r/ProRevenge - How to get your boss FIRED...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host that accidentally bought uh another copy of black ops 4 thinking it was a pre-order for black ops cold war because i'm an idiot that doesn't look at what i buy so i ended up spending 50 bucks on a game that i already have with a bunch of cool extras but i'm probably just gonna return it even though it's a hassle anyway zach in today's subreddit is our slash pro revenge alright this story is called better check your facts because people know people had to post this one it isn't petty it isn't regular and it ruined a guy's journalistic career the internet has evolved quite a lot over the years some people may remember usenet groups i know i do used to have a lot of fun reading them kind of similar in a way to today's reddit in a way no matter what the subject was someone would have a usenet news group for it but unlike today's reddit it was strictly text you could download images but they would take forever to download and could often be across several different messages just one of the messages missing and you wouldn't get the image things then improved download speed slowly got faster and then there was irc that came about irc saw the same thing there was a chat room for anything and everything and if there wasn't you could clearly create it if you were to try to watch a video over the internet back then it could take you a couple of hours to download a music video you get the idea this is important for the context of the story i was a writer on a couple of wrestling newspapers during the mid to late 90s we only published our newsletters online you can have it emailed to you or go to website to read it think we hosted on geocities or tripod both wrestling newsletters were independent of each other and i used different nicknames on each one was more a review and preview newsletter where we would post reviews of the most recent shows and events talk about current feuds and talk about what we may think will happen in the next big event the other newsletter was a news and rumors newsletter with a few fun puzzles and competitions thrown in to keep things interesting at the time you had a few big name wrestling news in rumors websites and a handful of small ones i was a writer on one of the small ones sometimes we would get news and rumors from the big name websites giving them credit where appropriate sometimes we would hear things from people in the business everyone had their sources of information and sometimes we would make an educated guess on possible scenarios based on current trends in the industry it did get a bit cutthroat at times with some newsletters claiming that they broke the news first when it had already been published in other newsletters first and you would even have some newsletters devote all of their time trying to rubbish the other newsletters for publishing false and misleading information it was rumors we did not always get it right through a couple of readers of my first wrestling newsletter i learned of a huge surprise in the works for one organization which could potentially lead to something happening at a big event coming up i won't mention the surprise but it involved a person from another sport no other wrestling newsletter had reported it so i included it as a rumor on the second newsletter i was instantly rubbished by one of the major wrestling newsletters at the time publishing a clearly nonsense rumor that would never happen only for that very same newsletter to publish the exact same rumor two or three days later and claimed to be the first ones to publish it this sort of stuff happened all the time it did not bother me at all anyway i happen to have a few wrestlers who actually read my first newsletter no big names as such but a couple of lesser-known wrestlers in the big organizations i knew who they were but refused to reveal their identities back then and refuse to reveal them now one of them let me know of an unknown fact from a major match a couple of years earlier it was to do with an injury that happened during a part of a match this fact had never been published anywhere else at the time i mentioned that i wrote for another wrestling newsletter that dealt with news and rumors and asked if i could repeat the information the wrestler said sure but not to credit him so i go ahead and publish the rumor straight away i had another smaller wrestling newsletter say that it was nonsense they said that it was impossible for the match to have continued had the injury happen they then started a smear campaign on the second newsletter i was getting spam emails constantly virus attempts originating from the competition the competition even went so far as to claiming that they had the full story of my wife of 10 years working as a hooker don't ask they were trying to find anything to smear me with there was more sinister and disgusting stuff but i won't write it here why it got so personal i do not know but the funny thing was that at the time i was a 22 year old single university student and if i had a wife of 10 years who was working as a hooker i would have had to marry her when i was 12. but his smear campaign was working our readership dropped by nearly 50 percent it was time to get some revenge although i had no idea just how far the revenge would end up reaching firstly i approached one of the bigger wrestling newsletters they would often run ads at the bottom or rear of their newsletters for affiliated newsletters i organized a new affiliation with them removing an affiliation they had with the competition small potatoes i started promoting the second newsletter heavily on usenet in some of the wrestling groups which ultimately led to an increase in our email subscription base greater than it was before his smear campaign this negated any effect that his smear campaign had but i was hungry for more i wanted to shove it where the sun don't shine so i contacted those wrestlers who read my first newsletter i explained the situation to them and they were happy to help out it took a couple of weeks but eventually i was able to post a link to a 15 second video hosted on a geocities website as well as on a wrestling use net group where the wrestler at the center of the injury rumor not only confirmed it but gave a shout out to my second newsletter while it validated me and my information it still didn't shut the other guy up finally a break while the guy used an alias for his newsletter he did actually mention his name a couple of times and where in the us he attended university using this information i was able to get a friend in the u.s to do some searching for me attended that very same university and discovered that the guy had actually completed a journalism degree several years earlier further research indicated that he was now working as a reporter for a regional newspaper in the us his wrestling newsletter must just be a hobby so i decided to send all of the information i had his smear campaign etc to the newspaper office i don't know what if anything it would do but it was worth a shot about a month later i got an email back from the newspaper thanking me for the information they discovered that he was using the newspaper system to run the wrestling newsletter which was against their policy so they fired him and because the newspaper was part of a chain of regional newspapers across the u.s he was going to struggle to find another journalism job the newsletter got shut down as well because without the newspaper system to run it the guy had no way of continuing with the newsletter side note i ended up finishing with my newsletters not long after anyway the first newsletter as i was just a writer for it i finished up with when the owner of the newsletter decided to close it down he didn't have the time to devote to it due to work commitments the second one i started off as just a writer and contributor then took over their competitions then eventually took over their whole newsletter original owner didn't want to do it anymore but in the end i was finishing up at university i had to move on with my career so i closed it down wow that was that was quite the story uh is this like wwe wrestling because that is the wrestling i might have kept up with at the time wait what when was this wait no late 90s uh i was born in 99 so that doesn't count but anyway i used to be big into wrestling so this is pretty cool um and it's really cool to to read about people in the stuff they would do in the 90s on the internet because it's a very very different thing now all right this story's called jackass manager gets his comeuppance entirely too many years ago i started to work at a fast food company let's call it southern state not baked poultry [Laughter] southern state not baked poultry wasn't a bad first job i was 16 and the assistant manager at that location was my best friend's stepdad so he took what was tedious and menial and tried to make it fun he was actually a really good manager and genuinely cared about the people who worked for him we would do silly stuff before the store opened while we were doing prep he would have music playing loudly from his office as long as everything got done and done well he really didn't care if we had fun doing it we'll call him larry this story is not about him though this story is about our store manager we'll call him tim tim was the exact opposite of our assistant manager everything had to be taken seriously fun was outlawed i genuinely hated working with tim tim was an egocentric power hungry petty little man with delusions of grandeur because he was a manager for southern state not baked poultry tim's approach to managing was to work the employee until they burned out when they did fire them and hire someone else needless to say morale when tim worked was in the garbage tim hated that cruz would prefer working with larry instead of him he hated that cruz had fun when larry was working he hated that our store's numbers were always better when larry worked mostly he just hated everyone but one thing that he absolutely hated was a silly little thing larry did if it was before the restaurant opened he would stick his tongue between his teeth and lower lip and shout out a ha name to who whichever employee had just walked in it sounded absolutely ridiculous i would always do the same thing back which ended up sounding something like how well we a perfect example of what an ass tim was is this there was a young woman who due to a variety of stressors attempted to commit s uh you know after a particularly grueling shift working with tim after she had recovered she came back for her last paycheck and larry was working not a coincidence she called the store to find out what day he was working so larry sat her down in the lobby bought her lunch brought her last paycheck out and sat and talked with her for about an hour it was after the lunch rush and he had the time so he made sure she was doing okay now talked about whatever she wanted to talk about by the time she left she was smiling but had tears on her cheeks she had never had someone just sit and listen and let her talk out everything that was going on well the next day tim had come in and hauled larry into the office his words and i can quote them exactly because the office was a tiny little cube with no ceiling just a place to stash paperwork and a computer where the next time the sad horrible thing queen comes in tell her to do it right next time so now you have a clear picture of exactly how petty and vindictive this little man was here is where the revenge starts we were scheduled to have the regional and national big wigs for southern state not baked poultry come through our area for an annual inspection tim had his eyes set on being one of those big wigs at least for the region why wouldn't he be he did everything by the book that automatically made him a good manager at least in his eyes everything had a checklist and a procedure and a set of written instructions in the book and if you couldn't meet the expectations set forth in the book well tim would yell at you and berate you because that's how a manager manages you see well before the bigwigs got to our store we knew what day they would be coming several of us had agreed that on the day they had come through we would all screw up just enough to get tim to blow his cool because our regional manager and the national bigwigs all believe that southern state not baked poultry was a family company and that employees were valuable team members the day in question arrived and the bigwigs were there for their big tour whoops one of the friars hadn't had the oil replaced last night oh look the shaker table hadn't been cleaned darn it we've got way too much coleslaw made up and we won't get through it before we have to toss it crap we don't have enough chicken poultry in the cooker to fulfill the lunch rush man someone forgot to preheat the second cooker you get the picture after the second time i took a minute too long to get a basket of chick poultry into the cooker tim absolutely lost his dookie yelling cursing throwing things he actually physically pushed me away from the breading station in the middle of the lunch rush while the regional manager and several bigwigs from national stood there while we had a line of several people deep at both cash registers and a lobby full of people eating tim stood there gulping like a fish his mouth was moving like he was trying to say something but no sounds were coming out the room was absolutely quiet other than the beeping of a fryer that was done i looked at tim this was the moment we had all been gearing up for i looked down at where he had pushed me a set of handprints in flower on my chest and i cut loose into him yelled at him that i quit took off my apron and threw it at him told him i was tired of his abuse of his poor management of how he single-handedly drove morale through the floor every time he walked through the doors how he was a crappy excuse for a manager and that if he didn't have larry and a couple of good shift leads he'd have driven the location out of business a long time ago all the color drained from his face and he bolted to the office cube the national and regional folks ended up comping everyone's meals that were there in the restaurant interestingly enough tim was not fired but he was demoted to assistant manager larry was promoted to manager about 10 years later i was working at my current job as an emt we had just dropped a patient off at the hospital that was across the street from the same restaurant and my partner was hungry so he drove across the street and pulled in now i hadn't set foot in that restaurant since the day i had quit but lo and behold who is working the counter but tim himself and his name tag still shows assistant manager the restaurant was empty since it was between lunch and dinner time and i just couldn't help myself i stuck my tongue between my teeth and lower lip and as loud as i could shout it out hi haven't been back there since but that was around 12 years ago i'm willing to bet he's still just the assistant manager there that's a pretty satisfying revenge that was a really good ending too hot twin i love that so much good revenge thank you for sharing okay so lately uh you know how i like to do the whole wholesome story at the end of every revenge episode well uh that's hard as you know i've complained about it a lot because i complain about things it's what i do um anyway this time i actually do have a wholesome story for y'all and it's called no it's it's it's an ask reddit thread but it's a response to a question that is what's the most wholesome experience you've had with a stranger and here is a comment from that threat i was in the hospital knowing i'd be there for at least a week and possibly more i was sick of hospital food so i went downstairs to go across the street to the hospital subway i was pretty far back in the hospital sixth floor backside of the building labyrinth of staircases and hallways to get out the front door the walk from there to subway took almost 15 minutes even though it was just across the street i waited in line got up to the counter to order and realized i'd left my wallet in my room i ordinarily keep my wallet in my back pocket but there was no need to in the hospital since i was in my bed most of the time i was exhausted mentally by that point from the stay told them i'd forgotten the wallet and turned to make the trek all the way there and back again all of a sudden a nurse behind me bought my food for me saving me the trip and the money i thanked him profusely that was years ago but i will never forget that act of kindness that is so nice good guy nurse i remember back when i was a little kid uh i was on a plane ride from oklahoma to new york the plane had uh tvs in them and to access them you needed to use a credit card and i kept asking my mom to you know come on it's only a couple of dollars and she's like no your dad's gonna get mad and i'm gonna be like come on and i wouldn't shut up about it and then the lady next to us she was like oh i got it and then she did it and at first i thought it was nice but like looking back a few years after that i was like oh she was probably just freaking annoyed with me but regardless she did something really nice and i appreciate it because i had a lot of fun because that was the first time i'd ever been on a plane with a tv moral of the story don't sit next to kids on planes don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 14,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: e1yL6GDaYTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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