r/prorevenge | Bad Senior Manager gets me FIRED... I take her job and salary

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some pro revenge stories let's jump right into our first story of the day it's by the kung fu panda trick me out of my laptop you'll give me your car 13 years ago i was in my late teens living on my own and really struggling to live financially one of the few possessions i had was an old laptop my laptop had stopped working properly and while i'm fairly proficient in using a computer i had no idea about fixing them i did a bit of searching on the internet but couldn't get it working so i asked my stepdad to take a look he has a quick look and says it's screwed but he'll take it off my hands if i don't want it so i said sure if it's broken then it's no good to me ten minutes later i walk in the room and he's using it i ask if he fixed it and he says yeah thanks for the laptop i was obviously pissed my mom says she wasn't getting involved and his only response was that he did a quick internet search to find the fix and i could have done the same i was broke and he took one of my only possessions even though he had a pc and a laptop already a few months later i was visiting my mom and stepdad when i had an idea while i am useless with computers i'm very competent with mechanics specifically audis and my stepdad has a 2001 audi a3 before coming in the house i went under his car and unplugged the oil level sensor and a vac line for the turbo later on that day he went to go to the shop or something when he started the car it threw up oil warning lights on the dash and wooden boost so he turned it off and had a look of concern on his face i went out to ask what's up and he said that something's gone majorly wrong he says something along the lines of catastrophic turbo failure or engine failure he's already spent quite a bit on repairs and didn't want to spend any more money on it so he spoke to my mum about just cutting his losses and scrapping it i asked how much it's worth at the scrap yard and he says 100 pounds so i ever so graciously offer 120 pounds to take it off his hands to maybe part it out which he accepts he signed over the log book title and wrote me a receipt of purchase and handed the keys over i walked outside lifted the bonnet pretended to look at my phone for a minute went under the car and plugged the vacline and oil sensor back in fired it straight up and drove around the block when i got back i gave him the thumbs up and said it's all fine now his mouth was wide open and he was mega pissed and my reply was you could have found the solution too with a quick internet search he tried arguing that it wasn't fair and if it was working then i can't just take his car but i just said he didn't have a problem tricking me out of my laptop and that he's already signed the car over to me so tough luck my mom kind of laughed and said she's not getting involved and that it was his own fault i still have the car to its day and is practically in showroom condition and runs sweet so let me ask you guys you know in the story very clearly that the stepdad took their laptop and completely scammed them out of it it's pretty blatant that they did that knowing that they did this is doing the same thing to their car fare or do you think op should have given the car back considering it's a car versus an old laptop let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is by merck35802 senior manager gets me fired i turn things around and get her job and salary plus see your breakdown and then let her know exactly how i got my revenge i was hired by a company as an assistant manager a job i was well qualified for the owner is rarely on-site as he owns several businesses the company is run by a gm who hired me but who works mostly second shift and who i therefore would have little daily contact with since i was hired for first shift i was assigned to eva for training eva was a manager and had been with the company five years i trained with her for a few days and then i was on my own though she and i had overlapping shifts and would see each other a few days a week we were friendly but not close after a few months i was doing well at my job and had even gotten some new procedures adopted to help boost sales eva began to act resentful she would correct me for small things and took any opportunity to remind me that she had trained me it didn't matter to me she wasn't my boss i reported to the gm so i mostly just ignored her what i didn't know was that eva was not just tight with the gm but they had worked together at another place for 10 years before this one one day at schiff's end gm asks to talk tells me it's not working out says i'm still making mistakes at six months that i shouldn't be i ask for examples a few of them were petty matters eva had mentioned but most of them were just not true i tried to argue but it was clear that i was set up i decided to reach out to the owner since i had nothing to lose he was sympathetic but said he relies on gm to run the business and had to support her decision then he mentioned that if things hadn't been so bad between me and eva it probably could have worked out that's when i knew she was behind me being fired from a job i needed really liked and was making great money and i vowed to get revenge i started searching her online info in less than an hour i had uncovered gold thanks to one of those pay services about three months prior eva was arrested and charged with a wdi in a neighboring state the court records showed she had a hearing coming up in a few weeks that was enough to get her fired it affects a professional license she and i had to have as management per state law license holders must report criminal charges to the licensing board and in the case of a dwi arrest licenses are typically suspended pending trial i called the owner and told him what i had discovered it was news to him i guess since it was out of state eva was keeping it secret maybe she was hoping to get let off the charges the next day the owner called and said eva was fired he thanked me for telling him about her dwi apologized for how i was fired and offered me eva's position and salary he asked me to come in the next morning to meet with him and to cover eva's shift i accepted that alone was sweetly satisfying revenge but what happened next was the icing on the cake i got to work extra early met with the owner and gm and we all agreed to start fresh cool it was still an hour before opening and i was in the back of the place when i heard the front door chime when i came out a few minutes later eva was there tears flowing begging the owner for her job back she obviously didn't know i was there because when she saw me her whole body seized and her shocked expression was priceless i walked right by her staring her down with a crappy grin and went outside eva came out a minute later and wouldn't make eye contact as she walked away i said good luck on the 23rd that was her court date at least in the situation it seems most of the drama is gone considering eva is gone but the general manager is still there so hopefully no extra drama comes from that down the line that's the main thing to be concerned about i think best of luck to opie but congratulations on the job and our final story of the day is by judas 69734 hoa yells at me for training guide dog and grilling then loses position on board to start the story some background you need to know about me i volunteer to train and raise service dogs my fiance says clearly i have a look that says i am weak and a pushover i have constant encounters with karen's who are just not ready for my responses when they engage me i have been in the military for 17 years when this happened and i was responsible for managing over 130 service members i am anything but a pushover i work with civilians so i have cultivated a polite exterior because i was counseled for looking unapproachable and scary to civilian counterparts the story is as i said i raise service animals so i fall under the ada when it comes to regulations on where and what i can do with my puppy we'll call him o o is an amazingly behaved black lab of six months i have cultivated a level of trust and obedience where i can leave him in a sit with other dogs around so long as i am in eyesight and he will stay i have raised a few pups by then and i would never have done that with them but oh is amazing and i can't wait to get him back after his tour of duty helping mrs c be independent i meet the hoa karen one saturday me and my fiance and o were going to head on a road trip to visit my fiance's parents in our preparation the last on the list is always getting the kids to use the bathroom before a long trip so we head out oh gets busy and i grab a bag to clean it up i put him in a sit stay and hand the leash to my girl and i start walking to the trash can it's about 100 feet from where he went i have clear line of sight to the dog and he is sitting pretty and alert and watching me intently for a hand cue or voice command as i am walking i hear a womanly screech i don't quite make it out but it sounds angry i ignore it and keep walking to the dumpster to deposit my waste bag and turn around to head back to my two favorite people it is then i make eye contact with the hoa karen karen from here on out she is your typical karen not an inch over five feet and has the same circumference the short chopped hair that says i'm the manager now she looks me in the eyes and i finally listen to her shrill scream of your dog must be an alician in your hand my county state law says so i will call the cops no i don't do ignorant and respect given is respect earned i was willing to try and de-escalate my fiance owns the condo in a super non-confrontational so for her i try to bring it back down to civil levels of discussion in a polite but firm voice i asked if she even looked over at the dog before she started yelling at me she just bellows like a banshee again i repeat this back and forth happens three or four times me calm her escalating in pitch and volume at this point she hasn't given respect so none is required to be given back i break out my you done freaked up nco to junior voice it is loud firm and clearly states i am done with your bs lady i clearly tell her if she would have taken two seconds to look she would see the dog is sitting on a leash in someone's hands she stops bellowing at me looks and turns a bit red in the face then musters you could just say thank you which i currently reply shut the freak up and get out of my face she waddled quickly off tail tucked into the condo door my next meeting with her was when i was grilling the hoa states no charcoal grills and no smoking slash bbq i was born in the north but as a military brat moved to the south since i was 2. there is a difference between barbecuing and grilling barbecue is 12 plus hours with coals of hardwood or wood smoking grilling is cooking meat on a grill instead of the stove the hoa put out a reminder no barbecuing on the premises and no calls so i was like awesome got a small propane grill it's not barbecue but it's better than nothing so i was out grilling and i hear the banshee cry all too familiar now again she didn't come up to me and talk she just started screaming so i looked her right in the eye and with the same firm voice shut the freak up and go away if you say one more word i'll be calling the cops for harassment by an hoa member she sputtered something about no grilling or open flames and i told her freak off show me in writing and buy someone other than her she waddled off and then i was approached by the hoa president with the hoa bylaws and sat to read them during which my fiance started a conversation with them about another issue we were having with them she was in the middle of having the state attorney's office ask some questions about activities they were trying to force her into paying for it wasn't going well for the hoa and she took this opportunity to introduce herself while she may be non-confrontational when it comes to small things she will stand up for herself when it comes to it her introducing herself changed everyone's tones and they became oh so polite karen tried to play the victim tour and say i was mean and could use some manners when engaging with people i love my soon-to-be wife she let her paint her tail how she was a victim when she finished she looked her dead in the eyes and said you know i was the one holding the leash and i was standing right here when he was grilling so no you got the same respect you gave karen paled and faded to the back that's when the president of the hoa stepped in and told me i can't have the grill and that i can be fined and i needed to follow the rules of the hoa or the next time he'll be the one calling the cops well prez roger that it is my job to enforce regulations in the military i spend hours reading instructions nothing pleases me more than when i can shove the black and white in a a-hole's face at work to get my guys what they are owed or to force them to do the job right so you want me to follow the rules copy that buddy so i began my research i found a few interesting things one no hoa by law can be enforced if it is not in the state's database two this particular hoa's bylaws were last updated 1994. it was 2016. three they state they follow my county's fire code which follows an fpa four finally the gem the exact latitude and longitude coordinates of the hoa's property lines so i get a login for the state's database and print the hoa's bylaws i print the nfpa which dates in a multi-family home you can store propane tanks no bigger than 2.7 liters but they can total no more than 5.4 liters cumulatively i go to lows get a rope tape measure and stakes i pull up google maps and mark the hoa boundary line on it low and behold what do i find a drainage ditch that is city property not 10 feet from where i was grilling so i take my coordinates my stakes and go carefully mark off the section of city property now for the revenge i call the city county fire departments and request a permit to grill on said city property they said go for it i didn't need a permit for it no one would care i insisted and they said it's my 50 bucks they issued an event open flame so with both permits it was 100 bucks but i got permission from the city to grill there for six months the next day at 0-700 i went to set up i carefully measured so i was at least three feet into the city property set up my cooler with enough meat and beer to grill till doomsday then waited for the fireworks it didn't take long for karen to come screaming at me i mean i was ten feet from the community pool and three feet from the sidewalk gazebo that led to the pool i just hit record on my phone and politely told her she has no need to yell and i am breaking no laws she kept screaming about no grilling and how she is tired of me and how she's going to get me arrested and kicked out if it's the last thing she does she hasn't liked me since she saw me and has just been waiting to get me kicked out that now that she knows which condo is mine it's just a matter of time till she finds something on and on i guess me being polite and showing zero fear was pissing her off she tried to come take my stuff big no no as she reached for my cooler i broke out my nco voice and told her if she so much as brush a finger against my property i would remove the offending body part with force if necessary this center's scurrying off again about 20 minutes later i see two cop cars pull up and mr hoa prez himself he is all chummy with the cops and as they approach i hear him say yup same guy i already told him once before he can't grill on hoa grounds he comes to a stop about 10 feet from me one cop stays with him the other keeps walking up to me i have a poop eating grin on my face i can't hardly wait for the conversation to happen the cop is slightly off put by my joyous face and slight giggle when i ask what seems to be the problem officer i get informed that i am in violation of the bylaws and have been warned once already and i am going to receive a ticket for disturbing the peace for threatening the hoa when they were trying to enforce the rules ticket for an illegal open flame ticket for illegal storage of flammable substances on and on the last was if i didn't pack up i would be arrested and removed now that he was done i first handed him my permit from the city to grill he took it walked back to the prez and they discussed it for a moment then returned says you can't get a permit from the city to grill on private property i then showed him the coordinates for the hoa and the google maps gridded drawing and my current gps location mind you i am smiling handing sheet after sheet to him because the grid was not all on one sheet and had addendums took about four minutes to explain it to him as i was about to hand him more he held up a hand to stop me he then asks how long i had planned this with a smirk i told him oh about a week he gave me a look of disbelief but moved on he then asked me if i threatened karen i just played back the recording to him at the end he said nothing seems out of place here you are free to go i stopped him and asked if i could file a complaint for hoa harassment through him he said no that the city clerk office is the correct place but he would document harassment by the two of them and file the report for me in my state it's illegal to be harassed by the hoa it comes with a jail of a few months fines as high as five thousand dollars and immediate removal from the board and the possibility of recovery of damages i settled for them both being removed from the board instead of filing a complaint i waved to karen every day i grill or shorter my leash if i had o i just love the build up for the hoa people in the story it gets to a point where they think they have an absolute slam dunk trying to catch op grilling when they told them no you can't do that thinking that they're gonna get fined in a ticket and whatnot and then watching as their entire plan just crumbles and they get booted off the board and everything thrown right back into their faces but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments section down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving the video a like and subscribe if you haven't enter notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video or commenting subscribing whatever you do thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel any single thing you do helps the channel grow that much more and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 36,689
Rating: 4.9183183 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: fS4F-zxbFe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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