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so a couple weeks ago i showed you guys a really fun game mode where every time you touch the ball it gets faster and you guys really enjoyed that one so for today instead of messing with the ball speed let's mess with the car speed and have our cars constantly accelerate until we completely lose control of our cars what better way to test this silly game mode out than to challenge my friends to a version of sumo made by simple shark he calls racing sumo all players have to hold onto the boost the whole time and try to hold on for dear life as we pick up speed drastically around the course now i innocently thought this mod would work out fine for everyone and i kept wondering why people were struggling throughout the video turns out something was terribly wrong for the other players but i'll let you guys find out for yourselves as you watch the video but enjoy their struggle as we try this game out for the very first time hope you guys enjoy [Music] that's what's the goal here so the goal here is to hold your thought you have to hold boost uh you're good it's a whole boost and accelerate the whole time and it's first first team to lose like to fall off interesting so oh my god wow that is quick oh yes oh my wait oh wait it accelerated me oh wait it's just constant acceleration wait it gave us points pulled me down it just gave us points you also just die on the corner yeah you gotta turn you gotta turn it down oh i just give us points it it knows you have to hold boost all the time oh god no uh you guys scored first yeah you guys scored how did you guys get two we got two because we were both alive i died but i died you died after you two so yeah okay oh no oh are you serious i'm dead wait i just didn't stop start recording dude i just slipped i literally just said oh man can you restart rentals or what are you we can we just restart no no i'm good i'm good i'm good okay okay dude even like a slight bump just throws oh my god is this too fast do you think i should change the at a certain point like it just throws you off okay i'm gonna turn down the i'm gonna turn down the acceleration to way lower it'll be a way faster race one second second no wait wait faster no like no wait like longer race i mean all right we figured it out i dropped the acceleration way down so we'll accelerate way slower now all right we got here all right good luck time yeah i swear to god if you if you swerve into me i'm i'm going full force to even or not oh oh here we go this is this is a little more intense much better dude you don't slip baby dude you told me you weren't gonna you didn't you didn't oh my god you didn't tell me anything guys guys what else is on the other side what happened where were you i like spun out bro but i kept drifting and accelerating i don't i don't know what just happened b and j gg just swerved into narnia yeah you deserve that i didn't mean to touch you i was honorable i was honorable too you you responded to me what is happening i wait how do we get two points did you survive why am i slipping or i'm spitting out on the middle part yeah you gotta be careful you gotta be careful you gotta swerve like you gotta do like the wide turns dude dude you guys are toxic i don't know where to do that oh my god dude you're right next to me i'm not gonna bump you oh no wait i got an idea oh i'm just going to try and stay alive watch it i'm about to just get thrown off dude it throws me off yeah it pulls you outwards you got to keep you got to keep turning left once in a while just keep turning left it's fighting you upwards you have to make sure you hold it horrible at this it's every day we race on this yeah you got to hold left a little bit not hold left oh [Music] all right we're in front stay alive you're wrong hold it left there you go hold it left oh my god i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead before us it's like you're running up or like on ice in that middle yeah yeah it's crazy you really just gotta hold it like you gotta trust no way he's oh what he survived oh no dude i know it's close i can't believe yeah i think we need to swallow the teams next round i mean yeah a little bit too good of this [Applause] i think ghost survived dude i'm not falling for it this is ridiculous i'm not doing it to you i never oh my god what oh wait no no wait i'm alive no no so you'll see you later oh oh my god i just went through the weight i got turned around oh okay i'm dead wait we got points through the wall yeah dude wait we already got 11. maybe we should go 21. all right funny one yeah i really faced through that i was insane i feel like i'm missing something no this is just how it is oh my god dude it's i'm not trolling i swear no you got it you gotta just you gotta just you gotta not drift just like turn i don't know no i am i am turning it i just it just literally goes through it like i wish i could show you what it looks like dude we all oh god no it just does that like i'm not going left or right i'm just going through the wall oh my god what is happening again we're getting trolled again no i'm actually not trolling this the same you can tell where he was moving at the same speed [Applause] i'm so sweety okay i'm out now you did better than me still like by half a second oh for real dude i swear i'm not i'm actually like no no i'm so god like we're not trying we're not doing anything i believe you please please i don't want to bump my own team in here oh rentals no i should have stayed in there oh it's finding it they got a point let's go we got a point slowly slowly yeah i'm giving you a 1v1 every time i'm just going to kill yeah yeah i'm running i'm running we haven't even got that fast honestly oh shoot oh my god i died like a second after left i think dude how was i supposed to wait no that doesn't make any sense dude you bumped me and i literally i i backflipped in the air and went back on oh my god it was actually ridiculous i am just trying to do survival here yeah oh god don't do this oh you were behind me i didn't even see you oh that's true you almost swerved right into me man how did you catch up to me guys wait we're both alive there yeah i think you got two points yeah there you go dude how are you catching up as i'm literally i think you were like he was slightly turned downward like like facing downwards get him go how are you it's just the immovable object um you never touched me that was horrible yeah i just died what oh god dude this is so fat this is so fast wait how are you still on i don't know i'm phil i'm feeling it man i'm still feeling it look at me that's the zero pain no i'm telling you man i'm telling you i'm just vibing like let's try i don't find it that hard this is not lcs dude bumps aren't that useful he's gonna like barely ever like basically i just do full i do full left around it was your fault oh dude you're the one that slowed down in front of me so i think you guys won that one i had a good run that time yeah dude honestly i barely tap the turning on the straightaways and then i i hold the left on the turns like all the way i thought we were supposed to be holding the boost yeah you are no no he said turn yeah like i hold left here on the turn okay dude wait did we get a point there i think we got it yeah you did yeah nice just barely that was like really close oh you guys are holding on don't do it it's winnable guy don't do it oh god oh god oh god oh god i'm turning it in jg you went for it i saw that i just no i didn't i swear i swear i didn't i don't know he's dead through the floor that happens to be on that oh my god oh yeah i actually didn't i was just trying to stay alive i don't know what i'm doing it's so hard to like control those corners no i just get thrown through the ground if i left if i let go boost it's like much easier but yeah but i know you're not supposed to i just wanted to see what it was like well it's way more manageable that's okay i'm dead i died there okay well that's that's it all right let's let's follow the teams i'll uh i'll restart the round yeah let's do this let's do a slower acceleration still goes all right come on over go why is tick tock so easy to grow on i don't know oh wait i gotta pause for riddles come on come on roxy let's go man dude someone followed me with that name and didn't know it was yours that's weird all right the acceleration's a lot slower now oh i would have rather not been bumped dude how did you save that wait we get two oh let's go dude i okay that was a valiant effort though i saw you get stuck on the pull on the side yeah i did please though i just let go i gotta i shoot it did i say left to style i just thought i just stopped boosting another point the wreck in front of my all right can you jump i mean i wouldn't do that oh my god that's my teammate oh please stay alive i'm dead yeah there's no way survives that okay wait i think i died after you please nice well played well played he was swerving at the end there the second you get like bumped in the back you swerve everywhere this guy this acceleration feels good though get off of me go no oh let's go is that two that's one good i'm not oh gosh i don't want to bump you i just let go again i gotta let go i gotta die oh let's go sleep i gotta get two points oh it's it's pretty competitive i like this this acceleration feels a lot better because it's like actually builds up a lot slower oh god oh dude okay i just slipped on a banana peel or something uh oh my god me too are we am i good i have not completed a lap yet really my game just froze dude god you come with a lap at one time i think dude i'm vibing man i'm oh riddles guys i think my game broke oh no all right good comment let's go yeah all right there we go you still recording uh i don't know oh i couldn't do anything about it i was literally going the the speed i mean we ended up being faster than i was yeah i was i was in the uh the steeper curve in the middle so i got to do that yeah if you want to catch up to them and bump them you go as close to the outside as possible okay there he goes think they got first i think they beat us yeah oh no let's go i'm staying away i'm gonna go no no let's go do you say recovery is rattles behind me oh let's go why is that counting wait wait wait rebels is not dead the rebels is not dead how is he so slow i'm laughing him like a million pounds turned out but i kept the rules it's not a ping thing i'm telling you just like just it's just better holding on and james just oh my god i just witnessed that first hand behind i don't know i don't know if i want i don't know if i want to catch up to jg you can't it's like oh god i don't need to do a move i can't take trades with a gun because i know it's left versus jj oh my dude you gotta all right i respond to positive reinforcement okay all right kill left [Laughter] yes are you behind me there it is no i died [Laughter] [Music] i'm proud of you dude oh my god after like 45 races that was amazing i think i can do it every time now yeah you just know it he's gonna get used to the turning brothers you got this no how did you not move dude i just held like out outwards the second i tapped you i was gonna fly off oh man no i'm like falling above the water when i turn the quarters dude oh is it really like someone else hopes for a second oh i guess that won't really work unless everyone else is in the thing i don't know i don't think it's a ping thing i don't why is it making you guys spin out um it's very unstable it's very unstable okay i'm dead i have glitched through a wall quite a few times oh there could definitely be a people i don't know i mean i better cause havoc okay i'm going to turn corners then oh go ahead oh that was so scary when i saw reynolds on the corner there was like old one that was terrifying yeah you guys are the opposite way turn around we'll do like collisions oh good try okay cool all right thank you yeah rattle's going that way i guess rebel i don't play by the rules did you just take me out no you're so toxic i love that okay let's just let everybody turn around first and then we'll boost oh good god it went the wrong way it's okay no how did you dude all right oh boy please no good luck soldier jesus christ oh i don't think reynolds wants to hit anybody because he's going to get killed i'm dead i'm dead let's go let's go wait reynolds is dead oh that was it oh dude i'm light-headed this is crazy is rattles alive no oh i'm out wait what you're alive he's still on the side he cheated i know no i'm full boosting stuff yeah yeah yeah i'm just kidding i'm just kidding you got i got i will be just on like on the track someone share their screen someone share their screen on this one i want to see what you guys are dealing with it's this corner that i'll just glitch through like that oh yeah that's been happening to me the whole way oh i didn't tell you that well but like if you don't turn perfectly and wait wait watch dude all right wait watch this that that is that is bad yeah that's probably why i've been doing so much better oh sh okay on the other side like i can literally just guys yeah it was really easy for me this entire time that was happening let me share my screen here watch this let's play for the round perfect it's gonna you guys gonna be so mad all right here we go here's a round dude what yeah yeah yeah man i didn't think it was that bad for you guys yeah it's just we're playing different versions yeah literally let's talk later you guys are on hard mode okay well like let's do one with all three of you on one team then because this isn't going to work no matter what i feel bad now i didn't i didn't know i didn't know it was that bad you guys were being trolled okay okay go maybe swap to uh orange yeah yeah i mean reynolds is figuring it out [Applause] this entire video was stupid it didn't mean anything oh my god well honestly that's kind of funny oh my gosh oh wow nice [Laughter] oh this is so dumb i'm so sorry guys i i feel so bad i didn't i just thought you guys sucked oh my okay guys well that was ridiculous hope you guys enjoyed regardless what just happened to my car wait what probably would happen to us i just went flying man probably had one second lag no i went flying anyway i hope you guys enjoyed what a stupid video that was so dumb until next time have a great day guys we'll catch you guys the next one so the entire thing was so dumb oh sad
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 268,883
Rating: 4.9435625 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, But, The, Cars, Keep, Accelerating, Getting, Faster
Id: eo843eSLfb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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