Roundout & Flare!

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hey what's going on good people welcome to another edition of russ can't fly it's time to fly baby time fly time to fly time to fly okay so before i get out here and get to the airport i haven't filmed in the backyard in a while so but i'm on my way to the airport and i'm definitely flying so it's all good but before i go you know got to get my subscriber shout out favorite subscriber shout out to my favorite author elise thunderberg at least don't know if you've been watching lately um but you know thank you for subscribing to the channel thank you for being a good friend all these years i know we haven't had a chance to see each other in a while um but i hope all is well with you and you know definitely miss the good old philly total fitness and dance days and reading your books and going to your readings and stuff like that so but anyway hope all is well sister uh and again thank you for the support on the channel all right let's get out of here i gotta fly i guess the fly honestly breaks the key is in clear prop nobody behind me master oh that feels good like manna from heaven all right okay so i'm about to take off here but as the title suggests this is about rounding out and flaring now i have been doing a lot better and flying the pattern i've been a lot better on my approaches which means when you're bringing the player when you're bringing the airplane down to come in for a landing i seem to be very well coordinated and all of that kind of stuff when you round out you basically bring the nose of the plane up and you're basically flying right over top of the runway and then you want to flare which means you want to bring the nose up until you hear the star horn allowing the plane to settle on the runway i am having a terrible time knowing when to time the round out and the flare and so that's what this video is going to be all about i'm going to keep doing very little talking and i just want you to see the struggles that i'm having with the round out and the flare so here we go okay so rather than do all of this fancy split screen stuff i'm just going to basically have the shot back over my head so you can see um the front through the windscreen unfortunately my front facing camera had died on me and i didn't realize it until i did this first landing but nevertheless i want you to just pay attention to what's going on inside the on going on inside the plane and outside and watch my cfi is going to help me a lot because my timing on this round out and flare is just a little off actually not a little a lot but watch anyway yep okay so what happened there i was just late and my cfi actually unbeknownst to me had to help me out a lot there um i didn't realize that he had been helping me um but if you see and if you missed it go back you'll see his hand on the yoke and he's really kind of pulling back for me and so i'm just not catching the timing of when to round out okay on this next one i'm just going to do forward-facing camera and i'm going to show from configuration to landing and so you'll be able to hear what my cfi is saying you'll be able to see what's going on and you'll be able to see all the turns the turns are great i can figure well and just watch the round out to flare alright so it's coming up right now you're [Music] heat first notch of flaps i'm still flying downwind i'm about to make my base turn coming up pretty soon but that's the first configuration wingsfield cessna 901 quebec sierra turning base for runway two four wings [Music] okay so i now have 20 degrees of flaps and i am flying perpendicular to the runway at this point on my base leg the flaps help me with lift but it also helps me slow the airplane down i'll be turning final pretty soon wings field cessna 9-1 quebec sierra final for one way two four wings [Music] laps 30. okay so i now have 30 degrees of flaps i'm looking at my aiming point my plane is well coordinated i'm on a good glide path down everything is looking good now it's when i get over the runway where things get interesting and i seem to be losing my ability to round out and flare that's a traffic warrior fight of one of unfortunate problems all right get level here but let it come down still [Music] little bit better that was a lot better um but i think again like i helped you a little bit with the roundabout i'm not gonna lie to you okay but the flare was good just am i too late with it like i think again the idea of like getting nice and level maybe i'm gonna do one okay just get to keep your keep your keep the sight picture going this way um i'll take it yeah your control okay so i'm going for another one this time it's on me and um you're gonna see my cfi is on the yoke pretty good um so right now i'm turning from base to final and uh i'm gonna just let this landing play out now one of the things that it may seem like this landing's fine but as you will see i will get over the runway and you will hear the tire screech but you won't hear the star horn that's a problem so you know that's why i'm not rounding out and flaring is just not going well so i'll just let this play out and you'll be able to hear um i'm just going to leave the sound up so you'll hear the noise as well [Music] okay so did you hear that you hear kind of like all this wind noise and then like you know tires screeching on the pavement but you didn't hear any like the star horn or anything like that that means that basically landed way too soon like did not round out and really did not flare and bleed off enough speed and really came in for not a very hard landing i mean it wasn't terrible but they're just not good they're not the type of landings that are like good quality nose wheel off the runway landings where the back wheels hit nice and gentle first and then that nose will comes down there all three wheels came down at the same time and that's just that's just not there so i'm getting close but it's all about this dagon round out and flare okay so i'm coming up on another base to final turn uh for the runway and i want you to pay attention to something when i actually go to turn final um you're gonna so when you see the back camera kick in and you see the runway through the windscreen i want to add i want you to ask yourself am i going to be able to land this airplane i'm not going to say anything i'm just going to let it play out but when you see the next camera coming up in about two seconds you tell me am i going to be able to land i'll give you a hint look at the compass look at the numbers on the runway look at the compass am i going to be able to land this plane nope way too high way too high so i have to do a go around one of the things that i've learned about landing an airplane if you fly a crappy pattern you're not going to have a good landing and in fact if your pattern is bad enough you're not going to have a landing at all um but no fear there no shame either because i've been told and taught by some of the wisest pilots and cfi's out there when in doubt go around so yeah i was coming in way too high and one of the things that's going to make for a good landing is a good pattern and i've got to fly consistently good patterns if i'm going to have a chance at a good landing all right so let's do this last one and uh call it a day okay it's another base to final turn um and it's time for another another round out and flare attempt now i want you to pay attention to a couple things because there's a number of things that go wrong here the thing that i want you to look for is where am i positioned when i land the plane you always want to land on the center line you know those lines that are dashed that go down the runway you want to be on those lines when you land pay attention to what i do here brother's got some work to do so okay so all kinds of things were going on with this landing so i was trying to round out flare of course late on the round out once again and the left wing was down a little bit and so that meant that the left landing gear hit first then the right landing gear hit and then the wheel the front wheel came down and i was right of center line and i basically just panicked and i think what's happening there the more i watched these videos i was looking right over the front of the airplane rather than taking my eyes down the end of the runway and so when i look right in front of the airplane i mean imagine you're driving a car you're looking right over the hood rather than looking out in the distance and something comes into your field of vision what happens you panic you react and that's what's happening i'm seeing the runway come up and i'm panicking and so i'm pulling the yoke back too fast and that's causing the plane to become or uncoordinated which is pretty dangerous actually because a lot could happen there so yes i've got some work to do um but yeah that landing that landing was not good um so but it's okay um the thing that's great about these videos and doing this youtube channel is forcing me to watch all of my mistakes and learn from them and hopefully correct them the next time i fly so yeah there you have it that that landing was just b.a.d okay last one for good measure just gonna go straight to the landing because the good news is it ends well i end on uh a good landing and so let's just end on that note in three two one let's go oh to the upper ramp man what's cool if i could hear it sometimes i can hear the and then i know when you're in ground effect you know it yes and you're in it you know it as i always sell it round out the second you round out you know if it's going to be a good lane or a battery yeah yeah ah so i'm not going to lie to you uh that's frustrating it's this landing it's the you're coming in final you gotta rotate you know basically transition the plane and then flare and for whatever reason that whole thing i'm just not getting it it is so frustrating it's killing me but it's baby steps you know that's one thing about you know certain things that you do you can't be in a rush you know to figure everything out you got to take your time and this is one of those things that's just going to take some time so i'm exhausted um but i'm gonna keep after it and eventually this rounding out and getting to a flare and just letting the plane you know stall and set on the runway i am going to get it i am going to get it uh but right now i'm not so anyway sorry for all the bad landings but you're on this journey with me and i wanted to show you everything the good the bad and the ugly and a lot of that stuff was ugly so anyway take care thank you for subscribing hey if you haven't subscribed to the channel and you're seeing us for the first time i would be honored if you subscribe to the channel i really appreciate the support and don't forget to hit that thumbs up button under the video it definitely helps support the channel as well all right i'm out of here exhausted for us kid russ can fly see ya yesterday we yesterday on the way
Channel: Russ can FLY!
Views: 233
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: landing a cessna 172, flying a cessna 182, learning to fly an airplane, student pilot landing, learning to fly, taking flying lessons, student pilot life, private pilots license, roundout and flare, flying in the pattern, aviation training, aviation student, landing on a runway, russell swan, russ can fly, flight training, private pilot, landing flare, how to land an airplane, pilot life, certified flight instructor, flight landing trouble, flying vlog, student pilot
Id: Q-zzCXpGvuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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