Rocket League Among Us (6 New Players vs. 2 Impostors)

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yo guys it's here among us in rocket league among us has quickly become one of the most popular games in the world for two reasons number one it's fun to play no matter what your skill level is and number two you can play for free on your phone actually rocket league is similar to this because you can have fun no matter how good you are and although you can't play in your phone it is now free to play since the update on september 23rd because of this i knew exactly who to pick for today's participants noobs we will have six players who are extremely new to the game like they've been playing for a maximum of two weeks and of course there will be two imposters who will do all they can to disguise themselves as new players these imposters are grand champions who've been playing for years and now they have to pretend that they just downloaded the game there will be a few alterations to what you're used to seeing in an among us game since this is rocket league and we can't just murder people so easily in rocket league but i'll explain everything as we go through the video oh and one more thing videos like these take so much effort but they are so fun to make if you want a chance to be in them please press that free subscribe button right now and join the discord i promise you'll enjoy your time here and it's a safe place if you guys enjoy this video we might have more of these in the future alright there are two imposters among us to start this off we will be viewing a one minute clip of a 4v4 match we'll be only looking at this round from the pov of each player make sure to pay attention to camera settings car choices toppers wheels and of course their gameplay i remember when i first started playing i had no idea what i was doing unfortunately for me since i started in 2015 there were no tutorials or guides or people like me making content on how to get better since they're in my video we know that these guys at least watch some rocket league content so don't be fooled if they have good camera settings that are moving a little bit better than you might have when you started out oh yeah i've silenced our participants for this round as i don't want any communications coming through this is just pure unadulterated madness of course there are two imposters who at this point seem to be blending in pretty well pause the video if you want and comment and who is looking sus already through the first part i guess you get bonus points if you get it right before we even really get into it oh wow okay now this is confusing sweaty geo is in the goal just kind of waiting i'm not really sure what to think about that one way to know for sure if you're looking at lower ranked players is the way they all kind of bunch up together in the corners and give each other kind of a big group hug oh how cute is that alright the observation round is coming to an end two imposters among six new players who do you think is looking out of place let's get into the tasks so the first challenge vibin purple yeah yep you just got to dribble it for a couple seconds whatever you got you got three seconds to drop on the car oh the ball goes the ball goes on top of the car yeah one try all right i was like a second it's not bad all right go for it any dribble you want okay i'm not super good does it have to be a goal doesn't have to be it's all good that's on the wall all right we'll count it all right who's up next okay it's funny there's been barely anything said this round from any of our players this is truly feeling like an among us game no one wants to say something wrong all right let me see this is up very nice when did everybody start the game okay i'm just saying i did find something to kind of messed up if you when people score if you look at the bottom it tells them like it tells like how long like veteran or something like that though that's therefore i don't know yeah that's just a title i i i already have that around like 20 20 20 level or something yeah all right i think it's fresh oh wow yeah i saw fresh i mean he like when i missed he hit he hit like the side of his car like perfectly like the ball outside his car perfectly okay do it sideways we're just going to do one shot but it's going to be crazy it's going to be what they call a flip reset oh jesus i'm just going to search up a tutorial right now who want who wants to go first not me oh somebody bumped me sorry oh okay and something like that what the hell was that oh on this side all right i have no idea what i'm doing but okay okay can i say something honestly though breeze bro i look so but i just [ __ ] held down boost one question so i watch my videos how do you have that boost from the alpha alpha no that's the no no that's the standard no breezes car x double it it's from 2015. how do you how's that it's not the 2015 car i just have it exit i just i literally just googled eggs i googled flat cars and i found eggs there's a limited title and somehow he's a new player and he has that and an actual i mean i my account okay listen i started the game like a while ago but i never really played it and i started again with a bunch of friends imposter you didn't get it in free play i mean i'm a new player i never i i started playing it when it came free uh just like a bunch of weeks ago with a bunch of friends i actually never like played the game i played it for like five hours and now i play it with friends because he came free on episodes can i like go to your epic account and see what your play time is you gotta defend a shot against me oh no that can't scale it's like defending you don't do much hey good stuff oh he's just really good at it you got me the mind games there greasy are you here i don't think reese is here alright anybody else want to go while he's recovering he's good play valiant play pretty here i see him moving he's here i gotta go i'll let my family play for the content all right that's everybody who went right besides reecey yeah all right there i don't think a bad player could like recognize that that shot was like impossible to defend i voted gc twice in a row because he just like he seems quite like comfortable like driving around and stuff how many areas he was doing like spins and stuff i'd say on g7 is second muscle i'm like wait gc oh g7 g7 g7 it's all right um but yeah i was doing that because i do that a lot in turn movement once sauce on nemesis because i saw like spinning around while boosting in the air yeah that's what i do for fun but it seemed to suss all right a tie since we can't murder people in rocket league the game could last forever if we did nothing about a tie so we did another re-vote but we had another tie in the rules i said if we had a double tie the imposters would be given the power to eliminate anyone of their choice it's like dude it's like his dad playing or something he said right bro i've been watching him for the past three minutes just drive around take off ball cam whatever makes it easier but i want you to turn to the whole group under pressure do your best half flip i i don't know all right when you're ready how in the world do you actually do a half flip i want you to land flat on the wall above the goal just a reminder for those watching there is only one imposter remaining because if there were two the imposters would have already won because there were only two crew members left yeah i'm still like so like i got my vote right here i i think i might know who it is but i'm not a hundred percent sure yeah i have no idea i'll just be happy in g7 i'm kind of thinking no i was thinking nemesis as well yeah i missed on g72 545 you guys can start your 1v1 v1 v1 i think we've already tried starting yeah oh wow damn it's good i didn't even mean to hit it i'm voting for nemesis we're all kind of like the same good vote give you a cookie if you vote nemesis yeah that's bribery a little bit to be fair i typed before he said that so it wouldn't have persuaded looks like the imposters won i hope you enjoyed this epic video i'll be making more of these in the future but only if you remember to like the video right now and subscribe because this video took a long ass time my socials are also on the bottom of the screen so go ahead and give my twitch a follow because i play among us in rocket league and since i love playing with people from my discord you might want to join that too see you next week later
Channel: CBell
Views: 936,500
Rating: 4.9068465 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Among Us, Among Us in Rocket League, Rocket League but its among us, Rocket League odd man out, rocket league impostors, rocket league free to play, rocket league beginners, rocket league f2p, rocket league showmatch, rocket league challenge, rocket league, CBell Rocket League, CBell, among us, among us in rocket league, among us rocket league, Rocket League Impostors, Rocket League Imposters, Rocket league rank vs rank
Id: m5HI2eUW1Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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