r/ProRevenge - Ex Boss FIRES Me For Dumb Reason! My New Boss Buys HIS Company to FIRE HIM!

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why hello there my wonderful wonderful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge where many of you come to get your dose of satisfaction by listening to others get what they deserve guys i hope you're doing absolutely amazing today wherever you are and hopefully it's about to get a little bit better with these revenge stories today guys in this revenge episode you're gonna hear three stories the first is about a shady office manager who lies about having paid opi's wife the second story is a manager who fires opi's dad for a stupid reason and probably regrets it now and my friends will finish off with an insane story of op's ex cheating on him and then making crazy false accusations against him yikes i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future revenge stories let's dive in my friends this is actually my wife story but a few years ago my wife had just landed a job as a dental assistant she was picking things up quickly as could be expected and she got along with her co-workers great however right after starting she was warned by her co-workers that the office manager was fire happy she had the tendency to fire people on a whim and try her luck hiring someone else only to be dissatisfied with them and fire them as well we naively thought that since my wife already had some experience as a dental assistant that she had a head start on any other new hire and that she would be fine until just a few weeks in and without any notice she was fired for not picking things up quick enough whatever we live at an at-will state and knew there wasn't much we could do so we started looking for another job for her however we noticed after a week or two that her last check was never sent to us like they normally were we texted the office manager asking if we should come pick it up and instead we're told that the last check was already printed and sent off and just to wait for it we waited another week or so before finally emailing her asking when we would get paid she replied very currently that there must have been some issue with the payroll and that she would fix it and then she stopped replying she ghosted us another few weeks went by with several emails and texts going unanswered by her before we finally asked my father-in-law who's a lawyer for some advice he approached the colleague in a firm who specialized in employment law and was informed of a very interesting law here in utah that basically says if you haven't been paid after being fired normal pay will resume once a written request for payment has been issued so basically my wife was due eight hours of pay for every day after she sent her initial text wondering where the paycheck was after a scary litigious sounding letter from my father-in-law informing them of this law it came out that the last check had never even been printed let alone sent and that there was no accounting issue the office manager just never planned on paying her for the last pay period which was only two days and this ended up costing the dental office over a month's worth of wages almost two thousand five hundred dollars guys i absolutely love the revenge stories on shady people trying to save a few dollars and then it ends up costing them like 10 times in the end this also sounds like a very shady office manager and dental office and i wonder how many people they've done this to before op and his wife decided to take some action i'm also very curious about the name of the dental office now my dad had worked at the same company for almost 30 years before he was abruptly fired for a stupid reason he was coordinating an upcoming meeting of people who had to fly in from around the country one important participant resigned unexpectedly so dad canceled the meeting via email and explained why apparently to the company this counted as quote improperly communicating privileged information and he was fired the next day all this happened a week after dad's boss retired and was replaced by a new guy who wanted to cut costs what a coincidence this was about 10 years ago near the height of the recession dad was in his 50s hadn't interviewed for a job since the early 1980s he wasn't sure if he'd ever find another job my mom went back to work at a school to pay the bills while dad scraped together what he could by doing some online consulting gigs for basically minimum wage they managed to keep their heads above water but only barely dad was out of work for a year and a half he finally landed a job at a new company three states away and coincidentally about an hour away from where my wife and i lived and were expecting dad's first grandchild mom and dad moved to live about 20 minutes away from us they had paid off the mortgage on their house so they decided to keep it and rent it out planning to retire there in a few years the new company treated dad very well he was getting paid much more than he made at the old company he had good benefits and respect from his co-workers and superiors a year later mom and dad were able to buy a second smaller house near their grandkids dad mentioned a few things about his time at the old company to his new bosses nothing confidential or anything more like overall strengths and weaknesses of course the story of how he got fired came out as well it turns out when you work at a company for over 25 years you learn a thing or two about how it works and quote cutting costs by firing experienced employees can make your company very vulnerable new company started to get very interested they saw an important business opportunity and also a chance to get revenge on behalf of a valued employee a couple of years later new company bought old company they were both big companies and mergers of this size takes time but when the dust settled it was clear that there were redundancies in divisions and products that both companies had that new company only needed one of they kept as many of old companies people as they could and very few people lost their jobs except of course for the bosses responsible for firing dad new company put dad in charge of the building he used to work in at the old company and let him choose his employees from both old and new companies dad had to move back to the old state so new company helped sell his house in the new state and gave him a moving stipend of several thousand dollars mom and dad were just moving back into their own house they sold their new house for a nice profit and with that money plus the moving stipend they paid off debts saved for retirement and took me my siblings our spouses and the grandkids on a nice cruise some say living well is the best revenge my friends but opie's dad lived well and had the guy who fired him fired as well the only thing that would have made this revenge sweeter is if op's dad was put in charge of the department that the bosses worked in and then he got to fire them so op has an update to the story and it reads since people are asking i never heard exactly what transpired when the guy who fired dad got downsized but since it's christmas and we all get together i'm actually able to ask him and dad wouldn't say exit interviews are supposed to stay private i told him about this post with all the names left out and the people wanted to know he just grinned and said that would be improperly communicating privileged information in late may 2016 i asked my crush kate of three years out on a coffee date three days later we made things official for the next seven months our relationship felt too good to be true we clicked on so many interests so we hardly ever disagreed on anything we were also very open with each other which leads to an incredible sex life we both had good jobs too so we had money to spoil one another and our families were both enthusiastic about the relationship in january of 2017 i was accepted into my country's armed forces reserve program as a combat engineer i underwent basic training from february to late april and was up until then the hardest thing i've ever done there were several times that i thought i wouldn't graduate and the only thing that kept me going was kate's words of encouragement over the text and calls she was there when i received my btc certificates and never let me forget how proud she was of me as part of my job in the reserves i would have to go away in the summer for advanced training between early june to late august kate fully supported me going 400 kilometers away to the training center and spending almost our entire summer break on work to further my military career the summer took its toll on me i was a social outcast from every clique that formed in our course and was the butt end of several jokes my self-esteem plummeted through the floor but kate's belief in me was what made me prevail i passed as fifth best on the course and i owed it all to her so the decline things between us started to get sour after returning home according to her i wasn't as spontaneous and outgoing as i was before i went away i was dismissive i took small jabs and jokes as personal insults and would rather stay in watch movies and have sex instead of going out unbeknownst to both of us i had developed some nasty social anxiety due to the events of the summer and it started to affect our relationship nearing our two-year anniversary in 2018 we got into a heated argument over a small misunderstanding and subsequently broke up i was incredibly distraught she texted me three days later and said she wanted to try to fix things i didn't see her for three weeks but we kept in touch every day slowly mending things when we officially got back together nothing felt the same every time i talked with her it was if i was walking on eggshells and it only worsened my anxiety which in turn made our already damaged relationship worse things finally came to a head at the end of july so the hurt while i was in school kate had met a dude named john she saw in jon what she used to see in me and they quickly became very close friends he consoled her through our breakup and every little time i messed up afterwards for the record i knew of jon but never thought kate would ever ever do anything with him one night after work we planned for me to stay the night at kate's place i arrived to see the two of them chilling on the living room couch kate said that jon had dropped by for a spontaneous visit and he was just leaving after jon left she became cold and distant i slowly accepted that our relationship was dead and asked her how things were between us she echoed my thoughts and agreed that we break up the next day she said i could stay the night one last time seeing how it was late and she was still worried and cared for me from there on until she fell asleep kate became uncharacteristically glued to and protective of her phone in the past she wouldn't care if i glanced over to catch her and her friends texting about whatever but now she did her best to hide the screen from me i asked her about it and she said it was private stuff which only raised more questions after she fell asleep curiosity got the best of me i unlocked her phone since i knew her passcode and found hundreds of messages between her and john messages about how she was single how exciting it was that they could now be a couple in public and laughing at me for every little thing i did i quietly sobbed as i read through each hurtful text my crying wasn't as quiet as i thought kate stirred and once she realized what i was doing she threw a fit i couldn't find the anger or words to combat her so i just grabbed my stuff and left with kate shouting and yelling at me the whole time it was late in the morning when i got home and i just broke down and cried all night i called in sick from work the next day and just spent it sulking in my bed the day after i got several angry texts from kate's friends and family in a bid to save her image and denounce everything i might say about her she told everyone she knew that i had forced myself upon her that night in one last attempt to get some before we broke up and i left her after the deed was done even though what i done was quote scarring she refused to press charges because quote she did not want to make a circus of her life in court and she was the bigger person by doing so i spent the next few months in fear that her allegation would have me discharged from the army and my image forever tarnished but nothing ever happened so the revenge five months afterwards kate dm'd me after pleasantries she basically apologized for the whole thing and actually admitted to faking it though she would never publicly admit it to save her own reputation this angered me but i kept cool and over the next three months she entered into a cycle of events as followed she would complain about a current life situation usually about jon screwing up their relationship in one way or another and asking for advice lamenting a relationship how i never screwed up like john did how she wished we could go back to the way things were blah blah blah ignoring me because jon finally pulled his head out of his ass did some huge romantic gesture and saved their relationship going on a smear campaign on social media about our relationship employing her friends for help knowing in full well that i would see it and trying to bait me into an argument this happened three times like clockwork and always left me burnt out and broken but a part of me wanted it to happen each time it did i took screenshots of every damning thing she said i had a full sd card of everything i compiled before i finally decided it was time making several picture copies of the worst and worst text messages i caught i bought several manila envelopes and mailed them to everyone i thought would matter to kate her parents grandparents extended family she was super close with best friends work boss co-workers teachers whoever i could find a mailing address for i made sure anyone getting the envelope would know that the texts were between me and kate and sent them off within three weeks i got results some of the people who messaged me to shame me and insult me before now apologize for their words my favorite was from her own parents who went on to say that they were deeply sorry about their daughter's behavior how they raised her to be better than how she acted and to please not pursue any legal actions i told them i'd think about it and they'd be the first to know besides kate if i did kate sent me some texts as well with things like how could you betray my trust like that or you ruined my life you bastard i didn't reply i just read every angry text that flew in with a satisfied grin and then blocked her when they stopped i never fully found out how bad her life was affected by my revenge but i do know that she dropped out of school and no longer has a job i hope jon was worth it to think that if op just left her phone alone none of this would have happened you know that's saying that curiosity killed the cats it could have gone a lot worse for op if kate went full blown psycho and decided to go to the cops with that accusation and really put op in the spotlight what do you guys think of the story leave your comments below guys and that wraps up another episode of our slash pro revenge if you missed the last episode of our slash pro revenge it's about how op gets revenge on his stepdad and takes his car legally if you haven't checked it out give it a listen to and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 90,225
Rating: 4.9471464 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, boss revenge, revenge on boss, revenge on bad boss, bad boss, falsely fired
Id: KOKxtEF85ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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