r/ProRevenge - Shady Owner Used Me and FIRES ME! He's Fined Almost $300,000!

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hello my wonderful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge where you'll hear stories about people getting what they deserve my friends i hope you're having an awesome day today and in this episode there's gonna be two stories of revenge the first is a pretty long story and one that i really really enjoyed and it's about a mother getting some revenge on her kids for not cleaning up their bedrooms guys we've all been there right and the second story op gets hired by a shady auto repair shop who uses her and then tosses her to the curb and she comes back with a vengeance my friends i do hope you stay for the two stories today and hit that subscribe button for future tales of revenge let's dive in sit back relax because my mother can break your back this is entirely true she's a chiropractor let's take a look back way back to the time of the first stirrings of the y2k bug where people believed that the world was gonna end because the computers were gonna hit 0-0 when the year 2000 came around it was almost the summer of 1999 and i was just a twig of a child mostly gangly limbs and big eyes and all of 11 years old or so now my mother remarried a man who we'll call roger who was an army sergeant when i was about 8 years old he delegated all forms of discipline to her when it came to punishing us on a whole so due to her working long 13-hour days to support us and the lack of allowance for doing chores because let's face it six kids tend to run you dry if you try to keep up with it all we the children started slacking off this did not sit well with my mother who used her usual threats of i will go into your rooms and whatever's on the floor goes in the garbage this is something we had heard all of our lives but us younger kids we totally believed that she would do it until this one faithful day it was gorgeous outside the sun was shining and spring had brought new leaves to the trees and all the neighborhood kids could be heard screaming through the streets because the 90s were a time of uncontrolled childhood chaos where parents happily released their spores into the wild and drank wine and they didn't have to think about their hellspawn until the streetlights flickered on unfortunately for us my mother decided that this gorgeous weekend day was best used for picking up the slack that we let get away from us she demanded we clean our rooms while repeating that well-known phrase that we all knew and despised she demanded that we take responsibility while she went to my uncle's place for a few hours to help him move some things around i remember her saying this exact phrase if i get home and your rooms aren't clean i'll throw away everything on the floor into the garbage we groaned we whined we relented and started to comply after a while my mom left to go to my uncles i was cleaning my room and then noticed that my sister natalie wasn't the stone cold and wisest of the elder sisters just ignored the order her and my older sister amanda shared a room practically having one side of the upper floor which had a wall knocked down and renovated into almost a mini apartment all to themselves and at the all-knowing age of 13 and 15 they both decided that they had better things to do that day than listen to our mom amanda left to go on a date with her boyfriend and natalie sat in her room on her computer when we the younger kids started bugging her shocked at her audacity my sister natalie said these words she said it's not like she's actually gonna throw all of our stuff away she paid for all of it she's not just gonna toss it out because that's a waste of money this is a home it's not a prison she's not the warden and we don't have to do what she says she left us standing there with our puny little minds blown what we didn't have to do what mom said is is that even possible my younger sister kate and my brother lou took this at face value and immediately took off we all had friends waiting outside for us and they didn't have time to waste cleaning their rooms on an empty threat lou only seven years old was a little more hesitant but was easily distracted as i was and we ended up playing for the rest of the day totally forgetting about our worries until dinner time mom came home to see that nothing was cleaned and clearly upset at us but she hasn't spoken a single word silence dinner was quiet awkward mom was pissed that the house did not get cleaned and roger was ready to lay his hammer down at my mother's command the interrogation went as expected and kate our more expressive sister who had a little bit of ralph from the ninja turtles personality blew up at my mother and said this is a home mom not a prison and it's my room with this dinner was concluded and kate stormed off mom went quiet with the most devious smile ever and just asked us all if we felt this way my elder sisters agreed immediately not caring because you know teenage angst and we the younger kids slowly nodded at their insistent stares mom says oh okay i see and that was that no punishments no scoldings no groundings and the rest of the weekend went without a hiccup we thought to ourselves natalie is a genius this is a home mom not a prison we should have said this a long time ago we should have known that something was up monday morning mom was still downstairs when we woke up made us all breakfast and then sent us all off to school which was unusual because she usually woke up before us and left by the time we finished brushing our teeth we then wouldn't see her until dinner later in the day but today she made us a big breakfast with all the fixins bacon pancakes hashbrowns and hinted at a surprise for us when we got home from school she then kissed us goodbye and sent us happily out the door now i'm sure all of you are thinking that i should get on with it what was the revenge and how does it fit into pro well i'll tell you so my mom's revenge while we were at school mom got roger and some of his friends to come in and got rid of everything that would be enjoyable to a child the basement was emptied and cleaned all the computers video games game boys cd players radios and tvs were taken dressers and closets were emptied toys were tossed colorful blankets and sheets removed from the beds they even took decorations pencils coloring tools papers scissors and glue basically any and all craft supplies were gone when we returned home roger was in his military uniform and accosted us as we came through the door he pinned us to the wall and frisked each of us backpacks candy and everything we had on us was taken my mother then handed us some gray pajamas and ordered us to march into the bathroom to change we were terrified but we complied i remember seeing the living room so bare the piano was gone along with the tv the puzzles and games that were usually kept in the room were gone from the shelves the bathroom was no better the bathroom was completely bare except for head and shoulder shampoo and a bar of soap and for some reason it smelled strongly of bleach we were then sat down on lawn chairs the couch occupied by my stone cold mother as we waited for every child to arrive in silence we watched as my mother tossed all of our clothes into a garbage bag all toys and art supplies from our backpacks followed roger stood there in his army uniform with the scariest expression as my mother went through our new itinerary for life from now on welcome to the month of hell for 30 days we were to wake up at dawn do some physical exercise in the basement led by roger after exercising we were to have breakfast which is to be the same thing every day plain oatmeal no sugar and then sent off to school drop off was made to the classrooms by roger and pick up at the moment the bell goes off at the end of the day lunch is roast beef sandwiches barely any mayo and lettuce school has been informed to not give us anything else and to take away anything not given to us by our parents once home we are each assigned a room to clean and our backpacks are immediately taken and checked for contraband if our room is clean we would have to go to the yard and play a half deflated soccer ball is a toy nothing else if we leave the fenced in area you would get extra punishment no friends no phone calls no escape dinner was peas corns beans and mystery meat no butter no salt or ketchup was allowed i'll never forget what mom said to us at the end of the first day she said you don't take care of your home you don't deserve your home welcome to prison for the next month homework was done at the table the use of pencils and paper was regulated and inventory was counted bedtime was six o'clock lights out at 7. if you left your bedroom after that for any reason extra exercise the following day uniform was to be maintained hair was to be maintained our grades must stay high no excuses no exceptions by the time a week was up she had broken us natalie and amanda stayed stubborn but even they broke by the second week then came the appeals if you want release write us an essay on why you think you're ready to return to quote society we would then have an interview to determine leniency by the end of the month we were ready to do anything my mother asked us to on day 31 while we were at school roger came into our rooms and dumped garbage bags upon garbage bags onto the floor all of our previous belongings were marked with our names when we got home mother then told us i'm leaving for a few hours when i come home whatever's on the floor goes in the garbage we cleaned up fast and we never ignored our chores again this has to be one of my favorite revenges i've ever read the child inside of me would have been crying at how freaking unfair this was but as an adult i totally totally understand so reading through some of the comments of this post a lot of people actually disagree with what the mom did saying it was too harsh and she crossed the line into abuse i personally think it was a fair revenge op's mom and my mom would have been best friends so guys leave a comment below to let me know what you think was the revenge fair or did she cross the line on this one this happened a few years ago and it still makes me giggle with glee to this day i'm a 34 year old female who's always been a bit of a tomboy i like cars sports and reptiles when i was 25 i wanted a career change and finally follow my dream of working in an auto repair shop as a painter like my father always did to start my education i needed to already have a job at an auto repair shop as an intern so i searched and called a lot of companies to see if they had spots there were literally several companies that laughed at me because quote there's no place for a woman on the work floor disheartened i tried one final company who said he'd take a chance with me and i was thrilled i was promised lots of opportunities and a steady job after graduation i started a week later and the first two weeks were awesome i learned a lot and was promised even more room for advancement he promised i would have two to three hours a week of private time with the resident painter for practice soon after though it went downhill the owner had a bid on a contract to restore underground containers it was my job to hand sand them down put sealant on the edges and prepare them for painting tedious work but i did it diligently never once complained and the promised practice time never happened after a while all i did day in and day out for eight hours a day was sand down underground containers by the end of the day my hands and wrists were numb from the vibrations after several months the contract with the city ended and i hoped my promised practice time would come but it didn't i was given jobs that had nothing to do with my education i was told to do jobs that a contractor should do like put rebar in front of the windows repair sliding doors repair walls and other small things basically nothing to do with my desire to become a painter after six months of doing literally nothing that i could count to my education my boss called me into his office he told me that he was fed up with my attitude and he made a mistake hiring me i was fired on the spot i was heartbroken and cried the whole way home i didn't get it i put 110 into my job working hard i was always on time and staying late if needed and never complained i didn't understand what happened and was feeling down for a while when the time came that my final paycheck should come in nothing happened a week after it was supposed to come in i called but was told not to complain and it would be transferred shortly two weeks later still nothing i called again and got a very irate boss on the line cuzing at me and calling me things i will not repeat here i was fed up and contacted my lawyer now here comes the revenge part in my country there's apparently a few laws that my boss broke without me even knowing about them first you're not allowed to fire somebody without a cause you need to document bad behavior and give the employee a write-up after two write-ups you're allowed to terminate my boss never did this unlawful termination can end in a fine and the employee has the right to get as many monthly pays as the employment contract would have continued if the employee wasn't terminated i had a right to another six months of pay second you must pay the final paycheck within a week of termination we were now going on week four after the first week an employee is entitled to compensation up to a hundred dollars per day of not receiving their paycheck meaning now i was entitled to at least 2100 extra pay my lawyer sent a letter to my boss stating that we would be pursuing legal rights he didn't respond a week later we sent another letter increasing the compensation for late payment as we went after a month of my lawyer not getting any response suddenly i received my pay no compensation nothing just basic pay my lawyer recommended going to a small claims court so we did my boss didn't even show up in court but he sent a statement through his lawyer saying how i was a terrible employee blah blah blah however he had no proof whatsoever but i did i had my performance reports from one month into employment and four months into employment and they were stellar the judge saw right through my bosses lies and awarded me six months of pay which is fourteen thousand dollars four months of late pay compensation about twelve thousand dollars legal fees three thousand dollars i was paid the same week he was then charged with a fine for violating employment laws and he had to pay fifty thousand dollars this resulted in the employment bureau investigating the company they discovered the building that i worked at was unsafe the foundation was unstable the walls were crumbling and tilting and he was told to make repairs or they would close him down within a month by accident they discovered he was also cheating on his taxes so the tax agency got involved he got charged with embezzlement and tax evasion for both of his companies he had to pay back all the taxes he evaded coming to a staggering 250 000 over several years he didn't have that kind of money and after struggling for about two months which resulted in him not paying other employees he went belly up both businesses shut down and the building i worked at even got demolished seven years later it's still an empty plot and if i ever feel put down by somebody i take a short drive to that place and it reminds me people will sometimes get what they deserve what an absolutely savage revenge i do love reading revenges on shady business owners i've dealt with a few in my life and always wish something like this would happen to them my friends and that brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge if you missed the last episode of our slash pro revenge a racist couple tries to get an immigrant family evicted and it backfires so hard on them if you haven't seen it go check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 149,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, bankrupt boss, bankrupt owner, owner goes bankrupt
Id: _ty0BWzKUys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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