r/ProRevenge - Vandal Tried to Target My Car TWICE! Learns a Valuable Lesson!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge where you'll hear stories about people getting what they deserve guys i hope you're having a lovely day today and in today's episode you're gonna hear four stories the first story op deals with a psycho ex boyfriend the second story op encounters a dumb criminal the third opie gets the last laugh at her boss and we'll finish up with a story about corporate greed my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future revenge stories let's dive in so this happened about three years ago and i figured it would make a good revenge story i met this guy while vacationing in california one summer he was a really nice guy and he always wanted to do something fun and different every day from hiking paintballing swimming or going out to the ocean so after the vacation ended we ended up keeping in touch and over the course of the next year we decided that i would move to california i work in healthcare as a nurse so getting a job almost anywhere isn't tough i'm not really one to snoop around and he had a safe in the bedroom where we kept basic stuff like passports social security cards birth certificates etc one day i was filling out some documentation that required my birth certificate and had to go in the safe while he wasn't home i found my certificate easily but next to it was one with an entirely different name and date of birth than what his was so i asked him about it and he got super defensive and yelled at me for snooping i still wanted to know what the heck that was and based on his reaction and the fact that i moved to a different state to be with him i deserved to know if he was hiding anything so a few days later he finally tells me the truth he used to be married and had twins now this caught me off guard because normally you tell the person you're dating if you had kids having and hiding the kids doesn't bother me as much as him using a different name than what his real name is so he decides that this is the time to be totally honest with me he tells me he doesn't want to pay child support or alimony because she was cheating on him but he couldn't prove it in court and he believed the kids weren't even his he explained to me that because he was escaping all this stuff he simply started using his old friend's name so now so many red flags are now flying why did he have his friend's birth certificate and social security number he never did answer that question and then comes the kicker he decides to admit that he's been cheating on me ever since i moved out here to california he thought it was a great time to just spill the beans since we're quote being honest so i moved out that very night to sleep on another nurse's couch however he refused to leave me alone and eventually started to stalk me and threatened to smash my face in big mistake i was just gonna move on with my life but stalking and making those kinds of threats that's not cool and you just admitted to skipping out on child supports alimony court orders and identity theft i started to do some research and found public records of his divorce and tracked down his ex-wife on facebook i sent her a message and she confirms from the pictures that it's him and she was really interested in knowing where he was it turns out not only had he skipped out on child support and alimony but he also stole her car years ago when he left and opened several credit cards in her name before he decided to leave town and he was wanted for all of that two months later he was arrested and began proceedings to get him transported back to his home state he did call me from jail for about a week after but i refused to pay for his calls he then had his attorney contact me and i told his attorney that if he ever contacted me again i'd call the cops for harassment i later found out that he was sentenced to six years for credit cards motor vehicle theft theft of a firearm and several contempt of court charges i kept in contact with the extra a little bit and she was thankful they finally found him so yeah don't threaten to smash someone's face in for breaking up with you if you're committing identity theft and are on the run from child support guys it sounds to me like op dodged a bullet the guy seems a little bit crazy if you ask me he literally admits to using his old friend's name and had his birth certificate and social security number as well it's definitely a good thing that he's locked up and i'm guessing op might have been his next target this took place around halloween 2012. it was around 2 am and i had just arrived back home from a neighborhood party as i walked towards my house and the porch light came on i couldn't help but notice that the left side of my car was completely covered in egg all over the window all over the door all down the front windshield and underneath the window wipers now i was pretty pissed but it was halloween after all and i had just gotten unlucky i grabbed some paper towel from the house and proceeded to spend 15 minutes trying to get that egg off of my car in the dark after thinking i'd finally succeeded i decided to sit in the car with a cigarette on the driveway and call my friend and this is where it begins as i sat there i could see through the rear view mirror a car going past my house slowing down turning around and driving past again it must have happened about four to five times i thought what if these were the people who egged my car i explained to my friend that i needed to go i put the phone down and continued to watch the car acting really strangely on the road out front until it finally stopped two meters in front of my driveway the engine went off and through the darkness i could make out a tall hooded figure slowly depart from the crapmobile and walk up to the rear of my car he was checking around him and looking in the direction of the house before he crouched down behind my car and went out of sight was this the guy who would vandalize my car what's he up to now without hesitation i launched myself out of the driver's seat and charged around the side of my driveway now he was obviously not expecting that as he bolted away from the house and his car down the street in a record-breaking sprint i looked down and saw two massive fireworks stuffed into my car's exhaust which he was about to light while i sat in my car by this time he was well out of sight so i walked up to his car he had left the window down on the driver's side i put my head through and to my surprise his car keys were still in the ignition i quickly yanked him out and walked back to my house i had now taken his car as prisoner on my driveway without hesitation i was on the phone to the police they said they were on the way and wanted to know where the guy was by this time he had come back to my house and began banging on my front door shouting threats and demanding his car keys back and then the flashing lights came i stood there holding his car keys while he was swiftly arrested for attempted arson and vandalism halloween was complete i still have no idea who he was or why he was targeting me and i did get a thank you from police because he was known to them though the car was removed first thing in the morning what a sweet sweet revenge my friends you play dumb games you win dumb prizes it was so satisfying hearing that the idiot actually came back expecting o.p to give him his car keys back only to be arrested and charged guys the only thing that would have been more satisfying than this at least to me is if op grabbed him before he sprinted out of there and gave him a good old left and right but i guess i'll take this too so this happened during the beginning of my senior year of high school i was balancing out football school and work i worked at a convenience store chain that's only around in my region of the country and i had a useless store manager she was lazy she never wanted to work and all the store associates including the assistant manager were always stuck cleaning up her mess she took two hour lunches and always thought it was appropriate to leave her shift early now i had gotten very sick one weekend and had called into work saying that i couldn't come in that day none of my managers or the assistant manager was in so the team lead took my message now i assume he never told the managers i was out because the next day my boss calls me telling me that a no show no call is an automatic termination i told her i did call in but she didn't believe me so instead of her telling me i was fired i said i quit right there on the phone i already had plans to get her fired or demoted either one would have made me happy over the course of that month prior to my departure i had taken video and pictures on how bad that store was running by the time i'd gotten to my shift i had taken pictures of filthy floors and bathrooms i also had some video of people on their phone and even the manager herself playing games or whatever right on the floor basically showing how she kept the store a wreck during her shift and i was left to clean up the rest i ended up sending this all the way up to our regional manager and got a response back that the situation would be handled accordingly my store manager was demoted all the way down to a basic store associate the icing on the cake though was a year later after i quit i was working at a warehouse that year making almost 20 bucks an hour and there was another one of those convenience stores right down the road from my building i ended up going there for lunch only to see my old boss getting reamed out by that store manager so with the knowledge that i was making almost three times her hourly wage and she was still pretty useless at her job it made me quite happy so in 2000 i was working for a financial firm with 1800 employees with a sales force of 200 people i was one of the salesmen we had our annual meeting in april it was a big affair most of the employees attended and the ceo gave a big speech on how the previous year was the best in the company's history blah blah blah the next month we each submitted memos basically justifying what we qualified for or what we should qualify for as a bonus at the end of june coming off the company's best year ever it should have been a slam dunk right all of us were excited about how much we'd have coming in june so june rolls around and my bonus is zero zero but it's not just me it's all over the sales floor less than twenty percent of the sales force got bonuses and everybody was pissed everyone was furious and angry emails were flying and the company was facing a mutiny it got worse when it came out that the supervisors were offered bonuses that they can determine for themselves most of them took them but a couple who knew their subordinates wouldn't be getting anything refused my supervisor took his when it came out that he took his bonus he tried to explain to a sales team about how he felt that it was justified based on how hard he worked he ended up with people screaming at him about how they felt the same but they didn't get anything so for a week or so things on the floor came to a stop a lot of people just didn't show up and the ones that did were angry i came in and started to read monster.com ads at my desk i also stopped selling anything or even answering the phone when confronted by my boss i told him as soon as i got my bonus and my sales justified i'd start to work again until then i'd be coming in late reading and responding to job ads and leaving early i told him he could expect me to keep that up until i found another job or i was fired the following day i was sent to the regional sales manager's office she said she'd heard about my work stoppage and asked me to explain myself i told her that if she heard about it from my supervisor then she already knew why i wasn't working and that i didn't need to explain it again she tried buddying up to me being friendly being stern and then being angry i kept my composure and told her that the longer the company held out on my bonus the longer it was going to miss out on sales from my territory i then gave her my average daily amount of sales from the previous year and explained what the total loss would be for a week of me not selling and how much cheaper it would be to just pay me the money i was owed to get me back to selling then i thanked her for her time and told her that i would be leaving work as soon as i left her office and i did the following day i come in i checked my emails and some of which were farewell emails from co-workers who quit over their stolen bonuses i sat on monster.com until i was told to go to the office of the national sales manager he's the gatekeeper he's in charge of all 200 of us he told me that he understood that i was upset and could see why i asked him if withholding the bonuses from 80 of his sales force was his idea or someone else's and he did not answer he did tell me that i would be getting a check on monday and if i could please go back to work now i told him i'd be going back to my desk but work wouldn't start until the check was in my hand the next day an email went out to the entire sales force manager had taken a look at the numbers re-evaluated the financials and determined that june bonuses would be issued shortly the email also apologized for the delay and reminded us that as salesman we were the core of the company and our hard work was appreciated i also received another email this time from the national sales manager who told me that while bonuses were scheduled for monday he would be walking my check to my desk the following day the following day i showed up sat down and shortly afterwards the national sales manager walked up and handed me my bonus check i thanked him and handed him my resignation effective immediately in my resignation letter i requested that a check from my unused vacation time be given to me before i left the building when he finished reading it i told him i'd clean out my desk while i waited for the vacation check while i was doing that one of my co-workers also resigned effective immediately we were walked out at the same time and ended up getting drunk at the bar across the street i learned later from co-workers that remained that even though the company was issued bonuses they lost about 20 of the sales force in the following two months most of them were bringing in big sales oof you gotta love corporates greed my friends i'd like to think their sales suffered by losing those big players but most likely not and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode a sleazy boss decides to stalk an employee and learns a lesson he'll never forget guys check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 154,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, horrible neighbor, neighbor revenge, bad boss stories, bad boss revenge, horrible boss stories, horrible boss revenge, ex revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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