Roomba Death Match LIVE!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nuclear_rabbit 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello America welcome to Roomba deathmatch I'm your host Greta Brian this is YouTube mobile live we're filming this on a cell phone so I don't want to hear about it in the comments it's on a cell phone let me tell you how this game is going to work we have a Roomba right here in the middle of the deck square which is the name that I that I've given to our square of wood here in the office and we have three contestants here to play today shabaan Thompson Zach ooyama and Katie Maravich you can see they're flexing as hard as they can Katie especially beautiful right let me tell you a little bit how this is gonna work everyone has three balloons this Roomba has been outfitted with knives pencils I think a letter opener maybe a scalpel where those are at those are scalpels where we get scalpels goddammit oh god no no no wait a minute oh we're not gonna have a debate about whether these are scalpels but I'm telling you those are scalpels tell me in the comments if I'm right goodbye your god this is hot content so the way this game works we're gonna turn this Roomba on everyone's gonna have three balloons and by the end of the match the last person with a standing balloon wins ah there are balloons ranged around the square katie is in blue zach is in yellow and Siobhan is an orange and a case you're confused about that that all of their headshots are taped to the pictures is it there these are their professional headshots they're all available for hire as actors you can get that you can get them they're all they also right now have the opportunity to place one more balloon around the square folks wherever you want on the outside of the square there help put in the little square I don't care I think it has a good right put in the middle is there it doesn't matter to me I would say strategically your best bet is put on the outside of the square now come on I see you putting it right next to Zack yeah I teach ugly wise I call uh well it's in a corner which always messes the Roombas up but also like I feel like if it hits a balloon it's more likely to hit that from men and will go off in a different direction it'll it'll say I collected the trash Frank uh Zack is trash yes I don't I I don't need an R Katie you went putting some words into her mouth Katie you went right in the corner there I did let's strategy with that ah you know it just seemed like a spot that maybe a balloon one errant Roomba wouldn't want to go um I don't know I say didn't put much thought into it okay that's really and Zack you sort of break the middle of a range here what's what's what's the thinking there I just saw a certain amount of dead space right here and I was like let's put my Blin there um I couldn't really think of a real reason to put a balloon anywhere doing great uh well folks we're going to we're going to get this started right now let me tell you how it's actually gonna start the rumbas I don't know if you've ever used one launch straight off when you when you get them going so we're going to do we have a little spinner here uh it's from a game that I'm not going to say but in my life I've never seen a better game I've never seen Scrabble a better game oh yeah in my life Scrabble Scrabble spinner yeah this is a spinner in Scrabble we're going to spin that that's going to tell us what direction to launch our Roomba off in from there uh uh the chaos is gonna start ladies and gentlemen let's get ready to rumba ah that was cool okay uh you guys ready yeah please very exciting all right RJ is going to RJ is going to launch our Roomba off pretty good cuz that could that could be good for me that's RJ the middle he has to touch the knife robot are taking of health insurance no not yet hey great this is exam a cure we get it exactly right so we have our judges we're taking care of taking care of this because this is what it all comes down to sound of the robot starting you can see their own so starting right off Sivan Thompson all right ladies and gentlemen it has popped a shavon balloon and it's headed right now directly at another two on the loose there it goes got by one of the scalpels hear it now it's headed off in a direction where there are no balloon so we have just a moment if it's a big ship on how are you feeling I know you only have one balloon left yeah they're just dads off that way I'll leave it it looks like heading right now to candy Valenti I don't know how you feel but this is I think at the end of your first balloon oh it's sticky it's collected Katie's head Siobhan has put my head also on the Roomba at this point I'd like to introduce a challenge that I didn't tell it produces about if one of you is willing to lay down dead center in that square I'll give you a hundred dollars of my own money absolutely not all right 100 dollars for how long for a hundred dollars ten minutes alright right now or the Roomba looks to be a little bit confused in a corner that's alright that's what you want to see in a robot that has knives attached to it you don't want them getting too smart for too long it's off its off you're running again coming neck over here to this dead space come on I feel like it remembers that your balloon was here and got a taste for your blood now it's uh it's headed to Lake George can you believe it well there it goes say absolutely that goes Katy Maravich so the score right now zach has three balloons left Katy and Siobhan each have one Zac how are you feeling you're in the lead at the moment that's great that was a close call now remember the Roomba is a vacuum so as it runs over Siobhan's picture pickup over goes Zacks first balloon balloon number one for Zack was down and it's sucking up the truck so no sure one is out that is the end of Siobhan Thompson the other two two balloons for Zack left and one more for Katie Maravich thank you you're a pretty good position right now but it's still anyone's game because of the way these bullets are already to round at the fact that that dumbass Roomba is stuck in a goddamn corner of wood the knife is slicing through the wood I don't know how sharp that neck needed to be but it's entirely too sharp I'm going to tell you it was only trying to pop a balloon and we put the world's toughest blade on top of our robot it sucked up some on Thompson face a terrifying metaphor for the state of her life now it's stuck in a corner we may call for our judges to turn that robot around and set everybody back on a tread course oh there it goes it's gonna roll over that knife alright it's rolling over my face but it didn't suck it out because it knows that I'm not garbage oh there go suck out my face right after I said that oops sometimes metaphors come back to bite you now a Roomba has been hanging out here in the corner for a little bit so we may see a little bit of action here in a minute when we turn it around I got to tell you I don't want oh now it's off and running this could be the ball game folks oh that's all well it decided not to play again this robot is a dumbass it's headed back to the corner and has turned off mid-cycle battery now the Roomba just gave us a message error please clean your extractors I have to imagine that has something to do with all the pictures of faces and balloons that we've put that we've jammed inside of it you can see RJ here lifting up a Roomba full of knives and trying to dig balloons out of it I don't know if that's a smart decision safety wise but I gotta say it's pretty entertaining to watch now these knives here are starting to come a little bit loose we're taking off the back knife because that was the one that was probably confusing its intake ah Zack you are an amateur robot builder uh when you're when you're looking for an intake vacuum on a vacuum robot what are some of the things you want to consider weight an intake vacuum on a vacuum robot mm-hmm Oh intake vacuum yeah come on thompson's eliminated from the game so she's pretty shy so she can't lay in too much on oh I don't know what you meant by intake vacuum I think it's just trying to find a spot that is sort of out of the way and that's why it's in the rear of the room but it kind of changes things up when you have a Roomba built for death it's supposed to be attacking things on all sides the knife is a cool touch but at the same time it is on the back and in the spot that you know I feel like the room was never gonna reverse into things well if it did though then we'd really be looking at a death robot not yet you bring up the idea of robots that are built to kill do you have any favorites you remember that show battle but I definitely remember the show battle Lutz I had the impaler that's that's that's a great answer for a favorite death robot what about you Siobhan you know in England it was cold robot was oh shut oh my god got it in England it started in England the number of times we've heard the phrase you know in England it would really blow your mind we have different names for things I'm sorry no end to the comedy there what about you Katie do you have any favourite death robots um don't know any robots this is the first one I've met this is different what do you think so far he's pretty cool um I wish we had broken him I just feel bad about that well remember it's a robot that doesn't have sentience so I don't think we need to worry too much about his emotions his turn back up do we respect I think I think at this point we need a Rhys pin on our spinner from the game that is my favourite in life Scrabble all right we're going to be starting now pointed I'm gonna call it North East whatever it lands great that's in North East as far as I'm concerned I don't know what directions mean it's southwest it's literally so I promised those are scalpels we're ready to go again with the Rouladen match you can hear the sound of murder and it's veins well that oh wow our business content right now this could be good it could be the end boy it's headed right towards Peter Luhn now that could be anything oh it's I can hit it it's not gonna hit it oh oh so close by the skin of your teeth Maravich boy now that thing reversed the exact that could have been the end of one of your balloons it could have it could have won the game - come on you know where you're going it's headed back right now it's headed right towards Katie's balloon this Katie I gotta say I feel like my PDN have any last words see that ladies and gentlemen is the end of rumba deathmatch I had no idea I was so good at this game yeah the thing that we should probably add on to this video this this is a safe environment and knives are dangerous no kids in the perfect spot the very end of the video kids definitely do this at home try it at home it's awesome if you don't try it at home you're not cool if you have a Roomba and this isn't what using it for you're the lamest person I've ever met thank you so much for watching scroll back in your feed to see some of our other YouTube mobile videos we're going to be doing more of these oh the Roomba just had another error with perfect timing thank you guys for watching have a great night you
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 728,891
Rating: 4.7406521 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch
Id: nPvbug_lvyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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