r/ProRevenge - Scammer Threatens Me After Selling Me a BROKEN Laptop! [I'm an IT PRO]

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to r slash pro revenge where in this episode you'll hear two great pro revenge stories so the first one op uses his skills to get back at a co-worker and the second story opie's dad gets back at a facebook marketplace scammer both really really awesome stories guys i hope you enjoy the tales today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories so this story is from the 90s during an ongoing feud i had with a co-worker who was a complete dick although the following story is but one of many this particular story is very special to me let's call him bb for bully boy now he was a great a jerk and he definitely didn't like me he was always on my back he openly insulted me and he was the big dumb mean ruffian but poor bb what was he thinking picking on the it guy so at this point i really feel they need to point out so you don't think that i'm the a-hole he had caused me a fair bit of butt hurt over the years so this particular chain of events started when he borrowed my power adapter to run his walkman google it kids when he returned it the adapter cord was ripped out he told me he broke it in anger when his walkman didn't work he later told me that he wasn't gonna replace it because well i don't have to i then asked him to just buy the 20 cent piece and i'll fix it myself and nope he said again i don't have to this was classic bb though and it bugs me a lot more than it should have i guess all the little immature things that happened over the years just sort of built up my payback would end up spanning years my primary goal for revenge was to make him break his own walkman and because he had anger issues this should be doable so i had a little bugging device the way bugging devices are meant to work you plant it on someone's desk then tune into its frequency using any radio thus you can hear what they say however the way that i was planning to use it i kept it on my desk with the mic covered and tuned into the radio station he was listening to so by turning the bugging device on i could send static to good old bb's radio or with extra power i could cut the volume to his radio completely so as he sat opposite of me on the other side of the office partition the range was about 2 meters it would be quite effective so let the games begin it was cricket season and he loved his cricket and there were three test matches coming up so on the first test match day i said hey i know you said you didn't want to replace my adapter but can you at least pay me back for the part and he said f off okay it's on after a while of him listening to the game i turned on the bugging device and whenever the commentator said the game score i would flick the mic causing static the radio commentator would say things like yes what a hit look at him run that brings the score too yup it's such a close game at [Music] so by the end of the game he had not heard the score a single time all of a sudden i hear a bang bb hits his desk with some force and the boss says hey calm down i almost got him at that point now one thing about my co-worker is that he was always friendly when he wanted something and he always came to me for tech advice he comes to me and says hey i got a reception problem but it worked this morning i told him it must be the batteries for sure and he needs to buy new batteries so later on that day i collect my free batteries from his trash bin so while i waited for the next test match i would constantly mess around with his reception and sanity but i did always make sure to ask him to replace my adapter before i started messing with him so during the next qriket match i pretty much did the same thing i cut out the reception as soon as the game started to get exciting the commentator says yes he hits it oh my god it's in the air it's in the seats oh my god there's an intercept but what [Music] smash he was so angry the frequency of him hitting things and getting upset was increasing and this was a good sign so bb being frustrated said hey i keep getting new batteries but i still got a problem i asked him what brand he got and he said duracell i told him uh nah man you gotta get energizer they're made specifically for these walkmans this was obviously a lie but what did he know and great i got some good duracell batteries from his trash now so after lunch with the problem still persisting and me with another set of double a's i strolled around to his desk to help solve his problem i told him oh those speakers are really old and cheap that's gotta be the problem so later on that day being quite mad as he really didn't have good reception for his test match he was listening to the music he liked however it was really annoying him as every chorus and every verse was interrupted by static so all of a sudden out of nowhere i hear and he ripped out his speakers and threw them in his bin the boss comes out and says calm the heck down meanwhile i'm sitting at my desk still chuckling now is time to turn the heat up so the next day he comes in with his new speakers and everything was fine until i told him that i heard he was going downtown later how about picking up that piece from nope i'm really surprised he hasn't noticed the pattern yet so another day brings another test match this was a great match as it was close and the winner would depend on the last couple of overs i had given him good reception for most of the match since i was busy but for the last 20 minutes of the match i was relentless constantly either flicking the mic giving him pops of static or periodically at key points in commentary just upping my power and effectively turning his radio volume off through all of this he was getting more and more agitated he needed to know the score it was driving him up a wall so when the game and commentary was winding down and they said the amazing score for the last time i cut out everything completely he smashed his own walkman and threw it into the garbage with my revenge complete i had made him go through many sets of batteries throw out his speakers and smash his own walkman for a while i did feel a bit guilty but then he would say some random insult to me and my guilt would melt and i always did ask him about replacing the part before i played my evil games i did not tell a soul about this payback until the last day that i worked for the company it's been well over 10 years and my old boss says he still tells people the story and i don't know if he ever found out guys i love love this revenge story it's so satisfying and the best part about it is his co-worker never found out that it was o.p hey man you never ever mess with techy people how much were walkmans back then like 200 bucks definitely a lot more than op's 20 cent piece that he kept asking for the guy should have just given him 20 cents so this happened a few years ago on facebook marketplace to my dad i'm the kid so my dad told me this story about a week ago when i asked why my birthday present a few years ago disappeared in mysterious ways and oh boy i was not prepared for that so the backstory i was around 13 at the time i'm now 19. i was hooked on minecraft and me and my dad spent quite some time on the xbox 360 version i got good grades in school so he decided that it was time for us to switch to pc now he already had a good pc for his work as an it programmer and he wanted to get me a cheap laptop now we had a hard time and had almost no money so it had to be cheap and used he saw an offer on facebook marketplace from a girl that he and my mother met at a club a few years back let's call her spaghetti girl she was selling lots of stuff because she moved in with her boyfriend and the kids among that stuff was a cheap laptop it was nothing fancy it was pretty scuffed and only the internet port didn't work according to her no big deal and for 54 bucks it was worth a shot my dad contacted the girl and wanted to pick up the laptop just in time for my birthday when the day came he went to the agreed spot but she did not show up she called later that day and told my dad that she had to wait for her boyfriend to wipe the hard drive as she did not trust my dad my dad assured her that he had no intentions to snoop around in her stuff and that he could help her with that after all he's an i.t guy and she says no my boyfriend works for the cia and he's a hacker yeah right a cia hacker in germany by the name of hans i don't think so okay fine she insisted that the laptop still works and just the network port is busted after a week my dad picks up the laptop paid 50 bucks and headed home he couldn't test it on site because the battery was dead so back at home the laptop was of course dead he opens it up and finds a mixture of nicotine coffee and undefined fluids close your eyes and imagine the sound of velcro being pulled open that was the sound the keyboard made when he tried to lift it up i remember that sound because i stood next to him and wanted to get my laptop going asap and i cried the whole night of course my dad contacted the pastor lady right away she insisted that he must have broken it as it worked yesterday and no returns my dad was calm on the outside but he locked up his office door for four hours and instructed us to not go in there for the next few days so remember that my dad was in i.t at the time well it turns out that he's pretty good at his job he was a guest lecturer at some universities hell talks about data recovery on conferences etc etc my dad plugged in the still good hard drive into his work pc and had a look of course hacker hans had only formatted the drive he recovered some files to look for any logs that would indicate the laptop had worked yesterday the last files were from half a year ago everything indicated that the laptop was dead for at least half a year great work hans on the second evening when my dad was looking for evidence he stumbled across some pictures one was an elderly man with a guitar and a few from the nightclub back in the days i remember how i heard my dad laughing inside his office but i wasn't allowed in and the door was locked that upset me back then but now i understand so the spaghetti incident she had some pictures taken of her with some spaghetti meticulously rolled up in a circle on her breast lots of spaghetti lots and lots of spaghetti with a blob of sauce in the middle to cover up the nipples her boyfriend was sitting next to her with some chopsticks i mean who in the world eats spaghetti with chopsticks and who pays a photographer to take pictures of that my dad tried to ask her for money back and even offered to help her get her files back didn't mention the spaghetti pictures she goes on to attack my dad publicly on facebook stuff like there's this guy dad's name who tried to blackmail me what should i do and no i don't want your pictures idiot and to top it all off she says when my boyfriend learns about this he will hack you a few private messages followed and also a few insults my dad had enough of that he suspended his facebook account and went silent my dad almost lost his job and family over this but he was smart enough to save all the chat logs with her so he could prove to my mother and his boss that he wasn't blackmailing anybody and he wasn't sending nude pictures to anybody yet so the revenge after a few months my dad has a new facebook account and everything was back to normal he even joined the old nightclub alumni group on facebook to connect with a few friends from back in the days so one beautiful day he finds a post in the group by spaghetti girl asking everybody for pictures of the good old days as the thief stole her laptop and tried to blackmail her with deleting the pictures my dad kindly responded he had this evil grin on his face when he told me a few days ago he says oh hey spaghetti girl long time no see i have quite a lot of pictures from the time found them on the old hard drive even some of you and your boyfriend had a nice pass to dinner do you want me to send them via pm or should i just share them here nah i'll just share them here as you wish so the fallout facebook blew up that day and the weeks after at least in our little slice of the world a few things happened she was dropped by her friends they all cut ties with her it turns out that she pulled a similar thing with a bouncer of that nightclub got him fired and expelled from their group of friends he was the creator of said facebook group noodle girl and chopstick guy were quickly both tagged in all the pictures by their former friends even her cat was tagged in one of the pictures so her boyfriend hans of 12 years recognized one of her tattoos that he paid for so the picture had to be taken recently he recognized the bed that she was on but it wasn't the chopstick wielding dude in the picture he was now hans solo my dad never really looked that much at the pictures so he didn't see that spaghetti queen had laid out quite a bunch of drugs weed pills all in a ziploc bag in the background of her pictures this minor detail was discovered by chopstick master's curtain girlfriend who of course told the police and both of their parents the kids were taken away for a while and i don't know what happened afterwards a few colleagues of her saw that post and she quit her dream job of being a cashier at aldi soon after that she had to move out of hanz's flat she moved across the country if her new facebook account is to be believed and she used the name of her cat i know i'm being a spiteful prick over this but i think she got what she deserved and 50 bucks guys i did not know that if you format a hard drive you can still recover the data what in the world so you're telling me that someone out there may have my spaghetti picks because i've sold a few laptops in my lifetime side note though what a great great revenge but 50 bucks for a laptop though that's pretty darn cheap you'd almost expect it to be broken at that price and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode of our slash pro revenge it's right here op's neighbor falsely reports op's sweet sweet dog of attacking them and opie gets their kids taken away check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 147,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karen pro revenge, scammer revenge, revenge on scammers
Id: qFBJGIuw7cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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