Rosalía Can't Stop Laughing While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I'm right here 's meal [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Rosalia she's a two-time Grammy award-winning artist and producer coming off an incredible year that included a 15 country World Tour in the release of moto mommy the album with the highest Metacritic rating of all of 2022. an exciting news she has new music out as well her EP with Raul Alejandro is called RR and it's available now Rosalia welcome to the show thank you so much how are you around spicy food before we get started I'm not familiar with it yeah this is not something that I have at home so I'm not really familiarized with it to be honest well today you'll get a full crash course are you ready to get started [Music] [Music] oh my God oh my God okay classic hot sauce see what it's all about [Music] isn't this nice mhm it's not spicy [Music] it's more Maple than chili after a pair of more serious albums I know that you're excited to Unleash Your playfulness and sense of humor from Moto mommy how did your approach to making an album change once you decided to unlock that side of yourself I really think that that's my I don't know my main goal in life is just to be as free as possible so I think that the music is a reflection of who you are so if you if you're free then the music is free and so I was like yeah let me try to just have fun when I do this this project not the mommy and I'm a huge fan of the album I've been able to stop listening to it for like a week and excuse the pronunciation but like your song Sogo right that's all yep and it has this like little jazz piano thing yeah how do you think about blending the Contemporary with the traditional in your art the tradition is just it's just a foundation in order to create in order to do something you have to know what it's been done so I think that yeah the classics are something that I I learned to love because the Masters I I had I had different Masters I still have Masters and that's what Classics are for I think to look back to know where you come from to know where you're going thank you okay [Music] I like it there we go two for two yeah you're a hot sauce person all along no yeah all along you think so I think so because the two first ones let's see the others let's see it's not bad there you go who cooked this they did good yeah yeah the wings are kicking today yeah you did good yeah thank you good Dom thank you so much it's a little bit more spicy now yeah right right when you start talking a little bit sometimes it kind of unlocks it there it's more spicy after it they build a little bit yeah hooray I sound like a lot of breakout Stars you actually have a decade of formal music training studying at academies like the Catalonia College of Music which helped to inform your first album yeah we asked lizzo this question but I'm curious your perspective how did studying classic music theory how did it affect the way that you approach making hits now in theory it just allowed me to whatever I had in my head I was able to to material I was able to write it I was able to okay let me read this how somebody else again the classics how somebody else thought of writing a song and then it allowed me understand better the the possibilities in in using chords it allow me so many things understanding where the Melodies intervals the options it's just knowledge I remember somebody said knowledge sometimes it may not allow you to be so creative like maybe it makes your creativity be less expansive but I is I think it's the opposite I think it's slow Puesto I think the more knowledge you have the the more freedom you're gonna have I think [Music] lemon I like lemon it's gentle there we go I'm trying to just keep up with you [Music] it's fine there we go you like all three of them it seems like so far yeah there we go there we go I thought it was going to be much worse well you know we got we got we got a ways to go we got a ways to go I'm gonna be honest with you all right all right so understand that during your years of training you'd work as an autonomous singer for hire doing wedding gigs or doing performances at restaurants yeah where you're paid all kinds of [ __ ] A little over 80 Euros or in exchange for dinner yes did you have a favorite local Tableau to perform at I definitely loved one but it was the most special because it was the only one I think maybe that was a bar where some jazz people would play too but also Flamenco would be like traditional like like amazing traditional Flamenco and that was called Jessie Jessie and Barcelona yeah yeah I remember that that man he would be like this is the Flamenco Cathedral I used to feel nervous before going on stage but I remember that that built me if I was performing in a restaurant it would be a challenge because they didn't go to see you perform right they go there to eat so it's a challenge and I'll be very like I'll be like no no no no they're gonna they're gonna hear they're gonna hear me tonight yeah they're gonna listen to what I'm doing they're gonna be like no no I don't care about the food let me hear this you know so that would be also something that would taught me so much because really it's really tough I really respect people who do that people who perform in clubs who perform in restaurants who perform in weddings who perform in parties like it's just it's hard it's a challenge and you have to be very very strong psychologically I think [Music] I like chocolate yeah coming through a little bit this is spicy yeah this one I knew yeah [Music] um yeah do you like it though at all no no not at all not at all is disturbing yeah like a spicy Disturbed like it's disturbing uncomfortable uncomfortable the ball's closing in here in this interview there we go there we go it's happening the hot ones experience this is it hmm do you have a favorite classic art reference from one of your music videos you know from Frida Kahlo to Botticelli to Francisco Goya you know you see these masterpieces of the past echoed throughout your work I let go of the ones you said you do I love Classics yeah I I love it his movies are really amazing I love Pedro I love um Monet is amazing and his paintings relax me every time I see a Monet painting I think it's my favorite paintings can be inspiring to write a song um movies can be inspiring to write a song I think anything can be an excuse I don't know if these are is inspiring to write a song but but it might Shake something loose my shake something yeah [Music] it's probably my in my lips going forward you know with every new Wing there will be a new thing okay you know you like like my throat is itching a little my lips are numb you know my tongue feels like ice in my mouth you know all those different things noise uh but you're doing great see you're doing great you're doing fine okay I thought it was worse I think chocolate when I like better the taste of it but it it was more hot yeah it left behind like a little bit of a trail right exactly exactly your albums have incredible drum production on them oh thank you what are super aggressive drums and then why were they important for you when you were conceptualizing Moto Mommy I love that you asked that no I think that drums gives a lot of energy and I wanted that Moto Mommy would be like a roller coaster there was a clear intention and then I was like drums can give me the aggressive aggressiveness that's how you call it right aggressiveness yeah the aggressiveness that I wanted to achieve I could get it with drums in orchestra music literally when they use the drums it makes it just more violent more aggressive personally I really love this type of drums Como drums yeah well speaking of drums right here this next one okay is a spicy shark cardamomo garlic yeah it's very good it tastes good yeah but pretty hot this is my favorite there we go it's my favorite yeah it's super spicy though that I was just about to say yes but it's spicy smooth anymore yeah I was just about to say I was like that's when I've been that way I was like whoa this one's pretty hot and then when you're like this is my favorite one I was like really but oh my God this is smart this is really bad you strike me as a Sentimental person of all the instruments that you own is there one that stands out for the backstory or its history that I have there's this uh Peruvian instrument that I love that these are like a box it's getting harder to talk I know yeah that's the show no it's getting hard to dark my tongue feels like it's like okay a box um and it's very beautiful how it sounds and I remember I used to play this instrument um in my in San Esteban where I come from this little town and when I go to my mom's house and I see that it always melts this is so bad I know I know but you got it he's getting worse but it'll get better and then we'll move on to the next wing and it'll get worse again but this is bad this I know I know I got you I got you I gotcha what does that mean in the beginning I was like oh this tastes sweet or something yeah that's what I got when I smelled it I was like this is one of the better smelling hot sauces I've ever caught a whiff of I like better than me yeah this one really don't say they [ __ ] me up uh [ __ ] me up that just works that just works yeah this one I regret that they came here if I had a dollar for every time I heard that really yeah people say that no I'd have like 60 bucks [Music] what was important to you when working with designer Dion Lee for the outfits for your latest tour you know I imagine that it was probably challenging to come up with something that had like the motorcycle aesthetic but that you could also move around in and Dancing Yeah it actually is always a challenge every time trying to figure out clothes for uh for a performance and I wish that it was much easier because he's um usually a disaster usually you know like you you have to deal with shoes that maybe I don't know you cannot do a spin with it or I don't know like maybe um you're showing a book I don't know it seems like that can happen right these things can happen so yeah you have to figure it out and it's always a process and everything but yeah I feel very grateful that all the people that helped me through all these years to be on stage and not being naked my lips hurt but it's okay It Feels Like Somebody Come okay I just got into a fight and somebody punched me here this one's [ __ ] up it's me being honest okay okay here we are okay okay [Music] it's bad yeah it's so bad I know and it just doesn't stop I know I know I know but what you're doing today it was very brave it's very brave never eating hot sauce before and then coming in here and eating maybe the hottest hot sauce in the world [ __ ] I know I know [Music] it's painful yeah no uncomfortable I get it I get it 100 I understand I relate this is what inconvenient yes it's so bad right thank you so much ah and then just be careful around the eyes be careful around the eyes I'm right with you I'm right with you When J Balvin was on the show he taught me how to say Picante Hasta la chimba it's exact Spanish slang that you can teach me to say that a dish is just like spicy as hell those meal S I don't know how to describe this um [Music] yeah that's how that that's how I would say it yeah I'm sweating I know I know I'm sweating it's the hot ones glow that happens at this time it's already glowing I was my glow as perfect on points yeah yeah yeah it's never looked better it's never looked better and just in time because as we move on in the lineup we're going to be joined by a very special guest oh my God yes I need help I got you what is this ice cream no that's great thank you he's at the end of the ambulance [ __ ] planet all right come in with the ice cream long time Partners in life First Time Collaborators on the music side of things so this one is the watermelon ghost in the nine spot you feel it I never sweat eating you're right yeah this is very strange I got fever yeah okay [Music] right it's all good I think after the last one laughs this is my job it makes me laugh there you go I'm ready he's here for the assist I'm here ready what a guy what a guy oh my God what you need more Wheels I think he's so bad that it makes me laugh like I'm like oh my God it's making me great love it is crazy oh my God absolutely I never seen you like this before maybe four years together I swear man you've been four years together no I know I never been through this well it's great you know like after all these years and all the different experiences you can still learn things about each other you know exactly they will never have this at home the Apollo I like the name okay you ready yeah that's a lot that's good that is perfect that was a perfect pour that was a perfect poorly all right I'm ready [Music] he's got the ice cream standing by e I'll see I know but the good news is it's all over yeah right through it not a spicy person today became one and to close out the interview today we're gonna dust off an old hot ones classic right all right this is the bucket of BFF questions yeah all right so what we want you to do is each each in there what a question and when you peel off the question you ask the other person okay okay the bomb all right what's the question okay okay what's your favorite song of mine to watch me perform live [Music] what didn't I really like I really like it yeah all right that's good all right Rosalia okay okay let's go [Music] watch something new you learn about me creating and releasing music together for the first time like she likes like when she likes minimal stuff so I'm more like kind of like like more stuff in the production yeah so you're more Baroque yeah and then she's more simple more like clean and minimal for me it's kind of cool too you know just like I so I learned it's different approach I tried to steal your sauce sometimes you know just do it my own way but like she's inspired like she inspired me a lot in music and in my personal lives too so thank you so much you too you can't steal her sauce today because look at the way she took on the wings of death Live to Tell the tale not a hot sauce woman she walked in but definitely a hot sauce woman now and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life eating uh Salsas Del Inferno and how it was it was a disaster and I think I never had a bad experience eating till this day I always love eating but not today not today no sure not today but yeah I can't wait to hit the stage again because I'm touring right now in Festival so so get those tickets [Music] I think it was exactly how I thought yeah how I said like I was like it's probably gonna be hard to handle at some point but it's possible like it's like human as a human I can do it you know this is the spiciest meal you've ever eaten in your life 100 wow 100 never in my life I I had this and never again no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it hey what's going on hot ones fans thank you so much for watching today's episode and I have an important announcement to all the mini spice Lords out there and those of us who like to just dabble on the fringes of spiced them say hello to our newest flavor from hot ones Jr it's the red the red takes things up a notch with ghost pepper and red carrot it brings a warming Zing to all of your favorite foods try it on gooey mac and cheese this winter and thank me later to get your hands on the hot ones junior family of sauces visit that's red light yellow light green light go now
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,904,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Rosalía, rosalia, rosalia bizcochito, rosalia coachella 2023, rosalia despecha
Id: eGuuRmOFAaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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