r/ProRevenge - Psycho Boss ASSAULTS Me For Taking a Sick Day! My Friend Ruins Him!

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hello my wonderful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge where you'll hear stories about people getting they're just desserts guys this episode has three stories the first op's car gets wrecked by some shady neighbors the second story is a boss who lays his hands on op in a super aggressive manner and opie's friend comes to the rescue and the last story is how opi and his classmates come together to take down a horrendous teacher i hope you stay for the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future stories let's dive in this happened shortly after college so my moms a retired disabled woman who now owns her house on a quiet residential cul-de-sac she's lived there longer than anyone else her neighborhood has designated parking spaces at the end of the cul-de-sac all with the dresses of each house painted in the parking space my mom doesn't get out much so i use her designated parking space at the time we lived in the same city and i came by weekly to bring groceries fix broken things cook for her etc my mom parked her car in the backyard of her house since she went out so little my mom's neighbor ivy never parked well whenever i stopped by her car was always parked so close to my car that i had to park on the curb i wouldn't have cared about ivy's piss-poor parking but for two things one she had four or five kids and had parties almost every weekend leaving trash in my mom's yard two i loved my car it was a 2016 metallic ice blue dodge challenger hellcat the first car i've ever purchased brand new i washed that car once a week detailed the interior and had rules against eating drinking or even leaving trash in my car it was my pride and joy my mom had called the police throughout ivy's residence because of parties ivy's friends would fill up the cul-de-sac with their cars obstructing traffic and get into loud drunken fights at and after midnight i often found empty beer bottles empty condom wrappers cigarette butts and empty crack baggies on the fence between the properties but it was mostly on ivy side of the fence this is all important information one saturday while having dinner at mom's house i hear a loud crash and then my car alarm went off i ran outside to see ivy's older model honda accord back out of her parking space and speed down the street ivy's accord had a dent from the front bumper to the door and the headlight had popped out i approached my challenger with trepidation and screamed in anguish at what i saw my car my beautiful 3 week old car with less than 500 miles on it had a dent stretching from the passenger's door to the front bumper and the right front wheel was tilted at a 30 degree angle i was livid i called the police filed an online claim with my insurance and arranged for a tow truck to take my damaged car to a dealership the estimated cost of repairs came out to about 6 500 u.s i had a low insurance deductible about a hundred dollars but my car was parked and ivy owed for the damages for two weeks i knocked on ivy's door or waited for her to come home she stopped driving her damage accord and either rented or borrowed a ford fusion when she was home she didn't answer the door when she wasn't she stayed away until my rental car a dodge charger left my mom's parking space i left a note on ivy's door for her to call me but only received harassing calls from restricted phone numbers or people blaring air horns in my ear when i answered so the revenge about two weeks after the incident ivy's children came to my mom's house for some cookies i noticed that two of them had bruises around their eyes if ivy hadn't hit my car i still would have done what i did but maybe not as underhandedly i had my mom take pictures of all the children but waited until the next party to strike ivy had a party that night or the night after mom called to let me know and i installed an app onto my phone that gave me a fake phone number i called 9-1-1 and reported the party i said there's a loud party at 1007 mountain drive and i'm worried because the children there are all around these drunken adults please hurry mom called to let me know the police arrived i drove to her house and saw ivy and her boyfriend bane sitting in the back of a squad car from a news broadcast that night i found out that bane had warrants for his arrest initially the charges were disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace however my mom turned over the photos of the children and less than a week later ivy and bane were charged with abuse charges i think bane was charged with more severe charges as well as for abusing ivy's daughter either way the children ended up in foster care and ivy and bain ended up in prison guys the moral of the story is if you hit a parked car own up to it because you may lose your kids and go to jail anyways guys op has an update on his hellcat since everybody in the comments was wondering if it got fixed or not he said my car i named her nicki was fixed after that accident unfortunately in december of last year a woman ran a stop sign and plowed into her at 45 miles per hour the airbags deployed and the structure was so badly damaged that nikki was totaled out and was an insurance write-off what a shame my next-door neighbor used to have a challenger hellcat i i'm pretty sure he tuned it to like 800 horsepower or something and always took it to the track those are wicked badass cars i spent two years working for a particular boss who i'll call dan dan was and almost certainly still is the most unacceptable human being that i've ever had the displeasure of encountering he was a compulsive liar a narcissist short-tempered unethical unreasonable unintelligent and abusive i once witnessed him spend half an hour shouting at a salesman for wearing shoes that dan didn't approve of not inappropriate shoes mind you but the ones that dan didn't like the person in question could have gone home and changed his shoes in the time that dan spent cursing him out and belittling him this man not only assaulted me but verbally and emotionally abused me for the better part of two years and did everything in his power to keep me under his thumb he constantly micromanaged me to the extent where he would just dictate what i should write in an email to a client if it wasn't done exactly his way it wasn't correct i had to argue with him just to get a goddamn sick day even though i'm legally entitled to one i was woefully underpaid and on call 24 7. this made it difficult for me to find other employment and is one of the reasons i stayed as long as i did he made my life absolutely miserable and i developed a bit of a drinking problem as a result i could go on and on about the things this man did but this is pro revenge not bad bosses so i'll get to the story so one day dan and i had a disagreement about something i was right and had the emails to prove it and i was frankly fed up with all his crap i told him i wouldn't be going into work because i was taking a sick day he proceeded to shove me down to the ground as he's a big guy and starts trying to strangle me i was able to fend him off and escape and after i did file a police report he actually had one of his other subordinates make a claim that the alleged assault didn't happen said subordinate wasn't there at the time so false report i naturally told everyone i knew i told all his clients that contacted me afterward that i had filed a police report against him for assault i specifically said it that way because unlike simply claiming that he assaulted me telling people i filed a report was unarguably true and not slanderous a very close family friend of mine carol was naturally one of the first to hear about the assault i left the country about a month later in search of better opportunities but carol remained she became the chairman of the board of trustees for the body corporate of the neighborhood where dan lived and carol set her sights on making dan's life hell dan had a broken down car it's been broken for over a year at that point and he never had the money to fix it and the rules of the neighborhood were changed to force broken down cars to be towed away if the owner didn't tow it the body corporate would and charged the owner and find them so dan was fined a few times it wasn't small amounts either and when he was fined he did what he always does when things don't go his way he threw a tantrum while having no leg to stand on the tantrum in this case was several exploitative filled emails to the body corporate which got him fined again for breaking the conduct code this combined with the loss of revenue for his business has led him to not having any substantial income for over half a year now he has no car nor the money to buy one and several of his big clients are definitely not going to renew contracts with him and he appears to no longer have any staff employed nobody's seen anyone coming to his house in months now and the body corporate is pressuring his landlord to evict him i'm happily living in another country now and got an awesome job that pays 20 times what working for him did guys i dream of the day my crappy boss puts his hands on me so i can shut down his freaking company he's a nice guy i'm just kidding so there's an update that op posted and the update says i've been informed that dan was found dead in his home the police have determined that it was not accidental or natural death but someone targeted him the rest of the details are still unclear but i can only presume he finally picked a fight with someone who could go toe-to-toe with him and dan lost a bit of background first my 8th grade year of middle school we had one of the teachers leave at the very beginning of the year to go teach at another district so the school's administration had to find a replacement in very little time and about two weeks into the school year they hired a teacher who i'll call miss e immediately she gave off a vibe that screamed i'm only nice when my boss is in the room the next few months went by and the majority of the students who had her as a teacher all agreed that she had no idea how to teach nor did she make any effort to show students some respect i'm talking daily incidents of her picking on the class complaining about not getting work done and then wasting 20 minutes of class time while complaining miss e was also the type of teacher to pick favorites and pick on kids who she didn't like as much she absolutely hated me as i often made a point to start messing with her during class after realizing what kind of person she really was in may of that year we were finishing a unit on a book and took a test on it the test was created by mrs e and had a lot of errors in it some of the test questions referred to very small details of the book or contradictory story pieces that made no sense we got the test back a week later with the highest grade in the class being a 70 percent this clearly isn't right so a few of us went to talk to her about it even showed evidence from the book that some of the questions she marked wrong happened to be right miss e refused to listen to any of us and told us all to sit down she got up and went on about how she felt word for word personally attacked and undermined and had something made up about how two points don't matter when our concern was focused on the whole test the next thing she starts talking about is my personal grade and how i went to her and attacked her about my grade this went on for a while mainly back and forth between me and her for about two days at times people would speak up and agree but in the end it turned out to be a debate between miss e and i so what did we do after the first day as soon as i got home and turned on my computer i opened gmail and wrote about four pages worth of descriptions and complaints to our principal and the vice principal i was brought down to the office the next day where i was given detention written by miss e given for insubordination intrusive undermining and disrupting instruction it was total bs so i told him i wasn't going he asked me to verify most of the information and elaborate on some of the incidents i described his idea was to have me form a group of all the people involved and have us write a list of complaints and incidents from the class and if everything cleared up i'd get off without punishment as a group of about 10 students we wrote 17 pages of grievances and evidence that miss e was clearly not fit for teaching middle school students the principals read it all at once and for the next week instead of class time we worked on other classes while the principal interviewed everyone in the class including miss e after it was all over missy was required to give a formal apology where she spouted some fake tears and a bs written up apology that ignored the majority of the problems that we were actually referring to my detention was waived and the next year she was no longer teaching in our school district and that brings us to an end of our slash pro revenge guys if you didn't catch the last episode of our slash pro revenge op gets access to his boss's computer and finds images that lands the boss some jail time for a very very long time so go check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 84,637
Rating: 4.9255815 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, psycho boss, crazy boss stories, boss attacks
Id: blKitQDmOUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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