r/ProRevenge - Evil Couple Torments Their Stepdaughter for Years! [I TAKE THEM DOWN!]

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge guys it's been a while where you'll hear stories about people getting what they deserve guys in this episode you're going to hear two stories so the first op makes a huge decision to stand up to his wife's family the second story op's neighbors make a complaint about him and they learn their lesson my friends i do hope you stay for the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future stories if you're not subscribed already let's dive in so years ago i married into a family that's both very large and very conservative it was in another country and i won't reveal which country for reasons of privacy in this family every second or third cousin was as close as the first cousin and there was an abundance of them the family's elder members were held in high esteem almost to the point where they were infallible and untouchable now there was one man in the family that i came to despise he was the brother of my wife's grandmother he lived right around the corner of our house he was a simple man not particularly well to do although his house was quite nice a widower he had married against a woman who was herself on her second marriage the man was very pious he never drank alcohol and he was a member of the adventist church he carried with him a guitar to every mass where he'd play psalms and gospel music often we would hear music coming from his house at first me and this man's family were okay i had heard some bad stories sure but i never minded it much i needed to give him the benefit of the doubt so this man let's call him uncle bing had a stepdaughter who lived with his wife and him they made that girl work in the field of their farm nearby for hours on end she would have to stand in the field scaring the birds away to protect the crops they basically made her into a human scarecrow and this made me uncomfortable but i hid my feelings speaking out wouldn't help anyway my wife said things just kept getting worse the more i found out about the man the more it destroyed me to live near him and see the things he did to that poor girl she ran away from his house on five occasions each time she was found she was severely reprimanded i befriended a man and woman from the village who one day found her hiding out in the house of the woman's father she had climbed into the highest tree and fallen asleep there they found her the next morning as it turns out uncle bing had been starving his stepdaughter the younger kids his biological children by a second wife got nice food his stepdaughter let's call her cinderella got nothing but plain rice or old bread on warm days if an ice cream vendor would pass by belle's ringing uncle bing would send out his wife with some money to buy the kids ice cream everybody but cinderella if she was lucky she would get the thrown away ice cream cone of her brother half chewed up or nothing at all as most of the time they'd never even called for her on the field nearby on scorching hot days she would pull the little kids around in a plow a very heavy old metal thing and her stepfather would sit on his old lazy ass on that same plow as they used her as a human donkey for their amusement whenever cinderella's little brother had a birthday uncle bing would slaughter a pig members of the church would drop by the house and sing songs big party cinderella's birthday came and went unnoticed and one year on her birthday my wife and i gave her an umbrella as a gift this was to help keep her dry on her daily three-mile walk to school thus forced to acknowledge her daughter's birthday cinderella's mother who was just as nasty as uncle bing decided to give her a rare treat of pancakes which she would have to make for herself she made them but as she did so at the same time they made her watch her infant sister and little brother naturally the pancakes got burnt and her mother reprimanded her with a broom handle until the girl's cries could be heard throughout the neighborhood so this is the point where i had enough my in-laws tried to stop me from going to the house and speaking up against the family elder but i had reached my limit i knocked on the door and out came uncle bing dragging his wiry body along with a wooden cane tipped with a silver lion's head i demanded that they treat their daughter better that it was shameful and unchristian like the way he treated her i also said that his facade wasn't fooling anybody and if his actions didn't stop right there and then that i would expose him to the village and make him lose face which was essentially the worst thing anybody could suffer out there to have one's reputation ruined uncle bing told me in his broken english that he understood and would act better i thought that was the ending of the story and i hoped it would be for a few weeks he was on his best behavior so was cinderella's mother the girl went to school regularly again sometimes she'd hop and whistle a tune and she would hardly ever go to the farm anymore so far so good but one day when i was away to another part of the country for business my wife called me and told me something bad happened her great uncle had threatened cinderella very badly after an argument there has been a lot of screaming and shouting and the old man had waved a machete at the girl she had tried to fend him off and he had sliced her hand with a machete this was the final straw for me i couldn't go to the police as they didn't care much in these parts and were highly corrupt child laws hardly even existed so i wrote down a long essay on the man's behavior never naming him directly but describing him in such a way that everybody would know exactly who the man was i wrote it and had my wife translate it into her language and then i posted it on facebook now in spite of the country's poverty even in this tiny village everybody somehow had social media everyone in their family and village had facebook and i was friends with them all so i posted it and the whole village pretty much saw and liked the post people replied to it writing in the comments how they saw other bad things being done by the man and it turns out that he was very hated and it all came out all the nasty stories and people even wrote me private messages when i returned home uncle bing had already read the letter i think it was his son or his second wife who read it to him he was so angry that he went into an all-consuming rage he broke his guitar the one he used to play gospel songs on into a thousand pieces he threw rocks at our house too and my father-in-law filed a police report they settled things everybody in the neighborhood witnessed the old man's meltdown his wife very much joined in screeching like a banshee they made complete fools out of themselves and afterwards they hid in the house for days so a year passed my wife and i moved far away we now live in another country over 30 of my wife's relatives broke all contact with her and me over what we did our step against our family elder caused us to be expelled from the family exposing his bad side was something they could never forgive uncle bing lost his standing in the village the members of his church never visit his house anymore and people shun him and his wife and he has no friends left outside of the family within our own family there's a clear line drawn there are those who hate us for exposing the old man and declaring that since cinderella is not a blood relative only a stepchild you should have ignored everything that happened to her and then there are those who have personally suffered in silence from the old man's misbehavior for years and now have the courage to speak out they applaud us at times my wife blames me for the fact that some of her cousins won't talk to her anymore that some of her childhood friends who were her relatives as well have all broken off contact my wife's grandmother uncle bing's sister was sad at first but she later told us smiling that i used to be mad at losing so many relatives over this but it's for the better never mind him anymore i'm free 80 years old and finally she's free her brother as it turns out has done the same thing to his siblings for decades he threatened my wife's grandmother with a machete before she covered it up out of love for the family she hid it for years but now she could speak up cinderella was never beaten anymore and she goes to school now for the first time in her life she has friends villages watch her parents every move uncle bing and his wife are afraid to even scold her and they never dare to raise a finger to her again thank god that's all i wanted to achieve it was worth phasing the family's wrath over so at times i feel a bit weird the strong position i took meant my wife lost some of her close relatives for good she can never message them anymore never call or visit they blocked her from all social media and she's basically dead to them for standing by me throughout the whole ordeal there have been times when even my wife told me that sometimes she regrets how we played things because she's lost some people dear to her for saving a girl she hardly even knew in the end she stands by what we did and feels that we did the right thing what in the world you're damn right you did the right thing how the heck can she even second guess saving a girl from the torment that the scum of the earth couple put her through it doesn't even matter if you know her or not and guys this is the problem i was literally shaking when i read that line where op wrote that people actually defended the old man in his actions saying that opie should have ignored everything that happened to her since she's not a blood relative excuse me so you should turn a blind eye to someone being mistreated if you don't know them guys it freaking broke my heart this is one of the stories where i wish turned nuclear and opie just went scorched earth on that family and everybody involved oh and scrolling through the comments a lot of people are saying that this took place in the philippines which now makes a lot more sense how op could not just go to the police guys that was such a heavy heavy story so i gotta end on a lighter note so here's the next story it's it's way happier than this one so i put a trampoline in my backyard in early 2017. i have three young boys and we have enjoyed it immensely so my neighbor the hoa president wanted to sell his house in spring of 2018 and his realtor said the trampoline in my backyard might be a detriment to getting top dollar for his home so he convinced the neighbor on the other side of my house to complain as well out of the blue i received a message from the hoa property manager that the neighbors complained and i would need to submit a form to get approved so what's sad is that i was actually friendly with both of these people they had been in my home they could have talked to me face to face i would have been willing to dig a hole for the trampoline to hide it more or purchase a new one with elastic bands rather than springs to make it quieter both of these options are cheaper than getting a lawyer but nobody asked nobody came to me to have a face-to-face heart-to-heart discussion about their concerns so here's a few ironies these are 5 bedroom homes clearly people with kids are going to move in and they're going to be noisy in their backyard with or without play equipment the guy who sold this home smoked like a chimney i don't think my trampoline would have been his top concern the people who ended up buying the home are a great family with two kids who don't care about toys in other people's backyards my neighbors have raised their kids to adulthood two very active boys when i pointed this out to her the words that actually came out of her mouth were i know it's challenging to raise boys but we're at different stages of our lives as if that justified her trying to screw me so back to the story i filled out the form and sent it in the review committee denied it a month later i appealed the decision and met with the board in august they sent me a letter and said it was in violation i asked which rules i violated and they never sent me a letter so i asked again a week ago the property manager was adamant that she had sent the letter but i asked for proof she forwarded an email where she put my name in the to field after the fact i had a strong suspicion that it was after the fact due to the following reasons an hoa meeting was mentioned that never took place the responses to my questions varied in color indicating that they had been edited at different times she responded immediately to my request for proof by indicating that she would forward the email but then took an hour presumably editing a draft that she never sent she cited a rule early in the email but then cited an additional rule later that superseded the first the first sighted rule could have simply been omitted the message was not marked as a forwarded message at the top and the send time did not include seconds none of these things are a smoking gun but they are suspicious i asked the other people in the to field if they received a copy of the email with my name in the address field the only honest member of the board replied that he hadn't the rest remained silent because they did not want to look like they and the property manager dropped the ball so if you're curious why the board did not like my trampoline here is the rationale provided in the letter that was never sent it says due to the close proximity of the homes to each other and the small yards the trampoline is unsightly to the home surrounding it realtors for those homes surrounding you have stated that it is a detraction to selling homes and is lowering the home values of those around it there have also been narrow complaints regarding the noise level which makes those homeowners unable to enjoy their homes they are also unable to use certain portions of their homes while the trampoline is being used so my kids all weigh under 35 pounds they go to bed at 7 pm and don't jump on the trampoline in the morning before 10 am my neighbors bought homes 10 feet away from me what did they expect the year-end meeting was scheduled for yesterday and four board positions were up for election i got my three friends on the street to run with me i went door-to-door every day for a week and spoke with a majority of homeowners about their discontent with the street i got a third of the community to sign proxy forms stating that i would vote on their behalf i went to the meeting last night and put those fools on blast i listed calmly all the ways the current board was failing the community and my plan to right their wrongs the vote was a landslide in favor of myself and my friends getting elected one awful board member remains but he is the minority we also fired the property manager who was flat-out dishonest and the trampoline endures the only bummer is now i have to manage a street which includes some legit crazy people but this whole episode has convinced my wife that we will never live in an hoa again which i count as a huge victory in addition to the trampoline remaining where it is today guys i had no idea that having a trampoline in your backyard could lower home values is it really that annoying i personally would not care if there was a trampoline in my neighbor's yard especially one of those big ones i would be the first to pop by with a six-pack and ask if i could use it to practice my flips and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge guys we made it if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up if you missed the last episode of our slash pro revenge opie tells her fiance that she's pregnant and he reveals he cheated what if you guys missed it check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 168,932
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Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, neighbor revenge, reddit neighbors from hell, reddit neighbor stories, reddit neighbors
Id: PuFsTiUBPpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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