Ron Carpenter - Influencer (Part 1)

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hey guys I'm Ron carpenter welcome to Ron carpenter television we live in the day of the influencer yes when you can have a career Gold of just influencing people it's legitimate it's also we can influence earth but who influences heaven can you influence heaven stick around we'll talk about [Music] influencer how many believe you influence somebody there's way that you influence somebody well I decided to kind of take a little cut off of a popular new career that is emerging and our world is called influencers if you dabble in any way whatsoever with social media you will find out that now there are people with the career gold that to us they aspire to influence so there are people that have gathered enough of a following to where now companies will pay them to influence others with their products so maybe it's a fitness product maybe it's a health product maybe it's a medical product maybe it is a makeup product I've seen some of them maybe it's fashion but they will pay these people just to influence you and while there's a lot of people that's trying to get a voice in the world and get a platform to influence each other I'm gonna take on a whole different note today who influences heaven can heaven be influenced can you do something here and it makes heaven move it's one thing to influence you but if I can influence heaven and I want to raise up in the next few weeks a group of influencers that know how to move the heavens on their behalf well I feel this thing whenever it is my custom whenever I open up a series I take the first message of the series to do a lot of what I call laying a foundation it is a huge responsibility that I have to have this microphone before you and before this world because the Bible says to him them given much much is required I shudder in my shoes to think of the responsibility that I'm accountable for everything I tell you and so I put a lot of time and I put a lot of emphasis on it to not just throw things out there but to be complete I've often said I want to preach I want a pastor an energetic and intensely fiercely in love with Jesus people but I don't want to pastor people who just shout but go home dumb as a rock I want you to be able to engage in conversation intelligently about your faith and about your God and so when I teach I don't just throw truths out there I like to I like to build the whole thing so that when you leave you've got it and you can discuss it and you can make it a part of your living your life and so today is I'm going to ask you to be deeply engaged because there's not going to be as much jumping and and running and shouting I love to do that but today's the content just won't allow it but man I'm gonna tell you you could feel the weight of it and the first service I mean as I was speaking it you could just feel the weight of it going through the atmosphere and it's life changing some of the stuff I'm teaching the day I've told somewhat before but this series I've never taught before it's all brand new I need why he plays for you to let me roll about six or seven minutes and just talk very important preachers pastors leaders are always trying to find some motivation to get people to pray the weight of your relationship with God rests on three legs you'll worship your prayer life and the word if you don't have those in strength you're gonna struggle when adversity comes but most people don't pray and I call it like it is they don't pray because it's boring I remember when I gave my heart to Jesus everybody starts saying you got to develop a prayer life you got to spend time with God you got to spend time every day and I remember I'd go in my dorm room and I dem the lights and I have a little pillow laying on the floor and I get down and I'd lay across the floor and I start praying and man I called out every topic I knew and I called every name I knew and I'd look back up at my clock for minutes at going by now there's already a joke that if you can't find pester he'll be in there praying over these 30 years it's become very easy to talk to God but I have understanding let me tell you something the only thing you need as motivation to pray is to see your prayers answered if your prayers get answered I don't have to teach on it I don't have to have a prayer conference you don't have to read a book if you see your prayers get answered I won't ever have to talk about prayer you'll do it all the time there is a reason prayers aren't answered your God is not at ease your God is not one who enjoys seeing you get on your knees for 10 years and beg that is not your God here is where I'm going with this teaching what I'm going to try to help us understand is that the heavens are all about legalities I've never heard anybody preach this maybe they have I haven't heard if you read your Bible all of heaven has set up like a courtroom the Bible talks about the great cloud of witnesses the Bible talks about enter the throne room boldly and make your petitions known you're petitioning the court the Bible talks about Jesus the only mediator between God and man he's the lawyer for the defense the Bible says that Satan is the accuser of the Brethren he's the prosecutor a lot of times we talk about spiritual warfare spiritual warfare and a courtroom there is no warfare there's only a decision if the judge rules in your favor is over and when we pray there are protocols and legalities to prayer and the way that you approach it and when we don't when we just fold our knees and start splattering out desires and wishes that's not a prayer life and since God has shown me these things in the word and I've put them to use if I could be very honest with you I see very little prayers go unanswered it's sometimes has all the results are almost immediate but I've never really taught this to anybody because I had to get a firm grip on it myself it's it's intense it's deep and if you can hang in here with me pay attention and stay engaged just to get it's a game change your teaching are you ready to roll with me can we roll a little further keep playing Brandon turn to Genesis chapter 1 for those of you not familiar with your Bible it's about as far left as you can go Genesis chapter 1 your phone if you don't have any device or don't have a Bible we'll put it on the screen that's gonna be my text but I won't I want to tell you about something first here again laying foundations Luke Naik team throw that on the screen if you would please for read Genesis 1 this is a truth that Jesus taught right before his death Jesus was crucified he was raised from the dead he made several appearances and then he ascended back into heaven the Bible says he said it is finished there's nothing else to be done and the Bible says he ever sits at the right hand of the Father and he makes intercession for you and me that does not mean he's praying that means he's the mediator he's the go-between I can only approach God in Jesus name the Bible declares he's our only mediator so I have to abide by that having said that before Jesus died he talked this parable and what it's going to be between him going back to heaven and his second return what needs to be taking place in the meantime I was kind of raised in churches where everybody got behind stained-glass windows and prayed for Jesus to hurry up and come back and rescue us from a life that we felt powerless to change you are not meant to live life powerlessly you are not meant to sit here and let life beat you around and Buffett you like waves in an ocean you were put here to rule your world Jesus didn't die a horrible death on the cross so you could pray a prayer come to church and sing songs Jesus died not so you could do something but so you could be something and I'm gonna tell you what that is because you don't know what you can do till you find out what you are [Music] it was meant to operate just like him and God was just like him to govern the earth the he governs the heavens no doubt everyone wants their prayers answered in this series pastor Ron teaches us practical steps on how to approach God directly in your house you represent the government of heaven in a fight you represent the government of heaven you are a citizen of heaven and you are an ambassador here so you got to go into that argument saying what would heaven say you got to go into that problem thing what would happen do I am representing heaven I'm not representing Ron this 7 message series is available for your gift of $40 or more call now and we will include free shipping and an mp3 download card call now or visit Ron carpenter com or write to the address under screen so Jesus told this truth and he said he called 10 of his servants and delivered them 10 pounds and he said until I come back occupy occupy I'm leaving I will return again in the space in between occupy what in the world does that mean occupy what I want to announce to you today your job is not to get up Monday morning and beat the devil but now listening the most preachers you would not get that because if you listen to preachers if you remove the devil you remove 80% of their preaching content and do the discs to the devil and tell the devil dis and point your finger let the devil 1 get the devil under your feet and tell him I change my mind and tell him to get out of my house and I'm like oh this devil guy he's an aggravation Jesus thoroughly and completely defeated Satan at the cross of Calvary and it will never be undone and it will never come unraveled and there's nothing you can do to improve upon it Colossians 1 said he defeated him so thoroughly that he made an open spectacle of him in other words Jesus mocked him but he defeated him so surely my job is not to defeat the devil Jesus defeated the devil and how arrogant it would be of me to think I can bring some defeat to the devil that's greater than the blood [Applause] but you say well pastor that sounds good I even clapped but they something fight in my house and if the devil's bound he's on a mighty long chain because it made it all the way to my address we do have warfare but our warfare is not for victory its from victory and our warfare is to occupy not to win and this is good I'm gonna mess you up a little bit but it's good well you mean occupy analogy moses saw a burning bush he went toward it a voice came voice of godsend picked your shoes off for the ground you're standing his holy ground he stood in front of a bush barefooted and God said I have given you a land flowing with milk and honey he didn't say I'm going to he didn't say you got to win he said I've already given it what took 40 years they ran around in the desert 40 years trying to occupy God said I've already given you the victory but it took 40 years to occupy the spoils of victory that is where we are as believers you have 66 looks of promises and you are being resisted against these promises you do not have to beat the devil you just have to occupy every blessing that God said is yours somebody who wants to take this journey with me put yours together and the shouting we're going somewhere with this Thank You Brendan thank you so much Genesis 1 verses 26 and 27 give me a few minutes of your time I won't hold you late but you probably won't get out early Genesis 1:26 and 27 then God said this is the creation narrative and at verse 26 we get to the climactic point of creation where he created mankind then God said let us make man in our image how are we gonna make him we're gonna make him like us who according to our likeness when you look at him you're gonna see my reflection he will be just like me I could go home right there let him have dominion let him have dominion over all the fish of the sea the birds of the air over all the cattle over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth let us make man let him bear my reflection he's going to be just like me and he will have dominion over the whole world I just obliterated God is in control according to the Genesis 1 mandate we are in control and if I can mess your theology up further if you would just allow me if God was in control he would have had it all fixed before breakfast this morning God did not create this mess sin and man created this mess when a king declares a thing and your God is the king he cannot undo even its own decree and God declared Genesis 1 you can't go back any further left than that man will have dominion in the earth God is a spirit Genesis through John chapter 3 says God is spirit and his worshipers must worship Him in spirit God is a spirit a spirit does not have dominion in the earth man has Dominion in the earth you can't have the menu without d'Alene the earth of Martinov for men people not male this man flesh suit you got to be wearing flesh God created the heavens and the earth the earth the heavens are spiritual the Bible says that the heavens are eternal and that everything we can't see is eternal everything we can see is temporary and subject to change so I got good news is this activating you and you can see it it is temporary and it is subject to change it ain't gonna last forever somebody shot those things about to change hallelujah but the Bible says there is a world that my eye cannot perceive the image and it's more real than the chair that is holding up your weight the Bible says everything we can see comes out of that world and so God is a spirit he created the heavens a spiritual place and then he said let us make man man is a physical expression of himself earth is a physical expression of heaven earth was never meant to operate apart from heaven it was meant to operate just like heaven that's why the first place Adam and Eve lived was called Eden which means perfection earth was intended to operate by God's laws and God put something on earth that was just like him to govern the earth the way that he governs the heavens and he said I'm gonna tell you where blessing comes from and I'm gonna tell you where trouble comes from and just to prove you have Dominion I will give you a choice I will never make you robotic you'll always have a choice as to how you govern are we doing all right so far so god when he makes man he doesn't make maleness he makes a kind he made a species if you would called men he said this man this species called man I'm gonna put him in the earth to rule it and he's gonna be just like me I'm making him out of myself I'm gonna form him a body out of the mud but that's not who he really is that's just mud it's not until I breathed the breath of life in him that my life goes out of me and goes into that mud man the word Adam means man of the mud or mud man and it was just mud until God breathed in it but when it got breathed in it became something that came straight from God so Adam bore God's image Adam board God's likeness you could look at Adam and see God's reflection on the man named Adam Adam had the same abilities as God I'm gonna push this thing a long way today God had Dominion in the earth and in the heavens Adam had dominion in the earth God subdued and multiplied in the heavens he told Adam to subdue and multiply the earth and fill it come on somebody the Bible says and God said let there be light and whatever he said it happened and the Bible says whatever Adam called it that's what it was that's a bad Adam right there so Adam was in the earth operating just like his god in other words the earth was meant to respond to Adams not his hands you don't hear anything about Sweat toil and labor till after he sinned because Adam was built to speak and the earth was built to respond to what he's put whatever Adam called it that's what it became that's powerful that can I go a little bit further are you ready for this Luke 3:23 this is one of the most boring passages in the whole Bible the Bible is full of genealogies why because bloodlines are very important to God and so you get to these portions in the Bible that several of them were God just goes through these generation after generation after generation of genealogies but this one is very important in Luke 3 he begins with Jesus and goes back Jesus himself began his ministry about thirty years of age being as he as was supposed the son of Joseph who was the son of heli now let's go to verse 38 he runs that genealogy all the way down to verse 38 and he says the son of eNOS the son of Seth the son of Adam what oh whoa whoa I thought God only had one son God had two sons God's only ever had two sons you're in one or you're in the other if you're not saved you're in the first Adam the Bible says he was a man of the flesh but the Bible says Jesus the second or the last item was a man after the spirit and when I get born again I leave my fleshly father the first Adam and I am born again in my second and my sand my father my second Adam and every who is born again is born of Jesus and they're a part of the second or the last Adam God's only had two sons you're in one or you're in two other things you never say which one are you in and what you want to you come on let's say which one are you in it's bad if they can't answer you you want to be in that second one it was meant to operate just like to govern the earth the way no doubt everyone wants their prayers answered in this series pastor Ron teaches us practical steps on how to approach God directly in your house you represent the government of heaven in a fight you represent the government of heaven you are a citizen of heaven and you are an ambassador here so you got to go into that argument saying what would heaven say you got to go into that problem thing what would happen do I am representing heaven representing Ron this 7 message series is available for your gift of $40 or more call now and we will include free shipping and an mp3 download card call now or visit Ron carpenter com or write to the address under screen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hope that you're enjoying this you know this is a brand new topic I've never spoken on a lot of these topics in the study of it man just really blew me away after I begin to process it and get it settled in my own mind I couldn't wait to turn around and tell each and every one of you about it let me just take a minute and thank all of our the people who are a covenant partners the people who give whether it's every once in a while whether it's one time whether it's consistently as a partner on a month I need to say thank you we haven't been showing you commercials we haven't been running ads we haven't been doing it former shalls' why we are viewer and we are listener supported and that is you I'm grateful since 1998 you have not only kept us on the air but you've allowed us to grow from little local programming to global global programming and I'm grateful I want to invite more people into this family this family of givers if you are being blessed by a thing would you consider turning around and blessing it back and making sure it's strong making sure that the thing the well that you draw from that you turn around and replenish that well replenishment reciprocity is key that you reciprocate the blessing back to the thing to the people who are blessing you I would just ask you if you would consider maybe you've never given before and you'd like to be a one-time giver maybe you're being touched or pulled on right now maybe this message spoke to you or maybe you'd like to say you know what I consistently I'm a watcher I want to consistently be a giver and maybe you could consistently give and start now maybe your heart's being touched I just want you to obey God we have this very special gift that will give you just to say thank you it's not you buying anything it's us being a giver and saying we've valued the fact that you sense any relationship with us we really do to those who've been giving ask you to continue your faithful support because we're growing things are happening we just got everything in and did our first working the bugs out of translating this simultaneously in trends and in Chinese so now it'll be English if I can speak it right and this translated into Spanish and also Chinese all at same time you help make that possible I'm grateful we're doing a lot of great things and you're helping us do it I want you to check out my facebook my Twitter my Instagram cuz on that I'm talking all the time and I would love to cultivate a deeper relationship with you I think great things are on the way I hope that you've enjoyed it today we want to be an encouragement to you because we believe God's got great things for you stay tuned I'll see you next time join us every week for another exciting message from Ron carpenter and until then visit us online at Ron Carpenter calm and discover encouraging resources to help you reach your greatest potential in your Christian walk and when you visit consider partnering with our ministry team to help us take this life-changing message to the world our goal is to take the message and Ministry of Ron carpenter to a worldwide audience but we can only do it with your help and don't forget to connect with Ron everyday through social media thank you so much for being a part of this ministry and we'll see you again next time for another challenging message with Ron Carpenter [Music]
Channel: Ron Carpenter
Views: 21,916
Rating: 4.8537636 out of 5
Keywords: rwoc, ron, carpenter, redemption, world, outreach, greenville, sc, san jose, ca, church, jesus, kingdom, inflencer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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