DCM 2017: Jesse Duplantis - Wanted, Dead or Alive

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[Music] Joe's insane to join us we come now before your own comic tribe and date every time you shouldn't see this eternal dog Oh [Music] Oh we gave you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sensual second bill chess will raise on the fear dissipate the kingdom of God here a kingdom of God screaming this building [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how big do you want to dream when you have faith you are creating your mind and spirit getting to see that work together the formulate your future if you want to know what's going to happen tomorrow preface I today prophesies history in advance you just want to know under the power of the Holy Ghost and watching God do something right before your eyes [Music] I'm gonna be even brought your Bibles let me see that's your hand or your Bible your iPad or whatever you use your phone and all the kind of different things glow where their God you know I've been preaching some things in the Lord I had something real ball rod you would've loved this this was homiletic or hermeneutical philosophical theological but I ain't preaching this in front of you forget that no I ain't doing that the Lord was dealing with me I was in the back he said I want you to set lord I appreciate that so many times he said preach it again so I said all right turn with me tonight to the book of Genesis chapter 50 ladies and gentlemen many years ago I was christen and confirmed the Catholic boy I was raised a Catholic we never read the Bible but we were told don't read the Bible you'll go crazy anybody ever was told that if you've been a Catholic people around my age cause today the charismatic movements started making people read the Bible but we said you don't read the Bible you'll go crazy the first time I ever saw a Pentecostal woman I never forget that Lord Jesus you were I said she'd been reading that Bible somebody better take that Bible ribbon that woman had no concept of that Kathy never read the Bible in her life till she got saved we were told don't read the Bible I only knew two preachers the Pope and Billy Graham that was about the only two hundred you hear what I'm saying so I became a very good center I was very good at it I played rock music in Columbus Ohio you can't recognize the name because I'm anointed but I did some damage in this town let me tell you something that's all I'm gonna say about that when I got saved I mean - my lord I mean Satan cried he said we've lost a great man today I believe the father had to give Jesus a blood transfusion because he was running out of blood to wash my simple way he was running out of blood sir you have no idea I was raised on the streets of New Orleans and you do what you got to do I'm a Frenchman but I was raised with Italians somebody messed with you as with the Mississippi rivers I'm not joking about that that's just the way it was well where's Fred so I'll send quite a bit henkle I enjoyed most of it some I don't remember because I was too drunk or too drugged up to remember somebody but when I got born again something changed if you don't like the way you is born try it again it's better the second time around you'll remember it this time never forget your birthday with salvation of the birth of your faith threes my peoples faith that worked if it got way was burst and you need to always remember that well today but the only thing I do that I still do that I didn't lose a sinner was movies I like movies I was asked to be in the Apostle with Robert Duvall in fact most of them lines you hear Robert Duvall that's mom that's my lines he flute I suggested can I use it yeah you want to be I said I'm not an actor I don't know how to do that stuff he said you could do this I said no no I don't want to do that but you can use these lines and I've always said I call him Jesus they caught me Jess if you watch the movie you hear them say in the movie I call you Jesus and you caught my son and that's me I don't mean that trifle it and he told me said listen I'm a fault I want to fall down like some of you people do I said you got a hole it goes cry out there you may not have the opportunity to act on it the Lord may just knock you down he went whoa I said you get around that Holy Ghost no I'm gonna tell you something something gonna happen we had a wonderful conversation was a blessing so I've enjoyed movies I like the old black and white movies as well whatever well I like westerns or like okay I love Dances with Wolves Oh me and you have hunted together not together but at the Navajo of the crow nation ah Lord and there was a man that took me out his name was white man runs him that was his name I said how'd you get that name white man's right he said my dad every he did everything a white man said that they called him white man run saying you know like dancing with wool white man runs him but I'm not good shootings I didn't want him that call me he who misses a lot but if you notice in the old westerns that there was a bad guy they'd be a post on the wall and say wanted dead or alive I want to talk about that tonight wanted dead or alive Genesis chapter 50 I'm gonna start reading at verse 22 because I like the old King James Version because most people don't quit they don't quote the amplified because they take a long time a lot of words Lord Jesus Genesis chapter 50 verse 22 and Joseph dwelt in Egypt he and his father's house and Joseph lived a hundred and ten years and Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation the children also mark are the son of Manasseh were brought up upon Joseph knees you know what that means Joseph was a good grandfather I am a good grandfather I only have one daughter a one granddaughter I am totally controlled by women all my life I had two of the greatest grandmothers you ever saw one was 4 foot 9 the other 4 foot 11 if you stock them did he make a whole person they were just little bitty woman but they had power I was controlled by my mother I was controlled by my wife I'm controlled by my daughter and now I'm controlled by a nine-year-old little girl named Meredith I'm totally controlled my daughter is 45 gonna be 46 years old and then all those years I've never told her no not one time actually I'm not good at that Meredith is 9 years old I've never told her and I Cathy tell him no all the time in fact when Jodie was a teenage she said daddy mama said no I said Jodie I'd give it to you but your mama don't want you to have it now I know I wasn't right I know they right but I got I'm not good at it Kathy said once you say no I said because it makes sense what they asking and the other day my little Crandall she got a virus she's out of camp we have a real nice school that she went and they had a stomach virus going all over and she called him mom said mom I got come on anyway she come and she's sick you know she said mom I want you to pray for me pray with him legs shaking prayers well she needs some power this they got to stop legs shaking her he's come she told me that day she said grandfather calls me grandfather because this side grandpa she goes grandfather me me ran around the church she jogged in the church there was a party going on I said your grandmother or me me she loves to just get loose and no telling what you do I've seen her dive into the in their altar dive my god people just shot and screaming like were you doing a while ago and then she'd get up after a while and I thought she says something really wonderful and holy she said then my dress fly up I said no I didn't I'm pretty sure the Lord didn't hold a dress down if he did make you dive into the end of the altar you don't say that was funny cuz I really enjoyed that he brought up his children on his knees his grandchildren I'd do the same thing she'll call and say grandfather I think we'll have a sleepover I say come on girl and Cathy feeds her breakfast in bed she's sitting I'm talking sitting in bed whatever and she says Mimi take a picture of it send it to my mama I'm serious this happens almost every week or every other week and then there's two full-grown adults me and Cathy waiting for a nine you all to tell us what to do I'm saying we just say well what you won't do man listen and we just do it that's the kind of grandfather Joseph was what's this I noticed the next verse would you say this when you were dying verse 24 Joseph said unto his brethren I die and God will surely visit you and bring you out of this land into the land which he sware to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and Joseph took an oath of the church individuals saying God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from hence so Joseph died being a hundred ten years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin notice he wasn't put in a grave he was put in a coffin in Egypt go with me to Exodus chapter 13 real quickly verse 18 you see Moses here with Joseph's bones but God verse 18 of Exodus 13 but God led the people about through the way of the rulers of the Red Sea and the children of Israel went up harness out of the land of Egypt and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for he had straightly sworn the children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones away hence with you I want to talk about that wanted dead or alive this man Joseph was the prime minister of Egypt if he would have been buried in Egypt that a built up of what we call winning pyramids on top of him but he refused to be buried where unless it was the promised land see you can get the promises of God dad and you can get him alive but you're gonna get them because the promises of God are far more powerful than the sins of people my momma told me after she got born again Jesse it's just your tough luck he's born to me you getting saved whether you like it or not I said you don't lost your ever-loving mind she said you're right I got the mind of Christ little heathen from Hell you're gonna get saved and I gotta say won't it gather all the promises I got over 7,000 of them in the Bible what you've experienced 15 of them see you get saved and I and your grandmother's in heaven that promise will come to pass for her even though she's dead now you can get in my life and you get him dead it's good to get him alive but it don't make no difference you're gonna get up you have to understand that now you got to understand he was put in a coffin and not a grave why he was telling these people they were not slaves that they were living in the best real estate that Egypt had but when he died the Bible said there was a pharaoh that came up that knew not Joseph then they became slaves but since the Joseph he knew the Promised Land and where it was do you know where your promised land is are you willing to be satisfied to fall in love with the desert when God wants to put you in the promised land what are we gonna receive what God says we're gonna wait another century another millennium when are we gonna believe what God said I mean how long he's got to take when I wait for God to do something he's already done it there's a great cloud of witnesses listen to this so great a cloud of witnesses you can't be a witness unless you witness something they're not gonna call you a witness unless you witness something how many you've had people a grandparents or parents or whether they're in heaven today who you hinder how many times they've missed some time there might have been at your house and your call you all have said you just felt their presence hole your hand up there what happened to you you know why they were there sometimes God pulls the curtain back and lets them see some things not everything because there will not be no sorrow in heaven but there's sometimes God will say you want to see something cuz I know my mama just saying this right now what is that boy doing he she been saying that since I'm a child what oh you do it she may be watching this service tonight so you can't be a witness unless you witness something now Jose have understood this he said you take me out of here do you know how long that the nation of Israel foul past his coffin 360 years time don't mean nothing a garment shouldn't mean nothing to you and then 40 years in the wilderness 400 years before that man was buried in the promised land with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I don't doubt Abraham said it's about time you got here see he refused to have his own body's bones be buried in the place that should not be buried see the promised land is for every individual that will receive what God says so write this down very simple point you must have faith in your magnificent future you see I knew Satan threw his best at your robbery couldn't win because your instrument is too powerful because what you say is greater than what he says what you do is greater than what he does do you understand what I'm saying do you have a magnificent future I had a wonderful day today my my god is gonna be better tomorrow that's not confession that's possession having many opportunities to fail in life I just don't think in it I've been shot at three times I've been down in three airplane crash and you mad at me because I got my own plane this one works I'll make sure it works when I when I bought a plane in 1994 the first 100 Delta cried cuz I had millions and millions of miles in those days you could give them away I sent people all over the world for free I couldn't it was no way I could use all that stuff are you hearing what I'm saying you have a magnificent future because you're standing in a place tonight call Dominion that means everything you put your feet on you own you understand you own it now take possession of it the only thing you can't take is the heavens the Bible says it's times 115 verse 16 the heavens and are the laws but the earth has he given to the children of men how many ministers we have here tonight who you handle now you know my god that the first thing they'd ever gonna do is attack you when it comes to the money I've been preaching 41 years I've been a full-time ministry 39 years and I've never had a financial deficit not one time why because I got more faith than you know I don't ever have any more faith anybody else but I might have a little more obedience I just decided to obey you see what I'm saying I said no I'll not do that I didn't receive what everybody said Oh your day is coming I said it's already come that's why I'm happy it's a magnificent future see I know where my promised land is that doesn't mean the devil don't fight me and let me tell you when you're in television a lot and my god they're always trying to interview and they say nasty stuff they don't want ain't interested in how many children you feed you know I feed a lot of people all over the world you know don't care how many kids you want to know two things how much money you make and where you live how big is your house now Benny Hinn said Jesse you can handle the press but anybody ever seen him mother well I don't mean that private they just humbly said we heard you was rich I said you heard right they go [Applause] I said I might buy this television station and then you work for me oh oh they get nervous about that because see money talks that money will make you walk the Bible said money answers all things I don't know why everybody hates some money everybody wants it everybody needs it yeah that's the tool that you use in the economic society there's only two places I've known that where money is not used at all one is heaven and the other Star Trek and uh so if you can't believe God believe Spock live long and prosper he's trying to help you too and that sign came out of a church you see people go get mad at you the way you let Mahalo I don't think you ought to have this out I don't what they think it's what God said you see were to write this down little thinkers will never understand big thinkers their little finger on that doesn't mean that you better than them they just not going to understand that so I don't try when I'm being interviewed they're trying to hurt me on tell them I don't try to tell them something holy they can't accept it why because the natural man receiveth not the things that God cuz they foolish it unto him neither can he know them because they spiritually discerned so I show them something they can see I have to deal with physical stuff cuz I saw they know you start dealing with spiritual things they go blank they don't understand it they can't even receive it so I just answer their question and says anything else you'd like to know they just don't know how to handle it well uh you know the Bible said I said my son don't go to the bar because you're gonna lose right in front of your audience stay out stay being a journalist now you're coming on my territory eat your lunch you don't know that about that Bible you probably even know where your Bible is he goes I said where is your Bible he go where's your Bible he goes I don't know they ran me morning noon and night New Orleans over my house and my that plane to my Lord Jesus got good I just smiled they said wow that's a nice how that's a showy we heard it's the biggest house in the state of Louisiana I said I don't know that's true cuz I had looked at anybody else's plans I'm not even interested in that kind of stuff I just did what God told me to do my lord I went to arrested on Thursday when I walked in the whole restaurant went count stone-cold silent that's that bridge preacher has don't they've been talking about all week long so I just looked at everybody and I said how how y'all weeks been it go you Kathy sat on wet in the moat about 15 minutes man come walking up he saw saw all that stuff they've been running on your Reverend I said yeah he said my lord it sounds like a bunch of Lies I said it is but they're just looking for ratings that's all he said they couldn't put the thing together and the way you talked to him you just ate their lunch he said that's a pretty nice house they showed I said yeah I said Kathy liked it a lot so do i he shot I liked it too that sound glad you did reaches any pocket grabs a he said here his ten thousand dollars puts it on the table and says go buy something nice for that house I wanted to call Fox and say run it again we run it again run that baby-g $10,000 on the table they quit running it they parked out three days at the church and our minister trying to get somebody say something bad about me and they couldn't you know I could and nothing bad well I lost a few you right there yeah because see it's Christ in me the hope of glory see you little thinkers will never understand big fingers now the way to make that work you must have a constant or just write this down you must have a constant course and show the world its possibilities you have to stay with what you believe you can't be flip-flopping all the time what did Jesus say he said that that's what we're gonna believe you see what I'm saying in every area of my life spiritually physically or financially now you know Cathy gets mad at because she always want me to get checked out by doctors I don't like that I mean I like doctors as a person I just don't like what they do because they're in the nekkid nests it's all about naked naked you go to a doctor my throat hurts take your pants off no no no it's my throat thank you better I don't want to take my pants off it's my throat it's go a little higher that Cathy told me you guys start going that dark and get your prostate checked I said way is it she told me that's I ain't going she said you got to do that and I want to see that doctor tonight I'm gonna freak out but I'm getting out of town tonight so just he looked at me he said okay have you ever had any problems said no I know nothing I something here cuz my wife said now I always do what my wife says I said are you gonna examine me he putting on him blue gloves you make your nervous with your pal something's coming off in the a he's back to him I said doc I only want to know one thing about you let me see your hands oh Jesus did big hands Oh God he examined me and I sang moon [Applause] look at me and they freak it out they've been through that stuff Kathy says with everything okay I said yes what do you do I said you don't want to know he said when there's nothing wrong with I said I told you that when I went in here I said doc my body is covered with the anointing of God not that free come out they go I said you can say what you want but it is he just looked at me he said you know you're a very happy man I said yes I am I said it's more than happened this is the joy of the Lord and when I said the joy of the Lord is his nurse man amen [Applause] is there we got a covert nurse he on an undercover nurse I said you born again yes I am I watch you all the time I said you speak in tongues good yeah I said you good I wind up talking to three nurses they had the Bible open they want me to explain scripture too it's everywhere you go I'm gonna tell the whole world that don't believe in this stuff we're out there and we're gonna get you we're gonna get you get no other choice than the matter but see you guys stay constant see you have to stay on course see you have to know what your promised land is see you will never be wrong depending on divine promises all the promises of God are you a man you can get them dead you can get them alive but you're gonna get them all you see because those words are so powerful in every area of your life spiritually physically finite you're not lazy then I have to watch what I say cuz I get it I talked there not too long ago by socks Jesus I've got so many pair I got socks with rhinestones on them that's some fancy socks I gotta watch what I said I don't mean that pridefully it just comes to pass Jarius availa to me said good god no on Christmas Eve I said Cathy I said listen I'm gonna walk down the mall you know man they don't go in the stores they like to walk the mall you know we walked them all you know we get to the other side won't give me turn around walk the other side when they want to go in the stores look around and I love shopping on Christmas Eve why well because most people got their stuff so I thinking you know I get to see all the lights and on I like all that stuff and I said I'm just well if you don't think they're nodding of increases only you look at it oh Jesus it is on me about a barrowful so she's Cathy did you meet me here three o'clock I'm gonna be in this store I said okay see what you're gonna do I said I'm gonna walk down the mall I walk down the mall by the time I got to the end of the mall I had 14,000 dollars in cash give to me I looked like a drug dealer said you just had a brand yet hit $5,000 $100 20s - I had to get a shopping bag I said no no no no Merry Christmas what mayor cream no no 14,000 I came back to her store said Cathy she said would you do that they gave it to me what do you want me to do they gave I said I said I'm gonna walk the other side of the mall I walked the other side didn't get a dollar that the Brookside tomorrow I'm going outside the mall anymore at the Brookside she said what you gonna do with that money I said I'm gonna give it away I'm going back out see ya man I'm walking I saw these dropping my sister I won't eat dead or alive see so you can meet even a sandwich request if you don't mind and I walked him there was a man and you could tell they were newly married maybe man on those six months a year and this girls looking at this beautiful dress 1,400 bucks for they dress you know and she looked she goes oh honey look at this dress now I'm right behind they don't know what I'm just standing there with my sack of money - and a husband says honey I can't afford that maybe one day I will be able to but I tell you I'd love to give you give you something like ever I can't afford it I said excuse me I can determine I looked at me I said boy that dress it looked good on you girl my dress is made for you Sheba what I said once you just go ahead and get it they don't know what to say I said listen I said I can afford I open up the back I said get you a handful Oh get yourself she said what I said get your hand full I said get enough to get some shoes in a purse too quick if he gets up she said are you serious I said Merry Christmas I wind up walking anima I gave her all the 14th I've made it a twice sown seed like Jesus did with her two-piece fish dinner and he feeds 5000 baby it was a blessed people were following me around them all it was a great day so I don't I can't go in my front yard I have a beautiful home with wrought iron gates around the house I mean it is I mean it private it's nice and I always have to go in the back I said hey I'm going in the front I want to see the Christmas deskaway I walk out in the front my god I got a pickup truck sees me slams his brakes on I mean I'm just looking at him like that jumps out the truck and goes Merry Christmas Brad July and I don't know who this guy way Merry Christmas and he threw five thousand dollars over the fence and hundred-dollar bills I said I ain't telling Kevin nothing but my my pockets were bulging with she said would you I said I just want they through $5,000 over the fence I gave it to her and I ain't seen that money since I have no idea I'm saying that for a reason consistency so if the medium wants to talk about money I'll show you something that shocks people because I really want to talk to you about souls reaching people changing a lot I want to talk to you about healing I want to talk to you about what you were saying about the power of God's Word but you know they can't handle that because they're not born again so you gotta show them something they can see then they get they get curious and that's when the Holy Ghost can sneak up on them you see people say how do you stay happy write this now keep reminders around you so you know where your promised land is see a lot of people don't know where the promised land is so they don't know they don't know where they're going so they're not gonna know what to do when they get there you see what happened Israel was they fell in love with the desert you know even Moses didn't make it Miriam didn't make it Aaron did man mm3 really wanted to get to the promised land there was only three people that made it to the promised land in their first generation - alive and one was dead Joshua Caleb and Joseph won't need her alive Joseph walked a little promised land there Karen is about it in a sense but he was he came in the promised land dead so he can do it dead you certainly can do it a lot well why didn't marry him get in there cuz Baron was speaking against Moses Miriam was prejudiced why cuz Moses married a black woman what Jesus Moses saw that black one we gotta lean on what so bit [Applause] and black guys to kind of swing the hand lever there what's up there bad if she said get down with your bad self Moses and Miriam had a flamin fit man that black woman and God said you want to be white I'm gonna make you a real white near him she was hit with leprosy and that guy she was speaking against it was the one that prayed for her to get the leopard seal offer her and get her back into the camp are you hearing what I'm saying keep reminding around just say you won't forget where your promised land is why would anybody want to leave a church you don't lost your mind why would you leave a church it's the only thing in the world that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against and you believe you see let me tell you something but God don't care if you don't like your pastor let me help some of you preach God don't care if your people don't like you Moses that the biggest church ever three million people in it only two liked him his family didn't like it so there was a vote he's out but God kept Moses see when God called you he'll keep you out of seven billion people you manage this God chose you what's the odds of that happening because he thinks a lot of it so it makes them think what they like you're not I had one mentor me I went to ah I don't like you I said if you knew me you would love me I know me I love me Cathy I want you to get a clear C's chapter to let me show what happened I fly my own plane where I don't fly I get any I polish that fly but the last time I was in Los Angeles Airport lax this guy walks up to me so you just said the planets aren't you I said yeah and he starts cussing me this not everybody F bombing me and cut I'm going and I'm thinking how I got here though Jesse I'm gonna make him an offer you refuse so I backed up a little bit ash and I said you want to dance with me you want some of this don't let this size fool you sucker he was screaming at me people would just look at it man I'm a hip hip Security's coming cussing me and he goes and he threw $100 at me and turn around just the guy who's sittin a I wish he'd be mad at me that literally happened [Applause] he threw $100 I thought and I couldn't figure why I said God did I did I do sir he said no he's just being spiritual I said well I ain't never heard where it's not yet of a spiritual person in my life he just being spiritual how's it being spiritual he said yeah he just proved one of my scriptures I said God he costs me and threw $100 bill in my face he said go to Ecclesiastes chapter 2 I want to read it to you what's the message Bob but this is a translation Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to his favorites but sinners are assigned a life of hard labor and end up turning their wages over to God's favorites nothing but smoke and spitting in the wind that guy were working for me and I didn't even know it so let's see what they gonna say did you think Oh give me the money now what'd you do with it is do the kingdom of God and don't walk up to people are you the person supposed to help me that as a religious con when you understand that the promises of God I am in which means yes and so be it that's won't it dead or alive you keep reminders around see I know where I'm going oh yes and I know what I'm gonna do when I'm gonna get there and you know when you called me I like the way we had pasta cause you he said okay I want to save it so far he said Jesse there's a rod pasta I said to myself what does he want you know what I need you to do I said sure he said I want you to be a part of Dominion can't master well I'd love to come and be a blessing let me see unless he learned it from Lester Sumrall not that guy that guy was a trip him he called me one time he said jester the planet that said Lester Sumrall I won to come preach my convention I said brother summer I said I don't have my calendar in front of me I pray about it already prayed and we say already prayed think I call you what I pray it I said well no sir he said what do you pray for if I already pre what are you coming I said what up I can't do it this year the Lord didn't tell me when you was coming he just told me you were coming when you're coming give me a day you need to pray about it I already prayed so I gave him a day for the next year that's was less the summer I see Richard Roberts hey Richard it said you in a while your dad was such a wonderful man you know was last word your dad told me your father you know I was on the border regions of Roberts University Richard and his father Ramos such a blessed big man you stand close to or Robert he dig it all he looked at me grabbed my hands he said Jessie I still got it I said what he said northern Oh God I still got it but Jessie I get tired I can't stand up that long I said we'll sit down we don't care if you sit down we don't care if you stand up and sit down just say something Chancellor he said call me oral I said okay Chancellor yeah you called your daddy or you can call it he was such a wonderful man because he called me at least once a week after Hurricane Katrina I mean it was something buddy oh you all right did you find your mail I said oh I said no ladies and gentlemen at that time I got about 450,000 pieces of mail a month into my ministry and in three months I got three letters nights millions a month to run this ministry okay millions and brother the Chancellor Robert call me suggest you got it I said I said no we've got three letters oh yeah how you gonna do it I said we are gonna live by faith and God gonna take care of us and I won't tell you something we never missed anything never miss see God gave me a promise I'm saying that to say this quit trying to meet your own needs see that's why I ministered struggle that's why you struggle personal you're trying to meet your own needs that's not your job that's God's job I'm gonna say something gonna shock you I never asked God for an Eden I never will and that's a waste of spiritual energy I don't tell God I don't ask God what I need I tell him what I want now when I get what I want I destroy all my need see when you have what you want you don't even think about need now but gesture that's greed could be growth the loss my shepherd I shall not whoa let patience have it's perfect work that you perfect and entire wanting nothing the Young Lions who suffer lack but he that seeks my face shall not want any good thing now in all these years administer I've never had financial deficit why because I didn't ask him for any needs I just told him what I wanted your children never tell you what they need they tell you what they want you don't think that's greed if they tell you what they want if you're a grandparent or a parent you're in a grocery store in a child see some candy or something and they say grandma or mama I want some candidates that greed no that's just a child wanting something Wow oh you're not God's adults you God's children do you see that so why can't you tell him what you want it's not greed its growth thank you one person got a revelation right there Kodaka see when you understand that can be spiritual physical or financial it didn't make any difference to God it does to the church world it just said a secular world but he doesn't God mm-hmm see I spent that swear java's what said you take my body out of here there's a promised land I know where that's at y'all don't even know where it's at you satisfied with Egypt I will not rest I will not let my bones stay in a place they're not supposed to be even if I'm dead so you made him swear an oath hmm see what his life in death it's a pilgrimage now I want to say something on a shock here remember your travelers not squatters here's the problem with the America that I know of it's called a fixed income you see and that's based upon what you did to meet your needs that's why Java knows people you work for the u.s. company you get 40 years the company 40 years to your church 40 years to your family now I sit you ought to be living better after you retired then when you were working but after you retired because you was on a fixed income looks like you need a fix you can't go out and eat as much as you did when your husband was working on your wife was working right when you should be able to do what you want when you want you see that's design for you to meet your own needs you don't make a living you make a given I had to tell a kid that the other day he was mad because his mama wanted him to work at McDonald's he's 16 year old he's hanging what could he thought that was below his dignity I said young man can I talk to ya but Jesse I said you know if I hadn't been offered a job at McDonald's when I was your age you know what I would call that what but Jesse I said an opportunity see I'm a generation that works I don't understand how people protest you ain't got a job how can you be out there two o'clock in the afternoon gotta be working somewhere doing something so I said he just looked at me I said you know what your problem is you're just looking at the hamburger patty he went what I said somebody gotta own it somebody got to own that franchise how come it can't be you what is always have to be somebody else cuz they never told you you could I said this CEO of my grounds I probably I can tell you too he can make a Big Mac you know how to make a Big Mac at a quarter pounder with cheese and all that other kinds that why see you're just looking at the patty I said man look climb the ladder it's there and when you understand that that's the power of God's Word see God suggests I'll give you anything you believe but I can't give me anything you can't believe then he says something that just boggles the mind of Christianity he's just commanding me concerning my word that doesn't mean you snap your fingers at God you're gonna lose your snap if you do but you can command him according to his word of kearney that I promised I said God you promised this yes I did sound 18 I'm 34 my cover that will not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips you ever get God to say something he gonna do what he said I tried that trying no getting nothing done I didn't try to come to Columbus I can't I flew in I ran into Perry stone and she paired along he lost some weight what's up there he said Jesse can I look can I go inside you jet yeah and his pilot said let him go in here princess please I guess this probably believing forget for him or something he has a beautiful plane has a better call that a king listen that's a nice plane I said it's just a tool I don't know how to fly it I don't want to learn out of I want to learn how to land that I would like to do and those bars pass out Lord Jesus put a praise on it because something's going to happen feel pretty soon can let me tell you something when I've been down in three airplane crashes Baptist a speaking tongue going down you understand what I'm saying there is no problem with the with doctrine see what you afraid no didn't have time people screaming in Holly and the Lord said you can't allow this to happen we going down at 33,000 feet the planes on fire he said stand up say something so I got him I said Jesus I rebuke the devil get your hand off this plane four people went I should have took an offering how do I got all the baptized all have met all the missions outreaches launched I would a duck I certainly felt like it a man next to me said I'm going to church this Sunday I go on the church this Sunday Cathy was with me one time that look life is not supposed to hurt a plane because it's not grounded that's a lie I'm sitting in the seat this one's flying come here go BAM blew a hole at the top of the plane water hit me in the face I look up like that my god people start screaming even the flight attendant we're gonna die we're gonna die you don't want to hear that I unbuckle my seat that can see what you're doing I grabbed that girl I said remember your training she go oh yeah yeah yeah cool you know what that Delta pilot said we turning this plane around we can't make it to New Orleans we're gonna have to land in Lake Charles Louisiana the runways too sharp we're gonna burn tires off for going into the into the woods that's exactly what happened quietness oh you're there I said this is a good time to preach I said have no fear ladies and gentlemen a long life what God satisfy me and showed me my salvation everything's gonna be fine man they got people cathode if I got that rosetta pray row for people's pearls here mayor for the great the Lord with you for our Father just anything man let's just pray Jesus help us lo we hit that runway Lord G and there's ambulances and fire trucks and there are lights and they all waiting for you smoke wanna stop maybe two feet from the end of the runway and that crazy father said we want to thank you for flying Delta in the future duty literally happy Cathy was with me Here Come a farmer with a ax in his hand running down the I said he tripping would decapitate somebody try to get all that fire and smoking all the guys we walked out of there in the captain went come here he said I heard what you said to my flight attendant she just she lost it I finally helped her find it he said I appreciate you doing that he said sometimes we train not to do that but this was a hair-raising thing I said honest he said what do you do I said I'm a minister oh you are he said are you charismatic I said yes I am he said so am i let's friendzone wonder maybe we had a Holy Ghost captain stupid the devil is good I had a captain minute atheist Christ in you lonely Dead or Alive there's over 7,000 I would invite all of you to go home we begin to study the promises of God write them down put them on your refrigerator and as you get them cross them off but you can't have what you don't know is yours you see what I'm saying and when you understand that and I'll close with this when you understand that that life's business is about making memories Joseph was put in the coffin and not in the grave now why did they remember influence his influence persisted and was never allowed to die all of you must become people of influence now I know what you think you got to have money no no let me tell you there's a man that changed the nation in didn't have a dime and his name is Mahatma Gandhi he made his own clothes Winston Churchill called him that half-naked Indian from India but he told Winston Churchill you simply cannot control 350 million of Indian people in India years later Martin Luther King jr. read his teachings and then when he when he was assassinated he could have a lot more money than he had he could have but he didn't he had more of the cause on his mind than the finance see so you don't have to have money to be a person of influence now it's nothing wrong to have it it helps they see by you coming and I'm not saying this because Rob's sitting here but by you coming to a quote did minion can't meet that's God trying to say I will influence you to be an influence you see so you can change what's going on around you and when you understand that God's Word is true in every area so I just tell people with the Lord said well I know he said that but no no could put in conjunctions to it this is what he said you see rod I'm a textualist I read that Bible that's what it says that's fine with me now there's some things in there don't like what oh there's something God say our flat don't like I don't know some scriptures if I could tear them out I don't look at me weird the Baptist do it the method is do it what scripture you don't like bless those that curse you you like that you have been cussed out you blankety-blank no good blankety trashy Frank Frank do you go I'm gonna give you twenty dollars I'm gonna bless you you know pray for those that despitefully use you some little sexy hot talk turns your head of a husband makes him think he's got the stuff when you know he got the snow don't shout me down listen to me do you pray for her oh Jesus we've been married 40 years and she got that little tight dress on his he's just walking around making him think he's something do you say oh Jesus bless her help her Jesus no you say Jesus kill her Jesus I know that's kind of shocking I'm saying those thing but that's true I don't like those but I do I pray and I bless Kathy said why you blessed in waiters that are no good trained them help them why because they don't understand I'll tell you one more story in our clothes at 5 minutes to 10 we walked into a wrestler that closed at 10 o'clock me and a good friend of mine we were hungry most people don't like somebody going into their restaurant they got 5 minutes and you know some time you have what I call zombies that work in restaurant you ever seen them zombies you ever bully try to get something eat and there's a zombie behind the catcher I'd like to have this okay and they can't get it right to save this old well we got a zombie I could tell he did not want to wait on us so I looked at him I said are y'all still open I said it's the door's locked it takes a little while to get to a zombie it's still open and my friend says listen the mayoral election of New Orleans is going on do y'all have no newspaper we'd like to uh sister parlor we said we'd like to read this paper he goes I don't think so I said would you mind walking and see if there's one there was a young girl she heard she said do y'all want a newspaper I said yes she said well there's none here but the McDonald's down at the end of the street has a newspaper I'll just go down there and get y'all one we looked at her and said what no you don't need to oh no it's gonna take us two hours to clean up and anyway and she says I'll just go down there I said we want you we don't want this zombie would you wait her and let's show our waiting here I'll put your order in while they do it I'll go down and get you newspaper are you sure no we don't want girl going to school trying to pay her way through college didn't know her from Adam she didn't know us there's the zombie she puts our order in rod he's that girl gets in her car - faster - Matt down and we tried to pay for the newspaper she wouldn't she said no it's only a dollar donated fifty cents on that world she brings her back we're eating it man the unknown ago God came on me the law said bless her I said believer will I said sweetheart what do you do she saw I'm paying my way through college I have gone to lawyerly University I said what do you live running she says I live actually about three streets down the Rhoden and I said oh she said I just got my apartment and I said I guess it's not easy when you have to pay your own rent and all that kind stuff she said well yeah that's true but she said I have a job and then when I finish this one she said there's some days I'll go to another job cuz you know I have to work my way through school and stuff like that I said well it's good I said you know those apartments are they're pretty expensive how much are they a month if you don't mind oh they just outrageously high I said well how much other she's what it like what was it $1,200 I think $1,200 I said I got 12 on it let me pay you rent she goes what the zombie woke up you just looked my friend said what blessed God if he gonna give you 12 I'm gonna give you twit she goes she starts crying oh y'all serious I said I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pay it for six months she go there zombie my princess if you're gonna do six months I'm doing six months we paid her but I did she had a whole year paper I looked at the zombie said a newspaper man a newspaper [Applause] it was a great day do you know she she graduate from Loyola we would go we go eat there just cuz she was there she waited on for two or three years finally she said she said Reverend I can't thank you enough you've been so kind to me told my mom and dad about you I said well that's nice now they watching you all the time I said well thank you that's so kind of you I said you know girl I like a person like you that works hard they're willing to do whatever it needs to be done you see since she wanted something she wanted a degree she knew her parents couldn't afford it so I have to do what I have to do and God sent people like us to help her and I get clowny Dead or Alive think about that so what promise of God do you want not need do you want because God will do it if you let him if you just let him help you remember you're not God's adults yes we grow to the fullness of the statute right who we're God's children you know Meredith my granddaughter's growing up Oh Lord I don't want to grow up but I know I won't be so proud of her when she's a young lady she looks me see his grandfather I love you I see I love you too Meredith she said I said you oh just you're the greatest she just looks at me I mean and she just turns my heart just like that and the Lord said you see how that turns you when she does I said yeah he said Jesse that happens to me when I look at you what I'm blessing at it he should tell my people that a Dominion they they're my children all I want to do is be a blessing too so let him and take the heat of the world cuz when it's all said and done you're gonna get it anyway dead or alive but it's nice to have it alive and the other day whether you believe this or not I was in my study I sensed the presence of my mom and dad I stood up and said what are y'all fake and I heard that's a good boy seeing my mama mine didn't mean I'll do how old I was I was her boy well my daughter I don't care how old she is y'all always be my little girl and you know I don't care how old I get cuz I'm a make announcement if the lights go out follow me because my hair glows in the dark it's went to my 50th high school reunion you should have seen that I said I got to go see these people good god what happened Kathy said something so nice she suggests you're the best-looking man in this whole school I said yeah are you just saying that cuz I'm your husband then I got there looking around I said I might have to believe you but it was great to see people then last time you saw him they were 18 17 years old 18 years old jesus loves you ladies and gentlemen and all you gotta do is let him love you give the Lord a hand clap today walnut better alive you can get them all [Music] you
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 2,386
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Camp Meeting, Jesse Duplantis
Id: j8J7ejO1ddA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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