Revenge That Went Even Further Than Planned! | r/NuclearRevenge | #319

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hey everyone rob here it's time for a new nuclear revenge story my story of revenge that went even further than planned let's jump right in this is an epic story and a rather long one at that so pause the video now grab yourself a drink hit the washroom and settle in because it's a good one I will have to reveal and admit a few things about myself I'd rather not and I'm not proud of if you hate or struggle with reading then don't even continue my story is unfortunately true and I would not wish my life upon anyone not even those I chose to seek out revenge upon when I was 18 my father suffered a debilitating stroke and could never work or drive again I volunteered to look after him as my mother had a full-time job my family needed her to keep working sadly exactly one year to the day of his stroke he passed away after enduring a triple bypass I lost my [ __ ] as we used to say back in the day and it changed something inside of me I had lived a somewhat sheltered life due to regularly attending church and church activities when my father passed if I wanted to go to college I would have to pay for it out of pocket I did not qualify for any loans thankfully in retrospect I got a menial job and began partying at age 19 having never tasted alcohol done drugs had sex etc I had been bullied quite a bit growing up I developed very late and always look several years younger than my friends at a party one night I met a guy several years older than me we'll call Benji he asked me to come by after my shift at my shitty minimum-wage job the next day and I agreed when I arrived he brought me into his house where two of his friends were busy sorting through a table of white powder I'd seen drugs and movies so I rightfully assumed it was cocaine they offered a line and laughed at my refusal to try it the reason Benji had singled me out was the fact that even at age 19 I looked like I should in a freshman or a sophomore in high school the dealer and his guys had kids selling cocaine at all the local high schools the area I am from had a lot of old wealth and trust fund kids they wanted me to go to each high school campus each day and pick up cash while dropping off pre-weighed bags of coke they would buy packs of cigarettes and put coke in each with a small initial on the bottom indicating which school they'd gotten their hands on a cellophane wrapping machine that would seal and shrink the plastic everything worked well as planned for years it was amazing to learn how many cops lawyers and even judges were on the take I did things in those younger days that could have gotten me very long prison sentences or worse had I been caught I quit my stupid job and worked daily for Bengie if I wasn't delivering or weighing cocaine Benji and his buddies were teaching me how to shoot guns work out or fight they built a full-size boxing ring out back because they truly love to spar they'd sensed I'd been picked on a lot growing up even though I'd grown another 3 inches in height after high school to stand 6 foot 2 I was still wiry and not very strong Benji was several years older than me and had been stationed in South Korea for many years there he took it upon himself to learn a form of martial arts known as Subic but he'd also been a boxer as well the three guys loved teaching me how to handle myself they'd teach me to master one move then delighted in springing a new never-before-seen move on me none of this was ever meant to attack anyone strictly self-defense they wanted to be sure I could protect myself should anything bad go down and wanted me to be able to have their backs Benji made me carry a loaded 9-millimeter everywhere we drove he carried a huge 357 magnum revolver eventually I was several years into college and had begun to sell to classmates my mom was proud I was paying for my own tuition and books never asking how yes there are some people albeit very few that you as money earned from unsavory deeds - better than selves just as there are a few strippers who use that money to get a degree it is rare but it does happen what my mom never knew was the fact that I was making more in a week selling drugs than she did as a teacher in a month I drove an old Camry I never bought flashy clothes or threw money around to impress anyone I kept as low a profile as I could I finished my BA degree in three years due to having plenty of free time I initially wanted to be a lawyer but I had known far too many corrupt cops and judges I did study law with no goal of ever passing the bar because I wanted to become and eventually became a jury consultant for those who don't know what that is when a law firm has a client there defending a list of potential jurors is sent out television makes it look like lawyers decide for or against a potential juror on the spot in court a good lawyer already has a very good idea of each potential jurors background before they enter the room my job was to take each name and research any background I could find the firm I worked for decided what was pertinent information for each particular case the firm I work for has the highest regard in my area I can research a lot of information about people legally through something as simple as an online background data site in the much more recent past I reappointed with a high school classmate will call Shana I discovered she and I had both had crushes on each other back in the day but we both been too shy to say a word to each other without a lot of pointless details suffice it to say Shana and I became best friends fell head-over-heels in love and were planning a future together both of our previous relationships had been disasters mine in particular had left me feeling totally dead inside believing I was incapable of love it had been years since I had dated by choice my previous ex will call Alison had done things cold and utterly heartless to cause our breakup I was nothing but good to her rescuing her from an abusive relationship never abused her and let her know no human deserves to be abused when she stabbed me in the back and left me my life was in total ruin finding Shana didn't just give me hope it made me realize that every relationship before her had been pointless Shana was the love of my life time we were meant to be together and finally were sadly five years ago I awoke to discover Shana was not beside me I thought nothing of it until I went into the laundry room to find her face down on the floor when I picked her up even before I turned her over I knew something was wrong her body was completely stiff when I did turn her over I realized she was dead rigor mortis had already set in and her face was frozen in the most painful expression of agony you could imagine I called 911 knowing she was already dead and long past saving I really don't want to go into detail about that night suffice it to say the cop suspected I'd done something or she'd od'd for five hours detectives went through everything we owned I was questioned repeatedly the same questions by multiple cops all the while I was trying to console her mother with the realization her one and only daughter was dead the next day I accompanied Shana's mother to Shana's neurologist Shana had epilepsy and her doctors suspected she might have died from SUDEP sudden unexpected death due to epilepsy which neither of us have ever heard of months later when the autopsy came back that was the cause of death the next few days were a blur of misery tears and disbelief devastated does not begin to express how I felt from that point for many many months I will not lie there were many moments I thought of and even planned to take my own life I knew Shana would want me to live and after seeing how the loss of a child had affected her mother I could not do that to my own mom I managed to face the future only by focusing on my mother who was getting up in years at the time I closed myself off to all friends and extended family it was hard enough just having the fortitude to hold down my job and look after my mom I worked out everyday and did cycling for cardio I took some Krav Maga classes to relieve stress but I didn't even think of dating and frankly the idea seemed pointless Shana was a truly truly special person with a beautiful soul I knew I could never have that kind of a relationship with anyone ever again eventually two years passed and I met a female we will call Angie we initially started hanging out as friends again as that is what I needed most of the time but as I opened up about what had happened with Alison and then Shana we got closer and Angie seemed to sympathize we started sleeping together again and eventually became a couple I was still having to keep some focus on my mother though I enjoyed my time with Angie she seemed to appreciate that I actually listened spoke honestly and was protective of her she said she loved me and I admitted I loved her I never told her a word about how I'd paid for college or the things I'd seen or done Shana knew and loved me in spite of it all well I knew it would never be what Shana and I had I never told or even hinted at that to Angie things went along well for the most part my mother's need for assistance was fairly limited Angie knew what I'd endured losing Shana and she seemed to understand the responsibilities I had looking after my mom Angie and I had been in a committed monogamous relationship for well over a year when my mother had to have some medical tests done my mom had a leaking heart valve and the tests were to determine if they could repair the valve a week later we received good news the valve could indeed be replaced however we also received devastating news while running the tests they discovered four small masses in and around her right kidney the odds were high that the masses were tumors and malignant the doctors did a biopsy to discover she did in fact have renal kidney cancer she began chemotherapy and I knew my focus needed to be on my mom things had been going great with Angie we were planning to move in together lived in a town about 30 miles from mine when I told Angie about my mom she seemed deeply concerned and supportive when I explained it meant we would see less of each other she assured me that she had no desire to put things between us on hold she said she wanted to be there for me if in no other way than as emotional support I told Angie in fact I urged Angie that if she decided she wanted to take a break or thought she might be interested in anyone she met to just tell me and I would understand she assured me that she cherished me in her life and that nobody could ever take my place in her life initially the chemotherapy seemed to be having none of the horrible side effects it was well into her second month before she started noticing weakness and a loss of appetite I talked to and texted Angie multiple times per day every day she would message me asking how my mom was doing as soon as she woke up each morning and we often spent hours before falling asleep talking and telling each other how much they were missed we got to see and spend the night together about every two weeks but everything seemed fine when we did my mom's condition began to worsen so I told Angie that she could go out with friends and have some enjoyment in life as summer began I knew Angie would enjoy going to outdoor activities even without me my mom's failing health that summer meant no fun in the Sun for me Angie would go out with friends and I enjoyed hearing about silly things she and her friends did I was genuinely glad she wasn't being a shut-in over issues in my life she always expressed concern and sadness each time I told her what was going on with my mom the chemo was in fact killing the cancer cells however she was growing more and more frail I realized cancer was no longer killing my mother the medicine was I needed to take a break so a group of ladies from my mom's church came to sit with her to give me a little free time on my own I called Angie as I was nearing her town she gave me the address of where she and her friends were to meet them when I arrived I saw most of her friends which I'd already met as I made my way through the house to the back deck I saw a guy sitting really close to Angie they were both laughing and cutting up with other friends she introduced me as her boyfriend to the guy we will call will he shook my hand insisting he was glad to meet me I was cordial with him I don't think Angie suspected I immediately felt something was amiss with will I suppose many people get a gut feeling when they encounter someone shifty due to my own criminal activity many years before my takes one to know one instincts told me there was something shady about will I knew he was new to their group of friends none of them including Angie had known him longer than a couple months I must be clear that I know now what I felt at the time was not jealousy Angie had many male friends all of whom I genuinely liked but there was something I sensed about will that made me a bit skeptical about his character I tried my best to ignore it writing the feeling off as mere jealousy I began to talk with Angie and her friends trying to put my mind at ease I monitored will from afar and interacted with him cordially Angie and I stayed at her place that night before I had to leave and head home over the next several weeks my mother's condition began to worsen but Angie and I spoke and texted throughout the day every day in hindsight I now realize I was initiating most of our communication but at the time I wasn't keeping count one day a few relatives volunteered to look after my mom to give me a break I headed to see Angie calling her on the way she told me what restaurant she and friends were having dinner so I made my way there I was pulling into a parking space and saw we'll get into a late-model black Mustang he pulled out though he did not see me unfamiliar with my car I made my way inside where Angie and her friends greeted me with hugs and words of sympathy and encouragement we all had dinner and a few drinks before Angie and I went back to her place before bed I casually asked why we'll had left before I got to say hello Angie stated she had no idea will had even been at the restaurant the place we'd eaten was in a strip mall next to several other businesses I thought perhaps he had come out of one of those stores and neither angie nor her friends had seen him at any rate I again stayed with her that night before heading back to my place about noon the next day my mom became very ill and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance she had pneumonia and was extremely weak due to the chemo and susceptible to many ailments for three weeks she was hospitalized they gave her many medications via an IV but her condition worsened each day the doctors finally informed me she had at most a week to live I knew she would not want to leave this earth in that hospital room so the staff made arrangements for hospice to bring her home and help me make her last few days as peaceful as possible when everything had been set up we brought my mom home though extremely weak she was glad to see her house and familiar settings once again we both knew she didn't have much longer to live while she was a bit afraid she also told me she was ready to go and see my father once again after so long I got one of my cousin's to look after my mom for a few hours got in my car and drove to see Angie without calling I hadn't called because I was crying so hard facing my mom's impending demise I wouldn't have been able to talk when I arrived at Angie's house I saw a black Mustang parked in her driveway behind her car I actually didn't think anything of it as I was focused on soon losing my mother I used the key she had given me to enter into the kitchen as we always did as soon as the door opened I heard loud music playing but still didn't really suspect anything I saw no one in the living room or on the back deck I walked down the hallway toward her bedroom and heard noises coming from inside as I reached for the door handle I stopped I realized the sounds I heard were sexual in nature my heart sank even further as I pulled back my hand not wanting to draw attention her bathroom was connected to a guest room with an adjoining bathroom I quietly walked around and into the unlit bathroom to find her bedroom door open I stopped in my tracks as I saw them both completely naked going at it oblivious to my presence honestly my first instinct was run full-speed and introduce his face to the back of his skull with my knee but I knew I had to stay out of trouble for the sake of my mother and my job so I slowly backed away shaking with anger I went back through the guest room out of the house and to my car I hadn't been seen I just sat there in the car bawling my eyes out after about a half an hour I cranked my car and headed back to my mom's I told no one what I'd just seen everyone assumed my tears were totally in regard to my mom they of course partially were but the betrayal I just seen witnessed was like something so sadistic I struggled to grasp it my logic knew my mom was my top priority especially so close to the end yet I felt so deceived by Angie I felt a rage like I'd never known before and I'd felt plenty of rage I thought of calling Angie letting her know what I'd seen and cursing her out but I knew if she didn't care enough to be faithful to me while my mother was on her deathbed a stream of profanity wouldn't bother her I made sure my mother was comfortable and went to try and sleep in my old childhood room I cried I slept I woke up crying and cried some more throughout the night I woke to my cell phone ringing and saw it was Angie calling I ignored the call and the urge to slam the phone against the wall I went in to check on my mom who was in a deep sleep due to the morphine sulfate they had her on I managed to tax Angie I was very busy with my mom and would call her later after forcing myself to eat food I didn't want and taking a shower the hospice nurses came by to check on my mom after checking her vital signs they regretfully informed me that my mother would die within 48 hours I thanked them and walked out into the backyard trying not to totally lose my mind with all that had happened and was about to happen I managed to tax Angie and told her my mother's condition was about the same I didn't want to see her I didn't want to talk to her and I didn't want her showing up I owed it to my mom to do everything I could to make sure her last moments were as peaceful as I could the next afternoon just before 4 p.m. my mother took her last breath with me by her side holding her hand as her life expired the next three days I was in a total days meeting with her pastor and making final touches on the church and burial service but I could not for the life of me get the images of Angie and will fornicating right in front of me out of my mind the more I thought about it the angrier I got I was mad at Angie furious but remembering how will had been so overly friendly toward me made my blood boil even more if they hadn't already been intimate when I first met him they were soon about to that made me want to know just exactly who the son of a [ __ ] really was I opened the site I used for background checks I hadn't checked him out before because I wanted to trust Angie and her decision-making I'd sensed from the moment I met him he was bad news I was actually angry at myself for ignoring my gut instincts I knew nothing but his first and last name it was a distinct name I had difficulty spelling correctly when I finally got it right a link popped up which I opened to see an old mugshot of wills from many years before I was once arrested and have done some despicable things in my life I've known people who have done horrible things intentionally and under the influence of various substances but we'll had a long rap sheet for a variety of crimes several DWIs receiving stolen goods breaking and entering drug arrests were listed as I scrolled down through his record the arrests got more heinous I discovered will had been out of prison on early probation approximately two years after serving nine years when I saw the charges included sexual exploitation of a minor and a host of other sexual offenses I admit I was disgusted Angie had betrayed me which hurt enough the knowledge she may have risked me to god only knew what diseases that felon had gotten as a sex fiend and then eventually in prison made me feel physically ill I doubted Angie had any idea who she was involved with behind my back she had a naive trusting nature that had given her issues before but never like that I had no doubt anyone who knew of wills record would have considered him a vile creature he should never have been let out of prison but I had my mom's funeral to focus on and had to pull myself together by the time her funeral was over and everyone had left I was exhausted and mentally spent as I put my head on the pillow to try and sleep Angie called not knowing my mom had passed or that I knew what she had been up to she'd been texting and calling much less in the days before my discovery and after I answered the phone and tried my best to sound as glad to hear from her as I could I didn't let on anything had changed with my mom status nor that I knew about her and will or what I knew about will I let her do most of the talking and internalized every word I knew to be a lie as if I totally believed her and appreciated her false sympathy when she claimed she missed me as we said goodbye I lied and told her the same but in all honesty at that moment if she dropped dead I would not have cared in the least I had a few weeks off from work with bereavement I knew things with Angie were over and done with part of me couldn't help but struggle with how cruelly she had treated me intentionally or not I was glad to know the truth about her and will before any further lies and betrayal could occur but I felt what both of them had done to me at a time when I was struggling to keep it together was just flat-out wrong I wanted revenge I wanted to destroy both of their lives and yet never let either know I had any part of it I called my human resources department and filled out the necessary FMLA Family Medical Leave Act paperwork to stay out longer than my given two weeks I truly had no reason to worry about getting fired but I took the legal route and had enough of a nest egg to pay my bills for half a year or more if I needed to revenge on will was quite easy as he was on parole and a felon even a minor charge would get him sent back to prison to finish his original sentence but I didn't want him to just have to finish out his original sentence I wanted new charges that would bring him so much time behind bars he'd never saw freedom again I'd met his parole officer on many occasions and she knew me well enough that if I had called she would have investigated will felons have difficult times gaining employment if he had a job I had my doubts he was gainfully employed to be able to afford a new Mustang and insurance I parked down the street from angie's in a car she would not be familiar with I saw wills car in her driveway I had two iPhones on my account one for work and the other for personal use I walked down to his car and stealthily duct-taped my work phone securely to the underside of his back bumper back to my car and used the Find My Phone app to locate my work phone where I knew it to be around 2:00 a.m. when I heard him Rev his engine before pulling off from her driveway I casually followed him not wanting him to suspect he was being followed I was about a quarter-mile away from the phone signal when I noticed my phone had stopped moving I followed the signal to a cruddy looking house in a below-average part of Angie's town his car was parked and he'd already gone inside I wrote down the license-plate number and parked down the street I slept several hours in view of his house after seeing no activity when the Sun rose I went and bought some breakfast to eat and returned over the course of the day it was easy to tell either will had a lot of friends who saw no reason to stay and talk very long or he was dealing he was most likely dealing a highly addictive substance like cocaine heroin or meth after a few hours many customers returned for more of the narcotics obvious he was selling took photos of each car that stopped by along with some video I went back each day about the same time to document the continuing activity I also observed each night about 6:00 p.m. when I knew angie was getting off work he would leave I trailed him each night to see him meet angie at a restaurant or went straight to her house I had major doubts she'd ever been to his house at least not that house I had enough evidence to turn into the local police but I decided to document his activities one more day as I knew he hadn't been out to get more drugs to sell that last day I staked out his house around 3:00 p.m. people stopped coming by which was unusual i sat and observed when about 30 minutes later a large black Cadillac Escalade pulled into his driveway I had usually seen no more than one person get out of a vehicle to go into wills house this time I observed three large males exit the vehicle and open the back door to escort a middle-aged man inside they stayed in Wills house for over two hours which absolutely nobody had been doing I was fairly certain the middle-aged man was his source for the drugs he was selling I drove by taking a picture of the Escalade license tag at home I downloaded the photos and video I'd taken of wills activity to my computer I made a detailed report citing activity from the four days I'd observed what was going on when finished I printed out 30 pages of photos of people heading for wills door to buy drugs I saved all video of activity I'd recorded to a SIM card and placed it in a small plastic box for safekeeping I knew it wouldn't take much to convince the police of what will was up to I was giving the cops actual admissible evidence with times and date stamped on each photo and video but I wanted to put so much heat on him that the police would be the least of his worries the next morning I went by the town's police station in Angie's town I calmly walked in requesting to speak with someone in their Narcotics Division a uniformed officer came out from the office section shook his hand and I handed him one of my business cards he stare the card for several seconds has two of the lawyers in the firm I worked for regularly worked in Angie's town the cop knew the business card carried quite a bit of clout even if I never pass the bar exam I told him I had some information he might want to take a look at the detective happily led me back to a conference room where we made small talk about mutual acquaintances but soon I pushed a folder of paperwork in the box with the sim card across the table toward him listed on the first pages was Will's first name date of birth his criminal record and parole officer the detective examined the photos and I sat quietly as he did by the expressions on his face he obviously realized he'd been given information that could easily lead to an arrest warrant for will he must have also imagined how much narcotics those arrests could get off the street potential promotions and other positives he thanked me for the evidence and placed the folder back down on the table he asked me if I would be willing to testify I explained the damning evidence was so I wouldn't have to he smiled and casually asked if there was anything I needed I explained that I felt will had been allowed off prison far too soon it was obvious he had not been rehabilitated and deserved to go back to jail for much longer the detective agreed but again asked what I wanted in exchange for the information I pulled out a photo of the black Escalade with license plate number and pushed it toward him I asked him to write the tag number down for his own benefit I explained the owner of the Escalade might be an even bigger drug dealer I reaffirmed I wanted my name kept out of any police or court reports he agreed I then lied and said my firm was representing someone who may have been set up by the owner of the Escalade he knew I could have gotten one of the lawyers in my firm to call in a favor for the info but he also knew lawyers like to use their favor sparingly he thought quietly for a few seconds realizing I'd given him yet another lead to potentially follow I'd done more detective work in five days then his entire staff had done in months so he happily agreed ten minutes later he returned with a printout of the tag with the name and address of who it was registered to I folded the printout and put it into my pocket the detective and I made some more small talk about sports and cars before I shook the detective's hand and headed out to my car I drove home knowing a judge would soon be filling out an arrest warrant for will I kept to myself for a few days monitoring the arrest reports from Angie's local paper online one morning the front sight showed a photo of a very bewildered will being led away in handcuffs as long as nobody had made any stupid errors to get him off on a technicality he'd be finishing out his original time plus many additional years there was always the possibility he might get a good lawyer to get the charges reduced or find some loophole to get him off scot-free I couldn't and wouldn't let that happen I drove to the location the cop had given me sure enough there was the large luxury vehicle sitting in the driveway of a modest house down the street I waited about an hour until I saw what I believe to be one of his bodyguards leaving a different car I followed and watched the guy go inside a mini-mart I parked around the other side so my vehicle was hidden I got out of my car lit up a smoke and waited for the guy to come out my sunglass has obscured my face quite a bit when he exited the store I called him over telling him I needed to tell him something I'm sure he thought I was going to ask for gas money or tell him he needed to find Jesus when I told him I had some information his boss who might we'll call Marcus might want to know he was shocked he asked who I was I told the guy none of that was important but I was certain with the information I could give him Marcus would greatly appreciate he began looking around nervously thinking it might be a bus but I told him to relax I told him to tell Marcus that Will had gotten busted which he knew to be true and had every intention of cutting a plea bargain I suggested that Marcus get one of his boys in county jail to have a talk with will but I also explained they all needed to lay low until the heat had died down of course I had no idea if any plea bargain was on the table but a stranger volunteering such information out of the blue sure as hell wasn't going to look good to his boss I knew how things worked well enough to know if will made it to prison the average dealer had enough connections inside to leave will eating out of a feeding tube for the rest of his days or worse as I walked away the guy asked my name and obviously wanted to get a gun from his car I simply explained that will had some payback coming from a previous betrayal and that Marcus had picked the wrong guy to sell his product that wasn't a lie he'd betrayed me neither will nor Angie had any inkling of my past or how vengeful I could be but it was enough to get the bodyguard to take my advice seriously he quickly walked to his car as I hurried around the building I slipped into a grocery store and watched Marcus's bodyguard drive around the parking lot several times looking diligently when I saw him pull out of the lot and speed down the road I calmly exited the store got into my car and drove toward home I hadn't been driving ten minutes when my phone rang the caller ID let me know it was Angie calling when I answered I tried to act surprised and happy to see her without even a friendly greeting she asked how I couldn't have let her know my mother had passed away she'd seen the obituary in my city's newspaper I simply replied that it seemed she was busy enjoying life and that I didn't want to burden her with my grief I quickly asked why she hadn't been texting or calling as much lately that led her to change the subject and asked to see me I tried my damnedest to act happy to hear from her and told her that I missed her I asked her if she could meet me for dinner at our favorite restaurant in our town and she readily agreed since will was no longer around to keep time with she was glad to have me back to fill in the void I showed up to dinner with a smile and a long hug trying to control the urge to break her spine in half I was surprised she didn't say anything when I avoided kissing her I'm sure she assumed in my grief that romance wasn't something I'd had in my mind much I just had a very good idea what her mouth had been doing and I didn't want will salad tossing knob slobbering prison germs on me we sat at the bar and ordered two drinks from our favorite bartender he knew us as a couple because we always tip very well when our drinks arrived I excused myself to the restroom and typed a short message out on my phone that read make my drinks with no alcohol and make hers doubles when I returned from the restroom i sat next to angie at the bar discussing drinks we'd enjoyed but hadn't tried in quite a while I acted as if I was pulling up the recipe for some unusual drink the bartender came over and asked if we were ready for another drink I told him we were celebrating after not seeing each other for quite a while I held up my phone for him to read the message asking if he knew how to make that drink he read the message and smiled agreeing the drink I'd requested was a specialty of his I'm sure the bartender and Angie assumed she could get as sloshed as she wanted to and that she'd be heading to her place with me afterward I had other plans Angie commented how strong hers was I told her I could barely taste the alcohol in mine we ordered several more drinks Angie commented about how drunk she felt I acted confused stating I barely felt a buzz at all after several hours I paid for our dinner and drinks with a sizable tip as we exited the door I acted like I'd gotten a very important call which I needed to take after the obligatory [ __ ] non-existent phone call I told her I had to rush back to my town to the office one of the lawyers needed me for a case early the next morning I asked her to go to her house and wait on me promising the errand wouldn't take long I helped her into her car and watched her pull off before using my cellphone to immediately call the police and tell them I'd seen a drunk driver leaving that restaurant I urged them to hurry the person was in no shape to be driving I jumped into my car and headed to or Angie's house about two miles away about a mile from her house I saw blue lights ahead of me and slowed down to see Angie's car pulled over I knew she was going to get a DWI as that is in fact what I had planned what neither she nor I knew was that will had been using her car to deliver cocaine to low level dealers under him they did the obligatory search of Angie's car and found several ounces of cocaine stash beneath the backseat I had absolutely no intention of getting her arrested for narcotics possession with intent to sell but the fact Angie had given me her spare car key the same night she given her spare house key I knew will could have just as easily been the one to screw my life up neither still had any idea I knew about her unscrupulous cheating that was revealed to all later as I arrived back at my house and my cell phone rang from a strange number I answered to hear Angie crying and blubbering while trying to tell me something I got her to calm down I actually wanted to hear what she had to say she managed to tell me she was in jail to which I innocently asked where and for what when she told me what she had been arrested for I was genuinely shocked about the drug arrests I asked her what she wanted me to do she wanted me to help get her out and asked me to post bond I explained since my mom had died I couldn't risk putting up any of my property due to probate issues I could have easily put my own home up as collateral but I viewed her drug charges as collateral damage and she damaged my life enough the charges for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute carried mandatory time I felt after what she'd done to me with who she'd betrayed me with part of her deserved what was coming to her I went to her arraignment and sat in the back hoping not to be noticed as she entered the courtroom she saw me I gave her a look of confusion as to how she could ever be arrested for such a crime I knew damn well how of course but I had to act totally oblivious when she tried to explain to the judge her boyfriend had been a stood for dealing drugs only days before and it had to be his the judge didn't want to hear it she turned around and looked at me and shame with tears in her eyes realizing I knew she'd been cheating I shook my head and disgust as they led her away she knew and the attempt to contact with me ever again would be a fool's errand bond was set extremely high for both at Will's trial he pled guilty and asked to forgo a trial in an attempt for leniency he got none Angie's trial took place a few weeks later and accepted a plea she got six years with the possibility of parole in three but her career was over when she got out and I didn't care one bit they'd messed with the worst person they could have ever crossed at the absolute worst time to cross me she started her sentence two months ago her parents apologized to me in all honesty if she cheated on me at any other time in my life with almost anyone else I doubt I would have sought out any revenge but as they say timing is everything and their timing could not have been worse in some ways I'm not proud of what I did we'll deserve to be behind bars the rest of his days if for nothing else his past sex crimes Angie deserved to have any chance at a future destroyed though all I had only intended for was her to lose her license and job I accomplished both for her and I hope like hell her years of incarceration are miserable and she regrets she was ever born none of us truly ever really know who we are dealing with at any given time and who not to cross but when love turns to hate any and every human is capable of things they never would have dreamed all she had to do was tell me she needed a break or say she'd met someone else instead she chose to feed me lies and lies of omission be careful who you betray they just might be willing to go the extra mile to ruin your present and future so badly you have no future at all feel free to think of me as cruel a monster or think I deserve just does bad a punishment as they received that's your prerogative and maybe I did but I didn't get caught by the authorities or someone who'd endured way too much in life to just let things slide there's really not much I can say after 45 minutes of story I hope you enjoyed it I enjoyed it hugely and I hope that Opie is in a much better situation these days I do want to thank Opie for posting their story to the nuclear revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote once again this is rob from karma comet chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 625,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/nuclearrevenge, nuclearrevenge, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, nuclear revenge, pro revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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