I PRANKED ATHENA (Athena Flick Troll)

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all right guys welcome back another prank video it's been quite a while since the last prank video i believe the last one we did was the musty video which was quite a couple months ago uh but i thought this was the perfect time to do this and i'm recording this after the fact because i wasn't sure uh what this is going to turn into if it was going to be a prank and uh i think it ended up being really brilliant but here's the idea if you've been in the rocket league community lately and you've seen what's going on in the in the community athena has had a new outbreak of this brand new mechanic called the athena flick and basically what it is is it's flicking the ball into the crossbar by the way don't mind the ddr mat in the background that's gonna be for a future video if you did watch my joystick and rocket league video a couple weeks ago i'm starting to do this series where i play with different controllers and that's gonna be one of them and i have no words for that one that one is gonna be ridiculous but anyway here's the plan so the idea is i'm going to make a map for athena where the goal is where the crossbar is so now the goals won't actually exist they'll be on the map it'll be a standard rocket league field and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to trick her into thinking that i gave her the wrong map that way she's totally caught off guard and isn't sure what's going on because it's going to be on my dungeon map which i made a long time ago over a year now but yeah i think i'll let the video speak for itself it's pretty funny if you do enjoy this kind of content and you want to see more daily unique videos uh subscribing helps me out a ton i'm currently on the road to 1 million subscribers i know i don't use facecam too often but i thought this was a perfect opportunity you'll be seeing her reactions and my reactions at the same time but i hope you guys enjoy the videos nonetheless let's get right into it hope you guys enjoy i just realized i gave you i gave you the wrong map but we can do a quick warm-up because it's it's going to be like a 1v1 with a limited boost and uh you'll see why but this is just a one of my other maps is this oh it looks normal yeah this is normal i messed up i gave you the wrong file but we'll give we'll do a quick 1v1 and uh and we'll see how it goes you know just get a little warm up what do you mean i don't know i gotta i gotta i gotta oh you gotta scare him for the month i forgot about that all right what you got nothing i have nothing that's crazy oh where's the goal what happened what happened to the goal where's the goal i don't know i don't know what happened i don't know i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on with the goals is it where i have to hit the crossbar you are lying to me right now no definitely not definitely definitely not what are you doing closed captioning not the crossbar that's available wait you don't want it you don't want it you don't want it you don't oh i don't i don't i really don't you're right you're right you know okay okay watch this is how left left left left oh wait that was actually such a good shot what do you mean okay so it is the crossbar i don't know what you're talking about uh-huh no no no no no no no i'm not scared what the heck is that lad that is not garlic that was a perfect athena flick what are you talking about i flicked it off look at that perfect are you kidding me this is this is what you spent your time on yeah of course this is what you said oh unfortunately i really missed the goal there one sec let me flick it up here's the thing no no no no no you don't want it you don't want it you don't want it okay even though i am quote unquote no for the athena flick oh [Music] close literally that's so dumb close close close no no no no no no unless you're hacking the system you gotta have that you gotta have that perfect accuracy for the athena flicks you know accuracy is something that i do not have like that yeah you got scammed no no no watch watch watch and learn watch it ready all right my turn my throne my turn no no don't do it don't do it you don't want no no you don't i am not happy to be here i am not happy to be here what are you talking about i'm having a i'm having a blast you're having a blast you're having fun yeah oh good okay that's so funny i need to i need to now score come on you're the expert go for it go for it please no no you actually rigged it you rigged it there's no way no i put it i put a little higher than the bottom of the crossbar oh hey that psyched me i was like where's the goal yeah it's hard to tell i just kind of put a box like above it so it's like not really like precise but no no no no i don't believe you that's a bump for you sir okay it's there trust me look it's doing it what's like 20 billion no no no no no no okay you're so used to defending the goal it's like so different this is actually so much more difficult it is hard but it but you should you should have it this is maybe okay you know what wait athena this is perfect this is what you should use in free play because you'll try to shoot for it but you'll always shoot low and then that's where you have to actually shoot you know that is so dumb i think you did literally like 20 seconds ago how does this count i don't know i don't know i think it's like it's like just above the bottom of the crossbar like you can't hit the very bottom you gotta like shoot it like the ball has to be above the crossbar okay well listen all right you know i always like to okay i'm the underdog all right yeah of course there you go let's go let's go so this is what i'm saying like maybe maybe you'll psych yourself out because you'll be trying to shoot for the crossbar but instead you'll actually just shoot it on target you know what you're going to do now left i'm going to practice hitting the crossbar and when after this video i'm only going to hit the spot what you're saying is i'm perpetuating the problem yes you're actually me you're making me worse do you turn on some rumble after this you don't yeah yeah i'm down look you're so good you're so you're so good at that i need to learn the athena flick okay i don't know if that's a compliment or is that like an insult you're so good at hitting crossfire you're so great you know it's fantastic you can't make an open net you're like no no no no you're actually hitting it pretty accurately though because it is pretty tightly it's not like a big space you can score so that's pretty good like now you know my pain no you know oh see like it it's hard it's not easy okay 20 seconds don't worry i'm gonna touch it okay you're actually so active oh no shot yeah yeah there wasn't a shot there's a thing okay oh stop don't put me on a pressure like this yeah oh no well that was a good that was a good shot on target okay i'm giving back to you oh wait wait wait wait wait wait okay i'm going to take it and run it to the ground okay very nice very nice so uh what are your thoughts so far well i'm forever quitting rocket league i hope you know this no no no no no you're good you're gonna install i'm uninstalling all right let's let's turn on some let's turn on some rubble so now we got something witchcraft did you do i just turned on yeah okay yeah let me just turn on rumble mid match you know not changing any settings or nothing no i i i actually i'm i i swear we can even change teams you want i'll do oranges there's no there's no shenanigans here okay yeah you probably clicked on another other switch and be like oh no no i can uh you're giving me you're giving me way too much credit here it's just rumble uh-huh yeah i won't use the rumble you can use it though no way it's a little low a little low now you don't want it you don't want it oh i i don't i don't i don't want it hard enough okay here we go no no that wasn't it how's the scarab by the way it is you know i thought that i should be one with listen i'm gonna mess you up sorry no way what way oh wait i thought i got that i actually thought i still got that i honestly the scarab i wanted to be one with the ball it's op and um it's actually harder to score this way so you know what maybe maybe this is proving that the athena flick's not an easy move to pull off no it is definitely not an easy move like i saw someone try it he was uh let's go let's go redemption starts here goodness that was a perfect thing to look i can't i can't handle it the thing is even my brain i'm like trying to defend the goal and you're going higher and i'm just oh no you know how horrible oh no how horrible missing the net you know they're so unfortunate given the circumstance for someone who literally made a map devoted to this stupid freaking mechanic oh you're supposed to be a mechanic it's literally a mistake it's a mechanic what are you talking about i don't know wait wait wait wait no it's fine it's fine hold on you don't want it you don't want it right no i don't know something cool you have spikes oh no no no no no oh the spikes are op you can just take it right into the crossbar that's so funny and once again look i'm flying into the net like i was trying to defend the net normally oh my goodness that's a horrible habit you have yeah oh what a horrible top right corner defense position there yeah wait oh oh no shot close close close don't bump me don't bother me okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait two that was a great attempt you know no you don't want it i do what do i do no oh come on come on you definitely do not well now you have no power up no wait i'm i have two minutes i have two minutes i gotta score something no you don't what a block on my way out my way oh come on i want to use the power up so bad wait no no oh wait yeah drive out what are you gonna do flick it into the ceiling it's gonna run out please please please run out oh that would have been genius i actually blocked them no wait wait hold on oh my god you're on it okay i didn't expect that stay away stay away i am a i am not a 1v1 i am not a 1v1 okay nope oh my god how do you keep getting the power-ups stop it stop stop it oh here i am feeling good about myself but you're not using power no i said that oh you want to use power ups yeah yeah next game next day the next game okay no nevermind take it back you don't need it you don't need it you don't need oh you no no stop come on i still can't score i still can't score i'll use power-ups nice game no i don't know what i'm doing i don't either all right one one goal one goal no oh what the heck eight seconds shot no that's not good if you get spikes it's over if you get spikes you're right no i'm not using power-ups this game right i only use the one i was trolling i was trolling okay okay okay you don't wanna you don't let the this is supposed to be fair this what do you got what do you think i got you got spikes don't mind me it's happening nothing cena nothing's happening okay okay close close uh i am in this place don't do it i was trying to be a good a good rocket league player no it's fine it's fine it's fine because i'll win fair and square yeah you're gonna use arabs next yeah okay okay okay i'm ready okay okay to stomp full full powers both of us yep full power okay okay but like you have to stay in that the whole game okay okay okay okay that's fine i like that i like that no no no no go back go back go back i'll use the power-ups i'll try to score from far away there's no way oh what a shot i had nothing i had that stupid like the little speedy thing what a shot though i had the speed thing too so i was kind of screwed i was like please don't challenge please don't challenge how are the uh athena flicks on the scarab how they been you know i the scarab wow it's scary was a beauty did you know or someone told me granted this is probably not the most accurate way to get information but someone on twitter made a youtube video trying to see which car had the most uh or had the highest average rank right scarab was uh was the car that had the highest average okay no no there's no way yep because no one uses it so that means there's like one person in grand champion that's just like playing it did i just kick you into that did i just i think you set me up no i didn't no i didn't see everything i do everything i literally no i hit it after why i don't actually know what just happened there okay here it is that was a good play bye-bye okay you know let's just hear it a lot about no no bang what are you what are you learning about me i'm just being cheeky i'm being cheeky that you cyberbully that that you're that you're you're just here to what don't say that no i feel bad now i feel bad no yeah okay no no no no listen give me give me give me your best flick right now i'm not i'm literally gonna make it i'm gonna make it open that when i try to do something the opposite happens all right so okay my best flick okay yep it's hard in the scare my trust is gone this friendship is gone everything in between is just gone let's listen listen try again try again try again what do you have now no no you try again try again just give it a second tornado with the tornado you know i get myself confused with the ball just everything yeah of course it makes sense yeah and the scarabs looks like a ball so it's hard to no i'm into flick oh i can't even score i could literally okay no your turn go yeah did you not notice what happened okay nothing i think nothing happened nothing happened okay no no you don't want it to do what you're gonna do like a second if a second if i had a second before no no i mean can we come here i think it wouldn't work yeah i think it would have worked it would have worked too it would have my bad my bad so like you don't want me to do something like that right worries no listen score it on the other side you know what i mean yeah okay blue side blue side your blue team your blue team ready no 50 seconds left no no no no no you don't want to you i don't i don't want it okay what no way no way no no no no no wait you got a boot in that that's some ball i feel like i feel like i need to like you're gonna i feel like everything actually feels horrible what i'm doing here this is no way please what a shot what a shot nice play nice play 20 seconds 20 seconds no wait wait no you did not just do that you did know i literally thought i was so good with the freaking freeze i was like oh haha he's never going to expect this and you get a plunger uh yeah it's fine it's fine oh they'll just help you okay what i thought you scored that i was so worried i wish i did okay no i was close close no six seconds left this is it this is the moment okay okay get it yep flick perfect flick what a shot there was nothing i could do i had spikes oh what a shot oh finally i did something that was a good flick that was a good flick well played well what did you think what'd you think of me that's freaking hilarious oh my god it was so good that was so funny well thank you for joining i appreciate you being a good sport i thought it was pretty funny i was trying to be like a harmless little prank and no was no hard feelings yeah it was good definitely check out athena's channel if you if you haven't on uh well either tick tock or youtube we'll have both the links in the description uh it was a lot of fun to record with you we should do more in the future it's actually a really fun time i'm down yeah i am down if you ever need meme content and something that doesn't require a skill i'm your go-to if i ever need a scarab to show up in my videos i'll i'll be sure to share with you you'll confuse me for the ball so it's okay yeah but until next time guys have a great day and we'll catch you guys the next one bye that was fun you
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 804,313
Rating: 4.9647508 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Athena, I Pranked, Prank, Troll, Flick
Id: DfJUJcdCb5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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