I Used Dinosaurs to Commit Warcrimes in Total Warhammer 3

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[Music] Total War Warhammer 3 is a strategy game where you can rule a civilization of lizard people and send dozens of gigantic dinosaurs into combat with rat people golf girls or dozens of other factions overall I give it a zero out of 10 not enough dinosaurs luckily some brilliant modders came up with an ingenious idea more dinosaurs today I'll be using the Lost commom Jurassic normal mod to create the strongest possible Army of dinosaurs through the use of dark magics animal abuse that would make a factory farm owner blush and the release of massive quantities of carbon dioxide these warm-blooded creatures with iq's above five and opposable thumbs have near completely destroyed what was once our beautiful planet the lizard men have proven less than capable of rectifying this on their own fortunately they have a secret weapon of incredible power egg across the globe there are hidden stashes of ancient dinosaur eggs that we can use to bring these prehistoric creatures back from the dead in the pursuit of wealth and power I'm sure absolutely nothing could go wrong here one very minor inconvenience that we'll need to deal with is that there are two maximum difficulty endgame crises starting on turn 10 if you couldn't tell by the name normally the endgame crises do not start on turn 10 but because that's only mildly terrifying I'm also playing on very hard difficulty and giving the AI the maximum possible Buffs to avoid immediately dying we'll be playing as Goro because he is extremely overpowered the main reason he's overpowered is that Goro starts with Lord croak the angriest frog in the Multiverse for the low low cost of seven wins of magic croak can make one unit of enemies go booom for 20 wins of magic though he can make an entire godamn Army go boom We Begin in the heart of lustria also known as the armpit of the world with a fairly decent Army that for once I don't need to immediately disband the one big addition from the mod at this point is that we have Caravans this mechanic is pretty directly repurposed from the chaos dwarves but instead of trading gold weapons and labor our Caravans have one purpose acquire egg I set my first Caravan out immediately and if all goes well we'll be able to get some awesome dinosaurs in a few turns in the meantime however these sentient biohazards who worship the god of not wiping your ass have decided to set up shop on the edge of our territory this simply will not do Lord croak wasn't always called lord croak but everyone he's ever F has croaked before they could finish saying his name So eventually it stuck gorok on the other hand isn't exceptional at killing things but all he needs to do is hold the enemy in place while croak reduces them to atoms one recurring theme throughout the next several turns is that our enemies end up very dead while we are left completely unscathed we took both of the settlements from these stinky Lads without any real trouble although we did catch the plague after getting covered in their entrails ah it's a slowing play EG too by turn five our Caravan accomplished its Mission just don't ask how the eggs turned into dinosaurs instantly two Amy kants and one cryto Noth I have no idea what these are but fortunately these lab rats have given us the perfect opportunity to test them the cryon Noth is very big and very spiky while the amics look like a rhinoceros the chameleon these are definitely just dinosaurs though no foreign DNA made its way into those eggs at all the Amy cans have the very awesome ability to knock down walls and to my great surprise it turns out that these dinosaurs are slightly stronger than the clam rats now we want to get a second Convoy going as fast as possible to a separate egg harvesting site both to acquire a variety of the dinos and to eventually unlock the gigantosaurus Rex we can send a caravan on a mission to capture this big Beautiful Bastard but only after we send at least one expedition to each of the sites we got the option to kill some narcissistic knife fears and also get some extra Dino eggs which is my perfect definition of a win-win scenario this also gave us a free Banner that reduces the upkeep of all of our dinos by 10% in one Army which brought our economy from extremely terrible to only mildly terrible and over the end turn we managed to corner a few thousand scaven slaves it appears that they've made quite a large strategic development though they've left their Old Line based tactics in the past and embraced the new and Innovative column this didn't help them at all it didn't even slow us down we got the option to fight Goro's Quest battle on turn seven which I decided to do immediately because we've got to level up rapidly to have any chance of surviving the endgame crisis this is an extremely chaotic 3v3 battle where two AI armies of lizard boys are fighting two armies of zombie Pirates while we are pitted against an army of extremely heavily armed scaven I dealt with the scaven the way I deal with all of my problems by running away from them and trying to forget that they exist we were able to crush the zombies while sending the rats on a wild dinosaur chase but the second lizard Army barely survived its battle and Luther Harkin one of the strongest legendary Lords in the game came in off the top ropes and dumpstered US extremely quickly we may have lost this battle but losing only three units and gaining 10,000 experience certainly cushioned the blow we grabbed lightning strike on Goro which allows him to Force 1 V one battles as long as his army is attacking this single-handedly turn surviving the endgame crisis from an impossible task into a mere nearly borderline impossible task we took most of the plag Rat settlements and by turn 10 it begins the vampire endgame crisis starts instantly but thankfully none of them are too close to us yet unlike every other factions endgame crisis though the scaven don't immediately conjure dozens of extraordinarily powerful armies out of The Ether instead they simply invest several billion dollars worth of gold and unregulated stimulants into public transportation specifically the New York Subway system this allows them to instantly establish stations also known as UND cities under every single one of my goddamn settlements they use these for several things stealing our gold giving their nearby armies Buffs developing the most unethical Weaponry that the world has ever seen and most concerningly the out of each other you see when you have an infestation of two rats those four rats can occasionally expand their population as long as you're only starting with 16 rats though the 256 rats really won't become a serious problem too quickly just limit their access to food and your minor problem of 65,536 rats will oh dear it might be a good idea to start getting rid of these UND cities soon unfortunately exterminators are expensive and we don't have a lot of gold let's just hope for the best our second round of explicitly non- gentically modified dinosaur eggs contained one dinosaur a few lizard bats and about 500 Turtles this turned out to be very important right now because although their main force is still yet to emerge from the sewers and various other orifices in the ground scroll Kier has got his hands on several extremely powerful armies that's that is one of the balance of powers of all time to have any chance to protect our Northern front and not get our kicked in irreparably I sacrificed 12,000 gold and the tattered remains of my soul to summon a right of primeval Glory Army to understand what a right of primeval Glory Army is Imagine an army then imagine feeding that entire Army to feral dinosaurs and our economy is instantly and this is not even a good ride of primeval Glory Army one big brain maneuver that will probably got us investigated by the FTC is selling settlements that we are guaranteed to lose next turn instead of just losing golden territory we gain a ton of golden alliances without losing any more territory than we otherwise would I made one very minor oversight when moving Goro's Army and left them exhausted in in force March in the perfect spot to get ambushed by the scaven fortunately because I'm only 90% stupid the rats had to attack me with their smaller Army while their larger one reinforced still though this battle should be impossible if not for the gigantic humanoid Ghost frog god that can summon dozens of thermonuclear explosions at will this is the edge of the map this is a wall of our units and this is why we're trapping them between them what's worse than being trapped between an Unstoppable force and an immovable object this definitely this this is a lot worse than that I may not be good at like the thinking or the planning or anything like that but when it comes to coming up with a really quick idea for how to win a battle that I should not be able to win I am pretty good I am pretty good at that one thing we killed that first end of game crisis Army which is great but they have at least one more down here and a few more up there so our survival is still far from guaranteed to deal with this Army wait that's two armies the second one was high hiding in Ambush behind the first one whatever we'll just lightning strike it it's fine especially because I prepared my secret weapons Turtles and strapping a big ass plasma gun to the back of this big ass dinosaur these two units are genuinely the only reason that I won this battle the giant gun does an insane amount of damage as you would probably expect it basically deletes any enemy infantry in one shot the turtles on the other hand simply sit there and refuse to die once they curl up into their shells they can get attacked dozens of times by some of the strongest monsters in the game and walk away unscathed want to charge my range units nope Turtles want to not get held in place and disintegrated by croak nope Turtles want your dad to come back from the store after he left to get milk 15 years ago nope that one wasn't the turtles though a T-Rex ate him and now for the third extremely overpowered Army I've started to really refine our complex and intellectually demanding strategy here we use this and this to make them go boom then distract 90% of them with the turtles and use the rest of our lovable band of cold blooded Misfits to simultaneously hit them in the face and bite them in the ass this worked barely we're almost sort of safe to the South now and to the north we set up an ambush with an 80% chance to wait no they spotted our ambushed and ambushed us instead God damn it luckily unlike a normal Army that has all sorts of vulnerable units like cannons guns or whatever the hell these are the dinosaurs don't really give a about being ambushed in this one though the scaven just gave away their position when they were halfway across the Amazon rainforest which would have stopped them from benefiting from the Ambush anyways they sent up some gigantic rats which made a perfect snack for the carnosaurs this is when I made a few minor strategic blunders they have a lot of guns and these guns in particular are 50 cal radioactive snipers now in my overwhelming genius I thought it would be a good idea to have two of the carnosaurs run towards these in the largest open field on the map with perfect sight lines now that I had several less dinosaur to worry about feeding though I had a bit more brain power freed up to actually win this battle see these trees if we go behind them then perhaps we won't all get shot to death because these trees are very dense the rats were forced to charge us and send their sniper rifles into handed dinosaur combat which went about as well as you'd expect in a frankly diabolic maneuver that may or may not get us assassinated by the CIA I confederated these worthless pieces of fed them to the dinosaurs then sold one of their settlements to the baguette in exchange for 3,000 gold and making Luther Harkin a pain in their ass instead of ours one loose end two settlements and three parasaurs later the rancid rodents were on their last legs and we got a good chance to test the parasaurs they sort of just belly flop onto the enemy which although extremely dumb does appear to be effective also cro made rats go boom very satisfying then all we had to do was attack why the hell can't I move I assume it was the overlap of these armies that just prevented me for moving at all but one involuntary vacation to Cath later ah no no I don't want to take a vacation over here again God damn you we were actually able to move again and attack this yes yes we can move now beautiful this Army is becoming a problem we have all sorts of different units that all require different play styles and they are not working well together the skinks want to run away while shooting them in the dick croak the big dinos and the turtles want to make Big Blob go boom and all the other want to flank them in completely different ways that are more or less impossible for my little brain cells to handle simultaneously we did win this battle but it hurt me not just the Army me I sacked the settlement instead of occupying it because apparently the rats spawn all the way over here if we wiped them out fully thankfully I definitely knew that the first time the time of the rats Begins by merging our two armies we were able to make Goro less wretchedly painful to micro but after recruiting everything we could immediately our second Army is effectively 20 random dinosaurs stuffed into a clown car now there may be eight nauseatingly painful armies of rats with various Implements of mass destruction here but they have made one fundamental mistake while they were studying the blade the bomb the gun and the this our dinosaurs dedicated at their literally but not figuratively humongous brains to studying the only thing that matters the Bonk now you're probably thinking brilliant what do you mean studying the Bonk all they do is hit things shut the up the Bonk is a complex art form with many variations for example the solar engine on the back of the kryptono channels pure Bonk energy into a projectile while the stegosaurus harnesses the Bonk to move forward unimpeded some higher level Bonk Masters have even begun attempting aerial Bonks and let's not not forget the Bonk weaver himself his name is Long forgotten but he still remains Lord cron God Master of the Bonk who can generate Bonk shock waves so extreme that they killed him and turned him into a ghost or whatever this is in a Monumental feat of military might we won this battle and used this magical Bonk reversal Crystal to heal our boo boos by tormenting a single scaven into staying on the battlefield so that we could fully heal now at long last we have defeated the oh yeah they still seven more armies about two real hours of pain suffering and meticulous damage avoidance later I have defeated five of their armies the mathematical Geniuses among you may have realized that we have a problem here we're out of movement range on Goro's Army and therefore pretty much screwed but there are two reasons that we might not be completely dead here the first is that the lizard men get an absurd number of extremely overpowered regiments of renown that although they're ludicrously expensive can be recruited instantly these are balanced around normal people with normal brains playing the game normally so you unlock the best ones super late in the game once one of your Lords hits level 30 because I'm mentally unstable enough to fight five endgame armies back to back on turn 20 Goro has already hit Level 30 so for every dinosaur we lost we immediately replaced it with a bigger scarier dinosaur the second reason that we might survive is that our second Army has some movement range left now in theory that's great but this Army doesn't have lightning strike and it has what may be the worst possible Army composition this is bad if I hadn't just fought half a dozen difficult battles Non-Stop and won all of them I might have come up with a plan here or attempted to use my units efficiently I did not do either of those things now to be fair with the regiments of rown replacing several normal units in Goro's Army both of our armies look like they were designed by someone with a the mental capacity of a 5-year-old I mean they were it's more noticeable than normal though thankfully because after this scrol only has two undamaged armies I was able to get away with maximum Bonk minimum thk big Dino Charge big Dino smash rats become very dead some dinos also become very dead when I leave them sitting still and getting shot for 5 minutes straight but let's not focus on that over the end turn our second Army immediately got ambushed and nearly wiped out but our brave glorious Turtle saved the day by getting murdered slowly while the rest of our army retreated this though this is one of the hardest battles I have ever fought I liked the turtles before this battle but this is the hardest carry I have ever seen by a small number of units three normal units of turtles one unit of turtles with 50 cow snipers that we stole from the rats strapped to their backs and two beautiful choke points we parked these here with Goro and the thunderous one while Kon our big Bonk Cannon and a new SE beam engine turned the enemy into every form of matter other than alive I don't know what the SE beam engine is or how it works but I do know that I don't want it pointed at me this is the balance of power once all the rats came into the battlefield and this is it after I nearly got the thunderous one killed due to my greed and stupidity lots of rats small choke point large explosions Brave Turtles 3 and 1/2 minutes after this we won this battle the thunderous one and another stegodon died and I used all of our healing on the shredder of lustria who promptly got shot in the face but this was still an absurdly heroic Victory it took a lot of cleanup but by turn 23 we wiped out Clan pestilence entirely now all that's left is to conquer the entirety of lustria the other rats weren't empowered by the endgame crisis but they were still a gigantic pain in the ass to deal with they kept sneaking up on me and stealing my settlements but I did eventually eradicate them without too many issues from this point I was essentially required to betray my closest allies and steal all of their territory I broke my packs with the French and these but before I dealt with them my Convoy was attacked by several hundred extremely inbred Xenomorphs they're some of the most intimidating units I've ever seen in this game but they folded like wet noodles with a simple rear charge back to lustria we fought a ton of lizard boys and tested out some Pokémon chickens and baby T-Rexes they were all highly effective to the north I finally got the chance to not spend 30 minutes fighting a battle and then both in the North and the South I reached a point where I was absolutely steamrolling pretty much everything but finally it's time to recruit the gigantosaurus Rex I managed to send a convoy to every egg harvesting site and complete several battles to unlock the final battle for This Magnificent beast wow that is literally just the T-Rex from Jurassic Park this big Beautiful Bastard is absolutely glorious it devours everything it encounters extremely quickly 12 out of 10 no notes I just love that someone took a look at the in carnosaur and was like nope nope not big enough not enough damage not strong enough we need a goddamned T-Rex throughout the rest of my reconstruction of lustria there was only one truly worthwhile moment the most diabolical diplomatic scheme in the history of diabolical diplomatic schemes I got 12,000 gold for peace with the Cowardly lizards and also got peace with the esar go enjoyers because these sneaky little shits were trying to avoid my Army and attack my territory behind me under the guise of peace and friendship they returned to their home only to be immediately massacred by my glorious Army of gigantic dinosaurs because our reliability was already completely I also betrayed the lizards only to get another 6K gold from them for another peace treaty which I promptly broke again the fact that we can instantly recruit full armies of overpowered units made Conquering the rest of lustria fairly easy we achieved a long Victory by turn 67 and turned it into a glorious petting zoo with the ingenious name Dinosaur Island Park I have come to present you with the best trade deal in the history of both trading and Deals you click the red rectangle to make the number get bigger and I will stop slowly releasing carbon monoxide into your walls initially this video was going to be Slayer only but someone made a good point that there might be a bunch of Slayer content added in the next DLC as it covers the dwarves also I found this mod a few weeks ago and it's definitely one of my favorites it's made by rocks Roes something like that and common normal time and you can check it out on the Steam Workshop peace out
Channel: BrilliantStupidity
Views: 313,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IOFLpe-Hr7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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