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I've been contemplating of whether or not to post this it was many years ago and I was in a dark place at the time the sort of dark hole nun usually come back from but I know I should I did something terrible and life-shattering to someone and her family to get a bittersweet revenge for the deaths of my friends but admittedly I do sleep well at night I apologize to any churchgoers in advance this may look badly on you but these disgusting entitled cesspools aren't worth any tears over nor your prayers either note I don't look at all churchgoers this way justa this so-called family background this happened down south in the USA in a circle of judgmental and none accepting circumstances that was and sometimes is the south I was a high school student and I had a strangest and worst to best kind of friends a young woman can ask for I wasn't the normal kind of girl either I was the rocker chick that water much black still do and had too much womanly features for most to handle I was also a fighter I guess you could say if the boys were fighting another school I was there kicking some butt with my brother and gray my attributes and uncommon way of making friends caught the eye of an unsavory character in the criminal underground community but I will refer to them as the dark side and my friendship with them gave a teenage power and influence that no girl should be burdened to have along with its chains and restraints but it meant I was not one to mess with and it gave me the means for my revenge names locations and events changed to protect the families of those involved with this tragedy cast Lizza and brain LGBT couple and BFFs gray my jock hulky a nerdy guy friend who later become my hash one Karen evil incarnated possible Antichrist Kiera he was truly story I was a fresh man and I made many friends along with some enemies for not being Christian or Church he liked most in the school was I was outspoken with my opinions and wasn't afraid to thrash any bullies a shots that tried to start trouble let me tell you it wasn't easy earning respect from the teachers and students as both a young woman openly pansexual deaf and a person not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex gender or gender identity and an unchristian person but I managed it just fine if I do say so myself even if it had its difficulties I had something of a following bullying and the school dropped which there was a lot of seeing as the faculty and staff could care less most times and even the school's grade point average increased for my year mostly because I made sure my friends studied and we had a free period to get studying done I even taught math and English to some who didn't get the material and as I said the staff didn't care to tutor them that I did and I somehow become the voice for many who we're different compared to the pure in Christian peers this voice I became was one of the beginnings that sparked Karen's Wraiths and her ruin lizard and brain it still pains me to think of them to this day they where they were kindest and most thoughtful people I have met and they treated everyone equally with this gentleness that only comes from a loving family they wouldn't hurt a soul and they wear the inspiration of many hopeful singles in our school because just looking at them you knew these two would grow old together as if one died then the other would be only hours behind but what they were spat in the very face of Karen's beliefs though she didn't know it at the time bloody hell I don't think anyone knew until they took their first PE class together you see RTE grouped girls and guys together in the same class and we were forced to by horrible ugly PTU 'no forms that cost and arm and were your soul a report to make more money for the school that was when we went to change for the class on the first day brain came into the girls dressing room and surprise surprise brain was a girl not a handsome guy that most girls we're crushing on because hash was not only forbidden but the type of guy most girls dreamed of marrying as kids a prince type really oh and she preferred to be referred to as a guy so that's what brain will be called from now on to say they were shocked that the gentle prince was a girl was an understatement and it made visibly brain and Liz are uncomfortable with their stares what the hell are you all staring at I demanded and earlier the others that were staring like vultures about to devour pray with all disgusting rotten personalities to match oh my god you're a girl it was Karen's high-pitched voice she had a bomb and looked like she belongs with the cheerleaders but their outfits where to skippy as he put it once for her and would possible give her future possible husband impure thoughts about her oh honey did he just not about you you see she was dating gray at the time but he was miserable to say the least however he didn't want to disappoint his family by breaking it off with her so he grinned and Bear did for as long as he could yes oh brain replied that's disgusting you're going to go to hell for being so impure and you're probably possessed by demons she said with a snake like some boar out of a cartoon oh did I say she had a crush on brain to know well this was what set her off at this point she just couldn't believe she wanted a girl and not a man as her boyfriend it freaked her out and I bet she was questioning her own sexuality or was in complete denial you did not just say that I said hardly comprehending her stupidity it wasn't registering with my much higher intelligence what are you from the 18th century or just stupid what did you just call me hussy she demanded you heard me or did screwing the couch make you go brain-dead suddenly I said yes I knew she was cheating on grey but what she didn't know was that he was into me the couch was a young man in his twenties not the most handsome guy but he often hit the gym to work on one of his few assets unfortunately everyone knew except gray he wasn't very sad about it when he found out just disappointed how did what are you talking about you know exactly what I'm talking about I said in turn to my friends who we're dressed enlightening speed and embarrassed about what Karyn had said come on guys we don't want to late for a call this was the day it started this was the day I should have done more this is the day I should have thrown Karen off a rooftop or better yet a cliff before she did the unthinkable before she murdered my friends six months later I having dinner with the family enjoy my Sunday really when I received a text from grey him and Karen were still together at the time which was irritating for the both of us seeing as we we're into each other like crazy with the teenage hormones to make it even worse he wanted to know where I was so I texted back that I was having dinner with my family at her restaurant what he texted back surprised me he wanted to know if he could see me in private and that he was only ten minutes from there apparently he check on my house first before texting me I of course agreed when he arrived I excused myself from the table and went to meet him outside I entered his car and noticed his eyes were red and puffy from likely bawling his eyes out grey what the hell happened to you I asked did he watch Titanic again he is still the only man I've met that cries watching chick flicks it's kind of adorable no he said Somaly we really need to talk it's important I should not have closed that car door he brought me to awaken the two of us talked and he told me the most disturbing news of my life now there was an accident last Lizza and Brian didn't make it he was crying at this point and I had a look of utter disbelief on my face the four of us had met up that Friday after school and went to the movies and had dinner the night before the accident I couldn't believe what gray just said my brain couldn't process it I didn't cry I think it was the shot prevented that as I hugged the greater comfort him almost absent mindedly how did they die I whispered it it was a car accident there hit a tree and we're killed on impact he informed me between sobs I didn't know what to say nor remember if I had said anything I just remembered holding my sobbing gray and trying to make sense of what happened why did it have to be them of all people it didn't make sense until that Monday morning I went to school like usual went to my locker and opened it to get my books out for my first class but a letter fell out of it I recognized Liz's handwriting the moment I saw it I picked it up and read it I recognized her handwriting for hers was cute la and I'd imagine rather hard to forge it was several pages long of her confession of making a suicide pact with Brian apparently they had been harassed outside of school every day for four straight months rocks throw through windows non-stop calls of threats and people telling them they all we're going to go to hell worse hate letters their homes spray-painted and broken into destroyed property and even Liz's younger brother being bullied at school because his elder sister was a lesbian she felt as if the suffering and stress on her family was all her fault that she had done this to her family just because she loved brain with all her heart to the point she couldn't live without him brain wasn't much better and probably felt the same they didn't want to break up and held on as long as they could before it was too much they didn't want to bring gray and myself into this so they kept quiet about it I wish they didn't I wish they would have relied on me just once maybe then I could have saved them I could have helped them and maybe they wouldn't have died but I hated myself for not noticing the pain my friends were in I was taken aback by all I just learned how have I not have noticed I never hung out at either their house since this started and they haven't said a word of it to me one of two of their closest friends I had great take me out of school before class began he took me to his place and the two of youse just kept quiet the entire day and just kept reading the letter and I remember one thing was clear throughout the entire letter someone had put people up to this someone had instigated this entire tragic outcome and in my grief I wanted revenge I didn't see this as a suicide or an accident in my eyes this was murder someone had stolen something good and pure from this world someone was going to pay for it the next day I called a few of the favors I was out to find the killer then I put in another call to have a few guys clean up the trash out of both homes and remove and replace any destruction on the properties that was destroyed by their killers comrades I never told the families I did any of this but I vaguely remember their parents tears as random strangers came to their houses and helped them clean up for the funerals then construction workers fixing the damage without pay and I didn't want to involve them in the revenge I was going to take they all had suffered enough I was told who was responsible for their deaths just as the funeral ended by several students who all said the same thing they were buried together pre their requests in letters to their mothers Karen was the one who caused all of this sadness she had been bragging to her little followers that it was her that had a few her church fanatics call their homes and her brothers that had destroyed the property her admission would be her second worst mistakes her first was messing with my friends in the first place I worked for over two straight years until our senior year the dark side I mentioned before were the people I worked for one and my only goal from my services was revenge when it was time I called in ever underhanded favor I acquired over the years and maybe had a bit of blackmail going on around the school to keep things quiet once things we're in place I acted her brothers were armed and sent to the hospital Suren friends were bullied by the most popular people in my school which encouraged others to do the same and even teachers didn't interfere I even got a hold of her nude pictures she sent to her precious coach well Little Miss holier-than-thou was your average Lawton in undisguised and they spread like wildfire at my pleasure then I had her bullied over social media by real and fake accounts trolls took care of the rest I did everything to her from cruel to downright petty but I wasn't done she was going to get a scholarship let's say Brown to keep it simple I wasn't about to let her escape from my web nor was she going to have it easy at her new college so I intended on ruining her life she looked like crap months before school ended it was a pleasure for me to see that but it wasn't good enough as I said I intended to ruin her life I planted paraphernalia and an assortment of drugs in her locker and had a recording of her and the coach canoodling in private sent discreetly to vice-principal and to her face gear dogs were called and what do you know but drugs were found in her locker I made sure she was expelled the last few months of a senior year and she couldn't graduate a few days before the expulsion I remembered her cry behind the school where delinquents would hang out all those looking to skip class would chill alone I asked her what was wrong and she replied everything she said sobbing what did I do to deserve this I didn't want to know what I had done nor did I feel sorry for her because I was too angry to care but I kept an understanding expression on my face as I reviled her despair if anything I'm suggesting when I'm crossed I asked her to tell me what happened and she told me that for the past two years that she had be harassed and her family too she told me she was being bullied and everyone hated her I was happy very happy but I said nothing of it I just played the part of a concerned possibe that just happened to see her crying though I nearly lost my composure when she complained about the word [ __ ] and murder of being spray-paint on her car I recall a lot last exchanged but I wasn't listening to most of her babbles she asked me why are you being so nice to me we hate each other it took everything I had not to laugh she had no idea it was me that had caused her troubles and her suffering I wanted to tell her to her face that it was me that I was the one who ruined her precious image that it was I who enjoyed watching her suffer but I didn't I gave her a warm smile patted her back that made me sick to do so and said because I'm a simply an amazing person the result was a ruining of her little life she no longer had friends her parents hated and disowned her as their image in the church was beyond repair everyone hated her and her social status went to plummet into oblivion Karen couldn't go to the dream school she wanted to go to she didn't get the dream boyfriend she was plotting for as it turned out because I snagged him as soon as he was free or be truly happy ever because I ruined any and all chances the last I heard she was strung out on drugs and tried to kill herself on several occasions I don't know whether or not she succeeded or not but several years ago she disappeared my guess is that she did and her body is somewhere in the woods or somewhere yet to be found point to the story is that you should be a bit more careful who you decided to pick on and who you Harris you never know if they will have a friend like me who doesn't care what happens to you as long as the ones they do care about get justice in the end one thing I do hope for is that Lissa and Brian can now rest peacefully now that the one responsibly was dealt with though knowing them they wouldn't approve of my actions but world is lesser without them and better without Karen Lizza brain wherever you two are I hope you are at peace you both deserve nothing less than the best happiness I just wish I was there for you when you needed me most it is my one and only regret please know I kept my promise to you both I'm happy and have gray and in a way the two of you are to thank for making me the person I am now you have no idea how grateful I'm to have met you both if only for a short time thank you thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 89,570
Rating: 4.5094743 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: K7mpytm-Sh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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