Rock River Arms LAR 15 Elite Comp Rifle

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welcome to smarm solutions previously I did a video on my first Rock River arms that I really ever worked with and that was their lar 47 760 by 39 which was a rifle that I really really liked in fact I bought that rifle because it would work beautifully it took the a K magazine it took all the steel magazines so I'm interested in taking a look at more of the rock river arms lineup rifle we have here is called the LA ar-15 elite comp now Rock River I'll probably if you were to compare them to anybody else in this industry they probably offer okay you know largest catalogue of variations and I do also believe that they will custom make them for you as well I chose this particular one because of you know when I do these videos I like to show components of a manufacturer as many components as I can have them put on one single rifle to go over and the other thing is sort of nice about this particular system as well as every part that you see on this rifle you have the ability to buy is an upgrade to your your own rifle I'm all the parts that you see on here they sell the barrels the hand guards the front sight bases the you know stocks the slow that's the safeties which are also pretty unique or to talk a little bit about so I did this the second record for arms that I ordered was the was the LA ar-15 and I have to say it was not to disappoint I was extremely happy with the quality again rocker arms is a company that was very rare I was really really new too because I do a lot more with military-type weapons myself not so much other kind of commercial ends for you know in my career doing this YouTube channel is given me the opportunity to take a look at last a five member I normally never would have just because of the fact again I'm used to dealing with you know the Colts the LM T's you know the military great stuff that I would see overseas I'm very glad to have the opportunity to take a look at at these and we're gonna talk a little bit about this one from the butt to the muzzle and talk about some of the really unique features that this rifle has and we're just gonna jump right into this one I'm sorry gonna cheat with my iPad on this one just because of the fact that there are so many components on here with so many different names that I want to screw them up and get them you know mixed up so you guys looking for the wrong things if you're interested in buying some of this stuff so uh put it now please forgive me I don't have this one memorized again just too many components because pretty much everything you see on here is Rock River arms specific they made pretty much everything or design pretty much everything that you see on this rifle starting it to where you have the the operator stock this is a extremely well-made stock I sort of got the profile of the of the sopmod stock which I'm really really fond of for as far as the triangular shape we also she got two QD points on their left both left and right this is a six position stock we do have a standard receiver extension on here looking at the receiver extension of it's not staked in place response the backup sight the 40 L this is the the sight that came with the rifle which I was very excited to see this is these are not inexpensive sights these are actually the ones that I prefer most of my rifles have these on themselves they are metal they have dual apertures both long range and short range by pulling it by pulling the leaf down you also have a knob on the left hand side so you could adjust by hand this is also was a site that was approved for use by SOCOM so it's an excellent site now this is this is not pretty the optic is not provided by my Rock River bombers you're talking about anyways now what taking pubis talk about this site that I chose to use of this team for the testing I want to put a call to arms unlimited for helping me out with thug ins and these Trijicon sites to review like to bring you guys the latest and greatest and optics this is the MRO this is a very similar to a name point or scouted arrest got a red dot in the middle you do have six different positions including ir capabilities as well you a rather large objective on the outside which also helps bring in more light as now the one thing I did change on this thing was the the mount itself the mount that comes on it had these tiny little allen key type bolts on it that's great if you're only going to be putting him on one rifle but I test these things on multiple rifles so that wasn't working out too well for me I was able to get my hands on one of the brand new arms throw lever mount mounts that has a riser on so I can still have my echo witness this also is the numark to which we're gonna take a look at a little bit here - over a little bit this is probably one of the neatest mounts I've ever seen I have to say you know I run into a lot of rifles like that because even as you guys could see from my my channel I look at a lot of different rifles and I can't tell you how many in the 1913 rails that I come across that are not within the specification you actually can have these the mounts that actually rattled because they're out but what arms did was being that is being the designer of the final dimensions of the 1913 rail he realized uncle Deckard x-1 realized that there's too many rails out there that aren't made to specification so yeah obviously you can't just for those rifles out so he developed a micrometer on here which allowed you to dial in to cut to compensate to overcompensate or under compensate for it out of spec rail so as you can see you have a dial on here that dial once you open it up is adjustable all you do is you take a front sight adjustment tool for an m4 for position one and you can make those adjustments and clicks until you get a nice tight fit this mount is probably the nicest one I've ever seen I like the throw lover mounts especially for what I do because I'm going from rifle to rifle and testing these on multiple rifles to see how well the optics hold up and everything so this was identical ideal for my situation for somebody who's going to just put the optic on one gun that's mount that comes with it's gonna be just fine but if you're gonna be putting one from going the gun you need to do something different with it the pistol grip is the Ergo grip which is one of the most comfortable grips probably that's out there it's extremely comfortable going up up your hand it's a little bit larger so somebody with massive Sasquatch paws like me can get a good perch on it you also have their winter trigger guide right here for use with gloved hands which is also available you know you know through them for a purchase now the safety itself is very interesting me being a Colt former cult guy if you look at the shape of this it's got the exact same look feel and design as the colt enhanced series rifles the enhanced series rifles was a fort position went safe semi-auto and burst and it went around the full 360 and this was the exact design that was used and having this this raised area here made it very easy to manipulate your fingers spun on it Rock River decided to adopt that that design and it's a major it's a pretty good enhancement you can certainly get these as an enhancement to your own rifle as well the lower receiver is pretty much milspec it's your standard GI type you have your standard bolt catch your standard magazine release the trigger itself is rocker arms two-stage trigger it's specifically designed and manufactured by them that's a very very nice trigger you know I'm more of a single single stage trigger guy myself but I do care like this one quite a bit and this is another one of those enhancements that you can drop into your rifle as well the front and rear pivot pins they do something else on that I do like as well we're doing spinning here they have a little divots on here where you can use a bullet tip to be able to disengage them for disassembly of the rifle the handguard itself is extremely nicest there half-half quad rail free float with a three letter rail cover so you have three 1913 rels one at three nine and twelve o'clock and I can see a vernal grips on there just to give that up just to protect those don't have anything at it and you have a continuous 1913 rail on top I do see there's a little bit of a gap the only thing I gotta say for this hanger is it's very very nice it does definitely a tan accuracy but the way that the design is it heats up awfully quick you'll see from the video at the range you'll see that I end up having to get a glove it does a very nice job for you know for a guy for the free-flow it does where it's supposed to do the rails are definitely with its back I had no issues whatsoever but it tends to heat up because the way this attaches to the barrel mount it works as a heat sink and this does get really hot but if it's not too hot it's very comfortable to hold this is definitely one that would be putting a vertical pistol grip on your that or I'd be putting to Samantha protectors on here and holding it from the front it just there's a lot of these rails that do that there's very few that really can keep the gun cool the front sight is the rocker Bremer's front sight it's a flip now it's very unique also in the fact that it has three sling swivels you have one at three o'clock nine o'clock and twelve o'clock it's pretty interesting you do have a appears to be a bayonet lug but it is not this has got to 1913 rails stops on the bottom here this would be very good for mounting a flashlight or a laser and quite frankly with a pre floated barrel and be putting my bipod back here I would not be putting it up here this is a bull time front sight mace you do have your standard for position these are also available for for purchase the barrel itself is a this is a good military-grade chrome-plated barrel you have a one in nine nine inch twist now we always talk about barrel twist now the milspec is a one-in-seven now for shooting 62-grain projectiles 69 gram projectiles I do believe that the 109 is probably a lot better than the one in seven if you're going to be going with the 77 gram projectiles I definitely would want to go with a one in one and seven the barrel with a 190 twist will certainly last you longer and the over in the long haul then a one and seven just by just by its nature so you get a good heavy barrel on the front here it's a if it's an excellent barrel like groups were pretty good that I really couldn't complain about it at all this is a muzzle brake as opposed to a flash suppressor now it does nothing for noise I'll tell you straight up there's nothing for noise but for as far as doing a good job on recoil and keeping the muzzle down it does an excellent job that's one of the trade-offs you do when you go with a muzzle brake the muzzle brake will help you a lot with your muzzle flip and your recoil but first far as flash it's a flash enhancer rather than a flash inhibitor and it does give you a lot more noise but this was design movement to more of an accurate rifle with a free-flow barrel so it certainly can see why you put it on there if you were gonna be using this as a self-defense rifle this would be the first thing that would go because if you were to use this as a self defense in a room or something that was enclosed you'd first go deaf and then you would light up the room you lose your night vision in your eyes you'd be blinded by it somebody coming with a flash suppressor but for range work or for for any kind of hunting I think this is definitely ideal so take a look little bit a little bit in the inside now you do have a standard buffer and here this a standard carbine buffer now do the fact this is not a fully automatic rifle you could certainly get away with the standard buffer and standard 3 steel weight buffer myself just uh enhanced feeding and such I probably would be going with an H buffer in this one myself you're not going to find any issues I don't really believe but when you're using certain profile bullets I think the each buffer might help a little bit on that the bolt carrier group itself is a standard bolt carrier group they sort of have their own little unique look to it as you can see the forward assist notches don't go all the way forward you sort of have a unique contour very nice you do have a properly stake bolt carrier group you have a chrome-plated carrier all the things that you would want these record are definitely test-fired before they come to you so you know you're getting a quality rifle before it leaves the factory these different type of bolt carrier groups are available as well through Rock River Arms they also have which I'm actually weren't anxious to get my hands on is one of their chrome-plated bull carrier groups all the pictures I've seen they appear to be quite nice as opposed to some other ones look like they were done in a high school machine shop all the machining marks all over them but you have several different bulkier options through Rock River arms as well you do have them for feed ramps you have all that your forward assist you have your ejection port cover you have all the the normal things that you would expect to see on one of these rifles I definitely get one reiterate the sheer number of miles which they offer now this particular rifle here say you don't want that front sight base you can get a different front sight base on it when you order in my mind you have you know drop-down menu where you can say okay I want this stock I want this pistol grip I want this handguard I want this front sight base or this muzzle device so they really allow you to customize for what you want I really like that because you know there's too many companies out there that basically say you know this is the this is the way it's gonna come and that's it so now once you get the rifle you're gonna have to remove that gear that you didn't want which is a waste of money and then you have to go buy all the new stuff that you want then you're gonna have to put it on yourself and whether you are not familiar with that that could be a problem with installing these parts on the rifle but by having that drop-down menu where you can say okay I want a one-in-seven or I want one nine-inch twist barrel you know you're able to customize this for exactly what you want exactly the free what your needs are as well you know rock rubber you'll be seeing some more videos on these as well the next rife life coming to me is one of their 308 I'm very I've been very pleased at everything that I've seen coming out of these guys you know the range experience has been really good so I think what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take this thing out to the Ranger we're gonna see what she does we're gonna put some rounds through the LA ar-15 elite gear we're using the trigger con MRO sight the a mission was revised provided by Jeff Hoffman over at Black Hills it's a 2 to 3 55 green Full Metal Jacket [Music] just like the initial lar 47 that I tested this one was excellent there was no issues and the no malfunctions it was not sensitive to magazines whatsoever the the rifle probably was a little over guest you'll see from the video you'll see the cartridge cases they're just going forward like this so it's probably a little on the over guest that might help having H and H buffer in there as well to help that a little bit with the being over guest is he gonna damage the rifle now it's just something I know as you're looking you know I look at very very fine details whenever I testify or a rifle stuff that most people would not look at most people would look at a rifle and say yeah it working so it's it's fine well this rifle actually it works perfectly just only thing in those was it was just slightly overcast the betting that buffer would take care of that there was no issue with magazine compatibility whatsoever the a mission was mostly Black Hills two to three fifty five green Full Metal Jacket which I always want to put a thing up thank you out to Jeff Hoffman because he is a definitely my greatest supporter for ammunition and he has been for well over the last ten years whether it was my writing or whether it's the YouTube channel and I think he puts out some of the best a mission in the world military grade especially I also tested some of the Sig this is the Sigma Nu sinc ammunition the 69 green otm and everything was great I didn't shoot a lot of long-range with because I decided that I wanted to test the the MRO so most of the shooting was much closer for anybody who's looking to get a rifle do they really want to just customize this companies are really going to look at their customer service is awesome in fact I know personally one of their one of their guys over there he works works there awesome guy and I worked with him before it another company that I worked with and he's now he's not with these guys and the customer service is excellent so I would encourage you to go take a look at their website and just see what different options they have this arms mount is brand new so I'm not sure if it's available yet but if not it'll be there very quickly arms is trying to keep up with a lot of these new optics that are coming up and the mount for the MRO was just put out this year in January it was announced and I'm hoping to see some more mounts for particularly the B cog when it when they're they're ready for that one now I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any questions please leave me a comment and I'll see Mike I'll try and answer the questions if I can please click like please subscribe and even better please share thank you
Channel: SmallArmsSolutions
Views: 26,376
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: dE87SUp5KyE
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Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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