The Hand of the Lord | Rodney Howard-Browne and Benny Hinn | 1992

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah you may be seated I wanted to just be open tonight how many in a hurry to get out of here see I can't close this thing within the next hour and I'll tell you why because God wants to do some things here how many realized the Spirit of God is gonna fall in this place I mean came expecting I mean if you leave before the clothes you've missed it I'm just gonna say that you're gonna miss out what God is gonna do here in this place tonight can you say Amen hallelujah we just finished a three week revival in the city of Anchorage Alaska God's been pouring out his spirit the people came literally over the three-week period by the thousands ministers from outlying areas that was so hungry for God so thirsty and God just lived in a wonderful way I wanted to teach you a song tonight is that Alright if I teach you a song how do you want to hear a song brother Stacey come up here he's joined the ministry and do you know how he got hired he wrote a song and I walked up to him off to the service and said you're hired we're going to teach it to you the pianos right down there in the hole brother this is place where they stick you away hallelujah I know you're gonna enjoy the song yeah he needs a mark missing just you be gonna play the house fun oh there's a sweet unknowing to flowing into this place step into the water and see he will touch you he will change fill you up to overflowing step in and be set free today I said free through his anointing said free shoot his droid I'm set free I maintain my - the one floating growl ah if I sing it with us there's a sweet I don't feel flowing into this place into [Music] he touch you he will change you fill you up to overflow me sappy and be set free today I agree [Music] [Applause] things ev32 his joy I'm sorry I meant [Music] [Applause] close up sleepy to the water flowing down from his throne I'm set free go singing one more time now this place step into the water step 2 he touch you [Music] he will change to Philly love to all the slow me step in be set free today [Music] his door [Music] cause I stepped into the water blow me down from his role I'm sorry [Music] father thank you tonight not one person is gonna leave you the same as they walk in these doors I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost that falls upon each and every person lives will be changed people will be set free higher heights and deeper dips of the glory of God we don't know I thank you for your anointing right now spray the Living God dad welcome to do whatever you want to do in this place we will not stop you in any way shape or fashion wholly spread we are not ashamed of you you can come and do whatever you want to do we will not stop you breathed upon every person in this place if not one life ever be the same for that should be done and be revealed we've given to you right now all the glory the praise in the honor in Jesus wonderful a majestic name and everyone said amen hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus Lord God how many just since his presence here this dear brother wrote that song and I hired him gave him a job I mean like to have a sing a song and then you get hired because he wrote a song and you know I'm gonna watch him I hired him to be my minister music and he plays that song and get so drunk he falls out behind the piano and he lies in the floor but it's so wonderful I want to invite brother Richard to come up here if you would please brother Richard if you come and then my wife if you come too honey please and then pastor Scott if you come I just wanted to share just briefly because you see how me realized when you have people that are healed and you have testimonies it does something to the faith of the people amen and I want you to hear what God is doing Friday night we finished our five hundred and fiftieth service this year we do an average of 55 meetings a month all of our meetings Sunday to Friday two meetings a day and we'll run three to four week revivals and we are beginning to see it started they have an effect now especially on the state of Alaska and North Dakota can you believe it we did a men's retreat day five nearly close to 500 men came fifty pastors they could hit by the power of God and went back to the churches Sunday the whole church was under the power in many different cities and now the Assemblies of God send us a letter to say the whole state of North Dakota is open to us several churches are coming together for citywide Crusades and we just excited because it might take us a little longer because we're not on TV or radio and if that's you know and that's wonderful but we just work every day twice a day six days a week week in week out and going to place and just break it through and God promised this revival we've been going to see that your sponsor Scott said come and share what God did at your church because we were there for weeks we had to move out of the church moving to a tent and tell him what well when Rodney came to the church we were running about three hundred and just a small community now in Stuart Florida and a young church and we're praying for the Holy Ghost you know you're all praying for the Holy Ghost right praying for revival and I've been in the ministry for twenty years and I've seen different moves of God but as we were praying and as Rodney came he said we're gonna have two services a day and I told him I said man maybe Saturday morning we'll get people out but during the weekday I mean this is Florida and you just won't be able to get people out at night I thought we'd have a good crowd Sunday night and Wednesday night but people are hungry for the move of God and they're hungry for the Holy Ghost and they're hungry for a revival and we just saw a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Ghost and we went that first week and by the end of that week we were running about 500 in the evening services and we were running about 300 in the day people were taking vacation time and our services were last in three four or five hours and the power God was so strong that I mean I would at 11:30 12:00 o'clock at night be carrying people to their cars because they were so drunk in the spirit they were unable to walk and I mean not just a few but a lot of people and we went to the second week the third week and the crowd just grew and grew and grew now it's it's been a couple a couple months now yeah yeah two months the churches doubled in size we've just seen tremendous things happening the the wind of the Lord and you're gonna see that you're gonna see that tonight but laughter came we had one lady in the church who said she hadn't laughed for 20 years and she had suffered from depression and had been institutionalized many times because of it and the laughter the holy laughter hit so hard but we still in our services we have times where a win will just come through the place and we'll see you know 5200 people just go out in the Holy Ghost but laughing uncontrollably just the power of God hitting them and moving it's wonderful what God is doing and we're just excited to be in the flowing to see what he's doing I love these young if people don't realize this I think well that'll be a drain on the church an extra fact every church this year that we've had there a Bible the income has gone up some churches the incomes doubled and tripled because I'll tell you what there's something about as you go just in the length and building into the people something breaks through remember there's old-time revivals used to run 1014 weeks we've gone away from that and I want to get back to that and the longest we've gone is four weeks right now but we fixin to break some things through in the new year and I'm believing God is gonna hit a whole city just a whole city just the glory of God's gonna come and eat a whole city we want to see revival like Charles Finney so like John Wesley so like Jonathan Edwards so like Peter Cartwright so that's what America needs a holiday revival hallelujah thank you Pastor a sir lovely brother Richard and his wife a traveling day they have their own ministry now the link to us and he travel with us for about seven or eight months and would help listen anything that he could do and you know just was so hungry for God just so thirsty so thirsty for God and he'd come to me and said you know I want God to touch me I said we'll get hungry said I am hungry I said get hungry I said I am hungry and one day was January of 1990 and one of the services the power God hit him and he's never been the same again brother just shaped briefly with the funk what God did for you because it's wonderful ah hey was he an um let's see I was uh well what happened was the well that all went to we was in January and wait or I or we but no I was um sitting in there sitting in the front and [Music] yes as I oh man [Applause] as as the um uh-huh anointed yeah it's up fell yeah and it's uh fellow fans dankest yeah hence mister comes in and the performance declared and I just come branch there's a fancy yeah but when I come from Bombay state the future far ahead and Akasaka Marathi she come from Petaluma koumori and the fire compromise yeah and the fire concludes and a common stains darkest and I just don't belong banks but hey I just like now you say this view people don't understand what's happening this brother but this is not an X the Holy Ghost fell on him that's what he's trying to tell you in January of 1990 s never lifted off him he launched sounded his own ministry the same things are happening everywhere he does now God's given us a vision to see a hundred Avengers raised up across America they're going to move in the signs of wonders in the supernatural if you didn't realize this this is a sign and a wonder right now this man's not able to speak in English and he can speak in tongues that's about all but the Holy Ghost is all over him this is not something made up this is something real somebody said well I've never seen it before well I've got news for you there's a lot of things you've never seen before hello would you see when God comes into place there's something's going to happen this is not made up this is not real God touch this man in 1970 1990 our big apartment and he's never been the same again and God's using them in a wonderful way they have been revival up the New England states and going all over we proud of him we've started about what God's doing in their ministry I don't know if he's able to say anything else but huh somebody needs to help him down off the platform if you would [Music] [Applause] now you might not understand that and I'll just be very careful about even criticizing their which you don't understand we've had as many as 13 different people every one of them struck done by the holy ghost some of the preachers we've had preachers that have criticized the move of God the week after we left they fell out behind the podium see what's happening in these biddies is more than just laughter it's more than just joy it's an outpouring of the glory of God can you say amen hallelujah and there's gonna come even a greater visitation of the glory of God to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days and you're gonna see God's power is gonna hit whole counties are going to be saturated with the glory of God hope Pope cowntess come here sit upon God touch my wife in a wonderful way in the meetings and I wanted just to say briefly with you what happened to her because this is Austin what's happened in these meetings has changed our whole life at home ministry a whole family will never be the same again because of the Holy Ghost what happened to you babe whenever my wife started to get drunk in the Holy Ghost I never had a problem ever again ever again [Applause] sweet or just be brief quickly and just tell him what God's doing she never normally has a problem speaking listen folks whenever woman cannot speak that's a sign and a wonder [Applause] [Music] please baby well you know we didn't um we didn't start out in the ministry having people laughing and acting crazy and silly and we just had a normal ministry once upon a time back we we would go around in ministering and people flosser get touched and we had people healed and and but you know suddenly the Lord really just put it almost a dissatisfaction in our heart and we knew there was more we knew there was more but just felt like this more God there's more and the desire of our heart was to see people changed really changed because we would come we would go to church minister for a few days leave come back a few months later or a few years later and the people were still the same in the same position just the same just the same note no real change and we just got really tired of having meeting this way people got excited for a week and then went back to normal we wanted to see people changed eternally and when we started getting hungry forgot to change us and you know just it just seemed like that as we got hungry for it God just poured out his anointing and we started just seeing wonderful things happen we start seeing still it's very hard when you get under the NOI name Todd - to make sense I hope I'm making sense over here right now but we started seeing people just get touched by the Holy Ghost and you know I want to say to you for from me I came out of a very charismatic church I got saved in that church and I've seen many things happen Church just like this who people get excited and lift the hands and and Donson and it was wonderful and people get touched by the Lord by the anointing and weep and I was yeah quite that was fine I had no problem with people getting excited but you know when the Lord started touching people and then within joy the Lord has started bubbling out and they began to laugh that to me was very strange and I initially thought maybe it was just a few extroverted people and I'm not an extrovert in that way not in church I'm very quiet and I'm very you know I mean I've been working on I've been working on being really dignified like a lot of you out there I can see you really working heaven and and to God I thought yeah there is no way in the world that I was going to end up like those people rolling on the floor laughing hysterically acting what in the National looked crazy and you know but over the months as I began to see the Lord really touch and changed people and I started seeing the Lord touch people that were quiet people the quietest people in the church the reserved ones I started realizing that the Lord wanted to touch everybody this way and I really started getting hungry for a touch of the Lord and about eight months into the meetings we were in a church in Pennsylvania and [Music] one one part of me really wanted to get that joy of the Lord [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] this is fun [Applause] you know I was really hungry for a touch from the Lord but I was I was a little bit afraid to end up like that and you know my biggest problem was that I'd always trying to analyze it and figure it out and think about it and you know the week that I said to the Lord well don't worry about it this week Lord you know I'm not gonna get it this week Lord yo that was the week that the Lord really touched me and and in those meetings in Pennsylvania it just began bubbling just out of my belly now the Bible says out of your belly will flow rivers of living water and as I as I began to think about it I just heard the voice of the Lord said to me don't think about it just allow me to do it just let me do it and so as I as I quit trying to figure it out and trying to tell God how to do it that joy just bubbled out of my belly and you know I was like an empty cup that needed to be filled up and it's just being pulling up and pulling up and filling up over the last two years I just want to say this that it's not about just an outward manifestation you know we have active manifestations of what God's doing on the inside of us speaking in tongues is an aberrant manifestation of the presence of the Holy Ghost within us and so when you see people laughing and the joys just overflowing or weeping or whatever it is that he's only an output manifestation of the change and what God is doing on the inside and changing and healing and restoring God's in the healing restoring making whole business and if you'll just let him tonight if you open you if you'll open your heart not tell him how to do it not expect anything but just a touch from the Lord and let him change you he'll change you and and he'll fill you up tonight amen Thank You Barry hallelujah now you must understand something that all of our meetings what happens is by the third or fourth night I I cannot even preach because of the noise so I'm used to this so if I talk through the noise don't get upset because I'm used to it I feel like I'm at home once you open your Bibles now I'm not going to preach long about three hours or so but we'll be sure I'm not going to preach this long I wanted to lay a foundation there we're gonna pray God's town's gonna hit this place second Kings chapter 3 and verse 15 thank you brother Stacey bless your heart are you are you all right there he's already getting here and now bring me a minstrel and it came to pass that the hand of the Lord came upon him the hand of the Lord came upon him I want you to notice that under the Old Covenant every reference to the hand of the Lord coming upon an individual was in reference to the Holy Ghost or the anointing of God coming upon a person we find that under the Old Covenant God only anointed three groups of people you know anointed the prophesy and ordered the priests and he anointed the kings when the Holy Ghost would come upon people there were these supernatural things Elisha outran a chariot of horses you can imagine that who's that man running down the main highway oh he's the prophet in town for meetings Samson took the jawbone of his mother-in-law and killed a thousand of the enemies oh I'm sorry a donkey and killed a thousand of the enemy whenever the Holy Ghost comes on you you'll do supernatural things we've seen his equal 8 in verse 1 it came to pass in the sixth year in the sixth month in the fifth day the month as I said in my house and the oldest of Judah set before me that their hand of the Lord fell there upon me Ezekiel 33 verse 22 now the hand of the Lord was upon me in the evening a fourth and he that was his head came and it opened my mouth until he came to me in the morning and my mouth was open and I was no more dumb here we see it couldn't even speak he was struck dumb someone said this business of being struck dumb is that God yes Zacharias was struck dumb for nine months God's got many things that he wants to do in the church are you listening to me Ezekiel 37 verse 1 the hand of the Lord was upon me he carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and sit me down in the midst of the valley which was full of dry bones I feel like that regularly when I get into a church on a Sunday morning that he's carried me into the valley of dry bones you can look over the congregation you can see the lights are on but nobody's home you could see some wind away on Tom sharing and never came back you can see some of them are just a hamburger short of a happy meal [Applause] but it takes a few services with the Holy Ghost is moving to get les flics back on those bones to breathe life back into them you might ask yourself a question can these bones live again I've got news for you yes when the hand of God comes on you you'll live again you not only live again but life will flow through you to others is equal 40 and verse 1 in the five and twentieth year of our captivity in the beginning of the year in the tenth there the month in the fourteenth year after the city was written in the self same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me thither that's a good place to go didja I wanted you now somebody said well I'm not just sure about these signs and wonders see we've limited the Holy Ghost really when you think about it but God wants to move in different and diverse ways I thank God for the Ministry of brother Benny Hinn healing the sick but you know there's a lot of Christians that are not sick but they're sick inside their heart sick hello they've never had any joy one lady come to us she said she said you know I lost half the joy a night back in 1946 I lost loft in 46 I said what happened to you ladies she said I've got married in 46 [Applause] that's a long time friends hello that's a long time but if you begin to study revivals of old you'll begin to see that there were different and diverse manifestations of the Spirit of God how many of you ever heard of Maria wasn't it amazing here alright now let me educate some of you because you haven't heard of her Maria was a there was a powerful woman of God that was used pre-1920 here in America with signs and wonders you can get a book it's alcohol signs and wonders one night in st. Louis Missouri he was preaching as she raised her hand to illustrate a point and when she did she froze and stood frozen for three days people within a hundred-mile radius fell under the power of God's the st. Louis Missouri newspaper wrote it up and said it was it was awesome the clouds they said over 120,000 came through the doors to come and see this woman transfixed in a trance on the third night she continued to preach as though nothing had ever happened she didn't know three nights three days it transpired she didn't know she continued the very word the very sinden said she left off what happened the hand of the Lord fell on her the hand of the Lord fell upon Maria was a dinner as she stepped from time into the eternity and from time to time in this day in this hour the hand of God will fall upon us and we will step from time into eternity we will be caught up into the realm beyond we will be caught up into the glory of God and God is calling the church into a deeper round of the supernatural and all this will be signs of others such as never we've seen before which will come under the church in this day in this hour Oh Melina Menengah introduced her alibi e le monde de la vie de ella monk Oh Rita Jo are Minaya Menon or a parson ella ella beer ADEA ah hey ah ma now many have stepped on the outside and many have just observed and many have thought they had the spirit but they didn't many thought they moved in the supernatural but they didn't but though they prayed charismatic games and stayed on the outside but these are these are these are these are army of men and women that are rising up in this day in this hour they'll not sit on the outside but they're gonna endure to the realm of the supernatural but this coming a move of the Spirit of God such has never been seen before from the book of Acts until now and it will overshadow all that even the Apostles and even the prophets of old for the prophets of old would have given anything to develop in this day in this time that human are living in but oh we are the generation that will close things out Jesus back and so he said the glory of the latter house shall be greater than than the former house and so we are off there let a house I rise this night allow not the things of the net so or your religious reasoning or that which man would say to block you from entering into the realm of glory that I have for you save the Lord for it's in that place there is rejoicing what's in that place there's peace for evermore for it's in their place oh yes Mangala Jenga every time a Harper normal in in areeda a high mandala haha call em a gay in a Maori in Renaldo era D say ah ha ha ha Oh Rafi a menara majora dear some of you think you died and went to heaven oh yes you step out of the net so you step out of time and you step into the realm of God come over come over come over into the realm of God come over beyond the realm of reasoning beyond the realm of your 5 senses and step over into the realm of God and great shall be rejoicing upon your life this is not new John Wesley that great mrs. preacher was preaching one not a lady pitched forward right at the seat and fell on her face everybody's thought is it God what's going on here whiskey calls for three doctors they didn't know what was happening the doctors examiner couldn't find anything wrong with it then the hypnotist came along said can I try they said yes he tried is he come up he said mr. Wesley I don't know what this is she's under some kind of a spell but it's not what I'm used to is some other kind of this felt so she just laid the everybody said is it God is it the devil whiskey said I don't know we'll just sit down and he went in sat down for about 45 minutes she beginner stood get up hallelujah glory God she said when she said it's God it's God it's not it's God this is EV since like an old Methodist hello not trying to work out what God's dealing with our minds we can name it Charles Finney they're great men of God having you heard of Charles Finney our radiused memoirs he was preaching fifteen minutes into the message he said like a shimmering light was across the heads of the people now we have people begin to laugh while I'm preaching they start laughing for no rhyme or reason just start laughing uncontrollably but he had people just wail I thank God for the laughter I've heard people well they were whaling so Finney looked at the men they're boarding because the man was sitting on the front row like this when he said him pray man bowed his head started to pray so finished shouted above the noise of the crowd be quiet you're not in Hell yet but they didn't stop people they continued and continued so if any couldn't do anything now this is in his own words in his memoirs he went over to a fireplace Stuckey's hidden it was the open fireplace put a handkerchief of his head he was laughing uncontrollably he couldn't stop it in those days you did not show emotion in public George Whitefield the man who was a car laborer with John Wesley he was preaching in Boston Massachusetts and that have giant open-air meetings people would climb up and sit in the trees there must have been of the descendants of Zacchaeus and Whitfield got up and sit down sit in the trees don't sit in the trees when I preach you for some came down some didn't you while he was preaching you heard thud thud thud God touch they feel like dead birds out of a tree this has been happening for years Peter Cartwright old time with Methodist preacher six-foot-four he wore cowboy boots and he would preach as a circuit riding preacher through the mountains of Kentucky over Tennessee you know Missourian going out it would stop in towns and have meetings as old revivalists he was a big man if people argued with him he just took them outside the back of the church and minister to them with the fire for ministry and they would come right back in again no problem right in the middle of his message say excuse me hew I'll meet you out back just God then come back in carry on preaching what a man he wants he stopped in this one town and there was a dance and the Lord said he would go to the dance he said lord I don't dance the Lord said I know that go he's got to the dance he walked in there and the young lady saw that he was new in town she walked up and said you wouldn't believe there was so Ford in those days but she walked and said would you like to dance he said he was about to say I don't dance when the Lord said him yes so he said oh I see walk down the middle before he took her hands her wrist and shouted I don't do anything but that I first pray and he knelt in front of this woman and prayed out loud my god saved this bunch of heathens and the hood that sense that snuck left the whole place I mean the power of God and the head of revival can you say me now we've seen in the meeting some unusual manifestations as the hand of God comes from people people come to missus well that's the devil I said you don't know God if you think that's the devil you have more faith in the devil's ability to come in through a hole in those service and defense I've got more faith in Almighty God the Creator of heaven and earth can be same it the only Devils that might be are leaving we see people literally stuck in the seats one man was stuck in his seat to the side like this for four hours after Sunday service NASA's win if said you're gonna go home he said I can't turn did the seat people sits the device it knows God God's getting a hold of him sort of tosses was struck blind on the road to Damascus for three days who is that the devil of God it was the holy ghost dear friends and we're about to see a move of the Spirit of God come to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ where the power of God is going to be in demonstration and I'm telling you it's gonna get everybody's attention there people that are going to mock the move of God they can afford it right in their pews mock did some ministers right now I tell you I'm waiting for them mocking the supernatural mocking the move of God you know what we are not gonna back down off the supernatural because of some lame-brained non charismatic people that don't want to believe in the power of the Holy Ghost let me tell you the Holy does is still the Holy Ghost and he's gonna move with signs and wonders and the supernatural and no man is gonna stop the power of a mighty God in the earth in this day in this hour we are not gonna stop I don't care how many it's this is the are and flights they are we're gonna run full steam ahead with the move of God bless God until every city in America is just covered with the glory of God and with signs and wonders and the supernatural can you say Amen I've got ahold of some books and stuff because you know I could worry people said well where's this happening they said in your meetings it's total chaos they do because what happens is I mean this is a quiet evening here tonight it really is if I didn't know it I think maybe I'm unsaved or something this very quiet reserved service here tonight but normally it's like that in their section the whole price and people come along and say well there's no order in this service well what or did you want the order the graveyard we have dumb can you get and still breathe to ask for a revival and then want to quiet to the Bible rather or did this is never quiet survivor do we don't have to get excited this is never quiet revival you mean one that nobody hears about I'm sick of did services I'm sick of dig meetings I'm sick of quiet survival this God he would have polio survival we'll be noised abroad can you say me [Applause] some people don't realize but that's the Holy Ghost falling over there what's happening is very holy it is not a game it is the Holy Ghost and if you reverence him he'll come even stronger here tonight if you get your little charismatic minds switched off and up in your heart you'll come and touch you right in your seat this is not a movement man but a mover the Spirit of God it just started happening three and a half years ago and I had to change my ministry I didn't praise the Lord we tired about services let some wild things happen in the meetings Lord we love criticism then come I will not swap what's happening here for anything in the world if it means we kids out of some churches if it means we kicked out of some places then let it be so because we want the move of the Holy Ghost can you say Amen don't stop it over there let it flow some of you are stopping it this if that doesn't we hand over that don't stop it little flock maybe we'll hit some of the cold people around you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's wonderful you said brother Rodney you want me like that why not it's better than what I'm seeing from here people have come to me sit better on me why do people laugh in the services I mean that's a valid question I have to look at them say look obviously your mother never told you people laugh because they're happy they come to me brother Rodney why did they fool down in the meetings I have to look at them so I look obviously your mother never told people fall down because they can't stand anymore I mean these are simple things I wish we had a week here so we could carry some of these people out bring them over yup stand over here stand right over here stand right over here come stand over here close your eyes lift your hands as you do the power dog closing you filled filled taking ladies yours more MORE Isis help give me some answers that can catch dump in a hurry don't be in a hurry do not be in a hurry standard the anointing stay under the anointing we must never be in a hurry when the Holy Ghost is moving God is touching people God is touching people this lady's drunk on the new Juana though tell me a brother come here I know you just joined it the church stand right over here close your eyes lift your hands as you do the power of God comes on you so in jesus name Philip bring that name down they were the spectacle come here sir quickly bring him down here quickly I prayed God give some of the skeptics get them Lord get him bring him down here too not they're gonna carry people out of this place bring them over here tonight they're gonna carry people out of here bring that man over yup stand him over yo what's happening failed in Jesus name top of your head to the soles of your feet give him a triple dose Lord given a double dose hallelujah Lord of God they've done don't beat nobody I've leaving big listen you two stop talking over you go get him silk silk on top of your head to the soles your feet don't be in a hurry come here that lady with your hand on your face quickly come here no the ones here the red in the pink yes quickly I'm gonna get this cameraman next I'm gonna get the cameraman lift your hands sir then Jesus name from the top of your head to the soles your feet will carry them out of here some of these people haven't had some new one listen I'm a Holy Ghost bartender their stock will be so stuck up into Rin intervene come here dear sir Pal gods all of you come senior sip run against the platform so jaws lift your hands as you did the power of God comes on you baba brother drunk drunk from the Holy Ghost drunken are only girls trade ministry worker Twila come here Twila you'll be alright standard the anointing remember sometimes people have visions and dreams that God speaks to people I haven't even started preaching tomorrow anyway we're gonna go with this lift your hands close your eyes don't look so serious filled here it is 30s there this Baba lady baba lady bill the longer you fight it the harder you gonna get it don't find it standard analytic standard editor it's down to that a notes a standard that in our team sounded that an OT sounded that anointing haha hallelujah bring bring those two then bring those to you people done Watts intervene I'm telling you you're missing out what's happening filled in Jesus name get him won't sticking me all night just stick him to the floor I'm gonna get some of these other people back in they already got same Oh Lord with the holy dog that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it - the ball - the ball - the ball jumped on the new line jump on the new line jumped on the new line let God touch it [Music] smile back in the music box they sleeping they sleep [Music] [Applause] we were sorry and gentlemen bring that lady up what's happening sir [Music] huh it's good isn't it huh bring this brother up here come here I want to talk to you [Music] [Music] what's happening huh [Applause] it's real is it [Applause] [Applause] lift your hand sister lift your hands lift and put your hands in there [Applause] filled with official Morgan now I lose that anointing on you right now come here dear lady come here come here sister Linda yeah be careful be careful gentleman sir with a new word of the Holy Ghost tell me again sister if I've got full of you same name quickly the Holy Ghost Lord just fill our fresh with new wine drunk on the new one you know what the ladies receive easier to sum in they - come here brother you stand right over here close your eyes lift your hands as you do the power of God falls in you hit him Lord Jim people don't take this lightly you might not understand what's happening here please listen the Holy Spirit is moving on people this is a wonderful touch coming to some of these people don't take it lightly please God can touch you right in your seat come to your lady with your hands raised step and I'll stand right over there send light over there close your eyes lift your hands as you do fell in Jesus name for the Lord Phillip Phillip this brother come stand right you lift your hands filled in Jesus name threats on the new line truck on the new line jumped on the new line hopeful anyway come here sir don't you tell me man get up quickly standing are standing now set it down lift your hands lift and fill thank you Jesus you can drink of the new one you can drinker than you are it's the Holy Ghost it's the Holy Ghost now listen folks these are not drunk as you suppose these are not done brother brother brother Lord is getting away get him get him again Lord he's getting away yeah yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've done the half people can sit there with a straight face I am amazed this Sutra the straight face [Applause] [Applause] don't say no hit him [Music] [Applause] [Applause] grunts of the new line Jacqueline bring their man back come here bring him back here bring that man back bring them back you know who told me you were through Tamia who told him he was finished come here [Applause] who told you it's true sir [Applause] see come here brother come here [Applause] stay locked in lift your hands fill in Jesus dying get him Lord get it sister dunks on his stake you have another does have another dose I'm telling you something intimate Safari you need to stand in the anointing too much of a hurry don't get in a hurry let the Lord have his right let God do what he wants to do come here this couple quickly yes quickly stand on over here close yours filled in Jesus name that's it bye my brother bye-bye brother bye-bye brother drunk on the new one welcome anyone Pastor David come here I was really meeting the other pastor daily that's a lot give it to me anyway though that's the David come stand over here Isis quickly Isis come over here bring him here [Music] so get him or get him get him get it get it get it drunk drunk on the new wine be careful don't run on this lady don't roll on that lady no no you burning them another lady there will get Jesus now come here brother what's happening tell me quickly what's happening to you come here something's happening isn't huh something is happening listen here listen here this man told me that he was so hungry for God do you know that before the service he told me so hungry for God and God is touching him there look at him well it'll never be the same again people if you want God to touch you you must get hungry if you if you just treat this lightly you know what you actually pushing away the Holy Spirit don't ever push him away these people do not feel embarrassed one little bit they're drunk on the new one tell me their black brother they quickly come here you sir you yeah yes come here quickly quickly quickly brother quickly pick him up and drag him down yep this is wonderful if you never had a dose of it you don't want to miss it what's happening so I wish you'd all just enter in I wish it all just in there in I wish you with all this including the cameraman I wish it all just entering tell me there brother stand right over here I believe is gonna hit that whole place all those kids do know how many kids we've seen drunk on the new one when they taste a new one of the Holy Ghost a one one drugs are for little kids carried out front do this there it is it is there it is there it is [Applause] get in Lord now brother lit the joint bubble out of your own belly you never like this ha ha ha oh ho ho he don't need that bubble someone said but you put your foot on him why did you do it I didn't feel like bending down putting my hand on it is there anything wrong with that yeah tell me about I want to talk to you here's some volume you be careful mom the body's come up stand up here yeah what is happening to you what's happening that's wonderful it's real it's real it's real brother Kim come tell them whatever do their once I'm in the hotel come when you get stuck come here quickly [Applause] come here quickly come tell him what happened to you cuz God touched you come in and then when you got home come here I want people to hear if they hear what happened here they might jump in because people love you what happens you [Applause] and then what happened my that's wonderful Ken anything else you want to say [Music] I was [Applause] I stronger mouth [Applause] [Music] go ahead this change from your heart to see from be hard what God's doing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whatever god is good this is real if we had enough time I pray for all the skeptics yep what's happening to you brother David that's wonderful what's happening to you brother that's also amazing now you say what is happening God is moving by his spirit moving all over the signs and wonders when god news Oh Lord me Oh God is living come here dear brother come tell us what what is what's the Lord in for you come here good thing [Applause] it's real isn't it this is not made up it's wonderful have another does have another does have another gun have another go have another dollar have another dose [Music] filled to overflowing take that take it take it take it take it take it take it bring that man out here quit freaking me out yes come here come here quickly quickly quickly come here this is not as sharp people please this is known as show what's happening to you sir what's happening this is real double dose that's it that's it that's it yes more more more more more no no no no never the same again never the same again never the same again tell me brother I want to hear from you what God's doing come here come tell us come stand over here what's happening for you I'm seeing things see anything you see one face you saw Jesus Fang earlier I still see it it's wonderful you will never be the same from this not on that which you've desired is your portion this night for with a hungry heart depression and you touched the master and he touched you hallelujah hallelujah Kaneesha with your hand on your face yes God's powers all over you come stand right here stay right there because yours you've also hugged it and you've cried out for me save the Lord and this night I do touch you a fresh sound in Jesus name oh there's such a wonderful presence of the Lord yeah this ha ha it's the glory of God the glory of God holy and ellebra we get abasa come here the lady with the black and the white chicken jacket come here quickly the power of God's all on you you're so hungry you said Oh God touched me to lift your hands receive a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost in Jesus mighty name hallelu if you knew what was available to you you jump in the flood if you knew what was available to you you jump in the flood if you knew what was available to you you jump in the flow they rape a at dynamic who's so for Camille your sister quickly are you related to that person huh oh that's your husband lift your hands as you do the glory of God comes on you now in Jesus name there it is there this thing is here it is take it take it don't fight it Phil Lord fill it up with your Jordan fill it up with their fresh oil the do wine it's the new wine it's the new wine it's the new ID it's the new one lives have been changed yet they're not you'll never be the same again you'll never be the same again Phil Phil in Jesus name filled in Jesus name filled in Jesus name fill this whole role Oh get him again Lord get him here fill the fish cups served in the fish cuts into him entering into him to the things of God intervene entering entering into him come here lady quickly stand right over here close y'all lift your hands as you did the power of God comes in here come here you too quickly get on us quickly quickly quickly quickly Isis will you close your eyes fill in Jesus name from top of your head to the soles your feet Lord touch them with a fresh anointing a fresh touch give them all drunk have another dust brother have another dose have another dose you're not finished don't be in a hurry do not be in a hurry do not be in a hurry huh yeah come here dear brother and sister have dogs all over you sister come here both of you I don't know who you are I don't know where you're from but this night God touches your fridge and the supernatural will be going to be made manifest for you've cried out to the Lord even this snot there it is there it is there it is there it is in Jesus name I loose oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh man yeah man gay me neither me neither no no review aha more more more more more more more MORE no I said more I said more I said more I said more I said more come Rondo air a DJ on a Lundell river dee chay-ara no sukiya pie safe tena mekka channey maintain mangalasutra david oh yeah man man don't don't your idea step over yonder in an identity animal security esta nama actor Adela vSTEP ha ha ha brutal Ximena faced appear under this the pole for the a cappella Amerada esta come here dear brother yes I love this man saying why they closed yawns Oh fell from the top of your head to the soles your feet don't pick him up hey Phil both of you [Music] [Applause] do not pick him up don't pick anybody up even if they're big you do not pick them up even if they pay you $100 do not pick anybody up leave them under the yellow tape this lady with a badge on on the objective sipping the ha this lady yeah choice lift your hands Joyce Phil from the top of your head to the soles your feet with the anointing Oh people you can all have God touch you you can all have God touch you some people are weeping some people are laughing [Music] the power blocks falling all in the section right there all in the section right now all in the system right now just to see Oh [Music] CK ba ba ba ba ba ba pop elevate handle every knee bar as sue boy I don't know what God's doing but he's doing something huh me you are not I don't but have another dose first fresh oil of the Holy Ghost it's a new day a new day yesterday is gone it's a day of new beginnings for your life and for your ministry new beginnings and I will do more in the next couple of years then all of the other years put together for I am the Lord and I change not fish fresh fresh touch of the Holy Ghost if you would just get hungry in prison he would touch you he will touch I don't want to see anybody not touched press in press even don't cut it off fill the other fluid filled to overflowing fill them all Lord Phillimore have another dose I said have another dose field over here filled in Jesus name fill [Laughter] so cool Lord don't kill him just listen have another dose Phil Phil take it as yours I said Phil [Music] [Music] failed fresh oil in Jesus name let's Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil's taking his yours Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil hey brother have another does you do have another dose [Applause] [Music] filling Lord [Applause] [Music] lift the hands bosoms [Music] filled in Jesus name more don't stir better than takers yours more the harder you find it the harder you'll get it the harder you find don't know you'll be drunk for two days sounds Jesus name come in sister step right here now stay right there close your eyes filled with fish oil films get him Lord get him get him get him get him Lord trunk drunk drunk drunk on the new wine drunk on the new world run from the new wine Lord don't kill him just listen have another dose you see the Lord told me to get people drunk you can get drunk if you drink one drink the only way to get drunk is to keep drinking so keep drinking brother David have another dose have another - have another dollar [Music] have another dose Joyce there have been a hurry we intimate over hurry to get out of the glory under the annuity the longer you come here baby come here chemistry the bottom here can we are brave in you come baby come stand like it closed you asked to Jesus lift their hands to Jesus Jesus touch her fill it right now with your jaw there it is baby there it is there it is there it is there it is that's it baby that's it let that bubble up your belly let that bubble out your belly cells in Jesus name take that take that take that take that take that bubble with that bubble extra Billy you left like this ha ha ha hey give me a hug before you go thank you Jesus who does she belong to come here you've got into trouble now for you because of your daughter huh you were sitting in the bathroom that she wanted to come forward lift your hands first yawns so Jesus touched the granny Lourdes [Music] [Music] come stand here now don't come up until I call you stand here together are you a family concern you together close your eyes your husband's in the balcony where's the husband with the husband with the husband wizzy come here sir [Music] quickly brother where is it sister come back up what's happening have another dose what's happening yeah the what yeah yes don't stand all over yet together with your family you love Jesus huh whatever no comment close yawns I'm gonna pray for you what I pray that you touch this whole family in Jesus name not by might nor by power but by your spirit in the name of Jesus there it is right now I'll loose that's it right now that's it right now that's it right now I'll loose take that take that take that take that take that right now in Jesus name it does a break every chain I loose the anointing of the Holy Ghost on these kids right now in Jesus name touch this family let them never be the same again when he gets up somebody needs to counsel with him because I think God's gonna work him over now amen [Applause] people there's so much there's so much if you think let me say this if you think this is all or how you're missing out how you are missing out there's so much [Music] okay somebody needs to just counsel with a please tell me sir bring your wife back with you again quit it blots doing something it's the supernatural they're gonna thank you for that tax never the same again more Lord more more more more more more MORE it's a fire of God come on in right now the fire the Holy Ghost kind of come on debris undo clueless there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is more no no no no it is burned deep within his heart they the burn they had burned deep within his being in Jesus name oh yes it goes it goes everything of the past it goes if we hindrance ghosts Monday radius to KO la base Libya in Jesus name thank you Jesus Jesus net now how many know God touched it or not how many want God to touch it enough everybody stand right throughout this place quickly Stan can we play that there's a sweet anointing quickly what key you amazing what is amazing like I'm seeing some people here who are so conservative this man right down here this is a pharmacist he is always so serious people this is real and I don't know anybody with this kind of ministry but this young man here nothing you have to lift your hands and thank God for anointing flowing into [Music] this place step into the water step into the water and see he will touch you he will touch you he will change you fill you up to overflowing step in and we say free I said please please ignore 2003 ruin his No selfie [Music] step into the water due to the war slowly is wrong I've see free love the state one more time now oh there's a sweet I know flowing into this place step into the water step [Music] he will touch you me we will change he was overflowing Stephie and b73 and free to eat annoyed [Music] through his 14 safe return his eyes insane cause I stepped in to the water going down from this road I'm set free the same now I want you to close your eyes and lift your hands to heaven the power of God's gonna hit this place some of you gonna feel it right in your seats somebody's gonna feel like a heat electricity but oil a fire there right through like a wind it's the Holy Ghost receive it don't worry if you weeping that's fine weepings of God some people will get laugh and get drunk in the Holy Ghost that's fine they didn't touch you Lord you told me you said son give me an opportunity to move and I'll move let your power come and fall upon your people now in Jesus name it is it is it is fill fill fill with fresh oil in Jesus name it's falling people all over the place right now the power of God is falling right now all over the building all over the building all over the building all over the building in Jesus name received that perceive them receive them fresh anointed fresh annoying [Music] yes thank you Jesus yes is falling all over the place all over the place get your eyes off men get your eyes on Jesus get your eyes on Jesus get your eyes on Jesus he fills he fills Oh [Music] oh yes televisions mum various technologies I just feel an anointing to pray for people in the ministry quickly if you in the ministry in the full-time ministry get out of here get out as you see it and get up here quickly you must be in the full time lever leave it leave it please leave it brother please should be alright citron against the platform I'm gonna pray that there comes a special anointing and there comes an increase in the supernatural not not just with healings and miracles but with signs of wonders quickly I need some helpers I want a person beyond every person [Music] I need a man behind every person standing here [Music] lord I thank you not by might nor by power but by your spirit quickly all the oceans come quickly all the answers yes yes from the top of your head to the soles your feet an increase comes even this day yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah more more more more MORE and Jesus name that's it right now in the name of Jesus right now Jesus right now in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus an increase in Jesus name we see that right now there it is and increase hahahaha yes yes yes yes yes in Jesus name I thank you for thy anointing in the name of Jesus receive that annoy to receive that in order to receive that anointing right now received at anointed you got to take it you got to be hard before your self God come fill me now in sin system I loose I lose I lose that anointing there it is at least that anointing unleash that anointing right now in Jesus name in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I loose touch [Music] films on top of your head into the souls your feet in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus our cause for people in the ministry I hope these are people in the ministry if you're not I'm not responsible for what happens to you in Jesus name let's see them receive them Jesus name take it sister source name priest now in Jesus name in the name of Jesus I loosed an audience now people change [Music] I'm safe religion or tannoy I changed by the slipped into the water [Music] water flowing down from his throne I said through eyes the longer the same there's a sweet [Music] this system of inspection Jesus name are you up to step up residence elf we said come on get up ha - his annoy - come on up a lot of it they're coming increase of doggies back you low in the name of Jesus right now 'glitch it's a daughter Lucy [Music] [Music] lord I thank you for your nor either falls apart now in Jesus name I thank you for an increase 1993 will be the best the fire for me now in Jesus name that's it right now that's it right now that's about now in Jesus name yes yes yes yes filmed and saturated there it is there it is there this Buddhist we see that right now receive it but never see them right now more more more more more that will tell it no we're gonna take it it's yours in Jesus name I'll loose that anointing I'll loose that anointing I lose that anointing of the Holy Ghost is yours take is yours more more more MORE [Music] in season the water flows she's got to love you I take it it's yours [Music] I'll tell you something you're missing it because you you waiting for man to touch it gods yeah he's touching enter in enter in in German what's up once I pray for you you can go back once we pray for you can go back you can make room for the others [Music] if you want the presence of gods you've got a hangar for you got a fist for it Lord at the fire of God falling this whole group now in Jesus name take it close your eyes and receive it receive it dump in a hurry don't be an army just to see them lady have God's all over you five gods all over you take it take it down take it down [Music] there's a sweet lord flowing into this place step into the water and see Kamisha he he will change you buildings easily overflow away we get it get it get it get it off him fill him up fill him up [Music] me through his no I'm sorry I mean change my his stuff cause I've stepped into the water I step into the water going down on this road access me all we worship all day [Music] rather come here God's actually a wonderful way come here mister hints well you've cried out unto me saith the Lord and even this day I just see your heart then which you've cried out for is your portion if you walk in it the vision is for an appointed time but uh remain calm and Donna that's it right now this is right now that's it right now filled and saturated from top your hidden soldier fee I listed anointed Jesus name never the same never the same again the Lord says his hands on you his hand is on you for good and not for evil and it should come forth in there lot of time hallelujah thank you Jesus bring that man we met man standing there coming with the quickly quickly you stay right here stay right there clothes on sale right now in Jesus name the fresh oil in Jesus then there's a Swedes are noisy get in touch [Music] in touch in touch step touch this one we'll catch you imitate failure to overflow me he said you can really you can really enter into this anytime see the Bible says in his presence is fullness of joy and his right hand a pleasure forevermore the Bible says a merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit brought the boats the Bible says when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like vinne their dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue was saying if you could speak in tongues you can laugh all off Loftus part of work on a Monday morning or tongues has got to work on a Monday morning the same as a death Sunday night laughs just got to work on a Monday morning the same as a death Sunday night we sing their songs rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice but I don't feel like a brother order but there's some things you just have to do even though you don't feel like it you just begin ha ha ha huh huh huh EEE and you finally just speaking about morality better just bubble Radha - Bella just bubble Radha - belén yes yeah [Music] yeah rivers of living water [Music]
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 61,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation
Id: HWZ9Bkj7gqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 27sec (6687 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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