Liberty Gold and the Yellowstone Hotspot
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Channel: Central Washington University
Views: 239,117
Rating: 4.87111 out of 5
Keywords: Central Washington University, geology, Yellowstone, Hot Spot, Liberty Gold, Gold, Siletzia, Liberty, Pacific Northwest, Ellensburg, gold, gold deposition, panning gold, where, liberty, washington gold mines, mines, gold mines
Id: MXEQeTg0Xww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very interesting from a prospecting perspective. Is it just the dikes in the Liberty area that carried gold bearing fluids? Why is did it precipitate only in the black shale areas and not whatever other sedimentary layers the basalt cuts?
Are there gold deposits associated with the hotspot all along it's path to modern Yellowstone? I don't recall there ever being much in the way of gold around Yellowstone itself (economic at least), but are the epithermal gold deposits in N. NV and the mountains of ID north of the hotspot track potentially related to the hotspot too?
I clicked on this, saw the video length, and thought I'd listen for a little while in the background while answering emails. That was an hour ago and I just finished watching the last half of the presentation with my mouth hanging open. Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
Two videos posted in one week -- my B-cups runneth over! Thanks for every video minute.
/u/GeologyNick, are there any plans for new videos for your hugefloods channel?