a medium strawberry chocolate shake I'll take a small banana shake and he's like anything else I went can I get a little cheeky I keep in the guy goes on a walk and that's the moment it's like it's a kid a will cheeky twins and the guy just goes aye aye aye I don't know what you're yeah it says little chickie the screen says will chickie like man it's just like people were one there never know no white screen says I'm just my car yelling little chick are you having a seizure right I know it sounds like something like Gavin would say yeah it's like sonic actually did email me that like shake in a cheeky little chicky chicky slower louder then maybe longer my god my wife is gonna be so mad if I don't come home with a little chick yeah and cats next to me like this like screaming little chicky into a intercom father we got lil chick he was pretty good that's not hers like that I remember I try to avoid it because and you really got Duke because it was at the place yes you're looking at it what I'll never do is like if you see a commercial on TV I'm like oh the first place I go through they're not gonna know what the that is yeah I have no idea what the that is there's no way a little bit ago I was like a year ago but it was a pant Express not too far from my house and it's like the only Chinese food place around so we go there every now and again and they had Lindsay saw like on TV or something and then she checked the website they were having a promotional like they were doing like a bubble tea thing which it's like yeah it's like tons of bubble tea places in Austin is that the with the little bumps yes with the lumpy elbow exactly we made one of Jeremy's mad with the llama they say well they seem to find tapioca pudding is delicious low beep ah Jeremy do another one before you leave with your head but Lindsay's like soul reason she looks like she likes Panda Express but she's like go for this bubble tea and then we'll just get food they're like that's why we want to go whatever the bubble tea I'm like they're not they're never gonna have it she's never gonna have that there and she's like I checked the website it's on the website like it's panics breaths we're all doing like okay we go there she pulls up she orders whatever and then she's like oh I'll take the bubble tea whatever it's called just means like know what why I'll have the bubble tea Vova I know what that is not even like oh we don't have that listen just like we don't who the are you what are you talking about yeah we all have that we don't know what it is and we're never gonna have I'm get get away from her food available oh god it's the old dead great well here's the thing about pain expressed that sucks wieners they don't have they don't have be flow me which is insanity sweet sour chicken it's insanity orange chicken sweet and sour chicken and beef lo mein are the three first things you have in a Chinese restaurant that's where you start okay how the they don't have that I don't know what was your mystery chicken sweet sour chicken orange chicken and beef lo mein like every single Chinese place and it's like going to a pizza place and like a little mix ooh you know I like like so come on come on okay the other thing is it's a nightmare for drive-thru and I know that every time I go through it it's like a 20-minute wait something's gonna happen it's gonna be a nightmare but what pisses me off the most is they're always out of always they are out of orange chicken if you're paying to express how the are you McDonald's being out of burgers okay happen how your orange chicken everyone spent Express is synonymous with orange chicken it's number one on the value menu it is their Big Mac have you ever been I know for a fact right a big never know I have never been to McDonald's ever where they've run out of anything I don't know boys run out it's like our machine's broken yeah cleaned again no one has ever been like I screamed out of yeah but nobody runs out of food like Panda Express and it's like I will say nope there is someone its subway no interaction you have it someone they make it pretty rockin ID subway crashing subway closes at 10:00 I'm like where I live okay there's not a time okay I'm not near Austin we're kind of Shipley stone that's proving they're gettin away jeez oh you know anyways for my death was not happy about my excitement but he don't understand he lives in the heart of Austin he's got everything everywhere all around him okay I'm getting the Wendy's I'm getting some chicken sandwiches can you tell what the hungry oh yeah like subway if I want a tuna tuna sandwich I better go before eight o'clock you all but nine sometimes in a bring myself to get the tuna it's that way not any better with the meat save me and like a thing that shops there you see the boy that I use thing like when was that a fish they're like how long ago was that so now I don't far beyond like yeah I don't give a I care about there's something like sliced salami and so I can convince myself like oh my salami inquest I always get spicy town this is this is what I love right here this is what my clothes oh my god when they do that slapping on your sandwich I like it a TV they grew up for this is standard East Coast boy yes that's it man that you go to his shop there's just like dude right into it growing up as a kid like I'd be disgusted and you were outside my house I'd go oh you want like a grilled cheese sandwich you want like whatever I make ham and cheese like oh sure and then and then I watch their mom go in the fridge and pull out craftsy ah and I'm like nuts you're using crap singles you know the best single there's like the individual sliced cheese it's like rubber cheese yeah we're like the package is in a smaller package and mom was making what's cool like listen you got no money that's fine yeah I'm not disparaging other dollars that live that light so cool is melting yeah because it tastes like dog but I grew up with some pretty good like deli standard yeah you know I mean that's Cathy's cuz I know yeah and then they slice it oh my soul I don't know how it gets they go listen what kind of meats are in the salami alright this and that all right cool we take mostly the good meat most like know some of the good meat mostly what you can't use for any I'd salami lips and give me all the little oh yes all that it's my favorite dip I like a bunch of fat because that lines a guy I feel like it's one I love it too but I don't think I want to see it get made into the sauce oh yeah it's like a like a like you were putting pantyhose over something but it's it's intestine [Music] is pretty similar to sausage the world's powder lose power we forgot about read I'm just kidding going under without no ads left hey buddy respond on combat sir I think what happened was sales sales forgot that we're gonna do the show in 2018 you didn't tell them that I did tell them taking Christmas New Year's and 2018 we're currently on break right now that's like what do you see McDonald's they announced like oh we've got back and then you go to McDonald's they don't have the McRib yet get there and you gotta look for the signs at the McDonald yeah if they have the McRib and there's no magrib sign they don't have it yeah and they're gonna again be like huh when they enter out front McRib is back I will say what they did do recently and I flipped my over this so the same day that they had the session one sauce thing like that way under the radar they reintroduced chicken tenders at McDonald's right because they had chicken selects for years but they like they started serving them like three years ago buttermilk so yeah yeah chicken or is it like no it's good as it's really very good so it's like literally they're basically the Rick and Maury thing completely overshadowed that like no one knows McDonald's those chicken tenders if you care you're because they know because someone was like oh my god I those buttermilk chicken tenders are delicious like you they had a what yep this is this is how I found out this is like a month or so ago so probably November or something I was talking to Lindsay about me about having a very serious conversation about McDonald's and I think I mentioned as I mentioned she can selects as ad pointed out living with us for almost a year that we have the most seinfeld conversations and arguments ever like well like full-on get into an argument over like I said like a Seinfeld Costanza conversation about like nothing about like how you fold a napkin you know and I'm like it's the principle is the principle of the you know and he's like I'm gonna go to my room crib yeah and he was he was training for a baby and I was like yeah they had chicken selects and she was like oh I don't know I don't I don't care I'm not a loser and I was like you know all about chicken selects I mean I like informed over the history of chicken selects and I'm like yeah they don't have any more Bobo what that conversation ended and I'm like wait when did they get rid of him whatever happened to him and I literally Google like McDonald's chicken feels like it's bad it was like 1 day ago McDonald's has chicken tenders back and I remember going oh look I wasn't even looking for it but it's here drop the baby because you can't wait to be the difference between a lovely nog select and attendants will the select and the tender pretty similar a lovely nog for shape it's like their Garbo chicken that's delicious yes I'm agreeing with everyone there it's like right the tenders are like real chicken meat it's like Chris the bag knows that it came from oh you can just see like the lines in the chicken you can like rip it open and there's like chicken meat on the inside they are legit delicious so I ordered some are they more expensive I don't think the media water meal of the 10 you know you tend Nuggets for a combo meal and the afford tenders for a dude they went nuts with the tenders you can get four six or ten tenders 14 so I started getting the the buttermilk chickies know like yeah yeah I was like I'm back chickens back it's all good and again this is why I'm freaking about Wendy so much is because there's no good chicken can you just not a great chicken place when do you spicy chicken though yours I know but I had no Wendy's now I got my dues now I know I don't have it yet I mean nice chicken sandwiches but what are they going up cuz I know I'll be in the next few months we have car tonight it's already getting built no no thank you but so I'm like I had the chicken I started spread full of the chicken I told Andy about the chicken anyway I'm like you gotta eat this chicken it's good everyone I told has been like it's good chicken I go to McDonald's Earl like last month like second week in December strolling through my yeah I'll take the chicken like oh we don't have that anymore what what throughout I think you just you just put this out and like not even like we're sold out but just like we don't have that how the menu we're off the menus you're telling me this amazing chicken that you've just described to me is reinterred their lives is now gone forever no it was gone then Bob Bob all right so this is how ridiculous this is Road so it's a it's true so I drove home thinking like oh my god what's going on with the chicken I don't know I find out was like an absolute I get home I take my phone out I'm like what the is going on with the chicken the chicken has done oil Aurum the chicken has this chicken the chicken is done so well and and like it killed all predictions that they don't have enough chicken so like regularly sell it it's like so line of white biohazard thing there was that wrong it was a guy it was the guy next to that yeah yeah to chart right he was like this he was looking at like the supply in the demand and he was like so I went it up they came out and said like McDonald's whoever instead of like having a bunch of places that run out of chicken they just stopped all chicken for like three weeks they're like no more chicken we're gonna build up our chicken supplies then chicken comes back it's now bad alright I really pulled it from every single McDonald mileages it out of stock know so much non-stop as it was so it's like it's back though selling me nuggets it's not a special item thing so it's on the board like it's on the thing they just put a piece of paper over put a white piece of paper just taped it over and they're like no for being a chicken I was freaking out I was like tell me you didn't just get rid of this joy it's the worst time to be a chicken a chicken hatchery it hatches from an egg into a world where there's a chicken shortage of even worse ooh it's not even like I'm alive you're dead it's like I'm alive it's like I'm gonna watch you grow there's a McDonald's near my house it's open 24/7 so we're kind of pretty much forced to go there goes I'm here 22 in the morning why aren't you get that dude you know what you know what Andy and I dub that are like midnight Mac attack heat the maggot I did Andy all times both him living with us and then when he moved out I would just text them like feel on a Mac attack that's like 1153 that's better than like hey you feel guilty about ourselves Mac attack sounds way better you see I don't ever feel guilty though I don't even I just move on Jeremy does Jeremy eats himself Bob he's always like I go there at every single time I'll be Jack yours Nuggets because she's the Nugget queen she loves chicken on your plate we get upset we get to the window marinara the Duke of Nuggets pretty much I saw her like it's all day every day um Wendy's not gets our bet there's a they are we get there and like we get our bag we get the Nuggets and their other was like look she can't eat and that chicken nuggets not the sauce so she's only like there's no sauce every time is like there's no sauce I look over I'm like hey we don't have a saucer-like wall it's 50 Cent's I'm like no I'm chicken nugget give me the song get sauce with nuts and every time have to show them the receipt like what are you doing I'm holding the knife holding the Nuggets they're going bring these oh whoa whoa whoa could be from arrived house throwing some Tyson nuggets hook him up we put him in this old McDonald's about it arrives in McDonald we've been bamboozled real source well here's the thing too is that like they're that it's theirs especially that late night shift they're all Latinos oh yeah so when they see me then it's like they're all teenagers yeah yeah didn't give up that's the ultimate we don't even you share every time account every time I - um I have this always like they seem you know like oh I'm like I'm I'm like half Latino yeah I'm done I'm sorry are you gonna love Katie I'll be like but I want a large hot chocolate what do you want I would like a Grande soy no frat mocha and I'm like yeah I don't even need Starbucks I'm just like just relaying it I'm like no it's a large hot chocolate and then this dude the ABS amazing I got a box right next to my house use the app you get the bucks points what do you like you got started that he's awesome about is like I wouldn't really give like outside of the app but the app it's already there well use the athlete through drive-thru well well I don't know about the remote remote but you can just go pick it up so it's like literally every single time I've admin there's trouble in my house I've been there maybe 15 times why every time I have ever gone in there this is how I go to Starbucks I did it this morning's it so like anybody those like I have a nice very my good thanks and it makes sense I as a passenger in the car all the time is I might making myself useful that will take off from home and I'm like they'll be ready by the time that's like as we go that it's readiness you know what I do and I did this morning it's just first off I don't I don't know why most people don't just do that you just I mean every single morning I did this morning five minutes before we left the house I'm just like cool put the order in but like I do this I did this morning I like walk up I'm like that's my name put it down I'm just like I like double check it just to make sure no one thinks I'm stealing anything because it's just it's just there that's all so you're Latino yes what's the worst that could happen they'll be like hey like I don't want that's embarrassing no I know it's embarrassing for them if they stop being like the see see I perhaps I have the opposite when I go and every time I go and I go somebody better not have taken my like I'm always afraid someone else will just be like oh this is my stuff I say I will say all the times I've done it it's worked every 100 no don't take my my shits always been there waiting for me always has my name on it I think no one takes anyone's other because everyone's so particularly their comedy yeah yeah anybody gonna Starbucks is like what is this coffee but going back to like looks like Kate and everything like Jackie's just like Oh Mike my sip my Maya my orders is it's pretty it's pretty simple I'm like no if you have literally in the in like your description a splash of skim milk in you order the large meat yeah hint if I taste a bunch of like it's whittled down a forearm of cinnamon please I love her but yeah she's in that middle line of like not overly complicated so like I can't remember it just enough just enough to be like that's something that's a little more than that light complicated rather like complicated and also the thing is it's like Mario Kart different series like heavy yeah you're like light middle yeah like Katie doesn't think to where she'll order something new like I'm gonna try this and they'll get like a large of it and it's like I don't like it I'm like get just keep what you like that's backup drink yeah you won that's what you for being an adult right when you're a kid it's like tell me what you want you eat it you piece of that's how I grew up like if you don't like it then you're you don't get food if I order food a restaurant it's like I'm gonna be cheeky try something new and I think it's okay it's like I'm not gonna send it back here someone else I'm just gonna get this down it is on you but you also have the ability to go no I don't want something else I do that all the time I'm average it we're like I'll never do like order what I want and then the that I'm like what about that like I do my safety ordering and then my fat order that's okay cuz you're out sitting in back and putting up no I'd never send my bag back I'm just like we can't okay even if it's dog yeah I'm sorry I'm never like I got cold stuff where I'm like this is cold like like like you know you get something like a steak I was like this is literally that I'm sitting for Drake is the quintessential send it back yeah he's from the up if you tell me if you ask me how do I want this and I tell you I want it and you don't give it to me how I want that's not crazy one thing if you're like I'm like what the does that yeah yeah this Calamari's too rubbery right the one thing that I have and will always send back is uh if it if I want a cheeseburger then just give me a hamburger oh that I cannot do Hamburg Megan slap baby Jesus like double this book all even odds and a lot of times to you because sometimes sometimes some restaurants are worried about like taking your food away and bringing it back because there's like now I'm touching it kind of deal bring me a piece of cheese on a plate sometimes you mind if we just put the same patty and put the chair my that's fine like I'm a baby shoot it across the room no I do the whole ham gotta have cheese on it all right so so couple people said Dairy Queen as well as chick-fil-a for chicken and so both of the way yes chick-fil-a to me Wendy's is like a step down from chick-fil-a in my opinion but where would you put that as far as the chicken tenders from McDonald's the chicken selects I probably put him under Wendy's Jim Tim to me Wendy's is like the no Wendy's to me is like the best chicken of like generic fast food place but again in my head chick-fil-a is like there's less chair lays than like Wendy's and McDonald's and Burger King laying absolutely hundred precent ways Burger Kings not on international Burger King doesn't exist in Austin you gotta look for a chick-fil-a a little bit I absolutely agree technically yeah chick-fil-a take that I was gonna say I was gonna go away you did have another shot but you didn't finish that one yeah what do you do with the fire me apparently you can use this bar ball you can use the pre-order thing and drive-thru you can like order do you guys because honestly it like Starbucks makes sense it seems like a NASA not like it doesn't seem necessary you can also do that at McDonald's now oh yeah my thought is like who goes to McDonald's drive-thru and they're like God I wish it was ready yeah like my I'm afraid if you ever give them $1.00 you gonna get cold food yeah like McDonald's like lose your dude you got two minutes to eat it right so I would never order early to McDonald's Jack's got something h-e-b has curbside pickup I'm gonna try that I was writing it but how's that - you drive up and they just go here you go sections of my mom yeah yeah in that case why you just do it's a call okay to delimit because for me because yourself I can't do instacart at my house I can't what it's like like we have any TV extra office here I could be like oh yeah do all my order like all my grocery shopping before I leave submit the order to drive over there pick it up go how I was gonna try it this night I live three minutes away from the don't know there's Mia there's a designated ki there's a designated set of parking spots that says curbside pickup well do you have to show cuz now in Austin you can't you have to use reusable bags or you probably buy your bags every time the cheap plastic ones but they're still like a buck a bag oh yeah then bring them back and wanna be like oh here's two if you're really doing that somewhere this is Johnson's bag don't confuse them you don't do curves I pick him go I don't want you actually for the bags dollars the other day I was yesterday cuz I had all my switch stuff in my hands and I didn't bring a bag I walked out and I tripped over some instacart that was just left on my front door and I was like god damn it and I was like no way of saying it's really convenient that all of my shopping who left this here I got like uh nanoids I was like drop my switch but it's so convenient I long about everything that's convenience I did do my pantry last week I'm gonna try the curbside this week jack was like 2018 son don't be going buying your groceries or coming to your pickup you're leaving these oh it's a different app yeah that's like it's like anytime Prime now I don't get like uh like perishable foods you can just have them leave it at the door I don't even have to talk to you no no any time like that that check box is there I'm like leave it at the door get it whenever the human race is ruined a little bit Oh what the person who collects this off the shelves is a robot bin yeah there's still someone who does here's the thing though I feel like and I guess this goes on for every single generation or the generation before us probably said the exact same thing and then before that whatever but to me it's like we're good cuz we know it you know we know we're worth this is crazy someone's bringing the to my house I mean I grew up doing the like I went grocery shopping with my mother whenever she went shopping and that was about it without I had no internet for 18 years of my life and then I got it I feel like everyone who just has it then now we're like going forward people that are like this is my groceries took two hours to get to my house when your mind said it's like and I'm angry about it then we're Foster's market now I'm lie about the same thing can be said for the next technology like when no I know kitchen I know like a tap and you dispense powder and you put it in a microwave and then it's food for the people like the archaic days with an L go get groceries and I was like what well it's like where's the end gonna be I don't know and now we just make it in a tube yeah wait some cheap food well I mean like right now Oregon they just went from like I know I was in New Jersey you can't pump your own gas and or agaricus organ it was like that but now you can and now like there's videos of people not knowing how to pump gas and Oregon yeah like Italy's like just pouring car share man to pump gas I never did it my entire life dude I don't rule out a phone call from jackass really it's illegal why would I see him do it well I don't drive but I know how to pump gas yeah but that's not no there's TV I mean you take it out you put it in there doesn't really I know is coming from because like a year ago Jackie took my car like buyer stuff with fros I know there's a little bit like whole thing up when you put it in she's like okay he's like oh the tank is almost empty like I need like how do you pump gas I was like what the do you mean how do you pump gas is she's like I've never pumped gas before I'm like what do you mean you're a pump gas before she came home she told me like yeah New Jersey you don't pump your own gas like it's something you don't do I'd say I'm not blew my mind yeah yeah I knew people that like pump their own gas and it was like a thing of like they always go to that gas station they know the guy the guy doesn't give a I'll so it's cold as in New Jersey so literally like those like again that's a job that doesn't exist here not only pumping gas but like they had this it's basically like toll booths they have these little booth in the middle of the gas station and they sit there and they freeze to death in the winter and they just sit there like this and then someone drives up [Laughter] don't stand with you they watch like the TV or the radio or whatever they have in there they don't just sit in your car like till they ask how much you want uh-huh like 20 hours regular down but my gas in and then you roll it back up and then then you know to turn the car off if you're dumb and you don't they're like turn your car off and then you just sit there one time that I got alright the last time I got gas in Jersey when I was there for work for a while I got so confused because I didn't know that I completely unaware of that practice right is the guy just comes up to the karmic stop cuz you wanna have a Twitter almost got mugged weird gas station New Jersey and see if it's a guy wearing a turban he's definitely coming to pump your gas I mean I got I was midway out of the car and I'm starting to do it back in your car sir wizard it wasn't good at speaking English so the communication broke down a bit where I'm like I don't know why you're coming at me with this in the car here what do you want white wine tipton not really no not not in general only of like you know it was confirmed really every single time is more expensive because that's his he's got like some of the cheapest gas in the nation then why have that guy like why not just make people that could be a robot the you I don't how to show it probably was asking that Allah I mean it's nice and New Jersey when you don't have to get out of your car are you a lot as New Jersey you like to charge your own electric car what do they have to come yeah superchargers your car they beat the out of you it's just a really suave what can I do that's the most confusing I hate those mom I'm like do I tip this person for this no I don't know I'm talking I just like random day I can't bring it in any any service industry what is yeah I'm really Europe next week and I'm like I don't know I'm gonna let it on I tell you what do I give money to yeah you know do I wait this you do to boyars I always thought I always do I thought they got people living wins you don't it's a tip way is an Australian okay serve is also terrible in Australia that's because they don't get the same whether or not they treat you well remember you are from the South in the US which is very friendly man it's true extremely friends but like you know in Australia you go and it's like alright I'm gonna go I'm gonna have a drink of water and not only that is like okay this can half of that is gonna be like that's gonna be the water glass and it's gonna be pissed I would love a refill and then you'll never get it or you get a beer it's like oh and it's gone and water is the worst thing you don't give it that oh come back and it's piss warm all the time and they give you tiny little water cups I'm my favourite water experience is weird my favourite water experience ever we VIP we the ocean we did the VIP parties RTX this year this past year 2017 Oh add Stubbs which I get this outdoor venue was art what our Texas this is Austin here in and so I walked in and I said basically I walked into made about 10 feet and then I was surrounded by humans for about three hours straight and I just like I just I literally was going around in a circle the signing stopped and people just keep reappearing and it's over and over and over again after I was done I met my friends there's are like a little like Mexican restaurant across the street I went over there and I sat down I was exhausted and like our wait our waitress came by and I'm like bring me a pitcher of water with a straw in it and she brought out a pitcher of water like probably you know two liter pitcher of water and I finished two of them oh so good I don't know what it was about being Saudi high taxes doesn't around with like I know the difference from New Jersey's like here's a cup of water if you want why Texas no it's good I know but but I'm now accustomed to it so even when it's not like I like drinking water it's also nice to drink a shitload of water when you know you're gonna get up and it's like thanks for all this water I'm gonna get tanked yeah you go outside the country and they're like a symbol of you can wet paper towel but Cali always has drink you don't know what they don't ask you use that to ask for the water I go on water because by some by some money from California piss well yeah Australia on the tap the surfs in Australia is so bad where it's like alright good service in Australia mm maybe one or two places but the vast majority is good to be back okay our city this year we'll go to oh that's right terrible person what am i I mean gayer could be lethal all right that's your punishment for not being arrogant like God let's try this be a merry kid yet doesn't change my reason I'll get an anchor baby just bring them all over does that work under the Trump regime oh that's um right now they're trying to get rid of Jane better hurry up now your windows closing mmm that's why it's a difficult and apparently for the whole chain migration as far as I know you have to be a citizen in order to bring other people over like Katie if Katie became a citizen of the u.s. she then ring her family over but right now she can't like she can't do anything with that so it's like because we were talking about trying to get her sister over be like I'll be cool she came over as like no that's not it feel like it's a permanent yeah it's like that's not a thing you can do even though Katie's been in and been in for almost five years now it's the cash you can you could just divorce Katie and marry a sister that's true that's true I do think no but if Katie have a green card yet she does okay she does no it's not it's not Wow do you it's not based on being Mary Lee anymore either so she could totally done me right now and me conditional it's like three years and then you can get the the ten years oh you should go before we got inside of that my sister me first and then marry you oh yeah absolutely you can do it again get it in while you can well we can currently get a gay married until they reverse that will live stream it there we go yeah oh say thermo reversal is what an up-and-down week for weed oh yeah yeah California like recreational weed to go and then Jeff Sessions like you doing like a major like reversal this no didn't do it it's like it's okay weed okay Ferb for if you're not in America the way words that America is really weird because it's it's stupid that makes no sense on a federal level which is like money US government's they say weed is illegal it always has been always is been illegal I think and yeah well I have something controls but on a state level states can then regulate it differently so like in Colorado weed is a hundred percent legal like you can in recommendation you can go out and buy weed recreationally some states have admitted medicine I only where you have to have like certain like a doctor knows into that card California was like that and sold just this past the second so I guess about Tuesday and they've now made a recreational where you can just go by with walked into a store buy yeah it's like if there's limits to like up to an ounce does yes okay more than that no its name it's called the United States [Music] exactly and the Republican Party is this is they're the ones that eliminate federal oversight yeah state's governor now that's all that's one issue I have with the sort hypocrisy for the Republican Party because it's like oh yeah states right stays right stays right say just be cool the mishmash of America because was state right you can get away with like certain states make abortion incredibly difficult to have they'll be like oh they have to go through all these things borscht is not elective but you got to go through eighteen steps to get there and it's like well okay that's the state's right thing like Texas does that but then you know like oh like weed okay well like weed or a states rights yeah we're gonna legalize it oh well not that we're not cool at that and the kind of here we go so kinda so call it the Colorado Democrats yesterday we'll give Jeff Sessions our legal pot when he get when he pries it from our warm it was extremely interesting to look at hands yeah and so basically there's a problem there's there's basically I guess the last few years is again Obama era thing where the federal level of like it's still legal but they were there's basically they're like it's not a prime concern yeah we don't give me kind of deal like we'll leave that to the states well let the states do whatever the they want like there's the ultimate like they could whip it out you know you can't cross state lines they could bust your ass leaving from California going to another state where it's not legal but like where the states do whatever you can go nuts in that state now just recently was like Thursday's yesterday the day before Jeff Sessions basically said they're looking at high General of the u.s. yeah they're looking at that at changing that and going back to like no no we're gonna like horn in on it and be like no you can't do that disarray shitty no like if you're a legal marijuana dealer I don't write way worse for them we're the owners like well going into business you'll see you can only deal in cash yeah like you can't put money in the bank because that becomes a federal issue yeah that may be changing like that it may be but well the other way right yeah it's very difficult but yeah the u.s. just seemed it seems like act 3 of me myself and Irene well then the problem is too it's like because like the argument is like oh well marijuana is you know it's it's ruining it's ruining people and it's doing all these bad things and then you look at the Colorado which is that legal marijuana front two or three years now and it's like and here's Colorado on top of literal billions of dollars they made in tax money which is you know supplying police forces rehab clinics you know hospitals schools like helping people because people want to smoke it's also like incarceration rates have dropped in like there's less crime because people aren't and there's not a blacks awesome insanity yeah but then that's like you see cigarettes and alcohol up the wazoo yeah and they're still on no well that's about like let it go man holy the Attorney General's comparing generals eighty years old is the problem to the weeds where all the criminals are well you also figure you know like like all these like cigarette companies always like you're speeding money to them but anyway um nonsense on top of that even though I shall honor it if they made it federally legal the cigarette companies would be the first ones to sell you a package joint so much tax in us in the price of a cigarette what would they be able to text like how much tax is in cannabis purchases I think they're taxing it like like the fake cigarettes like ninety percent it's like you say 25 percent right now it's also crazy to just for like this in general because even with the tax it's like the legal weed is cheap as yeah well false tears dealing with a drug exactly you know literally it's just like holy realistic but the problem is too is like so the Attorney General has put marijuana as a class 1 drug which is up there with heroin like they're saying heroin and marijuana are just as bad for you and it's like no that is just just Louis country putting it on like scheduling is a class 1 drug you can't use it for research purposes so like people who are doing research in like marijuana they can't get any government funding at all for because it's labeled as a class our Schedule one drug and so it's like it's so dumb to just like just yourself like that just because you know alcohol companies and cigarette companies are giving you money like that like get in companies give you money well it really sucks to is right now so you know traditionally party line being Republicans are against us Democrats are for this right now Republicans are actually kind of turning on Jeff Sessions and want to get rid of them and now Democrats are trying to keep him because of the Russia Pro yeah yeah so the party that would get rid of sessions to stop this from happening has to keep him to keep the Russia program we should explain that so Jeff Sessions runs the Justice Department right if he was fired or replaced whoever came in would then have he refused himself from the Russia probe yes if someone replaced Jeff Sessions they could come in and then fire the bomber so he so rose esteem is the number to it that's Justice Department and so right now he is the sort of person who could fire Bob Muller who's doing the rotten roles keeping robert muller who's doing me you guys going back the russia russia probe into the election fraud and everything and then but yeah so he said he won't fire Muller right now he has no no reason to but Jeff Sessions probably would but he recused himself because he was tied too closely to the investigation so if he gets replaced someone could come in and then be like oh yeah well get rid of that guy too which really wouldn't solve anything because the investigation still going on they're not firing Muller would not in the investigation I'm reducing myself from achievement you are you were pretty good in 2017 in attendance yeah now he's gonna say like yeah let's tan land was good strong mean you're strong you got to swear I was like I have reasonable certainty that Gavin's gonna come in there's good what's bad I'm leaving the country I'll say to his eye I usually field the questions of where's Gavin when's he coming in who that is true Michael is our connection I had a wedge I think September I was gone yeah well you had your show yeah your YouTube show and then you had you've got lazer team - you're out for a good chunk of that that was so you were in my filmed over a weekend - the year I'll never be my best year for a human Hunter was I had one year just all in Achievement Hunter I was 2013 cuz Dan was in Afghanistan and I was like you should go back right like we're all winner but then yeah they knew without caring like between you eat eat his righteous ass anymore he does so if you have another job he consumes quit the army Elliott right he's been out like nine or 10 months living life I never had I don't know what he does huh does he go out like all hours in the night like vigilante style take your people's doors slam push I mean definitely does that I'm sorry slice and puss he's got cats too so he's probably feeding posts all right look I'm off to push I remember my second interview they're like alright we're gonna have you back here you gotta meet like you met everybody else but you gotta be Michael and Gavin I came in there was like no Gavin they were like oh yeah he's just not here a microphone okay so that was like at some point me to me Alfredo it was like the fourth time I'd not be in there and then I was like I assume it's fine Trevor likes them just bring of it do you want two things would have happened Gavin either would have been like oh so what do you think like Alfredo human or it's colored I don't like him that's you would never get there like who's coming - I like him but I'm just saying I know you and you definitely wouldn't have a like he's awesome hire him that that wouldn't happen you'd either be a different or tell me about was like hell yeah did you know what to heb they know who they were before they got here you pick him up curb yeah I'm just saying I don't think there was ever a scenario where anyone was waiting on Gavin's glowing recommendation that's all I'm saying they were trying to get like you gotta give back if Gavin you gotta meet Gary be mindful with you in the room and you leave and he's not like I hate you then you're probably good that's it that's probably they were probably more just waiting on like does Gavin hate Alfred yeah we need to find and obviously I can't stand you know yeah you would never know that right yeah you never know you shoot that show back at your the of shooting show loved you every moment up until like this week when you sell more awesome shells backwards into my throat I could clear my switch the best phrase on the right and then I go to actually you can see it too right as like the other drivers like you can see the person turn right when every play I mean can you see it in the moment I don't know maybe you look exactly yeah maybe I don't know oh no I'm usually focusing on the track but one of my favorite moments from what I remember of yesterday's Marriott sessions which is got a bit blurry in my mind but that was one pick between races where Ryan was just like don't be right up the ass 7 thing is that you're in well I mean that was the only CPU oh yeah yeah you're you're under the deep end plan with us yeah but no I'm not cuz I never saw you guys but yeah what puts you at my action getting good at this game is so satisfying like when you suddenly start to feel it you know I need to drift here need to hop this need to jump well that's what a bonus item use this item and it's just like you need a plan 90% of it is just learning the map like yeah no where because I haven't yeah I don't know where the quarters are like I don't know how deep the corner is I don't look them is we got another one why don't we get a little tiny dude it's a tiny dude and then he like takes up most of it so I was getting a beverage not a mixer I saw I'm like new someone sent us another bouncy castle after we destroy the limine we did destroy the last one the lifespan of any object in achievement office is actual Bernie Bernie this is Cindy did you bring your own beverage you don't follow me and now it's fully empty now it's complete it was a drivel there was no booze sandy boozled impressed by your working taps and the fact that we're working is set dressing and some of them were working in this we're all so multiple shots in but I've had a blast okay because say deep it's part of the guild remember the Felicia Day show Kris was in college they lost a huge award at South by Southwest to the guild and so I've brought that up about the way to the top is through the bottom yes bye-bye haven't you I guess I mean that's your - I'm cleaning the Emmy nominees yeah well the season I was on for The Amazing Race was nominated for an Emmy so I'm Emmy nominee you did at least like one twentieth of you were probably like the main nomination part right there probably like a family on the driving force of the nominees for consideration Bernie are you gonna get a Tesla Roadster the new one I don't know man you know how much they are like to the quarter million for like the singles here 100 200 yeah one's gonna Mars it's a test flight like they can't put usually take concrete simulate putting they're putting a roadster in it and they've also got cameras all over the images of like orbiting Mars what which in space there's literally no there's no acoustic so you can't hear anything anyway so the cars stars last week get an X gonna three get a truck well said I don't know what's less likely that we'll get to Mars in the next few years or that Tesla will put out a car on time unless they take forever to put stuff out I think like a must enough of the Roadster that's they're gonna put their the distance brother we've been around for a very very long time like wired was writing about it early 90s yeah people think Elon must started started that company he did not I mean you needed Elon Musk to put it on the map that's he got the must well he said the first car was a roadster and it's about the size of this table yeah and so they're going Baccalaureate or yeah yeah it's like you had that full of bananas you almost like go to sit on the ground that's how low it wasn't drift until you hope that's a real yeah it definitely on the bathroom banana peels whoever was behind you oh yeah then they did the the S and that took I think like five years later to come out than they said it was going to you and the three was always kind of like the Holy Grail yeah well three right now is supposed to launch fall of last year yeah and they've already been pushing like i pre-ordered it before they made the announcement I'm out there and I was supposed to get it between December and February and I haven't even gotten my like alert or whatever yet so I'm probably if I get what I'll probably like juniors there's one in Austin oh there is yeah they started posting pictures I saw pictures of it somewhere that somebody saw one in Austin oh no if I want to drive one of those why not I mean obviously initially reading the idea of the model 3 but the dash on it is so weird you look before now - Ryan I look for instruments that show me the speed that's so bad when the steering wheel isn't no not they just have a iPad in the middle west looks like it is not anti-glare at all like I don't know I'm going somewhere they can't tell my mother gallon just get the app I'm sorry theoretically won't be driving it very long like you'll be cycling type in your resident go and I wish nothing weird there is absolutely no information about how fast your goalies like project a heads up in their how much gas you have you Lee starts on the crowd can you tilt the display they don't think so but yeah the only thing bothering you a little bit yeah the only physical buttons are like the windows the hazard lights I think the turn signals and the door lock number one complaint with cars what's the problem no button not a set of accidents are because of button that's true absolutely yeah so you know you'd love Ryan they I think they maybe you did CES last year and I'm curious to see if it comes back this year there's a Chinese company that had a drone that's big enough for one person to ride in what really how you get it certified and like your we gonna tell you have a pilot's license to fly this thing they go no we work that out there's no controls in the cockpit and you just fly via wire basically like GPS you plug in where you're going and it just flies you you have no your own looking forward a personal aircraft is a complete inability to control it at all hundred that test that Kenya I would worry about a good nap for San Francisco get stuck in Lake Travis at the bottom of the Lake Sandra back Chinese on traitors bring your one-person aircraft which is controlled by tablet and capable of flying 60 miles an hour Rose he hang incorporated mah AMG and they showed it at in Las Vegas at CES last year's CES is just about to happen again in a couple days right yeah he's going right are you going on Oh Jeff's going okay I need to get an iOS update mid-flight to slow down ball the battery right what's a vessel that's like a thing you can ride in it's a it's a cup that knows what liquid isn't it because I'm that thing someone said what'll come first Jack's model three or Gavin's been three I bought him a vessel for Christmas three years ago on Kickstarter still has every Christmas we have the anniversary of it instead they put out another cup that's just a cup here's a cup but what pain do you see uh oh there is that that's not vessel that's the drone oh that's not a cop 12 with that the props are at knee level yeah that's what I don't understand our machine it is a murder machine they had imagined the props go when the doors are open though right like they probably don't turn on their back off my drum back off the lambo doors haven't gone up it's got a Reuters yeah you completing the neranenah need em neck level sure is the one by slingers that you should hit you in the leg that's right off the arteries in your leg so you my sister it's like my stare to the nightmare but like maxed out I hate it I think last week was like one of my fears is like walking up a flight of stairs tripping and hitting like my shin against a weird fear it is where shin guards also live in a bubble at that point so someone with that hey Watson me our Jeff Goldblum I don't know who did this someone made something that's baby with us it's bait Watson made an image is Gavin I fits the I now pronounce you chuck and Larry I think however but it's uh it's Gavin I getting married because Adam Sandler and what's this then big guy Kevin James Sorbo no Kevin yeah yeah they pull more homework I don't know why that didn't sound right to me even though he was right there we go okay this is human that's my profile look how big your head looks so big in flinch this Mooney do because you had the Moscow yet extended like a puppy which is mu need it was a lot of someone I like someone into one of the top comments was what are they gonna play f what just didgeridoo that's pretty close you've used the didgeridoo mostly for fleeing balls good put the didgeridoo on us on a string and then swing it out and then it has to come back in us you know what just injury do you also Gavin Gavin getting pissed off about the camera that he broke himself oh that was pretty fun come on favorite bits that was pretty funny so so early on Jeremy Jeremy sets up the camera you're looking at right now the holiday to market besides market is ready to burn this what No we need you to bring him like bombs and what do you got you're really here mark you show me what the what he wants to do with it it's a pretty cool idea what I'm Leonard said I had this conversation without Fredo like he's really goading us into this like I feel like we're gonna blow the table up and then he's gonna be like whoa I didn't make the new one yeah like 10 weeks we're gonna have a plastic poker table we're gonna need something as an interim between this table yeah the next day I know I see I don't want the interim with the old in with the new we see know what this podcast looks like if we were all sat exactly here but the table was gone no no we just had the early tests that were different I would so just it's gonna look I'll tell you right now it's gonna look like it's gonna look like a intervention that's the balance all right let's see if this looks good on the white Mike Joe Joe we're all here because we love you you need to stop being British you just need to stop that's the only way you'll get the green card okay yeah what are we all pretend there's a table here now I feel like then you don't know how high the table is it's absolutely lower your leg up here it's down here man that's pretty good coming on the show it gives me real vintage big be back the entire entire podcast I'm always looking at my camera to see when my posture sucks dick because it's like it's always I'm screwed always hunched over yeah always like yeah do it nothing competes with Gavin doing face cam no it's always my favorite almost every video like you're finding playpals cuz I feel like there's just two of us there it looks good and we're doing the game whatever but any goddamn game would facecam like in the main room cabin shoulders are in line with his ears it's like he plays like this look we moved the table I find it changes the acoustics there's no room it all sounds different else I ignore the tubes it does honestly it doesn't look that weird to me looking at the monitor because me looking at that monitor the table is blocking the monitor where it would reveal the tables not table looks fine looks fine it cuts up right where the table would be so I can't see it over there it looks weird as and we should stop this immediately that's true and just like a bunch of dudes wigs we have the cover dick right like that's right it just looks weird yeah drugs crotch crash crash crash you're goin real wide Gavin are you Andy Croll around yelling no how did you want to be just Fievel yeah but no but seriously that's this guy we got to blow the table up or something we should have a chat with all the orders drop it from our website there's metal that supports the top of the tables direct what I don't want to hit metal with the power here's one you have now urges that can go through metal I want a jack to read did they make that Jack should rent a jackhammer would probably not do great on yeah that's true what that it's kids for like rock yeah all right it's not the same believe it or not don't you get into construction you keep wood bits - would you keep metal to metal masonry - masonry it just it works out John masonry John masonry yeah that's what he was no I don't think so but that's fine don't move it now don't move it on camera and clean up look at the TV in the legs that's actually pretty centered it's a little this way yeah so he needs to come in this direction whoa my audio friendly thank you very much Michael is a bit Ricky yeah cuz we missed the mark that's how you know broadcasts always taking care of this comes out we come out and it's done but there leave me coffee on the table like a mad about it was eat this stuff okay go for it suck it down those burdens mostly not to says eat I thought that's the only word I read out of their oxygen absorber no you eat that you'll be able to breathe exactly how can you breathe how can you wait it's a wrestler you're getting into the bottom I don't know is that a John Cena thing is that you how can you see me what the campus can't see me can't see me you're thinking of CPR saying that we will hear no evil yeah that's it that's John see like this how did you breathe that's true and then it's like how could how can you see you can't can you speak at all I think we figured it out in the breathing code oh god damn it 20:18 Michael what the only 2018 resolutions um I was actually thinking about that this morning I don't do resolutions I never have I'm you HD how do we here I'm HD DVD all year so yeah I didn't ever had to pick anything I would like to be at the end of the year and this is just cuz I've been at it for no we'd like to be at the end of the year I would like to be like 195 to 200 and not be fat I would like actually put on some some muscle I 184 right if I got to 185 skinny so like I said I'm 184 now Wow most of my entirety Achievement Hunter I've been about 165 I've gained like 20 pounds you want a lot of muscle dude yeah I'm trying so like I said I my last three years have been like once five 171 seats value like I gained five pounds I lose my baton they gave my balance I lose my bonds and then I'm like oh this year was just like cuz I started taking a bunch of supplements - yeah you know and then sometimes I ask Gavin is to get directly into my scrotum what he's doing with specially mine but yeah I'd like to put on like maybe like 15 more pounds and why not just like cuz I work out all the time like attain results William so I'm guessing you don't want like the Blaine like eight pack look no I'll never like even working out is like two parts it's like all the exercise and diet it's mostly diet exercise but that's fine cuz I need calories I'm good with cheese right now we're gonna find it's not the healthiest except food the shooting the sucks that's like a lactose-intolerant thing that's awful but as far as calories cheese is totally good I eat tons of protein and then I also just consume a bunch of calories to help gain weight I get like fat gut weight and then I turned the weight in the muscle and that's worked out pretty well for last like 15 or 20 pounds like when I was at my fattest I weighed less than I weigh now and it's like I pictures I'm like so if I could get like another 1015 pounds no not be like people were gonna look at that fat piece of that'd be my goal I also keep my daughter alive that's good that's good yeah I feel like that goes above a resolution cuz it loosens like yeah I mean if I don't whatever that's like an ape law I feel like that one's pretty serious you start killing your spirit all of it for sure for sure beat him down Eli were it's like alright maybe you can't do it we gotta take him down I see the the blonde doctor you pay is the mail boy the way you could see think about moving Jerry Maguire that I would buy Oh need like a ton of those Gavin do you have any New Year's resolutions anything you want to do in 2018 that uh you have ahead of you want to fly less but I'm already I said that last year I mean legally you can't fly International Eagle in your set you just do interviews be tossed in LA back and forth yeah I did I mean the year before I was a 72 or something flights and last year I was at 50 so well no good little baby maybe 30 2016 was awful for you yeah I was dog that was yeah that was the height of you not working at a team owner yeah a sickly it's not I said the last the last couple months pretty good well broke-ass time aside from yesterday where I may as well have been gone that was that's got me worried so the last video we did yesterday was do we say not a hero deal food you might as well take the webcam editor and just cropped me right out just put like a sticker over your face okay so fly less is your is your New Year's why lesser that seems like I'd look to be more prevalent to be up to you though like that I mean I could just say no to more things that's true no saying no to stuff isn't necessarily bad things I need to take time or focus more on home life Mario Kart and friendships this year there would be a better friend and be a better person who lives in my own house that's true notice I did not come to my new the party this year that's cool whatever no big deal technically that was still apart of 27 no my party was very last-minute it was kind of like oh yeah by the way we're also doing this as far as a good turn I like how like literally we're setting off fireworks that turn around there's like 15 people like on the sidewalk and I look back I'm like yeah see is about right it's just me Jeremy and Jack Hammond handling the explosives like blowing up I saw I saw you guys up to some you know we were again you'll appreciate this as a slo-mo guy go ahead and play right there you won't be able see it at home but I set my phone down upwards yeah I put my phone down at the base of a of a mortar and put it in slow-mo and is faced it upright as the mortar exploded on top of my phone which are not pretty cool actually looks really good not great focus which as a camera with literally no light until you explode something on it it gets dark after the fuse to finish as you can move it forward I was like yes I do something stupid you put this phone like right in the middle oh my okay then some anyway that was fun but these is cool it's also snowing outside which is yeah weird yep reason yeah chilly oh yeah and also my car like rattled looks pretty cool too that it's really cool yeah it's actually very difficult to film file outs because it's smoky but Alfredo do you mean New Year's resolutions for 2018 huh I mean just just keep working harder here at you morning and then or hardly working employee yeah no just bailed out streaming for a team on earth and then pretty much kind of just like work taking the time to like self health like work less at home they could do like 2030 hours of work at home so cutting back on that I mean honestly I just been enjoying hanging out should we make this the year of nice office your beloved says the guy not nice off no this year at least I believe for you is the no he's the work we do just be absolutely where do your blankie do well I mean it was last year we've already done we've done the blanket a trilogy last year yeah but we get we can let rearrange the room to keep it nice rearranged room Obi Obi nice I'll be nice for about a week dude I mentioned this yesterday though and it was in a video but I'll double down on it today hang out you want to come over tomorrow single dad this weekend you know I'm gonna be playing video games well you get to play whatever I'll probably finish seldom this weekend I'm almost done with it finally gonna beat it like the deal okay just all of it come on I never finished the game nobody goes after you beat the game I've never I can well it's after you beat all four divine beast I beat the third one last night remember after you finished over cuz I'm still playing no I'm gonna finish it tonight perfect perfect Amaro is the plan all day Saturday I'm thinking I'm thinking maybe we do another three men and a baby breakfast oh well I was good you know which would be Selleck now I was giving it up yeah yeah I think so you got a jerk-off you digging about yeah it was me Alfredo an Android and iris cuz Lyndsey was out of town which she is again out of town so figure something like early Saturday morning breakfast and then lead into like put the kid in the basement lock the door mm-hmm shut all the matches and everything and then just play video games all day so Jenna don't here newspaper down I put newspaper inside of her diaper oh yeah when I change her I just pull the newspaper out and I put new news me I she's been on one diaper for seven months I was informed no current events yeah she's constantly reading I'm on the Justice the morning she's not the only one that's true Ryan agreed no no man I can't even remember what I four years I was like alright I'll make a resolution I'll do this and by the end of the year I'm like I had no idea what I resolved to do with the last year so it's like maybe resolution should be like to remember that you didn't have one there we go I don't know I resolved I mean I had a New Year's resolution like three or four years ago it's maintained which was like yeah I'm on a good track if you're like things are going well Jack you've been doing jack for like that's not true this last 2017 was definitely the year of me saying it let's get stupid and so like definitely like the year of jack is a very different gender than when I got high that was 120 70 percent earlier that was one live-action video is between the games or something I don't remember what we're doing but you just walk in you like who are we doing and it's like this insane thing you're like okay it was not afraid it was Trevor we were zip tying to the wall fiction yeah Trevor was already up on the wall and Jeremy's I hate jacket would help but I said obviously that question like this is like yeah like at the end of last year was definitely me going like like yeah let's throw a ball at the wall and see what it hits you know it's like all right let's chuck some mallets around it's like finally which Michael loves he loves that stuff you'd blew the confetti Labor's death oh yeah guys still are loosey-goosey to the point where the tiny bowl that you can't see it up my blind you it's also to be fair but it's also Gavin a Jack thing and I don't give a but I will say only in their defense Brian with an airsoft gun in the office is like Ryan in a vehicle in GTA where he can't stop he just cannot so yeah I know I stopped cold he already had like three weapons in the have shooting no you haven't you still have weapons but they still exist that's the problem that I haven't fired I mean I'm going what up fun my favourite thing at me one of my favourite things I did all year was during that like during the Christmas to New Year's week we shot a bunch of pub G with Alfredo it was me and I think Jeremy and I yeah and Jeff was there and there was one but no his cabins give me it was those me Jeff having an alfredo there's one thing I had my best moment in pub he ever in a video it was just meat it's like not giving a look it's like I know I'm not like pub G I'm might get one kill but it's like I would rather have fun with it so vehicles and pubs you hear my new favorite thing ever and it's just the it's amazing just driving out of vehicles and it's laying on the horn Jack's welcome Jack's greatest moments in pub here the bane of my existence operating I was trying to be sneaky I'm literally in a van just tailing him just laying on my whole [Music] Jack to meet 2012 Jack has gotten younger some I mean I used to stress about a lot of stuff I used to be like all the things have to be certainly nothing we watched video that was basically took the mics and we did jack squat Jack I don't think she man together look like zero Jack was just pissed it I'll be like yeah let's do this great look like these Jack would walk in and set them on fire yeah exactly it's not you've been broken back together but no I think I think 2018 like Michael like I need I need to get back in better shape the end the end of 2017 I got sick like my might like all my sinuses and got a up and so like you know and it's just like uh and so I'm finally kind of healthy and Katie actually bought me a for my birthday she bought me a jump rope that has an LED thing in it so when you swing it it makes like a slant a scream but it makes like numbers in front of you and Stas cause it's like yeah that's actually pretty I used to love jumping rope when I was a kid something yeah absolutely dubstep turn off the lights there you go yeah probably not pregnant but I want to get back in better shape I wanna get healthier again and and also I've got a project I'm working on with broadcast then and a couple other people that I'm trying to get off the ground Project X uh sure it's a code name give it a code name right now I almost gave it away it's gotta be something makes no damn sense yeah like Nintendo's like project dolphin was Gamecube how too-tall alright alright was connect well called project house I'd like that and something more requiring human barf you goddamn it Gavin you spoiled it privacy body bactrim there you go genius so anyway yeah so I'm working on some of that like every year I tried to challenge myself and give myself at least one big project last year was the Leslie Live Tour and then ended up doing I think we talked for this last time but it was the the escape room was a lot of fun I got a really good time it's funny cuz over in stage two now over on our building stage they are using the escape room walls as like new temporary walls so like all of our spray-paint shits all over stage it was it 2014 you lined out to tie your shoes I did yeah and the 2015 was I masturbated for the first time look it worked and then then yeah then 2016 was the year ice I slowly started poisoning Gavin and then stopped yeah before he caught on I went great problem the problem was slowly poisoning someone is they build up an immunity yeah having too much sushi but it was Jack the whole time that's that's the whole thing you know one day cool man I call he just poisoned oh yeah quick like he's got one of those like intimately curious to see if that was all psychosomatic or if it was just you being sick I'm sure it was sick and medicine I know exactly what I've seen a benefit you're talking to Gavin dollop but who's like whoa guys I felt like slightly she's acting my eyes and I felt like I was like controlling my limbs like I had to think I mean like I know I've been taking essentially what is Michael that's some other brand but I've been taking essentially the same thing lately because I've been sick laying me out and you're like a lot of times worse than me so I can imagine that it just broke it's good I mean me that's probably what's what's doing it I can't believe that that raises question if you just took like a straight antihistamine oh let's do it and let's do a fool I mean I mean how that sudafed pseudoephedrine is basically just kind of a stimulus I mean it's like meth we're gonna have to go through like we need a control we need to give them something wait and then see if it happens give them something else I got sudafed in the car I could pop you know take two of them right now it'll end nicely on the the fire board I just had good that'll do nothing I like there's someone I mean I hope it gets rid of my snot yeah when I wanted to throw you a well Symone on Twitter said a great New Year's resolution would be not to film yourself in front of a dead body hey that's a great idea yes I'm not normal but even I know that yeah hey don't film a dead body and I put on YouTube because you're not a piece of thumbnail as someone who films everything you can there are some moments in my life where I've been like nope yep my god would that be way up there too though like talking about that film my dead body if I die but you know me and I want you to catalog it don't go looking for a dead body in like dead body zone just be like oh my god Michael's been killed I better document this I'm fine with that the amount of time like editing that and plenty other thumbnail like right it's not decision oh they're like this dead bodies gonna kill you here the long plate home then you peel Michael doesn't mean a dead body to get views it doesn't touch these coolers what I can see that is touch you get to the I mean we run into a lighter version those two where we no longer edit our own videos so we lose track sometimes of like we hand this off to someone it's like well we could have we should have said do this or do that but we just did I mean he made the video and that's probably last I saw of it ever let the note to the editor like hey there's a dead body in this let's blame if anything he's been like here make sure you put it was something big I bet yeah it was see his I'm gonna go to this suicide forest okay that's up first of all I'm gonna do oh dead body put the call 9-1-1 that's it it's not let's film with the dead body it's all we need to get a hold of hundreds it agree with that I'm just saying I bet that he never saw that ever I bet he never watched the video not bad boy but he filmed it that's the private one I bet he did but he was doing something that's so big it's like okay I will take the time and effort to actually go see that the rough cut I agree and most people wouldn't have that issue but when you do I can see the beginnings of it where it's like you've we've so divorced ourselves from everything behind the filming of a thing yeah the back end yeah then it's like I just lose sight on what happens after I'm shot I'm not avoiding it you just go gogo bars is a way way way way way different situate I can see that as a conversation in Grant of thought oh yeah not so much we found a dead body and filmed it and did you tell anybody about it they're like even we've done stuff we're like oh yeah I would probably should show that or but also and Ryan saying we don't edit I've gotten there's plenty of times I walk into the next room when I go don't show this yeah or we think we just did because we're not you know yeah I mean I mean to that level yes show that I'm agree we need not showed up cut that out of the live feed that'd be great no cut it back in yeah there's a word for going to his suicide bars and filming a dead body and putting it up on YouTube and then going and it's yes what are you kidding me what he's got a piece of but the shitty shitty stupid part is the fact that he's not gonna be punished from now not at all and also he's gonna get more people watching him now cuz he's gonna have the thing where people like I can't believe you did this and they're gonna be watching his his monetized apology videos got 20 million last time I looked he made 40 grand oh yeah that's why why do you feel my dead body under the information it's fine I think it's fine I'm giving if you change it up and I'm giving it a to achievement honor if I were to die yeah maybe if we paint I like then do like a paper mache there we'll be able to string me up we have film one last rage quit rage for your life have you seen dead body put your phone down unless you're calling the cops terrible judgement Jesus Christ please young dude day yeah see young I hate my piece of the cordage - were like their outside forces after the a - is there someone's like you guys were supposed to be film he's like sorry bro too late for that he does not have a reality but yeah like he's his life is not a human life it is it isn't but still he's not a person yeah the thing is though he should try to be a person right like we live in that world - maybe it's not that extent every day I have to remind myself what human beings do and what the real world is like this should be a mandatory thing for people on you you really have to remind each other absolutely are you kidding me like the we do in the office the that gets broken and smashed and destroyed I think I live my life like that outside of the room I mean it's like it's like a space like where you are kind of thing like who you're surrounded by but like a Harlem not Wang inbound right because you're thinking that's at work and this is at home but it still having that rational thought there's not like a moat where it's like ready to reset myself it's just like no but that's again that's you're still saying the same thing as I'm saying there's a moment you're like that's for this and this is for this this is the magic pretend world we live in where I can go outside the building and like yeah I know somebody might complain about it but that's not the end of the world if I throw a grappling hook into the roof of the building okay I wouldn't do that in my house and or go to my neighbor and be like we're supposed to grabbling look bro Tommy's is not my neighbor like he works at this company will reduce stupid and we make stupid videos and and non realistic things happen how the you live your life like that is asinine like and he absolutely lives that like pull your head out of your ass and realize like this isn't the real world I think he's got that divided I think he lives in that all the time so I agree with you and I'm saying it's his fault for it though like nuts up to yourself to be like okay I need to put a break I'm taking a break does it mean I'll see him two weeks I'll be back I would assume he won't make a mistake like that again I mean but again but why not but it's nothing negative happy attention nothing that could have happened he had thousands of people like defending it look at you that's bully something like greatest video boy like Raina Raina posted a video of her like basically he's going this guy's a idiot and then people were just like on her and being racist we're like oh yeah alo gang or whatever the it is and it's like yeah he's surrounded by horrible horrible you've ever seen an apology with a at the end with in a emoji and a hashtag like what kind of a fake as it is it completely is but my god I probably thought that was super sincere oh definitely my only thought is like you gotta be some kind of idiot to think like again that would be like someone working here and gonna look touch life man this is everyday like you just drink at noon you know you talk for three hours on Friday like that's this what you do you know like how the do you not have a moment of clarity and being like no one on a team either having so his editors so uh Peter Hayes pointing out his editor tweeted on New Year's Eve Hayden Hillier smells good so Hayden what do you do for your New Year's Eve oh just edited a video about a guy killing himself casual like the editor was joking so everyone in that group like that's I'd be like yeah I'm not I'm sorry I can't do this to make my morale to reduce the videos that he makes they gotta have somebody that has at least like minded enough to understand what he's going for if you can say he's going for anything other just but how did YouTube not go like hey this breaks all kinds of our Terms of Service we're gonna fit me we're gonna go ahead to spend you for a month did they give a strike did they I mean what does that mean for him though I mean like you did he put them already to rewind you're in a video with that you best friends you're basically BFF showed you the body a piece of you I don't think I'm in the suicide forest in Japan being filled my Logan Paul like some viral campaign for the next and by the being and they're doing very well Stephie just like we t-shirt what I just say she said I remember in the beginning of the video Logan Paul is like hey we're gonna do something that's never been done before and like documentaries about that place yeah but not like no one's ever gone in there about no human legs ever pissed on one bro they're like like that douche bag is like the real-life version of the douche bag from what's the Netflix the dick documentary rip you stupid idiot piece of you so 2017 you're a Logan balls last year this is 2018 your Logan Paul the Paul family how about Dan can't really just the two brothers it's mostly the two of them sometimes Rand and go to that's your rainbow okay the Paul Ryan to discuss your get yeah I'm gonna say just leave Paul walk down the pole the recipes pull our April palsy yeah cerebral palsy I mean oh oh i'll back you on that yeah I don't like it man I'm against cerebral palsy and I'm not afraid to admit it man yeah it that's it okay yeah see that's life I'm a loser in the credit oh I didn't come up with is anything related to Logan Poole can you just put Kevin's cried his dead body yeah Logan Paul dead body Logan pot I mean I wouldn't put his name in it he doesn't need more attention how about Mick stain you've got a couple of Gavin's I'll be honest I forgot to give you one but to be fair they forgot to ask whoo so I just didn't do it I do what I'm told when they're like Michael who's the cast I give them the cast when they say Michael watch his credit I give them the credit hmm they didn't ask this Michael Michael yes I'm a little though to be normal chicken tenders are like three times the size of that the MS they're little smokey yeah giving them too long to mess with my credit thanks for watching first show of the new year what we're gonna do is actually we're gonna take some time off we're gonna redo all the show for 2018 and we're gonna come back next week we always do the show coming back season - is it - it's gonna be season actually this is actually good we're going into season one oh she's in zero that whole thing was the pilot all right and the pilot was a long battle however though season one will just be two episodes oh we got to catch up - on the spot there on season 43 yeah we'll see you next week or we won't for okay [Music]
Channel: Achievement Hunter
Views: 445,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, michael jones, gavin free, jack pattillo, jeremy dooley, alfredo diaz, ryan haywood, comedy, funny, video games, movies, films, fast food, 2018, nintendo, switch, mario kart 8, being tired, ghost adventures, screen resolution, selfies, airports, porn theaters, consoles, imax, mcu, sonic, mcdonalds, wendys, starbucks, oregon, tesla, sand-d singh, jeff sessions, vessyl, drones, logan paul, reina scully
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 1sec (9361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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