Rock River Arms LAR-PDS

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welcome to farm solutions today we're looking at the Rock River Arms lar pds or piston-driven system we need to go back in time a little bit to the piston grace probably would say around 2008 2009 a time period where everybody decided they had to go with a external piston because the direct cast was no good no that goes without saying I am NOT if I am a fan of the direct cast of the properly made system but people were asking about external piston operated rifles so many manufacturers decided to just give it to them rather than to give that business away versus like cold when the hk416 came out and rather than give the customers what they asked for they wanted to insist that the drink a system was better and only offered them the direct gas well when customers would put out rfqs for rifles that were specific system cold would had nothing to sell them and they would turn it over H&K or anybody else well many companies got smart and what they did was they said alright we may not agree with it's the way to go but we'll give it to you now some companies it's a very simple modifications to make ones that do not work very well and then any responder companies who design we're gonna redo this thing we're gonna make it right if we're gonna make an extra tile piston one we're gonna do it right we're gonna design the rifle the system around the rifle which is pretty much what Rock River did here we have here is a very good example of a properly made external piston rather than trying to convert an air 15 to fire you know from an external piston system they actually redesign the upper receiver and a lower receiver to make a proper external justice system so we're gonna do is we're going to go over this thing from back to front now one thing you're gonna see you're gonna see a lot of m16 in this well you will the lower receiver and his components yes however the lower receiver is not compatible with the m16 is specifically designed for this extra piston driven system as well as the upper receiver these are proprietary components specifically for this model so what you're seeing here are not standard ar-15 upper and lower receivers these are custom designed for this type of an operating system first we have a stock assembly now due to the fact that says an external piston your spring is located in the inside so there's no need for receiver extension which enables you to have a side folding stock as you can see here there's no buffer there's nothing that's needed I'm sure this system would have gotten a little more popular there probably would have made some different types of stocks they were probably a little bit easier to use they're a little bit thinner but to keep you know with the ar-15 theme where you can say I want six positions I want to put any factory stock on it I can this is a logical choice so this way we can regular femur extension comes with a standard stock but you can put any one of the God knows how many aftermarket stocks there are out there so six position and then you close it now when you have this thing closed looking at about 26 inches overall now when you have this thing open with a stock all the way you're looking at about thirty seven and a half inches you close it up 34 and a half inches so you get many different overall links that you can have with this thing now looking on the right side here you'll see your magazine release is familiar you have an ejection port cover you notice there's no forward assist again it's it's not needed i metaphor is this fan to begin with but you do have up here an ambidextrous cocking handle where you can adjust up here for your right handed or you can close it up here over here if your left hand depending on however you want it and that's how it is actuated others to it this is a non reciprocating charging handle charging handles here as well which is something else that many people do like about it now looking forward we have a standard 16 inch chrome moly vanadium barrel manganese phosphate chrome-plated barrel it is a one in nine inch twist one nine-inch twist is large gently in 77 or any mission is ideal is ideal for 55 grain 62 grain and 69 grain so it's a good all all across barrel for any omission it's out there with exception of going to the 77 ring you know and of course above that now you do have a one-piece handguard here the this I'm not going to call this free floated but the handguard does not touch the barrel here is the top here it's all done by the gas block as you see here now the gas block you'll see there's 1913 rails underneath and up top this is flat you have a full-length 1913 or L so you could put a backup sight on here if you so chose this is proprietary barrel nut system now the gas block as you see here is held on by set screws this is probably the only thing I could really I would really want to criticize this rifle is effected I preferred rolling pin especially when you have an external piston where you have a operate where I'm smacking back and forth I do believe that the drilling opinion would be a lot better you do have an adjustment valve on here for suppressed unsuppressed and you do have your safety location standard bolt catch and again you can put any state do you want any here and you look at you want anything that's compatible with the ar-15 these parts are compatible though they upper lower receiver or not you do have a two-stage trigger on here as well this where it comes with however you can choose a can trigger that you would want in this thing yeah peace we have on here is a DI optical rave - or Raven - which is a red dot sight powder by a cr123 and you also have the electronic nails over here you'll have to use any kind of a knob it's all electronic and the arms mount and we also have a three power bank fire which is also by an arm so lever Mountain the 78b we're gonna use ridiculous thing a part where your show sort of what makes this thing tick disassembles very similar to that of any ar-15 looking at your receiver you can see how this is very different this is not the same kind of a receiver you have on your standard m16 so you're not gonna convert one from this upper receiver onto a lower receiver this is gonna be different you notice we do have a few QD sockets on here as well as one here one on top enough for you to be able to put your ear stock on and again we can swap out any stock to system we want on this thing remove the bolt carrier mechanism you push inward and down and you can see we have an ek type recoil spring you have the bolt carrier group now the bolt is very similar to that of the the m16 in fact I do this is uh this is interchangeable so in this assembly here we basically have an m16 type bolt system we have big hands it's hard to get in there to manipulate that pin with the firing pin I can remove the cam pin and we hit the bulb now you can't use the same bolt as you can see here we just have the tracks manufactured in here for the gas rings because obviously you don't need it and there is your operating system now in order to get to the pistol we have to remove a roll pin which we will do so now we remove the piston itself so as we can see the piston it's right on like so and the charging handle is not removable now the hang guard again you don't have any 1913 reels on the sides you do we have the 1933 on the bottom here for a bipod if you so chose now I imagine if this rifle would have gone on further to have more popular you probably would have seen some 1913 rails came out for it but it never really got that far again this was a this was an answer to the question that was made in the mid 2000s when people want to look at piston guns so for reassembly rather simple drop in like so insert your gas plug [Music] [Music] so for reassembly of the bolt again just like any m16 type bolt so make sure the extractor is lined up on the right hand side drop in the install the frame time now we're going to install recoil spring because you see once you have everything installed everything is self-contained the recoil spring everything is within the receiver itself which is why you don't need to have a stock on here this is available in a pistol for him as well we're gonna take this to the range we're gonna see how it shoots now prefers accuracy was concerned this was on par with any a our only shot at 50 yards with it but it was about an inch inch and a half at 50 yards with just regular old Black Hills two to three and in turn a matching nation out of it now for MSRP is 1680 five centuries find them in a wild little a little cheaper than that but I think you need to understand where this thing comes from this comes from that demand in that 2009 time period where people wanted to go to external piston the HK had that incredible it really was an incredible propaganda campaign that they put out against the m4 and the problems that it caused and with them looking at it and congressionally and so forth but at that time period many many companies came out with external piston guns so this is just one of many different manufacturers I think Rock River did a very good job at their execution I think at the time that it came out they wanted to get something out so you don't see how they were famous on here like 1913 rails on the bottom here or a thinner stock the external piston you want to call external piston movement has really come to I want to say to stand still but it's pretty nice slowed down to pretty much nothing I think people are pretty much over they realized that a properly made direct impingement system or internal piston system it's just as reliable as any external piston system you know a lot of people talked about the differences not really very experienced you do have some military guys who are you know I've used both systems you know I'm a component for the direct gas being made me being made properly you know the only really benefits that you will get is you to avoid some of the gases coming back here now again when we look at gas coming back into here in filth what is your what is your threshold how many rounds we need to fire without cleaning we fired both even fired both the internal piss and an external piston guns over a thousand rounds while cleaning the army defines a battle is 300 rounds so both of them will go through the army considers to be a battle 300 rounds and over a thousand rounds without being cleaned so which one is better well for a real for realistically you know so I guess some things you've got to ask yourself are you really an abuser I pull the point where you may find the external piston to be more advantageous that's something I guess you got to ask yourself I've always said going back to that time period on direct versus external piston when they say which one is better what's the requirement at the time HK was making their own requirements the US military needed to come out with a requirement it needs to fire this amount of rounds and this is about a time period and not cleaned and have less than this about all functions because my knowledge that has never been done where someone has said we are coming up with a requirement and we're gonna fire both guns and then have one going past you everyone failed so that's that's really where I stand with the external piston but it was a craze it's still someone I don't believe the record were sells very many of these anymore I'm sure when they came out with that craze they did but I don't think they do anymore but for those of you who are looking at an external piston type rifle AR platform or like a pet ability and in parts this would be one for you to look at I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you do please click like please subscribe and even better share and please consider making a donation on our patreon and we were soul funded we can use all the help we can get thank you very much
Channel: SmallArmsSolutions
Views: 6,407
Rating: 4.9162302 out of 5
Id: X4DYjdp0ym0
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Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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