Garlic Onion Rotisserie Chicken: So easy on the Weber Kettle

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what's happening sports fans welcome back to another episode of mom and papa joe today on the menu is a rotisserie chicken just got a brand new rotisserie attachment from a weber grill kind of excited about using it i've got four and a half pound chicken we're gonna throw this on the weber and make it happen let me get this bird out the package and clean up and we'll be right back we've dried her off so now we're gonna do is just uh put a binder on it some seasonings and then trust and get it ready for that spit i don't know which order i'm gonna do all that in but i am thinking that the areas that are going to be locked down when i bind like under the wings and the legs i mean i may need to season those up front i'm going to be using just a little male as a binder so i'm going to try to hit those areas with a thin amount of this binder not a whole lot and again this is just those areas that are going to be clamped down pretty tight in terms of cooking seasoning and getting some color my seasoning is going to be pretty simple coarse black pepper and salt with a little cover of boar's night double garlic butter for cooks such as this you don't want to use a rub with a whole lot of sugar on that rotisserie otherwise i guarantee you you're going to have some burning i can tell you up front i do not know a whole lot about trusting a bird [Music] [Music] [Music] folks i can pretty much guarantee you this is not how you trust a bird but this is how papa joe is getting it done now we're gonna come back with the rest of our seasonings a little bit of this mail you know what last minute i'm going to throw a little paprika into the mix for some color some sweet smoky paprika come back black pepper salt of course [Music] our double garlic butter [Music] and now time to get it on the spit all right so here's our spit the two forks the goal here is going to be trying to get this thing centered as best as possible [Music] top side [Music] now you want to make sure you're locked down these can be adjusted once you get to the pit [Music] but right now that is turning and not flopping around very much all right i want to double check my seasoning and touch things up all right the seasoning look good we're going to head outside and get that where we're going all right sports fans we're set up i've got two of the baskets from my expert grill in there i took the fire grate out so that the basket sit lower inside the uh the chamber uh all right i'm seeing some liquid drawn by the salt underneath so i'm guarantee you i'm losing some uh i'm losing some seasoning so i'll have to adjust that seasonings after i get them on here yep let's see all right now i've got to slide down because i'm not centered quick adjustment a little paprika and a little bit of my double garlic butter i'm not sure folks 25 briquettes in each basket i am not sure how long this cook is going to take i am thinking it's going to be at least an hour we've got bottom vents wide open top vents wide open let's give it a whirl okay folks it's been 20 minutes uh i don't know what's going on so let's take a check that does not look bad it's a little off balance and it slows down when it gets to the breast side down so the breast side down is just darkening a little bit i can see where one of those counterweights would come into play again first time so i'm just learning i think uh this does not come with counterweights i'm gonna have to order some counterweights so my breast is gonna get a little darker but we're going to let her continue rocking 20 minutes in all right folks it's been another 20 minutes so we're looking at 40 minutes right now oh let's see what this side looks like man i am loving the color uh we've got you know i really thought this side that is lagging on the bottom was going to get a little darker a little faster [Music] [Music] i am almost ready to give this a check just in case but uh the colors looking great man uh got a couple of areas that aren't coloring quite as fast but again this side is not spending much time down there the way this side is i'm gonna give this out with 40 minutes i'm going to give it another 10 minutes and come back and get a temp just in case we're earlier than i anticipated 10 more minutes [Music] okay folks we're at 52 minutes so it's been 12 minutes kind of fell asleep i'm gonna stop this so i can get a probe in here let's try the thigh area [Music] all right 173 174 that's what i like all right i'm getting some some different reeds in the breast i'm gonna let it go another 10 minutes that breath still had a little bit that i did not like okay sports fans we've taken this to a full hour turning it off and man i am happy with that fps is pushing 170. we're gonna take this off and call it good man i'm very happy with this color my first rotisserie i'm thrilled with that wow let's get her inside for a rest man that is a thing of beauty [Music] oh yeah folks i wish i could tell you that this was crisp but you know this this is your traditional a rotisserie bird that you would get from like a costco a beautiful color but that crisp is not there to skin it's gotten a little soft but wow perfect amount of char man oh [Music] wow [Music] you [Music] beautiful wow juicy so juicy [Music] wow texture is awesome that char is awesome man nice smoke flavor that garlic onion briquette really really rocks mama's favorite piece of the bird i'm gonna leave them both for her i'm a dark meat man wow beautifully cooked so simple 25 briquettes on each basket so a total of 50 briquettes right in an hour this bird was uh 4.25 pounds i want to thank you guys for hanging out with mom and papa joe we really appreciate you stopping in once again if you haven't yet hey please hit that subscribe button we really appreciate your support in the meantime i want you guys to take care of yourselves look out for each other and we will see you when we see [Music] you
Channel: Mama and Papa Joe
Views: 1,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zo7pnEygtGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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