r/ProRevenge - Rich Neighbor Takes Our Disabled Parking Spot! Our Revenge.

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hello my friends welcome back to another episode of our slash pro revenge so today's episode is going to be all about people parking their cars wherever they please and the revenge's are pretty sweet I hope you stay for the stories today and subscribe for future videos this first stories titled parking our disabled spot and joy selling your home sorry for making this long but the context is pretty important so my little sister who's the sweetest girl in the world is 12 years old but can't walk or communicate her mental age is around 6 months she obviously can't attend a regular school but since we live in a big city there's a wonderful school for kids like her even though we don't own a car since we don't need one we got the city to put up signs in front of the house designating a four meter parking spot for wheelchair pickup and drop off for her school bus every morning the signs went up perhaps two years ago and after the first week we never really had any issues since most of our neighbors are wonderful and totally understanding of the designated spot for some context we live in a poor community we're not struggling to get by by any means but we're know Bill Gates but sadly the neighborhood gets a lot of self-centered people with their Mercedes Benz or Audi's honking at the bus while my sister gets loaded onto the school bus this really pisses us off as well as the other sane people that witness it naively we thought this would be the extent of the unpleasant interactions in September we woke up on a Monday morning to find a shiny BMW parked in our disabled spot it wasn't just partially in it it was positioned perfectly to take up the entire spot to make things worse there were about a dozen open spots on the block and it's not like they were occupied that morning since we wake up at 6 a.m. we were baffled I'd seen this car many times since last July and it was definitely the same car since there weren't many burgundy sports cars in the neighborhood it was hugely parked about 20 meters south on the street so we knew it belonged to a neighbor a few doors down we did all the basics in this type of situation we took a picture took down the license plates and called police to report it the cops came by within the hour and wrote a big fat ticket I believe it was for $700 but don't quote me on it anyways it was a significant amount around noon a smug angry guy came knocking on my door it was obvious that it was the owner of the car so I made a quick decision to record the conversation or screaming match on my phone I opened the door and before I could say a thing this douche lays into me he's in his mid-40s he accuses me of all things ranging from putting up those signs this morning to frame him for being racist to us not liking him because he's rich he goes on to say that disabled parking spots shouldn't even be a thing that they're always empty anyways and he also said that we should pay for his undeserved ticket that it isn't even an inconvenience since the spot right next to us was free and my sister could have got on the bus from there blah blah blah once he finished I said okay and shut the door in his furious face he rang the doorbell another five times before storming off to my satisfaction the recording caught everything fairly clearly in the evening I told my parents what happened and gave my dad a copy of the recording we have a pretty tight-knit community for the most parts and there's a neighborhood Facebook group with around 3,000 members my dad decided to post a summary of what happened along with the recording and a picture of the car in her handicap spots on the page there was a media uproar with people saying that they would fight back or whatever and we were humbled by the feeling that our community was standing up for us but we didn't think anything would come of it the next day I leave the house to go to school and walk by the guys car which was back in his normal spot and noticed that the front right tire was deflated upon closer inspection it was slashed as I said our community's tight-knit but I can't say I expected anything like this to happen the guy must have seen the Facebook post because he didn't come back to our house to complain or accuse us of anything the following weeks were sweet whenever I saw him in public people would go up to him and remind him that he was a horrible human being in November his house had a for sale sign in the window the house market had also gone down by a bit I'm always kind of curious how much houses similar to ours are selling for so once I saw the for sale sign I rushed home to check the house listings and lo and behold he was selling for ninety thousand dollars less than what it was going for last year July he really wanted to get out of our neighborhood while his crime wasn't nearly worth $90,000 I must say that I don't feel bad worst case scenario he sells that obnoxious car of his which would easily cover the lost money let's just say we haven't had a single car parked in my sister's spot since until this story I had no idea that you could have a dedicated parking spot in front of your house designated as a handicapped spot it sucks that the guy basically ruined his reputation by the community and had to move away but a lot of people with their heads screwed on would've had the common sense to say hey this family dedicated the spot as handicapped for a reason let's not park in it this next story is titled ma'am you can't be parking in the loading zone so I ended up ruining someone's day a while back all over a little sign that reads no parking loading zone between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday I was delivering to a larger mixed retail strip mall in a Toronto suburb the place doesn't have a rear delivery area so by design there's a blocked-off area on the side of the complex to allow delivery vehicles garbage and couriers access to unload during the day the place also has a medical center next door that medical center charges for parking whereas the strip mall doesn't being so enterprising cheap people will park and walk over even though a multitude of signs prohibiting the practice are plastered all over the lot so the complication is that the loading area is close to the Medical Arts Building and has parking lines laid down but has a sign that says no parking loading zone between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday dozens of trucks use this law daily for their needs however its not often that a full-sized semi me has to use it I need every inch of that lot to position properly so I could get the frayed off and on my merry way often I'll arrive and there's a single car to occupying a space they're a bother but can be moved around easily on this morning I'm rolling into the lot when a full-sized Escalade pulls in behind me and parks right beside the loading ramp on one spot that usually ruins my approach there is like 50 spots in the loading zone to choose from and like 500 spots in the actual parking lot I roll down my window and motioned that I needed to use the ramp now most self-aware self-conscious people would get the hint nope misses self-important decided that since she's parked y'all can deal with it she unloads her booger eaters into the stroller and obviously ignores me as I'm protesting her parking choice my parting shot was great example you're setting for your kids lady and it earned me some shade and a casual obscured middle finger salute fine then I have nothing but time on my hands I called the towing number on the sign and it says that there less than an hour out then I called my store contact who spotted my reversing and he also called the towing company to complain with an extra pair of eyes I placed my truck inches from her back bumper snapped a couple of sell pics for liability coverage and started unloading then karma came calling self addressed to mrs. self-important a compactor garbage truck came through to empty out the mall bins a little over to the right of mrs. self-important parking spot after some I rolls from the garbage truck driver the empty bin miraculously managed to end up blocking her only path of escape after my tight squeeze parking oh crap she's hemmed in now so I got a crew of guys unloading me and we're all anxious knowing that it's about to go down finally the fruits of our labor ripen the tow truck arrives looks at the situation we've created and is nothing but laughs he's snapping pictures of the mess he dollies the wheels of the Escalade and slides it perfectly out onto his flatbed ten minutes and he's gone security arrived during the tail out and remained and sure enough ninety minutes after leaving missus self-important is returning from the Medical Center her Rugrats in tow she goes from zero to righteous nuclear indignation at an instant and demands to know where her car is one of the guys unloading me haulers oh the one blocking the loading ramp its towed her phone is out in an instant videoing us claiming harassment theft damages and she's on 911 a flash accusing us of stealing her car security quickly intervenes and in the most professionally condescending tone possible explains the signs the tow away loading zone and the contact for the company who towed it the region's finest and blue show up and take over I give a quick statement and the officers basically say a civil matter she ends up relenting defeated and the taxis called and I wrap up unloading my truck under her murderous stare so I'm rolling out in on my way and I get a text from the dispatcher saying so you're stealing people's cars now I don't know how some people think they're above the law if there's a sign that says no parking between this time and this time don't park there in the next surprise when you come out to see your vehicle gone this story's titled yes I understand it's a public street now let's learn the difference between legality and civility okay this happened in the summer of 2016 when my wife and I moved into our new home on a tree-lined brick street nice neighborhood but nothing fancy we met the neighbors my wife made cookies and they invited us to their pool parties and we swapped food stuff in recipes it was all Ozzie and Harriet until I put up a fence around our backyard for security as anyone could come in off the back alley right up to our porch and our backdoor plus I wanted to be able to let our two short-haired dogs out to play without having to tie them up or supervise them well our neighbors didn't like that and who can say why I never did find out why a fence would bother them so much three things changed one they no longer invited us to their pool parties two we no longer traded cookies and pies and lastly they began parking in front of our house out of spite now it's a public street and you can do as you will but my two spaces were constricted by a telephone pole that had guide wires coming down from it meaning you'd have to be careful getting in and out of your car lest you scratch the paint or worse clothesline yourself with the metal cables so we had one good spot that lined up our car door with a sidewalk perfectly and that became their default parking space despite the fact that they had their spaces and a two-car garage often the alley in the back they also started an illicit piano lessons business and apparently decided to keep their front spots open for their customers I work odd hours and it always seemed that there were a line of cars in front of both houses so I'd end up having a park frustratingly far away and with winter coming trudging through slush carrying groceries had zero appeal so I watched and waited until one fine fall day with the leaves changing from green to brilliant gold and a morning chill that promised of winter soon to come it happened there three to five cars were gone and nobody was giving piano lessons I struck I raced to my dad's and hitched his houseboat to his beater farm truck and towed the combo back home parking eighty feet of gloriously tacky redneck hardware directly in front of their house while my vehicle took up our prime spots and most of the telephone triple our space as well I left the combo there for almost two weeks right in front of their swing on the porch that they'd like to sit on in the evenings pressure from my wife and the impending ly monthly street-sweeping finally led me to removing the blockade and they've not parked in front of our house since nor have we spoken more than five words in two years and that's fine by us the woman can't bake anyhow and that's it for this episode of our slash Pro revenge if you aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications because I upload videos almost every day see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 216,991
Rating: 4.8934073 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, petty revenge stories, ultimate revenge, bad companies to work for, dangerous jobs, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, handicapped parking, disabled parking revenge, entitled parking job, rich neighbor, neighbor takes parking spot
Id: sX2ohpBp-DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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