Mid-Air Jousting with HELICOPTERS! [Trailmakers]

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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are going to be trying to helicopter joust so we have our helicopters that we've built in previous challenges before and we are going to modify them to be able to accommodate a giant jousting Lance that is tipped with dynamite like this and the reason they're so long is because uh even at this length the dynamite still does a little bit of damage to the base helicopter but not enough to really knock yourself out of the sky so obviously the goal is to uh try to Ram each other with our explosive tip lances and take the opponent out of the sky and we're gonna take a few minutes here to modify our stock builds to be able to best accommodate these lances when it comes to positioning the lenses and the weight difference and stuff like that so uh you're ready to start making some jousting helicopters easy yes let's do it all right let's do it all right so already by default this is still decently controllable it is very front heavy which isn't great um but also here I'll show you an example of flying into something with the jousting stick there we go [Music] all right so actually that was kind of really really good it looks like I did lose one little piece of my propeller so that's the thing that usually happens in our testing is um some of our propellers get taken out so here oh no no no no no okay all right well yeah you can see even though I'm upside down I did lose one little propeller piece right here which is actually a best case scenario I think and it looks like I had a little bit of damage underneath my cockpit but I survived and that's the uh that's the important part is that I actually survive so as far as the rest of this goes when it comes to this uh jousting stick here I want to be able to move it to the side so normally in jousting you actually cross in front of you I'm pretty sure uh like you have your shield on your left side and your jousting stick on your right side and then your opponent is on your left side so you're crossing your stick over I think that's right um this I don't think crossing over over in front of the cockpit is going to work very well so I think uh there's no also no Shield that we need so we're not going to be shielding ourselves from our opponent's jousting stick so I think um I'm just gonna try to pass him on the right side so that I'm aiming to the left and I want to give this thing the capability of going out further to the left so I don't have to like go straight head-on into him so all that involves is adding a little steering hinge let's see how this feels like that is that actually oh this seems actually it seems really wobbly I don't know let's see how this feels in Flight it's actually let's use this as our uh this ramp as our test subject here all right so we're going for the pass by we aim to stick out to the right that's not a good sign I might have to separate the suspension from the steering hinge oh that does feel way less wobbly though doesn't it here we go oh that's looking pretty good oh look at that that worked out really well okay I think that actually that actually did help out a lot see if I can do this in like an actual pass by all right I got my jousting stick out to the side and boom just like that and then when you take usually out of the sky and uh we survive as long as we're still flying we win the round yeah you can clearly see uh I've taken some damage here let's let's stop the rotors and check the oh see that was actually a lot more damage I got a lot taken off that time but that's just the hazard of explosive helicopter jousting pretty standard all right I'm gonna paint this thing up and I'm just keeping it simple this time easy all right scrap have you finished uh your upgrades uh yep pretty simple upgrade on my part how about you yes I think you're gonna like my upgrade because I actually took inspiration from one of your older helicopter designs oh no what did I miss here let me show you some Shield interesting I wonder if that's gonna help uh well it's double layered so hopefully um I haven't actually tested interesting it looks cool so style points right there oh and I noticed that you actually put your lands right in the middle too all right well uh here is what I've done I kept it pretty basic and simple um so when I click this happens wow uh and I've also you can see I've moved my suspension to more in the middle uh that was because it was just a little bit a little bit uh unstable with a suspension directly into a steering hinge but yeah I'm hoping that this is gonna make it so I don't have to like Ram myself directly into you and I can just do like a side pass uh kind of like in normal jousting oh okay and uh yeah I think I'll be able to survive taking it or given a hit not taking a hit but giving a hit all right well uh there's no better time to get them ready for testing uh yeah let's let's take on our first round here I'd have no idea how hard or easy it's going to be to actually make contact but we'll see what happens and like normal jousting this has three dimensions of movement that's true that's right yes three two one joust here I come all right there I come as well uh oh [Laughter] typically the Lance didn't actually hit so I think there needs to be an explosion for it to count as a valid uh a valid contact otherwise we're just ramming each other that's right okay let's just keep going until we get like best two out of three so first one to two explosions all right here we go oh boy it's scary this is scary oh no but I completely lost we both lost our rotors completely my Dynamite I know yeah yours didn't hit me I I think my rotors just hit you entirely wow all right you know these are these are kind of fast rounds you might have to do uh like best three out of five that's three out of five okay yes [Music] oh wow are you away did you survive that though did your Shields actually like work I mean I'm protected yeah they worked I'm still flying all right but I guess that counts as a point right uh does it I mean your explosion is also gone or you're explosive is also gone but I think that's because I exploded it I mean in jousting yeah even if you didn't fall off technically yeah how does it works like actual adjusting what are the actual rules of jousting guys we don't know there's a point for like making contact with the shield there's separate points for actually knocking them off of the horse I think so I think I would just have the equivalent of Shield contact there so yeah I guess it's gonna be hard to judge but if your explosive actually hits them you know let's I'm just gonna look it up real quick how about that one point for breaking the Lance on the opponent's arm two points for breaking it on the opponent's chest I don't think we can distinguish between those uh three points for breaking the lands on the opponent's Shield uh so yeah that's all just one thing for us so we're breaking our Lance on the opponent is like a point no points awarded for contact that does not break the player's lands wow like you're this sounds like an expensive sport you gotta break your lands every single time what about if you knock them off the horse though okay well I guess a normal jousting the goal is not to unseat the opponent just to break the Lance on their body or Shield so I guess that's exactly what I did there so that's technically a point to scrap man all right Matt the more we know all right so uh we'll have to keep an eye out pay attention if your Lance actually uh explodes on me I mean if I'm pretty sure I would feel it if it did I don't have the shields which actually seem to work for you oh it's terrifying when you get close oh you're actually over there oh I don't even I don't even know what happened there this is hard this is hard to judge I mean I guess that would be a draw then we both broke our lances on each other oh okay joust here we go oh yeah floated first but yeah and then I also hit I hit the middle of your body right after I'm still flying though how are you still flying you have like no tail all right actually you know what I think we should make a a case uh a special exemption in this case um if both of our lances break but only one of us is still flying I think that person should get a point okay so that's a point to me we're tied now yeah all right we're figuring out the rules as we go if only one lance breaks the person whose lands breaks gets a point if both lances break the if only one person is surviving gets a point now we have a bit of understanding of what we're actually doing yeah we know how to play the game that we're already playing all right screaming oh I know I'm like it feels it feels more under control than I was expecting it to feel you look kind of vulnerable right there I'm coming in oh wow that was an awesome pass that was pretty epic Oh I thought that was gonna be a hit oh oh get it oh yes oh that was the legit that was just oh clear as day that was not a confusing one at all all right that puts me in the lead on two points Oh I thought I was gonna get your underbelly there get him oh oh it was so close here we go oh oh that was a good one are you still able to fly uh I I think I have enough lift I don't know I'm yeah I'm pretty good like I just lost a couple of couple of rotors there yeah I lost a lot of them but it looks like I'm still good all right yeah yeah we both survived that is a tie this is actually a lot more fun than that I thought it was going to be a lot more chaotic but this is a lot more fun than I was expecting oh that was close come on hit those Pro oh okay okay we crossed Lance is there we're like sword fighting now where are you oh that felt good um there's no lift in my props anymore yeah you're going down yeah it looks like it all right another point it is tied up now I mean I'm even willing to go up to like first of Five Points because this is actually a lot more it's a lot more fun and fast-paced than I was expecting but we're both on two points right now yeah we are both on two points oh here he comes here we go oh I took your Shields off without exploding how does that even work well that wouldn't be a point in Real Joe's thing because I didn't break my Lance oh boy oh come on oh yes oh wow that looked like uh yep I do not have enough to recover all right three points for you and yeah I don't think my Lance even hit you I'm surprised how evenly matched we are though yeah so balanced the approach looks good oh no there we go that was a direct hit oh you knocked something out oh yeah oh can I stable out please no oh no all right tied up again three three oh oh oh okay yeah no no explosions didn't count well oh oh that's two explosions at the same time yep and I am not surviving this so that's four points for you now right yes that's right and I'm still I'm still on two oh we could end this round all right pay attention if your Lance hits can we do it oh oh nice you're low yep come on AIM that oh oh wow wow I thought you were gonna get right into my blades there you came right into my screen there oh no oh I could have had that oh oh oh oh yeah that uh yeah pretty clearly a drop come on oh oh no another draw come on there we go that was a legit hit broken lands on the shield yeah all right I guess that's the point to you yep so three for me four for you right now oh he's catching up guys yeah I still gotta I gotta get two points two more points in a row that one was satisfying that was like the most legit close to jousting kind of hit him oh wow that actually worked out amazing but oh okay all right we're even this year now your lamps guided me to your propellers yeah they're like kind of crossbladed yeah all right next next round is gonna be the winner we've tied it up you had a strong lead at the beginning but coming back for the the underdog come back I'm gonna try my best to defend my title right now this is it now or never the final joust yes here it goes this is going to be spectacular oh perfect check out the whole seat wow that was it was one pass too I'm surprised I feel like I learned I learned a lot about how to control this in the last like three matches I just jinxed myself of my last words there the final gels I don't think I took any damage on that one which is surprising almost every almost every other time I broke my lands it hurt me a little bit but that time was like the most perfect one wow congratulations subscribe man yeah that was uh probably one of the closest and most intense battles we've had that's right that is true ah my shield couldn't quite cut it it looks cool though I'm happy with that yeah I mean it did help you on on some of those where both of our lances broke uh I think yeah it did help you get some survivability there I think this idea was inspired by a comment I saw I don't know if it was exactly helicopter jousting but it might have been I'm gonna try to find it so it was a great suggestion which means people should leave some more suggestions for some other awesome ideas and Trail makers because this one was uh actually way more fun than I expected I thought it was just gonna be very very chaotic and luck based but nope we actually had control over what we're doing that's right he would have known yeah but if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye foreign [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 98,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, mid-air battle, trailmakers helicopter, trailmakers jousting, helicopter jousting, explosive jousting
Id: QrSuPX74Rns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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