r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen Tries to KILL My Cats When I Won't Babysit For Her!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people truly believe the world revolves around them and nobody matters and in this episode guys oh my goodness what would you do if someone kidnaps your beloved Pet Well op's insane half sister decides to get rid of their cats and it just gets way way worse guys I hope you enjoy the stories today don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here and Stevie boy will get to them as soon as he can guys let's Dive In foreign ing to you read these stories reminds me of my ultimate story as far as baffling entitled Behavior goes so my lifelong friend wanted to live in my condo that I wasn't actively going to be using because I had relocated to another city this was before I was gonna rent out the condo so I told him that he could use it for a small amount of time until he found his own place maybe even six months just not for too long I paid 280 a month in HOA dues and had property taxes that ran me about two hundred dollars a month plus the electric bill was then assessed by the unit each month I told him he could stay at the condo for 550 a month that's just my cost to keep it going and this was in Southern California my friend agreed to pay he didn't seem to Grumble or anything and I honestly thought I was doing something really nice for my longest time friend an 820 square foot condo with a pool for 550 a month in California you're just not gonna find that I wasn't making a dime off him fast forward a few months and my other friends all informed me that he's been texting them about what a bastard I am and why did I even call myself a friend a friend since he's known since grade one FYI so I asked him what they meant and they told me that he's been complaining that I would dare charge him rent to stay there like how could a friend charge a friend rent money my friends didn't really know what the deal was so they asked me and I told them that I'm not charging him any rent I'm just asking that he pay the cost of the units and nothing more for reference when he left eventually I rented it for several years at thirteen hundred dollars a month and that's cheap so he wasn't even paying half the market rent I also owned the condo free and clear thus allowing me to charge him almost nothing so finally when we eventually went to move my stuff out of there and yes it was fully furnished too with a nice TV kitchen items everything you could need he had broken most of my dishes had left used condoms all around the trash can and while my my 105 pound girlfriend and I packed my stuff he just sat on my couch not even offering to help at all even once in three days then when we went to dinner he forgot his wallet and the guy never paid me back I couldn't believe how entitled my friend really was and how he could bad mouth me in person for doing him a favor and then trash my place I spent a bunch more on housekeeping and my real estate agent who was renting it out after he laughed said the housekeeping service had never seen a place so filthy we noticed that too besides the condoms there was dirt and just filth everywhere we didn't remain friends long after that needless to say you know what guys sometimes incidents like this are necessary to weed out the useless sucky friends in your life like it just sucks so bad that Opie's friend that he's known practically his whole life did this to him and what's that saying guys you never know what someone's truly like until you live with them and I guess Opie found out the hard way no good deed goes unpunished guys foreign a few years ago a workplace acquaintance called me around midnight sobbing that her parents had kicked her out because they didn't like her boyfriend and she needed some place to stay for a few days while she sorted it out I being a young and naive fool offered up my place a one bedroom one bathroom apartment that she had been to before so she arrives two hours later her car filled bursting with all her belongings and I immediately knew that I hadn't made a mistake offering my place and she had no intention of just staying a day or two but it being 2 A.M and me being spineless I decide to let her stay the night and tell her that she needs to find another place in the morning I gave her the go-ahead to use my shower and did what I could to make the couch into a comfy bed when she got out of the shower she saw that I had made a bat on the couch in the living room where my dog's crates is also set up she then says to me um I don't like dogs can you put them outside I tell her well I don't have a yard and it's like 20 to degrees outside so no he's gonna be in his crate all night and he won't bother you she then tells me just put him on your balcony that's when I say no uh he can sleep in my room tonight though and that's when she says it'll take way too long to move his crate into your room I'll just sleep in there and you can just take the couch I tell her no uh he can sleep on my bed with me it's no big deal she then has the audacity to say why can't I take your bed and you sleep on the couch I'm a guest I would rather sleep in a bed and I reply yeah I would too so I'm gonna sleep in my bed in my apartment she begins protesting that she doesn't want to sleep on the couch and I tell her Hey look it's almost three in the morning you can either sleep on the couch or you can find a hotel she then tells me well I want the bed tomorrow so the next day at work she referred to my apartment as our apartment and I told her that she needs to find somewhere else to stay she then proceeds to ask me for money to rent it's a hotel room which I told her no and that's when she told me that she liked my shower products and I should just give her the extras that she saw under my bathroom sink as a consolidation gift she ended up moving back in with her parents who apparently didn't even kick her out they just told her that if she and her boyfriend lived at their house they need to start contributing to the bills yeah so talk about an entitled spoiled brat right Mom I don't want to pitch for bills just let my boyfriend live here for free and why do I have a feeling that if op let her stay just one more night on that second night that girl would be setting up Opie's bed to sleep on so my sister who's unqualified is looking for a job she's open to anything but she's broke she hasn't paid her rent in a month and she's borrowing money from my mom which she has no way of paying back I know there's a few openings available at my work so I speak to the CEO and I put in a good word in hopes that she'll get a job and stop taking money from my mother my sister gets offered a community-based job full-time 40 hours paying 24 bucks an hour above average wage in my country she's offered flexible hours to work around her kids and she can also bring them to work after school so she doesn't have to pay child care free healthcare is also included as there is a clinic on site amongst other perks overall it's a great place to work but in true entitled bratty form my sister questions the salary and she requests an hourly rate between 30 to 36 bucks per hour as working in the community is a hard job this is more than even my boss gets paid she then requests to work only six hour day days instead of eight hour days because she doesn't think she can make full-time hours work because she's got things to do so with that the CEO declines her request and she emails him saying that she feels she's worth more and she has other opportunities elsewhere and she still hasn't got a job I'm humiliated that I put my name out there for her and despite her getting the job she still managed to F it up my goodness guys I have a feeling she's going to be jobless for a while like if she's turning down flexible hours able to bring your kids to work getting paid 24 bucks an hour 40 hours a week oh my I have no idea what job she can work if she even wants to work foreign so I'm a 30 year old female and I'm friends with a couple named Mike and Sandra Mike is 35 and Sandra's 38. I invited them and their child Charlie who's nine years old over for dinner before they came over I texted them to find out if any of them had any food sensitivities allergies needs Etc the wife said that there was nothing I needed to worry about so I decide on something a bit kid-friendly while still feeling like I was cooking for adults so I settled on chicken parm with some chocolate cake for dessert I figured it's like chicken nuggets mixed with pizza which kids would like now it did turn out really well for someone who's just started cooking my friends were telling me that it was good and maybe they were just being polite but they ate everything Charlie on the other hand poked at her meal the entire time and I'm not sure she ate any of it after we were done I bring out the chocolate cake Charlie ate a tiny bite and she immediately starts bawling that's when Sandra asked what was wrong and she cried that she didn't like chocolate Sandra continued to comfort her daughter while Mike and I just awkwardly ate dessert a couple of minutes pass and I noticed that Sandra is glaring at me I hesitantly ask her if I could help her with Charlie now I'm not good with kids which she does know but I wasn't sure what else to do that's when Sandra hufton said is there anything you'd like to say to Charlie now it took me a second to realize that she wanted an apology for her kid not eating my food I thought it might help cheer Charlie up so I said I was sorry that she didn't like my food and that's when Charlie starts crying harder and her mom asked me if I had anything else she would like instead and that's where I drew the line I told her that I wasn't going to cook anything else and if I didn't like what my mom made me as a kid I went to bed hungry Mike was just silently eating his cake while Sandra tried to convince me to make something else for Charlie to eat I then stood up from the table and asked Mike if he would like me to wrap up his cake for him to take home because the rest of his family was apparently not having a good time I suggested that Sandra could go home to make something for Charlie to eat at that Sandra scoffed at me she said I was cooking tonight and she thought she could have taken the night off now I knew I was about to say something I would really regret so I just slammed my plate on the table and told her to get out Mike seemed genuinely embarrassed as they left and I haven't spoken to any of them since and I'm now thinking that I overreacted by kicking them out of my house so am I the a-hole yeah I don't think Opie's the a-hole at all guys and I'm sure a lot of you would agree like so outrageous for Sandra to expect Opie to apologize to her child for her child not liking any of the food and expecting Opie to cook something else like that is the most entitled a holish behavior ever right and what Sandra didn't know is that Opie tried her hardest to cater to Charlie and to make food that all of them would enjoy and to be treated like that is a slap to the face I would be pretty upset too and again Opie is definitely not the a-hole guys and shame on the parents for not using this as a teachable moment and listen I feel like nine years old is a little bit too old for that kind of behavior right but let me know what you guys think what would you do in the parents shoes and would you do the same thing if you were in op's shoes okay so this story is sort of complicated so I'll try to make it as clear as possible first off I have no freaking idea what this woman was even thinking but apparently that's on par for the Karen course so the cast is petunia my half-sister on Dad's side Lily older half-sister from Mom's first marriage who I was raised with and me to start the story you need some background so my father had a best friend whom he had known for years Dad's friend is sterile asked Dad for a donation and Dad agrees under the circumstances that he not be involved because he was already with my mom and had the above mentioned sister Dad's friend agrees donation happens and there's a girl named petunia born Dad's friend dies when she's four months old and Petunia's mother remarries a very rich man and all is well in the world so fast forward 16 years and petunia finds dad on Facebook and demands to see him dad's careful though tries to get a hold of her mother but no Dice and he tells her if she wants to meet then her mother must approve it and they set up a place to meet well petunia shows up at the coffee shop they agreed to meet out with a bunch of bags and dad watches a car drive off it turns out she lied and her parents have dumped her on us for the summer she then spends the entire summer making my mom dad me and sister miserable because we can't afford the things that she's used to any attempt to call her mother is ignored because they're on vacation in Europe dad doesn't want to call police because he feels bad for petunia so fast forward petunia leaves and we think she'll stay away no she shows up three years later with a baby and she tries to get my sister Lily to babysit because she's the oldest and she's old enough to have kids of her own so this will be like practice for her in Petunia's words Lily declines she actually doesn't like children and she says something along the lines of the only babies that I'll ever care for is them gesturing to her cats petunia refused uses to accept this and she keeps hounding us all to babysit her son because we are family Lily flatto tells her you're not my family you're just my stepfather's daughter you can't pull that card on me I said no and I mean it now we think that's the end of it because by now no one's wanting to babysit which leads to angry rants on Facebook about how her own families ruining her life and keeping her from enjoying her youth because we're so selfish too selfish to babysit her child for her again this is ignored but not for long so two days ago petunia shows up at the house claiming she wants to talk to Dad Dad was busy and no one else was home so he told her to wait and hang out and he would only be gone a few minutes apparently this was long enough for petunia to grab my sister's cats and leave dad had no idea she took the cats at that moment he said he came back and he was shocked she was gone but he just Shrugged it off mom and sis came home an hour later and when dad mentioned the visit they all all thought it was weird an hour later I come home and my sisters frantically looking for her cats it's assumed they got out when petunia came over and we're all outside looking around the trees and calling for the furballs my sister ends up having a full-blown panic attack and Dad ends up calling the ambulance because she's passed out from her bad anxiety my sister ends up in the hospital mom stays with her and dad keeps looking for the cats the whole time I'm keeping in contact with Mom via text and she lets me know that sister is being admitted for observation dad and I are frantic because we know if we don't find the cats or Worse find them dead my sister may go downhill those cats are her life we were lucky though as not too long after we had just about given up hope we get a call from my older brother so it turns out petunia had taken the cats to the Humane Society the same one that my brother worked out and she was claiming the cats needed to be put down immediately he didn't see petunia turn them in because he was in the back but he recognized the fuzzballs and he was able to get Dad to come down and claim ownership of the cats now my Dad is working on filing a lawsuit and a police case for stolen property and the harm that this did to my sister but the icing on the cake was when dad texted petunia to ask why she did it and Petunia's claim was because now Lily can babysit without worrying about those cats okay so crazy posts right like I've never read a story where someone outright wants to have someone else's cats be put down because the animals are an inconvenience to them petunia is a freaking psycho well now that you don't have cats anymore you can just babysit my son all the time like throw that woman in jail right so Opie does come back with a few juicy juicy updates guys and here they are so my sister is back home yay the doctors had to run a crapload of tests including stress tests blood tests ECGs Etc and told my parents that the stress caused something called broken heart syndrome which my sister is now on medication for in the hospital dad asked if this could have killed her and the doctor basically said it was very close to a heart attack which is pretty scary petunia has also been arrested dad filed a report stating everything that she had done and while this is super satisfying it does get better so they put out a warrant for her arrest because of the theft and kidnapping but also because she was apparently on probation for a DUI and guess what people she had a ticket to Italy in her bag leading the officers to safely assume that she was trying to flee the country which is against her probation not only that but my brother was able to go back to the Humane Society and get the login sheet for the day she turned in the cats she signed my sister's name so now we're looking at a possible case of fraud a restraining order has also been put in the works with every member of my immediate family being placed on it so she can't contact any of us in the near future her mother and stepfather are threatening to sue us for harassment since apparently it's our fault that their daughter is now being held in case City all forms of social media that me my siblings and parents use has been locked or outright deleted because we don't trust her or her parents not to try and sneak in using fake accounts although Petunia's family has threatened to sue us over multiple things nothing has happened I honestly don't think any attorney would take the case given that my sister landed in the hospital there is also a massive criminal case against petunia and her family due to several instances that I won't get into right now but the parents are also looking at jail time they tried to buy petunias way out of jail and when that didn't happen they tried to bribe us into dismissing the charges when we declined we started getting threats we've since moved in with another family member in an effort to get away from them the baby they were trying to hoist under my sister has now been taken in by her father and his parents because shocker neither petunia nor her parents were seen as fit Guardians petunia has been sentenced to prison due to having driven on a suspended license multiple DUIs child endangerments theft assault extortion and a whole other list that I can't remember right now not sure if there's any other charges made against her and frankly I don't care after this is over I'm done with all of it so yeah just when I thought the stories couldn't get any freaking more entitled guys you guys link me this one and man oh man was it a roller coaster and to think if she just found a babysitter and paid them instead of going oh your family you need to watch my son all the time I'm gonna get rid of your cats she might not have been in jail so soon so a couple of months ago I bumped into a former co-worker named Fergus from my previous company we chatted for a few minutes and he mentioned that he recently started a job search because he felt he was underpaid in his current role he volunteered his salary which was shockingly low I didn't comment on his salary but when he asked how I liked my current employer I told him honestly that I really enjoyed the work and the culture now because I had nothing but good experiences working with him I told him that I would be happy to submit his resume through our internal referral program if he found a position that piqued his interest a few days later he reached out through Linkedin and sent me a job posting he was interested in it was a very similar role to what he'd been doing and I was confident in his success I disclosed that I would get a bonus if he was hired from my referral and informed him that he could apply cold if he preferred he replied that he knew a referral would give him a better chance so he went ahead and submitted it he did wonderfully in the interviews and he was hired he then sent me a thank you note after he was hired and he disclosed that he got a massive pay bump which is what I expected after he told me his salary I took him to lunch on his first day my treats and during lunch he then asked me how I wanted to send him his half of my referral bonus I explained to him that that's not how it worked and he acted shocked he then accused me of getting all the benefits with none of the work and he said it wasn't fair for me to get paid for doing absolutely nothing I told him that's how the referral program works and that his benefit was the new job and the salary he then scoffed and refused to engage in any other topic for the rest of lunch since then he's behaved absolutely isily on rare occasions when we see each other we don't work in the same Department fortunately so am I in the wrong to not share my bonus with him I checked with a few other colleagues and they all say they've never shared but a few told me that I should just split it with him to calm him down yeah so I don't think Opie needs to share his referral bonus at all and for those who are wondering op said it was a thousand dollar bonus like some people will I tell you Opie got him a new job a better salary better work environment even took him to lunch on his first day guys and that was still not good enough because apparently half the bonus still needs to go to him like some people can be so ungrateful and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's crazy stories I hope you didn't shake your heads too hard and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r slash I don't work here lady for a psycho Karen stocks op through them all because she's convinced that op is a freaking employee and demands op serve her it's such a wacky story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 137,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: PL2F62p7p7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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