Rotisserie Chicken - 2 Chickens, 1 Rub, 2 Sauces On The Weber Kettle

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today I'm taking two birds for a spin out on the weber kettle using the rotisserie attachment and i'm going to be using one rub but two sauces [Music] the Weber kettles fired up outside the briquette baskets are in there the rotisserie attachment is on now I've just got to get these chickens on the spit and out there to start cooking so I've got two chickens here each about six pounds one of them this guy here if you can see him he fought a losing battle with some of his skin going through the D feathering machine I'm assuming so he's going to be partially skinless that doesn't matter it's gonna cook just the same as this other guy first thing I want to do is I want to get them on the spit trussed up and then we're gonna put the rub on them so what I'm gonna do here is I'm first gonna start by putting the spit through the end of this chicken on this side now before it goes all the way into this next chicken we're gonna do something a little different we're gonna put this two prong on facing the opposite direction we're gonna bring the other two prong on going the opposite way this may look a little weird but this works when you're doing two chickens on this rotisserie so now we're going to work the four prong unit into the side of the chicken here to the end of the chicken we're gonna slide these other two down in here and this one we're gonna press in now it's a little tricky here you got to get in here tighten this one down a little bit but this is the main one to get tightened down now we're ready to slide on our second chicken it's gonna feed him in there tightly we're gonna put a four prong on at this end press in tighten the setscrew down so it doesn't slide all right we have our two chickens on here the first thing I want to do is just sort of give it a roll and see how does it feel does it feel like it's lopsided it actually feels pretty good so now I'm going to set this down and I'm gonna trust the legs in the wings trusting using the string act is a little difficult even with those gloves on so I'm gonna have to do it bare hand it and then wash up there are many different ways to truss up a chicken just to keep the legs and the wings from flopping around as it's going around the rotisserie you just do the way that works for you I'm gonna show you what works for me first thing I'm going to do is go around this one leg and I'm gonna go around the leg that's right next to it pull that tight I'm gonna come across here go around this leg twice come back to its leg right next to it go around that leg twice and cinch that down then I'm gonna lift up my rotisserie to come underneath bring the string up on the other side here and I'm gonna tie it off remember we're just keeping these legs from flopping around now the weber kettle rotisserie attachment that i have doesn't require a counterweight they used to but they said these new units don't ship with a counterweight and don't need them something to do with the motor but you still want the chickens or whatever you're putting on there to be as balanced as possible so there's not a lot of weight on one side so you can see how those legs are now staying close to the body time to do the wings the wings we're just going up sort of by the elbow part tying it tight coming over the top go around that elbow apart on the opposite side tie it tight and then come back across the top with any loose string and tighten it up even more I know some people on the rotisserie will put foil around the wing tips to keep them from burning I'm not really concerned about the wing tip if you want to save the wing tips and make sure they don't burn you can do that I usually just cut them off you trim up this string we got one more set of wings to do really quick right around the elbow come over the top around that other elbow get a good cinch on that come back over snug it down trim off any excess let's see how we're doing let's give it a rotation nothing's flopping around that looks good now there is a chance and I've had this happen before you could have it on the rotisserie and something could go wrong a leg could come loose a wing could come loose you can always stop it tie it back up there that's only happened to me once in dozens and dozens of rotisserie uses it can't happen so just be prepared for it have some extra string on hand all right it's time to get our rub on both of these chickens and as I said I'm gonna be using one rub today but two sauces we're gonna sauce these individually probably after about 45 minutes to an hour when they're getting within about 20 minutes of being done but we're gonna put some Desert Gold seasoning on them right now let's roll this over want to give it a good coating doesn't have to be really thick like a heavy-duty rub this is just to help us get a base of flavor started on here as it's going on the rotisserie let's flip it over to the side here make sure we get the legs and the wings and the sides and everything here let's roll it to the other side you notice I didn't put any olive oil or anything like that on the outside I don't always find that's necessary not at the binder or anything but just some people use it to help crisp the skin up on the rotisserie I just haven't found that to be necessary this side the breast side another little shake get a good coating on here all right our chickens are all rubbed up let's get them out onto the weber kettle rotisserie okay so the kettle temperature with the rotisserie is running at about 406 degrees right now I want to keep it between 350 and 400 this will moderate once we open it up get the chickens on there and add some wood I'm going to be using peach wood today so I have a foil drip sheet in the middle briquette baskets on either side my temperature probe is coming in right near the handle slot for the rotisserie that gives me a good temperature that's not directly over the coals which is not a good place for a temperature probe directly over coals and the briquette baskets are each almost full I will be adding charcoal to this as we long as it burns down but let's get the chickens on here and get some wood on there for some smoke fire this up our chickens are going some of the meat will move around a little bit until it starts to tighten up you'll see the breasts and the thighs the leg quarters everything's sort of shift but as long as it's trussed up there and those legs don't go flopping around on the wings don't go flopping around that's what you want alright let's add some wood to this for some nice peach smoke just gonna let that catch burn for just a few seconds and we'll put our lid on as is obvious there's no temperature probe in the meat actually I know there are some probes you can use that are wireless I haven't heard a lot of things about them so what I like to do with rotisserie after 45 minutes I come out here and I will probe it with the instant read thermometer to see what the temperature is at once we're at about a hundred and thirty or so maybe a little more that's one will be saucing this so probably about 45 minutes maybe we'll see we'll probably check it between 30 and 45 minutes all right let's get our lid on and let it cook so I'm gonna watch the temperature here for a few minutes I have my bottom vent sent to 2/3 open top vent is wide open want to see if I can get it stabilized between that 350 and 400 okay we seem to be stabilizing somewhere around 370 ish that's perfect anywhere between 350 and 400 I'll be monitoring the temperatures plant charcoal if we need to otherwise I'll bring you back when it's time to check these for temperature and start saucing them ok we're right at about 40 minutes right now the temperature of the cattle will drop to just below 350 so it's perfect time to come out check these add some more briquettes so let's see how we're doing oh really nice color developing on these already it's looking really good let's get a temperature reading off these just to see where we're at right now they're not gonna be anywhere close to done I can't imagine but let's see let's check this bird down here in the breast we're down about a hundred and 1819 degrees so still have easily about 15 degrees to go before we sauce these so let's keep them going let's put a couple more briquettes on put a few briquettes on each side let's get our lid back on our temp is starting to come back up after the lid being off I think I'm gonna check these again in about 15 minutes and I think we'll be pretty close to that temperature where we want to sauce these I'll bring you back okay it's been about 15 minutes let's see how we're doing beautiful color on them let's check our temperature let's check down in this breast we've been good right around 1:30 that's what I want so we're gonna sauce these now but the way we're gonna sauce them is I'm gonna take it off of here to sauce them because I want to get a good coating on here I'll show you how we're gonna do that you gotta have good gloves remember if we have our two chickens here one of them is gonna be sauced with one sauce and another with a different sauce first one is going to get a nice teriyaki glaze here that's going to be the one closest to the motor so I remember I want to brush that around here all over right right turn this guy so we can get some of that teriyaki glaze on the back too really good coat then we're gonna glaze them back of our other one this is with a chipotle agave barbecue sauce it's basically a Chipotle barbecue sauce mixed with some agave syrup it's got some sweet and it's got some heat we're gonna do the same thing turn this guy over get our front side here [Music] nice coating now it's time to get them back on the rotisserie we're gonna get a few drips here but that's all right you can see how the chickens just baste themselves as they turn alright we're gonna get the lid back on let these keep cooking I'm gonna check them again in about 20 minutes alright it's time to give these a check I did a check and added another 15 minutes so I think we're at a total cook time now about an hour and fifteen minutes or an hour thirty minutes could be either what I'm not sure actually but really it's the temperature that's gonna tell us if we're done those are looking beautiful let's get some temperatures here looking good 165 actually 167 okay good we're good there alright I'm gonna get these off get them inside we will cut into them have a taste of each alright our two birds are off the rotisserie we have our teriyaki and our Chipotle barbecue sauce bird it's time to cut into these let's cut into our teriyaki first get a nice little slice of breast here I think we may have a little bit of a juice a lanch going on as I cut into these yes I can already see it coming out onto the board here oh really nice nice and juicy let's put that there that's going to be a taster and now into the chipotle BBQ sauce glazed chicken ooh juicy - we got two nice juicy Birds that's what I love about the rotisserie you get such great moisture in here because those birds are spinning they're basting themselves they are not sitting in any one spot and just look at that beautiful color beautiful slices it's time to taste okay I am going for the teriyaki first got good coating on that skin outside see how we taste oh so juicy great flavor in there not just on the surface with the rub and the glaze but that peach wood is really nice with chicken mmm very pleased with the teriyaki bird let's move over to some heat now on that chipotle BBQ sauce bird same thing nice color on the outside this is the one that had lost some of its skin in the d feathering factory accident so let's see oh ho a little kick there that's nice I like that hmm if you've got a spicy barbecue sauce like that and you're not sure you want all that heat adding in something sweet like that agave syrup or some maple syrup or some honey really cuts it down a little bit but doesn't take away all the heat and that flavor mmm now doing rotisserie chicken does take a little extra work you sawed there you got to put it on the spit arrange everything tie the legs tie the wings watch it and can't really have a temperature probe in it as it's spinning around but the results you get are certainly worth it when you get juicy chickens like this with flavor on every square inch of the bird all those juices all those flavors are continually basting and turning on that bird they don't stay in one spot they coat the entire chicken and so our total cook time on this was I believe right around an hour and a half we took it off 165 degrees internal which is standard for chicken I'm not gonna cut into the thighs or legs here because well I'm saving those for the family but that breast meat is awesome and I know the thigh and like me it's gonna be awesome too if you guys have watched my videos you know that that is some of my favorite meat on a chicken that dark thigh meat and it does especially well on the rotisserie with all that fat in there that just renders and moistens that meat even more so if you've got a rotisserie chickens are a great thing to do on it obviously rotisserie czar almost made for chickens if you don't have a rotisserie it's a great thing to consider if you've got a kettle grill or even a gas grill they have rotisserie units which hook on to many different gas grills to just gives you another tool in your arsenal when you're grilling or smoking barber cuing it allows you to take a chicken or anything else you put on there to another level and let that flavor code it completely around the outside keep it moist keep it flavorful get it tender just perfect I hope you enjoyed this video feel free to check out some of the other videos on my channel and consider subscribing and if you do click that bell for notifications thank you all for watching hope you have a great evening I'll see you again soon
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 237,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, grilling, bbq, barbecue, rotisserie, chicken, charcoal grill
Id: 6klyIOAJCgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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