r/ProRevenge - GOTEM

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what's up my vengeful listeners welcome to daily dose of Reddit I'm your host not captain Zack Zack and today's subreddit is our slash Pro revenge don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called don't leader folks you might find yourself at the receiving end of my devious father this was many years ago when I was around 5 23 years ago so it's more about my father instead this does contain some my old vandalism so here is hope and it doesn't get removed my house was on the lower-class side of town mostly of more poor folks and retirees who had lived there before it went downhill our back yard butted right up against an alleyway that was a constant source of problems as an example we had a 15 foot diameter trampoline stolen from our backyard this thing had been rusted together so I can only figure they popped it up on its side and rolled it away like a big tire anyways back to the story the house across the alley from us was a duplex kind of thing and the Landlord would rent to literally anyone one guy he rented to was a fairly prolific drug dealer who ran his gig literally out of his kitchen window cars would pull up through the alley into the yard slash parking hands would move back and forth then the car would drive away this guy legit had a drug drive-thru it didn't take long for my parents to find all kinds of undesirable trash migrating its way into our yard needles burnt spoons broken pipes condoms and who knows what else my parents were worried about my dumb five-year-old booty getting into something or stabbing myself with something that could decidedly harm me my mother was a nurse before being disabled in a severe car accident and had been infected with hepatitis C while working at the hospital due to a needle that had been missed so she was super worried about this for me as well as a handful of other kids in the neighborhood conversations with the landlord including gathered evidence made no difference he didn't live there why did he care eventually my parents tried to call the cops the local police department was not helpful they they couldn't investigate or even send out a car on someone's word this wasn't our first problem with the local cops either after having our cars and other things broken into or stolen they told my parents to write down license-plate numbers and if any matches a known felon or someone with a warrant they would investigate so my mother sat at a window for a full day and wrote down every plate she could see hiding carefully the whole time she ended the day with over 100 plates that's how busy this guy was we faxed remember 90s the numbers along with a letter explaining what the numbers were for and who he had spoken to with the police department nothing happened after several weeks they called back and we were told there were no matches of any kind after another week of the problem simply getting worse my father decides to take matters into his own hands one night with no moon he sneaks into the driveway and throws roofing nails he had bought the previous day all over their area hundreds of them we watched for weeks as seemingly every Tweaker in town would stop and almost immediately have to fix flats evidently neither business dwindled so much or the renter figured out someone was messing with them or both they finally moved out the landlord spent over two weeks of having cleaning crews in the like over throwing out huge mounds of garbage and repair crews to fix damage that I later found out was caused by the renter it seems they trashed and stripped the place before disappearing some night without us noticing the moral here not really one exactly except for maybe the landlord be more selective who you let live in your house maybe edit I should clarify the driveway was dirt gravel and Tufts of grass so those nails were not obvious and were very difficult to see let alone pick up my father specifically bought brown colored ones wow that is not somewhere I would like living yeah that's terrifying dirty needles are a huge fear of mine holy crap and did the police follow protocol at all because I don't think they did were they just lazy or what let my uneducated but no in the comments below this story's called I catfished or my high school teachers because he was bullying me I was told to post this year this happened a while ago some background he knew my dad because my dad a lawyer had represented his ex-wife several years before in a super bitter divorce for some reason he took out that frustration on me he would verbally assault me in front of class if I raised my hand to answer a question he would roll his eyes before calling on me and loudly say to class wellthen toois topi theth that way you will know what the wrong anthers are he would criticize my work make comments about how I'll never amount much because obviously I have a learning disability my don't he was just being a prick I would often get marked down for penmanship but after asking some classmates apparently I was the only one being graded on that I know history wasn't my best subject but the way I was being treated was totally uncalled for I began to have anxiety to go to that class I would dread it all day my friends would even mention casually yeah mr. Smith doesn't really like Opie what did you do to him bro my dad was angry that he was obviously being biased towards me for something I had nothing to do with dad made noise and tried to get me moved into another class but the district and school were over capacity as it was I couldn't move classes without displacing another students and the school didn't think that would be fair to the other student but it's fair to me to let this keep going on because you can't move me whether that now my dad never discussed details of his cases but I overheard him angrily telling my mom after our meeting with the principal that he didn't like that I'm in that freakin child fans class an idea was planted in my head and it started to grow I devised a plan I gathered social media pics of a girl who was underage and went to another school and made some profiles on kik and whatsapp using a Google Voice number from our city I changed her name for obvious reasons once I had him hooked on the made-up seventeen-year-old girl I sent all the chat logs in pics he sent to her to the principal in the school district main office using every email address I could find on the school district website and social media pages within three days of the emails being sent we had a sub all we were told was that mr. Smith had it take some time off due to personal issues I still don't know what happened to him after that I graduated about three months after he was put on leave and never heard from or saw him again I joined the military and left town about six months after this all happened and have not returned to that city since one of my friends who still lives there told me a while back he saw him working the deli counter at a grocery store not far from the high school I never told a single soul and nobody knows it was me the rumor mill went wild about him being a child lover but nobody knew I had anything to do with it even though I benefited the most from his departure I imagine they tracked the girl down and asked her but she obviously didn't know him however the chat logs from whatsapp show the girl telling him she was 17 about three days before he sent the first of many pictures of his junk so that was probably enough to at least get him fired and lose his teaching certificate I don't regret it but I would never go so far on anyone again that was a bitter moody teen but when you're being bullied by someone with authority over you you have to do what you have to do to survive okay I think now I'm no legal expert and I don't know what state he's in but I'm pretty sure you could sue the school for conflict of interest because that's completely messed up and yeah I'm pretty sure you could at least do something about that legally and given that the dude's dad is a lawyer I'm surprised they didn't do that I mean I know a divorce lawyers different from whatever lawyer would be needed for this but still let me know in the comments below if I'm right or if I'm stupid because I know for a fact that like with state testing like the standardized test you get every year there's been times when I was in school with the standardized tests that you'd get every year where my classmates have been the children of teachers that would normally supervise but the teacher would have to be substituted because you know like I said conflict of interest of a different nature but still this story's called I get the ultimate revenge on an identity thief long post to set the stage it was 2005 and I was living on my own had a girlfriend my own apartments and a paid off used car I was working as the assistant manager of a gas station I made decent money for the time and was living comfortably but I was far from being rich my younger brother Kyle was living with me at the time he had serious behavioral problems oppositional defiance disorder ADHD etc some of which were due to a shared rough upbringing a serious mistreatment he had nowhere to go as the rest of my family refused to deal with him in their defense he did lie cheat and steal on a daily basis and had a drug habit he even broke my arm deliberately once I was trying to do the right thing and get him on track I got him a job and would take him to work gave him some money and allowed him to live rent-free the rules were simple I didn't care if he smoked weed but it wouldn't be in my apartment drugs would not cross into my apartment one day I decided to surprise my girlfriend with Nine Inch Nails tickets at the Tabernacle in Atlanta for her birthday they were her favorite band I had planned this months in advance and ended up working a double shift the night of the concert and driving down there due to some sudden personnel issues at work when I got back the following morning which I had off I stopped by my work to make sure there were no more sudden schedule changes my boss Betty Jo saw me and had a look on her face I had only seen the day she got robbed I knew it was bad she sat me down and explained that Kyle had tried to get a ride to a spot in town that was notorious for selling drugs Kyle admitted he was trying to sell a significant quantity of weed and coke to a co-worker which could have cost me my job I got up and peeled out in the parking lot headed for home which was literally 40 seconds away he broke the rules he knew it was the only way to get immediately removed it was even in writing because I made him sign a letter stating the rules so I injected him from the apartment that day despite his protests fast forward four months he would call me occasionally and update me on how he was doing he said he got a new job making a ton of money I congratulated him I was saving money since kicking him out I didn't pay attention to my balance as I keep running a tally in my head my girlfriend decided we should go to the beach for the weekend as I had a rare weekend off I went withdraw three hundred dollars so we could have a blast insufficient funds I thought there has to be an error so I tried again same error went home and checked my bank statement I was over $9,500 shy of where I should have been I checked my statements there were huge cash withdrawals every day up to the maximum allowed limit day after day after day $900 at AT&T an astronomical sum at the time hundreds of dollars at liquor stores clothes dozens of transactions I never made etc I printed my statements and went directly to the large regional branch I was told it was definitely identity theft and that it's unusual because it was in the north of my town I was told that to get anything back I had to turn the investigation over to the bank so I did a few days later I got a call from the officer investigating he asked me to meet he had a stack of printed photos almost a foot high as every transaction on an ATM takes a picture do you know this guy I informed the detective it was Kyle investigator told me Kyle had the money to evade police for a long time if he desired and no stable address or job to be picked up at so it would be a long shot finding him I told my buddy Rick from here on out what happened Rick was a gruff a six-foot for Native American man who was well muscled from a life of hard labor Rick was a good person but if he screwed with him or his friends he was devious and loved scorched earth tactics you didn't bring small problems to him he immediately offered to help we became friends after I found out he was sleeping with Betty Jo who was a little person four foot eight and heels he came into the store and I started laughing because the mental image was too much he said what are you smiling at Geisler we were friends ever since now Kyle loved Rick despite the fact that Rick was a massive booty hole to him on a regular basis Kyle wanted his approval desperately we concocted a plan he would call Kyle get him to come over under the guise that I had a falling-out with Rick over the way I treated Kyle naturally Kyle ate the story hook line and sinker Kyle gave Rick and addressed a meet an abandoned car wash in the north of town we loaded up his truck the trap was set Rick hops out of the truck and tells Kyle to get in I was laying down in the front seat so he couldn't see me he opens the door and I put him in a headlock and pull him in we go back to Rick's place while my brother visibly sweats and even cries at some point we cooked him dinner and calmly sat down ate and then cleaned up the entire time Kyle had convinced himself he was about to get murdered in the woods we gave him a chance to explain himself naturally as was his way he lied denied and swore on every one living and dead he had nothing to do with it I grabbed a stack of photos from the investigator and silently slid them across the table again he denied everything this was a setup you're trying to make me a felon I did nothing wrong I had enough I called the non-emergency number and the police came to pick him up we said he showed up unexpectedly and started to get violent and when they searched him he had oxycontin a felony and he tried to assault me in front of the officer screaming about how we set him up and all of this was unjust he ended up getting arrested on something like 350 felonies as every transaction cross state lines this was pled down to one or two felonies Kyle ended up getting five years with early release and three I think this was because despite his checkered past family never pressed charges so his record was clean he has been in out of five star luxury federal resorts ever since for such wonderful things as the manufacturing and distribution of meth child endangerment theft etc I ended up getting a full refund man that's gotta be rough you know to give someone a chance that no one else wants anything to do with and they just backstab you like that that guy needs therapy or something I don't know but that's that's really sad but it seems that suits you know more or less content with it I've had similar family troubles but thankfully they've worked out and everyone's more or less happy now but you know things like this are kind of rough I'm curious you know let me know in the comments below about you guys have you guys had something like this happen in your family I don't know I'm interested in seeing who can relate with who you know 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Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 54,801
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/ProRevenge
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Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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